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w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y .

n e t
The Episcopal Church of the Nativity 22405 North Miller Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85255 480.307.9216
June & July
It's Summeitime anu the living is easy . . .
Summertime in the church is a time to step back and take a look at where we are and where we are going as
Gods community of faith. Nativity has had a very eventful year! With our move into our new building, our
attendance has increased substantially 30% higher than 2012 so far this year! Our move has also given us
many opportunities for mission and evangelism. Some big leadership initiatives are our way of responding to
the opportunities our new location has brought us. Read on
Sunday Service Schedule Beginning Sunday, August 18, 2013:
During the program year, our 10:00 service consistently runs about 75 80 % full. Churches stop growing when
they are consistently this full newcomers get the message that there literally is no room for them. The vestry
has considered how to provide more worship opportunities, and have decided to modify our Sunday schedule
slightly to add a third Sunday morning service, which will be a lively, informal Jazz/Gospel service. Beginning
August 18, our Sunday schedule will be:
8:00 Rite I Eucharist with Hymns
9:30 Rite II Traditional Eucharist (same as our current 10:00 service)
10:45 Hospitality and Christian Education for all ages
11:30 Jazz/Gospel Eucharist
5:00 pm Youth Group
We are excited about the diversity of choices, and the opportunity this new schedule gives us to reach new
people for Christ! If you are interested in being a ministry leader or participant at the new 11:30 Jazz/Gospel
service, please contact Pastor Susan at - or watch the bulletin for details.
New Adult
New opportunities
for adult Christian
learning and
spiritual growth
are coming your
way this fall.
Please see Dr.
Wayne Whitneys
article on page 4
for a preview!
Interviewing for New Youth Director
Nativity said goodbye to Casey Goslin on Sunday, June
2. We are working hard on our search for a new Director
of Youth Ministries, and hope to have one in place by the
start of fall programs on August 18. In the meantime, we
are making initial plans for our Youth Mission Week.
Please see page 11 for details and registration.
Nativity After-School
Community Education
We are working on an
initiative to provide after-
school creative arts learning
for children, especially those
attending Pinnacle Peak
Elementary School, down the
street from Nativity. David
Bolger is the leader of our
school board, and Shelley
Byrnes is our staff member
spearheading this initiative.
Stay tuned!
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
Debra Williamson 1-Jun
Bethany Jameson 2-Jun
Jay Youssefi 5-Jun
Deanna Chew 5-Jun
David Erickson 6-Jun
Maggie Forbes 6-Jun
Alastair Longley-Cook 6-Jun
Noah Simpson 8-Jun
Jaclyn Fishbach 10-Jun
Darya Youssefi 12-Jun
Lily Youssefi 12-Jun
Bob Montheard 14-Jun
Suzanne Allen 14-Jun
Lynda Orescanin 17-Jun
Ann Phillips 17-Jun
Steve Smith 18-Jun
Claire Smith 20-Jun
Ray D. Wiseman 23-Jun
Joshua Deihl 24-Jun
Kara Erickson 25-Jun
Bill Worthington 26-Jun
Martha Casebolt 27-Jun
Jasmine Youssefi 29-Jun
Julie Gildersleeve 30-Jun
Sawyer Forbes 5-Jul
Janis Williamson 5-Jul
Andrew Mettler 6-Jul
Heather Deihl 6-Jul
Kathy DeMuro 7-Jul
Gayle Jameson 12-Jul
Claire Casebolt 14-Jul
Deb Myrick 14-Jul
Avery Walukiewicz 16-Jul
Chase Bright 21-Jul
Phil Goan 21-Jul
Kimberly Lawrence 24-Jul
Andrew Philipsen 26-Jul
Sebastian Clarke 27-Jul
Martha Miller 31-Jul
Every month we list those
whose birthdays are being
celebrated. If you would like
your name added to the list,
please contact Mina Rafferty at
Our New Address
Take a moment to wish a Happy Birthday
8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist
10:00 a.m. Children's Chapel -
available for first half of
11:00 a.m. Hospitality
11:15 a.m. Christian Education for
all ages
Nativitys Vestry
Senior Warden: Jeff Jameson
