User Guide

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User Guide

For Version 4.0

Easy-to-use, Complete Cyber Cafe Management Software by

iCafe Manager User Guide

Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 About the Manual 1.2 Intended Audience 1.3 Conventions Used 1.4 Revision History 1.5 Introduction to iCafe Manager 1.5.1 iCafe Manager Server 1.5.2 iCafe Manager Client

7 7 8 8 8 8 13

Chapter 2: Installation 2.1 System Requirements 2.1.1 Additional Important Requirements 2.2 Setup 2.2.1 To Install the iCafe Manager Server 2.2.2 To Install the iCafe Manager Client

15 15 17 21 22 33

Chapter 3: Deep Freeze 3.1 To Install the iCafe Manager Client with Deep Freeze

41 41

Chapter 4: Configuration 4.1 To Configure the Server 4.1.1 To Configure the Network 4.2 To Configure the iCafe Manager Client

49 49 49 52

Chapter 5: Home Screen 5.1 Terminals Pane 5.2 Updates Pane

55 58 64

iCafe Manager User Guide

5.2.1 Closed Sessions 5.2.2 Event Log 5.2.3 Terminal Information 5.3 Quick Access Menu 5.3.1 Common Tasks 5.3.2 System Tools 5.3.3 Common Reports 5.4 Quick Help

64 65 66 69 70 70 71 71

Chapter 6: Rate Plans and Customers 6.1 Rate Plans 6.1.1 To Create a Rate Plan 6.1.2 To Edit/Remove a Rate Plan 6.2 Membership Package 6.2.1 To Create a Membership Package 6.2.2 To Edit/Delete a Membership Package 6.2.3 Pulse Based Membership 6.3 Customers 6.3.1 To Add Different Types of Customers 6.3.2 To Find a Customer 6.3.3 To View, Edit, or Delete a Customer Record 6.3.4 To Block and Unblock a Customer 6.3.5 To Assign a Terminal to a Customer 6.3.6 To View Membership Details and Renew Membership

73 73 73 74 77 77 78 81 81 81 100 103 110 115 116

Chapter 7: Products and Services 7.1 To View Products and Services 7.2 To Add a New Product or Service 7.2.1 To Add a New Service

119 119 120 120

iCafe Manager User Guide

7.2.2 To Add a New Product 7.2.3 To Edit a Product or Service 7.2.4 To Delete a Product or Service 7.3 To Add a Purchase 7.4 To Sell an Item to a Customer 7.4.1 Selling to a Customer Using the Cafes Internet Facility 7.4.2 Selling to a Customer Not Using the Cafes Internet Facility 7.5 To Remove an Item from an Invoice

122 124 127 129 132 132 138 140

Chapter 8: Managerial Tasks 8.1 Admin Login on a Client Terminal 8.2 To Switch an Employee 8.3 To Set Session Time 8.4 To Renew a Session 8.5 To Transfer a Session 8.6 To Close a Session 8.7 To Renew a Membership 8.8 To Change the Application Settings 8.9 To Lock and Unlock Server 8.10 To Shutdown All Terminals 8.11 To Restart All Terminals 8.12 To Re-connect All Terminals 8.13 Managerial Reports

143 144 148 150 152 154 156 157 162 182 185 186 187 188

Chapter 9: Website Blocking and Tracking 9.1 To Enable Website Blocking 9.2 To Enable Website Tracking 9.3 To View the Browsing History

191 192 193 195

iCafe Manager User Guide

Chapter 10: Print Manager 10.1 To Configure the Print Manager 10.2 Manage Print Jobs Chapter 11: Reports 11.1 General Reports 11.1.1 Daily Register Report 11.2 Financial Reports 11.2.1 Collection Report 11.2.2 Summary Collection Report 11.2.3 Monthly Collection Report 11.2.4 Purchase Report 11.2.5 Invoice List Report 11.2.6 Invoice Detail Report 11.2.7 Adjustment Report 11.2.8 Credit Report 11.3 User Reports 11.3.1 User List Report 11.3.2 User History Report 11.3.3 User Details Report 11.3.4 Member History Report 11.3.5 Member List Report 11.4 Cafe Management Reports 11.4.1 Terminal Usage Report 11.4.2 Server Up Time Report 11.4.3 Close Cafe Client Report 11.5 Product And Service Reports 11.5.1 Product List Report 11.5.2 Product and Service Consumption Report

199 199 201 203 208 208 209 209 211 212 213 215 216 218 219

220 222 223 225 226


228 229 230 232 232 233

iCafe Manager User Guide

11.6 Printer Reports 11.6.1 Printer Usage Report 11.6.2 Printer Summary Report 11.7 Internet Usage Reports 11.7.1 Website Blocking Report 11.7.2 Daily Bandwidth Consumption Report


234 235

237 238

Chapter 12: Backup and Restore 12.1 Database Backup 12.1.1 Backup 12.1.2 Scheduled Backup 12.2 Database Restore

239 239 239 241 244

Chapter 13: iCafe Speed Enhancer


Chapter 14: Help 14.1 F1 Help 14.2 Quick Help 14.3 Notice Board 14.4 Contact Us 14.5 FAQ 14.6 Quick Start Guide 14.7 Product Manual 14.8 Knowledge Base 14.9 Training Videos 14.10 Product Slideshow 14.11 Useful Downloads

251 251 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262



Introduction | 7

Chapter 1: Introduction

iCafe Manager is an easy-to-use, complete cyber cafe management software. It helps you manage accounts for internet surfing as well as the sale of products and other services while providing single-point, centralized management of the cafes terminals. iCafe Manager ensures that your cafe follows the new rules for cyber cafes defined under the IT Act 2001. It is recommended by state police departments across India. Particularly, its User Registration feature lets you capture customer details for legal requirements, protects your cafe from misuse, and helps in national security and prevention of terrorist threats. Its Customer Management feature helps you create permanent accounts for frequent customers and manage membership packages. The Print Management feature lets you manage multiple printers and charge customers for their usage. iCafe Manager enables you to block unwanted websites, monitor the websites visited by customers, and manage the bandwidth used by them. It has extensive reports to help you track and analyze all aspects of your business. iCafe Manager products are used by the majority of cyber cafes in India more than 17,000 cafes in over 350 cities and towns.

1.1 About the Manual

This manual provides detailed instructions on how to use iCafe Manager to secure the cafe. It explains in detail how to install both the iCafe Manager server and client; add rate plans; add customers; provide products and services to customers, such as pen drives, CDs, printing, and scanning; add employees with specific permissions; as well as take backups and restore the system. The various features, their purpose, usage, and examples are explained in detail to help the customer efficiently use iCafe Manager.

1.2 Intended Audience

This guide is intended for a person with minimal knowledge of computers, who will allow customers to log in, purchase a product or service, maintain reports, generate bills, and log out the customers.

8 | Chapter 1

1.3 Conventions Used


For field, menu, option, and window names. For commands as you should type them. For output as generated by the system. For note and URLs. The Note icon indicates information that is of special interest or importance, for example, an additional action required only in certain circumstances. The Caution icon along with the text indicates actions that can lead to damage if the instructions are not followed properly. Table 1.1: Conventions Used in the User Guide




1.4 Revision History

This is the first version of the iCafe Manager user guide.

1.5 Introduction to iCafe Manager

The iCafe Manager application is made up of two parts the server and the client. While the application is managed from the server, the cyber cafes services such as internet usage and printing are provided at the client terminals.

1.5.1 iCafe Manager Server

Almost all the features and functions of iCafe Manager are available under the different tabs that appear in the Menu Bar on the server screen.

Introduction | 9
Tabs in the servers Menu Bar

Figure 1.1: Tabs in Menu Bar of iCafe Manager Server

Note: The text of a Menu Bar tab becomes green when the tab is active. All these tabs are explained briefly here. They are also discussed in detail in other chapters of this user guide. Home Clicking this tab opens the Home screen, which mainly consists of the Quick Access Menu, the Terminals Pane, the Updates Pane, and the Quick Help. The following tasks are available on this screen: Add or find a customer in the iCafe database. Add a product or service sale to the database. Shutdown, restart, or re-connect all terminals. Generate the Daily Register, Collection, and Terminal Usage reports.

10 | Chapter 1 Users Clicking this tab opens the Users screen where you can manage your cyber cafes customer details and create customer-related reports. The following tasks are available on this screen: Add, view, edit, or delete a customers details in your cafes iCafe database. Find an existing customer in your cafes iCafe database or in the online iCafe database. Import a customer record from the online iCafe database to your cafes iCafe database. Convert a Registered User to a Member and view a Members membership details. Generate the Daily Register, User List, User History, Member List, and Member History reports.

Note: For more information on customer-related tasks, see Section 6.3.

Rate Plan Clicking this tab opens the Rate Plan screen where you can manage your cyber cafes rate plans and membership packages and create related reports. The following tasks are available on this screen: Add, edit, or delete a rate plan in your cyber cafes iCafe database. Add, edit, or delete a membership package in the database. Generate the Member List and Member History reports.

Note: For more information on rate plans see Section 6.1, and for more information on membership packages see Section6.2.

Products & Services Clicking this tab opens the Products & Services screen where you can manage your cyber cafes product and service details and create related reports. The following tasks are available on this screen: Add, edit, or delete the details of a product or service in your cyber cafes iCafe database. Add a product, a service, or a sale in the database. Generate the Product List, Purchase, as well as Product and Service Consumption reports.

Note: For more information on tasks related to products and services, see Chapter 7.

Introduction | 11
Print Manager Clicking this tab opens the Print Manager screen where you can manage printer settings and create printerrelated reports. The following tasks are available on this screen: Change printer settings. Generate the Printer Usage and Printer Summary reports.

Note: For more information on printer-related tasks, see Chapter 10.

Bandwidth Monitor Clicking this tab opens the Bandwidth Monitor screen where you can enable the feature to monitor the bandwidth used by every terminal in your cafe. You can also set a download limit for the terminals as well as an alert to inform the customers when the limit is exceeded.

Note: For more information on the bandwidth monitoring feature, see the topic Bandwidth Monitor tab in Section 8.8.

Track & Block Websites Clicking this tab opens the Track & Block Websites screen where you can block as well as track websites on your cafes client terminals.

Note: For more information on website blocking and tracking, see Chapter 9.

Reports Clicking this tab opens the Reports screen where you can generate and view many different reports that fall in the following categories: General Reports Financial Reports User Reports Cafe Management Reports Product and Service Reports

12 | Chapter 1 Printer Reports Internet Usage Reports

Note: For more information on reports, see Chapter 11.

Lock Server Clicking the Lock Server tab locks the iCafe Manager server and disables all its options. In the locked state, it is not possible to perform any tasks on the server.

Note: For more information on locking the server, see Section 8.9.

Clicking this tab opens the Settings screen where you can manage the following application settings: General Cafe Details Auto Close Session Rate Plan Configuration Employees Printer Settings Receipt Customization Bandwidth Monitor Client Configuration

Note: For more information on application settings, see Section 8.8.

Notice Board Clicking this tab opens the iCafe Manager Notice Board, which is a promotional page that provides information such as iCafe Managers new features and product releases.

Note: For more information about the Notice Board, see Section 14.3.

Introduction | 13
Help Clicking this tab opens the Help screen where you can obtain help related to iCafe Manager using the following options: FAQ Quick Start Guide Product Manual Knowledge Base Training Videos Product Slideshow Useful Downloads Contact Us

Note: For more information on the different help options, see Chapter 14.

1.5.2 iCafe Manager Client

The iCafe Manager client screen is called iCafe Manager Desktop. In addition to the regular desktop, it has internet shortcuts, content, Google search, and brand promotions to make the customer's internet session easy and interesting.

14 | Chapter 1

Tabs with content

Google Search Bar

Regular desktop Figure1.2: iCafe Manager Desktop

Installation | 15


Chapter 2: Installation
2.1 System Requirements
iCafe Manager is an easily installable software which does not require major changes to your hardware or software. Your present network setup is just fine to run iCafe Manager. The application utilizes the system to a minimum, to ensure that the clients are not overburdened. iCafe Manager installation (both server and client) is a simple process. The basic system requirements to install iCafe Manager are listed in Table 2.1. Specifications Installer size Operating system Internet connection Processor (minimum) Hard Disk RAM (minimum) Internet Explorer version Screen resolution Time to install 37.1 MB Windows XP (SP2), Windows 7 Required 1.5 GHz and above 290 MB 512 MB IE 6.0 upwards 1024 x 768 15 minutes Table 2.1: Basic System Requirements Server 7.5 MB Windows XP, Windows 7 Required 800 MHz 5 MB 128 MB IE 5.5 upwards 1024 x 768 5 minutes Client

16 | Chapter 2 Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2 show the default server and client screens respectively.

Figure 2.1: iCafe Manager Server

Installation | 17

Figure 2.2: iCafe Manager Client

2.1.1 Additional Important Requirements

For any system ideally, the additional important requirements are: Firewall Firewall is software that runs on a computer and inspects network traffic passing through it. It is located at the Gateway Server and protects the private network resources from the users of other networks. A firewalls basic task is to regulate the flow between computer networks of different levels. If you have Windows Firewall installed in your network, you may see the following dialog box on starting iCafe Manager.

18 | Chapter 2

Figure 2.3: Windows Security Alert Result: When Unblock is selected, you can proceed with the installation of the iCafe Manager client. If you use any other firewall in your network, then you must manually add iCafe Manager to the exception list. To do so, first locate the file CCMUI.exe from the folder where the source files of iCafe Manager are stored. Regional and language setting Set the regional setting of your system to English (United States). In Windows, this is the default setting but you must check and confirm. To set the regional settings for your system, do the following: 1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.

Figure 2.4: Select Control Panel

Installation | 19
The Control Panel window appears.

Figure 2.5: Control Panel Window 2. In the Control Panel, click on Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options. The Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options window appears.

Figure 2.6: Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options 3. In the Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options window, click on Regional and Language Options.

20 | Chapter 2 The Regional and Language Options dialog box appears.

Figure 2.7: Select Language 4. In the Standards and formats box of the Regional Options tab, select English (United States) and then click Customize. The Customize Regional Options dialog box appears.

Figure 2.8: Select Date Format

Installation | 21
5. In the Date tab, do the following: In the Short date format box, select MM/dd/yyyy. In the Date separator box, select /. Click OK. The Customize Regional Options dialog box closes and the Regional and Language Options dialog box appears. 6. Click OK. Result: The regional language is set to English and the date format is set to mm/dd/yyyy.

2.2 Setup
To download the iCafe Manager server and the iCafe Manager client, do the following: 1. In your internet browser, open the link The iCafe Manager download page appears.

Figure 2.9: iCafe Manager Download Page

22 | Chapter 2

2. On the download page, click the text Manager server to the desired location on the computer. 3. Click the text OR Click the text Freeze.

to download the setup file for the iCafe

to download the setup file for only the iCafe Manager client.

to download the setup file for the iCafe Manager client with Deep

Note: For information on how to install the iCafe Manager client with Deep Freeze, see Chapter 3.

Result: The iCafe Manager server and client setup files are downloaded.

2.2.1 To Install the iCafe Manager Server

To install the iCafe Manager server, do the following: 1. Extract and run the iCafe Manager server setup file you downloaded. The InstallShield Wizard starts installing the iCafe Manager server on the computer.

Figure 2.10: InstallShield Wizard - Extracting Files

Installation | 23

After the wizard extracts the files needed to install iCafe Manager, the welcome screen appears.

Figure 2.11: InstallShield Wizard - Welcome Screen 2. Click Next The License Agreement dialog box appears.

Figure 2.12: InstallShield Wizard - License Agreement

24 | Chapter 2 3. Click I accept the terms of the license agreement, and then click Next. The Choose Destination Location dialog box appears.

Figure 2.13: InstallShield Wizard - Choose Destination Folder 4. To install iCafe Manager on a different folder apart from the default C: drive, click Change. 5. Click Next. The wizard copies all required files for installation.

Figure 2.14: InstallShield Wizard - Setup Status

Installation | 25
After the wizard finishes copying the files, the Ready to Install the Program dialog box appears.

Figure 2.15: InstallShield Wizard - Ready to Install the Program 6. Click Install. The Install Shield Wizard Completed dialog box appears.

Figure 2.16: InstallShield Wizard Complete

26 | Chapter 2 7. Click Finish. The Setup Wizard welcome screen appears.

Figure 2.17: Setup Wizard - Welcome Screen 8. On the Setup Wizard welcome screen, click Next. The Setup Wizard [Step 1] - Product Activation screen appears.

Installation | 27

Figure 2.18: Setup Wizard [Step 1] - Product Activation The setup wizard comprises of two steps: a. Activating iCafe Manager. b. Creating rate plans. To activate iCafe Manager, do the following:

Note: The cafe code assigned to your cafe by Ideacts Innovations is required for activating the server. If you do not have a cafe code, register your cafe at or through the setup wizard as explained below and then obtain the code from the email sent by Ideacts Innovations to the email ID that you provided during registration. a. If you have a cafe code, enter the Cafe Code and then click Verify. OR I. If you do not have a cafe code, select Get Cafe Code and then click on Click Here to Register. The iCafe Manager - Cafe Registration screen appears.

28 | Chapter 2 II. In the cafe registration screen, provide all the necessary information about your cyber cafe and then click Finish. The Setup Wizard [Step 1] - Product Activation screen appears again. III. Enter the Cafe Code obtained from the email ID that you provided during registration, and then click Verify. On verification, the Owner Name and Cafe Address appear in the wizard.

Figure 2.19: Provide Cafe Code Note: IIPL Identification No. is left blank for the cafe owner. IIPL Identification No. is filled when the installation is done by an employee of Ideacts Innovations. b. Click Next to proceed with activation. When the activation is done successfully, a dialog box appears, informing about the successful activation.

Figure 2.20: Successful Activation of Server

Installation | 29
c. Click OK. The Setup Wizard [Step 2] Rate Plan screen appears.

Figure 2.21: Setup Wizard [Step 2] - Rate Plan

To create a rate plan, do the following: a. On the Setup Wizard [Step 2] Rate Plan screen, select the Duration of the rate plan. For example, 30 minutes. b. Enter Rate based on the duration. For example, Rs. 10. c. Click Add. The rate plan is added.

30 | Chapter 2

Figure 2.22: Adding a Rate Plan during Setup 9. Click Next. The final Setup Wizard screen appears.

Figure 2.23: Successful Server Setup

Installation | 31
10.Click Finish. The Server Login dialog box appears.

Figure 2.24: Server Login Dialog Box 11.Enter default login details for Employee Name as admin and Password as password.

