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PRACTICE EXAM 25 1- Bu testte cevaplayacanz soru says 100'dr. 2- nerilen cevaplama sresi 150 dakikadr. 1-18.

sorularda cmlede bo braklan yere uygun den kelime ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. 1- When we arrived at the airport, we were ....... surprised to find a car and driver waiting to pick us up and take us to the home of our host. A) pleasantly B) vigorously C) eventually D) gradually E) merely 2Paul claims that he accidentally left the window open, allowing the cat to get out, but no one believes him and everyone thinks this act was ....... A) obvious B) considerate C) tactless D) immoral E) intentional Martha tried to ....... the fact that there was broccoli in the dish by smothering it with cheese, but her children weren't fooled and discovered it right away. A) indicate B) overtake C) deny D) disguise E) refuse

A) his own/him D) my own/his own

B) him/himself E) myself/him

C) himself/his

13- Andrew hated his daughter's hairstyle so much that he said he would pay for her to go to the hairdresser, ........... the cost. A) whatever B) how much C) how else D) wherever E) what for 14- A: My son hardly ever reads anything, apart from the books his literature teacher asks them to read. B: ....... . She spends all her time chatting on the Internet. A) As was his sister B) Neither does my daughter C) So do I myself D) But your daughter hasn't E) None of the children do 15- The length of Pauline's fingernails was ......... that it was virtually impossible for her to do anything without damaging them. A) much B) rather C) even D) such E) yet 16- Of ........ aspects of the natural landscape, ........ is affected to a greater degree by climate than is natural vegetation. A) some/few B) every/each C) all/none D) other/some E) each/neither 17- Felicity is a small blonde girl with blue eyes, ......... both her brothers are tall and dark. A) whereas B) just as C) unlike D) despite E) no matter 18- While some of the people at the show were disappointed, most of them seemed ......... they thought they'd got their money's worth. A) as if B) even though C) as far as D) provided that E) in case 19-24. sorularda yarm braklan cmleyi uygun ekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. 19- Although millions of people visit the Turkish seaside each year, ...... . A) the country is surrounded by the sea on three sides B) it is still possible to find some quiet places C) the neighbouring country of Greece looks very much the same D) the most popular destinations are often very crowded E) hotel owners and restaurateurs make a lot of money 20- ....... unless, of course, you don't mind waiting for an hour, in which case I can give you a lift. A) It usually takes approximately an hour to get there B) I have no idea when I'll be finished at the doctor's C) You're lucky to have brought your own car D) All of you seem to be in much more of a hurry than I am E) You might as well take a bus home 21- I know that the package tour sounds incredibly expensive, ..... A) we will be restricted by the fixed schedule of the company though B) yet, the price is even higher than the luxury cruise we took last year C) nor would it cost any more if you travelled on your own D) but it's still cheaper than it would cost to pay for the flight and hotel separately E) so it is probably in your best interest to pay the amount they asked for 22- If both sides persevere with what has already been decided, ....... . A) there was nothing we could do about it yesterday B) we would have finished this by now C) we shouldn't have worked so hard D) we'll sign the deal tomorrow


4- The German poet Goethe used to spend a lot of time in the Bavarian Alps as he found the mountains gave him the ........ to write. A) estimation B) inspiration C) achievement D) conclusion E) requirement 5- Your tennis racquet is under your bed; it......... my eye yesterday as I was looking for my earring on the floor. A) took B) brought C) caught D) set E) kept 6People ........ food for untold ages probably since prehistoric people first ........ to use fire. A) are cooking/were learning B) cooked/had been learning C) will be cooking/had learnt D) had cooked/have learnt E) have been cooking/learnt

7- The police ...... about the robbery before it happened, so they ..... the criminals on the act. A) are being informed/are catching B) had been informed/caught C) had informed/could have caught D) would inform/ought to catch E) have been informed/have caught 8- During my childhood, every summer we ...... to the beach and there my parents ..... for a change. A) would go/could relax B) used to go/were relaxing C) would have gone/have relaxed D) have gone/would be relaxing E) had gone/might have relaxed 9- If they ....... the construction of our house in a week, we ....... rent for this flat for one more month. A) shouldn't finish/have to pay B) didn't finish/were going to pay C) hadn't finished/ought to pay D) can't finish/will have to pay E) wouldn't finish/were paying 10- The Voyager spacecraft, which was launched ....... Kennedy Space Centre in Florida in the 1970s, has by now gone ....... Pluto, the most distant planet in the solar system. A) beneath/to B) at/through C) in/around D) from/beyond E) off/from 11- Now that your son has returned, you should ring the police and tell them to ....... the search for him. A) turn down B) set out C) keep up D) start over E) call off 12- In fact, I had wanted to see the manager ......... but as he was out of town, I had to talk to an assistant of ....... .

