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The human muscular system is made up of over 600 once more to another bone.

Tendons, which are cords or

muscles, which act in groups. Muscles, in turn, are made bands of inelastic tissue, are what attach the muscles to
up of fibers and cells. Muscles are what enable you to do the bones. Skeletal muscles are of different shapes and
just about everything – from walking to lifting heavy sizes, which enable them to perform a variety of tasks.
objects to helping to pump blood throughout the body. The gluteus maximus, or the muscle that occurs in the
Muscles are distinguished as either involuntary or buttocks, is the largest skeletal muscle in the human
voluntary. Involuntary muscles function within the body muscular system. Some of the other major skeletal
automatically, without you being able to control them. muscles are the deltoid muscle in the shoulders, the
Voluntary muscles are the ones that are under your biceps and triceps in the arm, the pectoralis in the chest,
control. the rectus abdominus in the abdomen, the quadriceps
and the hamstring muscles in the legs.
All muscles are made up of the same type of material –
a kind of an elastic tissue, akin to what rubber bands are The Cardiac Muscle: The heart is made up of the
made of. Each muscle is made up of thousands of tiny cardiac muscle, which is also referred to as the
fibers. There are three kinds of muscles in the human myocardium. These muscles are thick and contract in
muscular system: the skeletal muscle; the cardiac order to pump out the blood and then relax in order to
muscle; and the smooth muscle. Plus, the facial muscles allow more blood in. The cardiac muscle is an
and the tongue are a unique kind by themselves. involuntary muscle, or the type that works without your
volition. Special type of cells in the cardiac muscle,
Muscle (from Latin musculus, diminutive of mus called the pacemaker, help in controlling the heartbeat.
"mouse"[1]) is the contractile tissue of the body and is
derived from the mesodermal layer of embryonic germ The Smooth Muscles: These are the involuntary
cells. Muscle cells contain contractile filaments that muscles of the human muscular system, and they
move past each other and change the size of the cell. generally occur in layers or sheets, with one muscle
They are classified as skeletal, cardiac, or smooth layer behind another. These muscles are not under your
muscles. Their function is to produce force and cause control. The brain and the body control these muscles in
motion. Muscles can cause either locomotion of the performing their functions without any conscious volition
organism itself or movement of internal organs. Cardiac from your part.
and smooth muscle contraction occurs without
conscious thought and is necessary for survival. Some of the examples of smooth muscles are the
Examples are the contraction of the heart and peristalsis stomach and the digestive system, which contract and
which pushes food through the digestive system. relax in order to pass food through the alimentary canal
Voluntary contraction of the skeletal muscles is used to of the body. The bladder is another example of smooth
move the body and can be finely controlled. Examples muscle, and so is the uterus in women. Smooth muscles
are movements of the eye, or gross movements like the also occur in the eyes, which help to keep the eyes
quadriceps muscle of the thigh. There are two broad focused. According to scientists, the eyes can move over
types of voluntary muscle fibers: slow twitch and fast 100,000 times in a day, making them the busiest
twitch. Slow twitch fibers contract for long periods of time muscles in the human muscular system.
but with little force while fast twitch fibers contract quickly
and powerfully but fatigue very rapidly. The Facial Muscles: There are more than 30 muscles
in the face. Not all of the facial muscles are attached to
bones, as is the case in the other parts of the body.
Types of muscle
Many of the facial muscles are attached to the underside
All muscles are made up of the same type of material –
of facial skin. The contractions of these muscles are
a kind of an elastic tissue, akin to what rubber bands are
what give the face its various expressions, such as
made of. Each muscle is made up of thousands of tiny
frowning, laughter, surprise, sadness and so on.
fibers. There are three kinds of muscles in the human
muscular system: the skeletal muscle; the cardiac
The Tongue: And another unique muscle is the tongue,
muscle; and the smooth muscle. Plus, the facial muscles
which is free at one end and only attached on the other
and the tongue are a unique kind by themselves.
end. The tongue actually comprises of a group of
muscles, which work in unison, enabling you to chew
The Skeletal Muscles: These are the voluntary type of
and swallow food, and talk.
muscles in the human muscular system. This means that
they can be controlled by you. For example, you cannot
pick up that mug of coffee with your hand unless you Cardiac and skeletal muscles are "striated" in that they
want your hand to do so. They are referred sometimes contain sarcomeres and are packed into highly-regular
as striated muscles, because the dark and light fibrous arrangements of bundles; smooth muscle has neither.
material make them seem striped. These are also known While skeletal muscles are arranged in regular, parallel
as the musculoskeletal system, or the combination of the bundles, cardiac muscle connects at branching, irregular
muscles and the bones that make up the skeleton. angles (called intercalated discs). Striated muscle
contracts and relaxes in short, intense bursts, whereas
Generally, skeletal muscles are attached to the ends of smooth muscle sustains longer or even near-permanent
bones, stretching all across the joint and then attached contractions.
Skeletal muscle is further divided into several subtypes: digging), while in the latter, the insertion point is
positioned to maximize speed (for running).
• Type I, slow oxidative, slow twitch, or "red"
muscle is dense with capillaries and is rich in One particularly important aspect of gross anatomy of
mitochondria and myoglobin, giving the muscle muscles is pennation or lack thereof. In most muscles,
tissue its characteristic red color. It can carry all the fibers are oriented in the same direction, running
more oxygen and sustain aerobic activity. in a line from the origin to the insertion. In pennate
• Type II, fast twitch muscle, has three major kinds muscles, the individual fibers are oriented at an angle
that are, in order of increasing contractile relative to the line of action, attaching to the origin and
speed:[2] insertion tendons at each end. Because the contracting
o Type IIa, which, like slow muscle, is fibers are pulling at an angle to the overall action of the
aerobic, rich in mitochondria and muscle, the change in length is smaller, but this same
capillaries and appears red. orientation allows for more fibers (thus more force) in a
o Type IIx (also known as type IId), which muscle of a given size. Pennate muscles are usually
is less dense in mitochondria and found where their length change is less important than
myoglobin. This is the fastest muscle maximum force, such as the rectus femoris.
type in humans. It can contract more
quickly and with a greater amount of There are approximately 639 skeletal muscles in the
force than oxidative muscle, but can human body. However, the exact number is difficult to
sustain only short, anaerobic bursts of define because different sources group muscles
activity before muscle contraction differently.
becomes painful (often incorrectly
attributed to a build-up of lactic acid). Microanatomy
N.B. in some books and articles this
muscle in humans was, confusingly, Muscle is mainly composed of muscle cells. Within the
called type IIB.[3] cells are myofibrils; myofibrils contain sarcomeres, which
o Type IIb, which is anaerobic, glycolytic, are composed of actin and myosin. Individual muscle
"white" muscle that is even less dense in fibres are surrounded by endomysium. Muscle fibers are
mitochondria and myoglobin. In small bound together by perimysium into bundles called
animals like rodents this is the major fascicles; the bundles are then grouped together to form
fast muscle type, explaining the pale muscle, which is enclosed in a sheath of epimysium.
color of their flesh. Muscle spindles are distributed throughout the muscles
and provide sensory feedback information to the central
Anatomy nervous system.