Figure 2.25: Server Login with Default Values

32 | Chapter 2 12.Click Login. The servers Home screen appears with no terminals connected.

Figure 2.26: iCafe Manager Server - Default Screen Result: The iCafe Manager server is successfully installed.

Note: The server can also be started by clicking Start > All Programs > iCafe Manager > iCafe Manager Server as shown in Figure 2.27.

Installation | 33

Figure 2.27: Starting the iCafe Manager Server

2.2.2 To Install the iCafe Manager Client

Before installing the iCafe Manager client, ensure the following: Minimum 15 MB free space on the system drive. In a default Windows setup, the system drive is C: 15 MB free space on the drive where you will install the iCafe Manager client. Active internet connection on the computer. This is needed to activate the terminal during setup. To install the iCafe Manager client, do the following: 1. Extract and run the iCafe Manager client setup file you downloaded. The InstallShield Wizard starts installing the iCafe Manager client on the computer.

34 | Chapter 2

Figure 2.28: InstallShield Wizard - Preparing Setup

Figure 2.29: InstallShield Wizard - Final Stage of Preparing Setup

Installation | 35
As the wizard prepares for the setup, the welcome screen appears.

Figure 2.30: InstallShield Wizard - Welcome Screen 2. Click Next. The Choose Destination Location dialog box appears. Click Browse to install the iCafe Manager client in a folder other than the default C: drive.

Figure 2.31: InstallShield Wizard - Choose Destination Folder

36 | Chapter 2 3. Click Next. The wizard begins installing the iCafe Manager client.

Figure 2.32: InstallShield Wizard - Setup Status When installation is complete, the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box appears.

Figure 2.33: InstallShield Wizard Complete

Installation | 37
4. Click Finish. A dialog box appears, asking to restart the computer to complete the installation.

Figure 2.34: Restart System

Note: Reboot the system for the setup to complete the installation process. Login as an Administrator to activate the terminal before you start using the iCafe Manager client. Result: Installation of the iCafe Manager client is complete.

After the iCafe Manager client is installed and the system is rebooted, the Activate Terminal dialog box appears through which the terminal must be activated. Each terminal is given a unique terminal code that you can use to identify the terminal in your cafes online reports. To activate a iCafe Manager client terminal, do the following: 1. Enter Cafe Code. 2. Click Verify. The system fetches your cafe details (owners name and address) from the iCafe Manager server and displays it in the section below.

38 | Chapter 2

Figure 2.35: Activate Terminal 3. Verify that the details are correct, and then click Activate Terminal. Result: The terminal is activated and the client login screen appears with the cafe name displayed. At this point, the client application starts and looks for the server on the network. If it finds the server, it connects to it and displays the cafe name and other information on the left top of the following window. And if it does not find the server, it will remain in the disconnected state and connects to the server automatically when it starts.

Installation | 39

Figure 2.36: iCafe Manager Client - Login Screen Result: The iCafe Manager client is automatically enabled.

40 | Chapter 2

Deep Freeze | 41

Chapter 3: Deep Freeze


Faronics Deep Freeze is a software application which freezes your system so that any changes made will not be permanent. It provides immediate immunity from many of the problems that affect computers today. When the system becomes unstable for reasons like virus, driver misconfigurations, then you simply need to reboot it. Deep Freeze restores the system to the state it was in when last frozen within a few seconds.

3.1 To Install the iCafe Manager Client with Deep Freeze

When you run the setup file for the iCafe Manager client with Deep Freeze, Deep Freeze will also automatically be installed or uninstalled when the iCafe Manager client is installed or uninstalled on the computer. Before installing the iCafe Manager client with Deep Freeze, ensure the following: Minimum 15 MB free space on the system drive. In a default Windows setup, the system drive is C: 15 MB free space on the drive where you will install the iCafe Manager client. Active internet connection on the computer. This is needed to activate the terminal during setup. Uninstall any previous version of Deep Freeze that may be installed on the computer.

Note: It is strongly recommended that you install the iCafe Manager client with Deep Freeze on a formatted machine because the system will return to a clean state each time it is restarted. Do not install Deep Freeze on a machine that is virus infected or has disk problems because it will result in an issue after every start.

To install the iCafe Manager client with Deep Freeze, do the following: 1. Extract and run the setup file you downloaded for the iCafe Manager client with Deep Freeze. The InstallShield Wizard starts installing the iCafe Manager client along with Deep Freeze on the computer.

42 | Chapter 3

Figure 3.1: InstallShield Wizard - Preparing Setup

Figure 3.2: InstallShield Wizard - Final Stage of Preparing Setup

Deep Freeze | 43
As the wizard prepares for the setup, the welcome screen appears.

Figure 3.3: InstallShield Wizard - Welcome Screen 2. Click Next. The Choose Destination Folder dialog box appears. Click Browse to install the iCafe Manager client in a folder other than the default C: drive.

Figure 3.4: InstallShield Wizard - Choose Destination Location

44 | Chapter 3 3. Click Next. The Select Drives for Faronics Deep Freeze dialog box appears.

Figure 3.5: Drives to be Frozen by Deep Freeze 4. Select the drives that you want to freeze using Faronics Deep Freeze. The wizard begins installing the iCafe Manager client.

Figure 3.6: InstallShield Wizard Setup Status

Deep Freeze | 45
When installation is complete, the InstallShield Wizard Complete dialog box appears.

Figure 3.7: InstallShield Wizard Complete 5. Click Finish. A dialog box appears, asking to restart the computer to complete the installation.

Figure 3.8: Restart System

Note: Reboot the system for the setup to complete the client installation process. Login as an Administrator to activate the terminal before you start using the iCafe Manager client. Result: Installation of the iCafe Manager client is complete.

46 | Chapter 3 After the iCafe Manager client is installed and the system is rebooted, the Activate Terminal dialog box appears through which the terminal must be activated. Each terminal is given a unique terminal code that you can use to identify the terminal in your cafes online reports. To activate the iCafe Manager client terminal, do the following: 1. In the Activate Terminal dialog box, enter Cafe Code and then click Verify. The system fetches your cafe details (owners name and address) from the iCafe Manager server and displays it in the section below.

Figure 3.9: Activate Terminal 2. Verify that the details are correct, and then click Activate Terminal. The terminal is activated, and the Faronics Deep Freeze setup begins.

Deep Freeze | 47

Figure 3.10: Deep Freeze Setup After the machine restarts, the following dialog box to set a password appears. 3. Set a Deep Freeze password.

Figure 3.11: Deep Freeze - Set Password After setting the Deep Freeze password, you will gain access to the Deep Freeze. Result: The iCafe Manager client is installed with Deep Freeze.

Note: Save your Deep Freeze password in a safe location where you can find it easily. The password is set only once and your machine cannot be unlocked without it.

48 | Chapter 3

Configuration | 49

Chapter 4: Configuration
4.1 To Configure the Server
4.1.1 To Configure the Network
Note: Please read this section only if you use a dual LAN configuration. If the network has a dual LAN configuration, after the installation of the iCafe Manager server and client, the following screen appears on the server with only one or no client terminals connected.

Figure 4.1: iCafe Manager Server - No Terminals Connected

50 | Chapter 4 iCafe Manager cannot work with a dual LAN network. As a dual LAN network configuration has the following: Two different networks Two different IP ranges Two switches not connected to each other Two different Internet Service Providers (ISPs) One server

Figure 4.2: Dual LAN Network

An application like iCafe Manager works on a single network by using one IP range. Such a network has the following configuration: All the terminals must be of the same IP range. All the terminals must be connected to a common switch (see Figure 4.3). All switches in a large network must be connected to each other (see Figure 4.4). Both the configurations are suitable for iCafe Manager to work successfully.

Configuration | 51

Figure 4.3: Small Network with Only One Switch

Figure 4.4: Large Network with Several Switches Result: The network is configured.

52 | Chapter 4

4.2 To Configure the iCafe Manager Client

To start the iCafe Manager client, click Start > All Programs > iCafe Manger > Start iCafe Manager Client.

Figure 4.5: Starting iCafe Manager Client

Configuration | 53
The login screen of the iCafe Manager client appears.

Figure 4.6: iCafe Manager Client - Login Screen

Result: The iCafe Manager client is started on the terminal.

Note: To configure the login screen of the iCafe Manager client, see the topic Client Configuration tab in Section 8.8.

54 | Chapter 4

Home Screen | 55


Chapter 5: Home Screen

The Home screen of the iCafe Manager server helps the customer to quickly perform his day to day tasks. All the frequently used options are provided in this screen. It is divided into the following panels as shown in Figure 5.2: Terminals Pane Updates Pane Quick Access Menu Quick Help Each of these panels is discussed further in this chapter.

In addition to the four main sections listed above, the following sections provide some additional information on the Home screen: Version Details This section displays the version of iCafe Manager being used. Date-Time and Login Details This section displays the current day, date, and time, as well as the name of the employee who is logged in to the server. Cafe Details This section displays the cyber cafes name and its cafe code. Switch Employee and Search Help To switch from the currently logged in employee to another employee, click the arrow next to the Switch Employee box and then select the new employees name. (For more information about switching an employee, see Section 8.2.) To search for information on, type the relevant text in the Search Help box and then click the search icon next to it or press Enter. A new browser window appears displaying a customized search page.

56 | Chapter 5 When no terminals are set up as iCafe Manager client, the Home screen appears as follows:

Figure 5.1: Servers Home Screen - Without Terminals

Home Screen | 57 When the iCafe Manager client application is installed on any terminal in your cyber cafes computer network, the Home screen appears as follows: Quick Access Menu Terminals Pane Quick Help

Updates Pane Figure 5.2: Servers Home Screen - With Terminals

The rest of the chapter discusses the four main sections of the Home screen in detail.

58 | Chapter 5

5.1 Terminals Pane

The Terminals Pane displays all terminals serving as a iCafe Manager client on your computer network and allows you to manage them. If no terminals are connected to the iCafe Manager server, the Terminals Pane appears as follows:

Figure 5.3: Terminals Pane - Without Terminals After terminals on your computer network are set up as iCafe Manager client, they are displayed in the Terminals Pane in either the table view or the icon view as selected in its upper-right corner. Table View The following information about each terminal and its session is displayed in the table view: Terminal Status Current status of the terminal Terminal Name Name of the terminal of which the session details are displayed Name Name of the customer whose session details are displayed Type Type of the customer Internet Usage (Rs.) Amount charged for the usage of the internet Products/Services (Rs.) Amount charged for products/services purchased by the customer Total Amount (Rs.) Total amount to be paid by the customer Time Remaining (HH:MM) The remaining time of the session Time In The time at which customer logged in Duration (HH:MM) The duration of the session Download (MB) The size of the files downloaded by the customer Credit Amount (Rs.) Previous balance of the customer

Home Screen | 59

Note: Download (MB) is displayed only when the Bandwidth Manager is enabled. Time In, Duration (HH:MM), and Download (MB) are displayed in the Terminals Pane only if Quick Help is collapsed. If it is expanded, they are displayed in the Terminal Information tab of the Updates Pane (see Section 5.2.3).

Figure 5.4: Terminals Pane - With Terminals Table View Icon View Only the terminal name and customer name for each terminal is displayed in the icon view.

Figure 5.5: Terminals Pane - With Terminals Icon View

60 | Chapter 5 Summary Section A summary section providing the following information is displayed below the details of individual terminals: Terminals Total number of terminals acting as a iCafe Manager client in the cafe Connected Number of connected terminals Disconnected Number of disconnected terminals Busy Number of busy terminals Idle Number of idle terminals

Figure 5.6: Terminals Pane - Summary Section

Buttons The following buttons appear at the bottom of the Terminals Pane:

Note: Add User / Walk-in is enabled for a terminal only when it is idle. The remaining buttons are enabled for a terminal only when it has an active session. Add User / Walk-in To add a User/walk-in customer to iCafe Manager and to login the person from a terminal, select the terminal, click Add User / Walk-in, and then provide atleast the Name and click Add User/Walk-in in the Add User dialog box that appears. User Logout To logout a customer from a terminal, select the terminal, click User Logout and then click Yes in the confirmation box that appears. View User Details To view the details of a customer logged in at a terminal, select the terminal and then click View User Details. The View My Profile dialog box appears with the customers details that are stored in the iCafe database. View Invoice Details To view the details of the bill or invoice for a customer logged in to a session at a terminal, click View Invoice details. The View Invoice Details dialog box appears with details of the internet usage and any other products or services purchased by the client. Set Session Time To set a fixed session time for a customer logged in at a terminal, select the terminal and then click Set Session time

Home Screen | 61

Note: For more information on how to set session time, see Section 8.3.

Figure 5.7: Terminals Pane - Buttons

Auto Close Session Status The Auto Close Session status, either On or Off, is displayed in the upper-left corner of the Terminals Pane.

Figure 5.8: Terminals Pane - Auto Close Session Status

The different states of the terminals are represented by different icons depending on the type of customer accessing the terminal and the state of the terminal. Users, Registered Users, and Members are represented by red, green, and blue colours respectively as shown in Table 5.1. Customer Type Description Any customer who visits the cafe even once and whose name is stored in the cafes local database is considered a User even if the person provides no other information. A User who provides additional information like address and phone number and has a login ID and password for logging in at your cyber cafe. A Registered User can directly use a terminal with the login ID and password and does not have to be verified on the server machine every time. A Registered User who buys your cafes membership package is a Member. Icon


Registered User


Table 5.1: Icon Colours for Different Customer Types

62 | Chapter 5 The icons in Table 5.2 are a combination of the type of customer accessing the terminal and the state of the terminal. Terminal State Description Icon


When the terminal is connected but no one has logged in

Switched Off

When the terminal is not connected to the server


When someone is logged in at the terminal

Awaiting Re-login

When the terminal is awaiting re-login

Session Finished

When a User or Registered User has logged out of a session and has still not paid the amount due

Abnormal Off

When a customer is logged in at the terminal and it disconnects from the server

Restarted After When the terminal restarts after an abnormal OFF state Abnormal Off

Table 5.2: Terminal State and Customer Type

Note: The colour of the customer on the icon will change to green for a Registered User and blue for a Member.

Home Screen | 63 For example, the different icons in Figure 5.9 denote the following terminal states and customer types: 1. Switched Off 2. Idle 3. Awaiting Re-login 4. Abnormal Restart (User) 5. Abnormal Restart (Registered User) 6. Abnormal Restart (Member) 7. Busy (User) 8. Busy (Registered User) 9. Busy (Member) 10.Abnormal Off (User) 11.Abnormal Off (Registered User) 12.Abnormal Off (Member) 13.Session Complete (User) 14.Session Complete (Registered User) 15.Session Complete (Member)

Figure 5.9: Terminal States and Customer Types in Icon View

64 | Chapter 5 In the table view also, the terminal states and customer types are represented by the same colours as shown in Figure 5.10.

Figure 5.10: Terminal States and Customer Types in Table View

5.2 Updates Pane

The Updates Pane has the following three tabs: Closed Sessions Event Log (Optional) Terminal Information (Optional)

5.2.1 Closed Sessions

The Closed Sessions tab is updated whenever a customer logs out from a terminal and the session is closed. The following information is displayed in the tab every time a session is closed on a client terminal: Name Name of customer who logged out Type Type of customer Terminal Name Name of terminal Time In Login time (or session start time) Time Out Logout time (or session end time)

Home Screen | 65 Duration (HH:MM) Duration of session in hours and minutes Total Amount (Rs.) Total amount charged to the customer for the internet session Invoice Details Link to detailed invoice for the internet usage

Note: An invoice is automatically generated when a customer logs out and a session is closed at a terminal. In the Closed Sessions tab, click View Details to see the bill details. In the Closed Sessions tab, click the arrow symbol next to any column heading to arrange the closed session records in ascending or descending order of that column.

Figure 5.11: Closed Sessions Tab

5.2.2 Event Log

Note: The Event Log tab is not visible when Auto Close Session is On.

The Event Log tab displays a record of events that occur on the terminals, such as when a customer logs in or logs out on a terminal. The following information is displayed in the tab every time an event takes place: Terminal Name Name of the terminal where the event took place Date Time Date and time of the event Message Message describing the event

Figure 5.12: Event Log Tab

66 | Chapter 5

5.2.3 Terminal Information

The Terminal Information tab appears only under the following three conditions: Table View Quick Help expanded Icon View Quick Help collapsed Icon View Quick Help expanded

Table View Quick Help expanded In this view, the Terminal Information tab lists all the active terminals, with the same terminal highlighted that is also highlighted in the Terminals Pane. The last three columns of the Terminals Pane Time In, Duration, and Download move to the Terminal Information tab.

Note: The Download column appears only when the Bandwidth Monitor is enabled.

Figure 5.13: Terminal Information Tab - Table View - Quick Help Expanded

Home Screen | 67 Icon View Quick Help collapsed In this view, the Terminal Information tab lists all the active terminals, with the same terminal highlighted whose icon is also highlighted in the Terminals Pane. All the columns of the Terminals Pane are now displayed in the Terminal Information tab.

Figure 5.14: Terminal Information Tab - Icon View - Quick Help Collapsed

Icon View Quick Help expanded In this view, the Terminal Information tab lists all the active terminals, with the same terminal highlighted whose icon is also highlighted in the Terminals Pane. All the columns of the Terminals Pane are now displayed in the Terminal Information tab, with the last four columns Time Remaining, Time In, Duration (HH:MM), and Download (MB) compressed. If any value in these columns exceeds the columns width in this compressed state, it is followed by ellipsis () to indicate that the value is only partly displayed.

68 | Chapter 5

Figure 5.15: Terminal Information Tab - Icon View - Quick Help Expanded

Depending on which of the above conditions holds true, the Terminal Information tab displays some or all of the following information related to the terminal selected in the Terminals Pane: Terminal Name Name of the terminal selected in the Terminals Pane Name Name of the customer who is using the terminal Type Type of the customer who is using the terminal Internet Usage (Rs.) The bill amount for internet usage Product/Services (Rs.) The bill amount for products or services purchased by the customer Total Amount (Rs.) Total amount in rupees to be charged for the session and other products/services purchased Time Remaining (HH:MM) The remaining browsing time Time In Login time of the current session at the terminal Duration (HH:MM) Total duration of the session in hours and minutes Download (MB) The size of the files downloaded by the customer (displayed only when the Bandwidth Manager is enabled)

Home Screen | 69

5.3 Quick Access Menu

The Quick Access Menu appears on the left side of every server screen and provides you easy access to the most frequently needed features of iCafe Manager related to that screen. On the Home screen, the Quick Access Menu contains the commonly used features of the other server screens. As a result, the customer does not have to navigate to the other screens on which these features are also available. The options in the Home screens Quick Access Menu can be divided into the following three categories: Common Tasks Add User Find User Add a Sale System Tools Re-connect All Terminals Shutdown All Terminals Restart All Terminals Common Reports Collection Report Daily Register Report Terminal Usage Report

Figure 5.16: Quick Access Menu on the Home Screen

70 | Chapter 5 Each of the Quick Access Menu options on the Home screen is explained briefly in this section.