E) it has taken us quite some time to persuade them 23-........ which was two weeks earlier than the doctor had said it would be. A) Miss Cabrini had a heart attack on Saturday evening B) The patient was worried about his liver C) Sabrina's baby was born on Christmas Eve D) Mary has got an appointment for Tuesday E) There was a last minute emergency operation 24- The more you stay in bed when you have the flu, ........ . A) the sooner you recover from it B) it is what most doctors recommend C) the best way is to take plenty of vitamin C D) it makes you feel as though you had been beaten E) not everybody can manage that though 25-27. sorular verilen paraya gre cevaplaynz. The cry of the eastern timber wolf may once again be heard in New York's Adirondack Mountains if wildlife supporters have their way. Defenders of Wildlife urge a scientific practicality study to learn if wolves captured in southeastern Canada could survive in the sixmillion-acre region without posing a threat to campers, farmers and other landowners. State officials are cautious, saying that no species can survive if the land doesn't support it or the people living on the land don't want it there. Wolf biologist David Mech, who says he'd love to see wolves in the Adirondacks, nevertheless warns that some would kill cattle and would themselves have to be killed. "It's better to be aware of this from the beginning," he says. 25- It can be inferred from the passage that ..... . A) people in the Adirondacks want to have wolves in their neighbourhood B) wolves have declined in number in Canada recently C) Defenders of Wildlife are trying to protect the Adirondacks' remaining wolves D) scientists all agree that wolves would have no problem living in the Adirondacks E) there used to be wolves living in the Adirondack Mountains 26- Wolf biologist David Mech ..... . A) says that the natural food of wild wolves is the same as that of humans B) advises to be prepared for some deaths, both of farm animals and of wolves, in the area C) is trying hard to persuade the state officials to agree to the plan D) fears that all of the wolves will have to be killed in the future E) is against the idea that wild wolves should be introduced to the Adirondacks 27- It is clear from the passage that the Adirondack Mountains are ...... . A) the only place in the USA suitable for the timber wolf B) only used for camping at the moment C) the place from which New York gets its timber D) not totally devoid of human settlements E) lacking any wildlife other than wolves 28-30. sorular verilen paraya gre cevaplaynz. Man is the greatest enemy of rabbits. Every year, hunters kill millions of rabbits for sport. Farmers do so to protect their crops. Such animals in the wild as coyotes, foxes, mink and weasels feed on them. Many cats and dogs also kill them. Rabbits usually try to hide from their enemies. If one is in the open when an enemy approaches, it may sit still and wait for the foe to go away. If the enemy comes too close, the rabbit dashes for safety. A frightened rabbit can leap 10 feet or more, and travel as fast as 18 miles an hour, but only for short distances because it tires quickly. The rabbit tries to confuse its enemy by zigzagging left and right. It sometimes circles back and follows its own trail for a short distance, and then leaps off in another direction. The rabbit may eventually dive into a hole or a pile of bush to escape. 28- We can infer from the passage that rabbits ...... . A) are not actually a threat to crops B) face extinction because of over hunting C) may give harm to farm plants D) damage crops by carrying disease to them

E) are not as harmful to humans as coyotes or foxes 29- According to the passage, the first defence of a rabbit caught by the enemy in the open would be .... . A) to remain motionless in order not to be noticed B) to start running off at 18 miles per hour C) to jump upon the enemy to scare it off D) to find a hiding place and take a short break E) to run away as quickly as possible 30- The passage tells us that the rabbit ........ . A) can run faster than many of its enemies B) is preyed upon by many animals in the wild C) is clever enough to fool its enemies in most cases D) is by far the most frequently hunted species in the wild E) can maintain its fast speed in running for a long time

31-33. sorular verilen paraya gre cevaplaynz. The elephant's trunk is six feet long, one foot thick and contains 60,000 muscles. Elephants can use their trunks to uproot trees, stack timber, or carefully place huge logs in position when recruited to help build bridges. An elephant can curl its trunk round a pencil and draw characters on letter-sized paper. With the two muscular extensions at the tip, it can remove a thorn, pick up a coin, open a door or grip a cup so firmly, without breaking it, that only another elephant can take it away. The tip is sensitive enough for a blindfolded elephant to ascertain the shape and texture of objects. The list of uses for the elephant's trunk is practically endless and, surprisingly, no other animal has an organ .anything like it. 31- We understand from the passage that, with its trunk, an elephant ........ . A) may find it hard to run through a dense forest B) can handle tiny objects as well as large ones C) is even better in bridge-building than are machines D) is made up of 60,000 muscles altogether E) is the best of all animals to serve man 32- The author tells us that the elephant's trunk ...... . A) makes it unique in the animal kingdom B) sometimes prevents it from performing certain tasks C) varies widely among different species D) can sometimes be a bit of a nuisance E) is not very common among other animals 33- The main focus of this passage is ...... . A) how elephants can perform so many tasks despite their poor eyesight B) the differences between a trained and an untrained elephant C) how to train elephants to use their trunks efficiently D) why elephants have trunks E) the countless functions of an elephant's trunk 34-36. sorular verilen paraya gre cevaplaynz. A tsunami is caused by the vertical movement of the Earth's undersea surface due to seismic activity and, once started, the tidal wave can travel below the surface of the ocean at speeds of nearly 1000 kilometres per hour, which is almost equal to the speeds of commercial jets. While far out at sea, the waves may be no more than a metre high, but as they approach land, they often rise up to heights of over thirty metres. Unlike tidal waves that result from tropical storms, tsunamis can be detected prior to their contact with land. Because of this, for more than forty years, the US has maintained a 'tsunami watch' along its West Coast. The underwater detection equipment is designed to provide early warning of an impending wave so that the coastal population will have time to escape the inevitable disaster that follows one of these killer waves. 34- Based on the figures given in the passage, ....... . A) tsunamis don't move faster than a typical boat, so they can be outrun in a crisis

B) the speed at which tsunamis move give people plenty of time to escape from them C) it is possible for a tsunami to travel nearly as fast as a commercial jet D) some tsunamis are actually quite small and reach the land at a height of just a metre E) a wave must be at least thirty metres high to be called a true tsunami 35- The passage makes it clear that ...... . A) tsunamis are not as big as the waves caused by tropical storms B) tsunamis can be caused by violent tropical storms C) the American tsunami watch has actually missed many big waves D) tsunamis get bigger as they draw nearer to the coast E) there is no way to detect tidal waves from tropical storms 36- The passage implies that the American tsunami watch system ..... . A) is unable to prevent a tsunami itself, but can save people's lives B) has, on several occasions, stopped tsunami from reaching the coast C) is rather ineffective as a tsunami is completely inevitable D) is designed to reduce the size of a tsunami E) has never actually been tested in a real situation 37-39. sorular verilen paraya gre cevaplaynz. On January 23, 1849, the Geneva School of Medicine in the state of New York held a graduation ceremony that made history. Normally a graduation at this small university would not have created much interest except among close friends and family, but on this occasion, the hall was crowded with spectators. One by one the members of the graduating class went forward to receive their diplomas. There were 26 young men, but the person whom the crowds had come to see appeared last. She was a small, fair-haired young woman, the only woman in her class. Her name was Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman ever to receive a medical degree. 37- The passage tells us that ....... . A) the Geneva School of Medicine held its first graduation in 1849 B) there was something unusual about the graduation ceremony described C) few people were interested in the graduation ceremony D) the large crowd consisted entirely of close friends and relatives of the graduates E) everyone came to see the 26 young men who were graduating 38- We learn from the passage that before 1849, ....... . A) there were few qualified woman doctors B) the graduation ceremony did not attract such large audiences C) the graduation ceremony was not open to the public D) there was little interest in graduation ceremonies at small universities E) there was a particular order and protocol followed at graduation ceremonies 39- The hall was crowded with spectators on this occasion because ...... . A) the graduates had a lot of friends and relatives B) the ceremony was being presented by a beautiful woman C) people were curious to see the first woman doctor D) the Geneva School of Medicine had a long history E) the graduation was the main attraction in a small town in New York