Junior Warden: Bill Deihl
Tricia Beaird 480-699-7893
Nancy Bleasdale 602 421-3631
Mike Brown 480-342-9423
Kara Erickson 480 518- 2683
George Hartz 480-513-3155
Jane Heist 480-419-1229
Lani Sambach 602-793-2808
Claire Smith 480-285-7679
David Smith 480-538-7068
Nativity Staff
The. Rev. Susan B. Snook
Dr. Wayne V. Whitney
Bi. Ilona Kubiaczyk-Adler
Director of Music Ministry
Shelley Byrnes
Director of Childrens & Family
Art Graf
Mina Rafferty
Parish Administrator
22405 N. Miller Road
Scottsdale, Arizona 85255
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
Arizona in
summertime reminds us that we
truly live in a desert. The heat is
blistering. Signs remind us that
the fire danger is extreme. The
snowbirds have sensibly gone
off to cooler climes, leaving us
with lighter traffic and shorter
lines at the grocery store.
Yet the desert has its own beauty in the
summer. The quail walk in parades with little golf-
ball-size babies in tow; grownup bunnies have baby
bunnies; flowers bloom in our gardens. The sky is
brilliantly blue. The light is intense, and glows red
on the mountains at sunrise and sunset. The thirsty
earth waits for rain, which will come in July,
renewing the desert for another year.
The people of the Bible were well acquainted
with the desert. John the Baptist called people out to
the desert to baptize them in the river Jordan; Jesus
fasted and meditated on his mission for 40 days in
the desert. The people of Israel wandered for forty
years in the wilderness. And at the end of that time,
Moses spoke to them:
Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak; let the
earth hear the words of my mouth. May my teaching
drop like the rain, my speech condense like the dew;
like gentle rain on grass, like showers on new
growth. For I will proclaim the name of the LORD.
Deuteronomy 31:31
The Word of God, Gods love for the people
and Gods constant presence with them, fell on their
ears like water in the thirsty desert.
Sometimes it takes a time in the desert to
appreciate the life-giving properties of rain. Surely that
was the reason for Israels 40-year desert wandering a
way to grow more thirsty for Gods presence, a thirst
that would be renewed over and over again throughout
Israels history. Surely that was the reason for John the
Baptists and Jesus sojourns in the wilderness too.
Sometimes we have to empty ourselves of everything
else in order to let God fill us.
We live in a time when we are constantly filled
our schedules are full, our stress levels are brimming
over. Yet God calls us into times of emptiness, desert
times, so we can be filled in different ways. Times of
prayer can be such times of emptiness, as we open our
hearts to Gods presence and allow ourselves some
stillness every day. Times of retreat can become longer
periods of emptiness. Times of vacation, getting
ourselves away from everyday stresses, can help us
recover our sense of who we are and who God is calling
us to be.
This desert summer, may you find places of
emptiness, where you can wander in the wilderness and
let Gods words come to you like gentle rain on grass.
In Christ,
A not e f r om Pas t or Sus an
Page 3
Transforming lives with the love of God in Jesus Christ
If you are interested in carpooling from Nativity to Trinity, please sign up using the form in Christopher Hall. All cars
depart the church at 8:45 a.m. Also, please join us on Sunday, June 30, for a reception in Wayne's honor after the 10:00
Please mark your calendar for June 22 at 10:00 a.m. at Trinity Cathedral, 100 W Roosevelt in downtown Phoenix, for
Dr. Wayne's ordination to the Transitional Diaconate. According to canon law of The Episcopal Church a candidate for
the priesthood must serve as a deacon for six months before being ordained. At this particular service the Bishop is
ordaining a handful of Deacons so seating will be at a premium. Plan on arriving early.
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Page 4! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Waynes World!
