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CSE20 - Discrete Mathematics

Dr. Cynthia Bailey Lee Dr. Mia Minnes and and

iClicker frequency BB Reminder: Final exam will be 6/12/2013 11:30am - 2:29pm In this room

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Todays topics
Reviewing for Final Exam

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Propositions, propositional variables Logical connectives Truth tables Equivalence of propositions Valid argument forms Normal forms: DNF, CNF Predicate quantiers Paradoxes Complete logical connectives Direct proofs Generalizing from a generic particular
Minnes (CSE20)

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Contrapositive proofs Proofs by cases Proof by contradiction Induction Graphs Sets Relations Equivalence relations Strong induction Reachability Big-O , big-, big- Hardware logic
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Reference table

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Choose your own adventure:

Which examples would you like to see? A. for yes; B. for no Predicate Quantiers (2 questions) Logical equivalences (1 question) Proof techniques (2 questions) Proof by contradiction (2 questions) Sets and relations (2 questions) Strong induction (2 questions) Reachability (1 question) Big-O, Big-, Big- (1 question) Logic circuits and hardware (1 question) Number systems (2 questions)

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Predicate Quantiers, Q1

In the domain of fruit, we use the predicate Love(x,y) to represent the sentence x loves y. Consider the two statements below: (I) y x .Love (x , y ) (II) x y .Love (x , y )

(a) Write the English translation of statement (I):

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Predicate Quantiers, Q1

In the domain of fruit, we use the predicate Love(x,y) to represent the sentence x loves y. Consider the two statements below: (I) y x .Love (x , y ) (II) x y .Love (x , y )

(a) Write the English translation of statement (I): There is a fruit that no fruit loves.

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Predicate Quantiers, Q1

In the domain of fruit, we use the predicate Love(x,y) to represent the sentence x loves y. Consider the two statements below: (I) y x .Love (x , y ) (II) x y .Love (x , y )

(b) Write the English translation of statement (II):

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Predicate Quantiers, Q1

In the domain of fruit, we use the predicate Love(x,y) to represent the sentence x loves y. Consider the two statements below: (I) y x .Love (x , y ) (II) x y .Love (x , y )

(b) Write the English translation of statement (II): Each fruit loves some fruit.

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Predicate Quantiers, Q1
In the domain of fruit, we use the predicate Love(x,y) to represent the sentence x loves y. Consider the two statements below: (I) y x .Love (x , y ) (II) x y .Love (x , y ) (c) In the diagram below, we represent the predicate P (x , y ) as an arrow from x to y . The diagram below currently shows that apple loves banana is true. Draw additional arrows in the diagram below to create a situation where BOTH of the above statements (I) and (II) are true of the diagram.

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Predicate Quantiers, Q2

In the domain of integers, consider the following predicates: L(x) = x is even M(x) = x is odd N(x,y,z) = x plus y is equal to z (a) Write Every integer is either even or odd but not both in predicate logic. (b) Write the formal negation of your proposition from part (a).

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Predicate Quantiers, Q2

In the domain of integers, consider the following predicates: L(x) = x is even M(x) = x is odd N(x,y,z) = x plus y is equal to z (a) Write Every integer is either even or odd but not both in predicate logic. x (x is even or odd but not both)

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Predicate Quantiers, Q2

In the domain of integers, consider the following predicates: L(x) = x is even M(x) = x is odd N(x,y,z) = x plus y is equal to z (a) Write Every integer is either even or odd but not both in predicate logic. x ((L(x ) M (x )) (L(x ) M (x )))

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Predicate Quantiers, Q2

In the domain of integers, consider the following predicates: L(x) = x is even M(x) = x is odd N(x,y,z) = x plus y is equal to z (b) Write the formal negation of your proposition from part (a). x ((L(x ) M (x )) (L(x ) M (x )))

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Predicate Quantiers, Q2

In the domain of integers, consider the following predicates: L(x) = x is even M(x) = x is odd N(x,y,z) = x plus y is equal to z (b) Write the formal negation of your proposition from part (a). x ((L(x ) M (x )) (L(x ) M (x )))

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Predicate Quantiers, Q2

In the domain of integers, consider the following predicates: L(x) = x is even M(x) = x is odd N(x,y,z) = x plus y is equal to z (b) Write the formal negation of your proposition from part (a). x ((L(x ) M (x )) (L(x ) M (x )))

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Predicate Quantiers, Q2

In the domain of integers, consider the following predicates: L(x) = x is even M(x) = x is odd N(x,y,z) = x plus y is equal to z (b) Write the formal negation of your proposition from part (a). x ((L(x ) M (x ))(L(x ) M (x )))

