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Basic Menu Planning Principles

The five basic menu planning principles are...
1. Strive for balance. 2. Emphasize variety. 3. Add contrast. 4. Think about color. 5. Consider eye appeal.

Menu Planning Principle # 1 Strive for balance

As you work to plan meals that are nourishing, appealing, and taste good, you will want to strive for balance in a number of ways. As you select and combine foods: Balance flavors in appealing ways. Make sure individual foods, when served together, make a winning combination. Too many mild flavors make a meal too bland. Too many strongly flavored foods make a meal unacceptable to children. For example, a lunch or supper menu with sausage pizza, Cajun potatoes, coleslaw, brownie, and milk has too many strong and spicy flavors Balance higher fat foods with ones that have less fat. Avoid having too many higher fat foods in the same week. In other words, do not Include sausage pizza in a weeks menu if you are already planning to serve hot dogs and fried chicken. Look for ways to use low fat side dishes to balance a higher fat entre. For example,with a grilled cheese sandwich, serve carrot and celery sticks.

Menu Planning Principle # 2 Emphasize variety.

Serving a variety of foods is important because no one food or group of foods can give us everything we need for a healthy diet. Variety also makes menus interesting and appealing. To add variety: Include a wide variety of foods from day to day. Avoid planning the samemform of food on consecutive days, such as meatballs with spaghetti on Monday and homemade meat ravioli on Tuesday.

Vary the types of main courses you serve. For example, serve casseroles one day, soup and sandwiches the next, or perhaps a main dish-salad

Include different forms of foods, and prepare them in a variety of ways. For instance, some vegetables are good eaten raw. If you usually serve a particular vegetable cooked, serve it uncooked if it is good that way. Or cook it but use a different recipe or seasoning. In any case, be sure the different way of serving is as appealing as the usual way. Include a surprise item or a small amount of a new or unfamiliar food periodically. For example, try adding cauliflower, red cabbage, or spinach to asalad.

Menu Planning Principle # 3 Add contrast.

Strive for contrasts of texture, flavor, and methods of preparation. Think about the texture of foods as well as their taste and appearance. For added appeal, serve a green salad or raw vegetable with spaghetti. Serve a crisp fruit or vegetable with a burrito, and crisp steamed carrots and broccoli with meatloaf. Pair toasted garlic bread and cold broccoli salad with homemade cheese ravioli. Avoid having too much of the same type of food in the same meal. A lunch with too many starches or too many sweets lacks contrast as well as balance. So does a meal with too many heavy foods. If you are serving a hearty casserole, plan to serve a vegetable or fresh fruit. Use a pleasing combination of different sizes and shapes of foods. Within a meal, present foods in several different shapes, such as cubes, mounds, shredded bits, and strips. A meal with cubed meat, diced potatoes, mixed vegetables, and fruit cocktail needs more contrast in size and shape foods.

Menu Planning Principle # 4 Think about color.

Use combinations of colors that go together well, and strive for contrast and maximum color presentation. A good rule of thumb is to use at least two colorful foods in each menu for visual appeal. Avoid using too many foods of the same color in the same meal. A meal with turkey, rice, cauliflower, white bread, pears, and milk would lack color contrast. A better combination would be turkey and cranberry sauce, green peas, whole wheat bread, orange slices, and milk. Remember that vegetables and fruits are great for adding natural color to side dishes as well as entres. A slice of tomato really brightens up a potato salad. A fresh sliced grape or strawberry livens up a dish of diced pears or peaches. Use colorful foods in combination with those that have little or no color. Serve broccoli spears with whipped potatoes, for example. Add pimento or green pepper to

corn. Serve a bright red apple and green lettuce with a hamburger, baked beans, and milk. Serve green peas, apricots with oven fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and milk. And dont forget spices. Its easy to sprinkle on a dash of cinnamon to canned fruit or a little paprika on vegetables and potatoes for added color.

Menu Planning Principle # 5 Consider eye appeal.

Your childrens first impression will be how a meal looks. Make sure what you serve looks good as well as tastes good. Think of the total presentation. As you plan for color, consider the color of the dishes, plates, or trays to be used as well as the colors of the foods. Plan the way you will place the menu items on the tray or plate. Visualize how the food will look when served and decide on the most attractive arrangement.

Types of Menus:
It is a list of dishes available for a particular meal. Ex: wedding menu, birthday party menu, anniversary menu. Two types of menus are there, Table dhtel: It is a set of menu. A la carte: Choosing a particular menu form the card is a la carte. They charge only for the selected dish. A La Carte Menu: An A La Carte Menu, is a multiple choice menu, with each dish priced separately. If a guest wishes to place an order, an a la carte is offered, from which one can choose the items one wants to eat. Traditionally, the original menus that offered consumers choices were prepared on a small chalkboard, a la carte in French; so foods chosen from a bill of fare are described as la carte, "according to the board." In an a la carte menu all items are cooked to order including the sauces that are made with wine, cream or mustard. Depending on the dish chosen by the guest, the cooking time will vary. It is necessary to inform the guests about the time the preparation might take. An extensive a la carte menu is impressive but involves a huge amount of mise-en-place. Table Dhtel: Table d'hte is a French phrase which literally means "host's table". It is used to indicate a fixed menu where multi-course meals with limited choices are charged at a fixed price. Such a menu may also be called prix fixe ("fixed price"). It usually includes three or five courses meal available at a fixed price. It is also referred to as a fixed menu. Because the menu is set, the cutlery on the table may also already