5.3.1 Common Tasks

These are the most commonly used tasks of iCafe Manager. Add User

This option allows you to add a new customer to your cafes iCafe database. Note: For a detailed explanation on how to add a customer, see Section 6.3.1. Find User

This option allows you to find an existing customer in your cafes iCafe database or in the online iCafe database. It also lets you view, edit, and delete customer details, as well as convert Registered Users to Members and view their membership packages. Note: For a detailed explanation on how to find a customer, see Section 6.3.2. Add a Sale

This option allows you to add a product or service sale to your cafes iCafe database. Note: For a detailed explanation on how to add a product or service sale, see Section 7.4.

5.3.2 System Tools

These are the most basic system tools needed to run iCafe Manager. Re-connect All Terminals

This option allows you to re-connect all terminals together. Note: For more details on how to re-connect all terminals, see Section 8.12. Shutdown All Terminals

This option allows you to shutdown all terminals together. Note: For more details on how to shutdown all terminals, see Section 8.10.

Home Screen | 71 Restart All Terminals

This option allows you to restart all terminals together. Note: For more details on how to restart all terminals, see Section 8.11.

5.3.3 Common Reports

These are the most commonly used reports of iCafe Manager. Daily Register Report

The Daily Register Report gives details of all the customers who visited your cyber cafe on a specific date. Note: For more details on the Daily Register Report, see Section 11.1.1. Collection Report

The Collection Report gives details about the money earned on a specific date or during a longer time frame. It lists each financial transaction that took place within the given time range, including internet usage and the sale of products and services. Note: For more details on the Collection Report, see Section 11.2.1. Terminal Usage Report

The Terminal Usage Report gives details about which terminal is being used how many time by customers. Note: For more details on the Terminal Usage Report, see Section 11.4.1.

5.4 Quick Help

The Quick Help section of the Home screen provides explanations and instructions related to iCafe Managers frequently used features and tasks appearing on this screen. You can expand or collapse the Quick Help pane by clicking or in the Quick Help pane respectively.

Note: Quick Help changes according to the screen. A different Quick Help section appears on every screen opened from the Menu Bar and offers guidance specifically related to the features and functions on that screen.

72 | Chapter 5

Figure 5.17: Quick Help on the Home Screen

Rate Plans and Customers | 73

Chapter 6: Rate Plans and Customers


6.1 Rate Plans

A rate plan is a fixed amount which the cafe charges a customer for browsing the internet. The rate plan is set based on the time. For instance, a rate plan can be set as Rs. 10 for 30 minutes or Rs. 15 for 60 minutes, and so on.

6.1.1 To Create a Rate Plan

You can create rate plans on the servers Rate Plan screen. To add a rate plan, do the following: 1. On the servers Rate Plan screen, click Add / Edit Rate Plan. The Add / Edit Rate Plan panel appears.

Figure 6.1: Add a Rate Plan

74 | Chapter 6 2. In the Add / Edit Rate Plan panel, do the following: a. In the Duration (minutes) box, enter the duration that you want to set for the rate plan. For example, 30 minutes. b. In the Rate (Rs.) box, enter the rate based on the duration. For example, Rs. 15.

Figure 6.2: Adding Rate Plan Details 3. Click Add. Result: The rate plan is added to iCafe Manager, and it appears in the Rate Plans grid.

Figure 6.3: Newly Added Rate Plan

6.1.2 To Edit/Remove a Rate Plan

You can edit or remove an existing rate plan on the Rate Plan screen. To edit an existing rate plan, do the following: 1. In the Rate Plans grid, select the rate plan you want to edit, and then click Edit.

Rate Plans and Customers | 75

Figure 6.4: Rate Plan to be Edited The selected rate plans existing details appear in the Add/ Edit Rate Plan panel. 2. In the Add / Edit Rate Plan panel, change the rate plan information as desired, and then click Save.

Figure 6.5: Editing Rate Plan Details Result: The rate plan is edited, and the edited details appear in the Rate Plans grid.

Figure 6.6: Edited Rate Plan

76 | Chapter 6 To delete an existing rate plan, do the following: Note: A rate plan cannot be deleted while a customer is using it at a client terminal.

1. In the Rate Plans grid, select the rate plan you want to remove, and then click Delete.

Figure 6.7: Rate Plan to be Deleted A confirmation box for deleting the rate plan appears.

Figure 6.8: Confirmation to Delete the Selected Rate Plan 2. Click Yes. Result: The rate plan is deleted from iCafe Manager, and it disappears from the Rate Plans grid.

Figure 6.9: Rate Plan is Deleted

Rate Plans and Customers | 77

6.2 Membership Package

A membership package is a scheme that offers customers a greater number of internet minutes for a specific discount. For example, the cost of internet usage is Rs. 15/Hr for a customer. But for a member, the cost is Rs. 95/10 Hrs, along with a validity of 30 days. A customer becomes a Member of the cafe by buying a membership package.

6.2.1 To Create a Membership Package

You can create a membership package on the servers Rate Plan screen. To create a membership package, do the following: 1. On the servers Rate Plan screen, click Add New Membership Package. The Add Membership Package panel appears.

Figure 6.10: Add a Membership Package

78 | Chapter 6 2. In the Add Membership Package panel, do the following: Enter Name and Description of the package. Enter Minutes and Rate (Rs.) for the package. Enter Valid for (Days) and Expiry days for the package. 3. Click Add.

Figure 6.11: Adding Membership Package Details Result: The new membership package is added to iCafe Manager, and it appears in the Membership Packages grid.

Figure 6.12: Newly Added Membership Package

Note: It is possible to create any number of membership packages.

6.2.2 To Edit/Delete a Membership Package

You can edit or delete a membership package on the servers Rate Plan screen.

Rate Plans and Customers | 79 To edit a membership package, do the following: 1. From the Membership Packages grid, select the membership package you want to edit. 2. Click Edit.

Figure 6.13: Membership Package to be Edited The existing details of the selected membership package appear in the Add Membership Package panel. 3. Edit the details as needed, and then click Save.

Figure 6.14: Editing Membership Package Details Result: The membership details are edited, and the edited information appears in the Membership Packages grid.

Figure 6.15: Edited Membership Package

80 | Chapter 6 To delete a membership package, do the following: 1. From the Membership Packages grid, select the package you want to delete. 2. Click Delete.

Figure 6.16: Membership Package to be Deleted A confirmation box for deleting the membership package appears.

Figure 6.17: Confirmation to Delete the Selected Membership Package 3. Click Yes. Result: The membership package is deleted from iCafe Manager, and it disappears from the Membership Packages grid.

Figure 6.18: Membership Package is Deleted

Rate Plans and Customers | 81

6.2.3 Pulse Based Membership

In a pulse based membership, predefined minutes are reduced from the members package. For example, if the pulse time entered is 5 minutes, this implies, 5 minutes is 1 pulse. For each pulse (every 5 minutes), deduction takes place in the members package. Using the Rate Plan Configuration tab on the servers Settings screen, you can enable pulse-based membership for your cyber cafe and manage its settings.

Note: For information on how to enable pulse-based membership, see the topic Rate Plan Configuration tab in Section 8.8.

Note: The Rate Plan screen has links to the following reports: Member List Report (see Section11.3.5) Member History Report (see Section11.3.4) For more information on reports, see Chapter 11.

6.3 Customers
By creating records in iCafe Manager for the customers who visit your cafe to use the internet facility, they can be quickly searched in the iCafe database and assigned a terminal, which saves time. Three types of customers can be created in iCafe Manager, namely: Users Registered Users Members

6.3.1 To Add Different Types of Customers Users
A customer who directly logs in at the cafe without registering and by providing just a name is considered a User of the cafe. To add and log in a User from the server, do the following: 1. On the Quick Access Menu of the Home screen, click Add User. OR In the Terminals Pane of the Home screen, right-click on an idle terminal and then click Add User / Walk-In . . .

82 | Chapter 6

Figure 6.19: Add and Log in a User The Add User dialog box appears.

Rate Plans and Customers | 83

Figure 6.20: Add User Dialog Box 2. In the Name box of the Add User dialog box, type the customers name. Note: All other details in this dialog box are optional. 3. If a terminal is not already selected, or if the selection needs to be changed, in the Select Terminal box select the terminal to be assigned to the customer. 4. To limit the amount of time for which the customer can access the terminal, in the Set Session Time box type the session time. 5. Click Add User/Walk-in. Result: The customer becomes a User of the cafe and can log in in the Users section of the selected terminals login screen.

84 | Chapter 6 Besides logging in a customer as a User from the server, a customer can also directly login on the iCafe Manager client screen and become a User of the cafe. To add and log in a User from the client terminal, do the following: Ask the customer to type his or her name in the Users section of the client login screen and then click Start Session.

Figure 6.21: Direct Login of User from Client Terminal This makes the customer a User of the cafe. The cafe administrator has the option of completing the Users details at the time of closing the session or when the User logs out.

Rate Plans and Customers | 85 To complete the Users details at the time of closing the session, do the following : 1. In the Close Session dialog box that appears when the session is closed, click Edit User Details

Figure 6.22: Close Session Dialog Box

86 | Chapter 6 The Edit User dialog box appears.

Figure 6.23: Edit User Dialog Box 2. In the Edit User dialog box, complete the available details of the User and then click Finish. Result: The details are added to the Users record in the iCafe database.

Rate Plans and Customers | 87 If a User logs out from a client terminal and the session is not yet closed, it is possible to re-login the person from the server. Note: In order to use the re-login feature, the server should not be in Auto Close Session mode. In other words, Auto Close Session should be Off. To re-login a User, do the following: Right-click on the terminal where the person was previously logged in, and then click Re-Login as User.

Figure 6.24: Re-Login a User

Result: The customer is logged in again as a User.

88 | Chapter 6 Registered Users

Creating Registered Users helps in managing customer accounts for frequent customers in the cafe and also ensuring valid customer data. A customer must register only once with iCafe Manager by providing all the necessary details. The login ID and password received can then be used by the Registered User to login at any iCafe Manager cafe. To add and log in a new Registered User from the server, do the following: 1. In the Quick Access Menu of either the Home or the Users screen, click Add User.

Figure 6.25: Add New Registered User

Rate Plans and Customers | 89 The Add User dialog box appears.

Figure 6.26: Add User Dialog Box 2. In the Add User dialog box, do the following: Note: It is mandatory to fill the Name and Login ID fields. In the Name box, type the customers name. In the Select Terminal box, select the terminal to be assigned to the customer. In the Set Session Time box, type the session time you want to fix for the customer. In the ID Card Type box, select the type of ID card provided by the customer. In the ID Card No. box, type the number of the ID card.

90 | Chapter 6 In the Address box, type the address of the customer. In the Contact No. box, type the landline or mobile phone number of the customer. Select the appropriate Gender. In the Other Information box, type any other information available about the customer. In the Email ID box, type the email ID where the customer wants to receive communication from Ideacts Innovations. Note: If an email ID is provided, the customer needs to verify it using the verification link sent to the same ID. This email ID can be used as a login ID. In the Login ID box, type the login ID that the customer wants to use for logging in at iCafe Manager cafes. Note: The customers Email ID can also be used as the Login ID. To do so, in the Login ID box type the same value that was provided in the Email ID box. In the Membership Package box, select a membership package if the customer wants to buy one. For the User Picture and Photo ID Picture, do the following: I. Click Start Webcam. II. Ask the customer to stand in front of the webcam and focus to take a picture. III. Click Take Picture to capture the photograph. Note: If a webcam is not available, click Browse to select the photograph that is saved as an image on the system. In other words, either take pictures of the customer and the photo ID using a webcam or select pictures already saved on the system. Click Add Registered User.

Rate Plans and Customers | 91

Figure 6.27: Adding a Registered User The customer is added to the cafe database as a Registered User and needs to now set a password and security question before starting a browsing session. 3. Allow the customer to set a password and security question from a client terminal as follows: a. If a terminal was not assigned in the Add User dialog box, provide the customer a terminal and then ask the person to type the previously selected login ID in the Registered Users section of the terminals login screen and click Start Session. The User Registration dialog box with the customers name appears. OR If a terminal was assigned in the Add User dialog box, the User Registration dialog box with the customers name appears on the terminal. b. Ask the customer to enter the desired password, select a security question and provide its answer, select I agree to the Terms & Conditions, and then click Submit in the User Registration dialog box.

92 | Chapter 6

Figure 6.28: User Registration The User Registration Complete dialog box appears, c. Click Proceed to Login.

Figure 6.29: User Registration Complete Note: This login ID and password can be used to log in at all cyber cafes using iCafe Manager.

Rate Plans and Customers | 93 The login screen of the terminal appears. 4. Ask the Registered User to type the selected login ID and password in the Registered Users section of the login screen and then click Start Session. Result: The Registered User is now logged in at the terminal, and the persons name appears with the terminal in the Terminals Pane on the servers Home screen.

Figure 6.30: Registered User Logged in at a Terminal

Note: Offline registration is possible in iCafe Manager when the local (cafe) server is unable to establish communication with the online (live) server for synchronization.

94 | Chapter 6 To register a customer who is already present in the iCafe database as a User (walk-in), do the following: 1. In the User List on the Users screen, select the User to be registered and then click Register User. OR In the User List on the Users screen, right-click on the record of the User to be registered and then click Register User.

Figure 6.31: Register an Existing User of the Cafe

Rate Plans and Customers | 95 The Edit User dialog box appears.

Figure 6.32: Edit User Dialog Box 2. Provide the customer details necessary for registering the User and then complete the registration by setting a password and security question.

Note: To understand the requirements and procedure for registering a customer, see the previous procedure for registering a new customer.

96 | Chapter 6 If a Registered User or Member logs out from a client terminal and the session is not yet closed, it is possible to relogin the person from the server. Note: In order to use the re-login feature, the server should not be in Auto Close Session mode. In other words, Auto Close Session should be Off. To re-login a Registered User or Member, do the following: Right-click on the terminal where the person was previously logged in, and then click Re-Login Session.

Figure 6.33: Re-login a Registered User

Result: The Registered User or Member can re-login by entering the login password on the terminals login screen.

Rate Plans and Customers | 97 Members
A Member is a customer with a membership package purchased from your cafe and still within its validity period. Note: For information about membership packages, see Section 6.2. Only a Registered User can have a membership package. A new customer can be added as a Member at the time of being registered by providing the Name, specifying a Login ID, selecting the desired Membership Package, and then clicking Add User as Member in the Add User dialog box. To convert a Registered User to a Member, do the following: 1. In the User List on the Users screen, select the Registered User to be converted to a Member and then click Convert to Member. OR In the User List on the Users screen, right-click on the record of the Registered User to be converted to a Member, and then click Convert to Member.

Figure 6.34: Convert Registered User to Member

98 | Chapter 6 The Convert to Member dialog box appears with the Registered Users name.

Figure 6.35: Convert to Member Dialog Box

Note: If no membership package is already defined, then create a new membership package (see Section 6.2.1).

2. In the Convert to Member dialog box, do the following: Select the new Membership Package. The Minutes, Valid For (Days), Price, and Expiry Days fields are filled automatically based on to the selected membership package. Note: For a customer becoming a Member for the first time, Carry forward balance minutes cannot be selected.

Rate Plans and Customers | 99

Figure 6.36: Details of Selected Membership Package 3. Click Pay to sell the membership package to the customer after receiving payment, or click Pay & Print to also print the invoice. Result: The Registered User becomes a Member of the cafe and is now displayed as a Member in the User List on the Users screen.

100 | Chapter 6

Figure 6.37: Registered User Converted to Member

6.3.2 To Find a Customer

It is possible to find a particular customer in the iCafe database. To find a customer in the cafes iCafe database, do the following: 1. In the Find a User panel of the Users screen, enter one or all of the following details about the customer: Email / Login ID Name (minimum 3 characters) Contact No. (last 4 digits of the customers phone number) 2. Click Find In My Cafe Database. If the customer exists in the cafes database, the customer record appears separately in the User List.

Rate Plans and Customers | 101

Figure 6.38: Find a Customer in the Cafe's iCafe Database The application also offers the option to search in the online iCafe database when the customer is not found in the cafe's iCafe database. Note: Online search is possible only when the iCafe Manager server is connected to the internet and two or more fields of the customers details were filled during registration.

Figure 6.39: Find a Customer in the Online iCafe Database

102 | Chapter 6 3. In the confirmation box that appears, click Yes. The Search User Online dialog box appears with a list of customers with the specified name.

Figure 6.40: Search Results from the Online Database 4. If the required customer record appears in the list, select it and then click Next. The Search User Online dialog box appears with details of the selected customer.

Figure 6.41: View Customer Details & Save to Cafe Database

Rate Plans and Customers | 103 5. To save the customers record in the cafes iCafe database, click Finish. Result: The customer record is found and saved in the cafes iCafe database.

Figure 6.42: Customer Record is Saved in the Cafe's iCafe Database

Note: Online search is possible only when the iCafe Manager server is connected to the internet. It is also possible to find a customer in the online iCafe database by providing atleast the Email / Login ID or the Name in the Find a User section of the Users screen and then clicking Find in Online Database.

6.3.3 To View, Edit, or Delete a Customer Record

It is possible to view, edit, as well as delete the details of the cafes customers on the server. To view the details of a customer, do the following: 1. In the User List on the Users screen, select the customer whose details are to be viewed and then click View User Details. OR In the User List on the Users screen, right-click on the record of the customer whose details are to be viewed and then click View User Details.

104 | Chapter 6

Figure 6.43: View a Customers Details

Rate Plans and Customers | 105 The View My Profile dialog box appears with details of the selected customer.

Figure 6.44: Viewing the Selected Customers Details 2. To close the dialog box after viewing the customer details, click Cancel. Result: The customer details are viewed.

Note: To view the details of a customer who is logged in at a terminal, right-click on that terminal in the Terminals Pane on the Home screen and then click View User Details...

106 | Chapter 6 To edit the details of a customer, do the following: 1. In the User List on the Users screen, select the customer whose details are to be edited and then click Edit User. OR In the User List on the Users screen, right-click on the record of the customer whose details are to be edited and then click Edit User.

