Signal Cond Ckts

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100 hundred questions of Signal Conditioning Circuits Staff Incharge: G.Sharada 1) Draw a non inverting operational amplifier configuration and derive the relation for output voltage. 2) Define the following terms: i) input offset voltage ii) input bias current iii) CMRR iv) input offset current v) input voltage range vi) slew rate. 3) Using OP amps construct and explain the working of an instrumentation amplifier with relations. 4) Draw the bridge amplifier circuit that can output a voltage which is directly proportional to the change in transducer resistance. write the relations for output current and output voltage 5) Write down the steps for design of a low pass filter 6) What is aliasing? Explain how aliasing occurs during sampling of data 7) Write the design procedure for F/V converter. 8) Define the following terms in a PLL i) phase detector ii) capture range 9) What is voltage controlled oscillators? How are they used in FM applications 10) Draw, explain and output the waveforms of non inverting sample and hold circuit. 11) Explain how MOSFET can be used for switching applications. 12) Illustrate and explain the working as a low level multiplexer configuration. 13) Explain the working of a R-2R ladder DAC with neat sketches 14) Explain the features of DAC -08 with a schematic diagram 15) Explain the following terms with reference to DAC and ADCs: i) aperture time ii) conversion time iii) droop rate iv) relative accuracy v) settling 16) Briefly explain the working of a successive approximation ADC with a block diagram. 17) Explain the principle behind voltage to time conversion 18) Explain how date is written/read in microprocessor compatible ADCsan 8 bit ADC is capable of acceptation an input unipolar (positive values only) voltage 0 to 10 volts. I) what is the minimum value of input voltage to cause a digital output change of 1 LSB ii) what input voltage will cause all 1s at the ADCs output? iii) What is the digital output code if the applied input voltage is 5.2 V? 19) Explain the salient features of IC 7109 ADC with a schematic diagram? 20) For a circuit in fig below if R= 5 K, V2=0, Rl= 10 K and V1=5V find i) Il ii)Vl iii) Vo 21) What is offset error voltage? Explain the different types of offset error voltages and currents 22) Explain any two frequency compensation techniques for an op amp.

23) What are the important features of an instrumentation amplifier? Expression for the output voltage of an instrumentation amplifier? 24) What do you understand by term Bridge linearization. derive an expression for differential D.C amplifier 25) Design a second order low pass filter at a cut off frequency of 1 K Hz. 26) Design a second order band pass filter with a mid band voltage gain Ao= 50 (3udb) a centre frequency fo=160 Hz and a 3 db bandwidth B=16 Hz 27) With circuit diagram explain the operation of VCO 28) Derive an expression for voltage to current converter for a grounded load 29) With the help of block diagram , explain the operation of PLL. Define lock range and capture range. 30) Mention the applications of PLL 31) Explain the terms with respect of a S/H circuits: I) Aperture time ii) acquisition time iii) settling time iv) sample and hold accuracy iv) hold mode droop. 32) Write the general block diagram of a data acquisition system and explain the function of each block. 33) Explain the working of a 4 bit R-2R ladder DAC. derive the expressions for output voltage. 34) Explain with circuit diagram, how to use 0800 DAC for unipolar and bipolar operation. 35) Explain with a neat diagram the working of a dual slope ADC. derive an expression , which relates input voltage , reference voltage , count registered in ADC and its bits 36) For a dual slope ADC find T2, if i) vin = 100mv, given T1=83.33msec, Vref=100mv 37) A 8 bit ADC outputs all 1s , when Vi=5.1 V find its i) Resolution ii) digital output , when Vi=1.28 38) Explain the working of a 3 bit flash type ADC with suitable diagram 39) Explain the concept of sigma delta converter 40) An 8 bit approximation ADC driven by 1 MHz clock. Find conversion time 41) Name the various stages available in an operational amplifier with the help of simple circuits describe briefly the importance of each stage 42) Explain with the help of circuit diagrams, the measurement procedure for the following parameters. I) slew rate ii) CMRR iii) input offset voltage. 43) With the help of circuit diagrams and waveforms explain the operation of full wave precision rectifier 44) With the help of a neat circuit diagram explain the working of a triangular wave generator. Derive an equation for the frequency of oscillations 45) List the important features of an instrumentation amplifier 46) Design an astable multivibrator using OP-AMP to operate at 1 K Hz with a duty cycle of 70% derive the equations used 47) Derive an equation for the frequency of oscillation and condition for oscillations in an op- amp based RC phase shift oscillator 48) Draw the functional diagram of 555 timer and explain its operation. 49) Design an astable multi using 555 timer to generate 1 K Hz square with 60% duty cycle.

