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Register Report for John Bigelow

Generation 1 1.
John Bigelow -1. Alt. Born on 16 Feb 1616 in Wrentham, Suffolk, England. He was born on 16 Feb 1617 in Wrentham, Suffolk, England. Immigration 1632 in From England to Massachusetts among the Winthrop Fleet. Occupation 2 1652 (Chosen as Road Surveyor in 1652 and 1660). Occupation 3 1663 (Constable (Tax-Collector)). Occupation 4 1665 (Served as Selectmen (Town Council Member) in 1665, 1670, 1671). Alt. Died on 14 Jul 1693 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. He died on 14 Jul 1703 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. Military Service was On list for Soldiers who were in the service from Nov. 25 1975 to Dec. 3, 1675. Property was Had a homestead of 6 acres in Watertown. Occupation 1 was Blacksmith. Notes for John Bigelow: General Notes: John Bigolo became a Freeman Selectmen 1665, '70, '71 Surveyor of Highways Constable "The first mention we find of John Biglo appears on the Watertown Town Records, where his marriage is the first marriage recorded in that town, viz.: "1642-30-8. John Bigulah and Mary Warin joyned in mariag before Mr. Nowell." She was the daughter of John and Margaret Warren and is said to have been born in England; she bore him thirteen (13) children and died Oct. 19, 1691. From the list of those who took the oath of fidelity at Watertown, 1652, we find that John Biggalough was one of the number and he became a freeman April 18, 1690, which we find from the roll of freemen written as John Biglo, under the same date we find Samuel Begaloo was made a freeman, and by another list, dated May 16, 1690, we find Samuiel Biggilo and John Warren, Jr., were made freemen. On the returns of soldiers who were in the service from Nov. 25, to Dec. 3, 1675, we find the names John Bigulah, Sr., Michaell Flegg and Isaac Leonard, the last named being wounded. Thus we find the name variously spelled by different officials, but when we find the name written by any member of the family in those early days it is written Biglo, Biglow, Bigelo or Bigelow. His trade appears to have been that of a blacksmith, as appears by the following taken from the town records: "Agreed Wth John Biglo yt for ten trees the towne allowed him for the setting up a shop for a Smithes forge, y't he shall either goe on with yt his promise of setting up his trade, W'h is the trade of a Smith Wth in one twelfmonth after the date hearof or else to pay unto the towne ten shillings for these ten trees he acknowledged to have off the townes." Dated March 4, 1651. He was chosen a Surveyor of Highways 1652 and 1660, a Constable 1663, and one of "the seven men" (i.e., Selectman) in 1665, '70, '71. His homestead consisted of six acres and was bounded north by Richard Ambler and William Parker, east by Thomas Straight, south by the highway, and on the west by Miles Ives. After the death of his wife Mary he married second, Oct. 2, 1694, Sarah Bemis, daughter of Joseph Bemis of Watertown. He died July 14, 1703, at the ripe old age of 86 years. His will, dated Jan. 4, 1703, was proved July 23, 1703, and is as follows: WILL OF JOHN BIGELOW: In the name of God amen. I John Biglo of Watertown in the county of Midd'x within her Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, being weeke of body, but in sound disposing Memory prais be given to god for the same. Do make this my last will & testament, in manner & form following, that is to say first & principally I resign my soul into the mercy full hands of allmighty god my Creator assuredly hoping through the mercy of my blessed Saviour to obtain pardon commission of all my sins and my body I comit to the earth whence it was taken, to be decently buried by the discreshion of my executors hereinafter named and as for the worldly goods & estate, the lord hath lone me I dispose thereof as follows. Imp', I give & bequeath unto Sarah my well beloved wife, and to her heirs & assigns forever, all the lands and movable estate, that was hers before our marriage, and forty pounds in money, twenty pounds of s'd money to be p'd her within one month after my decease and twenty pounds within one year after my dece's' I give unto her forty pounds waight of good pork, three bushels of barley, and one bushel of indian corn, five pounds waight in butter & five pounds waight in Chees, and also two Sheep, and half the flax that shall be in the house at my Deces - and that to be in full satisfaction of her thirds.
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Register Report for John Bigelow