The anatomy of muscles includes both gross anatomy, Skeletal muscle is arranged in discrete muscles, an
comprising all the muscles of an organism, and, on the example of which is the biceps brachii. It is connected by
other hand, microanatomy, which comprises the tendons to processes of the skeleton. Cardiac muscle is
structures of a single muscle. similar to skeletal muscle in both composition and action,
being comprised of myofibrils of sarcomeres, but
Gross anatomy anatomically different in that the muscle fibers are
typically branched like a tree and connect to other
cardiac muscle fibers through intercalcated discs, and
The gross anatomy of a muscle is the most important
form the appearance of a syncytium.
indicator of its role in the body. The action a muscle
generates is determined by the origin and insertion
locations. The cross-sectional area of a muscle (rather muscle contraction
than volume or length) determines the amount of force it
can generate by defining the number of sarcomeres The three (skeletal, cardiac and smooth) types of muscle
which can operate in parallel. The amount of force have significant differences. However, all three use the
applied to the external environment is determined by movement of actin against myosin to create contraction.
lever mechanics, specifically the ratio of in-lever to out- In skeletal muscle, contraction is stimulated by electrical
lever. For example, moving the insertion point of the impulses transmitted by the nerves, the motor nerves
biceps more distally on the radius (farther from the joint and motoneurons in particular. Cardiac and smooth
of rotation) would increase the force generated during muscle contractions are stimulated by internal
flexion (and, as a result, the maximum weight lifted in pacemaker cells which regularly contract, and propagate
this movement), but decrease the maximum speed of contractions to other muscle cells they are in contact
flexion. Moving the insertion point proximally (closer to with. All skeletal muscle and many smooth muscle
the joint of rotation) would result in decreased force but contractions are facilitated by the neurotransmitter
increased velocity. This can be most easily seen by acetylcholine.
comparing the limb of a mole to a horse - in the former,
the insertion point is positioned to maximize force (for
Muscular activity accounts for much of the body's energy Deeper muscles such as those involved in posture often
consumption. All muscle cells produce adenosine are controlled from nuclei in the brain stem and basal
triphosphate (ATP) molecules which are used to power ganglia.
the movement of the myosin heads. Muscles conserve
energy in the form of creatine phosphate which is Afferent leg
generated from ATP and can regenerate ATP when
needed with creatine kinase. Muscles also keep a The afferent leg of the peripheral nervous system is
storage form of glucose in the form of glycogen. responsible for conveying sensory information to the
Glycogen can be rapidly converted to glucose when brain, primarily from the sense organs like the skin. In
energy is required for sustained, powerful contractions. the muscles, the muscle spindles convey information
Within the voluntary skeletal muscles, the glucose about the degree of muscle length and stretch to the
molecule can be metabolized anaerobically in a process central nervous system to assist in maintaining posture
called glycolysis which produces two ATP and two lactic and joint position. The sense of where our bodies are in
acid molecules in the process (note that in aerobic space is called proprioception, the perception of body
conditions, lactate is not formed; instead pyruvate is awareness. More easily demonstrated than explained,
formed and transmitted through the citric acid cycle). proprioception is the "unconscious" awareness of where
Muscle cells also contain globules of fat, which are used the various regions of the body are located at any one
for energy during aerobic exercise. The aerobic energy time. This can be demonstrated by anyone closing their
systems take longer to produce the ATP and reach peak eyes and waving their hand around. Assuming proper
efficiency, and requires many more biochemical steps, proprioceptive function, at no time will the person lose
but produces significantly more ATP than anaerobic awareness of where the hand actually is, even though it
glycolysis. Cardiac muscle on the other hand, can is not being detected by any of the other senses.
readily consume any of the three macronutrients
(protein, glucose and fat) aerobically without a 'warm up'
period and always extracts the maximum ATP yield from Several areas in the brain coordinate movement and
any molecule involved. The heart, liver and red blood position with the feedback information gained from
cells will also consume lactic acid produced and proprioception. The cerebellum and red nucleus in
excreted by skeletal muscles during exercise. particular continuously sample position against
movement and make minor corrections to assure
smooth motion.
Efferent leg
The efferent leg of the peripheral nervous system is
responsible for conveying commands to the muscles and
glands, and is ultimately responsible for voluntary Exercise is often recommended as a means of improving
movement. Nerves move muscles in response to motor skills, fitness, muscle and bone strength, and joint
voluntary and autonomic (involuntary) signals from the function. Exercise has several effects upon muscles,
brain. Deep muscles, superficial muscles, muscles of the connective tissue, bone, and the nerves that stimulate
face and internal muscles all correspond with dedicated the muscles.
regions in the primary motor cortex of the brain, directly
anterior to the central sulcus that divides the frontal and Various exercises require a predominance of certain
parietal lobes. muscle fiber utilization over another. Aerobic exercise
involves long, low levels of exertion in which the muscles
In addition, muscles react to reflexive nerve stimuli that are used at well below their maximal contraction strength
do not always send signals all the way to the brain. In for long periods of time (the most classic example being
this case, the signal from the afferent fiber does not the marathon). Aerobic events, which rely primarily on
reach the brain, but produces the reflexive movement by the aerobic (with oxygen) system, use a higher
direct connections with the efferent nerves in the spine. percentage of Type I (or slow-twitch) muscle fibers,
However, the majority of muscle activity is volitional, and consume a mixture of fat, protein and carbohydrates for
the result of complex interactions between various areas energy, consume large amounts of oxygen and produce
of the brain. little lactic acid. Anaerobic exercise involves short bursts
of higher intensity contractions at a much greater
percentage of their maximum contraction strength.