to 'stand by'. Instead, he' sped down the runway at 300 kph. The Pan Am pilot made a last second attempt to get out of the way, but was hit. All 225 people on the KLM plane died, as did 351 of the 396 on the Pan Am flight. Thus, the worst airline disaster in history happened not in the air, but on the ground. 40- From the author's statements, we can say that ..... . A) the airline industry should take all the blame for forcing the pilots to take off in bad weather B) the Pan Am pilot shouldn't have wasted so much time getting to the exit C) the KLM pilot cannot possibly have been the person at fault D) the cause of the plane crash was a combination of bad weather and a misunderstanding E) why the crash happened will remain a secret for ever 41- What the author finds ironic about this plane crash was that..... A) though it was the biggest plane crash, it didn't even happen in the air B) it was the worst disaster caused by the heavy fog C) everyone on the KLM was. killed, but there were 45 survivors on the Pan Am D) the worst airline disaster in history happened in a small airport E) though not many, there were survivors in a plane crash 42- The author tells us that, the pilot of the KLM flight ...... . A) repeatedly commanded the Pan Am pilot to get his plane off the runway B) for some reason or another did not follow the control tower's instruction C) could not stop the craft because of mechanical failure D) gave a report that was opposite to what the Pan Am pilot reported E) could have avoided the collision simply by taking off 43-45. sorular verilen paraya gre cevaplaynz. Making laws against mercenaries is difficult for several reasons. One of them is the question of just what a mercenary is. Several countries have laws which forbid fighting for other countries' rebels for profit. But proving such a motive is all but impossible. Some people join foreign revolutions because they believe in them. South Africa's new law defines mercenary activity so broadly that it could include academics giving talks on military topics abroad. It will be hard to enforce, particularly since mercenaries often operate in violent, chaotic places where evidence is hard to gather. 43- As its main focus, the passage explains that...... . A) there are a lot of mercenaries in South Africa B) mercenaries and revolutionaries often act together C) it is difficult both to make and enforce laws against mercenaries D) mercenaries make a lot of profit from looting in foreign countries E) it is easy to prove that someone is a mercenary

44- From what is said in the passage, we can best describe a "mercenary" as ... A) someone who joins a revolution out of political beliefs B) a person who works in violent, chaotic places C) an academic who lectures on military topics abroad D) the sort of person who frequently breaks international laws E) a soldier who fights for pay in wars that don't concern his own country 45- The author's attitude could be best described as ...... . A) sympathetic towards mercenaries B) informative and impartial C) sympathetic towards South Africa's new law D) committed and pioneering E) hostile towards mercenaries

40-42. sorular verilen paraya gre cevaplaynz. The crash of two Boeing 747 jumbo jets at the Los Rodeos Airport on Grand Canary Island resulted from confusion in heavy fog. The captain of the Pan Am plane started to turn his craft onto an exit ramp to permit a KLM jet to take off. The first officer aboard the Pan AM jet reported that before it could complete its turn, the crew saw the on-coming lights of the KLM plane as it approached them through the fog. Apparently, the KLM pilot did not hear, or misunderstood, the control tower's order

46-53. sorularda, verilen Trke cmlenin ngilizce dengini bulunuz. 46- Yazarn her iki romannn karakterleri arasnda arpc bir benzerlik var. A) What strikes the reader is the amazing similarity between the characters of novels from these two authors. B) Both authors wrote about strikingly similar characters in their books. C) The characters of the author's two novels are rather similar. D) There is a striking similarity between the characters of the author's two novels. E) The similarities between the characters in the author's two novels are quite striking. 47- Muhasebeci, patron kendisini iten atmakla tehdit ettikten sonra davranlarn nemli lde deitirdi. A) Having been threatened by the boss that he would be dismissed, the accountant had to modify his behaviour. B) The boss threatened to dismiss the accountant unless he changed his behaviour significantly. C) It was the threat of dismissal from the boss that made the accountant modify his behaviour. D) The accountant changed his behaviour radically when the boss warned him about it. E) After the boss threatened to dismiss him, the accountant modified his behaviour considerably. 48- ocuklarn, kstlamalarn minimum sayda olduu bir mekanda oynamalar, salkl gelimeleri bakmndan ok nemlidir. A) Having a safe environment free from restrictions in which to play is essential for the healthy development of children. B) In order to develop into healthy children, they require a place where they can play with the minimum number of restrictions. C) An important element of healthy development for children is that they should have a place to play in which there are very few restrictions. D) It is important for their healthy development to provide children with a place where they can play with a bare minimum of restrictions. E) The fact that children can play in a place with a minimum number of restrictions is very important for their healthy development.

