Shield of Lord Narayan

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tmnamthe self; paramamthe supreme; dhyyetone should meditate on; dhyeyamworthy to be meditated on; a-aktibhithe six opulences; yutampossessed

of; vidylearning; tejainfluence; tapaausterity; mrtimpersonified; imamthis; mantrammantra; udharetshould chant.

oO Lord; harithe Supreme Personality of Godhead; vidadhytmay He bestow; mamamy; sarvarakmprotection from all sides; nyastaplaced; aghri-padmawhose lotus feet; patagendra-pheon the back of Garua, the king of all birds; daraconchshell; aridisc; carmashield; asisword; gadclub; iuarrows; cpabow; pnropes; dadhnaholding; aapossessing eight; guaperfections; aaeight; bhuarms. May all the protection to me be given by Hari, Who keeps his lotus feet on the back of the bird, Who is armed with conch, wheel, sword, mace, Bow and a rope and who has eight qualities and eight hands.

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jaleuin the water; mmme; rakatuprotect; matsya-mrtithe Supreme Lord in the form of a great fish; yda-gaebhyafrom fierce aquatic animals; varuasyaof the demigod known as Varua; pt from the arresting rope; sthaleuon the land; my-vauthe merciful form of the Lord as a dwarf; vmananamed Vmanadeva; avytmay He protect; trivikramaTrivikrama, whose three gigantic steps took the three worlds from Bali; khein the sky; avatumay the Lord protect; vivarpathe gigantic universal form. In the water, protect me by Fish incarnation, From the animals of sea and Varunas arresting rope, protect me in the Land by Vamana, the illusory boy, And in the sky Trivikrama and viswaroopa forms.

durgeuin places where travel is very difficult; aaviin the dense forest; ji-mukha-diuon the war front and so on; prabhuthe Supreme Lord; pytmay He protect; nsihaLord Nsihadeva; asuraythapaof Hirayakaipu, the leader of the demons; arithe enemy; vimucatareleasing; yasyaof whom; mah-aa-hsamgreat and fearful laughing; diaall the directions; vineduresounded through; nyapatanfell down; caand; garbhthe embryos of the wives of the demons. In forts, forests, dangerous places and in war, Let me be protected by Lord Narasimha, Who by his mighty roar shook all directions, Broke open the army formation of Asura, And caused pregnant asura Women to abort.

rakatumay the Lord protect; asauthat; mme; adhvanion the street; yaja-kalpawho is ascertained by performance of ritualistic ceremonies; sva-darayby His own tusk; unntaraising; dharathe planet earth; varhaLord Boar; rmaLord Rma; adri-keuon the summits of the mountains; athathen; vipravsein foreign countries; sa-lakmaawith His brother Lakmaa; avytmay He protect; bharata-agrajathe elder brother of Mahrja Bharata; asmnus. Let me be protected on my way by Lord Varaha, Who is Yagna personified and who by his protruding teeth, Lifted and carried the earth to safety, Let me be protected on mountain top by Lord Parasurama, Protected when I am abroad By Lord Rama, Who is elder brother of Bharatha and Lakshmana.

mmme; ugra-dharmtfrom unnecessary religious principles; akhiltfrom all kinds of activities; pramdtwhich are enacted in madness; nryaaLord Nryaa; ptumay He protect; nara caand Nara; hstfrom unnecessary pride; dattaDatttreya; tuof course; ayogtfrom the path of false yoga; athaindeed; yoga-nthathe master of all mystic powers; pytmay He protect; gua-athe master of all spiritual qualities; kapilaLord Kapila; karma-bandhtfrom the bondage of fruitive activities. Let me be protected by Lord Narayana, When I am transgressing Dharma or committing mistakes, Let me be protected from my pride by Sage Nara, Let me protected by Sage Dathathreya, For not engaging in Yoga, meditation and other activities And let sage Kapila protect me from the bondage of Karma.

sanat-kumrathe great brahmacr named Sanat-kumra; avatumay he protect; kma-devtfrom the hands of Cupid or lusty desire; haya-rLord Hayagrva, the incarnation of the Lord whose head is like that of a horse; mmme; pathion the path; deva-helantfrom neglecting to offer respectful obeisances to brhmaas, Vaiavas and the Supreme Lord; devari-varyathe best of the saintly sages, Nrada; purua-arcana-antartfrom the offenses in worshiping the Deity; krmaLord Krma, the tortoise; harithe Supreme Personality of Godhead; mmme; niraytfrom hell; aetunlimited. Let sage Sanath Kumara protect me from the cupid, Let Lord Hayagreeva protect me while I am on travel, As well as when I do action that insults the Devas, Let Sage Narada protect me from sins of non worship of devas, And let Hari who took the form of a tortoise, Protect me from different types of hell. 2

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dhanvantarithe incarnation Dhanvantari, the physician; bhagavnthe Supreme Personality of Godhead; ptumay He protect me; apathytfrom things injurious to the health, such as meat and intoxicants; dvandvtfrom duality; bhaytfrom fear; abhaLord abhadeva; nirjita-tmwho fully controlled his mind and self; yajaYaja; caand; loktfrom the defamation of the populace; avattmay He protect; jana-antt from dangerous positions created by other people; balaLord Balarma; gatfrom the hordes of; krodha-vatthe angry serpents; ahndraLord Balarma in the form of the serpent ea Nga. Let Lord Dhanwanthari protect me from unsuitable food, Let Rishabha, the renounced soul protect me. From fear of the contradictory dualities[3], Let Sage Yajna protect me from gossip of society, Let Lord Balarama protect me from problems created by men, And let Adhi sesha protect me from my anger.