One of the
biggest impacts
Christianity has made in
the world regards the
way a redeemed people
expresses their reality.
How we say things, our
"languaging," is a
reflection of who we are
and what we are about.
Recently Nativity has
charted a new systematic
course in the world of
educating ourselves to the extent that we are
changing what used to be called Adult Education
to Adult Christian Formation. What's in a name?
Plenty. As Christ's church in the world we are
called not only to bring people to faith in God and
God's plan for our salvation but also to nurture
and form growing Christians into what Paul calls
the "full stature of Christ." Christians are made,
not born, and it is the experiences we expose
ourselves to that form us into these Christians.
The name "Adult Christian Formation" reflects
how our programs will seek to educate everyone
and bring all-comers into a mature faith no matter
where they are on the path of growth or life. The
Adult Christian Formation programs which will be
rolled out this Fall will include entry points for
every person at any stage of Christian growth.
From on-line learning to home small groups to
structured classrooms, both clergy and lay-led,
Nativity will be offering options which meet needs
of all kinds. More details will be forthcoming in
the August edition of the Nativity Scene. Feel free
to ask me about what we have planned and give
me your input on what you would like to see
offered. Christians are not born, they're made;
and our Adult Christian Formation offerings intend
to help form you in your walk with Christ.
Dr. Wayne
Power Bible Study this Summer looks at heroes of the faith like Samuel, David, Elijah, Elisha and Daniel in the biblical
books of Samuel, Kings, Daniel and even the apocryphal book of Maccabees. Dr. Wayne leads these quick studies on
Sunday Mornings from 11:20 to Noon. Grab a Bible and bring your hospitality eats and drinks to the Music Classroom.
Bible Study Wednesdays from 6:30-7:15 continues throughout the Summer months. The Revelation to John is the book
of focus at least through July. Its not too late to jump in. Bring your questions about this, the Bible's most colorful and
curious, book and find out why it is such a source of hope. Dr. Wayne leads the conversation in the Office Classroom.
Wednesday Evening Prayer Rite II featuring Healing Prayers continues this Summer at 6:00 p.m. in the Prayer Chapel. For a quiet
mid-week respite with some others who have a heart for interceding on behalf of those hurting consider joining in. We are now
singing the Magnificat and the Lord's Prayer with English chant service music from our hymnal. A brief lesson on a Holy Woman or
Holy Man from the church's colorful history is included.
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365 Days of Nativity Page 5
365 Days of Nativity A Daily Devotional Booklet
For YOU And made By YOU beginning January 1, 2014
We want YOU to be part of this, in fact WE NEED YOU to be Part of This -- we need 365 submissions!!!
Share with your church family words that have been a source of inspiration or comfort, special prayers, especially meaningful
scriptures, meditations, or any advice that you treasure.
Heres How:
1. Write it down.
2. Wed like you to choose at least two dates and offer two submissions! Consider your Birthday or anniversary. Or
perhaps the birthday of a loved one, etc. There is No limit to the number of submissions you can have.
3. Get your submission to me Email me at or drop it off in the basket available in the church office.
4. Check for more information in the monthly newsletters and Sunday bulletins.
5. You may have your name appear in the finished booklet or submit your choice anonymously.
Should you have any questions or would like to help, please call me. I believe our Nativity Family Devotional Booklet will
transform OUR lives with the love of God in Jesus Christ.
Lani Sambach Email ( or call me at 480--451--6995.
Mina Rafferty June 8___
Name Date
"And God Said No!"
I asked God to take away my pride, and God said "NO".
He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole,
and God said "NO".
He said her spirit is whole, her body is only temporary.
I asked God to grant me patience, and God said "NO".
He said that patience is a by-product of tribulation,
it isn't granted, it's earned.
I asked God to give me happiness, and God said "NO".
He said He gives blessings, happiness is up to me.
I asked God to spare me pain, and God said "NO".
He said suffering draws you apart from worldly cares
and brings you closer to me.
