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Android Course Contents

Module Title
Module 1: Module 2: Getting started with android: Starting an Activity

Getting started with android Android Features Android Architecture Android Application fundamentals Creating an Activity Declaring the activity in the manifest Starting an Activity Starting an activity for a result Shutting Down an Activity Managing the Activity Lifecycle Implementing the lifecycle callbacks Saving activity state Handling configuration changes UI design Components and layouts- Frame Layout, Linear Layout, Relative Layout Write the XML Load the XML Resource Attributes- ID, Layout Parameters,Position, Size, Padding and Margins Working with resources- String resource, Color resource, Array resource Android layouts and views Handling user interaction events Grouping, accessing of resources Localization of Resources Handling runtime changes of resources Designing your GUI Implicit Intent Overview (Action, Data, category, etc) How intent works How intent filter works and writing our own intent filters Creating menus- Options Menu. Context Menu Styles and themes Creating dialogs- Alert Dialog, DatePicker Dialog, TimePicker Dialog, Progress Dialog

Module 3:

UI design

Module 4:

Android layouts and views

Module 5: Module 6:

Action, Data, category Creating menus

Module 7:

Toast Notification

Notifying the users- Toast Notification, Status Bar Notification Debugging android applications Broadcast Receivers Binding to Data with AdapterView List View- Simple List, Custom List Spinner GridView Sliding Drawer View, Rating Bar View, Toggle Button View Multimedia in android Simple media playback from Local file system Media playback from URL Media Playback from raw folder Play Video from local file system Play video from URL Data Storage Using Shared Preferences Using the Internal Storage Using the External Storage Graphics and Animations View Animation- Tween animation, Frame Animation Drawable Animation- Nine-Patch File, State List, Transition Drawable Data Storage Using Shared Preferences Using the Internal Storage Using the External Storage Accessing android hardware Using the camera Using bluetooth Using Wifi Geocoding and Location Based Services Maps Finding Current Location Using Geocoder to get the current address of the user Plotting the current location on map Sensors Accelerometer Sensor Proximity Sensor Light Sensor Web services Parsing JSON data Parsing XML data- Simple API XML Parser and DOM Parser Honeycomb Fragments Dialog Fragment Action Bar Tabbed Navigation Action Bar Activity List Navigation Action Bar Activity

Module 9:

Multimedia in android Data Storage Graphics and Animations Data Storage Accessing android hardware Geocoding and Location Based Services Sensors Web services Honeycomb Fragments

Module 10: Module 11: Module 12: Module 13: Module 14: Module 15: Module 16: Module 17:

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