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Batch : 2005

S. No. 1 2 3 4. 5. 6. Course Code EN 202 PY 201/CH 201 PY 202/CH 202 EN 201 CS 201 CS 251 BE 2nd Year First Semester Subject Unified Mech- II Physics II/Chemistry Physics Lab./ Chemistry Lab Analog & Digital Electronics Data Structure (DC 1) Data Structure (Pr) Total : L 4 4 0 4 4 0 16 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 3 0 0 4 7 Total 4 4 3 4 4 4 23 Credits 4 4 2 4 4 2 20

S. No. 1 2 3. 4. 5. 6.

Course Code CH 201/PY 201 CH 202/PY 202 MA 201 CS 252 CS 202 CS 203

BE 2nd Year Second Semester Subject Chemistry / Physics II Chemistry Lab/ Physics Lab Discrete Structure Deptt Lab-I Object Oriented Programming. Computer Architecture & Organisation Total:

L 4 0 3 0 4 4 15

T 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

P 0 3 0 4 0 0 7

Total 4 3 4 4 4 4 23

Credits 4 2 4 2 4 4 20

S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Course Code EN 301 EN 302 CS 301 CS 302 CS 351 HU 301

BE 3rd Year First Semester Subject Communication Engineering Signals and System Microprocessor Operating System Deptt. Lab-II. Humanities II Total:

L 4 4 4 4 0 3 19

T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

P 0 0 0 0 4 0 4

Total 4 4 4 4 4 3 23

Credits 4 4 4 4 2 3 21

BE 3rd Year Second Semester S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Course Code Subject Elective- I(Deptt) Elective-II(Deptt) 3 Elective- III(Deptt) Open Elective- I Open Elective- II Total: 4 4 17 0 0 0 0 0 6 4 4 23 4 4 20 0 2 5 4 L 3 3 T 0 0 P 2 2 Total 5 5 Credits 4 4

Four weeks Industrial Training for those who do not opt for one semester Industrial Training with no Credit

or Students may opt for Full semester supervised Industrial Training in lieu of 6th semester. 1 2 CS 397 CS 398 Industrial Training Capstone Project I Total: ------------16 4 20

Elective 1 2 3 4 5 CS 303 CS 304 CS 305 CS 306 CS 308 Computer Graphics Data Base Management System. Computer Communication Network Micro-controller & its Applications Advanced Computer Architecture

BE 4th Year First Semester S. No. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Course Code HU 401 CS 401 CS 402 CS 403 CS 451 CS 497 CS 498 Subject Humanities - III Artificial Intelligence (DC-7) Software Engineering (DC-8) Network Security & Cryptography (DC- 9) Laboratory Industrial Training Capstone Project I Total: L 4 4 4 4 0 -0 16 T 0 0 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 4 --8 12 P 0 Total 4 4 4 4 4 -8 28 Credits 4 4 4 4 2 -4 22

BE 4th Year Second Semester

S. No. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7

Course Code HU 403 CS 404 CS 405 CS 453 CS 499 CS 450

Subject Humanities System Software Network Technology Elective IV Laboratory. Capstone Project II Comprehensive Viva Total:

L 4 4 4 4 0 0 -16

T 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0

P 0 0 0 0 4 8 -12

Total 4 4 4 4 4 8 -28

Credits 4 4 4 4 2 4 -22

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

CS 406 CS 407 CS 408 CS 409 CS 410 CS 411 CS 412 CS 413 CS 414 CS 415 CS 416

Knowledge Based Systems & Robotics Embedded Systems Mobile Computing Advanced Database Management Systems UNIX Networking Programming Quantum Computing Web Administration Soft Computing Machine Translation Optical Networks Simulation & Modeling

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Course Name Course No. Credits LTP Pr-req. Rationale:

CS 417 CS 418 CS 419 CS 420 CS 421 CS 422 CS 423 CS 424 CS 425 : : : : :

Data Mining & Warehousing Image Processing & Computer Vision Network Processor Design and Architecture Distributed Operating System Multimedia Systems E- Commerce & ERP Natural Language Processing Theory of Computation. Wireless and Mobile Networking. UNIFIED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING-II EN 202 4 310 EN 102

Introduction to systems, Processes and Interaction, Mass, Temperature, Work, Energy, Heat and Fluid Flow. Lecture wise breakup Lectures Thermodynamics: Basic concepts, Zeroth law, perfect gases and related terms Thermodynamic processes and cycles First and Second laws of thermodynamics and their applications Steady flow energy equations for flow and non-flow processes, Concept of entropy Steam and its properties Vapour and gas power cycles Steam and gas turbines Fundamentals of heat transfer conduction and convection Fluid Mechanics Introduction to fluids and flows Fluid statics Analysis of fluid flow-control mass and control volume Kinematics and dynamics of fluid flow Eulers equations, Bernoullis equations, continuity equations, momentum equation with applications-control volume approach Laminar and turbulent flow Flow measurement, hydraulic co-efficients Dimensional analysis Basics of hydraulic pumps and turbines BOOKS: (01) (02) (02) (03) (03) (02) (03) (02) (02) (02) (02) (02) (03) (03) (03) (03) (02) No. of

1. 2.

Engineering Thermodynamics J.B. Jones and R.E. Dugan (PHI). Fluid Mechanics Vijay Gupta & S.K. Gupta, Wiley Eastern Limited

REFERENCES: 1. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics R.E. Sonntag, Claus Borgnakke. G.J. Van Wylen. 2. Thermodynamics P.K. Nag, TMH 3. Fluid Mechanics A.R. Garde & A.G. Miragaonkar. 4. Fluid Mechanics, Frank M.White, McGraw-Hill College (12/01/2002) ISBN :0072831804.

Course Name Course No. Credits LTP Pr-req. :

: : : 4 0 0 :


PY 101

Lecture wise breakup No. of Lectures QUANTUM MECHANICS & ATOMS (03) Quantum theory of light, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, pair production, photons and gravity, black hole de-Broglie hypothesis, particle diffraction, uncertainty principle and applications (03) Bohrs model revisited, atomic spectra, effect of nucleus, atomic excitation, (03) Franck-Hertz experiment Postulates of quantum mechanics and Schrodinger theory, time dependent and time (03) independent Schrodinger wave equation, wave function, Born interpretation and normalization, expectation values Particle in a box (infinite potential well), finite potential step and barrier problems, (03) tunneling, -decay, linear harmonic oscillator (one-dimensional) Hydrogen atom, radiative transitions and selection rules, Zeeman effect, electron spin, (05) Stern-Gerlach experiment Spin-orbit coupling, exclusion principle, symmetric and antisymmetric wavefunctions (03) STATISTICAL MECHANICS (06) Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics, molecular energies in an ideal gas, Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics, black body radiation, Rayleigh-Jeans and Plancks radiation laws, specific heat of solids, free electrons in a metal, electron-energy distribution, electronic specific heat BAND THEORY OF SOLIDS (INTRODUCTION) (04) Motion of the electron in one-dimensional periodic potential, Brillouin zones, origin of forbidden bands, effective mass SUPER CONDUCTIVITY (05) Occurrence, destruction of super conductivity, Meissner effect, type I and type II Super-conductors; heat capacity, isotope effect, thermodynamical considerations, phenomenological considerations, coherence

length, BCS theory, high temperature superconductors and applications of superconductors. NUCLEAR PHYSICS (02) Natural radioactivity, successive radioactive transformations, radioactive equilibrium, radioactive series, radiometric dating Elementary description of shell model and liquid drop model, explanation of magic numbers, semi-empirical binding energy formula Nuclear fission, fission products, mass and energy distribution of fission products, neutron emission and energy distribution of neutrons emitted in fission, theory of fission process Nuclear reactors, classification, neutron cycle in thermal reactors and four-factor formula for neutron reproduction Nuclear fusion, Controlled thermonuclear reactions. BOOKS: 1. Concepts of Modern Physics, by Arthur Beiser (McGraw-Hill) REFERENCES: 5. Nuclear Physics, by I. Kaplan (Addison-Wesley) 6. Solid State Physics, by C. Kittel (Wiley Eastern) 7. Solid State Physics, by S.O. Pillai (New Age International) 8. Introduction to Modern Physics, by Richtmyer, Kennard & Cooper ( McGraw Hill) 9. Introduction to Modern Physics, by Mani & Mehta (East West Press) (02) (03) (02) (02)

Course Name Course No. Credits LTP Pr-req.

: : : :

PHYSICS LAB. PY 202 2 : ---003

12 15 of the following Lab. Exercises to be undertaken

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

To determine the wavelength of monochromatic light (sodium light/Laser) using Fresnels biprism, diffraction grating and Michelsons interferometer To study the spectra formed by a prism and a diffraction grating and to make related measurements To find the wavelength of sodium light by Newtons rings method To find the specific rotation of sugar solution using a biquartz polarimeter To draw the characteristics of a photo electric cell (vacuum type) To determine the charge to mass ratio (e/m) for an electron

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

To determine the energy band gap of a semiconductor To determine the work function of diode valve To study hysteresis loops of ferromagnetic materials To study Hall effect in a given sample To study the characteristics of junction diodes and transistors To measure the characteristic parameters of an optical fibre To determine the Curie temperature of ferroelectric materials To determine the dielectric constants of a given material To calibrate an ammeter and a voltmeter using a potentiometer To find the reduction factor of two-turns coil of a tangent galvanometer To convert a Weston type galvanometer into an ammeter and a voltmeter of a given range To study the variation of magnetic field along the axis of a current carrying circular coil using a Stewart & Gees tangent galvanometer and to estimate the radius of the coil from the graph between the tangent of the angle of deflection and the distance from the centre of coil

BOOKS: 1. 2. Practical Physics, by Gupta & Kumar (Pragati Prakashan) B.Sc. Practical Physics, by C.L. Arora (S. Chand)

Course Name Course No.

: :

ANALOG AND DIGITAL ELECTRONICS (Engineering Core ) EN201 4 400 Number of

Course Credits : LTP Pre req : lectures DIODES (04) : ---

Lecture wise breakup

Introduction, PN-junction diode, Zener diode, LED, LCD Photo diode, varactor diode, Tunnel diode, Application of diodes

BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTOR Construction, operation, CB, CC and CE configurations, Methods of biasing, Heat sinks AMPLIFIER: Classifications of amplifiers, single stage multistage amplifiers, power amplifiers. FEEDBACK AND OSCILLATOR (06)

(04) (04)

Principle of negative and positive feedback, Effect of negative feedback on gain and bandwidth of an amplifier, Advantages of negative feed back, Sinusoidal oscillators, essentials of an oscillators, types of oscillator. FET small signal analysis of FET and BJJ. OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Characteristics of ideal OPAMPS & Application of Op Amps. BOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND LOGIC GATE Boolean expression, various logic gates. COMBINATION AND ARITHMETIC LOGIC CIRCUIT DESIGN: multiplier, binary division circuit, multiplexer, demultiplexer, encoder, decoder. FLIP FLOPS: decade counter. DIGITAL MEMORIES: ROM, RAM, PROMs, and PLA, PAL. Sequential circuits: Concept of state diagram and state table, state assignment, numerical problems on design of state tables and state diagrams. BOOKS: 1. Electronic devices and circuit theory: Boylestad and Nashelsky: PHI (05) (05) RS, JK, D-Type, T type, master slave FFs.Shift registers, ripple counter modulus counter, Ring counter, (04) Minimization using K-maps and other techniques, combination and logic circuit design, add, subtract, (03) (03) (04)

Introduction, types of FETs, Characteristics working, biasing of FET, MOSFET, Construction and working

Number systems, conversions from one system to another, theorems of Boolean Algebra, Reduction of

28. Digital principles and Applications by Malvino-leach TMH, Fifth Edition

REFERENCES: 1. 2. Schaums outlines: Digital principles, 3rd editions, RogerL Tokheim. Schaum outline: Electronic devices and circuits by Jimmy J, Cathay.

Course Name Course No

: :


Credits LTP Pr-req.

