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4 theSun | WEDNESDAY APRIL 29 2009

news without borders

Six from Pakistan family

among nine drown off Johor
JOHOR BARU: Six members of a were in the boat have yet to be the cause of the accident while the
family from Pakistan holidaying in identified. rescued boy was in a weak state.
Malaysia were among nine people Malaysian Maritime Enforcement He also said all the bodies had
who drowned early yesterday when Agency (MMEA) Southern Region been brought to the Sultan Ismail
a boat carrying 10 people capsized enforcement chief First Admiral Hospital.
off Johor in the South China Sea. (Maritime) Che Hassan Jusoh said The high commission said the
The only survivor of the tragedy, MMEA was notified about 9am of Pakistan family was from Quetta in

which occurred in waters off Teluk the incident in waters 3.2 nautical Pakistan, and had flown into Kuala
Ramunia near here, was a 14-year- miles south of Teluk Ramunia. Lumpur on April 18 on a social visit Mizan
old boy from the family, whom the “Acting on the information, the to Malaysia. meeting
Pakistan High Commission in Kuala MMEA sent two speedboats to the It said the family was travelling Uruguayan
Lumpur identified as Aqeel Qirkeel. area, also to assist two speedboats from the south of Johor to Teluk President
The high commission, in a of the Marine Operations Force,” he Ramunia on an excursion trip in a Vazquez.
statement, identified the dead said in a statement. small boat when the boat capsized
members of the family as Hameed, The bodies of the nine victims three miles south of Teluk Ramunia King ends state visit to Uruguay
Qasim Ali, Jumah Khan, Zainab, were recovered between 4.40am towards the South China Sea.
Zulqarnain (a boy) and Sidiqqa (a and 3pm. It also said efforts were being MONTEVIDEO (Uruguay): The Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan
baby girl). Che Hassan said MMEA had yet made to send the bodies to Quetta Zainal Abidin and Raja Permaisuri Agong Tuanku Nur Zahirah departed
The three other persons who to identify the dead and ascertain after the post mortem. – Bernama yesterday from the Air Base 1 Carrasco International Airport, ending
Their Majesties’ five-day state visit here.
Present at the airport to bid farewell to Their Majesties were the
Uruguayan Ambassador to Malaysia Pablo Sader, and Uruguayan Sub-
director of Protocol and Ceremonies Alfredo Bogliaccini.
The special aircraft carrying the royal couple took off at 11.40pm lo-
cal time (11.40am in Malaysia) and headed for Madinah, Saudi Arabia.
The royal couple have been here since last week to reciprocate the
state visit to Malaysia by Uruguayan President Dr Tabare Vazquez Rosas
in November 2007.
It was also aimed at providing impetus for improving bilateral rela-
tions, and symbolises the warm and close ties of friendship between
the two countries.
Earlier, Tuanku Mizan and Tuanku Nur Zahirah attended a state
banquet hosted by Vazquez in his official residence in honour of the
visit. – Bernama

Increase in tourist arrivals

by Hemananthani Sivanandam (93.8%), Syria (76.6%), Qatar (71.9%) and Pakistan (66.6%).
China recorded only a 0.7%
PUTRAJAYA: There has been a 2.2% increase.
increase in tourist arrivals here There were also marginal
from January to March compared increases in tourist arrivals from
with the corresponding period last North America and Canada (9.9%).
year, said Deputy Tourism Minister “The number of tourists from the
Datuk Sulaiman Taib. United States, however, dipped by
Speaking to reporters after 1.5%,” said Sulaiman.
officiating the 6th Malaysia Inter- Asked if the current swine
national Conference on Languages, flu would divert more tourists to
Literatures and Cultures, Sulaiman Malaysia as an alternative travel
said the bulk of the tourists were destination, Sulaiman said the
from the Middle East and Asia. pandemic might reduce the number
“There is a large increase in ar- of North American travellers.
rivals from these areas where we “They (North Americans) will be
have been promoting heavily.” highly scrutinised when they travel
He said there was a whop- overseas, just like how Asians were
ping 325.3% increase in tourists scrutinised during the SARS pan-
from Iran, Bangladesh (113.7%), demic. However, it might divert
Uzbekistan (113.1%), United Arab tourists from Europe to come to
Emirates (95.2%), Saudi Arabia Asia,” he added.

Report on KLH docs Hamimah to be

sent to ministry retried
KUALA LUMPUR: A report on KUALA LUMPUR: After five
two doctors in Kuala Lumpur Hos- years and 45 witnesses gave
pital’s (HKL) emergency depart- evidence, Dr Hamimah Idruss,
ment who allegedly shirked their who is charged with receiving
responsibilities while on duty was RM41.33 million from illegal ac-
sent to the Health Ministry yes- tivities, will have to be retried.
terday, said HKL assistant director Sessions court judge S.M.
(medical) Dr P. Kuldip Kaur. Komathy Suppiah ordered the
“We are now awaiting the trial to start again on May 27
because the previous judge,
decision and follow-up direc-
Akhtar Tahir, has been posted
tions from the ministry,” she told
to the High Court.
reporters after a programme “The
Hamimah’s case received
Inspector-General of Police’s Visit wide media coverage in early
To The Hospital” in conjunction 2004 for being the first to be
with the 202th Police Day. charged under the Anti-Money
Kuldip Kaur was commenting Laundering Act 2001.
on a report on Monday about She was alleged to have
two doctors in the emergency committed the offence in April
department who were “caught” 2003 and if convicted, she is li-
by Deputy Federal Territory Minis- able to a fine of not more than
ter Datuk M. Saravanan reading a RM5 million or imprisonment
newspaper and attending to per- not exceeding five years.
sonal matters instead of attending She is also charged with
to some 20 waiting patients. 10 counts of abetment in
She declined to comment document forgery involving
when asked if the two doctors US$12 million (RM45.6 million).
were still on duty. – Bernama – Bernama

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