be set for all of the courses, with the first course cutlery on the outside, working in towards the plate as the courses progress. In olden days, when the inns or dining establishments offering a limited choice in the menu was not preferred by the guests, they started offering an a la carte menu for guests to select the type of food they wanted to eat. Fixed menus or table d'hote menus are still used in various forms such as buffet menus, conference packages and on special occasions. A table d'hote menu comprises a complete meal at a predetermined price. It is sometimes printed on a menu card or as in the case of banquets, it is agreed upon by the host of the party. A banquet style of fixed menu has more elaborate choices ranging from the soup to the dessert. For the banquets, the hosts invariably fix or select the menu in consultation with the hotel staff in advance. Most of the banquet food served in India is normally of Indian food. For this, a printed format offering a choice of vegetarian and nonvegetarian dishes is prepared, from which the guests make their choice. Western style fixed menus normally provide the choice of a starter or soup, a main course, and finally a dessert. In each course there could be a choice of dishes to suit the tastes of individual guests. Table dhtel menus should be well planned and balanced. As the guest is not given a chance to plan his own meal, the meal should be interesting, without any similarity in the colour and taste of the courses as well as being palatable, delicious and well presented. If the main course is heavy, then the first course should be lighter, and act as an appetite stimulant for the courses to follow. Dishes that are heavy and hard to digest should be avoided. The colour, varieties of ingredients used, and the garnishes should, if possible, be different for each course. Sequence of menu: 1. Hors-doeuvre 2. Soup 3. Egg 4. Rice and pasta (Farineaux) 5. Fish (Poisson) 6. Entre (Entering into the main meal) 7. Sorbet (Flavoured drinks with cigrettes) 8. Releve (Remove, releve coarse, joint coarse) 9. Roast 10. Vegetables (Legumes) 11. Salads(salades) 12. Cold buffet (buffet froid) 13. Sweet (Entremet) 14. Savoury (savoureux) 15. Cheese (fromage) 16. Fresh fruit (dessert) 17. Beverages (tea or coffee)

Appetizers (Hors doeuvre):

This course is composed usually of dishes of a tangy, salty nature, aimed to stimulate appetite. The term hors doeuvre usually applies to a variety of side dishes offered as appetizers such as potato salad, anchovies, prawns, olives, Russian salad, herring, sardines, cold egg dishes, or to single items also served as a preliminary appetizer course before the soup, e.g. dishes like melon, caviar, oysters smoked salmon, salami, sausages, smoked ham.\

Non-vegetarian classical horsdoeuvres: 1. Caviar. In French it is referred to as caviare. 2. Smoked salmon. In French it is referred to as Saumon fume. 3. Smoked trout. In French it is referred to as Truit fume. 4. Smoked Eel. In French it is referred to as Anguille fume. 5. Ham mousse. In French it is referred to as Mousse de jambon 6. Snails. In French called Escargot 7. Oysters. In French called Les huitre 8. Potted shrimps. 9. Gulls egg. In French it is called Oeuf de mouette 10. Fresh prawns. In French called as Les crevette rose 11. Pate de foie gras. 12. Shell fish cocktail. Vegetarian classical horsdoeuvres: 1. Grapefruit cocktail In French it is called Cocktail de pamplemousse 2. Tomato juice. In French called Juice de tomate 3. Asparagus. In French referred to as asperges 4. Corn on the cob. In French referred to as Mais naturel 5. Globe artichoke. In French referred to as Artichaut 6. Avocado. It is referred to as Avocat 7. Chilled melon. In French it is referred to as Melon frappe

Soup (potage):

Two soups are usually featured on a table dhte dinner- one clear (Consomm) and one thick (crme, veloute or puree). Only one is served with each meal. The clear soup is listed first on the menu. A liquid food served at the beginning of a meal, or for lunch, a snack etc. French for soup is soupe or potage . Originally in France soupe was a slice of bread on which was poured the content of the cooking pot (potage). Soup and potage are almost synonymous although the former is used to designate unstrained vegetable , meat or fish soup garnished with bread, pasta or rice. It is also used for regional or classical soup with bread added to them such as French onion soup. Soups can be classified into two broad categories. They are :1. Thick soups 2. Thin soups Thick soups are further subdivided basing upon the kind of thickening agent used. Thick

