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The web should be fast.

Executive Summary

Performance Report for:
Report generated: Thursday, June 13, 2013, 9:21 AM -0700
Test Server Region: Vancouver, Canada Using: Firefox (Desktop) 14.0.1, Page Speed 1.12.16, YSlow 3.1.6

Page Speed Grade:

YSlow Grade:

(93%) Avg: 77%

Page load time: 0.93s Total page size: 923KB

(92%) Avg: 78%

Total number of requests: 30

Priority Issues (Top 5)

Combine images using CSS sprites Defer parsing of JavaScript Optimize the order of styles and scripts M inify JavaScript Remove query strings from static resources F (0) B (80) B (85) A (92) A (92) 8 % 7 % 4 % 9 % 1 % Avg 6 Score: 68% Avg 6 Score: 67% Avg 9 Score: 94% Avg 8 Score: 89% Avg 9 Score: 91% Images JS CSS/JS JS Content Medium High High High High

How does this affect me? What do these grades mean?

Studies show that users leave a site if it hasn't loaded in 4 seconds; keep your users happy and engaged by providing a fast performing website. As if you didn't need more incentive, Google has announced that they are using page speed in their ranking algorithm. This report is an analysis of your site with Google and Yahoo!'s metrics for how to best develop a site for optimized speed. The grades you see represent how well the scanned URL adheres to those rules. Lower grades (C or lower) mean that the page can stand to be faster using better practices and optimizing your settings.

About GTmetrix
We can help you develop a faster, more efficient, and all-around improved website experience for your users. We use Google Page Speed and Yahoo! YSlow to grade your site's performance and provide actionable recommendations to fix these issues.

What's in this report?

This report covers basic to technical analyses on your page. It is categorized under many headings: Executive: Overall score information and Priority Issues

About the Developer

GTmetrix is developed by the good folks at Gossamer Threads, a Vancouver-based company with over 16 years experience in web technology.

History: Graphed history of past performance Waterfall: Graph of your site's loading timeline Technical: In-depth Page Speed & YSlow information These will provide you with a snapshot of your performance.

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Page load times
3.0 s

2.0 s

1.0 s

0.0 s Jun 13 9:12AM Jun 13 9:13AM HTML D/L Time

Jun 13 9:14AM Jun 13 9:15AM

Jun 13 9:16AM Jun 13 9:17AM

Jun 13 9:18AM Jun 13 9:19AM

Jun 13 9:20AM Jun 13 9:21AM

Page Load Time

Page sizes and request counts

50 977 KB 45 40 35 30 25 Jun 13 9:12AM Jun 13 9:13AM Jun 13 9:14AM Jun 13 9:15AM Jun 13 9:16AM Jun 13 9:17AM Jun 13 9:18AM Jun 13 9:19AM Jun 13 9:20AM Jun 13 9:21AM Total Page Elements HTML Size Total Page Size

488 KB

Page Speed and YSlow scores

100% 90% 80% 70%


Jun 13 9:12AM Jun 13 9:13AM Page Speed Score

Jun 13 9:14AM Jun 13 9:15AM YSlow Score

Jun 13 9:16AM Jun 13 9:17AM

Jun 13 9:18AM Jun 13 9:19AM

Jun 13 9:20AM Jun 13 9:21AM

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The waterfall graph displays the loading behaviour of your site in Firefox. It can be used to discover simple issues such as 404's or more complex issues such as external resources blocking page rendering.
Indo Lucky 77 GET 200 OK 3.5 KB GET M9BPLi7WL0otTi3RMdAvLqnMSQXSILH0oswUAA.css 200 OK 4.2 KB GET css?family=Anton 200 OK 211 B GET jquery.fancybox.js?v=2.1.0 200 OK 12.8 KB GET jquery.fancybox.css?v=2.1.0 200 OK 1.2 KB GET livechat.png GET yahoo.png GET bbm.png GET phone.png 200 OK 17.5 KB 200 OK 18.5 KB 200 OK 15.8 KB 200 OK 17.2 KB 110ms 160ms 214ms 174ms 217ms 449ms 226ms 251ms 260ms 285ms 169ms 168ms 77ms 59ms 112ms 266ms 184ms 233ms 315ms 315ms 245ms 294ms 392ms 64ms 169ms 858ms (onload: 932ms) 124ms 62ms 85ms 204ms

GET XY5dCoQwDIQvZGPFB28g7CmWUqKN2B-TdmFvr6IudN8y38yQ0e0i7bIV5K_qYIAOPIVGn1RKQp5I3CWvELj4QX6FjCFX3MY18l20TOl2sxelof-Jd2IUzFJ10QiF-fjd13grZnVIs3 200 OK 40.4 KB 193ms

