LD Patter Dale Refs

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Lake District Field Course Projects - Introductory References

General Boardman, J. 1992 Quaternary landscape evolution in the Lake District - a discussion. Cumberland Geological Society, Proceedings 5(3), 285-315. Boardman, J. 1996 Classic landforms of the Lake District. (2nd edition), Classic landform guides, Geographical Association, Sheffield, 52 pp. Boardman, J. (ed.) 1997 Geomorphology of the Lake District: a field guide. British Geomorphological Research Group, Oxford. Boardman, J. & Walden, J. (eds.) 1994 The Quaternary of) Cumbria: Field Guide. Quaternary Research Association, Oxford. 55(428.5)CUM [Chapters by Mitchell, W. & Clark, C.A. Overview, 4-14; Evans, I.S. Cirques 129-142.] Clark, R. 1988 Pattern and order in the Lake District landscape. Proceedings, Cumberland Geological Society, 5(1), 17-34. Clark, R. 1990 On the last glaciation of Cumbria. Proceedings, Cumberland Geological Society, 5(2), 187-208. Hay, T. 1937: Physiological notes on the Ullswater area. Geographical Journal, 90, 426445. 91(05) Howarth, Elizabeth; George de Boer, Ian Evans, Henry Osmaston, Winifred Pennington, Alan Smith, Philip Storey, and Brian Ware 2003 Tarns of the Central English Lake District: depth surveys and the environmental context. Ambleside, Cumbria: Brathay Exploration Group Trust. 204 pp. 556.55(428) TAR Huddart, D., Glasser, N.F. et al. 2002 Quaternary of Northern England. Geological Conservation Review Series No. 25, Peterborough : Joint Nature Conservation Committee. 551.89(428)HUD (relevant parts of chs. 5 & 6). Moseley, F. (ed) 1978 Geology of the LakeDistrict. Occasional Papers, Yorkshire Geol. Soc. No. 3, p 207-225 55(428) [n.b. only covers SW corner of our area, west of Kirkstone Pass; but the Ordovician volcanic rocks, and structures, are similar.] Glaciation mapping and reconstruction Clark, R. 1992 Quaternary features north of the Kirkstone Pass. In M. Dodd (ed). Lakeland rocks and landscape, Ellenbank Press, for the Cumberland Geological Society, pp.88-94. Evans, I.S., 1994 Cirques and Moraines of the Northern fells, Cumbria: Bowscale and Bannerdale. Quaternary Research Assoc. Field Guide: Cumbria (Edit. by J. Boardman and J. Walden.) pp 129-142. 55(428.5)CUM

Evans, I. S. 1997 Cirques and moraines of the Helvellyn Range, Cumbria: Grisedale and Ullswater. Ch. 3.0, 63-87 in J. Boardman (ed.) Geomorphology of the Lake District: a field guide. British Geomorphological Research Group, Oxford. Evans, I.S. & Cox, N.J. 1995 The form of glacial cirques in the English Lake District, Cumbria. Zeits. f. Geomorphologie 39(2), p 175-202 55(05) Evans, I. S. 2003 Lakeland tarns, cirques and glaciation. In Elizabeth Howarth, George de Boer, Ian Evans, Henry Osmaston, Winifred Pennington, Alan Smith, Philip Storey, and Brian Ware 2003 Tarns of the Central English Lake District: depth surveys and the environmental context. Ambleside, Cumbria: Brathay Exploration Group Trust, 9-19 Hay, T. 1934: Glaciation of the Ullswater Area. Geographical Journal, 84, 136-148. 91(05) Manley, G., 1959 The Late-Glacial Climate of North-West England. Liverpool and Manchester Geological Journal 2 Pt 2, 188-215. Mcdougall, D.A. 2001 The Geomorphological impact of Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas) Stadial plateau icefields in the central Lake District, northwest England. J. Quaternary Science 16(6), 531-543. 55(05) & on-line see also in: Quaternary Proceedings 6, Mountain glaciation. Lewis A. Owen (ed.) for Quaternary Research Association, Chichester: J. Wiley 551.324 Pennington, W. 1978 Quaternary Geology. In Moseley, F. (ed) Geology of the LakeDistrict. Occasional Papers, Yorkshire Geol. Soc. No. 3, p 207-225 55(428) Sissons, J.B. 1980 The Loch Lomond Advance in the Lake District, Northern England. Trans. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, Earth Sciences 71, p 13-27 +5(05) Wilson, P. & Clark, R. 1998 Characteristics & implications of some Loch Lomond Stadial moraines ridges & later landforms, Eastern Lake District, Northern England. Geological Jnl. 33, 73-87 55(05) Slope forms and mass movements Allison, R.J. and Davies, K.C. 1996 Ploughing blocks as evidence of down-slope sediment transport in the English Lake District. Zeitschrift f. Geomorphologie N.F. Supplementband 106, 199-219. Boardman, J. 1985 The Troutbeck Paleosol, Cumbria, England. In Boardman, J. (ed). Soils and Quaternary landscape evolution, J. Wiley, Chichester, pp. 231-260. Boardman, J. 1991 Glacial deposits of the English Lake District. In Ehlers, J., Gibbard, P.L. & Rose, J. (eds.) Glacial deposits in G.B. & Ireland. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, pp.175-183.