soups are further subdivided into the following categories:1. Cream soup 2. Puree soup 3. Veloute soup 4. Bisque Cream soup Cream soup is characterized by the presence of Bechamel sauce is the thickening agent. The basic ingredients can be fish , shellfish , poultry , vegetables or rice etc. Cream soups normally use chervil leaves or croutons as the thickening agent .This type of soup can be made by finishing a puree soup with cream. It can also be made by adding veloute sauce to a puree of veg or meat and finishing with cream. It always used to made by mixing equal quantity of basic puree , Bechamel and stock. Any of the puree and potage soup can be creamed and included under this heading . The resultant soup would be very smooth and creamy . Some examples of thick soups are: Cream of Tomato soup Cream of Mushroom soup Cream of Asparagus soup Cream of Artichoke soup Cream of rice soup Cream of Rice soup Cream of Almond soup Cream of Spinach soup Cream of Spinach is also referred to as Cream Florentine in French. The word Florentine indicates the presence of spinach in the preparation. Below given are some descriptions and the main ingredient they indicate presence of:Description Ingredients they indicate presence of 1. Florentine - Spinach 2. Clamart - Split peas 3. Du Barry - Cauliflower 4. Gumbo - Okra 5. Doria - Cucumber 6. Portugaise - Tomato 7. Nasselrode - Chestnut puree 8. Palestine - Jerusalem artichoke 9.Crecy - Carrots 10. Princesse - Asparagus tips 11. Argenteuil - Sauce containing asparagus puree 12. Albert - Leeks 13. Champenoise - Celery 14. Bressane - Pumpkin

PUREE SOUP : This category of soup is thickened by the starch content of the vegetable itself ,

which is used for the preparation of soup . this kind of soup is usually made from a particular kind of vegetable either fresh or dried often with the addition of potatoes or rice if the veg used is not a starchy one. Fresh vegetables are first cooked in butter before adding stock or water. The consistency should be smooth and the colour and flavor very delicate. Some examples of puree soups are:1. Puree of Avocado Soup 2. Puree Albert cook leeks in butter , add stock and potatoes , make into a puree and finish with cream , garnish with juliennes of carrots, celery and leeks. 3. Puree Argenteuil Stew sliced onion and trimmings of asparagus in butter, cook in stock, make into a puree , finish with cream and garnish with asparagus tips. 4. Puree Celery Puree of celery and finish with butter and cream and garnished with diced celery. VELOUTE SOUP: This category of soup is made by cooking cut meat or vegetables in Veloute sauce made with chicken or veal stock. After being pureed, the soup is thickened with liaison of egg yolk and cream after which it must not be allowed to boil. The velvety smoothness of fine flavor is further enhanced by the addition of butter either plain or flavored and colored one. Examples of Veloute soup :1. Artichoke Veloute soup 2. Asparagus Veloute soup 3. Mushrom Veloute soup 4. Chicken Veloute soup BISQUE: This category of soup is made with pureed shellfish and cream . The shellfish is cooked raw in butter with a mirepoix , flamed with brandy and cooked in white wine and stock with rice as the thickening agent. The shells are crushed and replaced in the soup which is then passed and finished with cream and then butter. Examples of bisque are :1. Shrimp bisque - Bisque de cervettes 2. Crayfish - Bisque de langustine 3. Lobster bisque - Bisque dhomard 4. Crawfish bisque - Bisque de langouste 5. Calamar bisque - Bisque of squid 6. Chicago bisque - Mix bisque of lobster with tomato soup and garnish with seed tapioca and dices of lobster . 7. Potato Americaine - Blend crayfish bisque with cream of tomato soup and garnish with tapioca seeds. THIN SOUP--- CONSOMME Meat , poultry or fish served hot or cold generally at dinner, at beginning of a meal particularly. Consomme is traditionally clarified with aggshell. DIFFERENT CONSOMME GARNISHES

1. Consomm Royal Chicken consomm garnished with savoury egg custard cut into any shape. 2. Consomm Celestine Beef consomm garnished very thin pancakes made with fine herbs in the mixture. 3. Consomm Carmen A beef consomm made with the flavor of tomato and pimento and garnished with dices of tomato, juliennes of pimento, rice and springs of chervil. 4. Consomm Mercedes Consomm flavored with dry sherry, garnished with small rings of red pimento and cockscomb. 5. Consomm Ambassadrice Chicken consomm garnished with dices of three different types of royals .peas , tomatoes and truffles also diced chicken and mushroom. 6. Consomm Monte Carlo Chicken consomm garnished with paysennes of carrot truffles, turnips and juliennes of savory pancakes made with fine herbs. 7. Consomm Bonaparte Chicken consomm garnished with ordinary chicken quenelles. 8. Consomm Nesselrode Chicken consomm garnished with profit roles half-filled with chestnut puree and onion puree and other half with duxelles. COLD SOUP 1.Ajo Blanco Emulsify almond and garlic in olive oil and moisten with water and served poured over dried slices of bread. 2. Avocado Cold soup made from purees avocado, lemon juice and chicken stock and garnished with chives and cream. 3. Botvinia - Cold soup from Russia made with from beetroot leaves, sorrel and spinach , white wine ,tarragon and gherkins and served with ice in it. 4. Chotodriece Fermented picked gherkins juice garnished with chives, crayfish, dill, diced beetroot and sliced hard-boiled eggs. 5. Cucumber soup Pureed cucumber with veloute bound with liaison and garnished with diced cucumber and shredded sorrel. 6. Gazpacho Blend raw cucumber , pimento and tomatoes and crushed garlic and bread emulsified in oil , season with cumin and serve accompanied with chopped onion , diced cucumber , tomato ,pimento and fried breadcrumbs. 7. Okhrochka Mix hardboiled egg yolks with mustard , cooked mashed potatoes and sour cream and moisten with kyass and diced cooked white of eggs , cooked beetroot , carrot ,pickled gherkins and flavored with dill.

