Thesun 2009-04-28 Page02 Ec Bans Pondok Panas

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2 theSun | TUESDAY APRIL 28 2009

news without borders

by Maria J. Dass

EC bans ‘pondok panas’

out on May 8 and voters can check their details on the EC website at or via SMS by
PUTRAJAYA: The Election Com- typing SPR<space>SEMAK<space>
mission (EC) yesterday banned pon- MyKad number and send to 15888.
dok panas or voter reference stations Alternatively, they can call the EC
set up by political parties just outside office in Putrajaya at 03-88856500 or
polling centres, and warned of severe and over the internet.” bigger, perhaps to demonstrate the He said it is not necessary for in Penang at 04-2617692.
penalty for those who ignore election He was speaking to reporters after strength of a party. the pondok panas to be there as the To a question, Abdul Aziz dis-
regulations in the Penanti state by- announcing the Penanti by-election “And the behaviour of (these) peo- EC has ample avenues for voters missed the insinuation that the delay
elections slated for May 31. nomination and polling dates. ple … I don’t know how to describe it to check their details and polling in announcing the by-election dates
Its chairman, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz This will be the sixth by-elec- ... sometimes they are like possessed, stations. was to accommodate the decision
Mohd Yusof, said the winner of the tion to be held in just a little more not conscious, in a trance.” He said the electoral roll will be and outcome of the Umno Supreme
by-election can even lose his seat than a year after the March 2008 Council meeting held on Friday.
or a campaign worker can lose his general election. The seat fell va- “There was no postponement to
voting rights for five years if found to cant following the resignation of its accommodate the outcome of this
have violated the rules. assemblyman Mohammad Fairus Umno meeting. We just needed time
He said police are empowered Khairuddin, who had also quit as to make sure the arrangements with
to arrest campaigners who do not Penang deputy chief minister I, on the returning officer and his assist-
adhere to the law. April 16. ants were settled and then we met
“We are giving ample campaign- He was last week cleared of with the political parties and had to
ing time from May 23 (nomination corruption allegations pertaining to work on securing the needed venues
date) to 30 but from midnight on the quarry operations in that state. and facilities,” he said.
day before polling, stop it!” he said. Abdul Aziz’s deputy Datuk Wan He said the Election Act states that
In the past few by-elections, Ahmad Wan Omar said: “If this law a writ on the vacancy of a seat has
campaign workers had continued to is breached, the candidate is respon- to be produced no earlier than four
campaign on polling day near vot- sible, and EC through the returning days and no later than 10 days from
ing centres, sometimes vociferously, officer can charge the candidate for the official date of the vacancy, thus
from the pondok panas. going against the law. the timing of the announcement fell
Abdul Aziz said the control on “This is serious because it can within the law.
campaigning will allow the people nullify a victory for the candidate Seberang Perai Tengah district of-
to vote in a calm and peaceful at- involved, while a campaigners can ficer Roslan Yahaya has been named
mosphere and not worry about tense lose voting rights for five years.” as the returning officer.
situations. Abdul Aziz earlier admitted that The Dewan Besar Institut Kema-
He said election workers can still the commission had been lax in Election workers will
hiran Belia Negara in Bukit Mertajam
speak to passengers being ferried in enforcing this in the past though this no longer be allowed
has been named as the nomination
their cars to polling centres. is a regulation in the Election Act. to campaign from
and vote tallying centre.
“We cannot control this, as well He said the number of election ‘pondok panas’.
The EC estimates that it will spend
as messages being sent through SMS workers at voting centres is getting RM500,000 on this by-election.