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Predicate Quantiers, Q2

In the domain of integers, consider the following predicates: L(x) = x is even M(x) = x is odd N(x,y,z) = x plus y is equal to z (b) Write the formal negation of your proposition from part (a). x ((L(x ) M (x ))(L(x ) M (x )))

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Predicate Quantiers, Q2

In the domain of integers, consider the following predicates: L(x) = x is even M(x) = x is odd N(x,y,z) = x plus y is equal to z (b) Write the formal negation of your proposition from part (a). x (L(x )M (x )) (L(x ) M (x ))

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Predicate Quantiers, Q2

In the domain of integers, consider the following predicates: L(x) = x is even M(x) = x is odd N(x,y,z) = x plus y is equal to z (b) Write the formal negation of your proposition from part (a). x (L(x ) M (x )) (L(x ) M (x )) There is an integer that is either both not even and not odd, or both even and odd.

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Logical equivalences

Prove that (p q r ) (p (q r )) (q r ) (p (q r ))

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Logical equivalences

Prove that (p q r ) (p (q r )) (q r ) (p (q r )) First approach: truth-table Recall that need to show that step-by-step truth table for (p q r ) (p (q r )) (q r ) (p (q r )) has all T in last column.

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Logical equivalences
Prove that (p q r ) (p (q r )) (q r ) (p (q r )) First approach: truth-table Recall that need to show that step-by-step truth table for (p q r ) (p (q r )) (q r ) (p (q r )) has all T in last column.
p q r p z }| { p q r


z }| { p (q r )


z }| { qr


(A B ) (C B )

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Logical equivalences, contd

p F F F F T T T T

q F F T T F F T T

r F T F T F T F T

z }| { p q r


z }| { p (q r )


z }| { qr


(A B ) (C B )

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Logical equivalences, contd

p F F F F T T T T

q F F T T F F T T

r F T F T F T F T

p T T T T F F F F

z }| { p q r


z }| { p (q r )


z }| { qr


(A B ) (C B )

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Logical equivalences, contd

p F F F F T T T T

q F F T T F F T T

r F T F T F T F T

p T T T T F F F F

z }| { p q r F F F T F F F F


z }| { p (q r )


z }| { qr


(A B ) (C B )

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Logical equivalences, contd

p F F F F T T T T

q F F T T F F T T

r F T F T F T F T

p T T T T F F F F

z }| { p q r F F F T F F F F

qr F T T T F T T T

z }| { p (q r )


z }| { qr


(A B ) (C B )

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Logical equivalences, contd

p F F F F T T T T

q F F T T F F T T

r F T F T F T F T

p T T T T F F F F

z }| { p q r F F F T F F F F

qr F T T T F T T T

z }| { p (q r ) F F F F F T T T


z }| { qr


(A B ) (C B )

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Logical equivalences, contd

p F F F F T T T T

q F F T T F F T T

r F T F T F T F T

p T T T T F F F F

z }| { p q r F F F T F F F F

qr F T T T F T T T

z }| { p (q r ) F F F F F T T T


z }| { qr


(A B ) (C B )

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Logical equivalences, contd

p F F F F T T T T

q F F T T F F T T

r F T F T F T F T

p T T T T F F F F

z }| { p q r F F F T F F F F

qr F T T T F T T T

z }| { p (q r ) F F F F F T T T


z }| { qr F F F T F F F T


(A B ) (C B )

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Logical equivalences, contd

p F F F F T T T T

q F F T T F F T T

r F T F T F T F T

p T T T T F F F F

z }| { p q r F F F T F F F F

qr F T T T F T T T

z }| { p (q r ) F F F F F T T T


z }| { qr F F F T F F F T


(A B ) (C B )

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Logical equivalences, contd

p F F F F T T T T

q F F T T F F T T

r F T F T F T F T

p T T T T F F F F

z }| { p q r F F F T F F F F

qr F T T T F T T T

z }| { p (q r ) F F F F F T T T


z }| { qr F F F T F F F T


(A B ) (C B ) T T T T T T T T

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Logical equivalences, contd

Prove that (p q r ) (p (q r )) (q r ) (p (q r )) Second approach: table of logical equivalences and valid argument forms (p q r ) (p (q r )) (q r ) (p (q r )) LHS . . . use Distributivity, commutativity, universal bound . . .

