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We've had lots of technological inventions & in my opinion the one that stands o ut above the others or simply

is a pioneer is this cellphone! Everywhere you go,you can see people with their cellphones.It has become a way o f life.look out the window one of the first sights you see are people with one hand up to their ears nowadays you can easily count on one hand the number of people who donot own a cellphone. Not only do people use it while driving but also walking down the sreet,in the s tore,even in the bathroom This device while improving our lives in so many ways and providing convinient l iving has had negative impacts,too. This is a device that has been called life saving in an emergency while at the s ame time being the very component responsible for causing it. Now to get off the topic for a moment as a digression,i must say that Martin coo per invented the first cellphone in 1973 April the third and it was in a size of big brick about 850 grams. The bright side of the story: 1.You forget sth,you call sb to bring it for you. 2.You are stuck somewhere this tiny cell would do a miracle. 3.Easily having access to friends,family,etc(esp in dorms) 4.people are now virtually accessible almost anywhere at any time. 5.You can easily report crimes everywhere. 6.This technology has kept us somewhat more organized and made us communicate be tter. 7.You can take pictures,shoot videos,listen to music,play games and also watch m ovies with them. 8.When you do not wanna talk,you can easily use the little keys or the touch pad to write something and send it. 9.And here's a technical benefit:The switch from analogue to digital system redu ced the cellphones wattage output from 1.2 to 6 reducing the threat of brain cancer. Now for the dark side: 1.Negetive health effects like, male infertility,certain cancers,mental illnesse s,vision problems,wrist problems,spreading of germs,headaches,confusion, Explanation:by increasing the use of cellphones there's a growing concern that t hey may put us in danger of great risks because they're always kept near our bodies and the radio and electromagnetic fi eld will do the work! Mental illnesses can be caused esp in teens because they may feel isolated and t his wil lead to depression,anxiety irritation. About spreading germs this has been proved that because they are kept near our m outh through coughing,breathing,sneezing and whatever. 2.Negative effects on children,both mental and physical.and it'll bring up depen dant children. Meanwhile the combination of the problems like mood changing and broken concentration,in kids,will lead to depression. 3.increasing the rate of stress while driving and it reduces reaction esp when y ou are sending a text messege. 4.they will cause lack of privacy. blures the distinction between work and home,you know,by being always acces sible to others your stress increases

because you have to be responsible to the need of others.When do you wanna relax if you're always in touch? 6.The work we do requiers creative thinking and problem saving power,we assume t hat we're increasing our productivity, infact,it takes us longer to complete any task when we're pressured to share the responsibility instead of making final decisions ourselves. 7.Phones are interruptors and make the experience less enjoyable for everybody l ike on theaters,movies while playing,exercising,etc e.g: remember the Ghahveye Ghajary play?nobody tu rned her/his cellphone off! 8.Here's also an intersting fact:cellphones popping popcorns for you!! Did you k now that these waves can pop your brain cells like kernels? Few advices for making a culture of know-how: 1.Do not expose them too close to your body 2.Try to use headsets or hands frees as much as you can 3.Always wash the hands after using it.

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