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ICAEW Visit – 25.04.

Aimee HarrisonWild
During the visit an overview of the Highflyers Survey February 2009 was
The survey is conducted with 16, 357 final year students at a range of ‘top’
universities. These universities are selected on the basis that they are generally
the universities preferred by the ‘top’ graduate recruiters. Leicester students are
not included in this survey but Loughborough and Nottingham are. Interview took
place in February 2009 – so the information is very current.
47% female, 53% male
90% of the finalists were aged 22 or younger
12% were over sees students

21% expect to start grad jobs in September 2009
15% expect to be still looking for a graduate job this summer
8% expect to do work other than ‘graduate’ level work after graduation
26% expect to start a post grad course after graduation (highest figure in 5
17% expect to go travelling after graduation
13% haven’t got a clue!
So only 36% expect to join the graduate job market in summer/autumn 2009

(In comparisons to other years:

2008 – 40%; 2007 – 40%; 2006 – 40%; 2005 – 36%; 2005 – 36%; 2004 – 35%;
2003 – 37 %; 2002 – 39%)

Perception of job market:

5% said they thought there were plenty of graduate jobs available

52% felt there were limited jobs available
84% felt competition for jobs would be much tougher this year compared to last

Applications for employment:

Top three types of jobs applied for by Feb 2009
1. 7.6% applied for accountancy (normally top 1. Is investment banking
which is 4th this year)
2. 7.0 % applied for marketing
3. 6.6. % applied for consulting.
(Actual applications in a few months time is predicted, as per other years, no.1.
most applied for job is teaching.)

• Average number of applicants per student: 5.9

• In Feb 2009, 13% of 16,357 students had received and accepted a job
• 46% of the students wanted to work in London
• 5 % of the student wanted to work in the Midlands
• £22,300 is the average expected salary (slight decrease in their
expectations from last year)
• £2,700 average expected figure for a ‘starting bonus’
• 36% said they were ‘really worried’ about having a successful career
• 35% wished they had started looking for a job sooner.
• Average length they expect to be with a first employer: 2.8 years
• Average salary after 5 years work: £38,900

Job Hunting:
In 2008 – 2009 where did finalist look for information on graduate jobs:
Employer Website – 71%
Careers Service website – 67%
University Careers service job’s boards – 62%
Employer brochures – 60%
Campus presentations – 50%
Careers fairs – 50%

Impact of employer promotions: -

What convinced you to apply to the employer?
73% presentations
68% grad websites
57% careers fairs.

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