Generation 1
2ndly I give & bequeath to my eldest son John Biglo, & to his heirs & assigns forever, twenty pounds in money to be p'd within one year after my Deces, and in case my s'd son have an heir lawfully begotten of his own body, I give & bequeath his s'd heir twenty pounds in money to be p'd to him or her, when it shall be of twenty one years of age, or day of marriage which shall first happen, but if it hapon my s'd son deces without an heir as above s'd , then my will is y't ye aboves'd twenty pounds be equally devided between my children then surviving. 3dly I give & bequeath unto my son Jonathan Biglo, and to is heirs & assigns forever, twenty five pounds in money to be p'd him wth in one year after my deces. 4thly I give & bequeath to my son Daniell Biglo and to his heirs & assigns forever, twenty five pounds in money to be p'd him within one year after my deces. 5thly I give & bequeath to my son Samuel Biglo, and to his heirs & assigns forever ten pounds in money besides what he hath already had, to be p'd him within one year after my deces. 6thly I give & bequeath unto my son Joshua Biglo, and to his heirs & assigns forever two parcels of lands lying on the westerly side of bow brook in s'd town. Purchased of Leiut Cha' Hammond as may more fully appear by the deed of the same, and twenty five pounds in money, to be p'd him within one year after my deces. 7ly I give & bequeath unto my son James Biglo fifteen pounds, which I lent him as may appear by a bond under his hand and seal, and I give & bequeath to my said son James' son James Biglo ten pounds in money to be p'd him if he shall live to the age of twenty one years, but if it so happen that he deces. before s'd age, then ye s'd ten pounds to be equally devided between my s'd son James' surviving children, when they shall be of the age of twenty one years or day of marriage which shall first happon. 8thly I give & bequeath to my Daughter Mary Flagg & to her heirs & assigns forever, twenty five pounds in money to be p'd her with two years after my Deces. 9thly I give & bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Sterns' children twenty five pounds in money, to be p'd them, when they are twenty one years of age, or day of marriage which shall first happon. 10thly I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Learned, and to her heirs and assigns forever, twenty five pounds in money, within three years after Deces. 11thly I give & bequeath to my daughter Martha Wood's children, lawfully begotten of her own body, twenty five pounds in money to be p'd them equally a like, when they shall arrive at the age of twenty one years or day of marriage, which shall first hapon. 12thly I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Abigail Herrington & to her heirs & assigns, twenty five pounds in money, to be p'd within fower years after my Deces. and I nominat, ordain & appoint, my above s'd son Joshua Biglo and my son in Law Isaac Larnerd my Sole executors, to se, this my last will & testament performed and all the rest and residue of my estate not herein bequeathed, after all my just debts and funerall charges are p'd my will is that it be devided between my s'd executors, that is to say, two parts of three, to my s'd son Joshua, and one third to my son in Law Isaac Leanerd, and do request my trusty & well beloved friend, Capt Benj Garfield to be my overseer of this my last will & testament, my s'd executors to allow him out of my estate for his cost & charges reasonable sattisfaction to his content, Revoking & making null and void all former or other wills by me heretofore made, In witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this fourth day of January one thousand seven hundred two-three, and in the first year of the reign of our Lady Anna, by the Grace of God over England & Queen. John (his mark) Biglo Signed, sealed & published Witnesses: Sam'l Livermore, Daniel Harrington, Munning Sawin The inventory of his estate amounted to 627-12-00 pounds. Among the expenses charged for the funeral we find several pairs of black gloves, twenty gallons of wine, bottles for the same, allspice and sugar, and two men and horses to carry the wine and other articles to the funeral, also "a man and horse to notify John Stearns at Billerica to attend the funeral." "a man and horse to Sherburne to notify Isaac Larned and wife to attend the funeral." SOURCE: Book " Genealogy of the Bigelow Family in America" by Gilman Bigelow Howe. Printed
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Register Report for John Bigelow