Figure 6.45: Edit a Customers Details The Edit User dialog box appears with details of the selected customer. 2. Edit the customers details as needed. Note: For help about the different customer details, see Section

Rate Plans and Customers | 107

Figure 6.46: Editing the Selected Customers Details 3. Click Finish. Result: The customer details are edited.

To delete a customers record, do the following: 1. In the User List on the Users screen, select the customer whose record is to be deleted and then click Delete User. OR In the User List on the Users screen, right-click on the record of the customer that is to be deleted and then click Delete User.

108 | Chapter 6

Figure 6.47: Delete a Customers Record A confirmation box for deleting the customer record appears. 2. Click Yes.

Figure 6.48: Confirmation to Delete the Selected Customers Record

Result: The customers record is deleted from the cafes iCafe database.

Rate Plans and Customers | 109

Figure 6.49: Selected Customers Record is Deleted

110 | Chapter 6

6.3.4 To Block and Unblock a Customer

If the cafe host does not want a particular customer to use the terminal, then the customer can be blocked from logging on to any client terminal. To block a customer, do the following: 1. In the User List on the Users screen, select the customer to be blocked and then click Edit User. OR In the User List on the Users screen, right-click on the record of the customer to be blocked and then click Edit User.

Figure 6.50: Customer to be Blocked The Edit User dialog box appears with details of the selected customer. 2. Select Block User.

Rate Plans and Customers | 111

Figure 6.51: Blocking the Customer 3. Click Finish. Result: The customer is blocked.

112 | Chapter 6

Figure 6.52: Customer is Blocked

Rate Plans and Customers | 113 To unblock a customer, do the following: 1. In the User List on the Users screen, select the blocked customer to be unblocked and then click Edit User. The Edit User dialog box appears with details of the selected customer. 2. Clear Block User.

Figure 6.53: Unblocking the Customer 3. Click Finish. Result: The blocked customer is now unblocked.

114 | Chapter 6

Figure 6.54: Customer is Unblocked

Rate Plans and Customers | 115

6.3.5 To Assign a Terminal to a Customer

It is possible to assign a terminal to a customer from the terminal. To assign a terminal to a customer, do the following: 1. In the User List on the Users screen, right-click on the customer to whom a terminal is to be assigned. 2. Click Assign, and then select an idle terminal to assign to the customer.

Figure 6.55: Assign a Terminal to a Customer Result: The selected terminal is assigned to the customer.

116 | Chapter 6

Figure 6.56: Terminal Assigned to the Customer

6.3.6 To View Membership Details and Renew Membership

If a customer is a Member of your cafe, it is possible to view the persons membership details as well as renew the membership. To view membership details, do the following: 1. In the User List on the Users screen, select the Member whose membership details are to be viewed and then click View Membership Details OR In the User List on the Users screen, right-click on the record of the Member whose membership details are to be viewed and then click View Membership Details.

Rate Plans and Customers | 117

Figure 6.57: View Membership Details The View Membership Package Details dialog box appears displaying details of the customers membership package.

Figure 6.58: Viewing Details of Membership Package

118 | Chapter 6 2. To close the dialog box after viewing the membership details, click Cancel. Result: The membership details are viewed.

To renew the membership of a Member of your cafe, see Section 8.7.

Note: The Users screen has links to the following reports: Daily Register Report (see Section 11.1.1) User List Report (see Section 11.3.1) User History Report (see Section 11.3.2) Member List Report (see Section 11.3.5) Member History Report (see Section 11.3.4) For more information on reports, see Chapter 11.

Products and Services | 119

Chapter 7: Products and Services


Cyber cafes may also sell items or services at their cafe centers. Cafe owners maintain an inventory of the items that they sell. Services include printing, scanning, writing a CD/DVD, and products include selling CDs, pen drive, cold drinks, coffee and so on. The main objective is to manage all these things using iCafe Manager.

7.1 To View Products and Services

You can view a list of the available products and services on the servers Products & Services screen. You can also perform tasks like adding or editing a product or service.

Figure 7.1: Manage Products and Services

120 | Chapter 7

7.2 To Add a New Product or Service

7.2.1 To Add a New Service
To add a new service in iCafe Manager, do the following: 1. On the servers Products & Services screen, click Add New Service.

Figure 7.2: Add a New Service The Add Service dialog box appears. 2. In the Add Service dialog box do the following: Enter Name. Enter Description. Enter Rate (Rs.).

Products and Services | 121

Figure 7.3: Adding the Details of a New Service 3. Click Finish. Result: The service is added to the list of products and services.

Figure 7.4: Newly Added Service

122 | Chapter 7

Note: You can add as many services as required.

7.2.2 To Add a New Product

To add a new product in iCafe Manager, do the following: 1. On the servers Products & Services screen, click Add New Product.

Figure 7.5: Add a New Product The Add Product dialog box appears with the current date displayed as the products purchase date. 2. In the dialog box, do the following: Note: The Name, Quantity, Cost (Rs.), and Rate (Rs.) fields are mandatory. Enter Name. Enter Description.

Products and Services | 123 Select the Purchase Date if it is different from the current date. Enter Quantity. Enter Warning Level. Enter Cost (Rs.). Enter Rate (Rs.). Enter Notes. The total cost (Quantity x Cost) is automatically calculated and displayed in the Total Cost (Rs.) box.

Figure 7.6: Adding the Details of a New Product

Note: The Warning Level of the product raises an alert when the available quantity reaches the minimum level. It indicates that you should buy more of the product. In the example shown in the above image, when the mouse pad stock reaches 5, a warning is displayed. 3. Click Finish. Result: The product is added to the list of products and services.

124 | Chapter 7

Figure 7.7: Newly Added Product

Note: You can add as many products as required.

7.2.3 To Edit a Product or Service

The Edit button is used to make changes to a product or service that is already added. To edit a product or service, do the following: 1. Select a product or service from the list, and then click Edit.

Products and Services | 125

Figure 7.8: Product to be Edited Depending on whether a product or a service is selected for editing, the Edit Product or Edit Service dialog box appears.

Figure 7.9: Old Details of the Product

126 | Chapter 7 2. In the Edit Product or Edit Service dialog box, enter new data in the fields that need to be edited.

Figure 7.10: New Details of the Product 3. Click Finish. Result: The product or service details are edited.

Figure 7.11: Edited Product Details

Products and Services | 127

7.2.4 To Delete a Product or Service

You can delete a product or service using the Delete button. To delete an item, do the following: 1. Select the product or service that you want to delete from the list, and then click Delete. Note: A product or service cannot be deleted if an invoice has already been created for it. A service cannot be deleted if it is linked to a printer through the Print Manager.

Figure 7.12: Service to be Deleted

128 | Chapter 7 The following confirmation box appears.

Figure 7.13: Confirmation to Delete the Selected Service 2. Click Yes. Result: The selected product or service is deleted.

Figure 7.14: Service is Deleted

Products and Services | 129

7.3 To Add a Purchase

Add Purchase is used to enter purchases of a product that you sell in your cafe. When entering the product, provide warning level for the stock too.

Note: Add Purchase is active only when a product in the list is selected.

To add a purchase, do the following: 1. Select a product for which you want to add a purchase, and then click Add Purchase.

Figure 7.15: Add a Product Purchase The Add Purchase dialog box appears displaying the product name and with the current date selected as the purchase date. 2. In the Add Purchase dialog box, do the following: Select the Purchase Date if it is different from the current date. Enter the Quantity. Enter the Cost (Rs.). Total Cost (Rs.) is automatically calculated and displayed. Enter Notes.

130 | Chapter 7

Figure 7.16: Adding Details of the Purchase 3. Click Save. Result: The purchase is updated for the selected product on the Products & Services screen, as well as displayed in the Purchase Report.

Figure 7.17: Updated Product Quantity

Products and Services | 131

Note: The Products & Services screen has links to the following reports: Product List Report (see Section11.5.1) Purchase Report (see Section11.2.4) Product and Service Consumption Report (see Section 11.5.2) For more information on reports, see Chapter 11.

Figure 7.18: Purchase Report

132 | Chapter 7

7.4 To Sell an Item to a Customer

There are two types of customers to whom a product or service can be sold: A customer using the cafes internet facility A customer not using the cafes internet facility

7.4.1 Selling to a Customer Using the Cafes Internet Facility Selling to a customer before closing the session
A product or service can be added to a customers invoice while the session is still active. To sell a product/service to a customer during the session, do the following: 1. In the Terminals Pane, right-click on the terminal at which the customer is using the internet facility and then click Add a Sale.

Figure 7.19: Add a Product/Service Sale During a Session

Products and Services | 133 The Add a Product/Service Sale dialog box appears with an automatically generated Invoice No., current Date, User name, and Terminal name displayed. Note: Select the invoice Date if it is different from the current date. 2. To add an item, do the following: Note: The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and cannot be left blank. Select an Item from the dropdown list. The Selling Price (Rs.) is generated automatically. Enter Quantity. 3. Click Add Item. The Item and Quantity, along with the automatically calculated total (i.e., Quantity x Selling Price), are added. The Total (Rs.) (i.e., total amount of the invoice) is automatically calculated and displayed based on the added item. Note: To add more items, repeat steps 2 and 3.

Figure 7.20: Adding Details of the Product/Service Sale 4. Click Add to Invoice. Result: The product/service is added to the customers invoice.

134 | Chapter 7 Selling to a customer at the time of logging off or closing the session
A product or service can also be sold to a customer at the time of closing the persons internet session. To add a product or service sale to the customers invoice at the time of closing the session, do the following : 1. In the Terminals Pane, right-click on the terminal at which the customer is using the internet facility and then click Close Session

Figure 7.21: Close a Session The Close Session dialog box appears with an automatically generated Invoice No.; current Date; User name, Terminal name; Previous Balance of credit; cost of the internet usage; as well as total invoice amount Total (Rs.) displayed. Note: Previous Balance is the amount of credit previously given and yet to be paid by the customer. At this stage, the total invoice amount Total (Rs.) is displayed as the sum of the Previous Balance and the cost of the sessions internet usage. The invoice Date can be changed if needed.

Products and Services | 135 2. In the Close Session dialog box, do the following: Note: The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and cannot be left blank. Select an Item from the dropdown list. The Selling Price (Rs.) is generated automatically. Enter Quantity. 3. Click Add Item. The Item and Quantity, along with the automatically calculated total (i.e., Quantity x Selling Price), are added. The total invoice amount Total (Rs.) is automatically calculated and displayed based on the added item. Note: To add more items, repeat steps 3 and 4. 4. If a discount is to be offered to the customer, enter Discount in rupees or percentage. The discount amount is automatically deducted from the total invoice amount Total (Rs.). 5. If credit is to be offered to the customer, enter Credit (Rs.). Note: The value in the Credit (Rs.) field cannot be less than zero or greater than Total (Rs.). The credit amount is automatically deducted from the total invoice amount Total (Rs.). Note: For more information about the credit facility offered in iCafe Manager, see Section 6. Enter Amount Received (Rs.). The Return to User (Rs.) is automatically calculated as the difference between Amount Received (Rs.) and Total (Rs.).

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Figure 7.22: Adding a Product/Service Sale While Closing Session 7. After receiving money from the customer and returning the excess cash, click Pay to add the sale and close the dialog box, or click Pay & Print to also print the invoice. Result: The product/service sale is added to the customers invoice for internet usage. How the credit facility works

When a session is closed and the total invoice amount for it is calculated, you can allow the customer to pay part of or the whole amount later by giving credit of that much amount to the customer (see Section This credit amount is then added to the customers credit history in the cafes iCafe database for future reference. The customer can clear the credit amount during the next visit to the cafe by paying it either separately or along with the payment for another session, product, or service.

Products and Services | 137

Note: The credit facility is offered only to customers who use the cafes internet facility, and not to those who buy only a product or service from the cafe separately. The credit feature is not available while selling membership packages.

Note: The cafes credit information is displayed in the following reports: Collection Report (see Section11.2.1 ) Monthly Collection Report (see Section 11.2.3) Summary Collection Report (see Section 11.2.2) Invoice List Report (see Section 11.2.5) Invoice Details Report (see Section 11.2.6) The credit balance of a customer is displayed in the following report and screen: User List on the Users screen (see Figure 6.49) Credit Report (see Section 11.2.8) For more information on reports, see Chapter 11. If the customer logs in to another session later, when it is being closed and the total invoice amount for it is being calculated, the sum of the customers previous outstanding credit amounts is displayed as Previous Balance in the Close Session dialog box and is included in the total invoice amount Total (Rs.) for that session. At this time, if the customer pays the total amount including the previous balance, the credit balance of the customer becomes zero. If the outstanding credit amount is paid off by the customer separately without logging in to a session, the credit balance can be deleted in the Credit Report by clicking Delete next to the credit amount and then clicking Yes in the confirmation box that appears. Note: After the first time you give credit to a customer while closing a session, you can continue giving credit to the same customer at the time of closing future sessions too. The credit will be carried forward to the next session as Previous Balance. In order to correctly maintain the credit details of Users (walk-in customers), ensure that a User with a pending credit amount does not log in directly from a client terminal. Instead, assign a terminal to the User from the servers Users screen so that the correct customer can be selected and logged in if there are multiple customers with the same name. When the credit balance is paid off and becomes zero, it is not displayed in the User List and the Credit Report.

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7.4.2 Selling to a Customer Not Using the Cafes Internet Facility

To sell a product or service to a customer not using the internet facility at your cafe, do the following: 1. In the Quick Access Menu on the Home or the Products & Services screen, click Add a Sale.

Figure 7.23: Add a Product/Service Sale Without a Browsing Session The Add a Product/Service Sale dialog box appears displaying an automatically generated Invoice No. and with the current date selected as the invoice date. 2. In the Add a Product/Service Sale dialog box, do the following: Note: The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and cannot be left blank. Select the Date of the invoice if it is different from the current date. Enter User name. Enter Address.

Products and Services | 139 3. To add a product or service to the invoice, do the following: Select an Item from the dropdown list. The Selling Price is generated automatically. Enter Quantity. 4. Click Add Item. The Item and Quantity, along with the automatically calculated total (i.e., Quantity x Selling Price), are added. Total (Rs.) (i.e., total amount of the invoice) is automatically calculated and displayed based on the added item. Note: To add more items, repeat steps 3 and 4. 5. Enter Discount in rupees or percentage. The discount amount is automatically deducted from the total invoice amount, i.e. Total (Rs.). 6. Enter Amount Received (Rs.). The Return to User (Rs.) is automatically calculated as the difference between Amount Received (Rs.) and Total (Rs.).

Figure 7.24: Adding Details of the Product/Service Sale

140 | Chapter 7 7. After receiving money from the customer and returning the excess cash, click Pay to add the sale and close the dialog box, or click Pay & Print to also print the invoice. Result: The selected products/services are sold to the customer.

7.5 To Remove an Item from an Invoice

To remove an item added to an invoice, do the following: 1. Select an Item added in the Add a Product/Service Sale or Close Session dialog box.

Figure 7.25: Item to be Removed from Invoice

Products and Services | 141 2. Click Remove Item. The following confirmation box appears.

Figure 7.26: Confirmation to Remove the Selected Item from Invoice 3. Click Yes.

Figure 7.27: Selected Item is Removed from Invoice Result: The selected item is removed from the invoice.

142 | Chapter 7

Managerial Tasks | 143


Chapter 8: Managerial Tasks

This chapter describes all the tasks that a cafe owner/manager may have to perform to manage the cafe using iCafe Manager. iCafe Manager provides the manager/admin with certain rights. These rights allow him to have better control than the other employees of the cafe. The tasks that the manager/admin does are: Login as Admin and close the iCafe Manager client. Re-login customer sessions. Change the printer settings. Set scheduled backups. Change the rate plans. Add/edit Users and Registered Users. Sell and renew membership packages. Add/edit and sell product and services. Shutdown/restart terminals. Close/transfer a customer session. Delete a terminal. Execute backup and restore. Specify application settings. View reports. Some of these tasks are discussed in this chapter.

144 | Chapter 8

8.1 Admin Login on a Client Terminal

Admin login on a client terminal is only for an employee with admin rights, so that the person can log in to the iCafe Manager client and then restart/logoff/shutdown the terminal when the terminal is unable to connect to the server. Admin login also allows closing the iCafe Manager client application on the terminal for maintenance of the computer system. Admin login at an iCafe Manager client terminal might be required in the following two scenarios: When the client terminal is connected to iCafe Manager server When the client machine is unable to connect to the iCafe Manager server When the client terminal is connected to the iCafe Manager server, do the following: 1. On the client terminals login screen, click Admin Login.

Figure 8.1: Admin Login when Local Server is Available The Employee Login dialog box appears.

Managerial Tasks | 145 2. In the Employee Login dialog box, enter the login credentials of an employee who has admin rights as follows: Enter Employee Name. Enter Password.

Figure 8.2: Employee Login 3. Click Login The iCafe Manager: Settings dialog box appears.

Figure 8.3: iCafe Manager: Settings 4. To close the iCafe Manager client application on the terminal, click Close Cafe Client. OR To shutdown the terminal, click Shutdown Terminal. OR To restart the terminal, click Restart Terminal. OR To log off from the admin login, click Close. Result: Admin login takes place successfully at the client terminal.

146 | Chapter 8 Other methods for closing the iCafe Manager client login screen: If the iCafe Manager server and client are connected, an employee with admin rights logged in at the server can close the client application. In the Terminals Pane on the servers Home screen, right-click on the terminal on which the iCafe Manager client needs to be closed and then click Close Cafe Client.

Note: The Close Cafe Client option is not available on a busy terminal, i.e. a terminal where someone is logged in.

Figure 8.4: Closing the Client When it is Connected with the Server

Managerial Tasks | 147 If the iCafe Manager client was not connected to the iCafe Manager server since its reboot, it is possible to close the iCafe Manager client on a terminal using one of the following methods: If there is internet connectivity on the terminal, use the cafe code and password sent to your email at the time of cafe registration.

Figure 8.5: Closing the Client on a Terminal with Internet Connectivity

If the terminal does not have internet connection, use the cafe code to close the iCafe Manager client login screen.

Figure 8.6: Closing the Client on a Terminal without Internet Connectivity

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8.2 To Switch an Employee

Note: Switching an employee is important when more than one person manages a cafe because the sales and collections are tracked separately for each employee.

Suppose an employee works for first half of the day, and another employee works for the second half and the first person finishes his work for the day, and returns his work to the second person. Then, the second person must login with his name and password, and manage the work for the remaining part of the day. This is done by switching the employee.