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dvaipyanarla Vysadeva, the giver of all Vedic knowledge; bhagavnthe most powerful incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; aprabodhtfrom ignorance of the stra; buddha tualso Lord Buddha; paa-gaaof atheists creating disillusionment for innocent persons; pramdtfrom the madness; kalkiLord Kalki, the incarnation of Keava; kaleof this Kali-yuga; kla-maltfrom the darkness of the age; praptumay He protect; dharma-avanyafor the protection of religious principles; uruvery great; kta-avatrawho took an incarnation. Let Sage Vyasa protect me from lack of awakening, Let sage Budha protect me from hypocrisy n ignorance, Let Lord Kalki, who would be born to salvage Dharma, Protect me from evil effects and thoughts of Kali age.

mmme; keavaLord Keava; gadayby His club; prtain the morning hours; avytmay He protect; govindaLord Govinda; sagavamduring the second part of the day; tta-veuholding His flute; nryaaLord Nryaa with four hands; prhaduring the third part of the day; udtta-akti controlling different types of potencies; madhyam-dineduring the fourth part of the day; viuLord Viu; arndra-pibearing the disc in His hand to kill the enemies. Protect in morn by Kesava with his mace, May I be protected two hours later By Govinda by his flute, Two hours later let Lord Narayana protect by his strength, At noon let LorD Vishnu protect me his holy wheel

devathe Lord; aparhein the fifth part of the day; madhu-hnamed Madhusdana; ugra-dhanv bearing the very fearful bow known as rga; syamthe sixth part of the day; tri-dhmmanifesting as the three deities Brahm, Vi u and Mahevara; avatumay He protect; mdhavanamed Mdhava; mmme; doeduring the first portion of the night; hkeaLord Hkea; utaalso; ardha-rtreduring the second part of the night; nitheduring the third part of the night; ekaalone; avatumay He protect; padmanbhaLord Padmanbha. After noon protect by Madhu with his great bow, In evening Let Madhwa in the form of trinity protect me, Between dawn/ midnight let Lord Hrishi kesa protect me, At midnight let Lord Padmanabha alone protect me

rvatsa-dhmthe Lord, on whose chest the mark of rvatsa is resting; apara-rtrein the fourth part of the night; athe Supreme Lord; pratyein the end of the night; athe Supreme Lord; asi-dhara carrying a sword in the hand; janrdanaLord Janrdana; dmodaraLord Dmodara; avytmay He protect; anusandhyamduring each junction or twilight; prabhtein the early morning (the sixth part of the night); viva-varathe Lord of the whole universe; bhagavnthe Supreme Personality of Godhead; kla-mrtithe personification of time. Let me protected by remaining part of the night, By the Lord in whom Srivathsa lives, Let me be protected just before dawn, By Lord Janardhana who holds the sword, Let me be protected at sun rise, By Lord Damodara and just before morn, Let Lord Visweshwara give me protection.

cakramthe disc of the Lord; yuga-antaat the end of the millennium; analalike the fire of devastation; tigma-nemiwith a sharp rim; bhramatwandering; samantton all sides; bhagavat-prayuktambeing engaged by the Lord; dandagdhi dandagdhiplease burn completely, please burn completely; ari-sainyamthe army of our enemies; uimmediately; kakamdry grass; yathlike; vta-sakhathe friend of the wind; huta blazing fire. Oh holy Wheel,your edges are like the raging fire of deluge, You are sent by the God and rotate and travel everywhere, And so like the fire with the help of wind, Burns in to ashes the dried up wood of a forest, Speedily and speedily burn and burn all my enemies.

gadeO club in the hands of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; aanilike thunderbolts; sparana whose touch; visphuligegiving off sparks of fire; nipihi nipihipound to pieces, pound to pieces; ajita-priyvery dear to the Supreme Personality of Godhead; asiyou are; kumaimps named Kumas; vainyakaghosts named Vainyakas; yakaghosts named Yakas; rakaghosts named Rkasas; bhtaghosts named Bhtas; grahnand evil demons named Grahas; crayapulverize; crayapulverize; arnmy enemies. Oh mace, the spark raising touches of yours, Are unbearable like the touch of Vajra, And you are dear to the invincible lord and his servant, And so please powder and powder again, Evil spirits, Yakshas, Rakshasas and all my enemies.

