Name - Date - Hour - Form Audience + Purpose

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Name_____________________________________________ Date______________ Hour_____________

Form= Audience + Purpose

Example #1:
During the Holocaust, six million Jews were murdered. Many other people like Gypsies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals,
and “social outcasts” were also killed. How could a country allow this to happen? How did so many die? It all started in the very
beginning of Christianity.
Anti-Semitism started before Hitler. Jews had been called “Christ-killers” and a “diseased race”. They were accused of
causing the plague, and in some areas they were not allowed to own land (Greenfeld 21).
Then Hitler showed up on the political scene. Germany had been struggling after World War I. They had to help rebuild
everything they had destroyed in the war. Hitler claimed he could solve the country’s financial problems, but many figured he had no
chance of winning. After the elections, however, he won by a one-third vote. That started it all (Axelrod 12-13).

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Why was this piece written? What was the purpose of writing it?

Example #2:
John Fitzgerald Kennedy once claimed, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”
(Loviny and Touze 54). John F. Kennedy was not only remembered by Americans as the 35 th President of the United States, but
furthermore remembered by his first-class personality, numerous achievements, faithful compassion, and strong leadership. As the
years have shown, the assassination of Kennedy instantaneously transformed him into a legendary, larger-than-life inspiration whose
hold on the nation’s imagination reverberates to this very day (Bugliosi 11). It was on November 22, 1963 that America would lose
one of its most admired Presidents (Delano [on-line]). The assassination of President John F. Kennedy was and still is one of the most
tragic and controversial events in America’s historical past.

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Example #3:
Obesity is the main cause of death among Americans today. Over 64 percent of American adults are either overweight or
obese (Mirkin 258). Over eating, the lifestyle one leads, and one’s age all contribute to the basic foundation of obesity. Over a long
period of time obesity is developed by excess energy intake and not enough energy expenditure (McMillan 31). Some say that being
overweight and obese are the same and use them interchangeably. This, of course, is not the case. Being overweight means there is an
excess amount of body weight. This extra weight may come from excess muscle, bone, fat, or water. Being obese means there is an
accumulation of body fat that is getting stored in the wrong places (Lemberg 87-88). Eating is obviously a necessary fact of life; due
to societal pressures, obesity has become one of America’s largest epidemics.

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Why was this piece written? What was the purpose of writing it?

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