In the following example, before switching the employee, the employee who is logged in is admin:

Figure 8.7: Employee Logged in is Admin

Managerial Tasks | 149 To switch from the currently logged in employee to another employee, do the following: 1. On the servers Home screen, click the arrow next to the Switch Employee box and then select the new employees name.

Figure 8.8: Switch Employee The Server Login dialog box appears. 2. In the Server Login dialog box, do the following: Enter Employee Name of the new employee. Enter Password of the new employee.

150 | Chapter 8

Figure 8.9: Other Employee Logs in 3. Click Login. The new employee is now logged in to the server.

Figure 8.10: Employee Logged in is Rakesh Result: The employee is successfully switched.

8.3 To Set Session Time

A session is the time duration for which a customer uses a terminal. A session starts when a customer logs in to the terminal and ends when the customer logs out or the session time is over. A session is closed when you create an invoice for the customer and collect money. The Set Session Time option is used to set time for a customers session. By setting a session time, the customer is logged off when the time expires after two warnings. The customer can also see the Time Remaining in the Session Details window on the client terminal.

Managerial Tasks | 151 To set session time, do the following: 1. In the Terminals pane on the servers Home screen, right-click on the busy terminal where the session time is to be set and then click Set Session Time... OR In the Terminals pane on the servers Home screen, select the busy terminal where the session time is to be set and then click Set Session Time at the bottom of the pane.

Figure 8.11: Set Session Time The Set Session Time dialog box appears with the following information about the session displayed: Terminal Name Name of the terminal where the session is active User Name Name of the customer logged in to the session Total Session Time Total time the session has already been active Time Remaining Time remaining for the session to end if a session time was previously set for it 2. In the Set Session Time box, enter the time duration in minutes after which you want the session to end. Note: The value entered in Set Session Time should be greater than the value displayed in Total Session Time.

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Figure 8.12: Set Session Time Dialog Box 3. Click Save. Result: A session time is set for the selected terminal. When 60 seconds remain before the session ends, the customer receives an alert about the remaining session time.

Figure 8.13: Alert about Remaining Session Time

8.4 To Renew a Session

The Renew Session Time option appears upon right-clicking a busy terminal only if a session time was previously set for the current session on the terminal. If the customer at the terminal wishes to extend the session, this option is used to renew the session time. It adds the new session time to the time remaining in the current session. To renew the session time, do the following: 1. In the Terminals Pane on the servers Home screen, right-click on the terminal where the session time is already set and needs to be renewed and then click Renew Session Time...

Managerial Tasks | 153

Figure 8.14: Renew Session Time The Renew Session Time dialog box appears with the following information about the session displayed: Terminal Name Name of the terminal where the session is active User Name Name of the customer logged in to the session Total Session Time Total time the session has already been active Time Remaining Time remaining for the session to end based on the session time previously set for it. 2. In the Renew Session Time box, enter the new session time to be added to the session.

Figure 8.15: Renew Session Time Dialog Box

154 | Chapter 8 3. Click Renew. Result: The session time is renewed.

Note: A session can be renewed only while it is active. If the session ends or the customer logs out, a new session needs to be started if the customer needs more session time.

8.5 To Transfer a Session

If a customer is uncomfortable with the assigned terminal or realizes that a necessary webcam/ headphone/microphone is not available there, the person might ask to transfer the session to another terminal. If a customer wants to change the terminal, it is possible to transfer the session to another client terminal. To transfer a session, do the following: 1. In the Terminals Pane on the servers Home screen, right click on the terminal where the customer is currently logged in and then click Transfer Session...

Figure 8.16: Transfer Session

Managerial Tasks | 155 The Transfer Session dialog box appears.

Figure 8.17: Transfer Session Dialog Box 2. In the Terminal box, select an idle terminal to which the customers session will be transferred. 3. Click Switch. Result: The customer session is transferred from the previous terminal to the new selected terminal.

Figure 8.18: Transferred Session

156 | Chapter 8

8.6 To Close a Session

When a customer logs out from a terminal, that session must be closed before assigning the terminal to another customer. To close a session, do the following: 1. In the Terminals Pane on the servers Home screen, right-click on the terminal to be closed and then click Close Session

Figure 8.19: Close Session The Close Session dialog box appears with the Invoice No., invoice Date, User name, Terminal name, customers Previous Balance of credit, and the Total (Rs.) that the customer has to pay.

Managerial Tasks | 157

Figure 8.20: Close Session Dialog Box Note: You can also sell products and other services to the customer while closing the session. For more information on how to do that, see Section 2. Click Pay. Result: The customer session is closed.

8.7 To Renew a Membership

To renew the membership of a customer who is logged in at a terminal, do the following: 1. Right-click on the terminal where the Member is logged in, and then click Renew Membership Package... Note: This can be done only if the customers previous membersh ip is still within its validity period, otherwise the Renew Membership Package... option is unavailable when you right-click on the terminal where the customer is logged in.

158 | Chapter 8

Figure 8.21: Renew Membership of a Logged in Member OR Find the customer whose membership is to be renewed (see Section 6.3.2), and then do the following: In the User List on the Users screen, select the Member whose membership is to be renewed and then click Renew Membership OR In the User List on the Users screen, right-click on the Members record whose membership is to be renewed and then click Renew Membership

Managerial Tasks | 159

Figure 8.22: Renew Membership from Users Screen The Renew Membership Package dialog box appears displaying details of the customers existing membership package.

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Figure 8.23: Details of Existing Membership Package 2. In the Membership Package box, select the new membership package to be bought. The details of the selected package are displayed.

Figure 8.24: Details of Selected Membership Package

Managerial Tasks | 161

Note: Carry forward balance minutes can be used when a member is unable to use all the minutes of the previous package within its validity period. Either some or all the remaining minutes of the old package can be carried forward to the new package as Minutes to carry forward. For a customer who becomes a member for the first time, Carry forward balance minutes is not selected. Carry forward balance minutes cannot be selected if the expiry date of the old package has passed. 3. Select Carry forward balance minutes if needed, and then enter the Minutes to carry forward.

Figure 8.25: Balance Minutes to be Carried Forward 4. Click Pay. The membership is renewed to the selected package, and the Minutes Remaining from the previous package are added to it. In the above example, the Minutes Remaining in the membership are recalculated from 600 to 3600.

162 | Chapter 8

Figure 8.26: Renewed Membership, with Balance Minutes Added Result: The membership is renewed and balance minutes carried forward.

8.8 To Change the Application Settings

To manage various application settings, do the following: In the Menu Bar on the server screen, click Settings.

Figure 8.27: Managing Application Settings

Managerial Tasks | 163 The Application Settings panel appears with the following tabs: General Cafe Details Auto Close Session Rate Plan Configuration Employees Printer Settings Receipt Customization Bandwidth Monitor Client Configuration Each of these tabs is explained below.

General tab Through the General tab, you can choose to close all the applications that are open on a terminal when a customer logs out from it or when its session is closed from the server. Here, you can also enable the SMS service to get a daily alert via SMS having the following information about your cafe for the previous day: Amount collected as charges for browsing sessions Amount collected for sale of products and services Total revenue Time when the server was started Time when the server was closed Total number of terminals used 1. In the Application Settings panel, click General. 2. To close all the open applications on a terminal when the customer logs out or the session is closed from the server, select Close Application on User logout. 3. To receive a daily SMS about your cafes collection, revenue, server, and terminal information for the previous day, select Enable SMS Service.

164 | Chapter 8

Figure 8.28: Application Settings - General 4. Click Save. The Application Settings dialog box appears.

Figure 8.29: Application Settings Dialog Box 5. Click OK. Result: The features to close applications on a terminal upon logout and to receive a daily SMS alert with the cafes financial, server, and terminal information for the previous day are configured successfully.

Managerial Tasks | 165 Cafe Details tab The Cafe Details tab allows you to view and edit your cyber cafe name and address. 1. In the Application Settings panel, click Cafe Details. Note: Both the Cyber Cafe Name and Cyber Cafe Address fields are mandatory. 2. Type or edit the Cyber Cafe Name. 3. Type or edit the Cyber Cafe Address.

Figure 8.30: Application Settings Cafe Details 4. Click Save. The Application Settings dialog box appears (see Figure 8.29). 5. Click OK. Result: The cafe details are entered successfully.

166 | Chapter 8 Auto Close Session tab In the Auto Close Session mode, the server automatically closes the client terminals session when a client logs out from it and does not need to be closed manually from the server. In the Auto Close Session tab, you can change the settings for iCafe Managers auto close session mode. 1. In the Application Settings panel, click Auto Close Session. 2. Select Automatically Close Session on User logout. The server automatically closes the session on a client terminal when a customer logs out from it. Note: When this feature is selected, the session will automatically close, and after that it will not be possible to change the customers bill or use the re-login feature. When you select this feature, the Show alert on customer logout check box becomes enabled. 3. To display an alert on the server when a customer logs out from a client terminal, select Show alert on user logout. Note: When the customer logs out from the client terminal while the server is in the Auto Close Session mode, the session details are displayed in the Closed Sessions tab of the Updates Pane. At the same time if the application is not on the Home screen, the Home tab in the Menu Bar becomes orange in colour and blinks to indicate this event.

Figure 8.31: Application Settings - Auto Close Session 4. Click Save. The Application Settings dialog box appears (see Figure 8.29). 5. Click OK. Result: The Auto Close Session mode becomes On.

Managerial Tasks | 167

Note: When iCafe Manager is in Auto Close Session mode, this status of the server is displayed at the top of the Terminals Pane on the servers Home screen as Auto Close Session is On.

Figure 8.32: iCafe Manager Server - Auto Close Session Mode

Rate Plan Configuration tab In pulse-based membership, a fixed number of minutes are deducted from the members package. Using the Rate Plan Configuration tab, you can enable pulse-based membership for your cyber cafe and manage its settings. 1. In the Application Settings panel, click Rate Plan Configuration. Note: All fields marked (*) in the Rate Plan Configuration tab are mandatory. 2. Select Enable Pulse Based Membership. Note: When pulse-based membership is enabled, sessions for Members will have to be closed in the same manner as closing sessions for Registered Users. When you select this feature, the Pulse Time and Display pulse deductions on client terminals fields are enabled.

168 | Chapter 8 3. Enter the Pulse Time you want to set. Note: If pulse-based membership is enabled, this field is mandatory and should not be left blank. When you select this feature, the number of minutes specified as pulse time will be deducted from the customers membership package. 4. To display the number of minutes deducted from the customers membership package on the client terminal, select Display Pulse Time deductions on User Terminals. Note: When this feature is selected, information regarding pulse deductions will be displayed on the Session Details and Session Logout screens of the client terminal.

Figure 8.33: Application Settings - Rate Plan Configuration 5. Click Save. The Application Settings dialog box appears (see Figure 8.29). 6. Click OK. Result: Pulse based membership is enabled in your cafe.

Note: When pulse based membership is enabled, the session needs to be closed from the server even for cafe Members.

Managerial Tasks | 169 Employees tab The Employees tab is used to create and manage the details of employees accessing iCafe Manager. In this tab, you can add, edit, or delete an employees details in your cafes iCafe database. The person who administers the cafe has full rights for iCafe Manager, while the other employees have limited rights. The administrator or admin adds new employees to iCafe Manager and assigns only certain rights to them. When many people work in the cafe, then the Employees tab is used to create multiple employee logins. A separate login account must be created for everyone managing iCafe Manager so that it allows the cafe owner or administrator to track the activities performed by each employee separately.

Note: A default employee Admin is already present on the system, and as the administrator only this person can close the iCafe Manager application.

Figure 8.34: Application Settings - Employees To add a new employee, do the following: 1. In the Employees tab, click Add Employee. The Add/Edit Employee Details dialog box appears. 2. In the Add/Edit Employee Details dialog box, do the following: Enter Employee Name. Select the Employee Type. Enter the Password.

170 | Chapter 8 Re-enter the password in Confirm Password. Select the permissions to be given to the employee. Note: If the Employee Type selected is Administrator, by default the person is given all the employee permissions. However, if the Employee Type selected is Employee, only certain permissions are given by default and the administrator or cafe owner can decide to remove or add permissions. To undo any changes made to the employee permissions and to restore the default permissions, click Reset to Default.

Figure 8.35: Adding Details of New Employee 3. Click Finish. The new employees record appears in the employee list.

Managerial Tasks | 171

Figure 8.36: Newly Added Employee 4. Click Save. Result: A new employee is added to iCafe Manager with the selected permissions. To edit employee details, do the following: Note: Only employees with admin rights can edit employee details. 1. In the employee list select an employee, and then click Edit.

Figure 8.37: Employee whose Details are to be Edited

172 | Chapter 8 The Add/Edit Employee Details dialog box appears.

Figure 8.38: Old Details of the Employee 2. In the Add/Edit Employee Details dialog box, change any or all of the following details: Employee Name Employee Type Password

Managerial Tasks | 173

Figure 8.39: New Details of the Employee 3. Click Finish. The employee details are edited.

Figure 8.40: Edited Employee Details 4. Click Save. Result: The employee details and permissions are edited as needed.

174 | Chapter 8 To delete employee details, do the following:

Note: Only employees with admin rights can delete employee details.

1. In the list of employees, select the name of the employee whose details you want to delete. 2. Click Delete.

Figure 8.41: Employee Record to be Deleted 3. In the confirmation box that appears, click Yes.

Figure 8.42: Confirmation to Delete the Selected Employee Record The employee record is deleted.

Managerial Tasks | 175

Figure 8.43: Selected Employee Record is Deleted 4. Click Save. Result: The employee details are deleted.

Printer Settings tab Using the Printer Settings tab you can enable the Print Manager on all the printers of your cafe that are on the same network as iCafe Manager; automatically add charges to the customers bill for a specific service obtained from one of the printers; and associate a service with all the printers, which will be added to the customers bill when any printer is used.

Note: For information about configuring settings for individual printers, see Section 10.1.

1. In the Application Settings panel, click Printer Settings. 2. Select Enable Print Manager on All Printers. 3. To automatically add charges for a specific printer-related service to the customers bill, select Automatically add Printing Charges to users invoice , and then select a service from the Select a Service box. Note: If no service is defined in iCafe Manager yet or if a new service needs to be added, in the Select a Service box select Add New Service. For information on how to add a service, see Section 6.2.1.

176 | Chapter 8

Figure 8.44: Application Settings Printer Settings 4. Click Save. A confirmation box appears asking whether you would like to apply the settings to all the printers on the network.

Figure 8.45: Confirmation to Apply Settings to All Printers 5. Click Yes. The Application Settings dialog box appears (see Figure 8.29). 6. Click OK. Result: The desired settings are applied to all the printers on the iCafe Manager network.

Managerial Tasks | 177 Receipt Customization tab Using the Receipt Customization tab you can add a header and a footer to the receipt. 1. In the Application Settings panel, click Receipt Customization. 2. Type or edit the Receipt Header. 3. Type or edit the Receipt Footer.

Figure 8.46: Application Settings Receipt Customization 4. Click Save. The Application Settings dialog box appears (see Figure 8.29) 5. Click OK. Result: The receipt is successfully customized.

178 | Chapter 8 Bandwidth Monitor tab Using the Bandwidth Monitor tab you can monitor the internet bandwidth used by every terminal in your cafe. iCafe Manager tracks the amount of data being downloaded by each customer at your cafe and lets you control the overall download limit per terminal session. It displays the total data downloaded on the server and uses different colours to show the percentage of download limit utilized on the terminals. You can also set an alert to inform the cafe customers whenever the download limit is exceeded. 1. In the Application Settings panel, click Bandwidth Monitor. 2. Select Enable Bandwidth Monitor. The Set Total Download Limit check box becomes enabled. Additionally, the Download column is added to the Terminals Pane and the Terminal Information tab on the Home screen, in which the current size of downloaded data is displayed. 3. To set a download limit for every terminal, select Set Total Download Limit and then type the desired download limit in the next box. The Show Download Progress and Alert User check boxes become enabled. Note: The download limit can be from 1 MB to 9999 MB, and no decimals are allowed. 4. To display on the server the amount of data downloaded on each terminal, select Show Download Progress. When the size of the downloaded data reaches 50%, 75%, and 90% of the download limit, the server gets notifications in the following ways: The colour of the customer row in the Terminal Information tab on the Home screen changes as follows: Note: The following examples are for a total download limit of 100 MB. a. When the downloaded data reaches 50% of the download limit, the row background turns Blue.

Figure 8.47: 50% of Download Limit Reached b. When the downloaded data reaches 75% of the limit, the row background turns Orange.

Figure 8.48: 75% of Download Limit Reached c. When the downloaded data reaches 90% of the limit, the row background turns Red.

Figure 8.49: 90% of Download Limit Reached

Managerial Tasks | 179 OR If the Terminal Information tab is not visible (when the Terminals Pane is displayed in table view and Quick Help is collapsed), the text in the Download (MB) column of the Terminals Pane is displayed in bold style and reflects colours as follows: Note: The following examples are for a total download limit of 8 MB. a. For 50% Blue

Figure 8.50: 50% of Download Limit Reached b. For 75% Orange

Figure 8.51 : 75% of Download Limit Reached c. For 90% Red

Figure 8.52: 90% of Download Limit Reached 5. To warn the customer when the download limit is exceeded on the terminal, select Alert User. When 90% of the download limit is reached, the customer at the terminal receives an alert.

Figure 8.53: Alert Displayed on Client Terminal

180 | Chapter 8

Figure 8.54: Application Settings - Bandwidth Monitor 6. Click Save. The Application Settings dialog box appears (see Figure 8.29). 7. Click OK. Result: The bandwidth monitor is enabled.

Note: The Daily Bandwidth Consumption Report provides details of the data downloaded and the bandwidth consumed at each terminal on a specified date.

Managerial Tasks | 181 Client Configuration tab Using the Client Configuration tab, you can configure the login screen of the client terminals of your cafe. You can enable or disable direct login for Users as well as login for Registered Users and Members.

Note: Atleast one of the two types of login should be selected, i.e. for Users or for Registered Users/Members.

1. In the Application Settings panel, click Client Configuration. 2. To allow Users to directly login from the cafe terminals without registration and password, select Enable Login without Registration & Password. 3. To allow Registered Users and Members to login from the cafe terminals, select Enable Registered User & Member Login.

Figure 8.55: Application Settings - Client Configuration 4. Click Save. The Application Settings dialog box appears (see Figure 8.29). 5. Click OK. Result: The login screen of your cafes client terminals is configured.