Nerves that control skeletal muscles in mammals Examples of anaerobic exercise include sprinting and
correspond with neuron groups along the primary motor weight lifting. The anaerobic energy delivery system
cortex of the brain's cerebral cortex. Commands are uses predominantly Type II or fast-twitch muscle fibers,
routed though the basal ganglia and are modified by relies mainly on ATP or glucose for fuel, consumes
input from the cerebellum before being relayed through relatively little oxygen, protein and fat, produces large
the pyramidal tract to the spinal cord and from there to amounts of lactic acid and can not be sustained for as
the motor end plate at the muscles. Along the way, long a period as aerobic exercise. The presence of lactic
feedback, such as that of the extrapyramidal system acid has an inhibitory effect on ATP generation within the
contribute signals to influence muscle tone and muscle; though not producing fatigue, it can inhibit or
response. even stop performance if the intracellular concentration
becomes too high. However, long-term training causes produced by a muscle comes from the shortening of
neovascularization within the muscle, increasing the actomyosin filaments along the axis of the muscle.
ability to move waste products out of the muscles and During contraction, the muscle shortens along its
maintain contraction. Once moved out of muscles with longitudinal axis and expands across the transverse
high concentrations within the sarcomere, lactic acid can axis, producing vibrations at the surface.[5]
be used by other muscles or body tissues as a source of
energy, or transported to the liver where it is converted Atrophy
back to pyruvate. The ability of the body to export lactic
acid and use it as a source of energy depends on There are many diseases and conditions which cause a
training level. decrease in muscle mass, known as muscle atrophy.
Example include cancer and AIDS, which induce a body
Humans are genetically predisposed with a larger wasting syndrome called cachexia. Other syndromes or
percentage of one type of muscle group over another. An conditions which can induce skeletal muscle atrophy are
individual born with a greater percentage of Type I congestive heart disease and some diseases of the liver.
muscle fibers would theoretically be more suited to
endurance events, such as triathlons, distance running, During aging, there is a gradual decrease in the ability to
and long cycling events, whereas a human born with a maintain skeletal muscle function and mass, known as
greater percentage of Type II muscle fibers would be sarcopenia. The exact cause of sarcopenia is unknown,
more likely to excel at anaerobic events such as a 200 but it may be due to a combination of the gradual failure
meter dash, or weightlifting. People with high overall in the "satellite cells" which help to regenerate skeletal
musculation and balanced muscle type percentage muscle fibers, and a decrease in sensitivity to or the
engage in sports such as rugby or boxing and often availability of critical secreted growth factors which are
engage in other sports to increase their performance in necessary to maintain muscle mass and satellite cell
the former.[citations needed] survival. Sarcopenia is a normal aspect of aging, and is
not actually a disease state.
Delayed onset muscle soreness is pain or discomfort
that may be felt one to three days after exercising and Physical inactivity and atrophy
subsides generally within two to three days later. Once
thought to be caused by lactic acid buildup, a more
recent theory is that it is caused by tiny tears in the Inactivity and starvation in mammals lead to atrophy of
muscle fibers caused by eccentric contraction, or skeletal muscle, accompanied by a smaller number and
unaccustomed training levels. Since lactic acid disperses size of the muscle cells as well as lower protein
fairly rapidly, it could not explain pain experienced days content.[6] In humans, prolonged periods of
after exercise.[4] immobilization, as in the cases of bed rest or astronauts
flying in space, are known to result in muscle weakening
and atrophy. Such consequences are also noted in small
Disease hibernating mammals like the golden-mantled ground
squirrels and brown bats.[7] Representatives of the Ursid
Main article: Neuromuscular disease species make for an interesting exception to this
expected norm.
Symptoms of muscle diseases may include weakness,
spasticity, myoclonus and myalgia. Diagnostic Bears are famous for their ability to survive unfavorable
procedures that may reveal muscular disorders include environmental conditions of low temperatures and
testing creatine kinase levels in the blood and limited nutrition availability during winter by means of
electromyography (measuring electrical activity in hibernation. During that time Ursids go through a series
muscles). In some cases, muscle biopsy may be done to of physiological, morphological and behavioral
identify a myopathy, as well as genetic testing to identify changes.[8] Their ability to maintain skeletal muscle
DNA abnormalities associated with specific myopathies number and size at time of disuse is of a significant
and dystrophies. importance. During hibernation bears spend four to
seven months of inactivity and anorexia without
Neuromuscular diseases are those that affect the undergoing muscle atrophy and protein loss.[7] There are
muscles and/or their nervous control. In general, a few known factors that contribute to the sustaining of
problems with nervous control can cause spasticity or muscle tissue. During the summer period, Ursids take
paralysis, depending on the location and nature of the advantage of the nutrition availability and accumulate
problem. A large proportion of neurological disorders muscle protein. The protein balance of bears at time of
leads to problems with movement, ranging from dormancy is also maintained by lower levels of protein
cerebrovascular accident (stroke) and Parkinson's breakdown during the winter time.[7] At times of
disease to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. immobility, muscle wasting in Ursids is also suppressed
by a proteolytic inhibitor that is released in circulation.[6]
A non-invasive elastography technique that measures Another factor that contributes to the sustaining of
muscle noise is undergoing experimentation to provide a muscle strength in hibernating bears is the occurrence of
way of monitoring neuromuscular disease. The sound periodic voluntary contractions and involuntary
contractions from shivering during torpor.[9] The three to • The external muscles of the eye are
four daily episodes of muscle activity are responsible for conspicuously large and strong in relation to the
the maintenance of muscle strength and responsiveness small size and weight of the eyeball. It is
in bears during hibernation.[9] frequently said that they are "the strongest
muscles for the job they have to do" and are
Strength sometimes claimed to be "100 times stronger
than they need to be." However, eye movements
A display of "strength" (e.g. lifting a weight) is a result of (particularly saccades used on facial scanning
three factors that overlap: physiological strength and reading) do require high speed movements,
(muscle size, cross sectional area, available and eye muscles are exercised nightly during
crossbridging, responses to training), neurological rapid eye movement sleep.