I asked God to make my spirit grow, and He said "NO".
He said I must grow on my own,
but He will prune me to make me fruitful.
I asked God to help me love others as much as He loves me,
And God said
"Ah, finally you have the idea"!
Author: unknown
Lani Samabch Feb. 22
Name Date
For God so loved the world that he gave
his one and only Son, that whoever
believes in him shall not perish but have
eternal life.
John 3:16
Here are a couple of
examples for your use.
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Thank you all for your hard work and
generosity! I am so amazed with your
support for the music ministry! Our brand
new, high quality grand piano is here! You
will hear many piano pieces from classical
literature throughout the summer. The range
of emotions and dynamics that can be
achieved on an instrument of this quality is
vast, and I will make sure you all get a chance to hear it. I
believe that this purchase opens another chapter in the
history of music in our church. We will not only be able to
fill our new worship space with beautiful sounds during
Sunday services, but also bring fine musicians from the
valley and serve the community by offering concerts.

I also would like to thank all the members of our constantly
expanding music ministry for their hard work. It was a very
exciting year for our ministry. Our Gospel Choir and
musicians were invited to perform at the Diocesan
convention in October 2012, and received many praises for
their energetic singing. We had three successful concerts in
our new music series in April and May 2013, which helped
to raise funds for the piano. In May we performed at St.
Augustine's church and helped raised funds for their organ-
building project. We received many positive remarks on
our performances from newcomers who joined us for
Christmas and Easter services, as well as after the
dedication service in January. A great summary of our hard
work can be found in this review of our last service of the
year which happened to be on Pentecost day:
"The clincher was the anthem. Those dozen or so folks in
the very proper Episcopal choir robes really rocked the
place. The anthem was "Joy in the House" by Mann, a
gospel-type song that was accompanied by a trumpet, a
saxophone, an electric guitar and a piano that almost
walked across the floor in response to the artistry of a
musician who can not just play Bach superbly on a small
pipe organ but who can do jazz "wicked good." I looked
around the room as the choir sang and it was amazing. I
think everybody was having a hard time sitting still and not
getting up and dancing or at least moving in response to the
music. I was having a really hard time myself. It was
absolutely contagious, and, you know, it so perfectly fit
with the celebration of this particular church feast, not to
mention the spirit that is in that church." (from This wonderful choir
consists of: Brenda Burke, Brenda Russell-Basso, Claire
Smith, Mark Dobbins, Jeff Jameson, Jill Sweifach, Joyce
Ditzler, Kazue Balint, Lynda Orescanin, Mark
Miller, Martha Miller, Mary Dexter, Steve Smith, Suzanne
Rovani. Our Sunday services were often accompanied
by: Alastair Longley-Cook on guitar, Noah Simpson on
trumpet, Julian Peterson on saxophones, Ann Phillips on
Native American Flute, Kara Erickson on bassoon, Julia
Snook on trombone, and Tom Hamill on guitar. For special
services this year we also invited Monica Sauer Anthony
on flute, Ryan Bledsoe on saxophones, Tim Haas on
clarinet, Daga Suchon Hobbs on violin. Also a wonderful
soprano, Sarah Bleasdale, visited us. We saw the
Childrens Choir in action, with their highlight
performance on Mother's Day: Kaleb Goslin, Zoey
Goslin, Destiny Spencer-Treinen, Jeremy Spencer-
Treinen, Debra Williamson, Emily Weidhaas, Charlotte
Erickson, Erin Erickson. As almost every summer, also
this year I plan to travel to Europe. I will be away for three
Sundays in July - there will be a skilled musician, Christine
Kyhn, replacing me. I am flying with my husband and baby
to Poland to visit my family and friends, and play organ
recitals in Poland and Austria. I wish you all great summer!