51- Yllar sren youn aratrmalardan sonra bilim adamlar, hastaln ilerlemesini nleyen ilalar gelitirmeyi baardlar. A) Years of relentless scientific research finally produced a drug capable of stopping the advancement of the disease. B) It took years of diligent research before scientists developed drugs which would stop the disease from advancing. C) After years of intensive research, scientists managed to develop drugs to stop the disease from advancing. D) It was the result of relentless research for many years that scientists developed a drug to halt the disease's advancement. E) After years of extensive research, scientists have developed drugs which retard the disease's development. 52- Maske ya da maske benzeri makyaj kullanmayan ok az geleneksel tiyatro formu vardr. A) Most traditional forms of drama involve the use of masks or makeup resembling masks. B) There are few traditional forms of drama that do not use masks or mask-like makeup. C) Few traditional forms of drama exclude the use of masks or mask-like makeup. D) There are only a few traditional forms of drama which use masks or makeup resembling masks. E) One feature common in traditional forms of drama is the use of masks or mask-like makeup. 53- Gemiten kalan en deerli miraslarmzdan biri olan yaz, uzun mesafeleri aarak birbirimizle iletiim kurmamz mmkn klar. A) Modern written language, one of the most useful inheritances from the past, has made it possible for us to communicate, however great the distances between us are. B) It is writing, as passed down from former generations, which makes it possible for us to communicate with each other across great distances. C) Writing is the most important inheritance from the past as it enables us to communicate with other people across vast distances. D) Writing, one of our most valuable inheritances from the past, makes it possible for us to communicate with each other across great distances. E) The most valuable asset we have inherited from the past is writing, without which communication with each other across great distances would not always be possible. 54-61. sorularda, verilen ngilizce cmlenin Trke dengini bulunuz. 54- Scientists observe active volcanoes to obtain information that might help predict the timing and intensity of eruptions. A) Bilim adamlar, aktif volkanlar gzlerken ayn zamanda patlamalarn zamann ve iddetini tahmin etmeye yarayacak bilgiler de edinmektedir. B) Aktif volkanlar gzleyen bilim adamlar, patlamalarn zamann ve iddetini tahmin etmek iin yararl olabilecek bilgiler edinmeye alrlar. C) Bilim adamlar, patlamalarn zamann ve iddetini tahmin etmeye yardmc olabilecek bilgileri aktif volkanlar gzleyerek edinebilmektedir. D) Bilim adamlar, patlamalarn zamann ve iddetini tahmin etmeye yardmc olabilecek bilgiler edinmek iin aktif volkanlar gzlerler. E) Aktif volkanlar gzlemek, bilimadamlarna patlamalarn zamann ve iddetini tahmin etmeye yardmc olabilecek bilgiler salar. 55- The largest of the Scandinavian countries, Sweden has played a major role in the history of Northern Europe. A) sve, Kuzey Avrupa'nn tarihinde nemli bir rol oynayan en byk skandinav lkesidir. B) Kuzey Avrupa'nn tarihinde nemli bir rol oynam olan sve, skandinav lkelerinin en bydr. C) skandinav lkelerinin en by olan sve, Kuzey Avrupa'nn tarihinde nemli bir rol oynamtr. D) En byk skandinav lkesi olduu iin sve, Kuzey Avrupa'nn tarihinde nemli bir yere sahiptir.

49- Bugn bilindii ekliyle, mal, deerli eya ve paray, gvenli ve hzl biimde gidecei yere ulatrma hizmeti olan express, ilk kez Amerika'da balad. A) The first express service, as it is known, to carry goods, valuables and money safely and quickly to destinations across the world, started in America. B) Express as it is known today, a service to carry goods, valuables and money safely and quickly to their destinations, first started in America. C) The express, as it is known in America today, was established to carry goods, valuables and money safely and quickly to destinations. D) Express, which is the name of the service today, transports valuable goods and money to destinations all over America. E) The Americans first used a service, called simply express today, to carry goods, valuables and money safely and quickly across the world. 50- 20. yzyln sonlarnda sanat ve teknoloji, bilgisayar araclyla, baz ynlerden btnlemitir. A) In the late 20th century, art and technology have been united in some respects through the computer. B) Aspects of technology and art have been combined since the late 20th century through the use of computers. C) The computer brought together some aspects of art and technology in the late 20th century. D) By the late 20th century, art and technology had merged in some respects because of the use of computers. E) The computer has facilitated a unification of art and technology for certain applications, which developed during the 20th century.

E) skandinav lkelerinin en by olan sve'in, Kuzey Avrupa'nn tarihinde oynad rol ok byktr. 56- Quiz and game programmes on television have been consistently popular, especially during daytime viewing hours. A) Televizyonda bilgi yarmas ve oyun programlar, zellikle gndz izleme saatlerinde hep popler olmutur. B) Bilgi yarmas ve oyun programlarnn televizyonda popler olduu saatler zellikle gndz izleme saatleridir. C) Televizyondaki bilgi yarmas ve oyun programlarnn poplerlii, zellikle gndz izleme saatlerinde olmasndandr. D) Televizyonda zellikle gndz izleme saatlerinde srekli popler olan programlar, bilgi yarmas ve oyun programlardr. E) Televizyonda zellikle gndz izleme saatlerinde gsterilen bilgi yarmas ve oyun programlan poplerliini hep korumutur. 57- Typhoid fever is quite common in areas of poor sanitation, as a result of sewage mixing with drinking water. A) Lam sularnn ime suyuna karmasyla yaylan tifo, zellikle halk saln koruma tedbirlerinin zayf olduu blgelerde grlr. B) Tifo, lam sularnn ime suyuna kanmas sonucu ortaya ktndan, halk saln koruma tedbirlerinin zayf olduu blgelerde abuk yaylr. C) Tifonun en yaygn olduu blgeler, lam sularnn ime suyuna kart halk saln koruma tedbirlerinin zayf olduu blgelerdir. D) Tifo, halk saln koruma tedbirlerinin zayf olduu blgelerde lam sularnn ime suyuna kanmas sonucu olduka yaygndr. E) Tifonun, halk saln koruma tedbirlerinin zayf olduu blgelerde ok yaygn olmasnn nedeni, lam sulannn ime suyuna karmasdr. 58- If you want to obtain the best results when applying paints and varnishes, you should choose a time when it is neither too cold nor too hot. A) Eer havann ne ok souk ne de ok scak olduu bir zaman seerseniz, boya ve cila yaparken en iyi sonucu elde edersiniz. B) Boya ve cila yaparken en iyi sonucu elde etmek istiyorsanz, havann ne ok souk ne de ok scak olduu bir zaman semelisiniz. C) Boya ve cila yaparken en iyi sonucu elde etmek, havann ok souk ya da ok scak olmad bir zaman semekle mmkndr. D) En iyi sonucu elde etmeniz iin, boya ve cila yaparken havann ok souk ya da ok scak olmamasna zellikle dikkat ediniz. E) Eer ok iyi bir sonu elde etmek istiyorsanz, boya ve cila yapmak iin havann ne ok souk ne de ok scak olduu bir zaman seiniz. 59- You will never accomplish anything in life if you give up the struggle as soon as you encounter a problem. A) Bir sorunla karlatnzda mcadeleden vazgeiyorsanz, hayatta baarl olmanz mmkn deildir. B) Bir sorunla yz yze geldiklerinde mcadeleden kaanlar, hayatta hibir eyde baanl olamazlar. C) Amacnz hayatta bir ey baarmak deilse, bir sorunla karlar karlamaz mcadeleden vazgeersiniz. D) Hayatta bir eyler baarmak gibi bir amacnz yoksa, bir sorunla yz yze geldiinizde mcadele edemezsiniz. E) Bir sorunla karlar karlamaz mcadeleden vazgeerseniz, hayatta hibir ey baaramazsnz. 60- Haiti, whose economy is heavily dependent on farming, is the poorest country in the Western world. A) Bat dnyasnn en yoksul lkesi olan Haiti'de ekonomi, arlkl olarak tarma dayanmaktadr. B) Haiti, arlkl olarak tarma dayal ekonomisi nedeniyle, Bat dnyasnn en yoksul lkesidir. C) Ekonomisi arlkl olarak tarma dayal olan Haiti, Bat dnyasnn en yoksul lkesidir.

