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Hazrlayan: Hseyin ARIBAL

MART 2012

KAYNAK KTAPTAN NEML EVRLER 1. The transmission of the pressure that is generated by stepping on the brake pedal, from the master cylinder to the wheel cylinder, is performed by a special fluid. EVRS: Fren pedalna baslarak retilen basncn merkez silindirden tekerlek silindirine iletimi, zel bir akkan tarafnda salanr. 2. The fluid pressure is boosted normally by an assisting device that uses either intake pressure or vacuum pressure. EVRS: Sv basnc ya emme basnc ya da vakum basncn kullanan yardmc bir cihaz tarafndan normal olarak arttrlr.(ykseltilir). 3. The fluid pressure transmitted from the master cylinder is boosted by the difference between the engine-intake-negative pressure and the atmospheric pressure. EVRS: Merkez silindirden gnderilen sv basnc motor emme negatif basnc ve atmosferik basn arasndaki fark tarafndan ykseltilir.(arttrlr). 4. In the hydraulic brake system, when a fluid leak occurs anywhere in the system, there is a very real danger of a complete brake loss. To reduce this danger the brake system has separate circuits for the front and rear wheels so as to ensure same braking power when a malfunction occurs (dual circuit). EVRS: Hidrolik fren sisteminde, sistemin herhangi bir yerinde bir sv kaa olduu zaman tm frenlerin kaybolmasnda olduka byk bir tehlike vardr. Bir arza olduu zaman bu tehlikeyi azaltmak iin fren sistemi ayn frenleme gcn salamak zere n ve arka tekerleklerde ayr devrelere sahiptir. 5. The operating principle of the air master is basically the same as that of the hydro-master, one difference being that the air-master uses compression pressure instead of engineintake pressure as the boosting pressure. EVRS: Hava merkezinin alma prensibi temelde hidrolik merkezin aynsdr; kullanlan eyin bir fark (bunun farknn bir sebebi) hava merkezinin motor emme basnc yerine sktrlm basnc kullanmasdr. 6. The fully pneumatic actuation is mainly used in heavy duty vehicles because it provides a powerful servo-effect. EVRS: Tam pnmatik tahrik genellikle ar hizmet tatlarnda kullanlr; nk o gl bir servo etkisi salar. 7. In order to support the exhaust brake in today's more and more difficult traffic situation, where also high commercial speeds are required, a so-called retarder or better wearless permanent brake can be fitted as optional equipment on the propeller shaft. EVRS: Gnmz daha ve daha zor trafik artlarnda egzoz frenini desteklemek iin, ayrca yksek ticari hzlarn gerektii yerlerde szde retarder olarak (adlandrlan) ya da daha iyisi antsz daimi fren, opsiyonel ekipman olarak kardan miline taklabilir. 8. This is an electronic device that gives drivers of commercial vehicles considerable confidence for critical traffic situations and compensate for human error, e.g. in panic braking. EVRS: Bu kritik trafik artlarnda ticari tatlarn srclerine nemli bir gven salayan elektronik cihazdr ve ani frenlemelerde insan hatalarn telafi eder. 2

9. ABS ensures that even emergency braking on an iced-over surface with a coefficient of friction at less than 0.1 does not lock a wheel. EVRS: ABS srtnme kasaysnn 0,1den daha az olduu buzla kapl yzeylerde acil frenlemede bile tekerlein kilitlenmemesini nler. 10. A too high brake pressure input is matched on all wheels to the adhesion present between tyre and road surface which maintains steer ability and guarantees vehicle stability. ABS permits braking and steering at the same time. EVRS: ok yksek bir frenleme basn girdisi, tat kararlln garantilemek ve ynlendirme kabiliyetini muhafaza etmek zere tekerler ve yol yzeyi arasndaki mevcut adezyonu salamak iin tm tekerleklere uygulanr. 11. The electronic central unit establishes the speed, acceleration and deceleration of the wheel as a vehicle reference speed and the related wheel slip. EVRS: Elektronik merkez nite, tat referans hzn ve ilgili tekerlek kaymas olarak artan ivmelenme ve azalan ivmelenme olarak hz alglar. 12. As soon as certain wheel deceleration or slip threshold values are exceeded, the electronic central unit signals a solenoid central valve to limit the excessive brake pressure produced by the driver. EVRS: Belirli tekerlek yavalama ivmesi ya da kayma eik deerleri alr almaz, elektronik merkezi nite src tarafndan retilen ar frenleme basncn snrlamak iin selenoid merkez valfine sinyal gnderir. 13. Steering systems are designed to enable 100-pound people to control 4.000-pound vehicles quickly, accurately, smoothly, and without undue effort. EVRS: Direksiyon sistemleri 100 poundluk insanlarn 4000 poundluk tatlara ar efor sarfetmeksizin abucak, doru bir ekilde, dzgnce kontrol edilebilmesi iin tasarlanr. 14. The steering shaft runs inside a tubular steering column, through the fire wall, and into the steering gearbox in the engine compartment. EVRS: Direksiyon mili, motor blmesi iindeki direksiyon kutusu ve motor kabini fr mahalline bakan duvar boyunca uzanan tp eklindeki direksiyon kolonu ierisinde alr., 15. The steering gearbox converts the rotational motion of the steering wheel into the side-to-side motion of the wheels. EVRS: Direksiyon dili kutusu, direksiyon simidinin dnme hareketini tekerleklerin bir yandan dier yana olan hareketine dntrr. 16. The gears reduce the large movements of the steering wheel to the small movements of the wheel, giving the driver the necessary mechanical advantage. EVRS: Dililer, srcye gerekli olan mekanik avantaj salayarak direksiyon simidinin byk hareketlerini, tekerleklerin kk hareketine azaltr. 17. The steering gearbox contains two gears: the driving gear, which is mounted on the steering shaft and the driven gear, which moves the steering linkage. EVRS: Direksiyon dili kutusu ierir: direksiyon mili zerine monte edilen src dili (hareket veren) ve direksiyon balantlarn hareket ettiren srlen dilidir (hareket alan). 18. The driving gear always turns through the same are as the steering wheel and shaft, but the larger driven gear moves through only a fraction of its length or circumference for each full revolution of the driving gear. EVRS: Src dili her zaman direksiyon simidi ve mili ile ayn dorultuda dner, fakat geni olan hareket alan dili hareket veren dilinin bir tam tur dnmesi iin evresel ya da onun uzunluunun sadece bir blm olarak hareket ettirir. 3

