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Three Ahadith about Imam Rabbani Mujaddid Alf Sani Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi

Posted on April 8, 2012 by Talib Ghaffari

Following are few Hadiths about Imam Rabbani, the Mujaddid of the 2nd millenium of Islam, Shaykh Ahmad Faruqi Sirhindi, may Allah be pleased with him (971-1034 AH).

The First Hadith

A Hadith showing the dignity of the scholars of this Ummah
The Prophet (sallAllahu alaihi waSallam) said: The scholars of my Ummah are like the prophets of Bani Israil. This Hadith is counted as a weak Hadith (some scholars doubt its attribution to the Prophet peace be upon him). However, with respect to its content, it is very similar to another Sahih Hadith which reads Scholars are the inheritors of Prophets. Therefore many scholars have accepted this Hadith, or at least the content of this Hadith, to be true. Although this Hadith concerns all the great scholars of this Ummah, yet one-to-one likeness cannot be ruled out. Many prophets were sent to Bani Israel, but at the turn of every thousand years, a great Messenger of Allah (Rasool) would arrive in the previous nations with new rules and new Shariah. Sayyidina Musa and Sayyidina Isa (peace be on them) came after a millenium. Similarly, this Ummah also needed a very powerful Mujaddid (revivor) when one thousand years passed from the demise of the Holy Prophet (sallAllahu alaihi waSallam). Thus Allah Almighty, with his great mercy on humankind and specially on this Ummah, sent Imam Rabbani Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi and made him a reviver of a millennium, unlike other scholars and revivers whose efforts were limited to their times. The renovation done by Imam Rabbani will last for the full 2nd millennium of the Hijri calendar.

The Second Hadith

The famous Hadith about the arrival of a Mujaddid (reviver) in this Ummah at the turn of every century

: ( ) )412( ) 1924/ ( Narrated from Abu Huraira (R), from the Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu alaihi waSallam), who said: Surely, Allah will send for this Ummah at the advent of every one hundred years a person (or persons) who will renovate its religion for it. [Sunan Abu Dawood] This is a Hadith categorized as Sahih as all of its narrators are trustworthy. Mufti Taqi Usmani writes about the authenticity of this Hadith: One of the narrators of this hadith is slightly doubtful about whether this hadith is reported by Sayyidina Abu Huraira (R) as a saying of the Holy Prophet (S) or as his own saying, though he affirms it as a saying of the Holy Prophet (S) to the best of his knowledge. But even if it is held to be a saying of Abu Hurairah (R) himself, he could not have predicted this happening with such certainty unless he had learnt it from the Holy Prophet (S). For this reason the scholars of hadith have taken it as an authentic hadith.

The Third Hadith

This is a Hadith particularly referring to the Mujaddid as a person and predicting his birth. )( The Prophet (sallAllahu alaihi waSallam) said: There will be a person in my Ummah who will be called Sillah (literally meaning a link or connection), with whose intercession many (people) will enter the Paradise. [Suyuti] The Great Mujaddid writes in his letter written to his son Imam Muhammad Masoom (Volume 2 letter 6):

All praise is for Allah who made me a Sillah (link) between two oceans and a reformer between two groups. [Maktubat, volume 9 letter 6] The letter is written to explain the spiritual realities that occur after every 1000 years, in which the Great Mujaddid also discusses the real purpose of his birth. Thus the above words are not just a common expression, but an affirmation that the Hadith mentioned above is actually said for him. Furthermore, this Hadith has been accepted by great scholars of Hadith such as Shaykh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dehlavi in Akhbar al-Akhyar. Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddith Dehlavi presents this Hadith in Fatawa Azizia as a proof for the birth of Mujaddid. He states further that in the first thousand years, there has been no one with the title Sillah and this is proved from Naqliyat and Mukashifat (transmitted knowledge and spiritual revelations).

