Thesun 2009-04-28 Page11 Troops Kill 20 Taliban Militants in Pakistan

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theSun | TUESDAY APRIL 28 2009  11

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Japan’s opposition wins key local election

TOKYO: Japan’s main opposition when a general election is drawing central industrial city of Nagoya. two election defeats in local polls recovering, fuelling speculation of
party won a key weekend local poll near,” Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) Kawamura, 60, won 514,514 votes since leader Ichiro Ozawa was hit by early elections.
in a landslide, official figures showed secretary-general Yukio Hatoyama against 282,990 votes for runner-up a funding scandal last month. Despite that, pundits have said the
yesterday, handing it a significant and said in a statement late on Sunday. Masahiko Hosokawa, backed by the Ozawa, who had been widely general election, which must be held
much-needed boost ahead of national “We will be fully prepared for the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and tipped as a likely future premier, has by September, will be the toughest yet
elections later this year. general election to topple the govern- its junior coalition partner, the New seen his popularity slide since, and for the ruling conservative party in its
“It is very significant that we scored ment,” he said after Takashi Kawa- Komeito party. recent opinion polls have showed almost unbroken rule of Japan lasting
a landslide victory in a major city mura won the mayoral election in the The opposition DPJ has suffered public support for Taro Aso’s cabinet more than half a century. – AFP

Moscow cop kills 3

Troops kill 20 Taliban

in shooting spree
briefs MOSCOW: A Russian police
major yesterday went on a
killing spree at a Moscow shop
S’porean jailed for leaving three people dead and
at least six injured, Russian
hoax terror threats