Generation 1 (con't)
by Charles Hamilton, Worcester, Mass. (1890). Pages 19-21 _________________________ "BIGELOW. (Biglow, Biglo, Bigulah, &c.) JOHN BIGELOW, a blacksmith, of Wat., took the oath of fidelity, 1652, and was selectman 1665, '70, '71. He m., Oct. 30, 1642, MARY WARREN. [Warren, 3.] [This is the earliest marriage found in the town records.] She d. Oct. 19, 1691. and he m. (2d), Oct. 2, 1694, SARAH BEMIS. (Bemis, 2.] He d. July 14, 1703, aged 86. Inventory, (in pounds) 627, 12. His will was dated Jan. 4, 1702-3, and proved July 28, 1703." SOURCE: Book Title Page: Genealogies of the Families and Descendants of the Early Settlers of Watertown, Massachusetts, including Waltham and Weston; to which is appended The Early History of the Town. With Illustrations, Maps and Notes. By Henry Bond, M. D. Second Edition. With a memoir of the author, by Horatio Gates Jones, A. M. Two Volumes in One. Boston: Published by the N. E. Historic-Genealogical Society, For the benefit of the "Bond Fund." 1860. (Page #29). Mary Warren. She was born 1624 in Wrentham (or Nayland), Suffolk, England. She died on 19 Oct 1691 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. John Bigelow and Mary Warren. They were married on 30 Oct 1642 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. They had 1 child.



Samuel Bigelow . Alt. Born Abt. 1650 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. He was born on 28 Oct 1653 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. He married Mary Flagg. They were married on 03 Jun 1674 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. Occupation 1 Bet. 17021716 (Innholder). Occupation 2 Bet. 17081710 (Representative of Watertown on the General Court). Alt. Died on 30 Sep 1730 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. Burial 1731 in Grove Hill Cemetery, Waltham, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. He died on 01 Feb 1731 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts.

Generation 2 2.
Samuel Bigelow -2 (John Bigelow-1). Alt. Born Abt. 1650 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. He was born on 28 Oct 1653 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. Occupation 1 Bet. 17021716 (Innholder). Occupation 2 Bet. 17081710 (Representative of Watertown on the General Court). Alt. Died on 30 Sep 1730 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. Burial 1731 in Grove Hill Cemetery, Waltham, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. He died on 01 Feb 1731 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. Notes for Samuel Bigelow: General Notes: The following transcript is from the book "Genealogy of the Bigelow Family in America, by Gilman Bigelow Howe (1890). Page #26... "Samuel Biglo of Watertown, son of John and Mary (Warren) Biglo, was born Oct. 28, 1653, and married June 3, 1674 (the same time as his sister Mary), Mary Flagg, daughter of Thomas and Mary Flagg. She was born Jan. 14, 1658, and died Sept. 7, 1720. He was a prominent man in Watertown, an innholder, as we find he was licensed as such 1702 to 1716. He represented the town in the General Court 1708 - 9 - 10. His will dated Sept. 30, 1720, and proved Feb. 21, 1731, mentions sons John, Samuel, Thomas and Isaac; daughters Mercy Garfield, Abigail Cutler and Deliverance Stearns; sons-in-law Thomas Reed, Josiah Howe and Daniel Warren; grandchildren David Bruce, Nathaniel Read, Isaac Read, Thomas Read, Catherine Read, Phinehas Howe, Abraham Howe, Rachel Howe, and Samuel Warren, Daniel Warren and
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Register Report for John Bigelow

Generation 2
Hanneah Warren. To his three dauthers he gave the sum of 17 pounds apiece. Their children were born in Watertown."

Massachusetts, Town Vital Collections, 1620-1988 Name: Samuell Bidubah Birth Date: 28 Oct 1653 Event Type: Birth Event City: Watertown Father Name: John Bidubah Mother Name: Mary Bidubah Mary Flagg. She was born Jan 1653 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. She died on 07 Sep 1720 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. Samuel Bigelow and Mary Flagg. They were married on 03 Jun 1674 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. They had 1 child.



Deliverance Bigelow . She was born on 22 Sep 1695 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. She married John Stearns. They were married on 10 Aug 1715 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. She died Aug 1762 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts.

Generation 3 3.
Deliverance Bigelow -3 (Samuel Bigelow-2, John Bigelow-1). She was born on 22 Sep 1695 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. She died Aug 1762 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. John Stearns is the son of John Stearns and Judith Lawrence. He was born 1692 in Lexington, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. Baptism on 11 May 1701 in Lexington, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. Immigration 1722 in Moved to Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. He died Abt. 1765 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. Military Service was "In 1748, he was Captain of a company of Ragers, raised in Worcester and sent to repel the Indians". Property was In 1717, he purchased fifty acres in Worcester from Ephraim Curtis for 50 pounds.. He was also known as Known as Capt. John Stearns of Worcester, Mass.. Occupation was Blacksmith. Notes for John Stearns: General Notes: Massachusetts, Town Vital Collections, 1620-1988 Name: John Stearns Event Type: Marriage Event City: Watertown Marriage Date: 10 Aug 1715 Spouse Name: Deliverance Biglow John Stearns and Deliverance Bigelow. They were married on 10 Aug 1715 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. They had 11 children.