GET slider-img3.jpg 200 OK 176.7 KB GET download-java.png 200 OK 8.8 KB GET download-88tangkas.png 200 OK 13.9 KB GET download-tangkasnet.png 200 OK 13.3 KB GET body-bg.jpg 200 OK 166.4 KB GET logo-with-sprites.png 200 OK 78.5 KB GET menu-row-bg.png 200 OK 67.7 KB GET menu-spacer.gif 200 OK 289 B GET menu-ul-tail.gif 200 OK 287 B GET menu-marker.png 200 OK 510 B GET banner-1.png 200 OK 48.5 KB GET button-shadow.png 200 OK 250 B GET button-bg.png 200 OK 1.4 KB GET banner-2.png GET banner-3.png GET h3-tail.gif GET table-tail.gif GET footer-bg.png 200 OK 74.4 KB 200 OK 45.2 KB 200 OK 1.1 KB 200 OK 151 B 200 OK 74.6 KB

GET tilmJBBU81h1G7ZsdY3Hmw.woff Aborted ? GET tilmJBBU81h1G7ZsdY3Hmw.woff 200 OK 19.5 KB 30 Requests 922.7 KB

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Page Speed Recommendations

RECOM M ENDATION Combine images using CSS sprites Defer parsing of JavaScript Optimize the order of styles and scripts M inify JavaScript Remove query strings from static resources Specify image dimensions Specify a cache validator M inify CSS Optimize images Enable gzip compression M inify HTM L Avoid bad requests Avoid a character set in the meta tag Avoid landing page redirects Enable Keep-Alive Inline small CSS Inline small JavaScript Leverage browser caching M inimize redirects M inimize request size Put CSS in the document head Serve resources from a consistent URL Serve scaled images Specify a Vary: Accept-Encoding header Specify a character set early Avoid CSS @import Prefer asynchronous resources GRADE F (0) B (80) B (85) A (92) A (92) A (95) A (96) A (97) A (98) A (99) A (99) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) RELATIVE Avg 6 8 6 % Avg 7 9 % Avg 4 8 % Avg 9 9 % Avg 1 5 % Avg 2 9 % Avg 5 8 % Avg 0 7 % Avg 5 7 % Avg 9 9 % Avg 3 9 % Avg 7 9 % Avg 5 9 % Avg 7 9 % Avg 6 9 % Avg 3 9 % Avg 6 5 % Avg 4 9 % Avg 3 9 % Avg 9 1 % Avg 00 9 % Avg 4 8 % Avg 9 9 % Avg 0 9 % Avg 8 9 % Avg 6 9 % Avg 3 Score: 68% Score: 67% Score: 94% Score: 89% Score: 91% Score: 52% Score: 95% Score: 80% Score: 75% Score: 79% Score: 93% Score: 97% Score: 95% Score: 97% Score: 96% Score: 93% Score: 96% Score: 54% Score: 93% Score: 99% Score: 100% Score: 94% Score: 89% Score: 90% Score: 98% Score: 96% Score: 93% TYPE Images JS CSS/JS JS Content Images Server CSS Images Server Content Content Content Server Server CSS JS Server Content Content CSS Content Images Server Content CSS JS PRIORITY Medium High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High Medium Medium

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YSlow Recommendations
RECOM M ENDATION Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) M ake fewer HTTP requests Add Expires headers Avoid empty src or href Compress components with gzip M inify JavaScript and CSS Avoid URL redirects M ake AJAX cacheable Put CSS at the top Remove duplicate JavaScript and CSS Put JavaScript at bottom Avoid AlphaImageLoader filter Avoid HTTP 404 (Not Found) error Reduce the number of DOM elements Do not scale images in HTM L Use cookie-free domains Use GET for AJAX requests Avoid CSS expressions Reduce DNS lookups Reduce cookie size M ake favicon small and cacheable Configure entity tags (ETags) M ake JavaScript and CSS external GRADE F (0) C (72) B (89) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) A (100) (n/a) % RELATIVE Avg 7 Score: 7% Avg 4 4 2 % Avg 3 1 % Avg 00 6 % Avg 6 7 % Avg 6 8 % Avg 8 1 % Avg 00 1 % Avg 00 1 % Avg 00 1 % Avg 00 9 % Avg 5 1 % Avg 00 9 % Avg 4 1 % Avg 00 4 % Avg 2 1 % Avg 00 9 % Avg 7 7 % Avg 5 1 % Avg 00 1 % Avg 00 4 % Avg 9 % Score: 44% Score: 23% Score: 100% Score: 66% Score: 76% Score: 88% Score: 100% Score: 100% Score: 100% Score: 100% Score: 95% Score: 100% Score: 94% Score: 100% Score: 42% Score: 100% Score: 97% Score: 75% Score: 100% Score: 100% Score: 49% TYPE Server Content Server Content Server CSS/JS Content JS CSS CSS/JS JS CSS Content Content Images Cookie JS CSS Content Cookie Images Server CSS/JS PRIORITY Medium High High High High Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Medium

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