Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay

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My aspiration for becoming a nurse was influenced by my mother.

She dedicated herself to the pursuit of what I have often described as her selfless life's work. My mother always thought of others before herself and was so eager to help those in need, whether it was in a nurturer, comforter, or care-provider capacity. I could never understand what drove her to work those long hours, under sometimes unpleasant strenuous conditions, though when I asked her she didnt have to explain. The look in her eyes was the same as looking into her heart. She had the compassion for people, the same compassion that I share which led me to also seek a career in the medical field. I have worked as a medical assistant for the past 12 years and a CNA for the last year. While working fulltime, I also pursued my Associates Degree in Science at Essex County College. The first time I truly touched a patients life, it was surprisingly fulfilling, as a feeling of accomplishment and self-worth spread throughout my body and soul that no average "good deed" has ever accomplished. Nursing exceeds that average deed by far. After each experience, I'm left with a feeling of purpose, knowing that I am needed in someone's life and that is the reason I am looking to expand my role in the medical field. The prospect of becoming a nurse motivates me to overcome lifes obstacles , it makes me work even harder to accomplish my goals. I firmly believe that to ease the pain and suffering of another is the most noble act I can perform. Furthermore, being a nurse is far more than a job or even a career. It's an adventure, a continuous learning process that I will embark on bravely each day, in search of life changing events and miracles. Touching the lives of others is a treasure chest overflowing with metaphorical gold, whether the help I provide is of great measure or remains unnoticed. The pride I hold in saying, "I'm going to be a nurse," is immeasurable. Nursing is more than a profession of integrity and compassion, it is a privilege that measures out my values as a human being and the responsibilities granted to me with the precious gift of life. I have a well rounded understanding of nursing and its advantages and drawbacks. I am prepared to see a wide variety of circumstances, some of them unpleasant, but also know the benefits of working as a nurse will far outweigh the disadvantages. As a nurse, I hope I can provide comfort and care that will enable my patients to maintain and improve their health physically, mentally, and emotionally. A nurse should be confident in the knowledge that the posses.

The field of nursing has many attractive qualities; the scientific aspect to medicine, being an integral part of the health care team, becoming a patient advocate, and working in such a necessary and important field fascinates me. Having great communication and listening skills, I believe I will enjoy the collaborative nature of the work, the team approach, and the work required to care for the patient. Where I lack in experience, I believe I will compensate with the ability to learn quickly

through hands on experience and through the classroom. I believe in order to be a good, well-rounded nurse it not only takes intellectual accomplishments, but also a heart for the job; it takes compassion and understanding for the patient and the willingness to strive to get the best healthcare for them as possible. Potential is endless in this field, from specialty areas to general population, and from newborns through geriatrics although my personal interest lie more towards trauma all aspects of nursing interest me. Being able to work well independently and multitasking ,but at the same time being able to collaborate with others towards a common goal will help me on the job. For the people I will care for, I will see myself making a difference, whether my efforts and abilities go unnoticed or not .I will be challenged in every day situations and at the end of the day, I will have the satisfaction of knowing it was a job well done. To achieve my goals, Ive chosen to continue my studies at Farleigh Dickinson University. In particular, the BSN program, which is structured around a valuesbased curriculum, will educate and prepare me to become not only a skilled nurse, but an ethical and compassionate one as well. Moreover, the curriculum incorporates hands-on standardized patient nursing and simulation. Not only is the student body diverse but so is the patient population; thus, during my clinical rotations, I will receive the opportunity to provide quality longitudinal patient care to patients coming from diverse cultures. This unique experience will help me cultivate cultural competence and develop cross-cultural skills that will be invaluable in my nursing practice. At Caldwell College, I am confident that I will obtain a quality nursing education while receiving ample of support and counseling from faculty and classmates. My dedication, drive and enthusiasm will greatly help me graduate with a good GPA and allow me to further my education. After receiving my Bachelor of Nursing degree, I fully intend on following it with a Master's degree.

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