8. Princesse Royale Mix equal parts of cream of chicken and cream of asparagus and garnish with juliennes of chicken, ham and ox tongue. 9. Ritz Add concentrated tomato puree to Vichyssoise and finished with chopped chives and chopped tomatoes. 10. Saint Cloud Add chopped fresh mint to cream of green pea soup and garnish with dices of green pea royale. 11. Strawberry soup Macerate strawberries with stock syrup, pass through a sieve and then add white wine and lemon juice. 12. Vichyssoise Stew leek with onion butter, add chicken stock, milk and potatoes and finish with cream and chopped chives. 13. Lilly soup Garnish cream of chicken soup with chopped stewed sorrel and juliennes of chicken. 14. Consomme Madrilene Make a consomm with celery, pimento and tomatoes and set with very little gelatin.

NATIONAL SOUPS 1. Avgolemeno ( Greece) Mutton stock blended with egg and lemon juice. 2. Minestrone (Italy) An Italian mixed veg soup containing pasta or rice . It is made with pumpkin, cabbage, broad beans, courgettes , red kidney beans , celery and tomatoes and garnished with three pastas : cannolichi ( small cubes filled with meat and herbs ) ,ditalini (small finger shaped and penne (feather like) . It is often served with pesto, which is thick oily sauce made with fresh basil, olive oil, garlic and grated cheese. 3. Gazpacho (Spain) The literal meaning of Gazpacho is soaked bread. 5. Bortsch ( Russia) A soup based on stewed meat with various veg like beetroot , mushrooms and white kidney beans. 6. Clam Chowder (U.S.) Stewed diced leeks , onion and salt belly of pork . Potatoes and cooked clam and butter and fish stock, finish with cream and crushed cream crackers. 7. Linsensuppe (Germany) Lentil soup flavored with salted pork. 8. Waterzoi (Belgium) A Flemish speciality compromising freshwater fish and eel cooked in a court buillion with herbs. Hamburg parsley root and veg. The preparation is finished with generous amount of fresh cream and thickened with breadcrumbs sometimes.

9. Cock e Leekie (Scotland) _ A Scottish specialty whose name literally means cock and leek. It is a substantial soup made with chicken and leek and thickened with barley. 10. Hungarian Goulash (Hungary) A soup made from beef and potatoes flavored with paprika . 11. Oxtail (England) A soup made from the liquid extract in which the oxtail has been boiled to which is added lean beef , egg white and aromatic veg tor clarification and garnished with dices of oxtail and brunnoise of vegetables. 12. Mulligatawny (India and Sri Lankan) It is a chicken consomm to which are added stewed veg (cumin, carrot and celery ) and highly seasoned with curry powder and spices garnished with blanched almonds and coconut cream. 13. Pot e feu (France) A soup almost a meal in itself made with meat mainly beef and various types of veg in stock water.

Fish (Poisson):

Two kinds of fish are frequently offered on a table dhte dinner. One is invariably a poached fish served with a sauce mousseline or hollandaise or similar sauce. Plainly steamed or boiled potatoes are usually offered with this type of fish.

