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Please note: a) Read the guidance notes, job description and person specification before completing the form b) Parts 1 and 2 must be completed in full c) Use black ink or type as your form may be photocopied d) A Curriculum Vitae will not be accepted

Part 1:

Ofsted 2008 Post Applied For: Post Reference Number: Applicant Reference Number: (office use only) RELEVANT TRAINING UNDERTAKEN: Date

CURRENT MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS (including IfL): Level of Membership Membership Number Association


OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: The information you provide in this section will be used in assessing your application. Please refer to the job description and person specification and use this space to state your reasons for applying for the post. Relate your skills, experience and personal qualities to the requirements of the job (if you require more space, please attach a separate sheet).

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Please give a summary of all employment, voluntary and unpaid work, including childcare. PLEASE LIST MOST RECENT FIRST AND ACCOUNT FOR ANY GAPS From To Name of Employer Job title and brief details of Reason for (Month and Year) main responsibilities leaving

Part 2: Strictly confidential

This part of your application will be detached and will NOT be used in the selection process. The information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence and only used for statistical monitoring purposes. Applicant Reference Number: (office use only) Post Applied for: Post Reference Number:

To help us monitor our advertising, please state how you heard of this vacancy or in which publication/website it was advertised: PERSONAL DETAILS Title: Forename(s):
Any other names used including dates:

Surname: Surname: DfES Number: (if applicable)


Date of Birth: National Insurance Number: Address:

Post Code: .

Email: Home :.. Work :...

Mobile :. Are you related to any Governor or Senior Manager or other employee of Stockport College? YES / NO If you have answered YES, please give details: Do you require a work permit to work in the UK? Do you have any current or previous convictions? If you have answered YES, please give details on a separate sheet. YES / NO YES / NO

This post is exempt from the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, and as such you must declare any criminal convictions even if they are regarded as spent under the above act. In addition this post may be subject to criminal background checks. Disability
Stockport College holds the Employment service Two Ticks Disability Symbol. Part of this commitment ensures that any disabled candidate who meets the person specification will be guaranteed an interview. Do you consider yourself to have a disability as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995? (See Guidance Notes) Do you have any access requirements (i.e. tools or equipment) YES / NO YES / NO

that the College could provide for you to do this job? (please provide details)

Fairness in Employment Monitoring Ethnicity: White : Mixed: British Irish Other please specify ____________

White & Black Caribbean White & Asian Pakistani

White & Black African Other please specify ______________________ Bangladeshi Other ___________________

Asian / Asian British: Indian

Black / Black British: Caribbean Chinese or other ethnic group: Gender: Marital Status:
Sexual Orientation: Faith/Religion: DECLARATION


Other please specify __________________

Chinese Other please specify _______________________ Male TransFemale TransMale


Married Civil Partnership Cohabiting Single Separated Divorced/Dissolved Civil Partnership Widowed
Heterosexual Gay Man Lesbian Bisexual Prefer not to say

Christian Muslim Sikh Buddhist

Jewish None

Hindu Other please specify

I understand that providing any misleading or false information or canvassing Managers or Governors of the College will disqualify me from the appointment. If I am employed and information is revealed to be misleading or false then my contract of employment will be terminated. I declare that to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this application is accurate and truthful. I also consent to it being held on file under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998. I understand that any offer of employment will be subject to a satisfactory medical clearance, CRB clearance, receipt of satisfactory references and sight of original evidence showing qualifications obtained.



Your completed application should be returned to: Human Resources and Organisational Development, Stockport College Town Centre Campus, Wellington Road South, Stockport, SK1 3UQ GUIDANCE NOTES FOR COMPLETING YOUR APPLICATION FORM Completing the Form This application form is the standard one for the College and is used for all College posts. Should you require the application form in an alternative format or any assistance in completing the application please contact the Human Resources Department on 0161-958-3504. Please use black ink or type to complete the form using any continuation sheets as necessary. If a section is not relevant to your application, please leave it blank. It is important that the information you provide is correct. If you provide false information or deliberately omit any relevant facts, it may result either in disqualification from the selection process or where discovery is made after the appointment, dismissal or other disciplinary action.

The purpose of the "Other relevant information section is for you to show how your experience, skills and abilities match the requirements for the post advertised. You will have received a comprehensive job description and person specification and you should ensure that your supporting statement reflects the requirements of the job. Provide information to fit the criteria listed in the job description and person specification. Remember that even though your skills and experience may not match the job directly, they may be transferable to the requirements of the job. Include unpaid or voluntary work where appropriate experience is not confined to paid work. Sign and date the declaration. The declaration includes a statement regarding the Data Protection Act 1998. By signing the form you consent to the College processing the data on your application form. Your completed application should be returned to Human Resources and Organisational Development, Stockport College, Town Centre Campus, Wellington Road South, Stockport, SK1 3UQ The College has a Recruitment and Selection Policy which aims to ensure that all applicants for posts are treated fairly in the recruitment and selection process. A complaints procedure exists to enable any candidate who feels that they have been unfairly treated to have their complaint investigated. If you feel that you have been unfairly treated please contact the Assistant Principal (Human Resources and Organisational Development) with full details of your concerns which will then be investigated. Disability Discrimination Act (1995) Disabled candidates who meet the essential criteria in the person specification will automatically be offered an interview. The Disabled Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a persons ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Criminal Convictions Some posts at the College are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and you are required to declare any criminal convictions, cautions and bind-overs, including those regarded as spent under the Act. This particularly relates to posts where there is substantial access to young children or students with special needs. Disclosing a criminal conviction will not automatically disqualify you from being considered for the post. The College will determine whether your conviction needs to be considered depending on the type of post for which you have applied. Failure to disclose a criminal conviction would be a disciplinary matter which may lead to dismissal if you would not have been offered the post had the conviction been known. If you have a conviction, further details should be attached in a sealed envelope. Please complete the section honestly. The successful applicant for any post exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 will be required to give consent for the College to check your criminal record status through independent verification (List 99 and CRB Checks). Information will be kept in the strictest confidence. Your offer of employment will be subject to the College being satisfied with the outcome of these checks.

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