Teambuilding Participants Kit

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2013 Sales & Marketing Teambuilding

KIT Material

MGM Jena Jojo Kim RA Elaine AGA SUG Debbie Vessica Rika Andrew Bennes LRC

DRF Levi Anna Laurence Heizelle Donna ACS JCL Cherry Ferlie Mark Julius Mayette Emee

RETURN this sheet & the pen to the facilitator

NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________________

ACTIVITY & INSTRUCTION 1. Write your name on the ribbons.. 2. List down the names of the person of which you will gift the colored ribbon to. 3. At the assembly, you will be asked to give the ribbons to the person/s in your list. 4 . During this time, no one is allowed to say anything other than accept it with gratitude.

Room Assignments
MGM, DRF, ACS, ALR, Bennes, Laurence, Julius, Jojo, Andrew AGA, Emee, Donna, Levi, Anna, Jena LRC, Vessica, Rika, Cherry, Kim, Mayette SUG, Debbie, Elaine, RA, Ferlie

Red Stop doing.

The receiver must be the one to set a personal time with the giver.

Green Keep doing.

The giver will have to prepare a note and give it to the receiver at the end of the day.

MGM Jena Jojo Kim RA DRF Levi Anna Laurence Heizelle Donna ACS Mayette Elaine Emee Bennes SUG Debbie Vessica Rika Andrew JCL Cherry Ferlie Mark Julius

Yellow Apology.

The giver will set a personal time with the receiver.

Blue Reconciliation and Appreciation

The giver must be able to present a gift (any at that) from your bag or that is readily available to you today.


Each Team/ Tribe can bring ONLY:(1) cellphone ; (1) camera; (2) watches ; (2) towels; tribe kit ( flashlight & whistle)




x 2

Banwa Properties for the Tribe Guardian Illustration Board (1-1/2 & 1 1/4) Set of Colored Markers Notebook Ballpen & Pencil Manila Paper


GENERAL GUIDELINES Groups must be able to visit all the Banwa . In each Banwa, there must be no less than 2 Banwa Guardian members and not more than 7 people at a time. The roving of the Banwa will be ordered according to HEATS. (e.g. (i) Team Excellence will be at the Banwa of Excellence, Next will be at the Banwa of Attitude and Passion and so on (ii) Team Service will be at their respective Banwa initially then move to Humility and Respect. Tribe Objectives: Home group must be able to strategize how one or two members must guard the Banwa and welcome the visitors (Also, the Banwa guardians need to think of a way, to ensure that all team members will be able to go around all the Banwa. For those who are guardians of the Banwa, they must be able to document the visitors who came in and provide a highlight of what the visitors learned during their visit. The tribes must also be able to highlight their learning with the visits in the Banwa Visiting tribes must also put their mark on the banwa banner. 1. Teams must assign : Tribe Leader Tribe Secretary Tribe Peace OfPicer Tribe Counsel Tribe Soldier Tribe Home-Maker Every tribe member must be able to decide and describe the role and responsibilities they chose or assigned to. 2. Naming & Describing the Tribe. The Tribe must be able to describe the Banwa and the value it holds. There must be a consensus of the group to come up with statements about the Banwa. RESULT: 1 general description of the value/ 1 - relevance of the value for the self 1- relevance of the value for the company/ 1 relevance of the value for the community 3. Creating Activities for Guests Create activity/ies for your guests that will highlight the value of your Banwa. 4. Culmination Tribes must convene at the Bulwagan at time speciPied by the Facilitator. Each tribe must bring their banner and seated together before the Council of Elders.

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