D) Bat dnyasnn en yoksul lkelerinden biri olan Haiti ekonomisini arlkl olarak tarma dayandrmtr. E) Arlkl olarak tarma dayal olan ekonomisi, Haiti'yi Bat dnyasnn en yoksul lkesi yapmtr. 61- Equality is a word closely associated with democracy, for, in order for a true democracy to exist in a country, there must be certain equalities in society. A) Bir lkede gerek bir demokrasi olacaksa, toplumda baz eitliklerin olmas zorunludur; nk eitlik, demokrasi ile yakndan ilikisi olan bir szcktr. B) Eitlikle demokrasi birbirleriyle yakndan ilgili kavramlar olduklarndan, bir lkede gerek bir demokrasi olmas iin baz eitliklerin de olmas gereklidir. C) Bir lkede gerek demokrasinin olmas toplumda baz eitliklerin olmasn gerektirir; nk eitlik demokrasi ile yakndan ilgili bir kavramdr. D) Eitlik, demokrasi ile yakndan ilgili bir szck olduundan, toplumda baz eitliklerin olmas gerekir ki, bir lkede gerek bir demokrasi olabilsin. E) Eitlik, demokrasi ile yakndan ilgili bir szcktr; nk bir lkede gerek demokrasinin olabilmesi iin toplumda baz eitliklerin olmas gerekir. 62-68. sorularda verilen cmleye anlamca en yakn olan seenei bulunuz. 62- Had it not been for the timely intervention of a helpful passer-by, he would have been robbed of all his money. A) All his money was stolen by a passer-by, who pretended to be helping him. B) A helpful passer-by intervened just when a thief was trying to rob him of all his money, but he failed to stop him. C) Were it not for someone who obstructed while trying to be helpful, he would have recovered his money. D) He was saved from having all his money stolen when a person who happened to be going by intervened just in time. E) The burglar would have got away with all his money if there had not been a timely knock on the door by a helpful neighbour. 63- While daily exercise is no guarantee of a long life, it is definitely good for your health. A) If you exercise regularly once a day, you will be healthier and your life will probably be longer. B) Taking some exercise every day has undeniable benefits, though it doesn't make long life a certainty. C) Though exercising all the time is thought to be healthy, some say that it actually shortens the life span. D) You can't expect to live forever although you exercise regularly, but it may improve your health. E) Since daily exercise is good for your health, it follows that it will definitely make you live a long life. 64- Whole populations of Australia's natives were wiped out in order that civilisation could advance. A) To allow for the expansion of civilisation, entire groups of Australia's aboriginal people were killed. B) The growth of civilisation in Australia couldn't have been achieved without the ethnic cleansing of the entire continent. C) The existence of Australia's natives was the biggest obstacle in the effort to advance the modern way of life. D) If the native Australians had not been exterminated, there would be no civilisation on the continent today. E) The only reason that Australia is civilised today is the effective removal of the original population. 65- Though the workmen had done an excellent job on our cabinets, they refused to accept payment. A) Since the construction of the cabinets was excellent, the workers demanded extra cash from us for it. B) Due to the substandard nature of the cabinets the workers had made, we didn't want to pay them. C) While they'd done a reasonable job on the cabinets, the work wasn't really worth paying for.

D) The workmen wouldn't let us give them any money for their first-rate work on the cabinets. E) We refused to pay the cabinetmakers as the work they did was of appallingly poor quality. 66- There's still the question of whether he should be tried for his offense or simply given a warning. A) They keep questioning him about whether or not he has committed a crime. B) No one has answered my query concerning his offense and whether we should warn him about it. C) It would be easier to warn him for his wrong-doing than it would be to take him to court for it. D) Everyone is talking about what he did, thus making us have to decide whether or not to try him. E) No decision about whether he should go to court for what he did or just be cautioned has been made yet. 67- If there is anything more fascinating than the inner workings of the human body, I don't know what it is. A) I'm sure there are many things that are more interesting than biology. B) I don't know why people find the inside of the body so interesting. C) To me there is nothing more interesting than human biology. D) I don't know what it is that fascinates anyone about the human body. E) I don't know the principles that make the body work the way it does. 68- The part of the day when someone works most effectively may not be the same for another. A) Nobody can possibly work very effectively throughout the day. B) It is important to choose the best time of day when you can work most effectively. C) You may be able to work efficiently any time of day, but not everybody is so. D) The time of day which is best for working varies from individual to individual. E) People who do their best work in the morning also tend to do c well at other times. 69-76. sorularda hangi cmlenin anlam bakmndan paraya uymadn bulunuz. 69- (I) The family of President Calvin Coqlidge had a long succession of White House pets including dogs, cats, birds, raccoons, a donkey, a bobcat and, last but not least, a large goose named Enoch. (II) The bird had been given to the family by the actress Marie Dressier, who was appearing in a Broadway play called The Goose Woman. (Ill) Dressier had a reputation for playing parts in plays which involved the use of animals. (IV) Although Enoch received a great deal of attention from the press, he didn't stay around long. (V) After a short time, he flew away and was never seen again. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 70- (I) When more than 300 British tanks rumbled out of the dawn mist at Cambrai, many of the German soldiers were terrified by the sight. (II) Cambrai was also the birthplace of Louis Bleriot, the French pioneer in aviation. (Ill) As the terrain around the town was ideal for the use of tanks, they moved easily through the enemy lines, literally sweeping aside opposition. (IV) By the end of the day, the German defences had been shattered. (V) And the British had taken more than 9,000 prisoners. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 71- (I) There are thought to be about 4.5 million vending machines in Japan, and the demand for them is still growing. (II) Costing from 3,000 to 5,000 for a machine, they are a great souvenir from Japan for the folks back home. (Ill) They are found on practically every street and you can by almost anything from them. (IV) Soft drinks, coffee and cigarettes are the most common, but beer and wine machines are also quite easy to find. (V) Other less common