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Proof techniques

To prove the theorem blah BLAH By direct proof: *A. Assume blah B. Assume BLAH C. Assume not blah D. Assume not BLAH E. None of the above. WTS BLAH WTS blah WTS not BLAH WTS not blah

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Proof techniques

To prove the theorem blah BLAH By contrapositive proof: A. Assume blah B. Assume BLAH C. Assume not blah *D. Assume not BLAH E. None of the above. WTS BLAH WTS blah WTS not BLAH WTS not blah

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Proof techniques

To prove the theorem blah BLAH By contradiction: A. Assume blah B. Assume BLAH C. Assume not blah D. Assume not BLAH *E. None of the above. WTS BLAH WTS blah WTS not BLAH WTS not blah

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Proofs, Q2

Prove the theorem: For any integer, x , if x 2 6x + 5 is even then x is odd. Any step that relies on something other than basic algebra must be justied/proved as part of your proof.

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Proofs, Q2

Thm. For any integer, x , if x 2 6x + 5 is even then x is odd. Proof:

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Proofs, Q2

Thm. For any integer, x , if x 2 6x + 5 is even then x is odd. x (E (x 2 6x + 5) O (x )) Proof: Domain: integers

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Proofs, Q2

Thm. For any integer, x , if x 2 6x + 5 is even then x is odd. x (E (x 2 6x + 5) O (x )) Proof:

Let x be an integer. Generalizing from generic particular WTS: if x 2 6x + 5 is even then x is odd

Domain: integers

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Proofs, Q2

Thm. For any integer, x , if x 2 6x + 5 is even then x is odd. x (E (x 2 6x + 5) O (x )) Proof:

Let x be an integer. Generalizing from generic particular WTS: if x 2 6x + 5 is even then x is odd Assume (for contrapositve) : WTS (for contrapositive) :

Domain: integers

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Proofs, Q2

Thm. For any integer, x , if x 2 6x + 5 is even then x is odd. x (E (x 2 6x + 5) O (x )) Proof:

Let x be an integer. Generalizing from generic particular WTS: if x 2 6x + 5 is even then x is odd Assume (for contrapositve) : x is even WTS (for contrapositive) : x 2 6x + 5 is odd

Domain: integers

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Proofs, Q2
Thm. For any integer, x , if x 2 6x + 5 is even then x is odd. x (E (x 2 6x + 5) O (x )) Proof:
Let x be an integer. Generalizing from generic particular WTS: if x 2 6x + 5 is even then x is odd Assume (for contrapositve) : x is even WTS (for contrapositive) : x 2 6x + 5 is odd Body of the proof: By denition of even, there is an integer a such that x = 2a Multiplying and factoring: x 2 6x + 5 = (2a)2 6(2a) + 5 = 2(2a2 6a) + 5 = 2(2a2 6a + 2) + 1 Since 2a2 6a + 2 is an integer (integers are closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication), we conclude that x 2 6x + 5 is an odd number, yay!.
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Domain: integers

Proofs, Q2
Thm. For any integer, x , if x 2 6x + 5 is even then x is odd. x (E (x 2 6x + 5) O (x )) Proof:
Let x be an integer. Generalizing from generic particular WTS: if x 2 6x + 5 is even then x is odd Assume (for contrapositve) : x is even WTS (for contrapositive) : x 2 6x + 5 is odd Body of the proof: By denition of even, there is an integer a such that x = 2a Multiplying and factoring: x 2 6x + 5 = (2a)2 6(2a) + 5 = 2(2a2 6a) + 5 = 2(2a2 6a + 2) + 1 Since 2a2 6a + 2 is an integer (integers are closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication), we conclude that x 2 6x + 5 is an odd number, yay!. Conclusion, therefore, for any integers x , if x 2 6x + 5 is even then x is odd QED.
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Domain: integers

Proof by contradiction

To prove the theorem The product of two rational numbers is rational by contradiction, the assumption that we made (towards a contradiction) is A. x y (Q (x ) Q (y ) Q (xy )) B. x y (Q (x ) Q (y ) Q (xy )) C. x y (Q (x ) Q (y ) Q (xy )) *D. x y (Q (x ) Q (y ) Q (xy )) E. x y (Q (x ) Q (y ) Q (xy ))

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Proof by contradiction, Q2

Theorem. There are no positive integer solutions to the diophantine equation x 2 y 2 = 1. Proof: (by contradiction)

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Proof by contradiction, Q2

Theorem. There are no positive integer solutions to the diophantine equation x 2 y 2 = 1. Proof: (by contradiction) Assume, for a contradiction, that . . .
We need to negate the whole theorem. That is, a, b N(a2 b 2 = 1). But we need to bring the negation inside . . .

a, b N(a2 b 2 = 1).

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Proof by contradiction, Q2

Theorem. There are no positive integer solutions to the diophantine equation x 2 y 2 = 1. Proof: (by contradiction) Assume, for a contradiction, that . . . a, b N(a2 b 2 = 1). We need to deduce from this a contradiction. Let a, b witness the existential statement.