182 | Chapter 8

8.9 To Lock and Unlock Server

The Lock Server feature locks the iCafe Manager server and disables all its options. In the locked state, it is not possible to perform any tasks on the server. To lock the server, in the servers Menu Bar click Lock Server.

Figure 8.56: Locking the Server

Managerial Tasks | 183

Figure 8.57: Locked Server All Features are Disabled

Note: You can select a terminal to view the terminal information even when the server is locked.

Result: The server is locked, and the Lock Server tab in the servers Menu Bar changes to Unlock Server.

184 | Chapter 8 Unlock Server unlocks the server after it has been locked using Lock Server. 1. To unlock the server, in the servers Menu Bar click Unlock Server. The Server Login dialog box appears. 2. In the Server Login dialog box, enter Employee Name and Password and then click Login.

Figure 8.58: Logging in to Unlock the Server

Result: The locked server is unlocked.

Managerial Tasks | 185

8.10 To Shutdown All Terminals

This option allows you to shutdown all the terminals that are connected to the server using a single command. To shutdown all terminals, do the following: 1. In the Quick Access Menu on the servers Home screen, click Shutdown All Terminals. The View Terminal confirmation box appears.

Figure 8.59: Shutdown All Terminals 2. Click Yes. Result: All the terminals are shutdown at the same time.

186 | Chapter 8

8.11 To Restart All Terminals

This option allows you to restart all the terminals that are connected to the server using a single command. To restart all the terminals, do the following: 1. In the Quick Access Menu on the servers Home screen, click Restart All Terminals. The View Terminal confirmation box appears.

Figure 8.60: Restart All Terminals 2. Click Yes Result: All the terminals are restarted at the same time.

Managerial Tasks | 187

8.12 To Re-connect All Terminals

This option is used when some of the client terminals are not visible in the Terminals Pane on the Home screen. To reconnect all the terminals, do the following: 1. In the Quick Access Menu on the servers Home screen, click Re-connect All Terminals. The Manage Terminals confirmation box appears.

Figure 8.61: Re-connect All Terminals 2. Click Yes. Result: All the terminals are re-connected at the same time.

188 | Chapter 8

8.13 Managerial Reports

To manage the cafe, the cafe manger maintains the following reports: Terminal Usage Report Server Up Time Report Close Cafe Client Report Note: The option for cafe management reports is available on the servers Reports screen.

Terminal Usage Report The Terminal Usage Report gives information about which terminal is being used how many time by customers.

Figure 8.62: Terminal Usage Report Note: For more information on the Terminal Usage Report, see Section11.4.1.

Managerial Tasks | 189 Server Up Time Report The Server Up Time Report gives detailed information about the startup and shutdown of the iCafe Manager server. By default, the Server Up Time Report for the current date is displayed.

Figure 8.63: Server Up Time Report

Note: For more information on the Server Up Time Report, see Section11.4.2.

190 | Chapter 8 Close Cafe Client Report The Close Cafe Client Report gives information about how many times a terminals client application was closed by an employee.

Figure 8.64: Close Cafe Client Report

Note: For more information on the Close Cafe Client Report, see Section11.4.3.

Website Blocking and Tracking | 191


Chapter 9: Website Blocking and Tracking

The Track & Block Websites option on the Menu Bar at the top of the server screen provides the Website Blocking and Website Tracking features of iCafe Manager.

Figure 9.1: Blocking and Tracking Websites

192 | Chapter 9

Website Blocking
The Website Blocking feature enables you to prevent customers from surfing unwanted websites in your cafe. These websites typically have adult or objectionable content or are banned under government rules. Using this feature you can block a complete website or certain webpages and links in advance, thus avoiding potential legal problems. It also helps maintain a clean environment in your cafe, in which all types of customers are comfortable surfing. Note: Website Blocking is an optional feature and is disabled by default.

9.1 To Enable Website Blocking

To enable the Website Blocking feature, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Track & Block Websites. The Blocking Websites panel appears. Note: All fields marked (*) in the Blocking Websites panel are mandatory. 1. Select Enable Website Blocking. 2. In the Site box, type the URL of the website to be blocked, and then click Add. The site appears in the Blocked Websites grid. Note: To block more websites, repeat step 3. To unblock a website, select it in the Blocked Websites grid and then click Remove. To unblock all the websites in the Blocked Websites grid, click Remove All.

Figure 9.2: Block Websites

Website Blocking and Tracking | 193 3. Click Save. Result: Website blocking is enabled.

Note: When a website URL, for example, is provided in the Site box, the entire website and all its contents, including all sub-domains / directories, are blocked. However, when only a sub-domain of the website such as is provided in the Site box, only that is blocked while the other sub-domains of the website such as and are still accessible. The websites of iCafe Manager cannot be blocked. Up to 250 sites can be blocked in iCafe Manager. The URL Blocking Report provides a list of the blocked domains or websites.

Website Tracking
The Website Tracking feature lets you record and save the URLs of websites visited by a customer from a client terminal. This data is not only useful for the cafe owner, but also critical to law and order enforcement authorities to monitor and prevent illegal activities. When website tracking is enabled on the iCafe Manager server, each customers browsing history, if any, is stored at a chosen location on your computer as a text file (CSV format). The filename contains the customers name and the login time of the session, and the file stores the URL of visited websites as well as the time when each website was opened and then closed.

Note: Website Tracking is an optional feature and is disabled by default. The website tracking data is not uploaded to the online server but stored only locally in your cafe.

9.2 To Enable Website Tracking

To enable the Website Tracking feature, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Track & Block Websites. The Tracking Websites panel appears. Note: All fields marked (*) in the Tracking Websites panel are mandatory.

194 | Chapter 9 2. Select Enable Website Tracking. Note: Click Terms & Conditions next to the Enable Website Tracking check box, to read the additional terms and conditions for enabling website tracking. 3. To track the complete website, select Complete Website Address. OR To track only the website, select Only website. Note: Tracking the complete website address requires more disk space than tracking only the website. 4. Click Browse and choose a folder path where you want to create the text file that stores website tracking data. Note: Click Open this folder to view the contents of the folder specified in the Folder Path box. 5. In the Keep only last box, type the number of days for which you would like to keep website tracking data after it is saved. Note: The minimum number of days that can be entered is 365 days. By default the tracked data is saved in the folder path for 365 days. Upon completion of that duration, files older than 365 days are deleted.

Figure 9.3: Track Websites 6. Click Save. Result: Website tracking is enabled.

Website Blocking and Tracking | 195

9.3 To View the Browsing History

The data of each of the tracked URLs is stored in the comma-separated-value format (CSV format), in the folder path chosen by you.

Note: The data about the tracked websites is not uploaded to the iCafe Manager online server. It is available only in your cafe, in the specified folder path. To save the data, select a drive which has sufficient space. By default the data is saved in the WebsiteTracking folder where iCafe Manager is installed. At least one CSV file is created for each day. The CSV format is a text file format. To view the browsing history, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Track & Block Websites. The Tracking Websites panel appears. 2. Click Open this folder.

Figure 9.4: Opening the Browsing History Folder The contents of the folder are displayed.

Figure 9.5: Browsing History Folder

196 | Chapter 9 3. Double-click the required file from this folder. The CSV file opens in Excel format. Note: CSV files can be opened using both Notepad and Excel.

Result: The browsing history is viewed.

The CSV file contains the following fields if the Complete Website Address option is selected: CustomerId The customers login ID in the case of Registered Users, and DIRECTUSER in the case of Users CustomerName Name of the customer TerminalName Name of the computer that the customer used for browsing URLId Used for internal purpose only URL The URL browsed by the customer at the terminal TimeStamp Date and time when the URL was browsed

Figure 9.6: CSV File For Complete Website Address

Website Blocking and Tracking | 197 The file contains the following fields if the Only Website option is selected: Site The website browsed Count The number of times the website was browsed Duration The duration for which the website was browsed

Figure 9.7: CSV File For Only Website

198 | Chapter 9

Print Manager | 199


Chapter 10: Print Manager

The Print Manager helps you in monitoring printouts sent to different printers within the cafe. These printouts can optionally be added to the customers bill. Note: With the Print Manager, multiple printers can also be monitored.

10.1 To Configure the Print Manager

For the Print Manager to work, it should be enabled on the printers to be monitored. When no printer is configured for the Print Manager, the on-screen help text provides guidance on how to setup up Print Manager.

Figure 10.1: Printer Manager is not Configured

200 | Chapter 10 To configure the Print Manager, do the following: 1. On the servers Print Manager screen, click Print Manager Settings. The Print Manager Settings panel appears, listing the printers installed. 2. Select the printer that you wish to monitor. 3. Select Enable Print Manager on this Printer. When this feature is checked, all the printouts taken from this printer are monitored. 4. Select Automatically add Printing Charges to users invoice. With this feature, printouts are automatically added to the customers invoice. 5. In the Select a Service box, select the service for which printing charges are automatically added to the customers invoice when the printer is in use. Note: If no service is defined in iCafe Manager yet or if a new service needs to be added, in the Select a Service box select Add New Service. For information on how to add a service, see Section 6.2.1.

Figure 10.2: Print Manager Settings 6. Click Save. Result: The selected printer is configured for the Print Manager.

Print Manager | 201

10.2 Manage Print Jobs

On clicking Manage Print Jobs on the servers Print Manager screen, the following sections and functions appear on the screen: Manage Print Jobs Completed Print Jobs Common Tasks Related Reports

Figure 10.3: Manage Print Jobs Manage Print Jobs This section lists the jobs currently being printed. The following details are displayed for an active print job: Printer Name: Name of the printer in use Terminal Name: Name of the Client terminal User Name: Name of the customer requesting for a printout Document Name: Name of the document to be printed Total Pages: Total number of pages sent for print Status: Whether the service is In-progress/completed

202 | Chapter 10 Completed Print Jobs This section lists all the printouts that are completed. In addition to the details listed in Manage Print Jobs, Completed Print Jobs also displays the Amount (Rs.), while it does not display the status of the print job as it is already completed. Amount (Rs.): The total amount the customer must pay the cafe for printouts

Note: If the print command is given from the server or from a terminal that does not have the iCafe Manager client installed and running, the User Name displayed is Unknown.

Common Tasks Links to the following common printer-related tasks are also available on the Print Manager screen: How To Setup Print Manager The How To Setup Print Manager option displays steps to setup the print manager quickly. Moreover, you can directly go to the Print Manager Settings by clicking Configure Print Manager Now on this screen. View Printer Settings View Printer Settings opens the Printer and Faxes window of the operating system.

Related Reports Links to the following two printer-related reports are available on the Print Manager screen: Printer Usage Report The Printer Usage Report gives details of all the print jobs that took place in a given date range. You can also select the printer, customer, terminal, and employee for which you want to see the report.

Note: For more information on the Printer Usage Report, see Section 11.6.1.

Printer Summary Report The Printer Summary Report gives a summary of the prints taken from a particular printer.

Note: For more information on the Printer Summary Report, see Section 11.6.2.

Reports | 203

Chapter 11: Reports


There are many types of reports that you can generate on the iCafe Manager server to quickly view and understand useful information. All these reports are listed in the left panel of the servers Reports screen. Some of these reports are also provided on the other server screens as needed.

Figure 11.1: Reports

204 | Chapter 11 The reports of the iCafe Manager server are classified into the following seven categories:

General Reports This category has the following general purpose report: Daily Register Report Financial Reports This category has the following reports showing the cyber cafes financial details: Collection Report Summary Collection Report Monthly Collection Report Purchase Report Invoice List Report Invoice Detail Report Adjustment Report User Reports This category has the following reports related to the cafes customers: User List Report User History Report User Details Report Member History Report Member List Reports Cafe Management Reports This category has the following reports related to managing the cyber cafe: Terminal Usage Report Server Up Time Report Close Cafe Client Report

Product And Service Reports This category has the following reports related to the products and services provided by the cyber cafe: Product List Report Product and Service Consumption Report Printer Reports This category has the following reports related to the printers used in the cyber cafe: Printer Usage Report Printer Summary Report Internet Usage Reports This category has the following reports related to internet usage in the cyber cafe: Website Blocking Report Daily Bandwidth Consumption Report

Reports | 205 Before discussing each report in detail, let us understand a typical report screen. On any report screen, you will always find the following two elements:

Report Filter: It is a filter section where you can give one or more conditions for the report. It helps in getting customized or selected reports to suit your need. For example, you can specify the name of an employee in the Employee field of the report filter to generate a report for one particular employee.

Figure 11.2: Example of a Report Filter

206 | Chapter 11 Report Toolbar: It is a toolbar with many features that can be used for a report. It appears above the report.

Figure 11.3: Report Toolbar The icons on the report toolbar are explained in Table 11.1. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15





Figure 11.4: Report Toolbar Icons

Note: One or more of these buttons might be disabled depending on the report.

Reports | 207 No. 1 2 3 Icon Icon Name Show or Hide Document Map First Page Previous Page Function Click to display or hide the document map for the report. Click to go to the first page of the report. Click to go to the previous page of the report. In the Current Page box, type the page number to go to directly, and then press Enter. The Total Pages field displays the total number of pages in the report. Click to go to the next page of the report. Click to go to the last page of the report. Click to go back to the parent report of the current report. Click to stop the report generation process. Click to refresh or create the report again. Click to print the report on a printer connected to the iCafe Manager server. Click to see a preview of how the report will look when printed. Click to view and change the page setup of the report for a printout. Click the arrow next to the Export box to save the report in a Microsoft Excel sheet or as an Acrobat (PDF) file. Click the arrow next to the Zoom box and select a value to view the report in a different size. In the Search Text box, type the search text that you want to find in the report, and then click Find. Click to find the next place where the search text appears in the report.

Current Page of Total Pages

5 6 7 8 9

Next Page Last Page Back to Parent Report Stop Rendering Refresh



11 12

Print Layout Page Setup






Search Text and Find


Find Next

Table 11.1: Report Toolbar Icons

208 | Chapter 11 Each report available on the Reports screen is explained in the remaining chapter.

Note: You should be logged in to the server to view the reports. Mandatory fields for generating reports are marked with a red asterisk in the figures.

11.1 General Reports

11.1.1 Daily Register Report
The Daily Register Report gives the details of all the customers who visited your cyber cafe on the date that you provide in the report filter. The report includes all types of customers, i.e., Users, Registered Users, and Members. The following information is displayed in the report: Name Name of the customer who logged into a terminal of the cafe on that date Address Customers address Contact Number Customers telephone number ID Card Type Type of ID card provided by the customer ID Card No. ID card number Terminal Name Name of the terminal where the customer logged in Time In Time when the customer logged in at the terminal Time Out Time when the customer logged out from the terminal Employee Name Name of the employee who was logged in at the server when the customer visited the cafe To generate a Daily Register Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears with the current dates daily register report. Note: If you are already on the Reports screen, in the left panel of the screen, click Daily Register Report. 2. In the Date box of the report filter, select the date for which you want to view the Daily Register Report. 3. Click Show. Result: The Daily Register Report for the selected date appears.

Reports | 209

Figure 11.5: Daily Register Report

11.2 Financial Reports

11.2.1 Collection Report
The Collection Report gives a list of each time money was collected from customers on a specific date or range of dates for any activity, including internet usage and the sale of products and services. The following information is displayed in the report: Date Date on which the money was collected Time In Time when the customer logged in at a terminal Time Out Time when the customer logged out from the terminal Duration (HH:MM) Duration of the customers internet session at the terminal Type Type of customer Name Name of the customer Internet Usage (Rs.) Amount charged to the customer for using the internet Membership Package (Rs.) Amount charged to the customer for a membership package Product Service (Rs.) Amount charged for a product or service sold to the customer Previous Balance (Rs.) Amount of credit previously given and yet to be paid by the customer Discount (Rs.) Amount of discount given to the customer Credit Amount of credit given to the customer Total Amount (Rs.) Total amount charged to the customer Employee Name Name of the employee who was logged in at the server when the customer visited the cafe

210 | Chapter 11 To generate a Collection Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click Collection Report. The default Collection Report screen appears with the collection report for the current date. 3. In the From Date box of the report filter, select the start date for the Collection Report. 4. In the To Date box, select the end date for the report. 5. In the Type box, select the type of customer for which you want the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the three types of customers of your cyber cafe, i.e., Users, Registered Users, and Members. 6. In the Employee box, select the name of the employee whose collections you want view in the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the employees of the cyber cafe. 7. Click Show. Result: The Collection Report for the selected dates, customer type, and employee appears.

Figure 11.6: Collection Report

Reports | 211

11.2.2 Summary Collection Report

The Summary Collection Report sums up and gives the financial result of collections and expenses for each date in the specified duration of time. The collections include money earned from internet usage and the sale of products and services, and the expenses include the money spent in buying products and providing services. This report is generally used to see the collections and expenses for a given date. The following information is displayed in the report for each date in the time range that you provide: Date Date on which the money was collected or spent Total Internet Usage (Rs.) Total amount collected from customers for internet usage on that date Total Membership Package (Rs.) Total amount earned by selling membership packages to customers on that date Total Sale (Rs.) Total amount collected by selling products and services to customers on that date Total Purchase (Rs.) Total amount spent on purchasing products and providing services to customers on that date Total Previous Balance (Rs.) Total outstanding credit amount yet to be paid by some customers as on that date Total Discount (Rs.) Total amount of discount given to customers on that date Total Credit (Rs.) Total credit given to the customers on that date Total Amount (Rs.) Difference between the total collections and the total expenses of that date To generate a Summary Collection Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click Summary Collection Report. The default Summary Collection Report screen appears with the current months summary collection report. 3. In the From Date box of the report filter, select the start date for the Summary Collection Report. 4. In the To Date box, select the end date for the report. 5. Click Show. Result: The Summary Collection Report for the selected range of dates appears.

212 | Chapter 11

Figure 11.7: Summary Collection Report

11.2.3 Monthly Collection Report

The Monthly Collection Report sums up and gives the financial result of collections and expenses for each month in the specified range of months. The collections include money earned from internet usage and the sale of products and services, and the expenses include the money spent in buying products and providing services. This report is generally used to see the collections and expenses for a given month. The following information is displayed in the report for each month in the range that you provide: Month Month in which the money was collected or spent Total Internet Usage (Rs.) Total amount collected from customers for internet usage in that month Total Membership Package (Rs.) Total amount earned by selling membership packages to customers in that month Total Sale (Rs.) Total amount collected by selling products and services to customers in that month Total Purchase (Rs.) Total amount spent on purchasing products and providing services to customers in that month Total Previous Balance (Rs.) Total outstanding credit amount yet to be paid by some customers as on that month Total Discount (Rs.) Total amount of discount given to customers in that month Total Credit (Rs.) Total credit amount given to customers in that month Total Amount (Rs.) Difference between the total collections and the total expenses of that month

Reports | 213 To generate a Monthly Collection Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click Monthly Collection Report. The default Monthly Collection Report screen appears with the current months Monthly Collection Report. 3. In the From Month and Year boxes of the report filter, select the starting month and year for the monthly collection report. 4. In the To Month and Year boxes, select the ending month and year for the report. 5. Click Show. Result: The Monthly Collection Report for the selected range of months appears.