Deep fried fish preparation: Fillet of sole Colbert- Fillet of sole egg washed , rolled in the bread crumbs, deep fried and served with Colbert butter(Maitre d hotel butter + meat glaze + chopped tarragon) Fillet of pomfret Orly- Fillet of pomfret egg washed, rolled in bread crumbs, frying batter .Deep fried and served with tomato sauce. Fillet of Halibut frit- Fillet of halibut egg washed, rolled in bread crumbs, deep fried and served. Fillet of Lemon Sole Crawford- Roll the fillet of lemon sole in egg wash , roll in bread crumbs. Deep fried and served with tartare sauce. Fillet of cod Bambouche- Fillet of cod egg washed , rolled in bread crumbs, twisted into a spiral, deep fried and served on a bed of buttered macedaine of vegetables. Shallow fried fish- The basic method of cooking is called a la meuniere. Fillet of sole Meuniere- Roll fillet of sole in flour, shallow fry on hot butter, basting it occasionally. .Place it in a dish with a peeled slice of lemon on each fillet sprinkle with lemon juice, pour nut butter all over at the last moment and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Fillet of sole Belle Meuniere-Dip in flour, shallow fry in hot butter garnish with skinned tomato, mushrooms, sauted soft roe and sprinkle with lemon juice and coat with nut butter. Fillet of John Dory Benzamine- Fold the fillet of John dory into half, egg wash, bread crumb, shallow fry and place it on a baked potato which is mptied, filled with creamed mushrooms and serve with sauce Americaine. Fillet of carp David- Shallow fry the fillet of Carp, sprinkle with bread crumbs, lemon juice and chopped parsley. Fillet of dover sole Grand Hotel- Shallow fry fillet of dover sole and garnish with bouquet of sauted diced potato, artichoke bottoms, cover with nut brown butter and little meat glaze and sprinkle with parsley. Poached fish preparations Fillet of sole Duglere- Cook fillet of sole in white wine and fish stock with chopped parsley , shallots and tomatoes. Reduce the cooking liquid. Fillet of pomfret Bonne Femme- Cook in white wine, fish stock with chopped shallots, parsley and diced button mushrooms. Reduce the cooking liquid , finish with butter and cream. Coat the fish and glaze. A border of cooked sliced potatoes is authentic. Fillet of perch Princesse- Coat the poached fish with white wine sauce containing puree of asparagus, decorate with truffles and garnish with nest of duchesse potatoes, filled with asparagus tips. Fillet of haddock Walevwska- The name given to fish poached in a fumet, garnished with slices of lobster and thinly sliced truffles and covered with Mornay Sauce. Finish it with lobster butter and glaze in the oven. Fillet of dover sole Provencal- Poach the fish in fish stock and oil with chopped garlic, coat with sauce provencal containing the reduced cooking liquid and garnish with tomato stuffed a la provencal. Grilled Fish preparations : Grilled salmon with lemon butter- Pieces of salmon without bone, grilled and served with lemon butter. Grilled whitebait Maitre d hotel- Grilled whitebait served with pieces of maitre d hotel butter. Grilled conger eel Nicoise- Cover the grilled slice of conger eel with garlic and tomato and decorate with olives and trellies of anchovy.

Shellfish Preparations: Lobster Americaine-Dices of lobster cooked with tomatoes, butter, crushed garlic, shallots and white wine and oil, finally a good helping of brandy. Lobster/crayfish/crawfish Newburg- Lobster Americaine with cream and fish stock. Lobster/crayfish/crawfish Thermidor- Cooked in bercy sauce or cream. Seasoned with mustard and arranged in two half of the shell,either sprinkled with grated parmesan cheese and gratinated or covered with Mornay Sauce. Entre: This is the first of the meat courses. At dinner, usually, it is complete in itself in that it is accompanied by its own appropriate vegetable or other garnish. It may be dish like sweetbreads, garnished cutlets, vol au vent, liver and so on. (Luncheon entre may be more substantial and sometimes additional vegetables may be served separately). Entre is the first meat course in the French Classical Menu. This course comprises small pieces of meat, which are served with a sauce or gravy. The meat preparation may or may not be with bone. Some Chicken based entre are as under Chicken Maryland- Coat with egg wash and bread crumbs, shallow fry and serve with a grilled rasher of bacon, corn and banana fritters grilled tomatoes and served with a horseradish sauce. Chicken Marengo- Sauted chicken garnish with sauted mushrooms, glazed onions, fried eggs and crayfish tail. Chicken saut chasseur- Sauted chicken cooked in a sauce made up of demiglaze, mushrooms, shallots, tomatoes and white wine. Chicken Mexicaine- Sauteed chicken served with tomato flavored demiglaze, which has been mixed with shredded red peppers and garnished with mushrooms, stuffed with chopped tomatoes, sauted peppers and aubergine pulp. Chicken a la rex- Chicken cooked in a veloute containing mushrooms and red and green sweet peppers. Some beef based entre are as under Beef Wellington-Seal the fillet of beef in hot fat for 10 minutes.Allow it to get cold. Place it on a bed of duxelle lined on a puff pastry . Envelope the steak in the pastry. Transfer onto a tray and apply with egg wash, bake for 10 mins at around 150 degree C. Slice and serve with Madeira sauce. Beef Stroganaff- A preparation of thinly sliced beef, coated with a cream sauce and garnished with mushrooms and onions. Served on a bed of rice. Beef Bourgogne- Marinate the joint in white wine and braise it with calfs foot. Half way through the cooking remove the joint and place it in a casserole with carrots and glazed onions. Complete the cooking in a casserole. Cold Entre are as follows Tartare steak- A raw steak made with minced beef, seasoned with salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce. The meat is shaped into balls and hollowed in the centre. Break an egg into the hollowed part . Arrange 1 tb spoon of chopped onions , chopped shallots and chopped