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Proof by contradiction, Q2

Theorem. There are no positive integer solutions to the diophantine equation x 2 y 2 = 1. Proof: (by contradiction) Assume, for a contradiction, that . . . a, b N(a2 b 2 = 1). We need to deduce from this a contradiction. Let a, b witness the existential statement. Then a, b are positive integers and a2 b 2 = 1.

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Proof by contradiction, Q2

Theorem. There are no positive integer solutions to the diophantine equation x 2 y 2 = 1. Proof: (by contradiction) Assume, for a contradiction, that . . . a, b N(a2 b 2 = 1). We need to deduce from this a contradiction. Let a, b witness the existential statement. Then a, b are positive integers and a2 b 2 = 1. We factor the LHS: But a + b , a b Z. (a + b )(a b ) = a2 b 2 = 1. Notice that the only integer factors of 1 are 1, 1 .

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Proof by contradiction, Q2
Theorem. There are no positive integer solutions to the diophantine equation x 2 y 2 = 1. Proof: (by contradiction) Assume, for a contradiction, that . . . a, b N(a2 b 2 = 1). We need to deduce from this a contradiction. Let a, b witness the existential statement. Then a, b are positive integers and a2 b 2 = 1. We factor the LHS: But a + b , a b Z. Therefore, either a + b = a b = 1 or a + b = a b = 1. (a + b )(a b ) = a2 b 2 = 1. Notice that the only integer factors of 1 are 1, 1 .

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Proof by contradiction, Q2
Theorem. There are no positive integer solutions to the diophantine equation x 2 y 2 = 1. Proof: (by contradiction) Assume, for a contradiction, that . . . a, b N(a2 b 2 = 1). We need to deduce from this a contradiction. Let a, b witness the existential statement. Then a, b are positive integers and a2 b 2 = 1. We factor the LHS: (a + b )(a b ) = a2 b 2 = 1. Notice that the only integer factors of 1 are 1, 1 . But a + b , a b Z. Therefore, either a + b = a b = 1 or a + b = a b = 1. In the rst case, a = b + 1 so a + b = b + 1 + b = 2b + 1 = 1 so b = 0. But, then, its not a positive integer, contradicting our assumption. In the second case,
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Proof by contradiction, Q2
Theorem. There are no positive integer solutions to the diophantine equation x 2 y 2 = 1. Proof: (by contradiction) Assume, for a contradiction, that . . . a, b N(a2 b 2 = 1). We need to deduce from this a contradiction. Let a, b witness the existential statement. Then a, b are positive integers and a2 b 2 = 1. We factor the LHS: (a + b )(a b ) = a2 b 2 = 1. Notice that the only integer factors of 1 are 1, 1 . But a + b , a b Z. Therefore, either a + b = a b = 1 or a + b = a b = 1. In the rst case, . . . contradicting our assumption. In the second case, a = b 1 so a + b = b 1 + b = 2b 1 = 1, so b = 0. But, then, its not a positive integer, contradicting our assumption.
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Proof by contradiction, Q2
Theorem. There are no positive integer solutions to the diophantine equation x 2 y 2 = 1. Proof: (by contradiction) Assume, for a contradiction, that . . . a, b N(a2 b 2 = 1). We need to deduce from this a contradiction. Let a, b witness the existential statement. Then a, b are positive integers and a2 b 2 = 1. We factor the LHS: (a + b )(a b ) = a2 b 2 = 1. Notice that the only integer factors of 1 are 1, 1 . But a + b , a b Z. Therefore, either a + b = a b = 1 or a + b = a b = 1. In the rst case, . . . contradicting our assumption. In the second case, . . . contradicting our assumption. Thus, we get a contradiction. We conclude that there are no positive integer solutions to x 2 y 2 = 1. QED
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Sets, Q1

The universal set for this problem is N = {x Z : x > 0}. Consider the following sets. A = The set of all even numbers. B = The set of all prime numbers. C = The set of all multiples of 3. D = The set of all multiples of 12. Using only the symbols A, B , C , D , N, , , =, =, , , , , (, and ), write the following statements in set notation. None of the prime numbers are multiples of 12.

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Sets, Q1
The universal set for this problem is N = {x Z : x > 0}. Consider the following sets. A = The set of all even numbers. B = The set of all prime numbers. C = The set of all multiples of 3. D = The set of all multiples of 12. Using only the symbols A, B , C , D , N, , , =, =, , , , , (, and ), write the following statements in set notation. None of the prime numbers are multiples of 12. B D =

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Sets, Q1

The universal set for this problem is N = {x Z : x > 0}. Consider the following sets. A = The set of all even numbers. B = The set of all prime numbers. C = The set of all multiples of 3. D = The set of all multiples of 12. Using only the symbols A, B , C , D , N, , , =, =, , , , , (, and ), write the following statements in set notation. All multiples of 12 are also multiples of 3.

