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Vedic Oasis for Inspiration Culture and Education

Issue: 012 April’ 08 The VOICE Messenger

In This Issue…
Srila Prabhupada writes to Pope Paul VI 1 East Indian Engineers at the land of Lord Jagannatha 3
HG Rasraj Prabhu mystifies Pune Youths 1 RVCE VOICE Bangalore Celebrates Sankalpa Festival 3
VOICE-the new Oasis in the desert of Arizona 2 More VOICE NEWS… 4
Radhanath Maharaj with IIT KGP devotees 2 Upcoming events 4

Srila Prabhupada Writes to Pope Paul VI

By frustration, people are gradually becoming The Krishna Consciousness movement is
communists and hippies, and the guardians of meant for overhauling the whole situation.
society must now take up the situation very We are creating men of character, and we are
seriously, without further delay. training our disciples to become lovers of God.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Letter to: Pope Paul VI -- Montreal, 3 August, 1968

HG Rasaraj Pr mystifies Pune youth

and destruction of the universe. He lectured on
bhütänäà chidra-dätåtvaà “Quantum physics and Reality” at the three
bahir antaram eva ca prestigious engineering institutes – Sinhgad
präëendriyätma-dhiñëyatvaà academy of Engg., College of Engg. COEP and VIT
Pune. In total around 600 students and faculty
nabhaso våtti-lakñaëam
attended this seminar. The group of devotees lead
by HG Sankirtan Anand Prabhu arduously arranged
This verse is the potential basis of great
for the seminars by this pioneering non-classical
scientific research work, for it explains how
quantum physicist and was supported by the
subtle forms are generated from the ethereal
Professors of these colleges. HG Rasaraj Prabhu
element, what their characteristics and actions are,
began his talks by exposing the unsolved paradox
and how the tangible elements, namely air, fire,
of the famous Young’s double slit experiment and
water and earth, are manifested from the subtle
argued how our current quantum physical ideas are
form. – Purport to SB 3.26.34.
contradictory to our intuitive thinking. He then
proposed the concept of understanding objects not
HG Rasaraj Pr, known to the scientific community as mass, but as unit of information. For Ex:- Books
as Prof. Ravi V. Gomatam, DIRECTOR, of different sizes represent the same object if their
Bhaktivedanta Institute (BI), information content is the same, but a book of the
Bombay & Berkeley, has graced same size represents a different object if it is used
VOICE Pune on 17th and 18th of as a paper weight! Later he commented to VOICE
March. He enlightened the Pune devotees, “It is very important for devotees who
youth with rigorous scientific want to understand Krishna to scientifically
explanation of Quantum physics understand matter which is one of the energies of
as an attempt to bring them Krishna, and it is the mission of BI to engage
closer to Srimad Bhagavatam’s scientists to serve devotees in this purpose.”
dictum on creation, maintenance
Report By-Abhaya Charan das (HOD, CSE, Sinhgad Academy of Engg Pune)
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare | 1
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ||
Vedic Oasis for Inspiration Culture and Education
VOICE – the new Oasis in the desert of Arizona
VOICE has opened its first offshore branch in the Official Programs: In February, VOICE registered
Krishna-thirsty Arizona State University (ASU), as a student club in ASU (link). An official Discover
Yourself (DYS) session inside the campus
registered an average attendance of 30 students,
of which more than 15 were present regularly till
the 6th session.
Response: Chinmoy Nath, whose parents live near
Mayapur, is chanting 10 rounds while
simultaneously excelling in his academics. He won
$300 in the American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics conference and contributed all of it for
the preaching expenses. Tedman Tores who
already read Bible and Quran, is regularly attending
the lectures and studying Bhagavat Gita since last
USA. The credit of establishing the Vedic Oasis in two months. 6 devotees are currently chanting
the desert of Arizona goes to HG Sri Govinda Datta Hare Krishna, and all the students together cook
Prabhu (Sudhir Saini), an initiated disciple of HH prasadam for the
Radhanath Swami Maharaj. He has completed the programs in the house of
post graduation from Carnegie Melon University in Mrs. Sonal Singhal.
2007 and joined Freescale semiconductors. Future direction: With
Initial Phase: It started in the August of 2007 such an enthusiastic
with the inspiration of HG Chaitanya Charan Prabhu response, VOICE is on
& HG Radheshyam Prabhu. He single-handedly the threshold of starting
invited the boys to DYS sessions using emails, and daily morning program
arranged prasadam also. Later, he used to have and registering DYS as a
regular weekly meetings with 6-7 students to certificate course in ASU.
discuss Spiritual Scientist articles, Bhagavat Gita,
HG Sri Govinda Datta
Pr( Sudhir Saini)