militants in Pakistan
news agencies reported.
SINGAPORE: A Singaporean Major Denis Yevsyukov,
suffering from depression was head of police of Tsaritsyno
jailed for five years yesterday district, first shot dead the
for sending hoax e-mail mes- driver of a car he was travel-
sages warning of terror plots to ling in and then entered a shop
airlines, the Pentagon and the where he unleashed a barrage
White House, a report said. of gun fire on those inside.
Josemaria Miguel Ye Yong Yevsyukov “fatally shot the PESHAWAR: Pakistan forces demanding the army halt its lat- lamic justice system in the region.
Qiang, 40, pleaded guilty to five driver of the Chevrolet Lanos yesterday pounded suspected est operation against militants in Interior ministry chief Rehman
charges under an anti-terrorism he was being driven in,” a militant hideouts after the Taliban which around 30 insurgents have Malik accused the militants of
law, the Straits Times said. spokesman for the Russian suspended talks with the govern- been killed, Ameer Izzat Khan, a violating the deal.
Ye sent the e-mails, which prosecutor’s investigative ment over the Swat valley, the spokesman for a cleric who ne- The Pakistan military, under
warned of bomb and rocket at- committee, Vladimir Markin, military said. Paramilitary troops gotiated a peace deal between the US pressure to stop the advance
tacks, between Sept 6 and 27. told RIA Novosti. Residents and helicopter gunships bombed two sides, said. of the extremists in the region,
Some went to US embassies. “The police head then en- attend a the suspected bases in Lower Dir The talks were aimed at restor- launched its offensive against
The man was found to be tered the Ostrov supermarket meeting for the second day running, killing ing peace in the Malakand region, Taliban militants in the northwest
suffering from a major depres- ... and continued firing. As a in Buner, at least 20 militants, a military of- which includes the district of Swat, of the country on Sunday.
sive disorder at the time of the result a female cashier and adjacent to ficial said. after Taliban fighters infiltrated “Our council of leaders met
offences, the newspaper added. a man were killed. Another Swat valley, “Helicopter gunships targeted nearby Buner town despite the on Sunday night and decided to
He masqueraded as an six people received gunshot where Taliban different militant hideouts” the peace deal signed with the provin- suspend peace negotiations with
informant within the Al Qaeda wounds of varying degrees. militants are official said on condition of ano- cial government in February. the government in North West
militant network when he sent The shooter was detained.” seeking to nymity. The government had insisted Frontier Province,” Khan said.
the e-mails, the report said. Investigation is under way, expand their The Taliban had earlier sus- the militants lay down their arms “We, however, still adhere to
In one instance, he used an with initial reports suggesting control. pended talks with the government after it agreed to implement Is- the February deal,” that put three
internet cafe in Johor Baru to he is of unsound mind. – AFP million people under syariah law,
send an e-mail to the Pentagon he said.
about crashing a plane within Sex criminal flees Despite the deal Taliban mili-
the next few days, prompting a tants yesterday took control of a
security alert. jail in helicopter telephone exchange in Behrain
Ye was arrested following SAINT DENIS (Reunion): A cult town, 30km north of Swat valley,
information provided by the FBI, leader jailed for sex attacks on police officials said.
the report said. – AFP children escaped in a helicopter “About 30 armed Taliban took
from a prison on the French Indian control of a telephone exchange
Psychiatric cases Ocean island of Reunion yesterday, in Behrain yesterday morning,” a
the regional administration said. police official said on condition of
rise in Hongkong Juliano Verbard, who was serv- anonymity.
HONGKONG: The number of ing a 15-year term for rapes and Another police official con-
people seeking psychiatric sex assaults on children, and two firmed the incident, saying the
help in Hongkong has risen by of his jailed followers were hauled militants were still in control of
around one quarter since the on board a chopper hijacked by the exchange.
onset of the economic crisis, three accomplices, senior official The military said on Sunday
a leading public doctor said Jean-Francois Moniotte said. that Frontier Corps paramilitary
yesterday. The helicopter landed a few launched an operation against
Patient numbers have risen hundred metres away and the the Taliban in Lower Dir after
by between 20 and 30% since gang escaped in a van that had militants killed a soldier in an
last October, mental health been waiting for them, he said. ambush.
specialist Dr Lee Wing-king Earlier, the hijackers had It said a “number” of militants
told government-run radio boarded the chopper pretend- had been killed and that the dead
station RTHK. ing to be tourists, before seizing bodies of at least 26 insurgents had
Separately, a survey by the control and directing the pilots been found. Lower Dir is 75km
Democratic Alliance political to Domenjod prison, where it west of Swat, once a popular ski
party found that 80% of people landed in the exercise yard and resort frequented by Westerners
in the wealthy city of 7 million took on the escapees. – AFP but where the government has ef-
had suffered from insomnia fectively lost control after a violent
or mood disorders because of Pope mocker goes two-year Taliban campaign to
the downturn. enforce syariah law. – AFP
Share prices have slumped free in Australia
by 50% since the beginning SYDNEY: Australian police
of 2008 and the city’s jobless have given up trying to
rate has risen to 5.2%. – dpa prosecute civil libertarian
Ian Bryce for driving around
Sydney in a fake pope-mobile
Correa claims re-election victory in Ecuador
Opposition icon’s during the real pope’s visit in GUAYAQUIL (Ecuador): President Rafael since Ecuador’s democracy began in 1979. ans and should continue with adequate
son to lead party July for World Youth Day. Correa claimed an easy re-election victory Flag-waving supporters packed Correa’s social spending. If not, his administration
SINGAPORE: A fledgling opposi- Charges were dropped on Sunday as voters ignored a sputtering party headquarters shouting “Just one will not last long,” said veterinarian Karen
tion party in Singapore yesterday yesterday after the police case economy to give the charismatic socialist round, Ecuador.” Cabrera, 32.
announced the appointment of collapsed for a fourth time. four more years in power. Correa, a popu- Correa has vowed to keep standing up A close ally of Venezuela’s socialist
British-trained economist Ken- “It was against the pope’s lar former economy minister, won more to foreign investors and big oil companies President Hugo Chavez, Correa was also
neth Jeyaretnam, son of late claims to have supernatural than 50% of the vote, two leading pollsters in a second, four-year term after bringing hoping to win a majority in the newly
pro-democracy icon J.B. Jeyaret- authority and all the harm he’s said. The result put him way ahead of his relative stability where street protests top- formed National Assembly after a lively
nam, as its new leader. doing in the world in banning nearest rival and means he comfortably pled three presidents in the decade before campaign in which the boisterous incum-
The Reform Party said Jeyaret- condoms and trying to avoid avoided a run-off election. he took office in 2007. bent frequently burst into song.
nam was appointed secretary- family planning,” Bryce said. “This revolution is on the march, and But the fierce nationalist must now He is trusted by Ecuador’s poor for
general at a meeting of its central “And now he’s said gays are nobody and nothing can stop us,” the 46- tackle a weakening economy and sliding squeezing hundreds of millions of dollars
executive committee on Sunday. an equal threat to mankind as year-old president said minutes after exit oil revenues to deliver on his promises of from foreign companies and spending it on
The younger Jeyaretnam, 50, climate change, and I can’t for polls showed he won easily. more housing, roads and jobs or he risks pensions, schools and health programmes
had worked in the financial sector the life of me see what harm “The people ... have given us the most eroding his popularity in the world’s top in the country of 14 million people known
in London after earning a double they’re doing anyone.” splendorous victory of probably the last 50 banana exporter. for its Galapagos Islands, Andean moun-
first-class honours degree from Police alleged the modified years,” Correa said at a news conference A new constitution passed in Septem- tains and remote Amazon tribes.
the University of Cambridge. He car was a distraction for other in his home town of Guayaquil. ber gave Correa broader powers, allowed Correa is a bold leader who has made
returned to Singapore last year, motorists. Bryce had fitted an A Correa victory in line with the polls him to stand for re-election and also lets risky moves such as defaulting on billions
before his father died. The party illuminated canopy to the roof would be the first time a president has him run for another four-year term in 2013. of dollars of debt and also reining in his
was founded by his father after with a mannequin dressed as won an election without a run-off vote “Correa is being watched by all Ecuadore- own left-wing party’s radicals. – Reuters
the 2006 general elections. –AFP the pope inside. – dpa

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