machines sell goods ranging from rice and vegetables to neckties and computer software. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 72- (I) Leyte is one of the islands of the Philippines, located between the cities of Luzon and Mindanao. (II) During World War II, it was occupied by Japanese forces and on October 20, 1944, it became the first major landing site in the American campaign to recapture the Philippines, (III) Immediately following the landing, the naval forces of the USA and Japan engaged in battle there. (IV) The conflict involved every element of - naval warfare at the time, from submarines to planes. (V) The period since independence has been marked by repeated crises in the Philippines, though. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 73- (I) The ready-to-wear industry began to develop in the early years of the 19th century. (II) Tailors and dressmakers would cut out several copies of one garment and farm them out to women to sew. (Ill) At first ready-to-wear clothes fitted poorly. (IV) Especially those having disproportion between their upper and lower parts still have difficulty finding clothes to fit them properly. (V) But by the middle of the century, however, their quality had improved. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 74- (I) The surface of the lake known as the Dead Sea is nearly 400 metres below sea level. (II) It is situated amongst rocky cliffs that rise to heights of between 800 and 1200 metres. (Ill) This famous lake is fed by the River Jordan and many smaller streams, but it has no outlet. (IV) The fact that any river can exist in such a hot place is difficult to believe. (V) It still manages to get rid of water, though, through evaporation caused by the hot, dry climate. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

75- (I) People with a lot of chores to do in a day often complain that a 24-hour day is simply not enough for them. (II) The moon is causing a gradual slowdown of the Earth's rotational speed, making our days longer. (Ill) You'd be advised not to begin looking forward to a 25-hour day any time soon, though. (IV) As with so many other things in our universe, this process is incredibly slow. (V) In fact, only one second is actually being added to the Earth's day every 100,000 years. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 76- (I) Prisons haven't always existed, and even when they did, they were not used very often because they were expensive to maintain. (II) In the 14th century, the cost was kept down as prisoners were expected to provide their own food, clothes, etc. (Ill) Today some prisons have workshops where the prisoners work for small wages and produce things to be sold. (IV) If you didn't have enough money to buy these things from the prison's shop, you might even die of starvation. (V) However, things began to change about 200 years ago as increased government revenues made the modern prison system possible. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 77-84. sorularda parada braklan bolua uygun den ifadeyi bulunuz. 77- A young woman named Kitty Genovese was walking along the streets of a middle-class neighbourhood in New York at 3 a.m. when she was attacked. ....... .A few minutes later, her assailant caught her again and she continued screaming while 38 neighbours watched from their windows and did nothing. Nobody even called the police and Kitty died of multiple stab wounds. A) She was killed immediately because there was nobody willing to intervene and help her

B) She screamed for help, and though none came, she managed to escape from her captor C) Her attacker was described as a white man in his twenties wearing jeans and a blue T-shirt D) When the police arrived, they warned Ms Genovese about making so much noise so late E) Earlier the same night, an elderly woman had been murdered not too far from there 78- ....... . This is thanks to British scientists who have devised a deodoriser that envelopes the shoes in nitric oxide gas, killing the bacteria that cause the odours. The shoebox-sized gadget uses tablets of citric acid and sodium nitrate, which react in water to produce the gas. The treatment leaves the shoes with a clean disinfectant smell rather than the odour of rotting feet. A) The problem of bad-smelling sports shoes may soon be a thing of the past B) For some reason, running shoes worn by some people smell even worse than those by others C) Help may soon be on the way for people who always suffer from sore feet D) Some people like the stench of dirty shoes, though they are definitely a minority of the population E) People who never bother washing their feet obviously have smellier shoes than regular foot washers 79- In Fuzhou, China, nightclub boss Chen Kai has achieved what he says everyone there dreams about. ...... . After spending three years there, he returned to China's Fujian Province and, with three partners, opened a glamorous karaoke club called Kaixuan. With his movie-star good looks and diamond encrusted watch, he admits he's something of a role model for locals. A) Inside the club patrons are surrounded by dozens of beautiful, shockingly-dressed hostesses B) Fujian has been sending its residents off to rich Western countries to make money for over a century C) After the serious earthquake in Taiwan, the passports of the victims were sold to aspiring emigrants D) In 1990, he sneaked into the US and made a small fortune working in several restaurants E) Those who emigrate aren't Fujian's truly poor, but the middle class who simply want to get rich 80- Daylight Saving Time was first used in the US during World War I, and then again during World War II. ...... . Therefore, in 1966, Congress passed the Uniform Time Act, which provided that any state that chooses to use Daylight Saving Time must begin and end on the federally determined dates. These are the first Sunday in April and the last Sunday in October. A) The Secretary of Transportation also has the authority to change the boundaries of time zones B) Currently, Arizona, Hawaii, the eastern part of Indiana and Puerto Rico do not observe Daylight Saving Time C) In the intervening years, some states continued to observe it, beginning and ending on whatever dates they chose D) Since 1966, there have been a number of changes to the time zone boundaries within the United States E) The United States and its possession are divided into 10 time zones while Canada's territory extends over 6 such zones 81- The American author Henry Roth is best known for two things: he produced a literary masterpiece when he was barely 28 years old, and then he underwent one of the most profound and prolonged cases of writer's block ever. Roth's first novel appeared in 1934. ........ . During these six decades following the publication of "Call It Sleep", Roth among other things worked as a toolmaker, woodsman, schoolteacher, attendant in a mental hospital, and waterfowl farmer. A) Roth lived with his family until 1927 B) He wrote it under the influence of the poet Eda Lou Walton C) In 1994, Roth received two honorary doctorates D) His writing existed to a significant extent within Roth's own family E) His second was published 60 years later