strength (how strong or weak is the signal that tells the • The statement that "the tongue is the strongest
muscle to contract), and mechanical strength (muscle's muscle in the body" appears frequently in lists of
force angle on the lever, moment arm length, joint surprising facts, but it is difficult to find any
capabilities). Contrary to popular belief, the number of definition of "strength" that would make this
muscle fibres cannot be increased through exercise; statement true. Note that the tongue consists of
instead the muscle cells simply get bigger. Muscle fibres sixteen muscles, not one.
have a limited capacity for growth through hypertrophy • The heart has a claim to being the muscle that
and some believe they split through hyperplasia if performs the largest quantity of physical work in
subject to increased demand.[citation needed] the course of a lifetime. Estimates of the power
output of the human heart range from 1 to 5
The "strongest" human muscle watts. This is much less than the maximum
power output of other muscles; for example, the
quadriceps can produce over 100 watts, but only
Since three factors affect muscular strength
for a few minutes. The heart does its work
simultaneously and muscles never work individually, it is
continuously over an entire lifetime without
misleading to compare strength in individual muscles,
pause, and thus does "outwork" other muscles.
and state that one is the "strongest". But below are
An output of one watt continuously for eighty
several muscles whose strength is noteworthy for
years yields a total work output of two and a half
different reasons.

• In ordinary parlance, muscular "strength" usually

refers to the ability to exert a force on an The Skeletal Muscles: These are the voluntary type
external object—for example, lifting a weight. By of muscles in the human muscular system. This
this definition, the masseter or jaw muscle is the means that they can be controlled by you. For
strongest. The 1992 Guinness Book of Records example, you cannot pick up that mug of coffee with
records the achievement of a bite strength of your hand unless you want your hand to do so. They
4,337 N (975 lbf) for 2 seconds. What are referred sometimes as striated muscles,
distinguishes the masseter is not anything because the dark and light fibrous material make
special about the muscle itself, but its advantage them seem striped. These are also known as the
in working against a much shorter lever arm musculoskeletal system, or the combination of the
than other muscles. muscles and the bones that make up the skeleton.
• If "strength" refers to the force exerted by the
muscle itself, e.g., on the place where it inserts Generally, skeletal muscles are attached to the ends
into a bone, then the strongest muscles are of bones, stretching all across the joint and then
those with the largest cross-sectional area. This attached once more to another bone. Tendons,
is because the tension exerted by an individual which are cords or bands of inelastic tissue, are
skeletal muscle fiber does not vary much. Each what attach the muscles to the bones. Skeletal
fiber can exert a force on the order of 0.3 muscles are of different shapes and sizes, which
micronewton. By this definition, the strongest enable them to perform a variety of tasks. The
muscle of the body is usually said to be the gluteus maximus, or the muscle that occurs in the
quadriceps femoris or the gluteus maximus. buttocks, is the largest skeletal muscle in the human
• A shorter muscle will be stronger "pound for muscular system. Some of the other major skeletal
pound" (i.e., by weight) than a longer muscle. muscles are the deltoid muscle in the shoulders, the
The myometrial layer of the uterus may be the biceps and triceps in the arm, the pectoralis in the
strongest muscle by weight in the human body. chest, the rectus abdominus in the abdomen, the
At the time when an infant is delivered, the quadriceps and the hamstring muscles in the legs.
entire human uterus weighs about 1.1 kg (40
oz). During childbirth, the uterus exerts 100 to The Cardiac Muscle: The heart is made up of the
400 N (25 to 100 lbf) of downward force with cardiac muscle, which is also referred to as the
each contraction. myocardium. These muscles are thick and contract
in order to pump out the blood and then relax in important proteins that is responsible for the ability of
order to allow more blood in. The cardiac muscle is muscle to contract). Using this classification scheme,
an involuntary muscle, or the type that works without there are two major types of fibers for skeletal muscles:
your volition. Special type of cells in the cardiac Type I and Type II. Type I fibers appear reddish. They
muscle, called the pacemaker, help in controlling the are good for endurance and are slow to tire because
heartbeat. they use oxidative metabolism. Type II fibers are whitish;
they are used for short bursts of speed and power, and
The Smooth Muscles: These are the involuntary use both oxidative metabolism and anaerobic
muscles of the human muscular system, and they metabolism depending on the particular sub-type, and
generally occur in layers or sheets, with one muscle are therefore quicker to fatigue.
layer behind another. These muscles are not under
your control. The brain and the body control these Muscle force is proportional to physiologic cross-
muscles in performing their functions without any sectional area (PCSA), and muscle velocity is
conscious volition from your part. proportional to muscle fiber length[1]. The strength of a
joint, however, is determined by a number of
Some of the examples of smooth muscles are the biomechanical principles, including the distance between
stomach and the digestive system, which contract muscle insertions and pivot points and muscle size.
and relax in order to pass food through the Muscles are normally arranged in opposition so that as
alimentary canal of the body. The bladder is another one group of muscles contract, another group 'relaxes'
example of smooth muscle, and so is the uterus in (in fact simply stretched) or lengthens. Antagonism in the
women. Smooth muscles also occur in the eyes, transmission of nerve impulses (epsp and ipsp lateral
which help to keep the eyes focused. According to balance) to the muscles means that it is impossible to
scientists, the eyes can move over 100,000 times in stimulate the contraction of two antagonistic muscles at
a day, making them the busiest muscles in the any one time. During ballistic motions such as throwing,
human muscular system. the antagonist muscles act to 'brake' the agonist
muscles throughout the contraction, particularly at the
The Facial Muscles: There are more than 30 end of the motion. In the example of throwing, the chest
muscles in the face. Not all of the facial muscles are and front of the shoulder (anterior Deltoid) contract to
attached to bones, as is the case in the other parts pull the arm forward, while the muscles in the back and
of the body. Many of the facial muscles are attached rear of the shoulder (posterior Deltoid) also contract and
to the underside of facial skin. The contractions of undergo eccentric contraction to slow the motion down
these muscles are what give the face its various to avoid injury. Part of the training process is learning to
expressions, such as frowning, laughter, surprise, relax the antagonist muscles to increase the force input
sadness and so on. of the chest and anterior shoulder.