Umno to decide whether to contest Penanti Mansor likely to be PKR candidate

PUTRAJAYA: The Umno political supported by some component party Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
bureau will meet soon to decide leaders. said Najib would decide whether GEORGE TOWN: Speculation Instead, the state assembly
whether a party representative will The Election Commission an- the BN would contest or skip the by- has intensified that Penang PKR meeting adjourned yesterday after
contest the Penanti state by-election nounced yesterday that nomination election after a meeting of the Umno veteran Dr Mansor Othman approving Abdul Aziz and Penang
in Penang, party president Datuk Seri for the Penanti by-election would be political bureau. will be nominated as the party’s PKR secretary Mustafa Kamal
Najib Abdul Razak said yesterday. on May 23 and polling on May 31. “We will take into account the candidate in the Penanti state by- Mohd Yusoff as the nominees for
“Wait. We will meet soon,” said Najib spoke to reporters at the views of all quarters,” he said after election. the senators’ posts.
Najib, who is also chairman of this news conference to announce further closing the Malaysia Unit Trust Mansor, a former PKR Penang PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri
bureau. liberalisation of the financial sector. Week 2009 at Plaza Angsana. chief and a member of the party Anwar Ibrahim is scheduled to
Najib, who is also chairman of the Asked about the EC’s decision Muhyiddin was asked about since 1999, was missing when the hold a press conference tomorrow
Barisan Nasional, had said earlier to disallow party kiosks close to the views of certain people, includ- Penang state assembly announced night at Yayasan Aman in Pen-
that he would also discuss the matter polling centres, Najib said it was a ing former prime minister Tun Dr its two nominees as senators anti, and it is widely speculated
with BN component party leaders. good move as it would provide for Mahathir Mohamad, that the BN yesterday. that Mansor will be revealed as
The prime minister had said that a peaceful atmosphere and prevent should contest the by-election. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng the party’s candidate for the by-
the Barisan Nasional might consider scuffles. In the last general election, in had announced Mansor and DAP election.
skipping the by-election because “A large number of supporters March last year, Mohammad Fairus vice-chairman Tunku Abdul Aziz Anwar earlier said if the PKR
“forced” by-elections would be a at these kiosks can lead to scuffles Khairuddin of PKR won the Penanti Ibrahim as the state’s choice for candidate wins the Penanti seat,
waste of public funds and the coali- which can prevent voters from going seat with a majority of 2,219 votes the vacant senators’ seats last he will be appointed Penang
tion did not want to play to the tune to the polling centres,” he said. by beating Datuk Abdul Jalil Abdul month. deputy chief minister I.
of the Opposition. This stand was In Johor Baru, Deputy Prime Majid of the BN. – Bernama

“This is in line with the team spirit irrespective of their racial identity

briefs practised by the BN,” he said.

He said this in commenting on the
decision by the Liberal Democratic
by coordinating the activities with
other Barisan Nasional component
Party’s Supreme Council on Sunday Its liaison committee deputy
which called for Tan to step down as chairman Datuk Ahmad Bashah Md
KPI proposed for Umno he is now partyless.
Tan was Sabah Progressive
Hanipah said yesterday although
Umno had never discriminated
information machinery Party deputy president but declared against any race, there was a need
KUALA LUMPUR: New Umno informa- himself a BN-friendly independent for BN to coordinate the efforts to
tion chief Ahmad Maslan has proposed assemblyman when SAPP pulled out ensure that no groups were left out.
that key performance indicators (KPI) be of the BN last September. “We need to extend the assist-
used to evaluate the party’s information ance in a more systematic manner
machinery at all levels.
“I propose that information chiefs
‘1Malaysia’ song to be to prevent overlapping of aid,” he
told reporters after presenting a
have KPI in terms of the number of symbol of unity. wheelchair and other assistance to
information programmes done by Um- KUALA KLAWANG: The Information, paralysed patient Chee Kok Siang.
no’s branches, divisions, states and the Communication and Culture Ministry Kok Siang, 30, became paralysed
centre,” he told reporters after his first would launch a contest to identify the after suffering from a high fever when
day in office at the party’s headquarters best composer for the 1Malaysia song. he was one-year-old. – Bernama
at Menara Dato’ Onn here. Its minister, Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim,
Ahmad, 43, who is also deputy said just like other patriotic songs that PKR expels 16 errant
minister in the Prime Minister’s Depart- inculcate patriotism in their composi-
ment, was appointed as information tion, especially songs like Budi Bahasa members
chief by party president Datuk Seri Budaya Kita and those to promote read- KUALA LUMPUR: Parti Keadilan Rakyat
Najib Abdul Razak last Friday. ing, the ministry also wants the IMalaysia (PKR) has expelled 16 of its members
song lyrics to have all the values that who had worked against the party dur-
Musa to hear views on can attract listeners.
Rais said the song composition would
ing the by-elections in Bukit Selambau
in Kedah and Batang Ai in Sarawak
partyless DCM have the representation of all races. recently, PKR deputy president Dr Syed
SANDAKAN: Sabah Chief Minister The song, to be in composed in Husin Ali said yesterday.
Datuk Seri Musa Aman said yester- Bahasa Malaysia, would be widely aired He said the decision to expel them
day he would get the feedback of on all TV and radio stations. was made at a meeting of the party lead-
the leaders of the component par- ership on Sunday, Bernama reports.
ties in the state Barisan Nasional
first before making a decision on the
‘Umno aid transcends Their offences included standing as
candidates or supporting opposition
position of Deputy Chief Minister racial identity’ candidates, criticising the party in the
Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah in the ALOR STAR: Kedah Umno will contin- media or declaring themselves as hav-
state cabinet. ue to extend aid to deserving people ing left the party, he said in a statement.

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