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A. Put the words in brackets () in the right order to make questions. 1. (you/ where/ live/ do/?) ________________________________________________________________________ 2. (do/get up/you/when/?) ________________________________________________________________________ 3. (leaving/they/are/when/?)

4. (Paul/drive/so fast/ does/why/? ________________________________________________________________________ 5. (did/where/buy/you/that picture/?) ________________________________________________________________________

B. Put where, when, why or how in the gaps.

6. ----------are you going? To the shops. 7. -----------are you leaving? At six oclock. 8. -----------are you feeling today? I have got a headache. 9. -----------is the restaurant? In Carlton Street. 10. ---------is he studying Spanish? Because he wants to work in Spain. 11. ---------did they get to France? By boat. 12. ---------I lost my bag? On Saturday morning. 13. ---------I went to the disco? By taxi. 14. ---------the nearest hospital? In Park Street. 15. ---------they are going to see the movie? On Friday evening. 16. ----------she left the party? Because she was tired.

C. Put who, what or which in the gaps. 17. --------- did you eat last night? 18. --------- are you doing at the weekend? 19. ---------- did you invite to the party? 20. ---------- restaurant do you prefer? 21. ---------- bus do we take to the museum? 22. ---------- has to been to Africa?

D. Use the words in the box to complete the questions. Use each word once.

Is What do Who is are What did Who is are Which were

23. ----------- did you do this morning? 24. Where --------- you buy that painting? 25. Where -------- the nearest bank? 26. Why --------- you tired yesterday? 27. When --------- you get up in the morning? 28. ---------- car you prefer, the family car or the sport car? 29. What ------- they doing? 30. ----------- did you meet at the station? 31. Who ------- they? 32. -------- is the name of the hotel? 33. -------- does she like best? 34. Who --------- the richest person in the world?

D. Complete the sentences with two of the words in parentheses. Possessive adjectives.

35. Here I am with .. friends. These photos are from vacation in Venezuela. (their / our / my)

36. This is Venezuelan friend, Isabel. Were at apartment in Caracas. (her / my / your)

37. This is Simon with .friend Maria. I like...........sunglasses, Maria. (your / her / his)

38. This is everybody at the station, with .. bags. Its the end of . Vacation. (their / his / our)

E. Read the e-mail and choose the correct word to complete it.

are this - our her theyre - is

Hi Martina, How are you? 39 .. is an e-mail about my new English class. My best friend in the class 40 a Mexican girl. 41 name is Carmen. My other friends 42 .. Karl and Berthe. 43 from Munich. Oh, and 44 . teacher is Simon. Hes very funny. Write back soon. Love, Susana.

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