: : :

04 4 0 0 TA-101

Lecture with breakup Lectures

No. of

ORDER ANALYSIS: (02) Objectives of time and space algorithms, Big O Notation and theta notations, Introduction to Data Structures and data types ELEMENTARY DATA STRUCTURES: (05) Infix, Postfix & Prefix conversions, evaluations of expressions, multiple stacks and queues, priority queues as heaps, deques, Implementation of Stacks and Queues LINKED LISTS: (06) Singly linked lists, linked stacks and queues, polynomial addition, sparse matrices, doubly linked lists and dynamic storage management Applications of Stacks, Queues and Linked Lists, garbage collection, Josephus Problem. (05) TREES: (06) Basic terminology, binary trees, binary tree traversal, application of trees, set representation, decision tree, game trees, Threaded Trees, Binary Search Trees Tree, Height Balanced tree and various rotations GRAPH THEORY: (05) Graph representations, Graph Traversals, Dijkstras algorithm for shortest path, Prims and Kruskals Algorithm for Minimal Spanning Tree Divide and Conquer Strategy, Branch and bound strategy, backtracking, Greedy Methods (04) SORTING AND SEARCHING: (07) Searching - binary search and hash search. Sorting: Insertion sort, selection sort, bubble sort, quick sort, merge sort, heap sort, Bucket Sort BOOKS: 29. Data Structures and Program Design in C By Robort L. Kruse, Bruce P.Leung, Pearson Education REFERENCE: 30. Fundamentals of Data Structures, By Ellis Horwitz and Sartaj Sahni, CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi. 31. Data Structures Using C & C++, By Langsam, Augstein, Tanenbaum, Pearson Education 32. An introduction to data structures with applications, By J.P. Trembley & P.G. Sorensen, TMH

33. Data Structure using C & C++ By Sanjeev Kumar, Khanna Publishers

Course Name Course No. Credits LTP Pr-req. of Lectures

: : : : :

CHEMISTRY - I CH 201 4 4 0 0 ---No.

Lecture wise breakup

WATER TREATMENT (07) Hardness and its measurements (EDTA method, Clarkes method, O Hehners method) with numerical problems, Boiler feed water, boiler problems, water softening, treatment (External and Internal), Reverse Osmosis, Desalination, Chemical Analysis of Water, B.O.D & C.O.D CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY (03) Toxic chemicals in the environment, water and air, Impacts of toxic chemicals on enzymes, Biochemical effects of As, Cd, Pb ,Cr, Co, NO, NO2 ,SO2 , O3 & CN and pesticides. POLYMERS (05) Classification, mechanism, polymerization techniques cationic, anionic, Zeigler natta], synthesis and applications of engineering polymers like polyurethane, expoxphenolic resin, siliconpolymers, biopolymers, conducting polymers, Moulding constituents and methods,vulcanization and Reclamation.. COORDINATION AND ORGANOMETALLICS CHEMISTRY: (05) Crystal Field Theroy, Crystal Field Splitting in Octahedral, tetrahedral and Square planer complexes, Jahn Teller distortion, Introduction to Organometallics, Reaction of Organometallic complexes; Subsititution, Oxidative addition, reductive elimination, Insertion and Elimination Reaction, Electron transfer Reactions [Outersphere & innesphere].

FUELS (07) Calorific value, combustion and related numerical problem, analysis and chemicals composition of coal and related numerical problems, carbonization of coal, synthesis and purification of petrol, manufacture of powder alcohol, water gas, oil gas, producer gas, flue gas analysis, nuclear fuels. LUBRICANTS (03) Introduction, mechanism, classification, Additives, their functions, properties and test of lubricant oils, Viscosity, Viscosity Index, Flash and Fire point, Cloud and pour points, precipitation number, Aniline Point, Drop Point, Volatility a Decomposition, Stability, Engineering uses of Lubricants. CORROSION AND ITS CONTROL (05) Introduction, Types and mechanisms of corrosion, factors affecting corrosion, Prevention of corrosion; Methods based on treatment of metals, Methods based on treatment of medium, methods based on external influences, protective coating, metallic coating, metal cladding & [Protective measures against corrosion]. MOLECULAR STRUCTURE AND SPECTROSCOPY: (05)

Types of molecular spectra, Principle and application of Infrared Spectroscopy, UV/VIS spectroscopy & atomic absorption spectroscopy BOOKS : 1. A Text book of Engineering Chemistry, by Shashi Chawla, Dhanpat Rai & Co. Pvt.Ltd. REFERENCES: 34. Engineering Chemistry, by P.C. Jain, Dhanpatrai & Sons 35. Engineering Chemistry, by S.S. Dara, S. Chand & Co. 36. Advacned Inorganic Chemistry by F.Albert Coton, Geoffrey Wilkinson, Wiley- Interscience 37. Organic Chemistry by Robert Thornton Morrison and Robert Neilson Boyd, Prentice- Hall of India 38. Physical methods for chemists by Russel S. Drago, Harcourt Brace Jovanvich College Publishers. 39. Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J. D. Lee, 4th Edition 1991. 40. Environment Chemistry by Colin Baird, 1st Edition 1995, W.H.Freeman and Company Publishers. 41. Fundamental Concepts of Environment Chemistry by G.S.Sodhi, Narosa Publishing House. 42. Environment Chemistry by Peter O Neill, 2nd Edition, 1993, Chapman & Hall Publishers. 43. Contemporary Polymer Chemistry by H. R. Allcock, Frederick W.Lampe, Prentice-Hall Publishers. 44. Principles of Polymer Science by P.Bahadur and N.V.Shastry, Narosa Publishing House. 45. Corrosion for Students of Science & Engineering by K.R.Tretheway and J.Chamberlain, Longman Scientific and Technical Publishers. 46. Inorganic Chemistry by J.E.Huheey, E.A.Keiter and R.L.Keiter,, Addison Wesley 47. Organic Spectroscopy Principles and Application by Jag Mohan, Narosa Publishing House

Course Name Course No. : Credits LTP Pr-req.

: CH 202 : : :


2 0 0 3 ----

48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.

Determination of degree of temporary hardness of the given sample of water by EDTA method. Determination of dissolved oxygen in water. Determination of total alkalinity and types of alkalinity of water. Determination of available chlorine in bleaching powder. Determination of percentage loss due to dehydration of sodium thiosulphate. Determination of total iron (Fe2+ and Fe3+) present in the given iron ore. Determination of percentage purity of pyrolusite ore. Determination of percentage of copper in copper alloy. Determination of cement sand ratio in mortar sample.

57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62.

Preparation of phenol formaldehyde resin (Bakelite). Determination of viscosity of lubricating oils using different viscometers. Determination of flash point of lubricating oils. Determination of calorific value of a fuel. To verify Lamber-Beers Law using CoC12 . 5H2 O/KMnO4 solution. Determination of lead in industrial effluent/ biological material/food stuff/petrol.

REFERENCES: 63. A text book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis by A.I Vogel Reprint 2000, Published by Longman Group Limited. 64. Experiments in Applied Chemistry by Sunita Rattan, 1 st Edition 2002, published by S.K. Kataria & Sons. Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. : : : : : OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING CSE 202 4 400 TA-101

Lecture with breakup Lectures PRINCIPLES OF OBJECTED ORIENTED PROGRAMMING: (02) Advantages of OOP, comparison of OOP with Procedural Paradigm C++ CONSTRUCTS:

No. of

(03) Tokens, Expressions and control structures, various data types, and data structures, Variable declarations, Dynamic Initializations, Operators and Scope of Operators, Typecasting, Unformatted and formatted console I/O Operations FUNCTIONS, CLASSES AND OBJECTS: (04) Prototyping, Referencing the variables in functions, Inline, static and friend functions. Memory allocation for classes and objects. Arrays of objects, pointers to member functions. CONSTRUCTORS AND DESTRUCTORS: (05) Characteristics and its various types, Dynamic Constructors, Applications, Order of Invocation, C++ garbage collection, dynamic memory allocation. POLYMORPHISM: (05) Using function and Operator overloading, overloading using friend Functions, type conversions from basic

data types to user defined and vice versa. INHERITANCE: (06) Derived classes, types of inheritance, various types of classes, Invocation of Constructors and Destructors in Inheritance, aggregation, composition, classification hierarchies, metaclass/abstract classes. POINTERS: (08) Constant pointers, Use of this Pointer, Pointer to derived and base classes, virtual functions, Bindings, Pure virtual Functions and polymorphism I/O OPERATIONS AND FILES: (04) Classes for files, Operations on a file, file pointers GENERIC PROGRAMMING WITH TEMPLATES: (06) Definition of class template, Function Templates, Overloading Template Functions, Class templates and member functions templates with parameters, Standard C++ classes, persistent objects, streams and files, namespaces, exception handling, generic classes, standard template library: Library organization and containers, standard containers, algorithm and Function objects, iterators and allocators, strings, streams, manipulators, user defined manipulators and vectors Introduction to Object Oriented System, Analysis and Design (02) BOOKS: 65. Object Oriented Programming with C++ By Bala Guruswamy, TMH REFERENCE: 66. C++ Primer Plus By Prata, Pearson Education 67. The C++ Programming Language By Bjarne Stroutstrup 68. Object Oriented Programming with Ansi and Turbo C++,Kamthane, Pearson Education 69. The Complete Reference to c++ By Schildt, TMH 70. OOPs Using C++ By Sanjeev Sofat, Khanna Publishions Course Name Course No Credits LTP Lectures BASICS: (07) An introduction to computers with block diagrams, Computers generations, Impact of technology. LOGIC DESIGN TECHNIQUES: (08) : : : : COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE & ORGANIZATION CS 203 4 40 0 No. of

Lecture with breakup

Designing Combinations logic using Karnaughs maps with building blocks of basic gates, Mulitplexers, demultiplexers, decoders, encoders, arithmetic/logic unit Instruction codes, Computers registers and instructions, timing, and control, Instructions cycle, memory reference instruction, I-O interruption Basic sequential logic blocks of flip-flops, registers, shift registers and counters, Finite state Machine using state tables COMPUTER ARITHMETIC: (06) Adder, and Subtractor circuits, Booth Multiplication Algorithm, Performance bench marks. CONTROL PATH DESIGN: (06) Sequence counter method, Micro programmed controllers address sequencing, symbolic microinstructions. CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT: (07) Registers General register origination, stack organization, instructions formats, address instructions, addressing modes, data transfer and manipulations, program control, RISC instruction set design, three address instructions and arithmetic pipelines with example of floating point adder, instructions pipelines , advanced pipelining using instruction level parallelism MEMORY ORIGINATION: (06) Memory device characteristics, random access memory, serial access memory, virtual memory, associative memory, cache memory, memory management hardware. I/O ORGANIZATION: (04) I/O interface asynchronous data transfer, DMA interrupt, I/O processor BOOKS: 71. M. Morris Mano, Computer system & Architecture PHI REFERENCE: 72. Hayes .J.P, Computer architecture and organization, 73. M.Morris and Charles R. Kinre , Logic and computer design Fundamentals . PHI 1995 Course Name Course No. Credits LTP Pr-req. : : : : : COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING EN 302 4 400 ----

Rationale: This Subject is designed to include all the concepts and principles of analog and digital communication systems. This course will help the students to analyse the communication systems, and give them the understanding of various techniques of advanced communications as well as their practical applications .

