Global Solidarity Partnerships: June 13, 2013 Kim Lamberty, Dmin

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Global Solidarity Partnerships

June 13, 2013 Kim Lamberty, DMin

CRS Is Your Agency

Why Global Solidarity?

The pilgrim Church is missionary by her very nature.Ad Gentes 1, Second Vatican Council

Solidarity Will Transform the World

SOLIDARITY is action on behalf of the one human family, calling us to help overcome the divisions in our world. Solidarity binds the rich to the poor. It makes the free zealous for the cause of the oppressed. It drives the comfortable and secure to take risks for the victims of tyranny and war. It calls those who are strong to care for those who are weak and vulnerable across the spectrum of human life. It opens homes and hearts to those in flight from terror and to migrants whose daily toil supports affluent lifestyles. Peacemaking, as Pope John Paul II has told us, is the work of solidarity.
Called to Global Solidarity, USCCB, 1997 .

Human Dignity
God created humankind in his imagemale and female he created them God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good
Genesis 1:27, 31 (NRSV)

How to Practice Global Solidarity

Foster global solidarity through prayer, education, and generous giving of time, talent, treasure. Advocate for global justice by participating in Catholics Confront Global Poverty. Participate in CRS Rice Bowl during Lent. Learn about how fair trade changes lives, and hold a fair trade sale at your parish. Develop a relationship with a partner parish through parish twinning.

Solidarity Partnerships
Solidarity with a sister parish is our opportunity to live out our Catholic identity through accompanying our brothers and sisters in relationship and service. Accompaniment is mutual.

Partners in Mission
1. Emphasize relationship, as well as resources 2. Respect local church organization and planning 3. Practice mutuality and equality 4. Support responsible local leadership 5. Promote transparency and accountability 6. Seek to give and receive, learn and teach 7. Work to change unjust systems and structures 8. Deepen our faith by experiencing the universal Catholic Church
For as in one body we have many parts, and all the parts do not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ and individually parts of one another. Romans 12: 4-5

Emphasize Relationship

Projects can be vehicles for developing Relationships


Subsidiarity: Support Responsible Local Leadership

Work through communitybased groups to develop strategies for long-term solutions.


There are numerous examples of wellintended projects failing to continue after the donor funding ends.


Best Practices
Learning the language, culture and traditions of the other partner Praying for and with each other Regular and reciprocal visits that focus on relationship-building Mutual and joint decision-making that respects the leadership and community processes of both partners

Best Practices
Assessing the success of the mission based on whether the capacity of the partner in the developing country to lead their own future development has been enhanced, and not on how many projects were completed Evaluating and then acting together to address the underlying structural causes of the injustices that have led to poverty for the partner in the developing country. Celebrate!

Solidarity Will Transform the World

Additional Information
Email Kim at Resources for parish partnerships at: Learn about fair trade at: Find information about CRS Rice Bowl at: Join Catholics Confront Global Poverty at:

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