John Stearns. He was born 1717 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. Baptism on 31 Mar 1717 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. Jotham Stearns. He was born 1718 in Watertown, Middlesex Co., Massachusetts. He died Bet. 17491751 in Worcester Co., Massachusetts.
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Register Report for John Bigelow

Generation 3 4. iii.
Samuel Stearns. He was born 1720 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. He married Jemima Hoyt. They were married on 19 Aug 1752 in Worcester Co., Massachusetts. He died on 17 Mar 1776 in Worcester Co., Massachusetts. Military Service was Served in Captain Samuel Warren's Company in 1757. Cause of Death was Pleurisy (inflammation of pleura, a membrane that surrounds the lungs). Isaac Stearns. He was born 1728 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. William Stearns. He was born 1732 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. Deliverance Stearns. She was born Abt. 1734 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. Increase Stearns. He was born 1738 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. Daniel Stearns. He was born Abt. 1740 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. Bezaleel Stearns. He was born Abt. 1742 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. Sarah Stearns. She was born on 17 Jul 1750 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. She died on 30 Apr 1844 in Worcester Co., Massachusetts. Katherine Stearns. She was born 1752 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts.

iv. v.







Generation 4 4.
Samuel Stearns-4 (Deliverance Bigelow-3, Samuel Bigelow-2, John Bigelow-1). He was born 1720 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. He died on 17 Mar 1776 in Worcester Co., Massachusetts. Military Service was Served in Captain Samuel Warren's Company in 1757. Cause of Death was Pleurisy (inflammation of pleura, a membrane that surrounds the lungs). Notes for Samuel Stearns: General Notes: May be buried in Old Oak Street Burial Ground, Grafton, Worcester Co., Massachusetts, USA Massachusetts, Town Vital Collections, 1620-1988 Name: Samuel Stearns Event Type: Marriage Intentions Event City: Shrewsbury Marriage Date: 7 Mar 1752 Spouse Name: Jemima Hoyt Massachusetts Marriages, 1633-1850 Name: Samuel Stearns Gender: Male Spouse: Jemima Hoyt Marriage Date: 19 Aug 1752 City: Shrewsbury
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Register Report for John Bigelow

Generation 4
County: Worchester Source: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT, Film # 0759526.

Jemima Hoyt is the daughter of Benjamin Hoyt and Catherine Baker. She was born on 25 Dec 1729 in Ipswich, Essex Co., Massachusetts. She died Bet. 17601762 in Worcester Co., Massachusetts. Also Known As in Jemima Hoite. Samuel Stearns and Jemima Hoyt. They were married on 19 Aug 1752 in Worcester Co., Massachusetts. They had 4 children.


Samuel Stearns. He was born Abt. 1754 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. He married Thankful Raymond. They were married Abt. 1782 in Massachusetts (or New Hampshire). He died 1840 in Claremont, Sullivan Co., New Hampshire. Military Service was He served with his father during the Revolutionary War as a member of Col. Ephraim Doolittle's Company in 1775. (Bond's Genealogies and History of Watertown). Occupation was Farmer. Notes for Samuel Stearns: General Notes: MILITARY: He served with his father during the Revolutionary War as a member of Col. Ephraim Doolittle's Company in 1775. (Bond's Genealogies and History of Watertown)