Figure 11.8: Monthly Collection Report

11.2.4 Purchase Report

The Purchase Report gives details of the products bought during a specific period of time. It can be generated for a particular date range or a particular product. The following information is displayed in the report for the time range and/or product that you provide: Purchase Date Date on which the product was purchased Product Name Name of the product Rate (Rs.) Price of one unit of the product Quantity Quantity of product purchased Total (Rs.) Total price of product (i.e., Price x Quantity)

214 | Chapter 11 To generate a Purchase Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click Purchase Report under Financial Reports. The default Purchase Report screen appears with the current months Purchase Report. 3. In the From Date box of the report filter, select the start date for the purchase report. 4. In the To Date box, select the end date for the report. 5. In the Product Name box, select the product for which you want the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the products purchased during the specified date range. 6. Click Show. Result: The Purchase Report for the selected date range and product appears.

Figure 11.9: Purchase Report

Reports | 215

11.2.5 Invoice List Report

The Invoice List Report gives details of all the invoices generated during a particular date range. The following information is displayed in the report for the range of dates that you provide: Date Date of invoice Invoice No. Invoice number Name Name of customer Type Type of customer Internet Usage (Rs.) Amount charged to the customer for using the internet Membership Package (Rs.) Amount charged to the customer for a membership package Product Service (Rs.) Amount charged for a product of service sold to the customer Previous Balance (Rs.) Total credit amount given earlier and yet to be paid by the customer Discount (Rs.) Amount of discount given to the customer Credit (Rs.) Total credit amount given to the customer in this invoice Total Amount (Rs.) Total invoice amount finally charged to the customer To generate an Invoice List Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click Invoice List Report under Financial Reports. The default Invoice List Report screen appears with the invoice list report for the current date. 3. In the From Date box of the report filter, select the start date for the Invoice List Report. 4. In the To Date box, select the end date for the report. 5. Click Show. Result: The Invoice List Report for the selected date range appears.

216 | Chapter 11

Figure 11.10: Invoice List Report

11.2.6 Invoice Detail Report

The Invoice Detail Report gives the details of a particular invoice. Since this is actually a bill of the cyber cafe, you can print this report to give to a customer as a bill. The following information is displayed in the report for the invoice number that you provide: Invoice No. Invoice number Invoice Date Date of invoice Name Name of customer Item Name Name of item purchased (This could be internet usage, a product bought, or any other service taken from the cyber cafe) Quantity Quantity of product or service purchased Rate (Rs.) Price of one unit of the product or service purchased Total (Rs.) Total price of product (i.e., Quantity x Price) Previous Balance (Rs.) Amount of credit previously given and yet to be paid by the customer Discount (Rs.) Amount of discount given to the customer Credit (Rs.) Amount of credit given to the customer Total (Rs.) Total invoice amount finally charged to the customer

Reports | 217 To generate an Invoice Detail Report, do the following: Note: The Invoice No. field in this reports filter is mandatory. 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click Invoice Detail Report under Financial Reports. The default Invoice Detail Report screen appears with a report filter. 3. In the Invoice No. box of the report filter, type the invoice number for which you want to view the details. 4. Click Show. Result: The Invoice Detail Report for the selected invoice number appears.

Figure 11.11: Invoice Detail Report

218 | Chapter 11

11.2.7 Adjustment Report

The Adjustment Report gives details of the discounts offered to customers by an employee. The following information is displayed in the report for the date range, employee, and customer that you specify: Date-Time Date and time when the invoice was generated and the discount was given Name Name of customer Login Employee Name Name of employee who logged in the customer Logout Employee Name Name of employee who logged out the customer Discount Amount (Rs.) Amount of discount given to the customer by the employee Discount Description Description of the discount To generate an Adjustment Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click Adjustment Report under Financial Reports. The default Adjustment Report screen appears with a report filter. 3. In the From Date box of the report filter, select the start date for the Adjustment Report. 4. In the To Date box, select the end date for the report. 5. In the Employee box, select the employee whose discounts given you want to view. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the employees who gave discounts during the specified date range. 6. In the User Name box, select the customer for whom you want to view the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the customers to whom a discount was given during the specified date range. 7. Click Show. Result: The Adjustment Report for the selected date range, employee, and customer appears.

Reports | 219

Figure 11.12: Adjustment Report

11.2.8 Credit Report

The Credit Report gives information about the credit balance of the cafes customers during a particular month. The following details are displayed in the report for the month and year that you specify: Date Date on which the credit was given Name Name of the customer whose credit balance is displayed Credit Amount (Rs.) Amount of credit To generate a Credit Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click Credit Report under Financial Reports. The default Credit Report screen appears with the credit report for the current month and year. 3. In the Month and Year boxes of the report filter, select the month and year for the Credit Report respectively. 4. Click Show. Result: The Credit Report for the selected month and year appears.

Note: To delete the record of credit that has been cleared, in the credit report click Delete next to the credit amount, and then click Yes in the confirmation box that appears.

220 | Chapter 11

Figure 11.13: Credit Report

11.3 User Reports

11.3.1 User List Report
The User List Report gives details of all the customers registered in your cyber cafe in a certain time range. A customer imported to the cafes iCafe database from the online iCafe database also becomes a local customer and appears in the report. The following information is displayed in the report for the date range and customer type that you specify: Name Name of customer Registration Date Date when the customer was registered in the your cafes iCafe database or imported to your database from the online iCafe database Login ID Customers login ID Type Type of customer

Reports | 221 To generate a User List Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click User List Report under User Reports. The default User List Report screen appears with a report filter. 3. In the From Date box of the report filter, select the start date for the User List Report. 4. In the To Date box, select the end date for the report. 5. In the User Type box, select the type of customers for whom you want to view the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all three types of customers of your cafe, i.e., Users, Registered Users, and Members. 6. Click Show. Result: The User List Report for the selected date range and customer type appears.

Figure 11.14: User List Report

222 | Chapter 11

11.3.2 User History Report

The User History Report gives a record of all or a particular customers sessions at your cyber cafe in a given time range. The following information is displayed in the report for the specified date range and customer: Date Date of session Name Name of customer who logged in to the session Time In Start time of session Time Out End time of session Duration (HH:MM) Duration of session Terminal Name Name of terminal where the session took place

Note: The User History Report does not give a record of the customers sessions in cyber cafes other than your own.

To generate a User History Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click User History Report under User Reports. The default User History Report screen appears with a record of all the internet sessions that took place at your cyber cafe on the current date. 3. In the From Date box of the report filter, select the start date for the User History Report. 4. In the To Date box, select the end date for the report. 5. In the User Name box, select the customer for whom you want to view the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the customers of your cyber cafe. 6. Click Show. Result: The User History Report for the selected date range and customer appears.

Reports | 223

Figure 11.15: User History Report

11.3.3 User Details Report

The User Details Report gives all the details of a particular customer of your cafe. The following information is displayed in the report for the selected customer: Name Name of customer Login ID Customers login ID Address Customers address ID Card Type Type of ID card provided by the customer ID Card No. ID card number Other Information Other information saved about the customer User Picture Customers picture Photo ID Picture Picture of the photo ID provided by the customer

224 | Chapter 11 To generate a User Details Report, do the following: Note: The User Name field in this reports filter is mandatory. 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click User Details Report under User Reports. The default User Details Report screen appears with a report filter. 3. In the User Name box, select the customer for whom you want to view the User Details Report. 4. Click Show. Result: The User Details Report for the selected customer appears.

Figure11.16: User Details Report

Reports | 225

11.3.4 Member History Report

The Member History Report gives a record of how a Member of your cafe has used membership packages. This report is generally needed when a Member asks for the membership usage details. The following information is displayed in the report for the selected customer and month: Date Date when a membership package was used Time In Time when the customer logged in at a terminal Time Out Time when the customer logged out from the terminal Duration (HH:MM) Duration of the internet session Time Used (HH:MM) Amount of time used from the membership package Purchase Date Date when the package was purchased Membership Package Name Name of the membership package Days Left Days left till the package is valid Time Left (HH:MM) Amount of time remaining in the package Note: There is an additional row in the report for every time a membership package was purchased.

To generate a Member History Report, do the following: Note: The User Name field in this reports filter is mandatory. 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click Member History Report under User Reports. The default Member History Report screen appears with a report filter. 3. In the User Name box, select the customer for whom you want to view the Member History Report. The following details appear next to the customers name: Current Membership Package Name of the customers current membership package. Total Minutes Granted Total number of minutes granted in the membership package. Rate (Rs.) Rate of the membership package. 4. Click Show. Result: The Member History Report for the selected customer and month appears.

226 | Chapter 11

Figure 11.17: Member History Report

11.3.5 Member List Report

The Member List Report gives the membership package details of all the Members of your cyber cafe. The following information is displayed in the report for the selected customer, membership package, and range of purchase date: Name Name of the customer. Membership Package Name Name of the membership package Purchase Date Date when the membership package was purchased Validity Date Date by which the membership package must be used Expiry Date Date after which balance minutes left in the package cannot be carried forward Carry Forward Time (HH:MM) Amount of time carried forward from a previous package Total Time (HH:MM) Total time in the new package including the time carried forward Amount Paid (Rs.) Amount paid for the package (or package rate) Time Used (HH:MM) Amount of time used out of the total time Days Left Days left till the package is valid

Reports | 227 To generate a Member List Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click Member List Report under User Reports. The default Member List Report screen appears with a report filter. 3. In the Purchase Date (From) box, select the start date for the Member List Report. 4. In the Purchase Date (To) box, select the end date for the report. 5. In the User Name box, select the customer for whom you want to view the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the customers of your cyber cafe. 6. In the Membership Package Name box, select the membership package for which you want the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the types of membership packages offered by the cyber cafe. 7. Click Show. Result: The Member List Report for the selected date range, customer, and membership package appears.

Figure 11.18: Member List Report

228 | Chapter 11

11.4 Cafe Management Reports

11.4.1 Terminal Usage Report
The Terminal Usage Report gives details about which terminal is being used how many time by customers. The following information is displayed in the report for the selected date range, terminal, and customer type: Date Date when the terminal was used Terminal Name Name of the terminal Name Name of the customer who used the terminal Type Type of customer Time In Time when the customer logged in at the terminal Time Out Time when the customer logged out from the terminal Duration (HH:MM) Duration for which the customer was logged in at the terminal To generate a Terminal Usage Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click Terminal Usage Report under Cafe Management Reports. The default Terminal Usage Report screen appears with the Terminal Usage Report for the current date. 3. In the From Date box, select the start date for the Terminal Usage Report. 4. In the To Date box, select the end date for the report. 5. In the Terminal Name box, select the terminal for which you want to view the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the terminals in the cafe that are connected to the iCafe Manager server. 6. In the Type box, select the type of customer for which you want the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all three types of customers of your cyber cafe, i.e., Users, Registered Users, and Members. 7. Click Show. Result: The Terminal Usage Report for the selected date range, terminal, and customer type appears.

Reports | 229

Figure 11.19: Terminal Usage Report

11.4.2 Server Up Time Report

The Server Uptime Report gives a record of every time the iCafe Manager server was started and closed. The following information is displayed in the report for the selected date range: Start Time Time when the iCafe Manager server was started Close Time Time when the server was closed To generate a Server Up Time Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click Server Up Time Report under Cafe Management Reports. The default Server Up Time Report screen appears with the Server Up Time Report for the current date. 3. In the From Date box, select the start date for the Server Up Time Report. 4. In the To Date box, select the end date for the report. 5. Click Show. Result: The Server Up Time Report for the selected date range appears.

230 | Chapter 11

Figure 11.20: Server Up Time Report

11.4.3 Close Cafe Client Report

The Close Cafe Client Report gives details about how many times a terminals client application was closed by an employee. The following information is displayed in the report for the selected date range: Close Time Time when the iCafe Manager client was closed on a terminal Start Time Time when the client was started on the terminal Terminal Name Name of the terminal Employee Name Name of employee who closed the client application Type Type of employee From Server Whether the client application on the terminal was closed from the iCafe Manager server

Reports | 231 To generate a Close Cafe Client Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click Close Cafe Client Report under Cafe Management Reports . The default Close Cafe Client Report screen appears with the report filter. 3. In the From Date box, select the start date for the Close Cafe Client Report. 4. In the To Date box, select the end date for the report. 5. In the Employee box, select the employee for whom you want to view the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the employees of the cyber cafe. 6. In the Type box, select the type of employee for which you want the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the types of employees in your cyber cafe, i.e., Online Verification, Administrator, and Employees. 7. In the Terminal Name box, select the terminal of which you want to view the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the terminals of the cyber cafe. 8. Click Show. Result: The Close Cafe Client Report for the selected date range, employee, and employee type appears.

Figure 11.21: Close Cafe Client Report

232 | Chapter 11

11.5 Product And Service Reports

11.5.1 Product List Report
The Product List Report gives details of all the products sold by the cyber cafe along with their available quantity. The following information is displayed in the report for the selected product: Product Name Name of product Available Quantity Quantity of product available in the cyber cafe Rate (Rs.) Products selling price Average Purchase Rate (Rs.) Average price at which the product is purchased To generate a Product List Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click Product List Report under Products And Service Reports. The default Product List Report screen appears with a list of all the products offered by the cyber cafe. 3. In the Product Name box, select the product whose details you want to view separately. 4. Click Show. Result: The Product List Report for the selected product name appears.

Figure 11.22: Product List Report

Reports | 233

11.5.2 Product and Service Consumption Report

The Product and Service Consumption Report gives the details of products and services sold by your cafe during a selected date range. The following information is displayed for the date range and product that you specify: Item Name of the product or service sold Quantity Sold Total quantity of the product or service sold during the specified time period Rate (Rs.) Price of one unit of the product or service Total (Rs.) Total price of the product or service sold (i.e., Quantity Sold x Price) Quantity Balance Quantity of the product or service remaining in the cyber cafe To generate a Product and Service Consumption Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click Product and Service Consumption Report under Product And Service Reports. The default Product and Service Consumption Report screen appears with the report for the current date. 3. In the From Date box, select the start date for the Product and Service Consumption Report. 4. In the To Date box, select the end date for the report. 5. In the Item Name box, select the product or service for which you want to view the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the products and services sold by the cyber cafe. 6. Click Show. Result: The Product and Service Consumption Report for the selected date range and product/service appears.

Figure 11.23: Product and Service Consumption Report

234 | Chapter 11

11.6 Printer Reports

11.6.1 Printer Usage Report
The Printer Usage Report gives details of all the print jobs that took place in a given date range. You can also select the printer, customer, terminal, and employee for which you want to see the report. The following information is displayed in the report for the date range and product that you specify: Date Date of the print job Printer Name Name of the printer where the print job took place Terminal Name Name of the terminal from which the print job was requested Name Name of the customer who requested the print job Document Name Name of the document printed Total Pages Total number of pages printed To generate a Printer Usage Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click Printer Usage Report. The default Printer Usage Report screen appears with the printer usage report for the current date. 3. In the From Date box, select the start date for the Printer Usage Report. 4. In the To Date box, select the end date for the report. 5. In the Printer Name box, select the printer for which you want to view the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the printers in the cyber cafe that are connected to the iCafe Manager server. 6. In the User Name box, select the customer for whom you want the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the customers of your cyber cafe. 7. In the Terminal Name box, select the terminal for which you want the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the terminals in the cyber cafe that are connected to the iCafe Manager server. 8. In the Employee Name box, select the employee for whom you want the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the employees of the cyber cafe. 9. Click Show. Result: The Printer Usage Report for the selected date range, printer, customer, terminal, and employee appears.

Reports | 235

Figure 11.24: Printer Usage Report

11.6.2 Printer Summary Report

The Printer Summary Report gives a summary of the prints taken from a particular printer. The following information is displayed in the report for the date range and printer that you specify: Printer Name Name of the printer Total Pages Total number of pages printed Total Amount Total amount charged to the customer for the pages printed Note: The amount is calculated using the rate of the service selected for each printer.

236 | Chapter 11 To generate a Printer Summary Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports and then click Printer Summary Report under Printer Reports. The default Printer Summary Report screen appears with the printer summary report for the current date. 3. In the From Date box, select the start date for the Printer Summary Report. 4. In the To Date box, select the end date for the report. 5. In the Printer Name box, select the printer for which you want to view the report. Note: If this field is left blank, the report is generated for all the printers in the cyber cafe that are connected to the iCafe Manager server. 6. Click Show. Result: The Printer Summary Report for the selected date range and printer appears.

Figure 11.25: Printer Summary Report

Reports | 237

11.7 Internet Usage Reports

11.7.1 Website Blocking Report
The Website Blocking Report provides a list of all the domains and sites blocked in your cafe by iCafe Manager. The following information is displayed in the report: Sites The websites and webpages to which access is blocked on the client terminals by iCafe Manager To generate a Website Blocking Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports, and then click Website Blocking Report under Internet Usage Reports. Result: The Website Blocking Report appears with a list of the websites and webpages currently blocked on the iCafe Manager client terminals.

Figure 11.26: Website Blocking Report

238 | Chapter 11

11.7.2 Daily Bandwidth Consumption Report

The Daily Bandwidth Consumption Report gives details of the bandwidth consumption in your cafe in a given date range. The following information is displayed in the report for the date range that you specify: Date Date of bandwidth consumption Terminal Name Name of terminal at which the bandwidth was consumed Total Download (MB) Size of total data downloaded on the terminal % Consumed Percentage of the download limit consumed To generate a Daily Bandwidth Consumption Report, do the following: 1. In the Menu Bar of the server screen, click Reports. The default Daily Register Report screen appears. 2. In the left panel of the Reports screen, click More Reports, and then click Daily Bandwidth Consumption Report under Internet Usage Reports. The default Daily Bandwidth Consumption Report screen appears with the bandwidth consumption report for the current date. 3. In the From Date box, select the start date for the Daily Bandwidth Consumption Report. 4. In the To Date box, select the end date for the report. 5. Click Show. Result: The Daily Bandwidth Consumption Report for the selected date range appears.