Lecture wise break up Lectures



INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (03) Elements of a communication system, Modulation and demodulation, Noise in Communication systems, Signal-to-Noise ratio, Noise factor and Noise Figure, Bandwidth requirements. AMPLITUDE MODULATION (06) Amplitude modulation Theory, DSB Full carrier AM principles, modulator circuits, transmitters, Different types of AM, SSB, Block diagram of Transmitter ANGLE MODULATION (04) Frequency modulation, Phase modulation, Block diagram of FM and PM systems, Frequency spectrum, Generation of FM RADIO RECEIVERS (04) Receiver Types: Tuned radio frequency (TRF) and Super heterodyne receivers, Amplitude modulation receivers, Frequency modulation receivers. RADIATION AND PROPAGATION OF WAVES (03) Electromagnetic radiation: Fundamental of EM waves, Effect of environment, Propagation of Waves: Ground waves, Sky-wave propagation, Space waves PULSE MODULATION (03) Introduction, Sampling Theorem for Low-pass and Band-pass signals, Pulse amplitude modulation, Pulse width modulation, Pulse position modulation DIGITAL TRANSMISSION (03) Quantization, Quantization error, Encoding, PCM, Delta modulation, Adaptive Delta modulation transmission system, Companding DIGITAL MODULATION TECHNIQUES ASK, FSK, PSK, Binary Phase-Shift Keying, and Differential Phase Shift Keying MULTIPLE ACCESS TECHNIQUES TDMA, FDMA, CDMA Principles and applications (05)


FUNDAMENTALS OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATION (08) Overview of optical communication systems, Types of optical fibers, Transmission characteristics, Optical wave guides, Optical sources and Optical detectors FUNDAMENTALS OF MOBILE COMMUNICATION (04) The evolution of mobile communications, cellular concepts, GSM architecture, Frequency reuse FUNDAMENTALS OF SATELLITE COMMUNICATION Orbital Aspects, Kepler laws, Figure of merit, Frequency allocation, Earth Station Technology BOOK: (04)


Electronics Communications, Roddy & Coolen., PHI, 2nd Edition

REFERENCES: 75. Principles of Communications By Taub and Schilling, TMH 76. Electronic Communication Systems by G. Kennedy, TMH, 4th Edition 77. Modern Digital & Analog communications systems by B. P. Lathi, Oxford University Press, 3rd Ed `Course Name Course no. Credits LTP Rationale: After going through this course students would be able to analyze signals for communication systems in time and frequency domain. It would enable them to troubleshoot the communication systems hence with. : : : : SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS EN 211 4 400

Lecture wise break up Lectures

No of

Signals (03) Signals and their classification, size of the signals, continuous time and discrete time signals, systems and their classification, elementry CT/DT signals-shifting& flipping, multiplication and addition, modulation, windows and pulses, impulse and piecewise constant approximation of CT/DT signals. Systems (06) Systems and their classification- Continuous time physical systems, discrete time physical system. Application of Continuous time physical systems-electric circuits, ideal diode and rectifier, operational amplifier circuits, DC power supply, analogous systems. Applications of Discrete time physical systemanalog to digital converter and its realistic mathematical model, numerical integration, compact disk, sampling in telephone system, data acquisition system. Fourier Series (06) Overview of trigonometric, compact and exponential Fourier series, Fourier Spectrum of signals, properties of Fourier series components, distribution of Average power in frequencies, parseval theorem. Fourier Transform (09) Aperiodic signal representation by fourier integral, concept of continuous spectrum &discrete spectrum, physical appreciation of fourier transform, concept of essential and absolute bandwidth,convolution,correlation-auto correlation, cross correlation and their properties, energy spectral density & power spectral density calculations of the energy and power signals respectively. ApplicationsFrequency response analysis for ideal and practical filter, analysis of communication system-modulation, pulse amplitude modulation, spectral analysis. Applications of -Laplace Transform (03) Applications of Laplace transform-transfer function calculations for CT systems, analysis of CT systems described by differential equations, transform impedence,poles and zeros and their significance. Z-Transform (07)

Overview of Z-transform, Applications of Z- transform- transfer function Calculations for DT systems, analysis of DT systems described by differential equations, poles and zeros and their significance, inverse Z transform and its applications. Random Signal Theory & Distributions (10) Sample space, random variables- discrete and continuous, probability density functions and its properties, cumulative density function and its properties, moment, joint and conditional PDFs density functions. Continuous distribution-uniform distribution, moment of uniform distribution, exponential distribution, mean and variance of exponential distributions, gaussion distribution & its properties and importance. Discrete distribution-binomial distribution, poission distribution, Pascal distribution and their importance. Transmission of Signals Through Networks (06) Convolution theorem, graphical interpretation of low pass and band pass networks, optimum filters and matched filter, envelop detector. BOOK: 1. Signals, systems and transform by Charles l. Phillips, John M. Parr & Eve A. Riskin, 3rd edition, Pearson education. REFERENCES: 1. Modern Digital & Analog Communication Systems by B.P.Lathi, OUP, 3rd Edition. 2. Signal And System by M.J.Robert, TMH, Third Edition. 3. Signals and systems by A.V.Oppenheim & A.S. willisky, 2nd edition, Pearson education. 4. Introduction to Communication Theory by P.D.Sharma 5. Signals and systems by HAWI.P. HSU,Schaum Series by TMH.

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req.

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Lecture with breakup Lectures INTRODUCTION TO MICROPROCESSORS: (02) Features, Programmers model, external & internal organization 8085 ARCHITECTURE:

No. of

(05) 8085 Architecture & organization, Instruction cycles, machine cycles and T-states, address decoding techniques, minimum system design, Memory interfacing with timing considerations, clock, reset & buffering circuits 8085 INSTRUCTION SET: (05) Instruction format, addressing modes, classification of instruction set.

8085 PROGRAMMING: (05) Assembly language programming - basic structure, data transfer, arithmetical, logical, transfer of control & miscellaneous instruction types. ARCHITECTURE AND ORGANIZATION OF 8086/8088 MICROPROCESSOR: (05) Study of instruction set, assembly language programming, introduction to mixed language programming using C and assembly languages.8086 minimum and maximum mode operation, timing diagrams, 8288 bus controller.8086 interrupt structure. MEMORY SYSTEM DESIGN FOR 8086: (05) Interface of dynamic read/write memory, timing for memory interfacing, connection of I/O controllers, chips: 8255, 8259, UART 8250 programmable DMA 8237, data communications, EIA RS-232C & IEEE 588, error detection & correction--parity &cyclic redundancy check THE 8087 CO- PROCESSOR: (04) Study of architecture of 8087 co-processor, host & 8087 interface, assembly language programming for 8086-8087 interface INTRODUCTION TO MULTI PROCESSORS SYSTEMS: (04) Multiprocessor configurations, Study of 8289 bus arbiter, deign of 8086 based multiprocessors systems (without timing considerations) THE 80486 MICROPROCESSOR: (05) Software Model, memory address space, data organization, data types, registers and memory segmentation in the real address mode, real mode instructions. Real interrupts. BOOKS:

78. 8086/80186/80286/80386/80486 Microprocessor by B.B Bray 79. Microprocessor and its Interfacing By R. Gaonakar

REFERENCE: 80. Microprocessor by Mathur, TMH 81. 8085 Microprocessor and its applications by B.S.Chhabra, Dhanpat Rai (KK Group)

Course Name Course No Credits LTP

: : : :




Lecture with breakup Lectures

No. of

CONCEPTS OF OPERATING SYSTEMS: (05) Computer system overview, concept of an operating system, batch system, multiprogramming, multiprocessing, multi user, time sharing, personal system, parallel system, real time system, simple monitors, general system architecture, System components, operating system services, system calls, system programmes, system structure, Approaches to OS design and implementation: Microkernel, Layered, Kernel Approach PROCESSOR MANAGEMENT: (08) Concept of process, process states, process state transitions, process control block, operations on processes, threads, concurrent processes, mutual exclusion and synchronization, principles of deadlocks, integrated deadlocks strategy, scheduling levels, scheduling criteria, Inter process synchronization, Inter process communication, Linux, IPC Mechanism, Remote procedure calls, RPC exception handling, security issues, RPC in Heterogeneous Environment (Case Study Linux RPC) MEMORY MANAGEMENT: (07) Logical and physical address space, storage allocation and management techniques, swapping concepts of multi programming, paging, segmentation, virtual storage management strategies, demand paging, page replacement algorithm, thrashing INPUT/OUTPUT AND DATA MANAGEMENT: (05) File organization, record blocking, access method, directory structure, protection file system structure, allocation methods, free space management, directory implementation, disk structure, disk scheduling, disk management, buffering, swap space management, RAID levels DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING: (07) Need of distributed processing, client server architecture, distributed message passing, remote procedure calls, Distributed Shared Memory, Event Ordering, Mutual Exclusion, Deadlocks, Election Algorithm, Resource Management, Load Balancing approach Process Management: Process Migration CASE STUDIES: (04) Linux/Unix OS design and architecture, Unix shell, Unix OS services, user perspective, representation of files in Unix system processes and their structure, input-output system, memory management in Unix Windows Real time operating System such as WIN CE (04) Textbook: 82. Operating system: (sixth edition) By Galvin & Silberschatz, John Willey Reference Books 83. Operating systems By RC Joshi 84. Operating systems Internals and design principles By William Stallings, Pearson Education

85. Operating Systems A Design Oriented approach By Crowley, TMH 86. Operating Systems, Garry Nutt, Pearson Education 87. Operating Systems-A Concept Based Approach By Dhamdhare, TMH 88. Operating systems Design and Implementation By Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Pearson Education
Course Name Course No. Credits LTP Pr-req. : : : : : HUMANITIESII (MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS AND PRACTICES) HU 301 3 30 0 ----

Lecture wise break up Lectures

No of

Introduction to Management: Evolution of Management thought, Management Processes and Functions. (04) Management and Society: Social Responsibility of Business and Ethics. (03 ) Concept, Scope and Process of Planning. (04) Nature and Objectives of Organizing, Organization Structure and types of organizations. (06) Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Performance Appraisal and Training. (07) Principles of Directions. (03) Motivation: Concept and theories of motivation (Maslows, Herbergs & MeClelland). (03) Leadership Styles. (02) Essentials of effective Communication. (02) Process of Controlling, Controlling techniques, Budgetary Control and Zero Base Budgeting. (06) BOOK:


Prasad,L.M. Principles & Practice of Management.Sultan Chand & Sons.

REFERENCES: 90. H.Weihrich & H. Koontz, Management a Global perspective, McGraw Hill, 1993. 91. J.L. Massie, Essentials of Management, Prentice-Hall, 1992. 92. S.Robbins, Management: Concepts and practices, Prentices-Hall. 93. Louis Allen, Management and Organisation,McGraw Hill. 94. Peter f. Drucker, Essentials of Management. Course Name Course Code : Credits LTP Pre- req : CS-397 : : : 16 ----INDUSTRIAL TRAINING (SUPERVISED)

The student who opt for supervised Industrial Training in place of Department & Open electives, will have to undergo one semester Industrial Training in Second Semester of Third year. The student will complete the training in the assigned area & at the end of the semester will submit a comprehensive report on the topic he/she worked in industry. The student will also have to get a certificate from the appropriate authority in industry that he/she has attached at least 80 present of the scheduled working days in industry and have completed the training satisfactorily. Course Name Course Code : Credits LTP Pre- req : CS-398 : : : 4 ----CAPSTONE PROJECT - I

The student will identify a problem the Capstone Project I in hardware / software or both, during his / her supervised Industrial Training and will start working for his/ her project. After completing the training, the student will submit the report to the concerned Department on the topic of Capstone Project-I. This project is pre-requisite for the Capstone Project II which he / she will complete in Fourth year, Second semester. Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup : : : : 302 : CS-201 No. of COMPUTER GRAPHICS (DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE) CS 303 4

Lectures GRAPHICS HARDWARE: (03) Vector and Raster CRTs, Display Controllers and Processors, Graphics Input Devices. TWO-DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRIC TRANSFORMATIONS: (04) Coordinate Systems, Homogenous Coordinates, Basic Transformations: Translation, Scaling, Rotation and other transformations. Composite Transformations. RASTER SCAN CONVERSION ALGORITHMS: (04) Line Drawing Algorithms, Circle Drawing Algorithms, Region filling Algorithms. TWO-DIMENSIONAL VIEWING & CLIPPING: (04) Windowing and Viewing Transformations, Line Clipping algorithms, Polygon Clipping, Curve Clipping and Text clipping. 3-D GRAPHICS: (04) Three dimensional object representations: Curves and Surfaces THREE-DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRIC TRANSFORMATIONS: (04) Basic Transformations: Translation, Scaling, Rotation. Composite transformations THREE-DIMENSIONAL VIEWING: (04) Modeling and Coordinate Transformations, Projections: Parallel and Perspective Transformations VISIBLE SURFACE DETECTION: (06) Hidden surface removal algorithms Illumination Models SHADING: (02) Gouraud Shading, Phong Shading Interactive Computer Graphic Techniques (02) BOOK:

95. Computer Graphics: By Donald Hearn, M. Pauline Baker

REFERENCES: 96. Principles of Interactive Computer graphics: By W.M. Newman, R.Sproull 97. Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics: By J.D. Foley, A. Van Dam 98. Computer Graphics Using OPEN GL: By F.S. Hill Jr.

