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TXT - Quick3270 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Introduction Contact Price List HLLAPI SNMP Additional options Program history

1) Introduction ============ Quick3270 is a powerful, high reliable 3270/5250 terminal emulator for Windows 9 5/98/NT/2000/XP. Quick3270 is fast, use low memory and includes a large number o f advanced features: - 3270 Connectivity: SNA Server (FMI3270) and TN3270 - 5250 Connectivity: TN5250 - Cut/Copy/Paste Data - IND$FILE file transfer (Structured Field and Buffered) - Transfer of list of files - Graphic support (GDDM,...) - 3287 Printer emulation (LU1 and LU3) - OLE Automation Server - Macro language - HLLAPI support - Large number of host code pages - English, French, German and Portuguese user interfaces - English, French and German help files - SNMP support - and many more... Site license and the complete C/C++ source code are available. Please contact me if you want to report bugs, grammar mistakes, or give your opinion about the program, or any comments etc...

2) Contact ======= DN-Computing 7, rue du Foss 67150 Erstein - France Fax: +33 (0)3 88 98 21 20 e-mail : WWW :

3) Prices ====== (applicable until December 2002) Single User license $30 100 user license $2,000 Site license $3,500 Site license + source code $10,000


or 30 euros or 2,000 euros or 3,500 euros or 10,000 euros

The pricing set applies to all customers. Payment for all international sales are required in US Dollars or Euro and should be made in cash, cheque or via wire transfer. French customers must add 19,6% VAT. On-line order using the secured RegNow! server: - Single User license: 7-1 - Site license: 4) HLLAPI ====== Quick3270 High Level Language API provides compatibility with IBM's High Level Language API (High Level Language Application Program Interface). Quick3270 supports currently 29 of 44 standard High Level Language API functions . The HLLAPI DLL file name is QHLLAPI.DLL. This DLL is designed for Windows 32 bits application and works only for 3270 emulation yet. Summary of available HLLAPI functions: 1 - CONNECTPS 20 - QUERYSYSTEM 2 - DISCONNECTPS 21 - RESETSYSTEM 3 - SENDKEY 22 - QUERYSESSIONSTATUS 4 - WAIT 23 - STARTHOSTNOTIFICATION 5 - COPYPS 24 - QUERYHOSTUPDATE 6 - SEARCHPS 25 - STOPHOSTNOTIFICATION 7 - QUERYCURSORLOC 30 - SEARCHFIELD 8 - COPYPSTOSTR 31 - FINDFIELDPOSITION 9 - SETSESSIONPARAMETERS 32 - FINDFIELDLENGTH 10 - QUERYSESSIONS 33 - COPYSTRINGTOFIELD 11 - RESERVE 34 - COPYFIELDTOSTRING 12 - RELEASE 40 - SETCURSOR 13 - COPYOIA 90 - SENDFILE 14 - QUERYFIELDATTRIBUTE 91 - RECEIVEFILE 15 - COPYSTRTOPS 99 - CONVERT 18 - PAUSE List of supported options you can set with SETSESSIONPARAMETERS: STRLEN/STREOT, EOT=c, ESC=c, AUTORESET/NORESET, TWAIT/LWAIT/NWAIT, NOATTRB/ATTRB, EAB/NOEAB, XLATE/NOXLATE, DISPLAY/NODISPLAY,STRLEN/STREOT, EOT=c, SRCHALL/SRCHFROM, SRCHFRWD/SRCHBKWD, NOCFGSIZE/CFGSIZE, OLDOIA/NEWOIA, FPAUSE/IPAUSE How to use the QHLLAPI.DLL from a C file ---HINSTANCE hHllapi_DLL; WORD wFunction; WORD wRetCode; hHllapi_DLL = LoadLibrary("C:\\Program Files\\Quick3270\\QHLLAPI.dll"); hllapi = (LPFNDLL_hllapi) GetProcAddress(hHllapi_DLL, "hllapi"); wFunction = 21; // Reset hllapi(&wFunction, NULL, NULL, &wRetCode); switch (wRetCode) { case RC_INVALID_PS: // 1 HLLAPI not Loaded break;