parsley around the meat and serve. Entrecote Bordelaise- Grilled entrecote garnished with chopped bone marrow, which is poached in stock and sprinkled with chopped parsley. Serve with Bordelaise sauce. (Espagnole + meat glaze + lemon juice + diced bone marrow + reduction of red wine, shallots and seasonings.) Mutton based entre are as under Moussaka- A dish from Greece, made from dices of aubergine arranged in layers alternating with chopped mutton, onion, aubergine pulp often with addition of a thick bchamel sauce. Moussaka is served with a tomato fondue. Irish stew- A stew made from mutton and potatoes. Pieces of neck end of mutton are arranged in alternate layers with sliced potatoes and onions. Water is added to the pot and is left to simmer on a very low heat. The traditional accompaniment is pickled red cabbage and Worcestershire sauce. Halicot- A stew made from chopped muttons, turnips, onions, potatoes and sometimes haricot beans. Mutton cutlet chasseur- Sauteed cutlets of mutton served with a demiglaze containing shallots, mushrooms, tomatoes and white wine. Mutton cutlets a la Villeroi- Braise the mutton cutlets and leave them to cool in their stock. Drain them and coat in Villeroi sauce. Then dip them in beaten eggs and roll in bread crumbs. Fry till golden in clarified butterand serve them with perigaux sauce. Villeroi sauce- Meat stock + white stock + mushroom essence (reduced). The sauce may be finished with truffle essence and puree of tomatoes and onions. Perigaux sauce-Madeira sauce + chopped truffles. Lamb based entre Breaded lamb cutlets- Season the cutlets with salt,peppers and coat them with beaten eggs and roll in breadcrumbs and coat them with beaten egg then with breadcrumbs. Saute on both sides in clarified butter. Arrange them in a crown and sprinkle with noisette batter. Lamb cutlets Du Barry- Sauteed or grilled lamb chops arranged in a dish with cauliflower, Mornay on its side. Lamb chop Mexicaine- Sauteed or grilled lamb chops cooked and served with a tomato flavored demiglaze to which shredded red pepper has been added. It is garnished with mushrooms stuffed with chopped tomatoes, chopped sweet potatoes and aubergine pulp. Lamb brochettes- Boneless cubes of lamb cut from the leg of lamb skewered with alternating slices of blanched lemon and sliced wild mushrooms. Brush with melted butter before grilling. Serve on a bed of buttered rice. Grilled lamb cutlets- Season the cutlets with salt and pepper, brush them with melted butter and cook over a barbecue. Arrange on a serving dish, garnish with watercress. Serve sprinkled with lemon juice. Pork based entre Grilled pork chops- Season the pork chops with salt and pepper, brush with melted butter and grill either on barbecue. Arrange on a serving dish, garnish with watercress. Serve sprinkled with lemon juice. Mothers creton- A cold preparation made out of minced pork, mixed with chopped onions,

garlic, breadcrumbs, milk, chopped parsley, cinnamon, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly and cook for 2 hrs. Cool and blend in a processor. Put in a buttered terrine and refrigerate until firm. Pork chops charcutier- Sauteed pork chops served with a Charcutier sauce. Charcutier sauce is a demiglaze added with white wine, mustard and gherkins. The serving dish should be lined with mashed potatoes. Pork chops Alsacienne- Sauteed or grilled pork chops served with braised sauerkraut with bacon and slices of chipolata. Pork chops with Robert Sauce- Grilled pork chops served with Robert Sauce. Robert Sauce is a demiglaze with white wine, sugar and mustard. Offals (Internal edible 0rgans) based entrees Haggis- A Scottish national dish consisting of sheeps stomach stuffed with a spicy mixture of animals heart, liver, lungs, onions, oatmeal and mutton fat. The haggis is boiled for 2 hrs in stock. It is served with a puree of turnips or vegetables that have been boiled with it. The traditional accompaniment is Malt Whisky. Steak and kidney pie- A British specialty consisting of a hot pie with a filling of lean beef and kidney to which are added onions and mushrooms or sometimes potatoes, hard boiled eggs or oysters. Lamb kidney Turbigo- Lamb kidney cut into half, sauted and garnished with grilled chipolatas , sauted mushrooms and covered with a sauce made from cooking juice mixed with white wine and tomato flavored demiglaze sauce. Calf liver alanglaise- Thin slices of calf liver sauted in hot butter. Served and garnished with fried bacon, sprinkled with lemon juice, chopped parsley and accompanied with steamed potatoes. Main Course (Remove or Releve): Is a larger joint or `piece de resistance and may consist of a saddle of lamb, braised ham or even venison. Potatoes and one or two vegetables are served with the course. These generally comprise the big joints etc. that must be carved before the guest for service. These are generally the butchers joints, which are either roasted or grilled or braised. They are served with their own accompanying sauce and accompanying vegetables. Examples1. Roast leg of lamb with mint sauce. 2. Roast leg of mutton with onion sauce. 3. Roast leg of pork with apple sauce. 4. Roast shoulder of pork with 5 spices. 5. Roast Milk lamb. 6. Roast loin of lamb. 7. Braised joint of beef. 8. Spit roasted ribs of beef. The Sorbet: This course is intended to be a pause during a long meal. A sorbet helps `settle dishes already served and stimulate the appetite. It is a water ice, usually favored with champagne or other delicate wine or liqueur and is served in a tall, small glass with a teaspoon.