Course Name ELECTIVE) Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup Lectures :


: : 302 :

CS 304 4

CS-201 No. of

DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: (04) Basic Concepts Purpose of Database system Characteristics of database approach Advantages of using DBMS, Database concept and architecture, 3-schema architecture , data abstraction, data models, instances and schemes, data independence, Database Languages: DDL, DML, DBmanager, DB administrator, DB users. ENTITY RELATIONSHIP MODEL: (03) Entity & entity sets, relationships & relationship sets, attributes, mapping constants, keys, ER diagram, generalization, aggregation. Weak and Strong entity types, Enhanced entity-relationship (EER). HIERARCHICAL MODELS: (01) Basic concepts, Tree structure, Tree-structure Diagrams, Virtual records, Mapping hierarchies to files, The IMS Database system. NETWORK MODEL: (01) Basic concepts, Mapping networks to files, DBTG CODASYL model. RELATIONAL MODEL: (03) Basic concepts ,Enforcing Data Integrity Constraints, Codd's Rules RELATIONAL ALGEBRA: (02) Operations, Extended Relational Algebra Operations RELATIONAL CALCULUS: (02) Operations, Tuple relational calculus, domain relational calculus. SECONDARY STORAGE: (03) Characteristics of disk; physical organization on secondary storage, Magnetic Disk, RAID, Storage access,

file organization, organization of records in files, data dictionary storage INDEXING AND HASHING: (03) Basic concepts, ordered induces, B+ tree index files, B tree index files , static hashing, dynamic hashing, Comparison of ordered indexing and hashing. SQL: (04) Basic structure, set operations, aggregate functions, Null Values, nested sub queries, views, Modification of database, joined relations, Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL. QBE: (01) Query on one relation, queries on several relations , condition box , aggregation operations , modification of data bases , updates , anomalies INTEGRITY: (02) Assertion and Triggers, Introduction on views DATABASE DESIGN: (04) Functional dependency, decomposition, Desirable properties of decomposition, normalization- First normal form, Second normal form, third normal form, join dependency, boyce-codd normal form, Further normal forms. TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT: (02) Transaction concept, state, serializability, Recoverability, Implementation of Isolation, Testing for serializability CONCURRENCY CONTROL: (01) Lock based protocols, time stamp based protocol, validation based protocols, locking. CRASH RECOVERY: (02) Failure classification, storage hierarchy, recovery and atomicity , log-based , shadow paging , recovery, buffer management, ARIES properties. SECURITY & INTEGRITY: (02) Security & integrity violation, authorization & views, security systems in SQL, encryption. BOOK:

99. Data base system concepts , Abraham Silberschatz , Henry .F .Korth , S. Sudarshan , Fourth
Edition , TMH



Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, "Database Management Systems", McGraw-Hill International

101. 102. 103.


BC Desai, An Introduction to Database Systems, Galgotia Publications An Introduction to database systems, Sixth Edition C. J. Date Addison Wesley Fundamentals of database system , Fourth Edition , Elmasri , Navathe , Fourth Edition , Computer Data Base Organization by Martin J. (Latest edition), PHI Principles of data base systems. (Latest edition) by J.D.Ullman, Narosa Publishers

104. 105.

Course Name





ELECTIVE) Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. : : : 302 : CS-302 No. of CS 305 4

Lecture with breakup Lectures INTRODUCTION: (04) Uses of computer networks, network hardware, network software, reference models.

PHYSICAL LAYER: (08) Data communication concepts; wired and wireless transmission media; transmission impairments and performance; telephone network structure, switching, multiplexing, local loop, modems; Mobile telephone system first, second and third generation systems; cable television. DATA LINK LAYER: (08) Data link layer design issues, error detection and correction, data link control, data link protocols elementary and sliding window protocols, PPP. NETWORK LAYER: (08) Network layer design issues; Routing algorithms shortest path, flooding, distance vector routing and link state routing; general principles of congestion control, brief idea of quality of service, introduction to IP protocol. TRANSPORT LAYER: (08) The transport service, elements of transport protocols, introduction to TCP & UDP protocols, APPLICATION LAYER: (04) Brief introduction to application layer protocols and services such as SMTP, FTP, TELNET, DHCP, HTTP, WWW, SNMP and DNS.



A.S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, 4th Edition, PHI, 2004.

107. 108. 109. 110. 111.

Course Name ELECTIVE) Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. :

D. Bertesekas and R. Gallager, Data Networks, 2nd Edition, PHI, 2000. U. Black, Computer Networks, PHI, 1997. S. Keshav, An engineering approach to computer networking, Addison Wesley, 1999. William Stallings, Data & Computer Communication, PHI, 6th Edition, 2002. B.A. Forouzan, Data communications and networking, TMH, 1st ed, 2000. : MICRO CONTROLLER & ITS APPLICATIONS (DEPARTMENT

: : 3 0 2 :

CS 306 4

CS-301 No. of

Lecture with breakup Lectures 8048 MICRO CONTROLLER: (04) Introduction, 8048 series timing execution and Instruction Execution PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS: (04) 8048 Internal and External interrupts & Instruction set. 8081: (04) Internal Architecture, I/O configurations, Serial interface, Interrupts. MODES OF OPERATION: (04) Power saving modes of operation, interfacing memories, Address Modes 8051: (03) Instruction set of 8051

ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING: (04) Memory fill, Block Transfer, table look up sequence, number sorting, delay routine, 16-bit multiplication, division.

ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING: (04) Radix conversion routines: BCD to Binary conversion and Vice versa, N way Branching, Passing parameters on stack. PROGRAMMING: (04) Timer/counter programming in 8051, 8051 serial communications 8051 INTERRUPT PROGRAMMING. (03) INTERFACING: (03) Interfacing with DAC/ADC. STEPPER MOTOR INTERFACING WITH 8255 AND EXTERNAL MEMORY (03) BOOK:


The 8051 Microcontroller by Mazidi and Mazidi


Micro controllers and its Applications by B.S.Chhabra, Dhanpat Rai (K K Group)

Course Name





ELECTIVE) Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. : : : 302 : CS-203 No. of CS 308 4

Lecture with breakup Lectures

REVIEW OF COMPUTER ARCHITECTURES: (02) Taxonomy of MIMD Computers, Multi-vector and SIMD, Computers, Vector Supercomputers SIMD Supercomputers PRAM AND VLSI MODELS: (01) Parallel Random Access Machines, VLSI Complexity Model

ARCHITECTURAL DEVELOPMENT TRACKS: (01) Multiple Processor Tracks, Multi-vector and SIMD Tracks, Multithreaded and Dataflow Tracks CONDITIONS AND PARALLELISM: (02) Data and Resource Dependences, Hardware and Software parallelism, The role of Compilers PROGRAM PARTITIONING AND SCHEDULING: (01) Grain Sizes and Latency, Grain Packing and Scheduling, Static Multiprocessor Scheduling PROGRAM FLOW MECHANISMS: (02) Control flow Mechanism, Demand-Driven Mechanism, Comparison of Flow Mechanisms, System INTERCONNECT ARCHITECTURES: (02) Network properties and Routing, Static Connection networks, Dynamic Connection Networks. PERFORMANCE METRICS AND MEASURES: (02) Parallelism Profile in Programs, Harmonic mean Performance, Efficiency, Utilization and Quality, Standard Performance Measures SPEEDUP PERFORMANCE LAWS: (01) Amdahls law for a fixed workload, Gustafrons Law for Sealed problems SCALABILITY ANALYSIS AND APPROACHES: (02) Scalability metrics and Goals, Evolution of Scalable Computers ADVANCE PROCESSOR TECHNOLOGY: (02) Instruction set architecture, CISC and RISC Scalar processors SUPERSCALAR AND VECTOR PROCESSORS: (02) Superscalar Processors, The VLIW Architecture, Vector and Symbolic processors

MEMORY HIERARCHY TECHNOLOGY: (03) Hierarchical Memory Technology Inclusion, Coherence and Locality, Memory Capacity Planning. MULTIPROCESSOR SYSTEM INTERCONNECTS: (02) Hierarchical Bus system, Crossbar Switch and Multiport Memory, Multistage and Combining networks

CACHE COHERENCE AND SYNCHRONIZATION MECHANISMS: (02) The cache coherence problem, Snoopy bus protocol, Hardware Synchronization Mechanisms VECTOR PROCESSING PRINCIPLES: (02) Vector Instruction Types, Vector Access Memory Schemes MULTIVECTOR MULTIPROCESSORS: (01) Performance- Directed Design rules, Cray Y MP, C-90 and NTP SIMD COMPUTER ORGANIZATION: (02) Implementation Models, The CM-2 architecture SOFTWARE FOR PARALLEL PROGRAMMING: (03) Shared-variable Model, Message-passing Model, Data-parallel Model, Object-Oriented Model, Functional and Logic Models PARALLEL LANGUAGES AND COMPILERS: (02) Language features for parallelism, Parallel Language Constructs, Optimizing Compilers for parallelism PARALLEL PROGRAMMING ENVIRONMENT: (02) Software Tools and Environment, Y-MP, Paragon and CM-5 Environment, Visualization and Performance Tuning SYNCHRONIZATION AND MULTIPROCESSING MODES: (03) Principles of synchronization, Multiprocessor execution Models , Shared-Variable Program Structures, Locks for Protected access, Semaphores and Applications, Monitors and Applications, Message-passing program Development, Distributing the Computation, Synchronous Message passing, Asynchronous message passing MAPPING PROGRAMS ON TO MULTICOMPUTERS: (03) Domain Decomposition Techniques, Control Decomposition techniques, Heterogeneous processing.



Kai Hwang: Advance Computer Architecture- Parallelism, Programmability, McGraw-Hill International Edition, Computer Series, 1993.





Michael J. Quinn: Parallel Computing theory and Practice, McGraw Hill International Edition, Computer Science Series, 2nd Edition, 1994. 116. S.G. Akl: Design and Analysis of parallel algorithms, Prentice hall, Englewood Cliff NJ. 117. S. Lakshmivarahan and S.K. Dhall: Analysis and Design of Parallel Algorithmsarithmetic and Matrix Problems, McGraw Hill International Edition, Computer Science Series. 1990. 118. A practical approach to parallel Computing by S K Ghosal, Universities press (India)

Limited. Course Name Course No. Credits LTP Pr-req. : : : : : HUMANITIES III (ECONOMIC REFORMS IN INDIA) HU 401 4 4 0 0 ----

Lecture wise break up Lectures The theory of economic reforms. Limitations of planned industrialisation and import substitution as strategies of development.

No of

(05) (08)

The debt crisis of 1991 and initiation of fiscal and financial reforms and reforms in industry, trade, and agriculture. (12) The impact of reforms on poverty in India. (12)

The unfinished agenda: reforms related to infrastructure, labour market and capital account convertibility. (15)



Isher Judge Ahluwalia and I.M.D. Little (eds.): India's Economic Reforms and Development, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1998.

REFERENCES: 120. Uma Kapila (ed.): Recent Development in Indian Economy Part III, The Ongoing Economic Reforms, Academic Foundation, Delhi 1994. 121. Deepak Lal, The Poverty of Development Economics, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 122. Jeffrey D. Sachs, A. Varshney, and N. Bajpai (eds.): India in the Era of Economic Reforms, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1999.

Course Name Course No. Credits LTP

: : :




Lecture wise break up Lectures Business and its features. Business environment and its relevance in present scenario. Accountability of business towards its stakeholders. Importance of contract and its essentials. Essential of sale of goods act. Negotiable instruments and their types. Forms of business organization. Income Tax Act: Assessment Year And Previous Year, Computation Of Income. BOOKS: (15)

No of

(03) (04) (03) (07) (07) (08) (06)

123. 124.

K.Aswathappa,EssentialofBusiness Enviroment.Himalaya Publication. K.C.Garg, V.K. Sareen, Mukesh Sharma, R.C. Chawla, Commercial & Labour Laws,Kalyani Publishers,2004.

REFERENCES: 1. Francis Cherunilam, Business Enviroment,Himalaya Publications. 2. S.S.Gulshan,MercantileLaw,Excel Books,(2001). 3. S.S. Gulshan & G.K. Kapoor, Business Law, New Age International (p) Ltd.,Publisher 2001. 4. N.D. Kapoor, Elements of Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand & Sons.

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. :

: : : 4 0 0 :



Lecture with breakup Lectures

No. of

Artificial Intelligence Techniques, levels of models, understand the importance, functions, advantages, as well as the limitations of artificial intelligence (04) Use of Artificial Intelligence and intelligent agents (04) State, space, search, control strategies, heuristic search, problem characteristics, production system

characteristics. (04) Mapping between facts and representations, approaches to knowledge representation, semantic sets, frame, conceptual depending, scripts, predictive logic, resolution in predicate logic (04) Procedural Vs declarative knowledge, matching, conflict resolution (04) Non-monotonic reasoning, default reasoning, statistical reasoning, knowledge extraction. (04) Investigate the roles and development methods of artificial intelligence in decision making processes. (04) Neural network resources, cognitive science, role of neural network in computer science. (04) Characteristics of AI language, LISP-symbol manipulation- basic lisp function, predicated, condition, recursion, iteration, Array-lambda functions, input-output statements. (04) AI problems : pattern recognition, voice recognition, Feature Extraction (04)



Artificial Intelligence by Rich and Kinght, TMH


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence by Charniak and Mcdermott. Addison-Wesley, Essentials of Artificial Intelligence by Ginsburg. Morgan Kaufmann, 1993. Artificial Intelligence by Winston 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley, 1992. Artificial Intelligence by Padhy, Oxford Press

127. 128. 129.