The Tongue: And another unique muscle is the Skeletal muscle cells are stimulated by acetylcholine,
tongue, which is free at one end and only attached which is released at neuromuscular junctions by motor
on the other end. The tongue actually comprises of a neurons[2]. Once the cells are "excited", their
group of muscles, which work in unison, enabling sarcoplasmic reticulum will release ionic calcium (Ca2+)
you to chew and swallow food, and talk. which interacts with the myofibrils to induce muscular
contraction (via the sliding filament mechanism). This
Muscle cells (also called muscle fibers) are cylindrical, process also requires adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
and are multinucleated (in vertebrates and insects). The The ATP is produced by metabolizing creatine
nuclei of these muscles are located in the peripheral phosphate and glucose (stored as glycogen or absorbed
aspect of the cell, just under the plasma membrane, from blood) within the muscle cells by mitochondria, as
which vacates the central part of the muscle fiber for well as by metabolizing fatty acids obtained from the
myofibrils. (Conversely, when the nucleus is located in blood and within the cell. Each motor neuron activates a
the center it is considered a pathologic condition known group of muscle cells, and collectively the neurons and
as centronuclear myopathy.) muscle cells are known as motor units. When more
strength is required than can be obtained from a single
motor unit, more units will be stimulated; this is known as
Skeletal muscles have one end (the "origin") attached to
motor unit recruitment. This is spatial summation. If more
a bone closer to the centre of the body's axis and the
strength is required than can be obtained from the
other end (the "insertion") is attached across a joint to
current number of motor units, the motor neurons
another bone further from the body's axis. The bones
continue to recruit more motor units. When all the motor
rotate about the joint and move relative to one another
units are recruited, there will be no further increase in
by contraction of the muscle (lifting of the upper arm in
contraction strength. To increase the force of contraction,
the case of the origin and insertion described here).
it is necessary to increase the frequency of neuronalT
firing. This results in tetanic contraction, which is a
There are several different ways to categorize the type smooth contraction. This is temporal summation...
of skeletal muscle fibers (see below). One method uses
the type of protein contained in myosin (one of the
TENDON Function

A tendon (or sinew) is a tough band of fibrous Tendons have been traditionally considered to simply be
connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone[1] a mechanism by which muscles connect to bone,
and is capable of withstanding tension. Tendons are functioning simply to transmit forces. However, over the
similar to ligaments and fascia as they are both made of past two decades, much research focused on the elastic
collagen except that ligaments join one bone to another properties of tendons and their ability to function as
bone, and fascia connect muscles to other muscles. springs. This allows tendons to passively modulate
Tendons and muscles work together and can only exert forces during locomotion, providing additional stability
a pulling force. with no active work. It also allows tendons to store and
recover energy at high efficiency. For example, during a
Structure human stride, the Achilles tendon stretches as the ankle
joint dorsiflexes. During the last portion of the stride, as
the foot plantar-flexes (pointing the toes down), the
Normal healthy tendons are composed of parallel arrays
stored elastic energy is released. Furthermore, because
of collagen fibers closely packed together. The fibers are
the tendon stretches, the muscle is able to function with
mostly collagen type I, however there are also collagen
less or even no change in length, allowing the muscle to
type III and V present. These collagens are held together
generate greater force.
with other proteins, particularly the proteoglycan, decorin
and, in compressed regions of tendon, aggrecan. The
tenocytes produce the collagen molecules which Pathology
aggregate end-to-end and side-to-side to produce
collagen fibrils. Fibril bundles are organized to form Tendinitis refers to inflammation of a tendon.
fibers with the elongated tenocytes closely packed
between them. Collagen fibers coalesce into Tendinosis refers to non-inflammatory injury to the
macroaggregates. Groups of macroaggregates are tendon at the cellular level. The tendons in the foot are
bounded by connective tissue endotendon and are highly complex and intricate. If any tendons break it is a
termed fascicles. Groups of fascicles are bounded by the long painful healing process, not to mention the intricacy
epitendon and peritendon to form the tendon organ. of the repairing (if fully severed) process. Most people
that do not receive medical attention within the first 48
Blood vessels may be visualized within the endotendon hours of the injury will suffer from severe swelling, pain,
running parallel to collagen fibers, with occasional and an on-fire feeling where the injury occurred. They
branching transverse anastomoses. are very painful when they are inflamed or not in use.

The internal tendon bulk is thought to contain no nerve Muscular disorders

fibers, but the epi- and peritendon contain nerve
endings, while Golgi tendon organs are present at the Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a group of more than 30
junction between tendon and muscle. inherited diseases. It causes weakening and breaking
down of muscle fibers. The muscles become weak and
Tendon length varies in all major groups and from susceptible to damage. This disease affects the
person to person. Tendon length is practically the voluntary or skeletal muscles, which control the
discerning factor where muscle size and potential movements of legs, arms and trunk. It can also affect the
muscle size is concerned. For example, should all other heart muscles and other involuntary muscles, such as
relevant biological factors be equal, a man with a shorter muscles in the gut. Some forms of MD are found in
tendons and a longer biceps muscle will have greater infancy or childhood, while some may not appear until
potential for muscle mass than a man with a longer middle age. This progressive disease is more common
tendon and a shorter muscle. Successful bodybuilders in boys than girls.
will generally have shorter tendons. Conversely, in
sports requiring athletes to excel in actions such as Arthrogryposis, also known as Arthrogryposis
running or jumping, it is beneficial to have longer than Multiplex Congenita, is a rare congenital disorder that
average Achilles tendon and a shorter calf muscle.[2] is characterized by multiple joint contractures and can
include muscle weakness and fibrosis. It is a non-
Tendon length is determined by genetic predisposition, progressive disease. The disease derives its name from
and has not been shown to either increase or decrease Greek, literally meaning 'curved or hooked joints'.