Cigarettes, usually Russian, are passed at this stage and ten minutes are allowed before the next course. A type of water ice that is softer and more granular than ice cream and it does not contain any fat or egg yolk. The basic ingredients of Sorbet are1. A fruit juice or fruit puree, fruit fumet. 2. Wine, spirit, liqueur or infusion of tea or coffee. 3. Sugar syrup sometimes with the addition of glucose. 4. The mixture should not be beaten during freezing and when it is set some Italian meringue can be added to give it volume. A sorbet differs from an Italian Granita in having Italian meringue. Granita does not contain any Italian meringue. Examples 1. Peach sorbet. 2. Pear sorbet. 3. Raspberry sorbet. 4. Calvados sorbet. 5. Lemon sorbet. 6. Champagne sorbet. 7. Apricot sorbet. 8. Sugarcane and Champagne sorbet. During this course the Russian cigarettes are passed to the guest in a formal banquet and hence the ashtray is also passed. Nowadays the sorbets are also served as sweet dishes. The Roast (Roti): This course consists of poultry or game, such as chicken duck, turkey, pheasant, grouse or partridge, served separately on a half-moon plate. Particularly, for shorter dinners (i.e. without an entre) it is now-a-days possible that a fine meat roast such as a fillet of beef may be served. This is the heaviest course in the French Classical Menu and comprises roast poultry, roast game birds and roast game animals. Game birds are called feathered game and game animals are called furred animals. When these dishes are served they are served with their own accompanying sauce, roast gravy and vegetables. Game chips or roast potatoes are commonly served with roast course. A salad is also served along with the roast, which is served in a salad crescent. Examples-Game Animals 1. Deer or Venison 2. Roebuck 3. Wild boar. 4. Reindeer 5. Hare

Game birds- Woodcock, pheasants, hazel grouse, partridge,, wood pigeon, capercaille, black grouse, lark, garden warbler, thrush, black bird, ortollan plover, wild turkey etc. Poultry -Chicken, turkey, rabbit, duck, hazelhen etc. When a roast is planned it is just planned as Roast chicken or Roast turkey or Roast venison or Roast partridge. The game animals are normally served with redcurrant jelly or Cumberland sauce which is Port wine + Orange juice + Lemon juice + Red currant jelly. Roast game birds are generally served with bread sauce and cranberry sauce. Vegetable (Legumes): The French customarily serve a finely dressed vegetable as a separate course, for example asparagus served with sauce Hollandaise or Beurre fondue. But at lunch time (or even at a simple dinner) some may choose this type of dish i.e. Globe Artichoke or Asparagus as a preliminary course. Examples1. Asparagus 2. Artichoke 3. Corn on the cob Sweet (Entremet) : This may consist of a hot sweet such as a souffl or rum omelette, otherwise an ice (such as coupe, biscuit glace, bombe glacee or meringue glacee). Some examples are as under Peach Melba- Created in 1892 by Escoffier when he was the Executive Chef at the Savoy Hotel in London. He dedicated it to Dame Nellie Melba, the famous 19th Century opera singer from Australia. It was first served at a dinner given by the Duke of Orleans to celebrate his triumph. Escoffier first introduced Peach Melba in a menu in 1900 for the opening of the Carlton when he was in charge of the kitchen. Today it consists of poached stoned peach halfs placed on a bed of vanilla ice cream covered with raspberry puree. . Baba-au-rhum-A cake made from leavened dough that contains raisins and is steeped after baking in either rum or kirsch syrup. The origin of the dish is attributed to the greediness of the Polish King Stanilas Leszcsynski who was exiled in Lorraine who found the traditional kougloaf dough too dry and tried to improve it by adding rum. As a dedicated reader of the thousand and one night. He is said to have named the creation after his very favourite hero Ali Baba. Baked Alaska- Also called as Norwegian Omelette and quite similar to Omelette Surprise. An American doctor called Dr. Rumford first invented the recipe of the dish. The dish comprises a base of Genoise sponge soaked in liqueur on which is placed a block of fruit or vanilla icecream, the whole thing being masked with Plain or Italian Meringue. This is cooked in a very hot oven for aq very short period of time so that the meringue is coloured but the ice cream is not melted. It is served immediately sometimes flamed. Sachertorte- A famous Viennese gateaux created at the Congress of Vienna(1814-1815) by Franz Sacher Metternichs chief pastry cook. It literally means Sachers cake. It is a type of