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. :

: : : 4 0 0 :



Lecture with breakup Lectures SOFTWARE ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES: (02) Historical perspective, Information system characteristics SOFTWARE ENGINEERING MODELS: (02) Life cycle concepts, software phases and deliverables, software development strategies SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROCESS MODELS: (04) Prototyping, spiral, incremental, RAD

No. of

ANALYSIS: (04) Structured systems analysis and design requirements collection and specification, cost benefit analysis, feasibility study, Object oriented analysis MODELING: (04) Data modeling, Scenario based modeling, flow oriented modeling, class base modeling DESIGN: (02) Design concepts, design principles and modular approach, coupling, cohesion. DETAIL DESIGN: (07) Design process, data, architectural design, Component Level Design , user interface designs SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT: (02) Principles of software project management organizational and team structure, project planning RISK ANALYSIS: (02) Risk identification, risk projection, risk refinement PROJECT ESTIMATION METHODS: Decomposition Techniques: LOC base technique, function points (01) Empirical Estimation model: structure of estimation models, COCOMO (02)

SOFTWARE QUALITY MANAGEMENT: (02) Quality concept, quality control, software quality assurance, quality standards, software metrics

SOFTWARE CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT: (03) Introduction, SCM repository, SCM process TESTING: (04) Verification and validation, testing strategies unit testing, integration and systems testing, validation testing, Black box testing and white box testing CASE: (01) CASE tools, CASE standards REENGINEERING: (02) Business process reengineering, software reengineering, reverse reengineering, restructuring, forward reengineering BOOK:


Pressman R. S., Software Engineering: A practitioner's Approach, Sixth Edition McGraw

131. 132. 133. 134.

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req.

Pankaj Jalote, "An Integrated Approach To Software Engineering, Narosa. Sommerville I., Software Engineering, Pearson Education. W.S. Jawadekar, "Software Engineering', TMH S. L. Pfleeger, "Software Engineering Theory and Practice", Pearson Education : : : : 4 0 0 : CS-305 No. of NETWORK SECURITY & CRYPTOGRAPHY CS 403 4

Lecture with breakup Lectures

BASIC ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION: (04) Attackers and Types of threats, challenges for information security, Encryption Techniques, Classical Cryptographic Algorithms: Monoalphabetic Substitutions such as the Caesar Cipher, Cryptanalysis of Monoalphabetic ciphers, Polyalphabetic Ciphers such as Vigenere, Vernam Cipher, Stream and Block Ciphers SECURE ENCRYPTION SYSTEMS: (04) Hard Problems: Complexity: NP Complete problems, Characteristics of NP-Complete Problems, The

Meaning of NP- Completeness and Cryptography NUMBER THEORY AND BASIC ALGEBRA: (03) Prime Numbers, Greatest Common Divisor, Euclidean algorithm, Modular Arithmetic, Properties of Modular Arithmetic, Computing the inverse, Fermats Theorem, algorithm for computing inverses, Random number generation SECRET KEY SYSTEMS: (03) The Data encryption Standard (DES), Analyzing and Strengthening of DES, Introduction to Advance Encryption Standard (AES) KEY MANAGEMENT PROTOCOLS: (03) Solving Key Distribution Problem, Diffie-Hellman Algorithm, Key Exchange with Public Key Cryptography PUBLIC KEY ENCRYPTION SYSTEMS: (05) Concept and Characteristics of Public Key Encryption system, Introduction to Merkle-Hellman Knapsacks, Rivets Shamir-Adlman (RSA) Encryption, introduction to Digital Signature Algorithms , The Digital Signature Standard (DSA). HASH ALGORITHMS: (05) Hash concept, description of Hash Algorithms, Message Digest Algorithms such as MD4 and MD5, Secure Hash Algorithms such as SH1 and SHA2 PUBLIC KEY INFRASTRUCTURE (PKI): (04) Concept of digital Certificate, Certificate Authorities and its roles, X.509 Structure of Digital Certificate, Types of public Key Infrastructures NETWORK SECURITY: (06) Network Security Issues such as Impersonation, Message Confidentiality, Message Integrity, Code Integrity, Denial of Service, Securing Switches and Routers, Firewalls, DMZs, Virtual Private Networks, Network Monitoring and Diagnostic Devices, Virtual LANs, IPSec Secure Communication Mechanism, PKI based Authentication and Kerberos WEB SECURITY: (03) Secure socket Layer protocol, Secure Electronic Transaction Protocol, Safe Guarding Web Servers, Secure Electronic Mail, Enhanced Email, Pretty Good Privacy, Public Key Cryptography Standards, Secure, SMIME BOOK: 135. Principles of Cryptography, William Stallings, Perason Education REFERENCES:


Security in Computing (Second Edition), Charles P.Pfleeger, 1996, Prentice Hall International, Inc. 137. Cryptography & Network Security, Atul Kahate, TMH 138. Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, Bruce Schneier,

139. 140. 141.

John Wiley and Sons Firewalls and Internet Security, Bill Cheswick and Steve Bellovin, Addison-Wesley Security Technologies for the world wide web, Rolf Oppliger, Artech House, Inc. Digital Certificates Applied Internet Security, Jalal Feghhi, Jalli Feghhi and Peter Williams, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. : CS-497 : : : 16 ----INDUSTRIAL TRINING

Course Name Course Code : Credits LTP Pre- req

The student who opt for during Department Electives & Open Electives, will have to undergo an Industrial Training in summer for four weeks. This training is aimed at learning the processes & design in the industry, and getting conversant with the working of the industry. At the end of the training the students will acquire a certificate from the concerned industry that they have attended at least 80 percent of the scheduled working days and have satisfactorily completed the training. The students will also be required to write a training report duly countersigned by the appropriate official of the concerned industry. The students will submit the same to their concerned Department. The students will be examined for Industrial Training through Viva-Voce Examination. Course Name Course Code : Credits LTP Pre- req : CS-498 : : : 4 004 --CAPSTONE PROJECT I (DEPARTMENT CORE)

Selection and preliminary preparation of a Project in area of Computer Science or Engineering in various areas. - Hardware Project Design , Fabrication & Testing of any Hardware based project. -Microprocessor Based System Design -Software Design of Project in the area of Computer Science or Application. The students will be required to submit the report and will work on the same topic to complete the Capstone Project - II

Course Name Course No.

: :


Credits LTP Pr-req.

: : :

4 4 0 0 ---No. of (02) (02) (02)

Lecture wise breakup Lectures An Introduction of Organizational Behaviour. Historical development and basic concepts. Understanding a social system.

Mainsprings of motivation. Human needs and motivating employees. Interpreting motivational models of Maslow, Herzberg and McClelland. (08) Job satisfaction and work performance. Appraising and rewarding performance. (05) (05)

Leadership Techniques Supervision and participation, Interpersonal and communication problems within the organizations. (10) Organizational Development, Organizational Development Techniques and their applications in Indian Organizations. (10) Japanese Management : Basic philosophy and features BOOK: 1. Robbins S, Organisation Behaviour.Prentice Hall Of India, 9th Edition. REFERENCES: 142. Davis, K. Human behaviour at work: Organizational behaviour. NY: The Groller Business Library. 143. Luthans, F. Organizational behaviour. NY: McGraw, 1995. 144. Hersey, P. & Blanchard, K.H. Management of organizational behaviour: Utilising human resources. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall,. Course Name Course No. Credits LTP Pr-req. : : : : : HUMANITIES IV (MANAGERIAL FINANCE) HU 404 4 4 0 0 ---No. of Lectures (08)

Lecture wise breakup

Introduction to finance, financial statements and Indian financial system: markets, instruments and services. (10) Sources of finance:short term and long term. Concepts of Compounding and Discounting. (05) (05)

Capital Budgeting: Pay back period, Accounting rate of return, Internal rate of return and Net present value. (08) Cost of capital. Leverages. Dividend policy. Working capital management. Capital structures. Break-even analysis. (05) (02) (03) (05) (05) (04)

BOOK: 1. Sharma R.K., Gupta S.K.,Finacial Management Theory and Practice,Kalyani Publishers,2000. REFERENCES: 145. Chandra Prasanna, Financial Management Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004. 146. Lasher William R., Practical financial Management, Thomson, 2003 147. Van Horne J.C., Financial Management and Policy, Prentice Hall . 148. Pandey I.M., Financial Management, Vikas Publishing house Pvt.Ltd. Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup Lectures Introduction to system programs and system programming, Review of different System programs such as assemblers, loaders, linkers, compilers, Interpreters, operating systems, device drivers etc. (03) Elements of assembly language programming, overview of assembly Process, design of one-pass and two pass assemblers. (04) : : : : 4 0 0 : CS-302 No. of SYSTEM SOFTWARE CS 404 4

Macros and macro processors, design of a macro pre-processor, implementation of macro assembler. (04) Loader schemes, linking schemes, an absolute loader and direct link loader. (04) Introduction to compilers, structure of a compiler, phases of compilation, such as Lexical analysis, code generation, code optimization, table management (04) Implementation aspects of programming language constructs such as data elements, Declarations, binding attributes to names, in built data structures such as arrays, records, sets, strings, expression evaluation, statements of different types, parameter passing (call by reference, value, and name), storage management, recursion. (03) Design of lexical analyzer. Basic parsing techniques such as shift reduce parsing, operator-precedence parsing, (03) Top-down parsing, bottom-up parsing. (03) Symbol tables: Contents, data structures, and representation of scope. (03) Syntax directed translation (03) Optional topics (06) BOOK:


System Software by Dhamdare

Course Name Course Code : Credits LTP Pre- req

System Software by Donovan : CS-499 : : : 2 004 CS 498 CAPSTONE PROJECT II (DEPARTMENT CORE)

In the Capstone Project II, the students have to complete the Project and submit a comprehensive report on the topic already chosen in Capstone Project I. Course Name : COMPREHENSIVE VIVA

Course Code : Credits LTP Pre- req

CS-450 : : : ----

The Comprehensive viva will be conducted by Board. Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup Lectures INTRODUCTION: (04) Overview of Local Area Networks: Basic LAN terminology, LAN Standards, How LANs operate, LAN Topologies, Example Applications of LANs Overview of Wide Area Networks: WAN Architecture, WAN Transmission Mechanism, WAN Addressing LAN ACCESS TECHNIQUES: (05) Performance measures and Notation, Random Access Overview, ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA/CD Controlled Access Schemes, Switched Access Methods LAN TECHNOLOGIES: (15) Ethernet: Overview of Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), Standard Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Switched Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Ten Gigabit Ethernet Token Passing LANs: Token Bus (IEEE 802.4), Token Ring (IEEE 802.5), FDDI ATM LANs: ATM LAN Architecture, LAN Emulation (LANE), Client Server Model, LANE Operation, Frame Format Wireless LANs: Wireless LAN Concepts, IEEE 802.11- MAC Layer and Physical Layer Storage Area Networks: Basic features only NETWORK INTERCONNECTIONS: (04) Internetworking Concepts, Repeaters, Hubs, Bridges, Routers, Switches, Gateways, Virtual LANs WAN TECHNOLOGIES (08) Frame Relay: Introduction, Frame Relay Operation, Frame Relay Layers ATM: Introduction, ATM Architecture, ATM Cell Structure, Switching, ATM Layers, ATM Service Categories : : : : 4 0 0 : CS-305 No. of NETWORK TECHNOLOGY CS 405 4



G. Keiser, Local Area Networks, 2nd Edition, TMH, 2002.

REFERENCE: 152. B.A. Forouzan, Local area networks, 1st Edition, TMH, 2003 153. A.L. Garcia and I. Widraja, Communication networks, TMH, 2nd ed, 2004. 154. W. Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, 6th Edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2001 155. A.S. Godbole, Data Communications and Networks, TMH, 2002. 156. B.A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, 2nd Edition, TMH, 2003. . Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup Lectures A brief history of expert systems, Expert system concept, Differences with regard to conventional software systems (04) Applications of Expert Systems, Knowledge Engineering (04) Inference engine, Knowledge base, Knowledge acquisition components, Expert system shell (04) Classification of knowledge, Knowledge representation and reasoning approaches (declarative, procedural, combined) (04) Hierarchical classification, Scripts, Object-oriented approaches, Hybrid approaches (04) Predicate logic, Rule based systems, Forward and Backward chaining, Semantic nets, Conceptual graphs, Frames (04) Participants in expert system development, Process of expert system development, Rapid prototyping, Knowledge acquisition methods (04) Effective knowledge base implementation approaches, Inference engines : : : : 4 0 0 : CS-401 No. of KNOWLEDGE BASED SYSTEMS & ROBOTICS CS 406 4

(04) An introduction of robotics, Need of control programs and the uses of robots in industrial situations, Examples of Pick and Place, Gantry and Arm type Robots in typical set-ups, Robotic arms and End Effectors (04) Application of robotics (04) BOOK: 1. Knowledge-based systems & AI by: George Luger, Pearson Education REFERENCE:

157. 158.

