Science of Ayurveda

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To address the various health threatening issues raised in the earlier session, we now will discuss the relevance of the time-tested holistic ancient technologies which have been revalidated through rigorous scientific tests & trials in the recent past.

Ayurveda Its meaning

Ayurveda is the combination of 2 words

Ayur - Veda
Ayur meaning The Whole Lifespan Veda meaning Total Knowledge

The science of Ayurveda, therefore, encompasses treatment of the total knowledge of the whole Lifespan.

Ayurveda Its Purpose

Preserving the health of healthy and eliminating suffering of the sick

Health according to Ayurveda

Balance in Doshas, Balance in Agnis, Balance in Dhatus, Proper elimination, Blissful Senses, Mind and Bliss at the deepest level of Soul is


3 fundamental principles governing body functions
The Human Body & Health System simplified into

three fundamental principles:

Vata - governs all the movements Pitta - governs digestion, metabolism & energy

production Kapha- governs physical structure & fluid balance.

3 fundamental principles governing bodily functions

These 3- principles(Vata, Pitta, Kapha) govern all the

activities of mind & body.

When V,P,K, are in balance, health is optimal. When the balance is disturbed, health problems


3 fundamental principles governing body functions

3- fundamental Results of balance principles & Their basic functions VATA: Mental alertness, strong Governs central & immunity, sound sleep, sympathetic nervous proper formation of body system and body tissues, normal elimination, movements energy. PITTA: Sharp intellect, normal heat & Governs thermo-genesis thirst mechanisms, lustrous & metabolism- digestion, complexion. blood colouration & formation of various secretions & excretions KAPHA: Muscular strength, vitality & Governs thermo- taxis & stamina, stability of mind, formation of various healthy normal joints. preservative fluids, e.g., mucus, etc. Results of imbalance Dullness, intolerance of cold, insomnia Underweight, constipation, rough skin, common fatigue, tension headache, anxiety, and worry. Excessive body heat, heartburn premature graying, baldness, rashes, skin inflammations, visual problems, irritability.

Lethargy & dullness, slow digestion, obesity, sinus congestion, oily skin, nasal allergies

Five Elements & the Three Doshas

Agnis (the Digestive Fires)

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Fire is one of Natures 5 basic elements. Fire (heat), in our body, takes the form of the digestive Juices, known as Agni. Ayurvedic treatment is mostly about sustaining and balancing digestive fire (Agni). Agni, having the qualities of heat and transformation, is responsible for cooking and digesting the food.


JATHAR AGNI (made up of 5 Bhootagnis). 5- BHOOT AGNIS (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space). 7- DHATU AGNIS ( Plasma, Blood, Muscle tissue, Fat tissue, Bone tissue, Bone marrow & tissue of the nervous system, reproductive tissue.


formed by all 5-elements, cooks (transforms) food into 2 substances

PRASAD Nutritive matter With some waste matter

KITT Basically waste matter With some nutritive matter

Undergoes further digestion, transformation & metabolism

Undergoes further digestion, transformation & metabolism



Dhatuagnis Dhatus
(7-Body Tissue)


Dhatus (Body Tissues)

Three Doshas express themselves through Dhatus. Doshas govern Dhatus which in turn makeup body organs Balanced Dhatus mean normal development of body Structure Imbalance in any one of Dhatus leads to abnormalities in Body structure and its development

The Seven Dhatus

(Body Tissues) Rasa Rakta Mamsa Meda Asthi Majja Shukra Plasma, the first product of digestion and metabolism. Blood, including haemoglobin muscle tissue fat tissue bone tissue bone marrow, tissue of the nervous system reproductive tissues

Malas (Waste Products)

Post digestion, human body eliminates waste Products mainly in the form of foeces and Urine. However in the process of forming of Dhatus, waste products, called Dhatu Malas are also produced. All the Malas need to be eliminated for good health. If Malas are not eliminated properly, toxins start Accumulating resulting into disease onset.

The Seven Tissues (Dhatus) and Their Normal Waste Products (Malas)
Dhatu Rasa (plasma) Rakta (blood) Mamsa (muscle) Mala Phlegm (Kapha) Bile (Pitta) Excreta from the outer openings (Ears, Eyes, Mouth, Nose, Roots of Hair) Sweat Head and Body Hair, Finger and Toe-nails Oily substances in the eyes, Skin, and Foeces No waste product

Meda (fat) Asthi (bones) Majja (bone marrow, nervous system)



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