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Sets, Q1
The universal set for this problem is N = {x Z : x > 0}. Consider the following sets. A = The set of all even numbers. B = The set of all prime numbers. C = The set of all multiples of 3. D = The set of all multiples of 12. Using only the symbols A, B , C , D , N, , , =, =, , , , , (, and ), write the following statements in set notation. All multiples of 12 are also multiples of 3. DC

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Sets, Q1

The universal set for this problem is N = {x Z : x > 0}. Consider the following sets. A = The set of all even numbers. B = The set of all prime numbers. C = The set of all multiples of 3. D = The set of all multiples of 12. Using only the symbols A, B , C , D , N, , , =, =, , , , , (, and ), write the following statements in set notation. There are odd primes.

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Sets, Q1
The universal set for this problem is N = {x Z : x > 0}. Consider the following sets. A = The set of all even numbers. B = The set of all prime numbers. C = The set of all multiples of 3. D = The set of all multiples of 12. Using only the symbols A, B , C , D , N, , , =, =, , , , , (, and ), write the following statements in set notation. There are odd primes. A B =

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Sets, Q1

The universal set for this problem is N = {x Z : x > 0}. Consider the following sets. A = The set of all even numbers. B = The set of all prime numbers. C = The set of all multiples of 3. D = The set of all multiples of 12. Using only the symbols A, B , C , D , N, , , =, =, , , , , (, and ), write the following statements in set notation. All the multiples of twelve are even and not prime.

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Sets, Q1
The universal set for this problem is N = {x Z : x > 0}. Consider the following sets. A = The set of all even numbers. B = The set of all prime numbers. C = The set of all multiples of 3. D = The set of all multiples of 12. Using only the symbols A, B , C , D , N, , , =, =, , , , , (, and ), write the following statements in set notation. All the multiples of twelve are even and not prime. D AB

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Sets, Q1
The universal set for this problem is N = {x Z : x > 0}. Consider the following sets. A = The set of all even numbers. B = The set of all prime numbers. C = The set of all multiples of 3. D = The set of all multiples of 12. Using only the symbols A, B , C , D , N, , , =, =, , , , , (, and ), write the following statements in set notation. Bonus: Prove D C . Prove C B .

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Sets and relations

Let U be a xed nite set with at least two elements. Consider the relation R on S = P (U ) given by R (X , Y ) if and only if X Y.

A. R is reexive, symmetric, and transitive. *B. R is reexive and transitive; R is not symmetric. C. R is symmetric and transitive; R is not reexive. D. R is reexive and symmetric; R is not transitive. E. None of the above.

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Strong induction, Example 1

Consider the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . dened by a1 = 1, a2 = 2, a3 = 3, an = an1 + an2 + an3 if n 4

Theorem. For all integers n 1, an < 2n .

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Strong induction, Example 1

Consider the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . dened by a1 = 1, a2 = 2, a3 = 3, an = an1 + an2 + an3 if n 4

Theorem. For all integers n 1, an < 2n . Before we prove the theorem, lets write out the rst few terms of the sequence: A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, B. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 *C. 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 20 D. 1, 2, 3, 7, 15, 31 E. None of the above

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Strong induction, Example 1 (contd)

Consider the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . dened by a1 = 1, a2 = 2, a3 = 3, an = an1 + an2 + an3 if n 4

Theorem. For all integers n 1, an < 2n . Proof. By strong induction on n

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Strong induction, Example 1 (contd)

Consider the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . dened by a1 = 1, a2 = 2, a3 = 3, an = an1 + an2 + an3 if n 4

Theorem. For all integers n 1, an < 2n . Proof. By strong induction on n Base step:

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Strong induction, Example 1 (contd)

Consider the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . dened by a1 = 1, a2 = 2, a3 = 3, an = an1 + an2 + an3 if n 4

Theorem. For all integers n 1, an < 2n . Proof. By strong induction on n Base step: WTS a1 < 21 and a2 < 22 and a3 < 23

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Strong induction, Example 1 (contd)

Consider the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . dened by a1 = 1, a2 = 2, a3 = 3, an = an1 + an2 + an3 if n 4

Theorem. For all integers n 1, an < 2n . Proof. By strong induction on n Base step: WTS a1 < 21 and a2 < 22 and a3 < 23

By denition, a1 = 1 and 21 = 2. Thus, since 1 < 2, a1 < 21 By denition, a2 = 2 and 22 = 4. Thus, since 2 < 4, a2 < 22 By denition, a3 = 3 and 23 = 8. Thus, since 3 < 8, a3 < 23

. . .