Expert Systems: Principles and Programming by J. Giarratano and G. Riley, PWS Publishing Company Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig Prentice Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems by Douglas B. Lenat, R.V. Guha Fundamentals of Robotics: Analysis and Control by Robert J Schilling, PHI Computer Vision for Robotic Systems by Fairhunt, PHI : : : : 4 0 0 : CS-301 No. of EMBEDDED SYSTEMS CS 407 4 Hall

159. 160. 161.

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req.

Lecture with breakup Lectures INTRODUCTION REVIEW OF EMBEDDED HARDWARE: (04)

Terminology- Gates, Timing Diagram, Memory, Microprocessor Buses, Direct Memory Access, Interrupts, Built ins on the Microprocessor. Conventions used on Schematic, Microprocessor Architecture Interrupt Basic Shared Data Problems Interrupt Latency. (04)

PIC MICRO CONTROLLER & INTERFACING: (08) Introduction, CPU Architecture, Registers, Instruction Sets, Addressing Modes, Programs, Interfacing Methods, Parallel I/O Interface, Parallel Port Interface, Memory Interfacing, High Speed I/O Interfacing, Interrupts Interrupt Service Routine features of Interrupts Interrupt vector & Priority, Timing Generation & Measurements, Input Capture, Output Compare, Frequency Measurement, Serial I/O Device RS232, RS845, Analog Interfacing, Applications. EMBEDDED MICROCOMPUTERS SYSTEMS: (08) Architecture Registers, Addressing Modes, Programs Interfacing Methods, Parallel I/O interface, Parallel Port Interface, Memory Interfacing, High Speed I/O Interfacing, Interrupts, Timing Generation and measurement, Input Capture Output Compare, Frequency Measurement, Serial I/O device RS232, RS485, Analog Interfacing, Applications. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT & TOOLS: (08) Embedded System Evolution Trends, Round Robin, Robin with Interrupts, Function one Scheduling architecture, Algorithms, Introduction to assembler Compiler n Cross compilers and Integrated Development Environment IDE, Object Oriented Interfacing, Recursion, Debugging Strategies, Simulators.

REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS: (08) Task And Task States, Tasks And Data, Semaphores and shared data operating System, Services, Message queues, Timer Function, Events, Memory Management, Interrupt Routines in an RTOS Environment, Basic Design Using RTOS. BOOK:


D. D. Gajski, F. Vahid, S. Narayan, J. Gong, Specification and Design of Embedded Systems, Prentice Hall.


163. 164.

Steve Heath, Embedded systems design, Newnes, 1997. Hardware Software Co-design of Embedded Systems, F. Balarin, Chiodo, et al., Kluwer Academic Publishers, May 1997 : : : : 4 0 0 : CS-305 No. of MOBILE COMPUTING CS 408 4

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with break up Lectures

CELLULAR SYSTEM DESIGN: (05) Channel Assignments, Interference and System Capacity, Radio Propagation, Free space Propagation Model, Ground Reflection, Diffraction, Scattering, Outdoor and Indoor propagation Models, Small Scale Multipath Propagation and Measurements Parameters of Mobile Path Channels, Fading effects. INTRODUCTION AND REVIEW: (08) Thermal Noise, 3-D Thermal Noise, Shot N Receiver Power Sensitivity, Spectral Measurements, G, F, Receiver Noise, Multiports, Mixers, Noise Reduction, PTs, Optical Detection Bolometers, Antenna Basics, Basic Wire Antennas, Arrays Wire Antennas, Aperture Antennas, Polarization, Phase Errors, Binary Communications, Channel Coding, Source Coding, Analog Basics, Analog Modulation, Aperture Synthesis, Interferometry, Basic Radar, Ambiguity Synth. Aperture Radar (SAR), Wave Propagation, Linear, Non-Linear Estimation, Non-Linear Estimation, Remote Sensing, Equalization techniques, speech Coding, Multipath Access Techniques. INTRODUCTION TO PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES (PCS): (07) PCS Architecture, Mobility management, Networks signaling, GSM Architecture, Mobility management, Network signaling, GPRS Architecture, GPRS Network Nodes, The Mobile Internet standard, WAP Gateway and Protocols, wireless mark up Languages (WML), Introduction to International Mobile Telecommunications 2000 (IMT 2000) vision, Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (W-CDMA), and CDMA 2000, Quality of services in 3G, Introduction to WLL Architecture, wireless Local Loop Technologies, Mobile Ipv6 PROTOCOLS AND DEVICES: (07) TCP/IP, WAP, WML, HTTP WIRELESS LAN/WAN: (05) Development of wireless networks, Wireless Data Services, Routing, Channel signals, Personal Communication Systems, Protocols and Network databases, Wireless Systems and Standards SECURITY IN WIRELESS NETWORKS: (05) Secure routing, secure localization and resilient data aggregation, Encryption and Authentication, Security in-group Communication, Denial of service attacks. MOBILE WEB PROGRAMMING: (08) Mobile Web Controls, Smart Client Programming, XML Programming-File IO, Accessing Database Localization Multithreading Resource Files, Consuming XML Web Services, Advanced Error HandlingSecurity-Asynchronous Programming-Custom Graphics. BOOK:


Wireless Communications, Principles & Practices: S. Rappaport, Pearson education

166. 167.

Couch II, L. W. Digital and Analog Communication Systems. Prentice-Hall,

1996 Building Microsoft ASP.NET Applications for Mobile Devices, Andy Wigley and Peter Roxburgh, MS Press

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup Lectures :

: : : 4 0 0 :


CS-304 No. of

THE EXTENDED ENTITY RELATIONSHIP MODEL AND OBJECT MODEL: (04) The ER model revisited, Motivation for complex data types, User defined abstract data types," and structured types, Subclasses, Super classes, Inheritance, Specialization and Generalization, Constraints and characteristics of specialization and Generalization, Relationship types 0f degree higher than two. OBJECT-ORIENTED DATABASES: (04) Overview of Object-Oriented concepts, Object identity, Object structure, and type constructors, Encapsulation of operations, Methods, and Persistence, Type hierarchies and Inheritance, Type extents and queries, Complex objects; OBJECT RELATIONAL AND EXTENDED RELATIONAL DATABASES: (05) Database design for an ORDBMS - Nested relations and collections; Storage and access methods, Query processing and Optimization; Systems comparison of RDBMS, OODBMS, ORDBMS. PARALLEL DATABASES: (04) Architectures for parallel databases, Parallel query evaluation; Parallelizing individual operations, Sorting, Joins; DISTRIBUTED DATABASE: (03) Concepts, Data fragmentation, Replication, and allocation techniques for distributed database design; Query processing in distributed databases; Concurrency control and Recovery in distributed databases

DATABASES ON THE WEB AND SEMI STRUCTURED DATA: (05) Web interfaces to the Web, Overview of XML; Structure of XML data, Document schema, Querying XML data: Storage of XML data, XML applications; The semi structured data I model, Implementation issues, Indexes for text data ENHANCED DATA MODELS FOR ADVANCED APPLICATIONS: (03) Active database concepts. Generalized model, design and implementation issues, potential applications. Temporal database concepts: Time representation, calendars and time dimensions, tuple versioning, attribute versioning.

SPATIAL DATABASES : (02) Types of spatial data and queries , application involving spatial data , spatial indexes , indexing based on space filling curves . DEDUCTIVE DATABASES AND QUERY PROCESSING: (03) Introduction to recursive queries, least model semantics, recursive queries with negation , efficient query evaluation. MOBILE DATABASES: (03) Mobile computing architecture , characteristics of mobile environment , data management issues. Geographic information systems: GIS applications , requirements , data operations , problems and future issues. DECISIONS SUPPORT : (02) Introduction to data ware housing , OLAP , Implementation techniques for OLAP , Views and decision support . BOOK: 168. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, "Database Management Systems", McGraw-Hill International 169. Fundamentals of database system , Fourth Edition , Elmasri , Navathe , Fourth Edition , Pearson.



Data base system concepts , Abraham Silberschatz , Henry .F .Korth , S. Sudarshan , Fourth Edition , TMH 171. BC Desai, An Introduction to Database Systems, Galgotia Publications 172. An Introduction to database systems, Sixth Edition C. J. Date Addison Wesley Computer Data Base Organization by Martin J. (Latest edition), PHI 173. Principles of data base systems. (Latest edition) by J.D.Ullman, Narosa Publishers Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. : : : : 4 0 0 : CS-302 UNIX NETWORKING PROGRAMMING CS 410 4

Lecture with breakup Lectures UNIX MODEL:

No. of

(04) Introduction, Basic Definitions, Input and Output, Signals, process Control, daemon processes INTER PROCESS COMMUNICATION: (04) Introduction, Pipes and FIFOs, Message Queues, Read-Write locks, Record Locking, Semaphores, Shared Memory COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS: (04) XNS, SNA, NETBIOS, OSI Protocols, UUCP INTRODUCTION TO TCP/IP, THE TRANSPORT LAYER: (04) TCP,UDP and SCTP, TCP Connection Establishment and Termination, SCTP Association Establishment and Termination, Port Numbers, Buffer Sizes and Limitations SOCKETS: (04) Sockets Introduction, TCP Sockets, UDP Sockets, SCTP Sockets SOCKETS PART II: (04) I/O Multiplexing, Socket Options, Name and Address Conversions, TCP, UDP and SCTP Examples Introduction to Ipv4 and Ipv6 Interoperability, Daemon processes, Advanced I/O functions (04) UNIX Domain Protocols, Nonblocking I/O, Routing Sockets, Out-of-Band Data (04) Signal-Driven I/O, Threads, Raw Sockets (04) Remote Login, remote Command Execution, Remote Tape Drive Access, Remote Procedure Calls (04) BOOKS:

174. 175.

UNIX Network programming by W. Richard Stevens, Prentice Hall India, 2000 UNIX Network programming, The Sockets Networking API Volume 1, Third Edition by W. Richard Stevens, Bill Fenner, Andrew M.Rudoff, Pearson Education 176. UNIX Network programming: Interprocess Communications Volume 2, Second Edition by W. Richard Stevens, Pearson Education REFERENCES:


Unix Network Programming Volume 1 by W. Richard Stevens, Bill Fenner, Andrew M. Rudoff, Addison-Wesley, Hardcover, 3rd edition, Published November 2003 178. Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol. III: Client-Server Programming and Applications-BSD Socket Version (2nd Edition) by Douglas E. Comer, David L. Stevens, Prentice Hall 179. The Protocols (TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1) by W.Richard Stevens, Addison-Wesley Professional; 1st edition 180. Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol. I: Principles, Protocols, and Architecture by Douglas E. Comer, Prentice Hall.

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup Lectures :

: : : 4 0 0 :


CS-401 No. of

THEORY OF COMPUTATION: (04) Effective Procedures and Computability, Finite State Machines TURING MACHINES: (04) Universal Turing Machines and the Halting problem, Computability CODING: (04) Computing and Communication Theory, Error Detecting and Correcting codes, Shannons Theorem, The Geometry of Message space INFORMATION THEORY: (04) Data Compression and Information, Information Theory, Coding Techniques, Analogue Signal Transmission REVERSIBLE COMPUTATION AND THE THERMODYNAMICS OF COMPUTING: (04) The Physics Of Information reversible computation and thermodynamics of Computing, Computation: Energy Cost Versus Speed, The General Reversible Computer QUANTUM COMPUTATION: (04) The Billard Ball Computer, Quantum Computation QUANTUM MECHANICAL COMPUTERS: (04) Computation with a Reversible Machine and A Quantum Mechanical Computer Imperfections and Irreversible Free Energy, Loss, Simplifying the implementation. (04) Bit vs. qubit, shors quantum algorithm of efficient computation for finding period of a periodic function, quantum mechanical operators and discrete Fourier transforms. Digital logic gates vs. quantum logic gates; (C, N, F and CCN gate) (04)

One qubit rotation, Aj Transformation, Bjk transformation, Link between quantum dynamics of Schrodinger equation and unitary transformations describing qlogic gates. Physical realization of quantum computation. (04) BOOK:

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req.

