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Swordhawk Rules, addition II:

ICE Spell Law in AD&D

Copyright c 1996 by 
Adne Brunborg

The ICE Spell Law is a system designed for use Spell Casting Time
with Rolemaster Standard System, and use a di er- All spells marked with * 1
ent approach to solving magic. This addition intro- All stored spells 1 1
duces the concept of Spell Lists into AD&D. The All summoning spells 3 rounds 2
DM may wish to allow all lists, or just some. As
always, this is completely in the hands of the DM. 1: for instance, through the use of Spell Store
2: unless the description says more
Rank and spell levels:
ICE Spell Law has a di erent approach to spell lev- Direct attack spells:
els than AD&D. To connect these, Rank is de ned Direct attack spells are spells that cause direct dam-
to be the level of the spell in ICE Spell Law. The age to a target. Fire and Cold Balls allow a normal
level of the spell in AD&D-terms is given on the saving throw vs. Spell for half damage. Any of the
following table: Bolts are more precise as they a ect only one tar-
get, thus the saging throw against these spells su er
Rank Spell Level a -3 penalty.
1-2 1st ICE Spell Law uses attack tables instead of dices
3-4 2nd of damage, something that does not t with AD&D.
5-6 3rd When an attack table is called for, refer instead to
7-8 4th the tables below.
9-11 5th
12-13 6th Spell Damage Max
14-15 7th Cold Ball 4d6+1d6/lvl over 7 12d6
16-17 8th Fire Ball 5d8+1d8/lvl over 8 12d8
18+ 9th Fire Bolt 3d6+1d6/lvl over 6 10d6
The Rank of the spell indicates what experience Ice Bolt 3d6+1d6/lvl over 6 10d6
level the caster needs to be in order to cast the spell. Lightning Bolt 5d10+1d10/lvl over 10 15d10
Thus, if a character knows the list Fire Law Shock Bolt 1d6+1d6/(2 lvls) over 2 6d6
(Essence, Magician base list), he can cast Boil Liq- Water Bolt 2d4+1d4/lvl over 4 10d4
uid at 1st level but cannot cast Warm Solid before
he reaches the 2nd level of experience. Indirect attack spells:
Indirect attack spells are spells that are not attack
Learning spells: an opponent directly, but may in ict damage more
A wizard start o by knowing one of his base spell indirectly. Unless otherwisae noted, these spells do
lists for free. Each additional spell list costs 10 not allow saving throws, and may at the DM's op-
character points. Learning a new list isn't always tion be una ected by Magic Resistance.
easy, if the lower Ranks are missing the wizard gets These spells refer to Critical Tables for damage
a -5% penalty on his learning chance for each Rank (for instance, a Vacuum spell calls for an `A' Im-
missing. Higher level spells cannot be researched if pact Critical). When such are called for, refer to
the complete list up to that level isn't known. the table below for the damage in icted.
Critical A B C D E
Damage 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6
Casting time of spells: In addition to the damage listed in the table
Generally, the casting time of a spell is equal to its above, the spells in ict 1 [one] additional hit point
spell level, with the following exceptions: of damage per level of the caster.

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