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Strong induction, Example 1 (contd)

Consider the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . dened by a1 = 1, a2 = 2, a3 = 3, an = an1 + an2 + an3 if n 4

Theorem. For all integers n 1, an < 2n . Proof. By strong induction on n Base step: a1 < 21 and a2 < 22 and a3 < 23 Induction step: Let n 3.
Assume WTS

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Strong induction, Example 1 (contd)

Consider the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . dened by a1 = 1, a2 = 2, a3 = 3, an = an1 + an2 + an3 if n 4

Theorem. For all integers n 1, an < 2n . Proof. By strong induction on n Base step: a1 < 21 and a2 < 22 and a3 < 23 Induction step: Let n 3.

Assume a1 < 21 , a2 < 22 , a3 < 23 , . . . , an < 2n WTS an+1 < 2n+1

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Strong induction, Example 1 (contd)

Consider the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . dened by a1 = 1, a2 = 2, a3 = 3, an = an1 + an2 + an3 if n 4

Theorem. For all integers n 1, an < 2n . Proof. By strong induction on n Base step: a1 < 21 and a2 < 22 and a3 < 23 Induction step: Let n 3.

Assume a1 < 21 , a2 < 22 , a3 < 23 , . . . , an < 2n WTS an+1 < 2n+1 Since n 3, adding 1 to each side gives that n + 1 4. Therefore, the denition of an+1 is an+1 = an + an1 + an2 .

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Strong induction, Example 1 (contd)

Consider the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . dened by a1 = 1, a2 = 2, a3 = 3, an = an1 + an2 + an3 if n 4

Theorem. For all integers n 1, an < 2n . Proof. By strong induction on n Base step: a1 < 21 and a2 < 22 and a3 < 23 Induction step: Let n 3.

Assume a1 < 21 , a2 < 22 , a3 < 23 , . . . , an < 2n WTS an+1 < 2n+1 Since n 3, adding 1 to each side gives that n + 1 4. Therefore, the denition of an+1 is an+1 = an + an1 + an2 . Applying the induction assumption (to an , an1 , an2 ), an+1 < 2n + 2n1 + 2n2 .

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Strong induction, Example 1 (contd)

Consider the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . dened by a1 = 1, a2 = 2, a3 = 3, an = an1 + an2 + an3 if n 4 Theorem. For all integers n 1, an < 2n . Proof. By strong induction on n Base step: a1 < 21 and a2 < 22 and a3 < 23 Induction step: Let n 3.

Assume a1 < 21 , a2 < 22 , a3 < 23 , . . . , an < 2n WTS an+1 < 2n+1 Since n 3, adding 1 to each side gives that n + 1 4. Therefore, the denition of an+1 is an+1 = an + an1 + an2 . Applying the induction assumption (to an , an1 , an2 ), an+1 < 2n + 2n1 + 2n2 . Factoring the RHS of the inequality: an+1 < 2n2 (22 + 21 + 1) = 2n2 (4 + 2 + 1) = 2n2 (7)

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Strong induction, Example 1 (contd)

Consider the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . dened by a1 = 1, a2 = 2, a3 = 3, an = an1 + an2 + an3 if n 4 Theorem. For all integers n 1, an < 2n . Proof. By strong induction on n Base step: a1 < 21 and a2 < 22 and a3 < 23 Induction step: Let n 3.

Assume a1 < 21 , a2 < 22 , a3 < 23 , . . . , an < 2n WTS an+1 < 2n+1 Since n 3, adding 1 to each side gives that n + 1 4. Therefore, the denition of an+1 is an+1 = an + an1 + an2 . Applying the induction assumption (to an , an1 , an2 ), an+1 < 2n + 2n1 + 2n2 . Factoring the RHS of the inequality: an+1 < 2n2 (22 + 21 + 1) = 2n2 (4 + 2 + 1) = 2n2 (7) < 2n2 8 = 2n2 23 = 2n+1

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Strong induction, Example 1 (contd)

Consider the sequence a1 , a2 , a3 , . . . dened by a1 = 1, a2 = 2, a3 = 3, an = an1 + an2 + an3 if n 4

Theorem. For all integers n 1, an < 2n . Proof. By strong induction on n Base step: a1 < 21 and a2 < 22 and a3 < 23 Induction step: Let n 3.