1. R. P. Feynman, Feynman Lectures on Computation, Penguin Books (1996). : : : : 4 0 0 : CS-305 No. of WEB ADMINISTRATION CS 412 4

Lecture with breakup Lectures INTERNET: (02) Internet: Its Architecture/structure, Current Developments modes of connecting to Internet, ISP, Internet Addressing, Domain Name Server E-mail Gateway (03)

INTRODUCTION TO WEB: (02) Structure of Web pages, Basic principles of web page design, Design and Implementation guidelines, Searching Method adopted by search engine SERVER: (02) Introduction to web servers: PWS, IIS, Apache Accessing & using these Servers. WEB SITE DESIGN PRINCIPLES: (04) Introduction, general site characteristics, web design process, site types and architecture, navigation theory and practice , linking-- text , buttons, icons and graphics, search and design , page types and layout, building interactivity using GUI features. TECHNIQUE & TOOLS FOR WEB PAGE DESIGN: (06) Introduction to HTML, Designing a Home Page, HTML documents, Anchor Tags, Hyper links, Designing the body section, Embedding PNG Format images, ordered and unordered lists, Table creation in HTML, DHTML and style sheets, Frame definition and Nested frame sets. SITE DELIVERY AND MANAGEMENT: (02)

Importance, Web Protocols-HTTP, DNS, Web Servers, outsourcing web hosting, managing web servers, control management. JAVA: (03) Introduction, data types, variables and arrays, operators, introducing classes, inheritance, packages and interfaces,

JAVA MULTITHREADING: (03) Java thread model, thread priorities, synchronization, thread class and run able interface, main thread, thread creation, multiple threads, suspending, resuming and stopping threads EXCEPTION HANDING: (02) Using exception handling, fundamentals, types, Defining exception, Multiple exceptions, Nested Exception. Uncaught exceptions. I/O, APPLETS: (03) I/O basics, reading console inputs, writing console inputs, reading and writing files, applet fundamentals, modifiers. STRING HANDLING: (02) String operations, character extraction, string comparison, searching, String buffer. JAVA APPLET CLASS: (03) Basics, Applet architecture, Applet Skeleton, Simple applet display methods, using status window, HTML applet tag, passing parameters to applets JAVA SCRIPT: (03) Versions, fall through Script, object detection, dealing with non script aware browsers, error catching in java script, linked scripts, java script style, crunched java script, Adding Java application to WEB page, Creating Java Script programs.


182. 183.

The complete reference JAVA, Patric Naughton and Herbert schildt, TMH The Complete Reference : WEB DESIGN, Thomas A. Powell, TMH edition 2000.

184. 185. 186. 187.

Course Name

Java Programming, Steven Holzner, M & T Books, 1998 WWW design with HTML, C Xavier, TMH,2000 WEB Technology Handbook, Daniel Minali, Emma Minoli, 198 Internet Information Server, Allen Wyatt, Galgotia, 1997 : SOFT- COMPUTING

Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup Lectures :

: : 4 0 0 :

CS 413 4

CS-401 No. of (04)

Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks & Applications, Characteristics of ANNs The Biological Prototype, Perceptron Model, Multilayer NN (04) Training of ANNs, Learning and types of learning (04) Backpropagation Algorithm,Counterpropagation (04) Introduction to Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy sets, fuzzy model, fuzzy rule generation (04) Fuzzy inference system, defuzzification. (04) Introduction to Neuro Fuzzy Systems Architecture of a Neuro Fuzzy Network, Applications (04) GENETIC ALGORITH:An overview, GA in problem solving (04) Implementation of GA and GP (04) Applications of GA & GP (04)



Neuro fuzzy and soft computing by Jang, Pearson Education

189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194.

Soft Computing by Fred Aminzadel & Jamshich, Prentice Hall Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic - Klir and Yuan, PHI Fuzzy Neural Control - Nie and Linkens, PHI Neurocomputing Theory & Practice - Philip D.Wasserman, VanNostrand Reinhold Neural Network Fundamental- Base & Liang, TMH Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems - Bart Kosko, Prentice Hall of India

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req.

An Introduction to Genetic Algorith -Melaine Mitchell Prentice Hall of India : : : : 4 0 0 : CS-401 No. of MACHINE TRANSLATION CS 414 4

Lecture with breakup Lectures

Machine translation vs. Computer-assisted translation, applications of linguistic knowledge in machine translation, transfer and generation (04) Recent trends of MT technology, including example-based MT, statistical- based MT, and text alignment (04) Syntax, semantics, context and world of knowledge (04) Strategies for machine translation, Direct, Transfer and Interlingua approaches; (04) Rule based, Example based on Hybrid Methodologies. (04) Language analysis, Evaluate machine translation systems in terms of translation quality (04) Knowledge-based MT, operational characteristics, levels of automation, user-friendliness, productivity and remaining weakness. (04) Translators and computing specialists in translation software development and the scope of commercial and experimental systems. (04) Construction of lexical data-base, Text generation, Machine-aided translation, user interfaces (04) Examples of English-Hindi and Hindi-English machine translation (04) BOOK:


Readings in Machine Translation by Sergei Nirenburg, Harold L. Somers and Yorick A. Wilks, MIT press.


197. 198. 199.

Machine Translation: An Introductory Guide. By Doug Arnold, Lorna Balkan Machine Translation: general overview by Ruslan, Oxford press Introduction to machine translation by W. John Hutchins, Academic press

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup Lectures :

: : : 4 0 0 :


CS-305 No. of

Introduction to Optical Networks (02) Propagation of Signals in Optical Fiber Light Propagation in Optical Fiber, Loss and Bandwidth, Solitons (02) Components Couplers, Transmitters, Detectors, Switches (04) First-Generation Optical Networks (04) Broadcast and Select Networks (04) Wavelength Routing Networks (04) Virtual Topology Design (03) Control and Management (04) Wavelength Routing Testbeds (02)

Access Networks (04) Deployment Considerations (03) Photonic Packet Switching (04) BOOK:


Optical Networks, A Practical Perspective by Rajiv Ramaswami, Kumar N. Sivarajan


Multiwavelength Optical Networks: A Layered Approach by Thomas E. Stern, Krishna

202. 203. 204.

Optical Networking by Debra Cameron, Wiley, December 2001 Optical Network Design and Implementation by Vivek Alwayn, Cisco Press DWDM Network Designs and Engineering Solutions by Ashwin Gumaste, Tony Antony, Tony Anthony, Pearson Education. 205. Optical Networking & Wdm (Standards & Protocols) by Walter Goralski, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies 206. Optical Networking Crash Course by Steven Shepard, McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing 207. Optical Network Control: Architecture, Protocols and Standards by Greg Bernstein, Bala Rajagopalan, Debanjan Saha, Addison-Wesley Professional Publishers Course Name Course No Credits LTP : : : : 4 0 0 SIMULATION AND MODELING CS 416 4

Lecture with breakup Lectures Introduction to simulation and modeling, The Bufon Needle Problem (04)

No. of

Monte Carlo Modeling , Optimization, Simulation Model Design, Methodology, Causes of Simulation Failure (04) Introduction to the basic principles underlying dynamic feedback systems, The principles underlying growth, exponential decay, and sigmoid growth (04) M&S Definitions and Roles ,Overview of M&S in microelectronics, M&S: Motivation and Status (04)

M&S: Process Integration, Selected M&S Successes, Reasonable Expectations (04) Modeling with Petri Nets, The Petri Net Graph, The Petri Net Structure, Petri Net Analysis, Petri Net Execution (04) Queues and Inhibitor Arcs, Hierarchical Modeling (04) SimNet: a Simulation Net Tool, Some Modeling Examples (04) Simulation Languages: Simula, SIMNEX (04) GPSS, The One-arrival Single-server Example (04) BOOK:


Simulation and Modeling by Gordon, PHI

209. 210.
Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req.

Simulation and Modeling by N. Deo, TMH Simulation Modeling and Analysis by Averill Law, W. David Kelton : : : : 4 0 0 : CS-304 No. of DATA MINING AND WAREHOUSING CS 417 4

Lecture with breakup Lectures

Data ware housing Definition and characteristics, need for data warehousing, DBMS vs. data warehouse, OLAP (03) Multidimensional data model, data cubes, Schemas for multidimensional databases, OLAP operations (04) Data Marts, Metadata, data warehouse architecture (04) Data preprocessing- cleaning, integration and transformation, Data reduction (03)

Data mining definition, issues in data mining, Data mining primitives (04) Data Mining query language (02) Data Mining Techniques- Concept description (04) Association rule mining (04) Classification - decision tree, Bayesian, neural networks,Genetic algorithm, Support vector machines, Fuzzy techniques (04) Mining multimedia databases, Text databases, web mining (04) Commercial Importance of DW, applications of data mining data mining, data mining in business process, Embedded data mining. (04) BOOK:


Data Mining Concepts & Techniques; Jiawei Han & Micheline Kamber , Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 212. Data Warehousing in the Real World; Sam Anahory & Dennis Murray; Pearson Education REFERENCE:

213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218.

Data Mining by Pieter Adrians, Dolf Zantinge, Addison Wesley, 2000. Data Mining; Pieter Adriaans & Dolf Zantinge; 1997, Pearson Data Warehousing, Data Miniing and OLTP; Alex Berson, 1997, McGraw Hill. Data warehousing System; Mallach; 2000, McGraw Hill. Building the Data Warehouses; W.H. Longhman, C. Klelly, John Wiley & Sons. Data Warehousing: Concepts, Techniques, Products and Applications, by C.S.R. Prabhu, Prentice Hall of India. : : : : 4 0 0 : CS-303 No. of IMAGE PROCESSING AND COMPUTER VISION CS 418 4

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup

Lectures INTRODUCTION AND DIGITAL IMAGE FUNDAMENTALS: (04) Digital Image Representation, Fundamental Steps in Image Processing, Elements of Digital image processing systems, Sampling and quantization, some basic relationships like neighbours, connectivity, Distance measure between pixels, Imaging Geometry IMAGE TRANSFORMS: (04) Discrete Fourier Transform, Some properties of the two-dimensional Fourier transform, Fast Fourier transform, Inverse FFT IMAGE ENHANCEMENT: (06) Point Operations, Histograms, Spatial domain methods, Frequency domain methods, Enhancement by point processing, Spatial filtering, Low pass filtering, High pass filtering, Homomorphic filtering, Colour Image Processing. IMAGE RESTORATION: (07) Degradation model, Algebraic Approach to Restoration, Inverse filtering, Wiener filter, Constrained Least Square Restoration, Interactive Restoration, Restoration in Spatial Domain. IMAGE COMPRESSION: (05) Coding, Interpixel and Psycho visual Redundancy, Image Compression models, Error free comparison, Lossy compression, Image compression standards IMAGE SEGMENTATION: (05) Detection of Discontinuities, Edge linking and boundary detection, Thresholding, Region Oriented Segmentation, Motion based segmentation.

REPRESENTATION AND DESCRIPTION: (06) Representations schemes like chain coding, Polygonal Approximation, Signatures, Boundary Segments, Skeleton of region, Boundary description, Regional descriptors, Morphology. RECOGNITION AND INTERPRETATION: (04) Elements of Image Analysis, Pattern and Pattern Classes, Decision-Theoretic Methods, Structural Methods, Interpretation. BOOK:


A.K. Jain, Fundamental of Digital Image Processing, Pearson Education

220. 221. 222.