19. Rack and pinion is the simplest form of steering. The small pinion gear on the end of the steering shaft (the driving gear) meshes with the rack (the driven gear), a long bar with teeth cut into one side. EVRS: Dili ubuk ve pinyon direksiyonun en basit formudur. Direksiyon milinin ucundaki pinyon dili (src dili) tarafndan diler alm uzun bir ubuk olan (srlen dili), dili ubuk ile kavrar. 20. The rack runs across the car, and its ends are connected to the tie rods. Turning the steering wheel rotates the pinion, which moves the rack left or right. EVRS: Dili ubuk otomobil boyunca (bir taraftan dier tarafa) hareket eder ve onun ular balant ubuklarna balanr. Direksiyon simidinin dnmesi dili ubuu sola ya da saa hareket ettiren pinyonu dndrr. 21. The worm and roller steering gearbox is named for its component gears. The worm (the driving gear) is a spiral-threaded gear mounted on the end of the steering shaft. EVRS: Kurt dili ve merdaneli direksiyon dili kutusu, kendisini oluturan dililerin ismini alr. Kurt dili (src dili) direksiyon milinin ucuna monte edilen spiral dileri olan bir dilidir. 22. Electrical current is a flow of electrons, and the more electrons in motion, the stronger the current is. EVRS: Elektrik akm elektronlarn akdr, daha ok elektron hareketi daha gl akmdr. 23. The greater the concentration of electrons in a battery or generator terminal, the higher pressure between the electrons. The greater this pressure, the greater the flow of electrons. EVRS: Bir batarya ya da jeneratrdeki elektronlarn daha byk younluu elektronlar arasnda daha yksek basn. Daha byk basn, daha byk elektron ak. 24. The flow of electrons through a conductor is called current and is measured in electrons per second or Amperes. The flow of current measured in amperes can be compared to the flow of water in a pipe measured in liter per second. EVRS: Bir iletken boyunlarn elektronlarn ak akm olarak adlandrlr ve her saniyedeki elektron ya da amper olarak llr. Amper olarak llen akmn ak saniyede litre olarak llen bir borunun ierisindeki suyun ak ile karlatrlabilir. 25. Voltage is the energy that moves the current (like the pressure that moves the water). Voltage is measured in volts. Voltage is described as the difference in potential charges between the positive and the negative terminals of a battery or alternator. Without voltage no current will flow. EVRS: Voltaj, akm hareket ettiren enerjidir (suyu hareket ettiren basn gibi). Voltaj, volt ile llr. Voltaj batarya ya da alternatrn pozitif ve negatif terminalleri arasndaki potansiyel arj fark olarak aklanr. Voltaj olmadan hi akm akmaz. 26. Resistance describes the opposition to current flow. The unit of measurement is the Ohm () which is defined as the resistance that will allow one ampere to flow when the potential is one volt. EVRS: Diren akm aknn tersi olarak tanmlanr. l birimi potansiyel 1 volt olduu zaman 1 amperin akna izin veren diren olarak tanmlanan voltdur. 27. There is a mathematical relationship between voltage, current and resistance (Ohm's law). The current flow in a circuit varies directly with the voltage and inversely with the resistance. In others words the pressure of 1Volt applied to 1 Ohm resistance will cause 1 Amp of current to flow. If voltage increases current will increase, if resistance increases current will decrease. If any two of the three terms (volt, amp and ohm) are known the missing one can be found. EVRS: Voltaj, akm ve diren arasnda matematiksel bir iliki vardr. Bir devreden geen akm voltajla doru orantl, direnle ters orantl olarak deiir. Dier bir deyile 1 ohmluk dirence 1 voltluk basn uygulanmas 1 amperlik akmn akna sebep olacaktr. Eer voltaj artarsa akm da artacaktr, eer diren artarsa akm da azalacaktr. Eer terimden ikisi biliniyorsa bilinmeyen (biri) bulunabilir. 28. The term circuit means a cycle, an unbroken path beginning at a point and returning to the same point. EVRS: Devre terimi, bir noktadan balayan ve ayn noktaya dnen kesik olmayan bir yol bir evrim anlamndadr. 4

