Thesun 2009-04-29 Page08 Civilian Areas Under Fire in Sri Lanka

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8 theSun | WEDNESDAY APRIL 29 2009

news without borders

Low-flying White House plane scares New Yorkers

NEW YORK: One of President Barack jet flanked by an F-16 flying near the The US Air Force said the “aerial responsibility for the decision. Employees at the New York Mercan-
Obama’s official planes flanked by World Trade Centre site. photo mission” involved an F-16 fighter “While federal authorities took the tile Exchange, Goldman Sachs, Merrill
an Air Force fighter jet flew low over “The good news is it was nothing jet escort and one of the Boeing 747s proper steps to notify state and local Lynch and other institutions evacuated
the Statue of Liberty on Monday for more than an inconsiderate, badly designated as Air Force One when authorities in New York and New Jer- their buildings, and hundreds of others
a photo opportunity that reminded conceived and insensitive photo op the president is aboard, which he was sey, it’s clear that the mission created called the 911 emergency response
startled New Yorkers of the Sept 11 with the taxpayers’ money,” Bloomb- not. Police and the Federal Aviation confusion and disruption. I apologise line, City Councilman Daniel Garodnick
attacks. erg told reporters. Administration said three aircraft were and take responsibility for any distress wrote in a letter of complaint to the
The White House Military Office “They should know how sensitive approved for the mission. that flight caused,” Caldera said. FAA. – Reuters
apologised for the mission, which people would be if they had low-flying Police said federal authorities told
infuriated New York City officials and planes down around the World Trade them not to disclose the information
prompted hundreds of financial profes- Centre site,” said Bloomberg, adding and to direct any inquiries to the FAA.
sionals to flee their office buildings. that he was “furious.” Bloomberg blamed a breakdown in
New York City Mayor Michael New Yorkers remain sensitive to City Hall communications, saying he
Bloomberg criticised the federal gov- any incident evocative of the 2001 at- would have protested had he known
ernment and his own administration tacks, which involved hijacked airliners in advance. Louis Caldera, director of
for failing to warn the public, which that destroyed the Twin Towers of the the White House Military Office, said
was shocked by the image of a jumbo World Trade Centre. he approved the mission and took

‘Civilian areas
COLOMBO: A pro-Tamil Tiger website Tues-
day accused Sri Lankan government forces of
continuing to pound civilians trapped in rebel-
held territory despite a pledge to stop using
heavy weapons. The military immediately de-
nied the allegation, but confirmed it was trying killed and another 14,000 wounded in the
o capture more territory and free the civilians government’s offensive this year.

under fire in Sri Lanka’

it says are being held as human shields by the The United Nations estimates that some
outnumbered and encircled rebels. 50,000 non-combatants are still trapped in the
“There was heavy mortar fire from many conflict area, while the government maintains
directions,” Tamilnet reported, adding that 139 that the number is fewer than 20,000.
people were wounded in attacks on Monday The Sri Lankan government says its forces
evening – hours after President Mahinda have cornered the Tamil Tigers in a small
Rajapakse’s office pledged that air strikes and patch of coastal territory in the district of Mul-
attacks using heavy-calibre weapons would laittivu, but has come under pressure over its
stop. territory and rescue civilians will continue.” ian official John Holmes welcomed Colombo’s conduct of the war. Holmes left Colombo late
Sri Lankan military spokesman Brigadier The defence ministry said troops were ad- promise to scale down its assault but said he Monday having failed to secure an agreement
Udaya Nanayakkara said fighting was continu- vancing, after another layer of rebel defences was disturbed by reports of continued shell- from the Sri Lankan government to open up
ing – despite international calls for a ceasefire to – leaving the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam ing. “I hope the government declaration will the conflict area for humanitarian aid and
spare civilian lives – but denied the army was (LTTE) with just six sq km of land. “The earth be genuinely respected this time,” Holmes relief workers. He also said the UN was press-
firing indiscriminately. bunds (embankments) were heavily mined, said. “It has not happened in the past.” ing the government to ensure that the civilians
“We did not shell the area. We have not used made to restrict both flow of the remaining hos- A United Nations document circulated are held in camps in line with international
heavy weapons against civilian areas even be- tages and military advances,” the ministry said. among diplomats in Colombo last week said standards and allowed freedom of movement
fore,” he said. “But ground operations to capture On Monday, the United Nations’ top humanitar- as many as 6,500 civilians may have been which is currently denied to them. – AFP

Holmes (right) chats to Internally

Displaced Persons (IDPs) given
shelter at a government centre
at Menik Farm in Vavuniya, north

of Colombo on Monday.

However, no major damage was reported,

according to Mexico City Civil Protection au-
briefs thorities. The epicentre of the quake was near
the Pacific coast in the Mexican state of Guer-
rero, about 300km fro Mexico City. – dpa

Man kills mom over Sheriff jailed for

TV remote control witness tampering
TAIPEI: A Taiwan man accidentally killed his LOS ANGELES: A senior California law enforce-
mother when they were fighting for the television ment officer convicted for witness tampering was
remote control, a newspaper said yesterday. The jailed for five-and-a-half years, justice officials said
incident occurred on Saturday in Nantou City, on Monday.
central Taiwan the Apple Daily said. Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona was
Su Peng-sheng, 43, was watching television at cleared of corruption charges in January after
home with his mother, Hsiao Ching-chou, 64. While prosecutors alleged he received hundreds of
he wanted to watch a documentary, his mother thousands of dollars in cash and gifts in exchange
insisted on watching the news. In the ensuing quar- for favours including job appointments.
rel Su’s mother grabbed a wooden stick to hit him. However he was found guilty of one count of
Su pushed his mother, causing her head first to hit felony witness tampering. – AFP
the wall and then the corner of a table. The son
rushed his bleeding mother to hospital, where she
died. Su was charged with homicide. – dpa Spanish navy arrests pirates
MADRID: The Spanish frigate Numancia in-
Earthquake of 5.7 strength tercepted and arrested nine alleged pirates
suspected of attacking the Italian cruise ship
shakes Mexico MS Melody, media reports said.
MEXICO CITY: An earthquake rated at 5.7 A French and an Indian warship, as well as
strength shook the capital Mexico City on a helicopter and two surveillance planes also
Monday, sending thousands of people running participated in the operation, which took place
out of office buildings and restaurants. on Sunday north of the Seychelles. – dpa

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