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Dan Sparleanu | +31 627 963692 Address: 25 Kornetstraat, Almere, The Netherlands Birth date: 1 June 1981 Marital status: married, 1 child

PERSONAL STATEMENT Being an experienced software engineer, with more than 5 years developing electronic / high frequency trading platforms, my knowledge and development skills could help your company achieve its goals. The ability to transfer knowledge and adaptability will prove a real asset in your projects. EMPLOYMENT Software engineer | International Marketmakers Combination | January 2010 Present | Amsterdam, The Netherlands IMC is a proprietary (high frequency) trading company and one of the leading options market makers worldwide. Member of the core trading team (8 developers) working on the execution layer of the global trading software platform within IMC | Java core

Project manager | Tora Trading Services | September 2009 December 2009 | Cluj-Napoca, Romania Tora Trading Services offers a leading trading platform, being the premier multi-broker electronic trading platform for Asia.
Responsible for TORA Alpha project (custom algorithm/strategies offering for buy-side) | Java core, QuickFIX/J, Gigaspaces, Excel VBA (used for prototyping)

Software engineer | Tora Trading Services | May 2005 September 2009 | Cluj-Napoca, Romania I was responsible for different areas of development within company's projects:
implemented TORA trading API platform extension (both Java server and COM client API) | Java core, C++, BOOST, ATL/COM implemented TORA trading platform extension to Excel(both Java server and COM client/Excel APIs) | Java core, C++, BOOST, ATL/COM implemented and extended Excel add-in for delivering real-time market data from various sources | C++, COM/ATL, Bloomberg C and COM API developed market data server for feeding Sungard Front Arena system | C++, C build install package build system for TORA GUI platform deployment | WIX, VBScript developed various integration projects to accommodate clients' systems with TORA | Excel VBA 2nd line client support and troubleshooting for TORA API, TORA Excel interface and Excel VBA projects

Key Achievements:

2 major prospects became customers through TORA COM API offering Client installer packages build time was reduced from 10-12 hours to half an hour

Team Leader and Software engineer | CoSoSys | May 2004 April 2005 | Cluj-Napoca, Romania CoSoSys is a dynamic privately-owned German company providing consumer applications for USB storage devices. I have led the team of developers through all project phases in order to deliver first releases of CoSoSys' software suite ( USB consumer application suite consisting of LockItEasy, CarryItEasy, SurfItEasy and TravelItEasy applications ) | C++, WIN32 API. Key Achievements: The application was selected among top 5 consumer applications in 2005 Software developer | iQuestTechnologies | June 2004 December 2004 | Cluj-Napoca, Romania iQuest is an IT solution provider focused mainly on outsourcing projects for different companies in Germany, UK. Worked on two Document management projects using server side Javascript with the Hyperwave server and integration with Wordmap taxonomy server | JavaScript server/client side, HTML. Key Achievements: eRS US project has obtained the US Department of Defence compliance certificate for record management Software developer | SelSoft | August 2003 April 2004 | Cluj-Napoca, Romania Sel-Soft is a software company, former Romanian branch of iXec Gmbh, providing restaurant/hotels management solutions. Involved in development of a large distributed system (2 years project) for hotel/restaurant management | C++, STL, MFC, ADO.

KEY SKILLS Technical Skills C++ | Visual C++, STL, boost, win32 API, Bloomberg API Java 1.4 / 1.5 / 1.6 | Java core, JNI COM/DCOM | ATL VBA/VBScript/Javascript | MS Excel, WMI, WSH WIX Versioning systems, project tracking and management tool | CVS, SVN, JIRA, @Task, SalesForce, dotProject, Bugzilla Operating systems | Linux, Windows 2000 / XP / Vista

Database systems

| MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase

Brainbench certifications C++ and C++ Fundamentals OO Concepts Java 6 Java 5 Java 2 MS Excel Fundamentals COM/DCOM (Visual Basic) C# and .NET framework fundamentals

| ranked among 1% best scorers | ranked among 2% best scorers | ranked among 13% best scorers | ranked among 11% best scorers | ranked among 2% best scorers | ranked among 4% best scorers

Details about topics covered in exams and grades obtained can be found at

Personal Skills Good knowledge and exposure to algorithmic/automatic and high frequency trading Easily adapt to new environments, projects, teams Good understanding and prompt solving clients requests Effective in working in a team as well as alone Easily communicate at all levels of interaction Maintain high standard of work under pressure Responsible and detail oriented Languages English | advanced French | intermediate German | beginner Dutch | beginner EDUCATION Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Romania Tiberiu Popoviciu High school Cluj-Napoca, Romania Intelligent Systems | MSc 2004 2005 courses attended. Final thesis expected in 2013 | Intelligent agents Computer Science | BSc 1999 2003 Final thesis Component based systems using JavaBeans Computer Science 1995 - 1999


parallel and concurrent programming algorithmic trading, trying to develop my own trading system football, playing weekly in a team driving, driving license for different types of vehicles ( B, C, E categories ) table-tennis travel, interested especially in medieval castles

REFERENCES References are available on request.

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