case RC_SYSTEM_ERROR: break; } ... ---5) SNMP ==== To install SNMP for Quick3270: - A SNMP agent must already be installed on the PC - Quick3270: go to Settings->Terminal->Registry Tab: push the Write button (this will update the registry with the Quick3270 extension agent, coded in QCor e.dll) - NT/2000/XP: stop and restart the SNMP agent service (Win NT or Win2000) MIB for DN-Computing is 8624. Currently you can collect the response time with SNMP. (sample: snmputil getnext localhost public . New/Specific SNMP functions can be added on request.

6) Additional options ================== Options you can add to the configuration file or registry to hide some menu options. This options will even be removed from the toolbar. [Menu] HideMenuBar=True HideNew=True HideOpen=True HideOpenSame=True HideOpenNew=True HideSave=True HideSaveAs=True HideSaveAsDefault=True HideOpenLayout=True HideSaveLayout=True HideSessionCfg=True; HideFileTransfer=True; HideMacroEdit=True; HideMacroRecord=True; HideKeybordMap=True; Alarm option: Sound alarm if a given character is at the given screen location. (sample: Sound alarm every second if the character "U" is at location 1,1) [Alarm] AlarmOn=True Row=1 Line=1 Timer=1000 Token=U

7) Program history =============== June 02 - v3.30 - Added: 3812 Printer emulation (TN5250) - Added: Device name negociation (TN5250) - Added: Image support for graphic emulation - New: Quick3270 Thai Edition available from Fujitsu Thailand Jan 02 - v3.22 - Added: Customizable window title - Added: Auto-reconnect option (Telnet) - Added: "Run the same" and "Run other..." menu option - Added: Option to to popup keypad on right mouse clic - Fixed: "Destructive Backspace" option don't work in 5250 mode - Fixed: Some function key bug on 5250 emulation Nov 01 - v3.21 - Added: Left Ctrl key can be mapped - Improved Bitmap font resizing Nov 01 - v3.20 - Added: HLLAPI interface - Added: SNMP support - Added: Customizable toolbar - Added: Message line for 5250 emulation - Added: Transfer list of files - Added: Auto-start macro - Added: Record macro option - Added: Graphic screens are resizable July 01 - v3.17 - Added: Thai Host Code Page - Added: Lines per Inch option for 3287 emulation - Improved support for graphic emulation (3179G) - Fixed: TN5250 negotiation problem on some server - Fixed: Bug when several sessions are started with the layout file - Fixed: Several bugs with the macro language - Fixed: A Bracket error with SNA Server connection (FMI) Feb 01 - v3.10 - Added: Script language - Added: Support of layout file (to save several sessions, display and print er, in one file) - Added: New keys: Next Word, Previous Word - Added: COM IPersistFile support - Added: LU name is now displayed on the status bar (3270) - Added: Settings can now be save in the registry - Fixed: Several file transfer bugs with IND$FILE in CUT mode - Fixed: An Automation deadlock is removed Oct 00 - v3.07 - Added: Printer page settings are now backed up in the configuration files (Quick3270 and Quick3287) - Fixed: Quick3287 printing problem due to the new "ByPass GDI" code (doesn' t print if "ByPass GDI" option is not selected)

