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Present Continuous Tense

Note the difference between the simple present tense

and the present continuous tense. The present tense
describes actions that occur every day or all the time,
while the present continuous tense describes actions
that are happening now.

Peter talks to Anne all the time. (Present)

Peter is talking to Anne at this moment (Present

Supply the simple present tense or the present continuous tense

as required by the meaning of the sentence.

1. Mr. Hansen often __________ (travel) to Atlanta

on business.
(Mr. Hansen often travels to Atlanta on business.)
2. Our club __________ (meet) two times every

3. Mr. Cole _________ (teach) us at present. He

_________ (substitute) for Mr. Russell, who is our
regular teacher.

4. Every hour our church bell _________ (ring).

Listen! I believe it _________(ring) now.
Supply the simple present tense or the present continuous tense
as required by the meaning of the sentence.

1. Stella ___________ (watch) TV now. I believe

that she always __________ (watch) a show at
this time.

2. Listen! Someone __________ (knock) at the door.

3. Jay never __________ (come) to work on time.

4. At this moment I ___________ (read) sentence

number 8 in the exercise.

5. The wind always ___________ (blow) hard in this

section of town.

6. For the time being, while Mr. Press is away, Ms.

Brennan __________ (acts) as manager of our

7. Klein’s ___________ (have) a big sale on shoes


8. Kurt seems to be very busy. I guess he

__________ (study) for his science test.
Supply the simple present tense or the present continuous tense
as required by the meaning of the sentence.
9. I ____________ (get) up at seven o’clock every

10.Ed usually ___________ (stay) in a hotel when he

__________ (come) to town, but tonight he
__________ (stay) with us.

11.The sun always __________ (rise) in the east.

Look! It ____________ (rise) now.

12.Mr. and Mrs. Bush ___________ (build) a new

home on Hollywood Boulevard.

Present Continuous Tense

Negatives and Questions

Form present continuous tense negatives by placing not

after the auxiliary to be. The contracted forms are
generally used.

She is studying English

She is not studying English
She isn’t studying English.

Form present continuous tense questions by placing the

to be auxiliary before the subject.

They are working.

Are they working?
A. Change the following sentences from affirmative to negative.

1. The telephone is ringing.

(The telephone is not ringing. The telephone isn’t ringing.)
2. It is beginning to rain.

3. The sky is getting very dark.

4. She is working on the fourth floor at present.

5. The maid is cleaning the room now.

6. They are taking a walk in the park.

7. You are having lunch outside.

1. John is doing well in his studies at present.

2. We are laughing at what you said.

3. They are traveling in Europe at present.

4. I am taking dancing lessons.

5. The cars are beginning to fall from the trees.

6. The cows are roaming.


B. Change the sentences from Exercise A to questions.

1. The telephone is ringing.

(Is the telephone ringing?)

2. Ellen is writing a series of articles on the economic


3. They are planning to leave for Spain soon.

4. He is looking for the key which he lost.

5. The maid is cleaning the room now.

6. They are taking a walk in the park.

1. Paty is doing well in his studies at present.

2. They are laughing at what you said.

3. She is traveling in Europe at present.

4. I am studying English lessons.

5. The leaves are beginning to fall from the trees.

6. All the birds are flying south.

Possessive Adjectives


I like my teacher
She washes her car.
We eat our dinner at six o’clock.
They are in their classroom.

Complete the following sentences with the possessive adjective

which refers to the subject of the sentence.

1. She knows __________ lesson well.

(She knows her lesson well)
2. I also know __________ lesson well.

3. Gail likes __________ vegetable very much.

4. I do ___________ crossword puzzle s on the bus

every day.

Complete the following sentences with the possessive adjective

which refers to the subject of the sentence.

1. Both girls prepare _________ vegetables well.

2. Mr. Bach drives to work in __________ car.

3. Mary and I do _________ homework together.

4. Grace writes a letter to ___________ aunt

every week.

5. The dog wags __________ tail when it sees

___________ dinner dish.

1. The children take ___________ toys in the


2. I write the new words in _________ notebook

3. Each cat has ____________ own dish for food

and water.

4. Both boys ride __________ bicycles to work.

5. You and Henry spend a lot of time on

__________ crossword puzzles.
There is, there are

We use there is with singular nouns; we use there are

with plural nouns.

There is a book on the table.

There are books on the table.

There is one man in the room.

There are several men in the room.

Complete the following sentences with

There is or there are.

1. ___________ no Australians in this class.

(There are no Australians in this class).
2. ___________ someone at the door.
3. ____________ a lot of students absent today.
4. ____________ a mailbox on the corner.
5. ____________ three lamps in the room.
6. ___________ two large windows in the room.
7. ___________ only the door.
8. ___________ a lot of desks in our office.

1. ___________ nobody in the room now.

2. ____________ a letter in the table for you.
3. ____________ several beautiful parks in this city.
4. ___________ twelve months in a year.
5. ___________ only one cloud in the sky.
6. ____________ no one at home.
7. ___________ dishes but no silverware on the table.

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