Ilona Kubiaczyk-Adler
Meet the Choir
Lynda Orescanin
Hi everyone! My name is Lynda Orescanin and I have been a member of
the choir since its inception. To sing is my favorite way to be personal with
God, and our new church home is the best place to do it. The light and
windows, how the organ lls the sanctuary with its sound, our musical
harmonies, all uplift my spirit. Sing choirs of angels, sing in exultation!
Our choir is where you feel exultation on a weekly basis. You dont need
any experience to join us. My previous choir experience was in the 7th
grade. Our choir director, Ilona, will have you singing like an angel in no
time! Come and join us!
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
Having a hard time readings this note? Perhaps your glasses
are at Nativity. There are three pairs of glasses, plus a scarf, a
sweater and glasses case on the Greeter's table. Please stop by
and retrieve your things.
Upcomi ng Event s and Oppor t uni t i es Page 7
It all started on a July 4th 14 years
ago when the Gunnell family
showed up on Van Buren St., set
up a grill and held a BBQ for the
homeless. One single family
decided to give the less fortunate a
place to feel included and special
on a day when everyone else was
celebrating at a holiday cookout.
It grew into a huge annual event
that feeds over 1,000 homeless
and needy in the downtown
Phoenix area. Now the family has their grandkids helping to serve along with some
friends, but the Gunnell family still pays for the majority of the food and supplies. This
year we hope that Nativity can help make their cookout an even bigger success. There are two ways to help: donate
items from the list below or make a cash donation for hotdogs, hamburgers, buns and dessert. A separate slip with the
donation list is available on the table near the office.
Paper Plates Plastic Utensils Plastic Cups Napkins Paper Towels
Cases of water Mustard Ketchup Relish Sports Drinks

Please bring all donations to Nativity June 3rd through June 30th. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara
Worthington: 480-575-7830 or email:
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
Tuesday, July 2nd.
The Nativity men will be making sandwiches and preparing lunch on Tuesday, July 2nd at the Rescue
Mission. We will be leaving from the church at 8:15 a.m. If interested please contact Bill Worthington
Due to the long holiday weekend the first week of July, the men will gather on the
second Friday, the 12th. Please look in the Sunday bulletin announcement section for
more details to come.
Theyre almost ALL GONE!
The Nativity flower guild wants everyone to have an opportunity to participate in this
lovely ministry - but there are only a few more days available for 2013!
The flower guild provides the altar flowers each Sunday, and also the flowers that
adorn our worship space for special holidays and events such as Christmas and
Easter. The flowers may be dedicated in thanksgiving for blessings received or in
memory of a loved one.
There are a few Sundays still available for your dedications:
6/23 6/30 7/28 10/6 10/27
Once you have decided which date you prefer, simply write your name on the
Flower Chart (located on the wall near the office door) and complete the form
provided, and return it to the church office. If you have any questions please
contact Kathy Graf at
Upc omi ng Ev e nt s and Oppor t uni t i e s Page 8
Our highly skilled parish administrator, Mina Rafferty, has requested a reduction in
employment hours to half-time, and the vestry has accepted her request. No longer full-
time, Mina now works a twenty hour week: 10am to 3pm four days a week (Monday-
Thursday). In that time Mina is able to adroitly accomplish those administrative tasks
that require the skills of an accomplished parish administrator.
However, the church office remains open Monday through Friday from 8:00am to
4:00pm, necessitating the coverage of a welcoming presence on the part of a
volunteer receptionist/phone answerer during those hours when Mina is not here. We
are in the process of recruiting a team of volunteers to cover the office from 8:00 to
10:00 each morning, from 3:00 to 4:00 each afternoon, and for the whole day on Friday.
If your routine is such that you can volunteer your commitment for an hour or more
each week, speak to Pastor Susan or to Bob Montheard about what might work for you.
Robert Montheard
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Nativity Scene Jr. Page 9
Faith Formation - infant through sixth grade, BySHELLEY BYRNES, Director of Christian Education
This year on
Father's Day we'd
like to honor all the
dads and father
figures we have in
our parish. The
Children's and
family Ministries
will be providing
donuts for a Father's
Day reception after
the 10:00 Service!