tvamyou; ytudhnaRkasas; pramathaPramathas; pretaPretas; mtMts; picaPicas; vipra-grahabrhmaa ghosts; ghora-dnwho have very fearful eyes; darendraO Pcajanya, the conchshell in the hands of the Lord; vidrvayadrive away; ka-prita being filled with air from the mouth of Ka; bhma-svanasounding extremely fearful; areof the enemy; hdaynithe cores of the hearts; kampayancausing to tremble. Oh Conch, when Lord Krishna blows in you, You create a huge and loud Sound and confuse my enemies, And drive away ghouls, devils, ghosts, Pramadhas, Brahma Rakshas and other fearful beings.

tvamyou; tigma-dhra-asi-varaO best of swords possessing very sharp blades; ari-sainyamthe soldiers of the enemy; a-prayuktabeing engaged by the Supreme Personality of Godhead; mamamy; chindhi chindhichop to pieces, chop to pieces; cakithe eyes; carmanO shield; ata-candrapossessing brilliant circles like a hundred moons; chdayaplease cover; dvimof those who are envious of me; aghonmwho are completely sinful; haraplease take away; ppa-cakumof those whose eyes are very sinful. Oh holy sword, Be sent by the Lord himself, And cut and cut my enemy army in to pieces, Oh shield of the lord,shining like hundred moons, Please make my enemies with full of sins look blind.

yatwhich; naour; bhayamfear; grahebhyafrom the Graha demons; abhtwas; ketubhyafrom meteors, or falling stars; nbhyafrom envious human beings; eva caalso; sarspebhyafrom snakes or scorpions; daribhyafrom animals with fierce teeth like tigers, wolves and boars; bhtebhyafrom ghosts or the material elements (earth, water, fire, etc.); ahobhyafrom sinful activities; eva caas well as; The fear that we have due to planets, comets, Kethu and kings, The fear that we had from teethed serpents, ghosts and from sin,

sarvi etniall these; bhagavat-nma-rpa-anukrtantby glorifying the transcendental form, name, attributes and paraphernalia of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; prayntulet them go; sakayamto complete destruction; sadyaimmediately; yewhich; naour; reya-pratpakhindrances to well-being And the fear that prevent our well being may all be destroyed, Oh God, by the praise of your names and weapons.

garuaHis Holiness Garua, the carrier of Lord Viu; bhagavnas powerful as the Supreme Personality of Godhead; stotra-stobhawho is glorified by selected verses and songs; chanda-mayathe personified Vedas; prabhuthe lord; rakatumay He protect; aea-kcchrebhyafrom unlimited miseries; vivaksenaLord Vivaksena; svanmabhiby His holy names. The Garuda, who is being praised by great musical stotras of Vedas Who is a god and the lord of the world, may protect me from all troubles, By singing of his names as well as that of the Lord Vishwak sena.

sarva-padbhyafrom all kinds of danger; hareof the Supreme Personality of Godhead; nmathe holy name; rpathe transcendental form; ynathe carriers; yudhniand all the weapons; naour; buddhiintelligence; indriyasenses; manamind; prnlife air; pntumay they protect and maintain; prada-bhathe decorations who are personal associates. Let the names and forms of Vishnu, his steed, His weapons, and important assistants may protect, My mind, senses and soul, from all the dangers and sins. 6

yathjust as; hiindeed; bhagavnthe Supreme Personality of Godhead; evaundoubtedly; vastuta at the ultimate issue; satmanifested; asatunmanifested; caand; yatwhatever; satyenaby the truth; anenathis; naour; sarveall; yntulet them go; namto annihilation; upadravdisturbances. The truth that God is all beings and things, May destroy all the troubles that we face.

yathjust as; aiktmyain terms of oneness manifested in varieties; anubhvnmof those thinking; vikalpa-rahitathe absence of difference; svayamHimself; bhaadecorations; yudhaweapons; liga-khycharacteristics and different names; dhatte possesses; aktpotencies like wealth, influence, power, knowledge, beauty and renunciation; svamyayby expanding His spiritual energy; Those great savants who think, that God does not have any forms, And his weapons and ornaments are only Symbols without power,

tena evaby that; satya-mnenatrue understanding; sarva-jaomniscient; bhagavnthe Supreme Personality of Godhead; hariwho can take away all the illusion of the living entities; ptumay He protect; sarvaiwith all; sva-rpaiHis forms; naus; sadalways; sarvatra everywhere; sarva-gawho is all-pervasive. And due to this truth, the God Hari is everywhere, And let him protect me always and everywhere.

vidikuin all corners; dikuin all directions (east, west, north and south); rdhvamabove; adha below; samantton all sides; antainternally; bahiexternally; bhagavnthe Supreme Personality of Godhead; nrasihain the form of Nsihadeva (half-lion and half-man); prahpayancompletely destroying; loka-bhayamfear created by animals, poison, weapons, water, air, fire and so on; svanenaby His roar or the vibration of His name by His devotee Prahlda Mahrja; svatejasby His personal effulgence; grastacovered; samastaall other; tejinfluences. Let the Lord Narasimha who due to his power, Destroyed elephants, serpents and other beings And saved Prahladha, and removed the fear of the world, Protect me in all directions and non directions, Top and below, inside and outside and in all places. 7

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