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13th June 2013


Bahrain on Video: Police Interrogation of Youth Making False Confession Goes Viral
A video allegedly showing a forced confession from a young, highly distressed Bahraini man has gone viral on YouTube, triggering controversy about the use of torture by authorities in the tiny Gulf island. The footage, uploaded by Bahrain's security ofcer Abdulrahman Al Mannai, depicts the interrogation on a young man called Hussain Jamil Jaffar Ali Marhoon, from Hamad Town. The young man confesses to police that he was instructed by two top Shia clerics, Sheikh Issa Qassim and Sheikh Ali Salman, to kill ofcers for 10 BD (16) a day. The policeman also asks whether the prisoner had been abused by the police. Ali Marhoon, looking distressed, says his injuries were the consequence of a "fall." Read More arrested a number of suspects in a string of recent violent crimes, the Interior Ministry said on Wednesday evening. Four persons, all aged 18, were accused of causing the death of a Bahraini national, Ahmad Al Dhufairi, on April 16, 2012, in an explosion resulting from a homemade bomb left inside burning tyres at Roundabout 18 in Hamad Town, south of Manama. Read More who were leading the coalition from abroad, some of whom are based in London. The government has stressed that the groups members frequently travel between Iran, Iraq and Lebanon to obtain nancial and moral support as well as weapons training, as well as communicate with leaders in Iranto receive direct nancial support and eld instructions Read More

Bahrain swoops on opposition youth group

Bahraini authorities announced Thursday they have identied and arrested leading members of the radical Shiite opposition February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition, an inuential clandestine cyber-group accused of links to Iran.

"After an extensive investigation, several members of the February 14 terrorist organisation were identied... (and) the main actors who took part in criminal acts have been arrested," the interior ministry said in a statement. The February 14 Coalition has been the main motor behind a Shiite-led uprising that began in 2011 to demand more rights from the ruling Sunni dynasty. Read More Thursday of taking part "in criminal acts" and "terrorist" activities.

Bahrain arrests 'Iranlinked' cyber group

Authorities in Bahrain say they have identied and arrested leading members of the Shia opposition February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition, an inuential cyber-group accused of working against the government and having links to Iran. In making the arrests, the country's interior ministry accused the opposition on

Bahrain arrests 44 in terrorism cases

Bahrains Interior Ministry has announced the arrest of 44 people, including two women, on suspicion of commiting terrorist acts in 11 different cases. As part of ongoing efforts to maintain peace and security, the police conducted an extensive investigation and have

The February 14 Coalition has been the main force behind a Shia-led uprising that began in 2011 to demand more rights from the country's ruling Sunni leaders. The ministry identied the group's spiritual leader as Hadi al-Mudaressi, a leading Shia cleric living in the Iraqi holy city of Karbala. Read More committed over the last few months, and after an extensive investigation, a number of the February 14 organisations main actors who took part in these and other criminal acts have been arrested, the ministry added. The detainees have confessed their involvement in these dangerous terrorist acts to the public prosecutor, it said. Read More

Bahrain officials identify and arrest members of February 14 Movement

The Bahrain Interior Ministry announced that it had identied members of the February 14 movement who have alleged links to a string of crimes committed over the last few months. It named 11arrested suspects as well as 13 individuals

Bahrain identifies February 14 movement leaders

The interior ministry in Bahrain said that it had identied several members of the February 14 organisation for crimes committed in connection with a wave of attacks on the kingdom. As a result of the discovery of a string of crimes

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