Condition Exclusion: by Kanhu Ranjan Padhi, SAP Labs

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Condition Exclusion

By Kanhu Ranjan Padhi, SAP Labs Condition exclusion let you determine which condition type should be used in a given situation. User can navigate to Condition Exclusion in below path: IMG (Execute Transaction SPRO) -> Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Pricing Control -> Condition Exclusion User can maintain Condition exclusion in two ways 1. Condition Exclusion for Groups of Condition 2. Condition Exclusion for Condition Types And Records Condition Exclusion for Groups of Condition: In this you can create your own group and maintain conditions in the created group. Condition to be compared is first placed in an exclusion group. Step 1: Define Condition Exclusion Groups

Create two exclusion groups ZXX1 and ZXXX as below:

Step 2: Assign Condition types to the Exclusion Groups

Click on the New Entries. Enter ZXX1 in the Exclusion group and assign condition type ZDIT. Enter ZXXX in the Exclusion group and assign condition type K007.

Step 3: Maintain condition exclusion for pricing procedures Select the Pricing procedure and double click on the Exclusion group on the left side to maintain the entries.

Note the condition exclusion group which is maintained as D here. There are 7 condition exclusion groups available as below: A: Best condition between condition types B: Best condition within the condition type C: Best condition between two exclusion groups D: Exclusive

E: Least favorable within the condition type F: Least favorable between the two exclusion groups L: Least favorable between condition types When you set up the exclusion group as above, when you create an order in VA01 the condition K007 gets deactivated when user enters value for condition ZDIT.

Condition Exclusion for Condition types and Records: This can be set in a condition record or condition type. Requirements are maintained in the pricing procedure and allow you to specify if a condition is to be used in certain situation. See the below Example: 1. Maintain the indicators as below :

2. Pricing in the order looks as below before maintaining the condition Exclusion indicator in the condition record for PR00.

3. Maintain condition exclusion indicator in the condition record for PR00 in transaction VK12 for the same customer, material, sales organization, and division and distribution channel.

4. Notice the Sales Order now for the same Sales organization, Distribution channel, Division, Customer and Material:

All the conditions were void when PROO is used in the order. This is actually read from the requirement which is maintained at the Pricing Procedure level. For PR00 requirement 2 is maintained in the pricing procedure.

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