Warburton, J. 1997 Patterned ground in the Lake District. 107-119 in J. Boardman (ed.) Geomorphology of the Lake District: a field guide. British Geomorphological Research Group, Oxford. Geology British Geological Survey, 1992. Regional geochemistry of the Lake District and adjacent areas. Keyworth, Nottingham : 98 pp. + 550.4(410) REG Millward, D. et al. 2000 Geology of the Ambleside district : memoir for 1:50 000 geological sheet 38 (England and Wales) 55(410) GGE 38 Moseley, F. 1983 The volcanic rocks of the Lake District. Macmillan, London. 111 pp. Moseley, F. 1986. Geology and scenery in the Lake District. Basingstoke : Macmillan Education 55(428.5) MOS Moseley, F. 1990. The Lake District. London : The Geologists' Association, Geologists' Association guide ; [2nd. edition] Reserve Prosser, R. 1977 Geology explained in the Lake District. David & Charles, Newton Abbot. Lakes and shoreline erosion Hay, T. 1927: Delta formation. Geographical Journal, 70, 593. 91(05)

Hay, T. 1928: The shore topography of the English Lakes. Geographical Journal, 72, 3857. 91(05) Ellison, R.L. (1995) Paleolimnological analysis of Ullswater using testate amoebae. Journal of Palaeolimnology, 13, 51-63. Pennington, W. (1981) Records of a lakes life in time: the sediments. Hydrobiologia 79, 197-219. Macan, T. T. 1970. Biological studies of the English lakes. London : Longman, 574.5(285)(410) MAC Talling, J. F. (ed.) 1999. Some English lakes as diverse and active ecosystems : a factual summary and source book . Ambleside : Freshwater Biology Association, PamL 574.5 SOM Fluvial geomorphology and flooding

Carling, P.A. & Glaister, M.S. 1987 Reconstruction of a flood resulting from a morainedam failure using geomorphological evidence and dam-break modelling. ch. 9, pp.181200 in Baker, V. R., Kochel, R. C.& Patton, P. C. (eds.) Flood geomorphology. Wiley, New York. Hay, T. 1929: Glenridding Flood 1927. Geographical Journal, 73, 90-91. Johnson, R.M. and Warburton, J. (2003) Regional assessment of contemporary debris flow activity in Lake District mountain catchments, northern England: occurrence, scale and process. In Rickenmann, D. and Chen, G.L. (Eds.) Debris-flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction and Assessment. Millpress, Rotterdam, 965-976. Johnson, R.M. and Warburton, J. (2002) Annual sediment budget of a UK mountain torrent. Geografiska Annaler, 84A, 2, 73-88. Johnson, R.M. and Warburton, J. (2002) Flooding and geomorphic impacts on a UK mountain torrent: Raise Beck, Central Lake District. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 27, 945-969. Forestry, runoff, acidification and sediments Carling, P.A., Glaister, M.S. and Flintham, T.P. (1993) Soil-erosion and conservation on land cultivated and drained for afforestation. Hydrological processes, 7, 3, 317-333. 55(05) & on-line Moffat, A.J. (1988) Forestry and soil erosion in Britain. Soil Use and Management, 4, 2, 41-44. Murgatroyd, A.L. and Ternan, J.L. (1983) The impact of afforestation on stream bank erosion and channel form. Earth Surface processes and Landforms, 8, 357-369. Newson, M. (1980) the erosion of drainage ditches and its effect on bed-load yields in mid-Wales: reconnaissance case studies. Earth Surface Processes, 5, 275-290. Sutcliffe, D.W. and Carrick, T.R. 1985 Acidity and alkalinity of water bodies in the English Lake District (map and leaflet). Ambleside, Freshwater Bological Association. Sutcliffe, D.W. and Carrick, T.R. 1986 Effects of acid rain on water bodies in Cumbria. In: Pollution in Cumbria ed Ineson, P. p. 16-25, Abbots Ripton, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology. Whitehead, P.G., Barlow, J., Haworth, E.Y. & Adamson, J. 1997 Acidification in three Lake District tarns: historical long term trends and modelled future behaviour. Hydrology and Earth Systems Science Journal,1 197-204. Mines and mining impacts

Anderton, J., Howarth, E.Y., Horne, D.J. and Wray, D.S. 1998. Environmental impacts of lead mining in the Ullswater catchment (English Lake District): dam failures and flooding. In Issues in Environmental Geology: a British Perspective. Edit. M.R. Bennett and P. Doyle. The Geological Society, London, No 11, 226-242. Cooper, M. P. and C. J. Stanley 1990. Minerals of the English Lake District : Caldbeck Fells /. London : Natural History Museum, 553(428.5) COO Postlethwaite, J. 1913. Mines and mining in the (English) Lake district / By To which is added a synopsis of the state papers relating to the mines in Newlands, and smelting works at Keswick; copied from the calendar of state papers, pub. by Robert Lemon. Whitehaven : W.H. Moss & Sons ltd., printers, 553:622(428) PO Footpath erosion and overgrazing Evans, R. (1998) The erosional impacts of grazing animals, Progress in Physical Geography, 22, 2, 251-268. Reserve

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