in response to environment, unlike muscles which can
be shortened by trauma, use imbalances and a lack of Centronuclear myopathies (CNM) are a group of
recovery and stretching. congenital myopathies where cell nuclei are abnormally
located in skeletal muscle cells. In CNM the nuclei are
located at a position in the center of the cell, instead of
their normal location at the periphery. Although all forms
of centronuclear myopathy are considered rare, the most
commonly known form of CNM is Myotubular Myopathy
(MTM). Symptoms of CNM include severe hypotonia, Pelvic Floor Muscle Disorder the muscles of the pelvic
hypoxia-requiring breathing assistance, and floor remain tightened. Normally these muscles are
scaphocephaly. Among centronuclear myopathies, the under voluntary control, but for some excessive tension
X-linked myotubular myopathy form typically presents at can develop. Reasons for this are not well known but
birth, and is thus considered a congenital myopathy. can be resultant from a natural disposition, learned
However, some centronuclear myopathies may present reaction to stress or pain, trauma, or any combination of
later in life these. Excessive pelvic floor tension can result in
various problems including frequent urination (due to the
Diastasis recti (also known as abdominal separation) bladder's inability to expand) or pain. Treatments involve
is a disorder defined as a separation of the rectus relaxing the muscles, using medication (such as
abdominis muscle into right and left halves. [1] Normally, Tamsulosin), Biofeedback, or physical therapy.
the two sides of the muscle are joined at the linea alba at
the body midline. Diastasis of this muscle occurs Thyrotoxic Myopathy (TM) is a neuromuscular disorder
principally in two populations: newborns and pregnant that develops due to the overproduction of the thyroid
women. In the newborn, the rectus abdominis is not fully hormone thyroxine. Also known as hyperthyroid
developed and may not be sealed together at midline. myopathy, TM is one of many myopathies that lead to
Diastasis recti is more common in premature and African muscle weakness and muscle tissue breakdown.
American newborns. In pregnant or postpartum women, Evidence indicates the onset of TM may be caused by
the defect is caused by the stretching of the rectus hyperthyroidism (Kazakov, 1992). There are currently
abdominis by the growing uterus. It is more common in two known causes of hyperthyroidism that lead to
multiparous women due to repeated episodes of development of TM including a multinodular goiter and
stretching. When the defect occurs during pregnancy, Graves disease. Physical symptoms of TM may include
the uterus can sometimes be seen bulging through the muscle weakness, the breakdown of muscle tissue,
abdominal wall beneath the skin. fatigue, and heat intolerance (Quin, 1951).� Physical
acts such as lifting objects and climbing stairs may
Sporadic inclusion body myositis (sIBM) is an become increasingly difficult (Horak, 2000). If untreated
inflammatory muscle disease, characterized by slowly TM can be an extremely debilitating disorder that can, in
progressive weakness and wasting of both distal and extreme rare cases, lead to death. If diagnosed and
proximal muscles, most apparent in the muscles of the treated properly the effects of TM can be controlled and
arms and legs. In sporadic inclusion body myositis [MY- in most cases reversed leaving no lasting effects.
oh-sigh-tis] muscle, two processes, one autoimmune
and the other degenerative, appear to occur in the Writer's cramp, also called mogigraphia and
muscle cells in parallel. The inflammation aspect is
characterized by the cloning of T cells that appear to be scrivener's palsy, causes a cramp or spasm
driven by specific antigens to invade muscle fibers. The affecting certain muscles of the hand and/or
degeneration aspect is characterized by the appearance fingers[1]. Writer's cramp is a task-specific focal
of holes in the muscle cell (vacuole)s, deposits of dystonia of the hand [2]. 'Focal' refers to the
abnormal proteins within the cells and in filamentous symptoms being limited to one location (the hand in
inclusions (hence the name inclusion body myositis).
this case), and 'task-specific' means that symptoms
Macrophagic Myofasciitis, or MMF, is a rare muscle first occur only when the individual engages in a
disease identified in 1993. The disease is characterized particular activity. Writer's cramp first affects an
by microscopic lesions found in muscle biopsies that individual by inhibiting their ability to write.[3]
show infiltration of muscle tissue by PAS-positive
macrophages. [1] Specific causes of MMF are unknown, Almost all skeletal muscles either originate or insert on
but the disease is most often associated with the the skeleton. When a muscle moves a portion of the
pathological persistence of aluminium hydroxide used in skeleton, that movement may involve flexion, extension,
some vaccines. Clinical symptoms include muscle pain, adduction, abduction, protraction, retraction, elevation,
joint pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, fever, and muscle depression, rotation, circumduction, pronation,
tenderness. A diagnosis can only be identified with an supination, inversion, eversion, lateral flexion, or
open muscle biopsy of the vaccinated muscle. [2] opposition.

Nemaline myopathy (also called rod myopathy or Actions can be described by one of two methods. The
nemaline rod myopathy) is a congenital, hereditary first, a muscle such as the biceps brachii is said to
neuromuscular disorder that causes muscle weakness, perform "flexion of the forearm." The second method, of
generally nonprogressive, of varying severity."Myopathy" increasing use among specialists such as kinesiologists,
means "muscle disease," and a biopsy of muscle from a identifies the joint involved. With this method, the action
person with nemaline myopathy shows abnormal thread- of the biceps brachii muscle would be "flexion at (or of)
like rods, called nemaline bodies, in the muscle cells. the elbow." Both methods are valid, and each has its
People with nemaline myopathy (or NM) usually advantages. We shall primarily use the latter method.
experience delayed motor development and weakness
in the arm, leg, trunk, throat, and face muscles.
When complex movements occur, muscles commonly thereby stabilizing the origin of the agonist. Such
work in groups rather than individually. Their cooperation synergists are called fixators.
improves the efficiency of a particular movement. For
example, large muscles of the limbs produce flexion or NAMES OF SKELETAL MUSCLES
extension over an extended range of motion. Although
these muscles cannot develop much tension at full Except for the platysma and the diaphragm, the
extension, they are generally paired with one or more complete names of all skeletal muscles include the term
smaller muscles that provide assistance until the larger muscle. Although the full name, such as the biceps
muscle can perform at maximum efficiency. At the start brachii muscle, will usually appear in the text, for
of the movement, the smaller muscle is producing simplicity only the descriptive name (biceps brachii) will
maximum tension while tension production by the larger be used in figures and tables.
muscle is at a minimum. The importance of this smaller
"assistant" decreases as the movement proceeds and
the efficiency of the primary muscle increases. You need not learn every one of the approximately 700
muscles in the human body, but you will have to become
familiar with the most important ones. Fortunately,
On the basis of size and range of motion, muscles are anatomists assigned names to the muscles that provide
described as follows: clues to their identification. If you can learn to recognize
the clues, you will find it easier to remember the names
• An agonist, or prime mover, is a muscle whose and identify the muscles. The name of a muscle may
contraction is chiefly responsible for producing a include information about its fascicle organization,
particular movement. The biceps brachii muscle location, relative position, structure, size, shape, origin
is an agonist that produces flexion at the elbow. and insertion, or action.