Assume a1 < 21 , a2 < 22 , a3 < 23 , . . . , an < 2n WTS an+1 < 2n+1

Thus, the induction holds and we have proved that for all n 1, an < 2n QED

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Strong induction, Example 2: (5/22 lecture)

Consider the sequence dened recursively as 9 10 d2 = , ... dk = (dk 1 )(dk 2 ) for integers k 3. d1 = , 10 11 Theorem: For all positive integers n, 0 < dn < 1. Proof: (by strong mathematical induction)
Base step: WTS [P (a)] . . ., as required for the base step. Induction step: Let n be [an arbitrary element in the domain]
Assume [k n P (k )] WTS [P (n + 1)] ... So the induction holds.

Conclusion, for all integers n greater than or equal to a, P (n), QED.

What is base step value, a? A. 0 *B. 1

Minnes (CSE20)

C. 2 D. n
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Strong induction, Example 2: (5/22 lecture)

Consider the sequence dened recursively as d1 = 9 , 10 d2 = 10 , 11 ... dk = (dk 1 )(dk 2 ) for integers k 3.

Theorem: For all positive integers n, 0 < dn < 1. Proof: (by strong mathematical induction)
Base step: WTS 0 < d1 < 1 and 0 < d2 < 1 Note 2 base steps! Induction step: Let n be a positive integer
Assume for each k such that 0 < k n, we have 0 < dk < 1 WTS 0 < dn+1 < 1 ... So the induction holds.

Conclusion, for all positive integers n, 0 < dn < 1. QED.

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Strong induction, Example 2: (5/22 lecture)

Consider the sequence dened recursively as d1 = 9 , 10 d2 = 10 , 11 ... dk = (dk 1 )(dk 2 ) for integers k 3.

Theorem: For all positive integers n, 0 < dn < 1. Proof: (by strong mathematical induction)
By denition d1 =
9 10

Base step: WTS 0 < d1 < 1 and 0 < d2 < 1

= 0.9 and d2 =
10 11

= 0.909..

These real numbers are strictly between 0 and 1

Induction step: . . . Conclusion, for all positive integers n, 0 < dn < 1. QED.

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Strong induction, Example 2: (5/22 lecture)

Consider the sequence dened recursively as d1 = 9 , 10 d2 = 10 , 11 ... dk = (dk 1 )(dk 2 ) for integers k 3.

Theorem: For all positive integers n, 0 < dn < 1. Proof: (by strong mathematical induction)
Base step: WTS 0 < d1 < 1 and 0 < d2 < 1 . . . Induction step: Let n be a positive integer.
Assume for each k such that 0 < k n, we have 0 < dk < 1 WTS 0 < dn+1 < 1,

Conclusion, for all positive integers n, 0 < dn < 1. QED.

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Strong induction, Example 2: (5/22 lecture)

Consider the sequence dened recursively as 9 10 d2 = , ... dk = (dk 1 )(dk 2 ) for integers k 3. d1 = , 10 11 Theorem: For all positive integers n, 0 < dn < 1. Proof: (by strong mathematical induction)
Base step: WTS 0 < d1 < 1 and 0 < d2 < 1 . . . Induction step: Let n be a positive integer.
Assume for each k such that 0 < k n, we have 0 < dk < 1 WTS 0 < dn+1 < 1, If n + 1 = 2, then base step takes care of it. Otherwise, n + 1 2 and n 1 > 0. By denition, dn+1 = dn dn1 . Since both n, n 1 are positive integers, the induction assumption gives that 0 < dn1 < 1. 0 < dn < 1 The product of two positive numbers is positive. Therefore 0 < dn dn1 . The product of two positive numbers less than 1 is less than 1. Therefore, dn dn1 < 1, as required.
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Conclusion, for all positive integers n, 0 < dn < 1. QED.

Minnes (CSE20)

Consider the graph below



What is the set of nodes that are reachable from K ? A. B. {I , K , L} *C. {G , I , K , L} D. {I , L} E. None of the above.
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Consider the graph below



What is the Boundary set after one iteration of the while loop in the Reachability algorithm on this graph with Source = K A. B. C. *D. E. {I , K , L} {G , I , K , L} {I , L} None of the above.
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Target = H ?

Big-O, Big-, Big-

Which of these functions are in O (n3 )?

g1 (n) = n4 A. g1 *B. g2 , g3 C. g1 , g2 D. g3 E. None of the above.

Minnes (CSE20)

g2 (n) = 20n

g3 (n) = log2 (n17 )


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Big-O, Big-, Big-

Which of these functions are in (n3 )?

g1 (n) = n4 A. g1 B. g2 , g3 C. g1 , g2 D. g3 *E. None of the above.