chocolate Savoy cake filled or spread with apricot jam then covered with chocolate icing. It is traditionally served with whipped cream and a cup of coffee. Crepe Suzette- A type of sweet pancake flavored with tangerine and coated with a tangerine flavored sauce. In the recipe given by Escoffier tangerine juice and curacao batter are used to flavour the pancake batter and the melted butter and sugar are added to the tangerine juice to mask the pancake. Henry Charpentier who was to cook at the Rockefellers in U.S., falsely claimed to have discovered Crepe Suzette in 1896 at Caf de Paris in Monte Carlo as a compliment to the Prince of Wales and his companion whose name was Suzette, but the fact is that at that date Henry Charpentier was not old enough to be the Head Waiter to serve the Prince Charlotte- The original Charlotte, which was invented at the end of the 19th Century, is probably in honour of Queen Charlotte the wife of George III of England. It is made from a thick fruit puree flavored with Cinnamon and lemon and poured into a round mould with slightly flared rum lined with slices of buttered bread. The dish is then baked in the oven then turnede out of the mould and served with cold custard cream. The classic example is Apple charlotte. Charlotte Russe- Careme invented Charlotte Russe. This is a chilled uncooked dish consisting of vanilla Bavarian cream poured into a charlotte mould lined with a sponge finger. The sponge finger can be soaked in coffee or liqueur before hand. The preparation is allowed to cool and then turned out of the mould. Apple Strudel- One of the most famous Vienniese pastry inspired by the Turkish Baklava. A Hungarian chef created the recipe. The dough is made with a strong (high gluten) flour, is difficult to prepare and handle. It is sprinkled with ground almonds and breadcrumbs, then with the chosen filling and then rolled. The usual filling is an apple. Baklava- A cake of eastern origin consisting of several very thin layers of pastry made fron semolina flour, oil and eggs. The pastry is stuffed with chopped grilled almonds, pistachio nuts and walnuts and mixed with sugar and cut into triangle before baking. When they are taken out of the oven, they are poured over with honey or a golden syrup and lemon juice. Some examples of other sweet dishes areEggless Sweet dishes1. Apple tart 2. Jam tart 3. Pineapple flamb 4. Banana flamb 5. Mango fool 6. Blancmange 7. Rodgrod (from Denmark) 8. Different fruit compote with ice cream Sweet dishes with use of eggs1. All different types of mouse. 2. All different types of iced souffls.

3. All different types of ice creams 4. All different types of Pastries. 5. All different types of cakes and gateaux 6. All different types of Bavarois. 7. Caramel Custard. 8. Baba au rhum. 9. Apfel Strudel. Sweet dishes which are served hot1. Pineapple flamb 2. Banana flamb 3. Crepe suzette. Savoury (Savoureux): A savoury course is usually consists of a tit-bit on a hot canap of toast or fried toast. Alternatively, a savoury course may be a hot souffl (e.g. cheese or haddock) or a dainty savoury flan or ramequin. Alternatively, the cheese platter (particularly at luncheon may be presented, with biscuits, butter, celery, watercress as probable accompaniments). Savouries on toast1. Anchovies on toast- Toast the bread and lay the anchovy fillets side by side. Trim the toast and finish with the heated oil from the anchovies. Decorate with sieved hard boiled egg yolk and chopped parsley. 2. Sardines on toast- Split sardines into half and remove the backbone. Lay head to tail on the toast and finish with oil from the sardine. 3. Roes on toast- Shallow fry the roes and dress on toast. Sprinkle with lemon juice, coat with beurre noisette and serve. 4. Mushrooms on toast- Peel, wash and slice mushrooms. Shallow fry and dress on toast. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve. 5. Welsh Rarebit- Reduce 1/4th litre of beer to 1/8th . Mix into 1/8th litre of thin bchamel sauce. Stir in 118 gms of grated Cheddar. Season with salt, cayenne pepper and Worcestershire Sauce. Bind with a liason of 1 yolk. Pour onto fingers of toast and glaze. 6. Bucks Rarebit- A Welsh Rarebit garnished with poached egg. Savouries based on canapsThese are shaped pieces of bread approximately 6mm in thickness, brushed with melted butter and placed under a salamander and colored on both sides. 1. Canape Baron- Garnish with slices of fried mushrooms, grilled bacon and poached bone marrow. 2. Canape Ritchie- Creamed haddock garnished with slices of hard boiled egg. 3. Canape Quo Vadis- Grilled roes garnished with small mushroom heads. 4. Angels on Horseback- Poached oysters wrapped with streaky bacon and grilled on skewers and served on a slice of toast. 5. Devils on horseback- Stoned cooked prunes stuffed with chutney and sprinkled with cayenne , wrapped with streaky bacon and grilled on skewers. Serve on a slice of toast. This is also called as Toast Menelick.

Savouries based on croutes1. Croute Derby- Spread with ham puree and garnished with pickled walnut. 2. Croute Windsor- Spread with ham puree and garnish with small grilled mushroom. 3. Scotch Woodcock- Scrambled egg garnished with trellis of anchovy and studded with capers. Apart from the above mentioned savouries, savoury souffls can also be served in the savoury course. The different examples are as under1. Cheese souffle. 2. Salmon souffl. 3. Cauliflower and cheese souffl. 4. Avocado and shrimp souffl. Also can be served in the savoury course are the stuffed omelettes like chicken omelette, mushroom and pepper omelette. Finally all kinds of cheese can also be served in the savoury course. Desert (Dessert): This finale consists of basket of fresh fruits (possibly also dried fruits and nuts). They are sometimes placed on the table as part of the decorations. Fresh Fruit: Fresh raspberry, strawberry, blueberry etc. Apple, orange, pineapple, fresh mango. Grapes, grapefruit, shaddock, pomello, Clementine etc. Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, brazilnuts etc.

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