• Antagonists are muscles whose actions
oppose that of the agonist under consideration. Fascicle Organization
The triceps brachii muscle is an agonist that
extends the elbow. It is therefore an antagonist A muscle name may refer to the orientation of the
of the biceps brachii muscle, and the biceps muscle fibers within a particular skeletal muscle. Rectus
brachii is an antagonist of the triceps brachii. means "straight," and rectus muscles are parallel
Agonists and antagonists are functional muscles whose fibers generally run along the long axis
opposites; if one produces flexion, the other will of the body. Because we have several rectus muscles,
produce extension. When an agonist contracts the name typically includes a second term that refers to
to produce a particular movement, the a precise region of the body. For example, the rectus
corresponding antagonist will be stretched, but it abdominis muscle is located on the abdomen, and the
will usually not relax completely. Instead, it will rectus femoris muscle on the thigh. Other directional
contract eccentrically, with the tension adjusted indicators include transversus and oblique for muscles
to control the speed of the movement and whose fibers run across or at an oblique angle to the
ensure its smoothness. You may find it easiest longitudinal axis of the body, respectively.
to learn about muscles in agonist/antagonist
pairs (flexors/extensors, abductors/adductors)
that act at a specific joint. This method highlights Location
the functions of the muscles involved, and it can
help organize the information in a logical They are common as modifiers that help identify
framework. The tables in this chapter are individual muscles, as in the case of the rectus muscles.
arranged to facilitate this approach. In a few cases, the muscle is such a prominent feature
• When a synergist contracts, it helps a larger of the region that the regional name alone will identify it.
agonist work efficiently. Synergists may provide Examples include the temporalis muscle of the head and
additional pull near the insertion or may stabilize the brachialis muscle of the arm.
the point of origin. Their importance in assisting
a particular movement may change as the Relative Position
movement progresses. In many cases, they are
most useful at the start, when the agonist is Muscles visible at the body surface are often called
stretched and unable to develop maximum externus or superficialis, whereas deeper muscles are
tension. For example, the latissimus dorsi termed internus or profundus. Superficial muscles that
muscle is a large trunk muscle that extends, position or stabilize an organ are extrinsic; muscles
adducts, and medially rotates the arm at the located entirely within the extrinsic organ are intrinsic.
shoulder joint. A much smaller muscle, the teres
major muscle, assists in starting such Structure, Size, and Shape
movements when the shoulder joint is at full
flexion. Synergists may also assist an agonist by
Some muscles are named after distinctive structural
preventing movement at another joint and
features. The biceps brachii muscle, for example, has
two tendons of origin; the triceps brachii muscle has
three; and the quadriceps group, four. Shape is and includes the remaining 40 percent of all
sometimes an important clue to the name of a muscle. skeletal muscles.
For example, the trapezius, deltoid, rhomboideus, and
orbicularis muscles look like a trapezoid, a triangle, a The major axial and appendicular muscles of the human
rhomboid, and a circle, respectively. Long muscles are body. These are the superficial muscles, which tend to
called longus (long) or longissimus (longest), and be relatively large. The superficial muscles cover deeper,
teres muscles are both long and round. Short muscles smaller muscles that cannot be seen unless the
are called brevis. Large ones are called magnus (big), overlying muscles are either removed or reflected--that
major (bigger), or maximus (biggest); and small ones is, cut and pulled out of the way. Later figures that show
are called minor (smaller) or minimus (smallest). deep muscles in specific regions will indicate whether
superficial muscles have been removed or reflected for
Origin and Insertion the sake of clarity.

Many names tell you the specific origin and insertion of Paying attention to patterns of origin, insertion, and
each muscle. In such cases, the first part of the name action, we will now examine representatives of both
indicates the origin, and the second part the insertion. muscular divisions. This discussion assumes that you
The genioglossus muscle, for example, originates at the already understand skeletal anatomy. As you examine
chin (geneion) and inserts in the tongue (glossus). the figures in this chapter, you will find that some bony
and cartilaginous landmarks are labeled for orientation
Action purposes. These labels are shown in italics, to
differentiate them from the muscles that are the primary
focus of each figure.
Many muscles are named flexor, extensor, retractor,
abductor, and so on. These are such common actions
that the names almost always include other clues as to Innervation is the distribution of nerves to a region or
the appearance or location of the muscle. For example, organ; the tables indicate the nerves that control each
the extensor carpi radialis longus muscle is a long muscle. Many of the muscles of the head and neck are
muscle along the radial (lateral) border of the forearm. innervated by cranial nerves, such as the facial nerve, or
When it contracts, its primary function is extension at the seventh cranial nerve (N VII), which innervates the facial
carpus (wrist). musculature. Cranial nerves originate at the brain and
pass through the foramina of the skull. Spinal nerves are
connected to the spinal cord and pass through the
A few muscles are named after the specific movements
intervertebral foramina. For example, spinal nerve L1
associated with special occupations or habits. The
passes between vertebrae L1 and L2 . Spinal nerves may
sartorius muscle is active when you cross your legs.
form a complex network, or plexus; one branch, such as
Before sewing machines were invented, a tailor would sit
the sciatic nerve of the thigh, may contain axons from
on the floor cross-legged, and the name of this muscle
several spinal nerves. Thus, many tables include the
was derived from sartor, the Latin word for "tailor." On
spinal nerves as well as the names of the peripheral
the face, the buccinator muscle compresses the cheeks,
as when you purse your lips and blow forcefully.
