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A Story to Tell Who would have thought our worlds would intertwine- both from different worlds, of opposite

personalities, differing visions, parallel likes and contradictory beliefs but have one common denominator- LOVE. I remember how our roads intersected- thanks to technology and to other people whom we thought insignificant in our lives but somehow bridged the gap between our worlds thus helping us to become aware of each others existence. I am not usually a texter, text addict or whatever youll call that but everything changes when a strange number appeared on my cell phones screen, sending me quotes like he really knows me a lot. Feeling close? Certainly he really is. Well, I found out where hes coming and from his background- being one of the talked about batch of scholars doesnt even wow nor impress me, and knowing the likes of him relays message of being arrogant, womanizer-i-can-wow-and-charm-get-all-the girls-dumpher-if-i-want to-, easy-go-lucky. I keep on asking him to stop badgering me and dont act like were really close, to the point that I replied him that I am already engaged. Days passed, weeks gone by but still he persisted and insisted. I am a type of person that when in a relationship, only has eyes and attention to my partner but something with this mystery guy ticks me off. Inch by inch, somehow I slowly learned to appreciate his messages with my name on it- though at the back of my mind, I knew that its a group message sent to all her girl text mates and just edited it and included my name on it. I hate group messages, especially if its unnecessary and I dont really care especially if its not my concern or I dont have anything to do about it. Admittedly, I appreciated the little effort though, for me its been a nice feeling when somebody sent you a message with your name on itcomforting as it may seem. I discern that I shouldnt entertain him or nurture this I-appreciatehis-text-having-fun-conversation-with- him- feeling for it is committed to my memory that I was in a relationship at that time. But a twist of fate happened, while I kept on reflecting, asking, indulging myself in worrying if I had committed infidelity to my partner- I discovered him cheating on me. It would be amenable if he only flirted with girls but going way beyond the limit is a big no-no and the last straw. I never had thought that incident would be a blessing in disguise. I dunno where did I get my guts and what made me comfortable to share what had happen to my feeling-close- text mate. It gave me strength to act unusually. Its not the likes of me to have this eyeball thingy but the circumstances pushed me to do so. We agreed to finally see each other physically and personally. I was taking risk, whatever the outcome whether positive or negative, I dont care but I armed myself to put on a show that Im the type of girl- you- dont- wanna- mess and maarte who's finicky and by extension pretentious. I know, it has a negative connotation, but I rather pretend to be it for self preservation and for him to back off. Walking towards our meeting place- which was the church, my eyes were fixed on the back of a man wearing pink- tall, neat, manly, oozing sex appeal I guess. Admittedly, I was drawn to him and I was even praying and hoping that this guy would turned out to be the one whom I was scheduled to meet with. Arriving at our meeting place gave me shiver- nervous as I was- I texted him on what color he was wearing for me to identify him and I was astonished with what he replied- Pink. Could it be? Could it be that he is the guy whom I had laid my eyes with? Could it really be him? I cant find anyone wearing that color aside from him. So, with great confidence,

bravely I asked the man and introduced myself to him- it really turned out that he was really him! Finally, we had met personally. I was amazed when he reached out his right hand for me to shake it as a sign of introducing his name and his self. Hmm, gentleman? I thought but duuh Im through with this putting a- hey-i-am a-gentleman-show but I know at the back of my mind it did matter. As part of our agreement, we attended and heard mass. All along, I kind a play the finicky type girl very well especially when I intended to bring a fan to solidify my show. The time when we held hands for the Our Father, I could totally feel his hands were shaking- not just shaking but really trembling. That event made me question the negative things I thought about him. Is he that kind whos used to flirting and touching with girls? But, why is he totally shaking? I looked up to him and at that time our eyes methis eyes were pleading and kind a telling me to stop scrutinizing him. Then and there I got the message to stop and to focus to the mass. My dilemma started when the mass was over. I was asking myself what we are supposed to do. He invited me to have dinner with him and asked me for the venue, out of impulsive thinking I quickly replied that we should eat at the small eatery along the road for our communal comfort food- pancit canton. The expression of his face was confused and his eyes started to wander and examined me from head to foot. That lighted the bulb of my head -what happened to my putting up this maarte finicky girl show that I was opting to the small eatery adding to the fact that its vicinity was not really even suitable for dining? One thing for sure- I blew up my cover! To recover, dead malice was my solution to my embarrassment. Suddenly, he suggested that we should go to other place which I had agreed on. We went to a floating restaurant. I was overwhelmed with the charm of beautiful scenery. The cold breeze from the sea brushed to my skin and offered a spectacular view of the city lights would be seen from afar. The moon and stars were shining on the purple dark sky. Indeed, it was