82- Born in Delaware in 19O6, Jim Thompson briefly served in the OSS the forerunner of the CIA in Thailand during World War II. A tireless promoter of traditional Thai arts and culture, he collected parts of many ruined Thai homes and reassembled them at their current location. ....... . That is the way each wall has its exterior facing in, thus exposing the walls' internal structure to the outside. A) He disappeared under quite mysterious circumstances and hasn't been heard from since B) After the war, he found the United States too boring and returned to Bangkok to live C) Thompson deserves most of the credit for the current popularity of Thai clothes and silk D) The same year, his sister was murdered in the USA, starting a great conspiracy about it E) Although most parts were assembled in the typical Thai style, there is one striking difference 83- Throughout history, the octopus has been one of the most feared and misunderstood sea creatures. Norwegian mythology tells of a giant octopus called Kraken, which was two and a half kilometres across and capable of swallowing entire ships. ..... . Despite this, ancient sailors must have seen the octopus as one of the most grotesque, and therefore most frightening, of all sea creatures. A) In reality, it is a relatively harmless mollusk, the largest of which measure about 5 metres across B) Its name is derived from classical Greek octo, meaning 'eight' plus pous, meaning 'foot' C) Kraken was thought to do damage by creating giant whirlpools with his many giant tentacles D) Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, in Japan, people eat tonnes of the animal every year E) The mythologies of other sea-going nations tell similar stories of gigantic monsters living in the sea 84-...... . If it impacts with our planet, it could do so with a force as strong as 100 bombs of the type that destroyed Hiroshima. The International Astronomical Union and space scientists at NASA say there is a l-in-5OO chance that the newly discovered asteroid, called 2OOO SG344, could hit the Earth on September 21, 203O. Though this risk might sound small, it is the greatest chance of any object so far spotted by astronomers. A) Using a 3.6-metre telescope on the Pacific island of Hawaii, scientists are observing certain celestial objects B) To avoid repetition of embarrassingly wrong predictions, scientists have carefully checked their data C) There is a small but significant chance that an asteroid will strike the Earth in about thirty years' time D) The collision has been given the lowest danger level of 1, meaning it must have an eye kept on it E) The high probability that it might impact the Earth was first determined by Paul Chodas 85-92. sorularda verilen durumda sylenebilecek sz bulunuz. 85- A rumour somehow got started that you'd lost your job. You have no idea where it came from, but all day people have been coming up to you and telling you how sorry they are about it. After about the tenth time, you've had enough and you somewhat harshly snap at the person who's speaking to you about it, saying: A) I've heard that too. I really hope it isn't true as I don't have another one. B) Who told you that? I can assure you that it's nothing but a lot of nonsense! C) Of course I haven't. Would you kindly tell whoever told you that as well? D) Just because I'm now unemployed doesn't mean it's okay to talk about me. E) That's simply not at all true. As a matter of fact, I've just been promoted. 86- Your best friend has recently got engaged to someone you have never met. To celebrate their engagement, they have a party to which they've each invited their closest friends. You're

obviously quite curious about her fiance, and when you are introduced, you greet him warmly, saying: A) I really wish we could have met before my friend agreed to marry you. B) I'm jealous of you as you've been taking up so much of my best friend's time. C) It's about time we met. Why have you been hiding from all of us so long? D) How do you do? I've been looking forward to meeting you for some time. E) It's been a long time since I last saw you. So, what have you been doing? 87- You have been sitting at the park with your friend and have just finished a drink and get up to throw the empty cans in the rubbish bin. When you do so, you happen to notice that there's a gun in with the other rubbish. Obviously, you feel that the police need to be contacted immediately. So, you call your friend, who comes over, point to the gun and ask her: A) They should station a police officer in such crowded parks to watch out for suspicious-looking people. B) That gun in the bottom of the rubbish bin isn't yours or your brother's by any chance, is it? C) Should we call the police about the gun in there, or should we just cover it with rubbish? D) Don't you think that's a bad place to put a gun? Children could find it in there and get hurt. E) Could I borrow your mobile phone for a minute so I can call the police about that thing? 88- At work one day you notice that one of your colleagues seems to be avoiding you. He doesn't greet you, and won't look you in the face. Although you have never been particularly friendly with this man, you've always been on reasonable terms with him up to this point, and you'd like to keep it that way. You're sure there must be some misunderstanding, so you ask gently: A) Look, I know we don't get on well, but there's no need for us to be rude, is there? B) I'll ask the boss to transfer me to another department so that we don't see each other. C) There seems to be some tension between us. Have I said or done something to offend you? D) If you've got a problem with me, my friend, you should tell me about it instead of sulking. E) I'm really sorry about what's happened. What can I possibly say or do to make it up to you? 89- You're planning a holiday and go to the bookshop to pick up a guide book. The only one you can find to your destination is more than ten years old. You're certain there must be a more up-to-date edition, but as you've already checked the other bookshops and not seen it, you approach one of the salesclerks at the last shop with the old one in your hand and inquire politely: A) Do you happen to have a more recent edition than this? If not, could you possibly order one for me? B) Do you think much has changed in this place in the last ten years or is this book good enough? C) Since I can't find a guide book for my destination, could you possibly recommend somewhere else? D) Why is it that this shop only has out-dated stuff? I've seen newer things at the secondhand shop! E) I really wish that once in a while I could find the book I'm looking for without asking for help.