Rafael C. Gonzalez & Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, AWL. Rosefield Kak, Digital Picture Processing, W.K. Pratt, Digital Image Processing,


Ramesh Jain, Brian G Schunck, Machine Vision, TMH

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup Lectures :

: : : 4 0 0 :


CS-301 No. of

Network Processors: An Introduction to Design Issues (01) Benchmarking Network Processors (02) A Methodology and Simulator for the Study of Network Processors (03) Design Space Exploration of Network Processor Architectures (04) A Network Processor Performance and Design Model with Benchmark Parameterization (02) A Benchmarking Methodology for Network Processors (02) A Modeling Framework for Network Processor Systems (02) Network Processors: Themes and Challenges (01) A Programmable, Scalable Platform for Next-Generation Networking (02) Power Considerations in Network Processor Design (03) Worst-Case Execution Time for Hardware-Assisted Multithreaded Processors (03)

Multiprocessor Scheduling in Processor-Based Router Platforms (03) Exploring Trade-Offs in Performance and Programmability of Process Element Topologies for Network Processors (03) Packet Classification and Termination in a Protocol Processor (02) Efficient and Faithful Performance Modeling for Network-Processor-Based System Designs (02) Directions in Packet Classification for Network Processors (02) Integrated Services in the Internet, RSVP, Differentiated Services, Network Interconnection Models, MPLS, Real-Time Transport protocol, Session Control Protocols (04) BOOK:


Network Processor Design, Issues and Practices -Volume 1 by Patrick Crowley, Mark A.Franklin, Haldun Hadimioglu, Peter Z.Onufryk 225. Network Processor Design, Issues and Practices -Volume 2 by Patrick Crowley, Mark A.Franklin, Haldun Hadimioglu, Peter Z.Onufryk REFERENCES:


Communication Networks, Fundamental Concepts and Key Architectures by Alberto Leon-Garcia and Indra Widjaja, Tata McGraw-Hill Edition 227. Network Systems Design Using Network Processors by Douglas Comer, Prentice Hall 228. Practical Planning for Network Growth by John Blommers, Prentice Hall 229. Networking Concepts and Technology, A Designers Resource by Deepak Kakadia, Francesco Dimambro, Prentce Hall. 230. High Performance Computing, Second Edition By Charles Severance, Kevin Dowd, OReilly Publishers

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup :

: : : 4 0 0 :


CS-302 No. of

Lectures OPERATING SYSTEM FUNDAMENTALS: (03) Evolution of modern operating systems, Overview of Systems, Sample distributed Applications. NETWORK OPERATING SYSTEMS: (04) Network Operating systems, Centralized operating Systems, Distributed operating systems. COOPERATIVE AUTONOMOUS INTERPROCESS COMMUNICATION AND COORDINATION: (05) Selection factors, Message passing Communication, Pipes, Sockets, request/ Reply Communication, transaction communication, name and directory services, distributed mutual exclusion. DISTRIBUTED PROCESS SCHEDULING: (04) A system performance model, Static Process Scheduling with communication, dynamic load sharing and balancing, distributed process implementation, real time scheduling DISTRIBUTED FILE SYSTEMS: (04) Transparencies and characteristics of DFS, DFS Design and implementation, transaction Service and Concurrency Control, Data and file Replication. DISTRIBUTED SHARED MEMORY: (04) Non-uniform memory access architectures, memory consistency models, multiprocessor cache systems, distributed shared memory, implementation of DSM. DISTRIBUTED COMPUTER SECURITY: (04) Fundamentals of computer security, discretionary access control models, mandatory flow control models CRYPTOGRAPHY: (04) Cryptography, distributed authentication and key distribution issues relevant to distributed security. CONCURRENCY CONTROL: (04) Mutual exclusion & critical regions, semaphores, locks, token passing/mutual exclusion, deadlocks. TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT & CONCURRENCY CONTROL MODELS: (04) Transaction management, ACID properties of a transaction, consistency models, two phase commit protocol, nested transaction. BOOK: 1. Distributed Operating Systems: Andrew S. Tanenbaum REFERENCE: 1. Distributed Operating Systems: Principles and Paradigms: Andrew Tanenbaum and Maarten Van Steen 2. Distributed Operating Systems: Concepts and Design: Pradeep K. Sinha 3. Distributed Systems and Algorithm Analysis: Randy Chow, Theodore Johnson 4. Distributed Operating Systems: D. L. Galli

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup Lectures :

: : : 4 0 0 :


CS-303 No. of

INTRODUCTION: (07) Benefits and problems associated with multimedia, elements of Multimedia System, Technology for multimedia, Multimedia Hardware, Multimedia Software, Application of Multimedia, Issues and Objectives of multimedia, Structural multimedia Development. MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS: (08) Multimedia Communication Model, User and Network requirements, Signal Processing in Networks, Packet Transfer Communications, Video on demand Broadcasting Protocols, IP Telephony Technology and standards, VOIP. AUDIO-VISUAL PROCESSING: (09) Media Interaction, Audio Visual Mapping, Signal processing, Challenges of Multimedia processing, Image, Audio and Video Coding in Multimedia, Multimedia processors, Audio, Video and image capture and their compression standards and techniques DISTRIBUTED MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS (DMS): (08) Features and resource management of distributed management systems, networking in DMS, Multimedia Operating Systems, Applications. STORAGE FOR MULTIMEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS: (08) Types of storage - analog and digital media, Standards, Multimedia Communications across Networks, Building multimedia networks with Cable and Broadcast communication. BOOK:


Multimedia in Practice, Tech & Application, Judith Jeffcoate, PHI

REFERENCE: 1. Multimedia in Practice, Tech & Application, Judith Jeffcoate, PHI 232. Multimedia Communication Systems: By KR Rao, Zoran S. Bojkovic, Pearson Education 233. Multimedia Making it work: Von Haughan,TMH 234. Multimedia Communications: Jerry D. Gibson, Harcourt India Private Limited 235. Multimedia Technology & Application, David Hillman, Galgotia Publication, 1998

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup Lectures :

: : : 4 0 0 :


CS-403 No. of

INTRODUCTION AND CONCEPTS: (04) Networks and Commercial transactions Internet and other novelties: networks and electronic transactions today, Model for commercial transactions; Internet environment - Internet advantage, worlds wide web and other Internet sales venues; online commerce solutions. ELECTRONIC PAYMENT METHODS: (04) Updating traditional transactions; secure online offline secure processing; private data networks, Security protocols. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE PROVIDERS: (04) On line Commerce options; Company profiles, Electronic Payment Systems: Digital payment systems; First virtual Internet payment system; cyber cash model. ON-LINE COMMERCE ENVIRONMENTS: (04) Servers and commercial environments; E-commerce Servers. DIGITAL CURRENCIES: (04) Operational process of Digicash, Ecash Trail; Using Ecash; Smart cards; Electronic Data interchange: basics, EDI versus Internet and EDI over Internet. Strategies, Techniques and Tools, Shopping techniques and online selling techniques. ERP AN ENTERPRISE PERSPECTIVE: (04) Production finance, Personnel disciplines and their relationships, Transiting environment, MIS Integration for disciplines, Information/ workflow, Network Structure, client Server Integrator System, Virtual Enterprise. ERP RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVE: (04) Functional and Process of Resource, Management, Introduction to basic Modules of ERP System: HRD, Personnel Management, Training and Development, Skill Inventory, ERP - MATERIAL PLANNING AND PRODUCTION PLANNING:

(04) Material Planning and Control, inventory, forecasting, Manufacturing, Production Planning, Production Scheduling, Production Control, Sales and Distribution, Finance, Resource Management in global scenario. ERP INFORMATION SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE: (04) Functional to OLAP (Online Analysis and Processing), TP, OAS, KBS, MRP, BPR, SCM, REP, CRM, and Information Communication Technology. ERP KEY MANAGERIAL ISSUES: (04) Concept Selling, IT Infrastructure, Implication, of ERP System on business Organization, Critical success factors in ERP System, ERP Culture Implementation Issues, resistance to change, ERP Selection issues, return on Investment, pre and Post Implementation Issues. BOOKS:


Ravi Lalakota, Andrew Whinston: Frontiers of Electronics Commerce, 1996, Addison


V.K. Garg and N.K. Venkita Krishna: Enterprise Resource Planning Concepts and practice, 1998, PHI.


238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246.

John Antonio, Fernandez: The SAP/3 Handbook, TMH. Denial Amor: The E-Business Revolution, Addison Wesley From Edi to E-Commerce: A Business Initiative: Sokol TMH Greenstein and Feynman: E-Commerce, TMH Diwan, Sharma: E-Commerce Excel. Asset International Net Commerce TMH Bajan and Nag: E-Commerce: The cutting Edge of Business, TMH E-Commerces Jaffrey F. Rayport, Bernard J. Jaworski, 2002, TMH Electronic Commerce Security, Risk Management and Control, Greenstein, Feynman, 2002, TMH. : : : : 4 0 0 : CS-401 No. of NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING CS 423 4

Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup Lectures

Introduction and overview, Finite state techniques for NLP, A computational framework for natural language, or Panlni in some depth. (04)

Partial description of English or an Indian language in the frame work, lexicon, algorithms and data structures for implementation of the framework (04) Some applications like machine translation, database interface (04) Error-tolerant lexical processing (spelling error correction) ,Transducers for the design of morphologic analyzers (04) Part-of-speech tagging, Efficient representations for linguistic resources (lexica, grammars,...) (04) Machine-readable dictionaries and lexical databases (04) Recursive Transition Networks - theory and implementation (04) Augmented Transition Networks - theory and implementation, Parsing, search and ambiguity. (04) Augmenting context-free grammars with features, Features, unification and the lexicon (04) Statistical/corpus-based NLP, connectionist NLP (04) BOOK:


Natural understanding by James Allen, Pearson Education


Abduction, Belief and Context in Dialogue: Studies in Computational Pragmatics by Harry Bunt and William Black (Eds) 249. Exploring time, tense and aspect in Natural Language database interfaces by Ion 250. An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition by Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin 251. Natural language processing in Prolog by Gazdar, G. and Mellish, C, Addison-Wesley, 1989

Course Name


Course No Credits LTP :

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CS 424 4

Lecture with breakup Lectures

No. of

INTRODUCTION TO MACHINES: (10) Basic Machine, Finite State machine (FSM), State tables, transition graphs, transition matrix, Acceptance and rejection, properties and limitations of FSM. Deterministic and Non-deterministic FSMs, equivalence of NDFA and DFA, Mealy and Moore Machines, Equivalence of Mealy and Moore machines, minimization of finite automata, two way finite automata. REGULAR SETS & REGULAR GRAMMARS: (05) Alphabets, Words, Regular sets, regular expressions, finite automata and regular expressions, pumping lemma and regular sets, closure properties of regular sets. GRAMMARS AND LANGUAGES: (05) Definitions, Chomsky hierarchy, regular grammars, context free & context-sensitive grammars, context free languages, simplification of context free grammars, Chomsky normal form and Greibach normal form. PUSHDOWN AUTOMATA: (05) Definitions, equivalence of PDAs and CFLs TURING MACHINE: (05) Turing machine model representation, Language acceptability of Turing Machine, Design of Turing Machine, Universal Turing Machine and modified Turing machines. UNCOMPUTABILITY: (05) Recursive functions, halting problem, Turing Enumerability, Turing Acceptability and Turing Decidability. 5

COMPUTATIONAL COMPLEXITY: (05) Time Bound Turing machines, Rate of Growth of functions, problem classes. BOOK:


Theory of Computer Science (Automata, Languages and Computation): By K.L.P Mishra, N. Chandrasekaran



Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation: By J.E Hopcroft, J.D. Elements of Theory of Computation: By Harry R. Lewis, Christos H. Papadimitriou


Course Name Course No Credits LTP Pr-req. Lecture with breakup Lectures :

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CS-305 No. of

Overview of Mobile and Wireless Networking (01) Channel Assignment, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA (02) Wireless LAN (04) Wireless PAN (04) Wireless Home Networking (04) Wireless Sensor Networks (04) Mobile Adhoc Networks (04) Wireless Access Networks (03) Wireless Network Security (04) Mobile and Pervasive Computing (04) Mobile IP and TCP

(02) Introductory Concepts of GSM, GPRS, UMTS (04) BOOK:


Handbook of Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing by Ivan Stojmenovic, Wiley Publishers


256. 257.

Wireless Personal and Local Area Networks by Axel Sikora, Wiley Publishers Wireless and Mobile Network Architectures by Yi-Bing Lin, Imrich Chlamtac, Wiley Publishers 258. Mobile Adhoc Networking by Stefano Basagni, Marco Conti, Silvia Giordano, Ivan Stojmenovic, Wiley Publishers 259. Wireless Communication and Networks by William Stallings, Prentice Hall 260. The GSM Network: GPRS Evolution: One Step Towards UMTS by Joachim Tisal, Wiley, John & Sons. 261. Wireless LANs by James Geier, Pearson Education 262. The Wi-Fi Experience: Everyone's Guide to 802.11b Wireless Networking by Harold Davis, Richard Mansfield, Pearson Education. 263. Wireless Sensor Networks: Architectures and Protocols by Edgar H. Callaway, Jr. and Edgar H. Callaway, CRC Press, August 2003. 264. Mobile Telecommunications Protocols for Data Networks by Anna Hac, Wiley Publishers 265. CDMA: Principles of Spread Spectrum Communication by Andrew J. Viterbi, Prentice Hall. 266. Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Protocols and Systems by C.-K.Toh, Prentice Hall PTR.

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