Stearns Samuel Worcester Capt John Jones's co Col Ephraim Doolittle's regt receipt for advance pay signed by said Stearns and others dated Cambridge July 1 1775 also Private same co and regt muster roll dated Aug 1 1775 enlisted May 22 1775 service 2 mos 15 days also company return dated Camp at Winter Hill Oct 6 1775 (SOURCE: Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution) Jones's Company of the 18th Massachusetts Regiment (Doolittle's Regiment) of the 5th Brigade (Sullivan's Brigade) of the 2nd Division (Lee's Division) of the Continental Army U.S., War of 1812 Service Records, 1812-1815 Name: Samuel Stearns Company: 2 REG'T (STEELE'S) NEW HAMPSHIRE MILITIA. Rank - Induction: SERGEANT Rank - Discharge: SERGEANT Roll Box: 198 Microfilm Publication: M602 Possibly buried in Broad Street Cemetery (aka Old Village Cemetery) in Claremont, Sullivan Co., New Hampshire UNSURE IF THIS IS ABOUT HIM: HISTORY OF CHESTERFIELD, CHESHIRE COUNTY, NEW HAMPSHIRE TAKEN FROM TWO SOURCES: 1. History of Cheshire and Sullivan Counties, New Hampshire
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Register Report for John Bigelow

Generation 4 (con't)
Philadelphia: J.W. Lewis & Co., 1886, 1073 pgs. 2. Gazetteer of Cheshire County, N.H., 1736-1885 by Hamilton Child, Syracuse, N.Y.: H. Child, 1885, 882 pgs. "In the company commanded by Captain Waitstill Scott, of Westmoreland, (in Colonel Ashley's regiment), and which marched to Ticonderoga in May 1777, were the following men who belonged to Chesterfield:...Samuel Stearns...." "Most of Capt. Scott's men served about forty days and were discharged June 21. They received pay and allowed 3 pence per mile for the return march. The troops that went to Ticonderoga in May had scarcely arrived home when tidings were brought of the actual approach of Burgoyne's army toward that important post. Again the New Hampshire militia were called upon to march to the rescue."


Daniel Stearns. He was born 1756 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. He married Jerusha Clarke. They were married Abt. 1776 in Massachusetts (or Connecticutt). He died on 04 May 1849 in Newport, Sullivan Co., New Hampshire. Notes for Daniel Stearns: General Notes: MILITARY: He served during the Revolution as a member of Capt. Benjamin Flagg's Company; performed Colony Service on the Alarm of April 19, 1775; and as a member of Capt. William Gates' Company, Col. Jonathan Holman's Regiment in Chelsea Camp, New York, 1776.


Asa Stearns. He was born on 30 Jul 1758 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. He married Lucy Cady. They were married on 25 Mar 1784 in New Hampshire. He died 1852 in Chazy, Clinton Co., New York. Military Service was Served in the American Revolution: "He served twenty months in Col. Ward's Regt., and then joined Col. Cilly's N.H. Regt., in which he served three years." Served in Long Island, at Battle of White Plains, at the capture of Burgoyne, in the Battle of Monmouth, was with Gen. Sullivan at Wyoming; served at sea as a privateer and helped to capture the "Hannah."". Jemima Stearns. She was born 1760 in Worcester, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. She married David Dudley. They were married on 22 Jun 1786 in Sutton, Worcester Co., Massachusetts.


Sarah Ann Grover. She was born Abt. 1722 in Worcester Co., Massachusetts. She died on 09 Apr 1777 in Worcester Co., Massachusetts. Samuel Stearns and Sarah Ann Grover. They were married on 27 Nov 1762 in Grafton, Worcester Co., Massachusetts. They had 6 children.


Solomon Stearns. He was born 1763 in Worcester Co., Massachusetts. He died on 22 Jul 1842 in Chase Mills, St. Lawrence Co., New York. Notes for Solomon Stearns: General Notes: Married Jemima Clark (1772-1845) in 1785 and had eleven children between 1786 and 1813: Abel, Abner, Thirza, Phoebe, James, Solomon, Mary, Lydia,
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Register Report for John Bigelow

Generation 4 (con't)
Clark, Lucy, Elijah; all were born in Vermont.

ii. iii. iv.

Shadrach Stearns. He was born 1766 in Worcester Co., Massachusetts. Benjamin Stearns. He was born 1769 in Worcester Co., Massachusetts. Moses Stearns. He was born 1771 in Worcester Co., Massachusetts. He died 1859 in Warsaw, Wyoming Co., New York. Notes for Moses Stearns: General Notes: Married Susan Clark in 1798 and had eight children: Willard, Melinda, George, Harriet, Hiram, Matilda, and Betsy.

v. vi.

Betsy Stearns. She was born 1773 in Worcester Co., Massachusetts. Phoebe Stearns. She was born 1775 in Worcester Co., Massachusetts.

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