Buccinator translates as "trumpet player." Another facial
muscle, the risorius muscle, was supposedly named
after the mood expressed. The Latin term risor, however,
means "laugher"; a more appropriate description for the The axial muscles fall into logical groups on the basis of
effect would be "grimace." location, function, or both. The groups do not always
have distinct anatomical boundaries. For example, a
AXIAL AND APPENDICULAR MUSCLES function such as extension of the vertebral column
involves muscles along its entire length and flexion at
The separation of the skeletal system into axial and each of the intervertebral joints. We will discuss the axial
appendicular divisions provides a useful guideline for muscles in four groups:
subdividing the muscular system as well:
1. The muscles of the head and neck. This group
1. The axial musculature arises on the axial includes muscles that move the face, tongue,
skeleton. It positions the head and spinal column and larynx. They are therefore responsible for
and also moves the rib cage, assisting in the verbal and nonverbal communication—laughing,
movements that make breathing possible. It talking, frowning, smiling, whistling, and so on.
does not play a role in movement or support of You also use this group of muscles when you
either the pectoral or pelvic girdle or the limbs. eat—especially in sucking and chewing—and
This category encompasses roughly 60 percent even when you look for something to eat, by
of the skeletal muscles in the body. controlling your eye movements. This group
does not include muscles of the neck that are
2. The appendicular musculature stabilizes or
involved with movements of the vertebral
moves components of the appendicular skeleton
2. The muscles of the spine. This group includes covers the ventral surface of the neck, extending from
numerous flexors, extensors, and rotators of the the base of the neck to the periosteum of the mandible
vertebral column. and the fascia at the corner of the mouth.
3. The oblique and rectus muscles. This group
forms the muscular walls of the thoracic and Extrinsic Eye Muscles
abdominopelvic cavities between the first
thoracic vertebra and the pelvis. In the thoracic Six extrinsic eye muscles, or oculomotor muscles,
area these muscles are partitioned by the ribs, originating on the surface of the orbit control the position
but over the abdominal surface they form broad of each eye. These muscles are the inferior rectus,
muscular sheets. The neck also has oblique and medial rectus, superior rectus, lateral rectus, inferior
rectus muscles. Although they do not form a oblique, and superior oblique muscles. The extrinsic
complete muscular wall, they share a common eye muscles are innervated by the third (oculomotor),
developmental origin with the oblique and rectus fourth (trochlear), and sixth (abducens) cranial nerves.
muscles of the trunk.
4. The muscles of the pelvic floor. These muscles Muscles of Mastication
extend between the sacrum and pelvic girdle.
This group forms the perineum, a muscular The muscles of mastication move the mandible at the
sheet that closes the pelvic outlet. temporomandibular joint. The large masseter muscle is
the strongest jaw muscle. The temporalis muscle
MUSCLES OF THE HEAD AND NECK assists in elevation of the mandible. The pterygoid
muscles, used in various combinations, can elevate,
We can divide the muscles of the head and neck into depress, or protract the mandible or slide it from side to
several groups by function. The muscles of facial side, a movement called lateral excursion. These
expression, the muscles of mastication (chewing), the movements are important in making efficient use of your
muscles of the tongue, and the muscles of the pharynx teeth while you chew foods of various consistencies. The
originate on the skull or hyoid bone. Muscles involved muscles of mastication are innervated by the fifth cranial
with sight and hearing are also based on the skull. We nerve, the trigeminal nerve.
will consider here the extrinsic eye muscles--those
associated with movements of the eye. We shall discuss Muscles of the Tongue
the intrinsic eye muscles, which control the diameter of
the pupil and the shape of the lens, and the tiny skeletal The muscles of the tongue have names ending in
muscles associated with the auditory ossicles. In the glossus, the Greek word for "tongue." Once you can
neck, the extrinsic muscles of the larynx adjust the recall the structures referred to by palato-, stylo-, genio-,
position of the hyoid bone and larynx. and hyo-, you will follow this group. The palatoglossus
muscle originates at the palate, the styloglossus
Muscles of Facial Expression muscle at the styloid process of the temporal bone, the
genioglossus muscle at the chin, and the hyoglossus
The muscles of facial expression originate on the muscle at the hyoid bone. These muscles, used in
surface of the skull. At their insertions, the fibers of the various combinations, move the tongue in the delicate
epimysium are woven into those of the superficial fascia and complex patterns necessary for speech, and they
and the dermis of the skin: When they contract, the skin manipulate food within the mouth in preparation for
moves. These muscles are innervated by the facial swallowing. Most are innervated by the hypoglossal
nerve. nerve (N XII), a cranial nerve whose name indicates its
function and its location
The largest group of facial muscles is associated with
the mouth. The orbicularis oris muscle constricts the Muscles of the Pharynx
opening, and other muscles move the lips or the corners
of the mouth. The buccinator muscle has two functions The muscles of the pharynx are responsible for initiating
related to eating (in addition to its importance to the swallowing process. The pharyngeal constrictors
musicians). During chewing, it cooperates with the (superior, middle, and inferior) move materials into the
masticatory muscles by moving food back across the esophagus. The laryngeal elevators elevate the larynx.
teeth from the space inside the cheeks. In infants, the The palatal muscles, the tensor veli palatini and the
buccinator provides suction for suckling at the breast. levator veli palatini, raise the soft palate and adjacent
portions of the pharyngeal wall and also pull open the
Smaller groups of muscles control movements of the entrance to the auditory tube. As a result, swallowing
eyebrows and eyelids, the scalp, the nose, and the repeatedly can open the entrance to the auditory tube to
external ear. The epicranius, or scalp, contains two help you adjust to pressure changes when you fly or
muscles, the frontalis and the occipitalis muscles. dive.
These muscles are separated by the galea
aponeurotica, a collagenous sheet. The platysma Anterior Muscles of the Neck
The anterior muscles of the neck include (1) muscles
that control the position of the larynx, (2) muscles that
depress the mandible and tense the floor of the mouth,
and (3) muscles that provide a stable foundation for
muscles of the tongue and pharynx. The
digastric muscle has two bellies, as the name implies.
One belly extends from the chin to the hyoid bone, and
the other continues from the hyoid bone to the mastoid
portion of the temporal bone. Depending on which belly
contracts and whether fixator muscles are stabilizing the
position of the hyoid bone, the digastric muscle can open
the mouth by depressing the mandible, or it can elevate
the larynx by raising the hyoid bone. The digastric
muscle overlies the broad, flat mylohyoid muscle, which
provides a muscular floor to the mouth. The stylohyoid
muscle forms a muscular connection between the hyoid
bone and the styloid process of the skull. The
sternocleidomastoid muscle extends from the clavicle
and the sternum to the mastoid region of the skull. The
omohyoid muscle attaches to the scapula, the clavicle
and first rib, and the hyoid bone. The other members of
this group are straplike muscles that extend between the
sternum and larynx (sternothyroid) or hyoid bone
(sternohyoid), between the larynx and hyoid bone
(thyrohyoid), and between the hyoid bone and chin

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