Figure 11.27: Daily Bandwidth Consumption Report

Backup and Restore | 239


Chapter 12: Backup and Restore

12.1 Database Backup
Taking regular backups is a part of the cafe managers activity. Backup refers to maintaining a copy of database on a removable disk like CD/DVD or on a different machine, which is used in the event of system failure.

12.1.1 Backup
The Backup option allows you to maintain a backup of the database on a different system or removable disk. Note: Create a database backup every 2 to 3 days.

To maintain a backup of the database, do the following: 1. In the left panel of the Settings screen, click Backup.

Figure 12.1: iCafe Database Backup

240 | Chapter 12 The Backup dialog box appears.

Figure 12.2: Taking Database Backup 2. In the Backup dialog box, do the following: Enter Backup File Name. Click Browse and select the folder path to save the backup file. 3. Click Start Backup. A dialog box confirming the successful completion of the backup appears.

Figure 12.3: Successful Backup 4. Click OK. Result: A backup is taken successfully.

Backup and Restore | 241

12.1.2 Scheduled Backup

For the safety of data, always take regular backups. With the Scheduled Backup option, the system takes automatic backups on regular intervals, during a particular time of the day.

Note: The backup scheduler does not overwrite old backups. Each time the scheduler runs, a new backup file is created at the folder location specified.

To maintain scheduled backups, do the following: 1. In the left panel of the Settings screen, click Scheduled Backup.

Figure 12.4: Scheduled Backups

242 | Chapter 12 The Schedule Backups dialog box appears.

Figure 12.5: Scheduling Backups

2. In the Schedule Backups dialog box, do the following: a. To perform backups every time the server application is closed, do the following: Select Take a backup every time I close the server application. The server will now prompt to take a backup every time before closing (see Figure 12.6). To choose a folder path for storing the backup, click Browse next to the Backup Folder Path box and then select the desired path. In the Keep only last box, enter the number of latest backup copies that you want to keep. Note: A minimum of three backup copies are maintained.

If you select to take backups every time the server is closed, while closing the iCafe Manager server a confirmation box for taking a backup before closing the server appears.

Backup and Restore | 243

Figure 12.6: Taking Auto Backup In the confirmation box, click Take Backup and Close. b. To perform scheduled backups, do the following: Note: See Figure 12.5 for the Schedule Backups dialog box. Select Schedule Backup. With this feature, timely backups based on the schedule are taken. In the Backup after every . day(s) box, enter the number of days after which you want every backup to be taken. For example, for a daily backup, enter 1. Select the time at which the backup must be taken. Note: Always select a time when the iCafe Manager server is running. If the server application is closed at the specified time of the backup, backup is taken immediately after the server is executed. To choose a folder path for storing the backup, click Browse next to the Backup Folder Path box and then select the desired path. In the Keep only last box, enter the number of latest backup copies that you want to keep. Note: A minimum of three backup copies are maintained. 3. Click OK. Result: Scheduled backups are taken successfully.

Note: Even after scheduling backups, regular backups can be taken using the Backup option (see Figure 12.2).

244 | Chapter 12

12.2 Database Restore

The application database can be restored from a backup that was previously taken. To restore the database, do the following: 1. In the left panel of the Settings screen, click Restore.

Figure 12.7: Restore iCafe Database The Restore dialog box appears.

Figure 12.8: Restoring the Database

Backup and Restore | 245 2. To choose the folder path for restoring the backup file, click Browse next to the Restore Folder Path box. 3. Click Restore. A confirmation box appears, asking whether you want to restore from the selected backup file.

Figure 12.9: Confirmation to Restore from Selected Backup File 4. Click Yes. A dialog box appears, informing about the successful completion of the restore process. On clicking OK, iCafe Manager restarts.

Figure 12.10: Database Successfully Restored 5. Click OK. The iCafe Manager server restarts and the Server Login dialog box appears.

Figure 12.11: Server Login after Database is Restored Result: The database is restored from the backup successfully.

246 | Chapter 12

iCafe Speed Enhancer | 247


Chapter 13: iCafe Speed Enhancer

iCafe Manager enhances the performance of the cafe terminals and secures them from misuse by customers. With the iCafe Speed Enhancer feature, it is possible to control 25 settings on the client terminals in order to boost performance. These settings help in reducing start-up and shutdown time, blocking access to disk drives and USB connections, blocking access to system settings and configurations, preventing download of files, preventing changes to internet browser and network settings, and reducing power consumption. This ensures the best system performance always. The 25 features controlled from iCafe Speed Enhancer are as follows: Power Save Option Hide Registry Editor Delete Temp Files on every Restart Disable Personalized Menu Speed up Shutdown Time Remove Run Command Speed up Folder Browsing Disable Internet Options Menu Disable Lock Computer Disable Change Password for Windows Write Protect USB Drives Disable Display Settings Disable Save Settings on Exit Restrict Resolution to 1024*768 Disable Printer Access Disable Log Off Disable Save As for Downloaded Files Disable Control Panel Hide Network Neighborhood Prevent Change to Taskbar and Start Menu Set Browser History to Zero Days Clear History of Recently Opened Documents on Exit Remove Find/Search Menu Disable Add-Remove Programs Hide All Drives

248 | Chapter 13 To view or change settings in iCafe Speed Enhancer, do the following: 1. In the Terminals Pane on the servers Home screen, right-click an idle terminal and then click iCafe Speed Enhancer. OR On the Settings screen, click iCafe Speed Enhancer. The main screen of iCafe Speed Enhancer appears, where each button has two links Enable (or Disable) and Help. 2. Click Enable to enable a feature. Upon doing so the link changes to Disable. OR Click on Disable to disable a feature. The link then changes to Enable. Note: For information about a feature, click Help on the button of that feature.

Figure 13.1: iCafe Speed Enhancer 3. Click Close to save the changes. Result: The features of iCafe Speed Enhancer are set as per your specifications.

iCafe Speed Enhancer | 249

Note: iCafe Speed Enhancer can be opened only for an idle terminal. To apply settings for all terminals, click on iCafe Speed Enhancer in the Quick Access Menu on the Settings screen. By doing this, the settings that you specify are applied to all the remaining terminals that are connected to the network as soon as you click Close on the iCafe Speed Enhancer screen. Any new terminals connected to the network at a later stage also receive these settings. The iCafe Manager client terminals need to be restarted for changes in some of the features to take effect.

250 | Chapter 13

Help | 251


Chapter 14: Help

iCafe Manager provides different ways to get help related to the application. You can use one or more of the following help options: F1 Help Quick Help Notice Board Contact Us FAQ Quick Start Guide Product Manual Knowledge Base Training Videos Product Slideshow Useful Downloads Each of these help options is explained in this chapter.

14.1 F1 Help
Online help regarding iCafe Manager can be obtained on the applications server by pressing the F1 key. On pressing F1 the first time, a dialog box appears that prompts to download the entire help file for future use.

Figure 14.1: Download Help File

252 | Chapter 14
In the dialog box, click Download to download and store the file locally in the iCafe Manager application path. On pressing F1 the next time, the help window appears.

Figure 14.2: F1 Help

Help | 253

14.2 Quick Help

A different Quick Help section appears for every screen opened from the servers Menu Bar. It provides explanations and instructions related to the iCafe Managers frequently used features and tasks appearing on that particular screen. For example, the Quick Help section on the Home screen provides help on topics related to managing terminals and sessions.

Note: Click on a heading in the Quick Help section to expand or collapse that help topic. Collapse prior topics in the section in order to view the last topic if it is not visible.

Figure 14.3: Example of Quick Help

254 | Chapter 14

14.3 Notice Board

The Notice Board is a promotional page that provides information such as iCafe Managers new features and product releases. If there is new information to be conveyed, the notice board becomes the default screen on the day of the notice release. Additionally, the Notice Board tab in the servers Menu Bar replaces the Help tab and its colour changes to orange for the next five days. After that, the Notice Board tab returns to its normal state and position.

Figure 14.4: Notice Board

Help | 255

14.4 Contact Us
The Contact Us panel shows various methods to contact iCafe Manager support. It appears on the servers Help screen and displays the following information: Email Email ID to contact iCafe Manager support iCafe Manager helpline Toll-free phone number of the iCafe Manager Helpline where you can call as well as a number where you can send a message for help Online feedback page URL link to the online feedback page Office contact details URL link to a list of names and contact details of iCafe Manager account managers in different locations of India Button for requesting technical support Help can be obtained for technical problems by clicking on this button. An iCafe Manager support executive contacts you within four hours after you do so. Contact details of your citys iCafe Manager account manager Name, phone number, and email ID of the iCafe Manager account manager of your city

Figure 14.5: Contact Us

256 | Chapter 14

14.5 FAQ
The FAQ option takes you to a webpage that provides answers to frequently asked questions related to iCafe Manager. It is available on the servers Help screen and can also be accessed directly from

Figure 14.6: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Help | 257

14.6 Quick Start Guide

Clicking on Download Quick Start Guide downloads and opens a PDF file with easy steps on how to use iCafe Manager. You can also save the file for future use. This option is available on the server s Help screen and can also be accessed directly from

Figure 14.7: Quick Start Guide

258 | Chapter 14

14.7 Product Manual

The Download Manual option opens a user guide for iCafe Manager in PDF format. It is available on the servers Help screen and can also be accessed directly from

Figure 14.8: Product Manual

Help | 259

14.8 Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base option takes you to a webpage that provides solutions to common errors encountered while using iCafe Manager. It is available on the servers Help screen and can also be accessed directly from

Figure 14.9: Knowledge Base

260 | Chapter 14

14.9 Training Videos

The Training Videos option takes you to a webpage that provides videos explaining different features of iCafe Manager. It is available on the servers Help screen and can also be accessed directly from

Figure 14.10: Training Videos

Help | 261

14.10 Product Slideshow

Clicking on Product Slide Show starts a slideshow about iCafe Manager. This option is available on the servers Help screen and can also be accessed directly from

Figure 14.11: Product Slideshow

262 | Chapter 14

14.11 Useful Downloads

Clicking on Useful Downloads takes you to a webpage that provides links to download some applications that you might need to use along with iCafe Manager. This option is available on the servers Help screen and can also be accessed directly from the product support webpage -

Figure 14.12: Useful Downloads

Index | 263

A Activation, 28, 29, 30, 31 Adjustment Report, 4, 234, 249, 250 admin login, 163 Application Settings, 3, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 201, 202, 203, 206, 207 Auto Close Session, 12, 67, 70, 71, 72, 97, 107, 184, 187, 188, 189 Auto Close Session mode, 97, 107, 187, 188 Auto Close Session tab, 187 B Backup, 5, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282 Bandwidth Monitor, 11, 12, 73, 184, 203, 204, 206 block, 7, 11, 122, 220 browsing history, 221, 223, 226 C Cafe Details tab, 186 Cafe Management Reports, 4, 12, 234, 260, 261, 262, 264 cafes iCafe database, 10 client, 7, 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 22, 23, 37, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 71, 86, 94, 96, 101, 107, 122, 155, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 169, 173, 187, 189, 190, 207, 212, 216, 221, 231, 263, 264, 270, 284, 287 Client Configuration tab, 60, 206, 207 Close Cafe Client Report, 4, 213, 216, 217, 234, 263, 264, 265 Closed Sessions, 2, 71, 72, 187 Collection Report, 4, 77, 80, 155, 234, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244 configuration, 55, 56, 57 Contact Us, 13, 288, 293 D Daily Register Report, 4, 77, 80, 131, 234, 238, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244, 246, 248, 249, 250, 252, 254, 256, 257, 259, 261, 262, 264, 265, 267, 268, 270, 272 E employee, 30, 61, 162, 163, 164, 166, 167, 168, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 199, 201, 216, 232, 235, 238, 240, 249, 263, 264, 268, 269 Employees tab, 191, 192 Event Log, 2, 71, 72, 73 F F1 Help, 5, 288, 290 FAQ, 5, 13, 288, 293, 294 Financial Reports, 4, 12, 234, 239, 244, 246, 248, 249, 250 Firewall, 17, 18 G General Reports, 4, 12, 234, 238 General tab, 184, 185 H Help, 5, 9, 13, 61, 65, 73, 74, 75, 76, 80, 81, 205, 286, 288, 289, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 298, 299, 300, 301 Home screen, 9, 35, 61, 62, 63, 77, 78, 80, 92, 103, 118, 164, 166, 176, 187, 188, 204, 210, 211, 212, 286 I iCafe database, 9, 10, 67, 78, 79, 91, 96, 104, 112, 113, 115, 116, 122, 191, 251, 252 iCafe Manager Desktop, 13, 14 iCafe Speed Enhancer, 5, 284, 286, 287 icon view, 64, 65 installation, 15, 18, 25, 30, 41, 42, 50, 52, 55 InstallShield, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 48, 50 Internet Usage Reports, 12, 234, 270, 272 Invoice Detail Report, 4, 234, 247, 248

264 | Index
Invoice List Report, 4, 155, 234, 245, 246 K Knowledge Base, 13, 288, 298 L LAN, 55, 56, 57 Lock Server, 12, 208, 209 login, 35, 44, 60, 67, 68, 69, 92, 94, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 103, 107, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 187, 191, 207, 222, 224, 252, 255 M Member, 10, 68, 69, 91, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 129, 131, 178, 207, 234, 238, 240, 252, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261 Member History Report, 4, 257 Member List Report, 4, 259 membership package, 7, 10, 68, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 100, 108, 110, 111, 130, 179, 180, 190, 239, 246, 257, 258, 259 Monthly Collection Report, 155, 234, 242, 243, 244 N Notice Board, 5, 12, 13, 288, 292 O online iCafe database, 10, 79, 251, 252 P Password, 35, 52, 163, 167, 193, 197, 207, 209, 284 print jobs, 230, 232, 268 Print Manager, 4, 11, 142, 201, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232 Print Manager screen, 11, 228, 230, 231, 232 Printer Reports, 4, 12, 234, 268, 270 printer settings, 11, 161 Printer Settings tab, 201 Printer Summary Report, 5, 232, 234, 269, 270 Printer Usage Report, 4, 232, 234, 268, 269 product, 7, 9, 10, 13, 79, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, 240, 244, 245, 246, 247, 265, 266, 267, 268, 292, 294, 295, 296, 298, 299, 300, 301 Product, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 12, 13, 28, 29, 30, 76, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 149, 150, 151, 154, 156, 158, 234, 240, 244, 245, 246, 265, 266, 267, 268, 288, 296, 297, 299, 300 Product and Service Consumption Report, 147, 234, 266, 267, 268 Product And Service Reports, 234, 265, 267 Product List Report, 265 Product Manual, 5, 13, 288, 296, 297 Product Slideshow, 13, 288, 299, 300 Products & Services screen, 10, 133, 134, 136, 156 Pulse Based Membership, 91, 189 purchase, 7, 137, 144, 145, 146, 244, 258 Purchase Report, 4, 146, 147, 148, 234, 244, 245 Q Quick Access Menu, 2, 9, 61, 77, 78, 92, 98, 156, 210, 211, 212, 287 Quick Help, 9, 61, 65, 73, 74, 75, 76, 80, 81, 205, 288, 291 Quick Start Guide, 13, 288, 295 R rate plan, 7, 10, 32, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86 Rate Plan Configuration tab, 91, 189 Rate Plan screen, 10, 31, 32, 82, 84, 87, 89 Receipt Customization tab, 202, 203 Re-connect, 3, 77, 79, 212 Registered User, 10, 68, 69, 91, 97, 98, 99, 101, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 161, 189, 207, 224, 238, 240, 252, 261 Registered User, 69 Registered Users, 68 re-login, 69 Re-login, 69, 107, 161 Renew Session Time, 171, 172, 173 Report Filter, 235 Report Toolbar, 236, 238 Reports screen, 12, 213, 233 Restart, 3, 42, 50, 69, 77, 79, 163, 211, 284 Restore, 5, 274, 280, 281, 282

S scheduled backup, 161, 277, 279 server, 7, 8, 12, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 35, 36, 43, 44, 51, 55, 56, 61, 64, 68, 69, 77, 82, 87, 89, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97, 98, 103, 104, 107, 113, 116, 133, 134, 136, 155, 162, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 171, 173, 176, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 191, 203, 204, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 215, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 228, 230, 231, 233, 234, 237, 238, 240, 242, 243, 244, 246, 248, 249, 250, 252, 254, 256, 257, 259, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 267, 268, 270, 272, 278, 279, 282, 286, 288, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 298, 299, 300, 301 Server Up Time Report, 4, 213, 215, 216, 234, 262, 263 service, 7, 9, 10, 79, 139, 140, 142, 148, 149, 151, 154, 155, 156, 157, 185, 201, 229, 231, 240, 246, 247, 266, 267, 269 Service, 150 session time, 67, 93, 100, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173 Session Time, 3, 67, 93, 100, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173 Settings screen, 12, 91, 274, 277, 280, 286, 287 setup, 15, 22, 23, 37, 38, 42, 45, 46, 47, 50, 52, 227, 231, 237 Shutdown, 3, 9, 77, 79, 161, 163, 210, 284 Summary Collection Report, 155, 234, 241, 242 Switch Employee, 61, 166, 167 system requirements, 15 T table view, 64, 70, 205 Terminal Information, 2, 65, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 204, 205 Terminal Usage Report, 4, 77, 80, 213, 214, 215, 234, 260, 261, 262

Index | 265 Terminals Pane, 2, 9, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 73, 74, 75, 76, 92, 103, 118, 149, 151, 164, 171, 173, 176, 188, 204, 212, 286 Track & Block Websites screen, 11 Training Videos, 13, 288, 298, 299 Transfer Session, 173, 174 U unblock, 125, 220 unlock, 53, 209 Updates Pane, 2, 9, 61, 65, 71, 187 Useful Downloads, 13, 288, 301 User, 67, 68, 69, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 104, 105, 106, 155, 161, 207, 224, 238, 240, 252, 261 User Details Report, 234, 255, 256 User Details Report, 256 User History Report, 131, 234, 253, 254, 255 User List Report, 131, 234, 251, 252, 253 User Registration, 7, 101, 102, 103 User Reports, 12, 234, 251, 252, 254, 256, 257, 259 Users screen, 10, 98, 104, 108, 111, 112, 116, 119, 120, 121, 122, 125, 127, 129, 131, 155, 178 User List Report, 252 V verification, 30, 100 W walk-in, 67, 104, 155 Warning Level, 137, 138 Website Blocking, 219, 220, 234, 270, 271 Website Tracking, 219, 221, 222

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