a romantic place- I must admit. Everything was in place to perfection except that we were not lovers. As the sparkling light of the moon enlightened our way a sudden bolt of tingling sensation I felt when he suddenly grabbed and held my hand to guide me as we walked towards it. Astonished with what he did, I pulled back my hand. He defended his part that he meant no harm. As if to convince myself not to get involved in another relationship, I incessantly reminded myself of the frailties of men: they are scoundrels, scumbags, losers, craving only youth and beauty, even if they have neither. But, all reminders were lost, when we finally faced each other, as we sat in front of one another. When hes not looking, I kind of examined his whole physique and take a good look at him. He's about six feet tall, and somewhat not that muscular but still lean. Hes de facto attractive, but in an innocent and conventional way. He possessed expressive eyes that are a slightly darker shade of brown, like coffee. His eyes are sharp with eagerness to examine every single source of joy around him. He has long, straight nose with subtle nostrils connoted that hes sort of patient, uncomplaining quiet man. Hes an enigmatic person. He is not ordinary in his clothing or the way of expressing himself. He can make you think that he always has plan B, and hes not the man of chances or accidents. He captivated me with his free and infectious gift that radiates from the mouth as muscles in the cheeks tighten and shows his align teeth form to show enjoyment in the simple pleasure of the moment, bringing a sparkle of vigor- his enticing and warming smile. A contagious smile that I can't help but do the same. Over dinner, we decided to play truth or dare. He told me his story bit by bit. Slowly, I began to get to know him, hes soft spoken conversationalist, funny and had sense of humor, witty yet humble. I unraveled his personality. We have opposite beliefs, differing likes- he likes numbers, I like words, different visions almost about anything but love. I observed how intensely he stared at me as if scrutinizing every line and part

of my physique. I began to feel conscious on how did I look that night. But his securing eyes, made me felt an unexplainable sense of safety and comfort with a stranger. I felt lighthearted. Our meeting ended after he accompanied me home. It was an unforgettable first meeting with a stranger. From then on, it was followed with dauntless meetings every weekend and communicated every day. I was fascinated and intrigued in our every meeting. I was drawn to both his innocence and his knowledge. I catch myself being happy, but then the thought of "oh yeah, this is not real" and what-ifs crosses my mind. What if this was just one of his leisure times? What if hes just playing around? I was hesitant to be in a relationship again for a simple reason: I dont want to get hurt coz when I fall, I fall hard. I try to look forwards, and see myself with all of the stuff about him; everything put together, everything in its proper place. Its funny how we get on so easily. I can see myself with him. I know that Ive been playing on the safe side. Ive been building walls around my heart to save me but he cared enough to knock them down. The past may not be very pleasant for me but it does not mean that the present will give me the same experience. The time finally came when I'm ready to take a chance again. Ready to put my love on the line with him and as a final point, accepted his love. From then on, my life moves with a different swing. The wonderful thing about falling in love is that I learn everything about that person and so quickly. And if its true love, then youll start to see yourself through their eyes, and it brings out the best you. And its almost as if you are falling in love with yourself.

The rest of the moments are history. Our relationship is not that smooth-sailing. We have ups and downs. We encountered challenges, we faced crisis, we have been tested, even broken yet up to now we still have the string that hold and attached us to each other. Ive learned that each relationship nurtures strengths and weaknesses within me. Candidly, there were times that I thought of giving up but I realized that what held us together is far more important than what is tearing us apart. When you truly care for someone, their mistakes never change our feelings because its the mind that gets angry but the heart still cares. Fights and problems are inevitable, weve learned not to worry when weve fight with each other but worry when we stop because theres nothing left for us to fight for. Trouble is part of our life, and if you don't share it, you don't give the person who loves you enough chance to love you enough. As our journey continue, Ive gain knowledge of love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the beginning but how much love you build till the end. Find someone worth your tears, worth your laughter, worth your heart and that loves you as much as you love them- fortunately on my end, I have found that in him. I cant promise him a perfect relationship, but what I can promise him is that as long as were trying, Im staying. Im hoping that my feeling close someone will be my forever companion. I'll always remember... I'll never forget how he took my breath away, the first time we met. No matter what happens... no matter what we do, I'll always remember the first time I saw him.

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