The holy tomb of Imam Rabbani Mujaddid Alf-e-Sani Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi, at Sirhind, India Sillah refers to a connection between two entities. Imam Rabbani was a connection between the two oceans of Shariah and Tasawwuf. Before him, the two groups of scholars and Sufis had a gap which was widening. Many Sufis had adopted opinions which were contrary to the established beliefs of Shariah, and they had developed practices such as Sima which were against the rules of Shariah. On the other hand, scholars of Islamic sciences were getting away from the spirituality and from the true practice of Tasawwuf. Some of them were even against the Sufi practices completely. This wide gap was filled by Imam Rabbani, whose spiritual descendants were both the greatest scholars of Hadith and Fiqh as well as the greatest Sufi masters of their times.

Sheikh Mujaddid Alif Sani Biography of Sheikh Date of birth Place of birth Fathers Name Sufi Order Title 26th june 1564 Sirhind, a city of East Punjab Sheikh Abdul Ahad Naqshbandiya Mujaddid Alif Sani (reformer of 2nd Millennium)

His Murshid was Khawaja Baqi Billah. The real name of Sheikh Mujaddid Alif Sani was Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi. He received his early education from his father and some other scholars at Sirhind and Sialkot. Allama Kamal-ud-Din and Sheikh Yaqub Surfi Kashmiri were his teachers and guides. Hazrat Mujaddid Alif Sani was a descendent of the second pious caliph Hazrat Umar. Sheikh Mujaddid Alif Sani was a prominent disciple of Khawaja Baqi Billah, an eminent saint of the Naqshbanida spiritual order. Mujaddid Alif Sani visited from place to place to get benefit from well-known Muslim scholars. He also stayed in Fatahpur Sikri which was Emperor Akbars capital. He met here with Abul-al-Fazl and Faizi. Both were brothers and courtiers of Akbar. They had known for their closeness with Akbar. But Sheikh Ahmed did not establish any long term relationship with these two brothers because of their un-Islamic trends.

Social and Religious Services

When Sheikh Ahmad began his reform movement Muslim Society was following unIslamic practices. The knowledge of jurisprudence was preferred over Quran and Hadith. Akbar introduced new religion called Din-e-Elahi. The impact of Din-e-Elahi greatly affected the Muslim beliefs and trends. It split the Muslim Society into several fractions. The religious beliefs of the Muslims were greatly affected by Din-e-Elahi. In such adverse circumstances, Sheikh Ahmad launched reform movement. He was a great scholar as well as mystic. He wrote many letters to the nobles in which he emphasized the need for rehabilitation of Islam in India.

As far as his social reforms are concerned, he persuaded the Muslims to adopt simple habits in life in the light of Islam and Sunnah. He urged the Muslim Society to leave un-Islamic practices and asked them to strictly adhere to Namaz (prayer). He also explained the utility of fasting. Due to his social reforms, Islam regained its lost popularity. The religious services of Sheikh Ahmad are also immense. He wrote a small booklet Isbat-un-Nabuwwat (Affirmation of Prophet-hood). The purpose of writing this pamphlet was to justify the need for prophet-hood. His letters to the nobles were of great importance. These letters can be divided into 3 categories. 1.Dar-ul Maarfat 2.Noor-ul-Khalaiq 3.Maarfat-ul-Hakaiq These three categories are collectively known as Maktubat Imam Rabbani. His efforts for the rehabilitation of Islam had far reaching impact on Muslim Society. He saved the Muslims from merging in Hindu Society. He purified the Muslim Society of un-Islamic tendencies. He sent his disciples in all directions to preach true Islam.

Efforts against Non-Islamic Fundamentals

The period of Sheikh Mujaddid was a period of threat to the real teachings of Islam. During Akbars rule, the Hindus were given representation in state affairs. The Hindus were given key posts during Akbars rule. In this way, Islam was passing through a lean period. At this time, Islam needed a fearless believer to defend it. Therefore, Sheikh Ahmad stood to protect and defend Islam. He criticized the religious policy of Akbar and launched wage against the religious outlook of Akbar. It was due to the strong reform movement led by Sheikh Mujaddid that Din-e-Elahi abolished with the death of Akbar. Besides this, another important task was to save the Islamic identity form merging into other Identities. There was a group or sect who did not consider Prophet-hood an integral part of Islam. Sheikh Mujaddid refuted it by writing Asbat-un-Nabuwwat. In this way, he waged jihad by pen

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