Minnes (CSE20)

g2 (n) = 20n

g3 (n) = log2 (n17 )


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Big-O, Big-, Big-

Which of these functions are in (n3 )? g1 (n) = n4 *A. g1 B. g2 , g3 C. g1 , g2 D. g3 E. None of the above. g3 (n) = log2 (n17 )

g2 (n) = 20n

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Logic circuits and hardware

What are the inputs to this logic gate? *A. A, B, C B. A, C C. B, C, Q D. A, B, C, D, E, Q E. None of the above
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Logic circuits and hardware

What logical proposition describes Q ? A. (A B ) C B. (A B ) (B C ) *C. (A B ) (B C ) D. (A B ) (B C ) E. None of the above

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Number systems, Example 1

Compute (5) + (3) using twos complement binary representation, and conrm that the answer has value 8.

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Number systems, Example 1

Compute (5) + (3) using twos complement binary representation, and conrm that the answer has value 8. Translating: Write | 5| in binary: Insert additional 0 in front: Flip all bits: Add 1:

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Number systems, Example 1

Compute (5) + (3) using twos complement binary representation, and conrm that the answer has value 8. Translating: Write | 5| in binary: 5 d = 101 b Insert additional 0 in front: Flip all bits: Add 1:

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Number systems, Example 1

Compute (5) + (3) using twos complement binary representation, and conrm that the answer has value 8. Translating: Write | 5| in binary: 5 d = 101 b Insert additional 0 in front: 0101 Flip all bits: Add 1:

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Number systems, Example 1

Compute (5) + (3) using twos complement binary representation, and conrm that the answer has value 8. Translating: Write | 5| in binary: 5 d = 101 b Insert additional 0 in front: 0101 Flip all bits: 1010 Add 1:

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Number systems, Example 1

Compute (5) + (3) using twos complement binary representation, and conrm that the answer has value 8. Translating: Write | 5| in binary: 5 d = 101 b Insert additional 0 in front: 0101 Flip all bits: 1010 Add 1: 1011

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Number systems, Example 1

Compute (5) + (3) using twos complement binary representation, and conrm that the answer has value 8. Twos complement representation of 5 is 1011. Translating: Write | 3| in binary: 3 d = 11 b Insert additional 0 in front: Flip all bits: Add 1:

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Number systems, Example 1

Compute (5) + (3) using twos complement binary representation, and conrm that the answer has value 8. Twos complement representation of 5 is 1011. Translating: Write | 3| in binary: 3 d = 11 b Insert additional 0 in front: 011 Flip all bits: Add 1:

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Number systems, Example 1

Compute (5) + (3) using twos complement binary representation, and conrm that the answer has value 8. Twos complement representation of 5 is 1011. Translating: Write | 3| in binary: 3 d = 11 b Insert additional 0 in front: 011 Flip all bits: 100 Add 1:

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Number systems, Example 1

Compute (5) + (3) using twos complement binary representation, and conrm that the answer has value 8. Twos complement representation of 5 is 1011. Translating: Write | 3| in binary: 3 d = 11 b Insert additional 0 in front: 011 Flip all bits: 100 Add 1: 101

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Number systems, Example 1

Compute (5) + (3) using twos complement binary representation, and conrm that the answer has value 8. Twos complement representation of 5 is 1011. Twos complement representation of 3 is 101.

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Number systems, Example 1

Compute (5) + (3) using twos complement binary representation, and conrm that the answer has value 8. Twos complement representation of 5 is 1011. Twos complement representation of 3 is 101. Adding the two numbers we get from the twos complement representation:

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Number systems, Example 1

Compute (5) + (3) using twos complement binary representation, and conrm that the answer has value 8. Twos complement representation of 5 is 1011. Twos complement representation of 3 is 101. Adding the two numbers we get from the twos complement representation: First, pad shorter number so theyre the same length. 101 becomes 1101. 1011 +1101

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Number systems, Example 1

Compute (5) + (3) using twos complement binary representation, and conrm that the answer has value 8. Twos complement representation of 5 is 1011. Twos complement representation of 3 is 101. Adding the two numbers we get from the twos complement representation: First, pad shorter number so theyre the same length. 101 becomes 1101. 1011 +1101 11000

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Number systems, Example 1

Compute (5) + (3) using twos complement binary representation, and conrm that the answer has value 8. Twos complement representation of 5 is 1011. Twos complement representation of 3 is 101. Adding the two numbers we get from the twos complement representation: First, pad shorter number so theyre the same length. 101 becomes 1101. 1011 +1101 11000 Converting result to decimal: 11000 b = 24 + 23 + 0 22 + 0 21 + 0 20 = 16 + 8 = 8
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Number systems, Example 2

Which of these represent the same (positive) number? A. 14 d , 0xF , 1110 b B. 11 d , 0x 11, 1011 b C. 10 d , 0xA, 10100 b D. 25 d , 0x 19, 11011 b *E. 20 d , 0x 14, 10100 b

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