50) With the help of block diagram explain the working of 723 IC regulators. 51) with the help of circuit diagrams, explain the working of simple current limiting and linear current fold back limiting in IC voltage regulators. 52) Design a voltage regulator using 723 IC to get an output voltage if 15 volts and that with current limiting at .1 A 53) Write short notes on: i) Temperature sensor ( AD 590 IC) ii) PLL iii) switching regulator iv) logarithmic amplifier. 54) With reference to the op amp, explain the following terms with figures and representative numbers. I) loop gain, ii) non linear distortion reduction iii) common mode rejection ratio iv) effect of feedback on disturbances and noise v) gain desensitivity. 55) With reference to op amp used as amplifier, explain the following with neat figures: i) Bridge linearization ii) digitally programmable gain iii) flying capacitor techniques iv) ground loop interference eliminations)Effect of resistance mismatches. 56) Design a programmable instrumentation amplifier having an overall gain of !v/v, 10v/v and 1000v/v . show the final design 57) With reference to op amps used as active filters , explain the following terms with neat figures: I) active tone control ii) graphic equalizers iii) KRC filters iv) State variable and Bi quad filters v) Sensitivity w.r.t component variations filter configurations 58) Impedance converters are active RC circuits designed to simulate frequency dependent elements such inductances for use in active filter synthesis, design a generalized impedance converter using op amps 59) Switched capacitor are based on the integrator configurations, realize MF -10 switched capacitor filter using op amps 60) With ref to commercial op amp chips, explain the following terms with detailed figure and curves i) over load protection ii) power supply rejection ratio iii) open loop and closed loop response iv) gain bandwidth trade off v) slew rate limiting 61) List out the performance specifications of a commercial DAC 62) Bring out the specific attributes of the following D-A conversion techniques and identify the typical application each one is suitable for i) weighted resistor DAC ii) weighted capacitor DAC iii) potentiometer DAC iv) R-2R ;adders- current and voltage mode 63) List out 5 essential specifications of a commercial ADC 64) With ref to PLL explain the following specifications i) lock and capture ii) first and second order loop iii) phase comparator. 65) Draw general block diagram of data acquisition system. Explain function of each block 66) With neat circuit diagram explain the working of a high level multiplexer and a low level multiplexer 67) Explain the following terms with respect to a sample and hold circuit i) aperture time ii) settling time iii) hold mode droop iv) acquisition time v) sample and hold accuracy. 68) Compare the performance of BJT. JFET and MOSFET switches

69) Explain the working of 4 bit R-2R ladder DAC. Derive the expressions for output voltage. 70) A binary weighted resistance DAC has 6 bits and reference voltage of 10 v. calculate the minimum values of R to be reconnected at the MSB input circuit such that the max output current does not exceed 10 mA. Also find the smallest value of current which is quantized 71) With a neat block diagram and timing waveforms, discuss the working of a single slope ADC 72) With the help of circuit diagram, explain the working of a counter ramp type ADC 73) With a neat block diagram explain the working of a successive approximation ADC 74) For a 3 bit successive approximation ADC with 100 KHz clock, find i) Max conversion time ii) Mass conversion rate 75) For a 8 bit counter ramp type ADC with 100 KHz clock, find i) maximum conversion time ii) maximum conversion rate. 76) Explain with a neat diagram the working of dual ramp ADC , derive an expression which relates the input voltage, reference voltage, count registered in ADC and its bits 77) Explain 0816 IC and list its features 78) Explain with circuit diagram how to use 0800 DAC for unipolar and Bipolar operation 79) Explain any three applications of D/A converters and two applications of A/D converters 80) Write short notes : i) delta to sigma converters ii) digital multimeters iii) converter specifications iv) voltage to frequency ADC 81) Explain in brief i) input offset voltage ii) input bias currents iii) input offset error compensation 82) With a neat circuit diagram diagram explain the external offset null ling for the inverting and the integrator configuration 83) Write a brief note on the necessity of signal conditioning circuits 84) With a circuit schematic explain the high sensitivity I-V converter and derive an expression for the multiplication factor and also numerator its application as photo detectors with circuit diagrams 85) Derive and expression for V-I converter for grounded load converter 86) Derive an expression for the output voltage in case of an voltage amplifier. 87) Mention the requirements and the two categories of VFCs 88) Explain in detail with neat circuit diagram any one of the category of VFC 89) Explain in detail floating load current amplifier and grounded load current amplifier 90) Explain in detail with neat circuit diagram about the ground loop interference elimination 91) Derive the equation for common mode rejection ratio with the imbalance factor 92) Explain in detail with circuit diagram the frequency to voltage conversion and explain with block diagram typical VFC-FVC arrangement for transmitting analog information in isolated form

93) With neat block diagram give a brief explanation of A/D converter and its classification 94) Give a brief discussion of DAC 0800 with its pin diagram , specifications and key features 95) Explain in detail with relevant diagrams the applications of DAC as i) programmable gain amplifier ii) signal generator 96) With a neat block diagram of A/D and D/A converter explain any of the six converter specifications 97) With the block diagram explain the working or data acquisition and data distribution 98) With the basic block diagram define the sample and hold phenomena 99) Explain the operation of the sample and hold phenomena using any one circuit 100)Explain the sample and hold accuracy with neat circuit diagrams.

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