If you are a father or
a father figure,
please sit down and
allow one of our
children to bring
you a donut and a
On the same day as the Hogwarts
Graduation (July 28) the Spencer-Treinen
family has graciously offered to host a
family pool party right after the "graduation
reception." They will provide the main dish
if participants will bring drinks and sides.
All families (with or without children) are
invited to this pool party not just
participants of VBS. RSVP to
Read-to-me Events!
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish! Remember the fun of hearing your favorite book read to
you as a child? You have the opportunity to share that feeling with a homeless child! The
children's outreach committee has scheduled to go to two Read-to-me events where adults and
children can go read to children who live at the New Day Center (family Shelter). We have a bunch
of donated books to give these children and some crafts that our children created at the Compassion
and Mercy Sunday. If you want to
read to the kids please contact
Shelley. We will be reading to the
children from 6-8 pm on Tuesday
July 9 and Tuesday August 27.
So sign up and pick your favorite
children's book to read to a child
who doesn't own any books.
Do you ever feel like raising children is making your hair gray? Do you look back and wish you had
known more about the schools you were choosing for your children? Do you
wonder how you can bring more spirituality into your family life?
We'll be starting some family small groups in the
fall that will offer community,
education and support for the
families in our Parish. We'll
be planning for parents of all
different aged children/
youth. Please watch for
more information in
the August
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Page 10 Children and Family Ministries
Harry Potter VBS!!!!
It's time to register your children to come to Hogwarts! This program is vibrant and fun!
Children will travel a hero's journey and discover Christ's love through activities songs and
immersion in Hogwarts. The VBS program will run July 22 - 26 with a "graduation" ceremony
during our 10:00 service on July 28th. We'll have a graduation cake and reception after the
service that day. There are registration forms on the VBS table in the parish hall. You can also
sign up with a form on the website and pay using Pay Pal.
I'm also in full swing organizing for VBS! There are quite a few supplies that could be donated
to keep our budget in line so I'll be creating a giving tree with wizard hats for each item needed.
Please look for it by the VBS table and pick up one or to hats to help us get all our supplies!!!
Following is a list of the costume items and supplies that we'll need for your reference but please make sure that you
take the hat and sign up for anything you intend to donate so we can purchase things that are not donated.
We are also looking for someone who has building/woodworking skills to help create a couple of our Props/sets for the
week. If you have these skills and would like to help please contact Shelley ( or at the
church office.)
- Academic or graduation robes
- Wizard hats
- Gray beard and long gray wig
- Long black wig (cheap and ratty works)
- Black beard
- Oversized coat or trench coat
- Frumpy out of style thrift shop dress, hat purse and
- Tweedy jacket, bowler hat and long umbrella (not one
that folds up)
- Turban (or long fabric that can be made into one)
- Ugly mask (voldemort to be worn backwards on Prof.
- White angel wings, mardi Gras feather mask tote bag
that can be written on
- Golden wings or capes, golden hat of some sort (for a
child to be a snitch)
- Yarn horse tail for centaur
- Various building materials including:
- Scrap pieces of wood 2x4s
- Fabric that can be painted to look like a brick wall/
paints and velcro fasteners
- A scrim or frame to look like a mirror on which
images can be projected.
- Two hula hoops
- Two large dowels or broom stick handles
- Two buckets with plaster in which we can securely
stand two large dowels with hula hoops attached.
- OR two soccer goals
- An overhead projector and transparencies or help
figuring out how to do this project using digital
photography and a powerpoint projector
- Coarse salt, Mrs. Stewarts laundry bluing, more
ammonia, aluminum pie plate, sponges
- Even number of badminton racquets
- Several large rolls of butcher paper
- Approx. 12 poster boards
- Popular names book (such as those used by expectant
parents) Used is great!