Radhanatha Maharaja with IIT KGP devotees

On The 6th and 7th of March, more than 30 there there is the greatest opportunity for service to
devotees of Krishnagatipur VOICE got personal the Lord.”
Day 2: Maharaj chanted with them and spoke from
SB-4.2.32. Before his
departure for
Mumbai, each of
them was introduced
to Maharaj by HG
Acharya Ratna Pr. On
this occasion,
Maharaj joked, “All of
you are at the TOP.
My humble opinion is
that you should
become humble by
washing the reverse
of TOP – POT.” He
association of HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj. also promised that he
Day 1: Maharaj addressed them in the evening will visit KGP VOICE
and extolled upon the glories of Kolkata with in the near future.
references from Chaitanya Charitamrita and Srila HG Prem Svarup
Prabhupada’s personal life. “Kolkata, the gateway Prabhu, an initiated disciple of Radhanath Maharaj
of Mayapur is most needful of Krishna Conscious and the OC of KGP VOICE says, “It is the causeless
preachers. Where there is the greatest need, mercy of Maharaja that he recognized our service and
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare | 2
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ||
Vedic Oasis for Inspiration Culture and Education
blessed us personally for this important devotees are quality devotees with great attitude.
mission...” Maharaj later spoke to HG By - Siddhartha (B.Tech, Final Year CSE, IIT
Radheshyam Prabhu and commented that the IIT Kharagpur)

East Indian Engineers at the land of Lord Jagannatha

The biggest camp for first years in the history of to lotus the lotus feet of the deities and offer
VOICE started on 1st of March this year in the respects.
Spurti festival. 46 first year devotees from IIT
KGP, 26 from NIT Jamshedpur and 17 from NIT
Rourkela assembled in Jagannath Puri Dham to
gain Sphurti. It took 48 volunters from KGP and
Jamshedpur organized the event under the
guidance of HG Sankirtan Anand Prabhu. The two
day camp included Mangala arotik on the sands
of Puri, enlightening lectures, debates, dramas,

Devotees singing and dancing on beach

“It is very inspiring to see so many students
practicing Krishna consciousness. ‘Mind your Mind’
drama was excellent”, says Subhash a first year from
NIT Jamshedpur. The Mind your mind drama
performed by KGP senior devotees was a big hit. “The
mangal arati on beach was a great experience,
lectures given were very inspiring”, says Lekhajit
another first year. Chiranjeev who attended the camp
HG Acharyaratna Prabhu discoursing to for second time comments, “Sphurti was amazing
NITians from Rourkela because we saw so many devotees coming together
at dham and got opportunity to do vaishnava seva.
Jagannath prasadam, darshan of Jagannath, These services gave nice opportunity for all of us to
Baladev and Subhadra, nagar sankirtan, and of come close to one another.” He further adds, “We can
course ocean bath. The Historical Puri temple also see the transformation of hearts occurring and
was over-crowded when all devotees reached this gives us a lot of faith on the process.”
there, but this couldn’t prevent our enthusiasm By – Bharat Kumar, B.Tech II year, IIT KGP.

RVC Bangalore celebrates Sankalpa Festival

Under the intelligent guidance of Vishal Kaushal, who won the
Prime minister’s silver medal at IIT KGP and is currently working
in Oracle, RVC engineering college is attracting new first year
boys. 16 of them joined the Sankalpa festival on 15th of March
and were enlivened by the association of HG Premnivas Pr and HG
Prem Harinaam Pr. Some boys commented, “This is the best day
of my life.”, while others resolved, “I will stop eating non-veg
from today.” The VOICE inmates managed and executed the
different services.
By – Archit (First Year Eng, RV College of Engg. Bangalore)

HG Prem Harinaam Prabhu with

first year students of RV College
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare | 3
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ||
Vedic Oasis for Inspiration Culture and Education

TAPAS- (Thanks, Appreciation, Prayers,

Aspiration, Special incidents) A festival for
passing out students from VOICE. Amit- the
first alumni of the newly started VOICE at
Jananivas Prabhu and Pankajangri Prabhu with
Army Institute of Technolgy, Pune receives
the devotees of College of Engg. & Mgmt.,
a gift from VOICE.
Kolaghat. The IIT Kharagpur devotees – Prem
New altar with Radha Kunjabihari & Gaur-Nitai
Shankar, Arjun, Ashish, and Prem Swarup Pr of
laminations was also installed this day. 10 boys
KGP VOICE are assisting ISKCON Kolkata in their
from this college are attending morning program
preaching at that college.

Upcoming Events
Sl. No’ Name of the event Dates
1 Utkarsh-08 Festival at Mayapur (West Bengal) 12th May to 15th May
2 VTW-STW (Software Training Workshop- 16th May to 17th June
Vaishnav Training Workshop) at IIT Kharagpur
3 Utkarsh-08 Festival at Mayapur for Pune 17th June to 25th June
student devotees
4 Gauranga Sabha Camp at Pune 19th(evening), 20th, 21st and 22nd June
5 Nityananda Sabha Camp at Pune 20th(evening), 21st and 22nd June

Editorial Board
HG Radheshyam Das (M.Tech,IIT Mumbai)-Director VOICE
HG Chaitanyacharan Das(B E,COEP Pune)
Rajshekhar V (M.Tech, IIT Kharagpur)
Siddhartha (B.Tech, IIT Kharagpur)
To share weekly special events, accomplishments, news, announcements and nectar
kindly send email to (Cell-09932619423)
Vedic Oasis for Inspiration Culture and Education (VOICE),
4-Tarapore Road, next to Dastur’s Boys School, Camp Pune-01

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare | 4

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ||

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