29. In order for a circuit to be complete there cannot be a break of circuit flow. If there is any sort of break, the circuit becomes an open circuit and will not function. EVRS: Bir devrenin tamamlanabilmesi iin devre aknda herhangi bir kesintinin olmamas gerekir. Eer herhangi bir kesilme varsa devre ak bir devre olacak ve grev yapmayacaktr. 30. The electrical unit for measuring work is known as Joule (1 Joule=1 Ampere flowing for 1 second under the pressure of 1 Volt). This is the result of the product of a force and the distance through which it acts in overcoming resistance. Power is the rate of doing work. EVRS: i lmek iin elektriksel birim joule olarak bilinir. Direnci yenmek iin davranan kuvvet ve yolun rnn bir sonucudur. G yaplan iin orandr. 31. Electricity is the flow of tiny subatomic particles, called electrons, from one place to another. Electrons contain a negative charge; they are attracted to particles of opposite (positive) charge and repulsed by particles with the same charge. It is this force that causes electrons to flow, thereby producing electrical power. EVRS: Elektrik, elektron ad verilen atomun ok paralarn bir yerden baka bir yere akdr. Elektronlar negatif arj ierirler: onlar pozitif (zt) arjl partiklleri ekerler ve ayn arjl partikller tarafndan itilirler. O elektriksel g retilmek suretiyle elektronlarn akna sebep olan kuvvettir. 32. The flow of electricity in a wire can be likened to the flow of water through a pipe. An example is water draining a reservoir to run a waterwheel. The reservoir is like a battery, the valve is like a switch, and the pipes are like wires. The wheel is like an electrical load, which can be a light bulb, an electric motor, an ignition system, or the like. A diagram of three basic electrical components is shown below. The diagram describes a circuit. The circuit includes a return wire from the load to the battery. All electrical circuits form closed loops; without a return, current could not flow. EVRS: Bir kablo (iletken) ierisindeki elektron ak, bir boru boyunca akan suyun akna benzetilebilir. Su arkn hareket ettirmek iin tanktan dklen su buna bir rnektir. Depo bir batarya gibi, supaplar anahtar gibi ve borular kablolar gibidir. ark (Tekerlek) bir ateleme sistemi, bir elektrik motoru, bir lamba ampl veya benzeri olabilen elektrik ykdr. Aada, temel elektrik parasnn bir diyagram gsterilmektedir. Diyagram bir devreyi tanmlar. Devre, ykten bataryaya dnen bir kablo ierir. Btn elektrik devreleri kapal devreden oluur; akm geri dnmeden ak olmayacaktr. 33. The metal body and engine of a car are used as the return wire for all the electrical circuits. This is called grounding, and it reduces the actual amount of wire needed by half. EVRS: Bir otomobilin motoru ya da metal gvdesi, tm elektrik devresinin geri dn kablosu olarak kullanlr. O ihtiya duyulan kablo miktarn yarya indirir. 34. In a waterwheel system it is sometimes desirable to know the pressure of the water when it emerges from the pipe and how much water is flowing out. The same kind of information is often helpful when discussing electrical circuits. EVRS: Bir su ark sisteminde, borudan ortaya kt zaman ne kadar suyun aktn bulmak iin bazen su basncnn bilinmesi gerekir. Elektrik devreleri dikkate alndnda ayn cins bilgilerden yararlanlr. 35. Pressure in a reservoir system can be estimated simply by knowing how high the water is above the waterwheel. The amount of pressure in an electrical circuit, however, is not so easily seen. It is called voltage, and an instrument called a voltmeter is needed to measure it. The unit of measurement is a volt. EVRS: Bir rezervior sistemindeki basn su arknn zerinde ne kadar yksekte olduunu bilerek basite tahmin edilebilir. Bir elektrik devresindeki basn miktar bununla birlikte kolaylkla grlemez. Voltmetre olarak adlandrlan bir alet voltajn ne kadar olduunu lmeyi gsterir. l birimi voltdur. Kaynak: MEGEP (Mesleki Eitim ve retim Sisteminin Glendirilmesi Projesi), Motorlu Aralar Teknolojisi

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