Oct 00 - v3.06 - Added: Purchase online menu option - Added: Code pages for Euro currency symbol - Added: Quick3287 LU1 transparency support Oct 00 - v3.05 - Added: Recent file list - Added: Quick3270 configuration files area now associated with the applicat ion - Added: Menu bar can now be hidden - Changed: User settings are now stored under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key - Fixed: Input focus problem after a click on a keypad button - Fixed: The Keypad can no more be maximized Sept 00 - v3.04 - Added: Row oriented paste data option (Scott Burch) - Added: Telnet Keep-Alive option (Richard C. Luna) - Fixed: OLE Automation incompatibility with new protection system (Juan Car los Daza) - Fixed: "Open session" and "Open Session new" incompatibility with new prot ection system Sept 00 - v3.03 - Added: End Of Field key (Ctrl-End) - Fixed: File transfer, wrong conversion of the "Y" character when receiving text files (Tom Hansen) - Fixed: Blinking attribute was ignored under some conditions - Fixed: Graphic draw line was one pixel too short August 00 - v3.02 - Fixed: Connection problem on some TN3270E server - Fixed: Keypad window may have a bad size July 00 - v3.00 - Added: 5250 terminal emulation - Added: Context help - Added: Lightpen support - Changed: New software protection system May 00 - v2.69 - Fixed: Printer Emulator unable to connect in TN3270E mode May 00 - v2.68 - Added: Append option when sending file to host - Added: Print timestamp header on print screen - Added: Possibility to start the program from a WEB page URL like tn3270:// hostname [port] - Fixed: Read Buffer bug - program may crash under some circumstances - Fixed: Display bug on progress bar for large file transfer - Fixed: File transfer dialog box update bug. Settings were not properly updated when a file transfer scheme file was selected

February 00 - v2.60 - Added: Host graphic support (GDDM,...) - Added: 3287 host print - Added: Improved NVT/ANSI emulation - Added: OLE functions for IND$FILE file transfer - Added: DUP and Fieldmark keys October 99 - v2.50 - Added: Code Page support for File transfer - Added: Page setup and printer font selection - Added: French and German user interface and help file - Shortcut for the cent character (Alt+c) September 99 - v2.27 - Fixed: Program could crash when using IND$FILE file transfer with TN3270 c onnectivity September 99 - v2.26 - Fixed: Bad ANSI to EBCDIC translation for some language specific character s June 99 - v2.25 - Fixed: Accept now uppercase characters on Numeric Fields - Fixed: Correct the GetString Automation Error when a negative length is gi ven - Automation: The software starts in invisible mode now June 99 - v2.24 - Fixed: Program crash when rigth control key is pressed May 99 - v2.23 - Added: OLE MoveTo, MoveRelative, Row and Col function calls are buffered if type ahead is enable to avoid synchronization problems - Fixed: Attn key now flushes the type ahead buffer - Fixed: Unable to disable the type ahead buffer May 99 - v2.22 - Added: Display an error message if the SNA Server DLL is not found - Fixed: Display bug with NVT data's (TN3270E connection) - Fixed: Type ahead bug with TN3270 connection - Fixed: Focus problem on the select font Dialog box - Fixed: Bad Cursor placement for BackTab and Home Keystrokes - Fixed: Pf19 and Pf20 were inverted - Fixed: Printer LUs are listed in the screen Session Settings Dialog box - Fixed: File transfer bug with TN3270 connection - Fixed: Bug on Visible OLE property April 99 - v2.21 - Faster screen update

April March -

99 - v2.20 Added: Customizable colors and keyboard remapping Added: Type ahead buffer Added: 3270 function Keys (Fast Left, Fast right, Erase Input) Fixed: Connection problem with some TN3270E Server 99 - v2.10 Added: Support for IND$FILE file transfer (CMS, TSO and CICS) Improved 3270 data parser Added: Install/Uninstall program Added: 3270 function keys (Attention and SysReq)

January 99 - v2.02 - Added: TN3270E support - Fixed: Bug with SNA Server connection under Windows NT December 98 - v2.01 - Added: Support of blinking attribute - Fixed: Display bug on color attributes - Fixed: Bug on OLE Wait... functions December 98 - v2.0 - Added: TN3270 connectivity - Added: OLE Automation Server feature - Added: Trace file (read and write) - Added: Toolbar April 98 - v1.0 First release of Quick3270. Includes the basic features of a 3270 emulator. Connects to MS SNA Server using the FMI API. Support most of the extended attributes . Partial support of Graphic Escape characters Support of Cut/Copy/Paste data

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