A) Would it be possible for you to let me have one of those two jumpers you're wearing now? B) How could I have been so stupid as to have forgotten my jacket? It is late autumn after all. C) I'm so cold. I don't think I'm going to stay for the entire game. I'll leave at half-time. D) Why is it that you all came prepared for the weather but didn't give me any warning at all? E) Why doesn't someone just let me borrow something to wear so I don't freeze to death? 91- You've just received your credit card statement and it's much higher than you'd expected. When you look more closely at it, you notice a number of charges from places that you've never been. You are understandably a bit upset, but you keep your cool and call the credit card company and explain the situation politely, saying: A) I just don't understand how I managed to spend so much money last month. I didn't buy anything. B) Please stop billing me for things that I haven't bought, or I'll have to find a new credit card company. C) I demand that my account be corrected immediately. Would you be able to do that for me, please? D) There are a few items on my bill I believe are mistakes. May I please speak to customer service? E) Would it be possible for you to stop making me miserable by sending me such ridiculous statements? 92- You're having several friends over for a dinner party and just before they are due to arrive, you have a problem in the kitchen. You're about halfway through sorting out the disaster when the doorbell rings and your first guests show up five minutes early. Obviously you're not ready to entertain them just yet, but you refrain from mentioning your problem and greet them with hospitality, and say: A) You don't seem to be good at timing. Would you mind waiting a while until I clean up the mess? B) Welcome! It's great of you to come. Can I get you a drink while I finish up in the kitchen? C) It's good of you to have come, but I think we'll skip dinner just this once if you don't mind. D) I'm happy you've come, but why did you have to get here so early? I'm not ready yet! E) I'm glad you are early as I'm terribly in need of help in the kitchen. 93-100. sorularda karlkl konumann bo braklan blmnde sylenmi olabilecek sz bulunuz. 93- Keith: Have they figured out how that terrible hotel fire started yet? Matt: Yes. Apparently there were some problems with the way the wires were put in the building. Keith: ........ Matt: Isn't it? I've heard they're trying to find the builder and the inspector who approved the work. A) Then I guess it was nobody's fault. I was afraid the fire might have been set by a madman. B) I think they should find out who the electrician was and charge him or her with murder. C) You mean all those people died because of a bit of sloppy workmanship. That's terrible! D) Was it from the original construction or from renovations that were done at a later date? E) Why is it that these things happen again and again? I really feel something must be done. 94- Carlos: ........ Marta: None that I know of. Why do you want to know? Carlos: Oh, the Browns have invited us over for dinner and I told them I had to check with you first. Marta: Tell them we'd love to come and ask if we should take anything. A) Is there any reason that Mrs Brown should be angry either with us or our children? B) Do we have any more of that wine that we bought when we went on holiday to Portugal?

90- You're attending an evening football match one November day with a group of friends. When you arrive at the stadium a few hours before the match, everything is fine. However, as it starts to get dark, the temperature drops and you find that before the first half is over, you're freezing. Seeing all of your friends in their warm jackets and jumpers, you feel like a real idiot, and you express this to your friend saying:

C) We haven't done anything to make any of our neighbours call the police, have we? D) If I went on my company's annual camping trip, would you be disturbed for any reason? E) Have we got any plans for the evening of Sunday the fifteenth, three weeks from now? 95- Milfred: Just where were you last night when I tried to phone you? Thomas:....... Milfred: It must have been an awfully long one as I phoned six times between 6.00 and 10.00 p.m. Thomas: Oh, yeah. Afterwards I went out with my friends for dinner and a film. A) I was probably having a shower. I thought I heard the phone ringing when I was in the bathroom. B) How would I know when you called me? What time did you try to get in touch with me? C) I was home the entire evening. Are you absolutely certain that you called the right number? D) I guess I was on the phone with my mother. I always call her for a chat on Friday afternoon. E) I don't know. I wonder if that was the same time that I was trying to get in touch with you. 96- Carl: ......... Claire: Only if whatever it is you want can be done right away. Carl: In that case, I guess I'd better ask someone who is a bit more flexible. Claire: Sorry to let you down, but I really do have to go in about three minutes. A) Do you think you could stop and pick up something for me on your way back from lunch? B) Would it be possible for you to lend me a hand when you are finished with that? C) Did you manage to make copies of those pictures I asked you about last week? D) Is there any chance of you helping me with my computer later on this afternoon? E) You didn't happen to see what I did with those papers for the boss, did you? 97- Bertha: ..... Henri: That's later than I thought. We'd better think about taking off in the next few minutes. Bertha: You're right. I don't want to get home too late, especially as I'll have a long day tomorrow. Henri: Why don't we just finish these drinks, say good-bye and hit the road? A) I don't understand why we always have to be the first people to leave every party. B) What time do we need to be at the airport to pick up your grandfather? C) Henri, I know it's a nice party, but do you know that it's nearly eleven o'clock? D) What time do you think we need to head out of here and start going home? E) Would you mind if we left soon? I'm just not feeling very well this evening. 98- Jerome: I've heard that you won't be joining us on the skiing trip. Kelly: That's right. There's no way anybody is going to get me to go along. Jerome: ........ Kelly: Nothing. I hate the cold, am afraid of heights and just don't like sports. A) I don't understand why not. Everyone else in the company is looking forward to it. B) What do you think we can do that would possibly make you change your mind? C) Someone told me that you used to be quite good at skiing when you were younger. D) What would you think about coming with us on next month's trip to Hawaii?

E) I guess that means that there's no chance that you'd be interested in sky-diving. 99- Steve: I'm thinking about having my toaster repaired. Hank: ....... Steve: I know, but I've had it for such a long time that I've got attached to it. Hank: That's quite a stupid way to think about an appliance, isn't it? A) As a matter of fact, I have an extra one at home. I've never even used it. B) My brother repairs small appliances. Why don't you ask him to take care of it? C) Wouldn't it be better to try to fix it yourself first? It can't be that complicated. D) Don't think about it. Just do it, or you'll never actually get around to doing it. E) Why? It is so old that it will probably cost more to fix than to replace. 100- Nathan: ....... Patricia: Just give me a second. It's on the tip of my tongue. Nathan: It starts with an 'o' and has eleven letters. Patricia: Now I remember. It's Ouagadougou, isn't it? A) The thing I hate about post-colonial Africa is that I can't pronounce the place names. B) Where did you say you were going tomorrow after you finished school? C) What happened to the country of Upper Volta? Is it now Cote d'lvoire? D) Can you help me with this crossword? What's the capital of Burkina Faso? E) What day are you leaving for your holiday in Africa, and when are you returning?

1. A 11. E 21. D 31. B 41. A 51. C 61. E 71. B 81. E 91. D

2. E 12. C 22. D 32. A 42. B 52. B 62. D 72. E 82. E 92. B

3. D 13. A 23. C 33. E 43. C 53. D 63. B 73. D 83. A 93. C

4. B 14. B 24. A 34. C 44. E 54. D 64. A 74. D 84. C 94. E

5. C 15. D 25. E 35. D 45. B 55. C 65. D 75. A 85. B 95. A

6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. 76. 86. 96.


7. B 17. A 27. D 37. B 47. E 57. D 67. C 77. B 87. E 97. C

8. A 18. A 28. C 38. B 48.- E 58. B 68. D 78. A 88. C 98. B

9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. 79. 89. 99.

D 10. D B 20. E A 30. B C 40. D B 50. A E 60. C C 70. B D 80. C A 90. B E 100. D

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