- A world Map mounted on foam board (suitable for
using push pins)
- A box of push pins
- Small black labels
- A large 10 15 yard loop of 1 wide elastic
- Plaster gauze (10 to 15 rolls)
- Petroleum Jelly (one large jar)
- 1 package of hair ties (pony tale holders)
- Paint shirts (old shirts worn backwards to protect
childrens clothing)
- Name tags
- Broom sticks or large dowel rods for broom flying
- Paper party hats and black spray paint
- 2 rolls of crepe paper streamers in Gold and burgundy
- Party blower that makes noise
- Small light up balls or badminton shuttle cocks (2)
- Food coloring
Wood chips
White Christmas lights (to put on the floor and create
a labyrinth maybe rope lights would be best?)
Glasses, large beaker, ammonia, vinegar, Phenol red
Elmers Glue-all (not school Glue) Borax,
One box of quart sized zip lock bags, one box gallon
sized zip lock bags.
Old Magazines
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
(a new feature highlighting the youth in our
Meet Emily Weidhaas
Hi my name is Emily Weidhaas. I was born in Phoenix, AZ
on September 12, 2000. I live with my Dad(Mark),Mom
(Susan), Sister (Hanna) and two dogs (Sandy &
Shelby). I will be going into the 7
grade this fall at
Sonoran Trails Middle School. I like to sing, dance,
snow ski, going camping and riding my quad. I also love
clothes and jewelry with lots of sparkle.
NATYG Nativity is working hard to find your new Youth Director! We cant wait to have her/him on board! In the
meantime, wed still like to have our Youth Mission Week. Here are our basic plans for the week (times may be adjusted):
Mon., July 29 9 a.m. 5 p.m. Mission Work at a Service Project in Phoenix
Tues., July 30 1 p.m. 8 p.m. Mission Work at a Service Project in Phoenix
Wed., July 31 Noon Meet to drive to Nogales, Arizona; spend afternoon setting up for St. Andrews Childrens
Clinic; stay overnight at Holiday Inn Express
Thurs., Aug. 1 All Day Assist at St. Andrews Childrens Clinic; stay overnight at Holiday Inn Express
Friday, Aug. 2 Drive back home through Tucson; enjoypilgrimage visit in Tucson; share closing dinner at Nativity.
All teens who have completed 6
through 12
grades are welcome to join us! The Mission Week will be led by Pastor Susan
and Shelley Byrnes. To register, please fill out the form below. Total charge for the week is $35 per participant. Scholarships
are available, so please dont let cost be a barrier.
Mission Week 2013 Participation Form
______________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________
Students Full Name Students Home address (street address, city, state, zip code) Cell Phone Number
______________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________
Parent #1 Full Name Parent # 1 Email Parent # 1 Cell Phone
______________________________ ______________________________________________ _________________
Parent #2 Full Name Parent # 2 Email Parent # 2 Cell
________________________________ ______________________________________ ________________________________________
Students Email Address Parent # 1 Email Address Parent # 2 Email Address
Please indicate which days you will be participating:
Day 1 Day 2 Days 3 -5 Fee of $35.00 paid Yes No
Please return this form to the church office.
Page 11
w w w . T h e N a t i v i t y . n e t
The Episcopal Church of the Nativity
Mailing Address:
22405 North Miller Road
Scottsdale, Arizona 85255
Worship Sunday
8:00 & 10:00 a.m.
Upcoming Events
- Sunuay, }une 16th - Fathei's Bay! Bonuts with Bau aftei the
1u:uu seivice
- Sunuay, }une 22nu - Wayne v. Whitney's 0iuination as a
Tiansitional Beacon - 1u:uu a.m., at Tiinity Catheuial,
1uu West Roosevelt Stieet, Phoenix.
- Wizaius anu Wonueis vacation Bible School
}uly 22nu thiough }uly 26th
Beie at Nativity, see page 1u foi moie infoimation.
- Youth Nission Week
}uly 29th thiough August 2nu.
See page 11 foi moie infoimation.

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