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The Flame

Magen David High School Student Newspaper June 14th, 2013/ Tamuz 5773



Aliza Elias

Sophomore, Outstanding Academic Growth

able to teach my friends what I know. Q: Is there any teacher in particular who really motivated you to succeed and do well? A: Rabbi Matalon and Dr. Hadar really encouraged me to participate and become part of the class. They emphasize class participation and I really feel that they helped grow in that area. Q: Was there any moment that made you realize, Wow, I can really do this! A: Rabbi Matalons J. Law project. We would ask him a lot of questions every day about the melakha. We had to choose a melakha for Shabbat and really explain it in detail. Our project was about the law that youre not allowed to make anything white on Shabbat. In detail, that means we shouldnt be cleaning or scrubbing. I worked with Raquel Nahum and we presented it to the class by giving handouts. It was a big success for me! Q: Any advice for our readers to get through the last couple of days left of finals? A: Work hard! It will all be worth it!

You could cut the excitement in the air with a knife: one of the greatest grades in Magen David finally exiting. Despite the fact that Rabbi Zucker, as usual, started exactly on time, there was not a seat to be had in Walt Whitman auditorium. Rabbi Zucker addressed the crowd, telling us how proud he was about all we accomplished in Judaic, secular, and extra-curricular subjects. For me, the highlight of the night was the fabulous valedictory and salutatory speeches given by my students. Esther Hanons grace, Gloria Safdiehs humor, and Lisa Jradas presence will forever resonate in my mind. I was proud of valedictorian Joseph Kassin for not only inspiring the crowd, but for his traces of mussar, and blessings for not only himself but for all of his friends. His courage in not deviating from his character had a great impact on me that night. Rabbi Sutton, who gave the Rosh Yeshivahs address, highlighted the seniors great behavior on senior trip, which I can personally attest to. This was an important highlight to bring up at our graduation because the opportunity for constant Kiddush Hashem is so important. This gave the students a tremendous sense of pride when they realized how their education affected their everyday lives in a social

event. Albert Zalta becoming the first ever recipient of the Ezra Cornman award for character, Coach Ike Dwecks being honored by his players, and Leon Betesh being selected as the student representative were all delightful moments for all in attendance of the ceremony. I will never forget Seniors 2013. Not only because of their great character, not only because of their greatness as people, but also because they were my first class as a teacher. For this they will always have a special place in my heart. Congratulations, and may Hashem bless you all with health, wealth, and happiness. Till 120!

Q: How are you doing with your finals? A: Im doing pretty well, but Ive been a little stressed out. Im also a little out of it. A couple of times I came to school at 8:30 when my final didnt start until 11:00! Its been annoying but Im doing okay. Q: One of your teachers said that at the beginning of the year you were a little shy, but as the year went on you blossomed and now youre at the top of the class. Is there anything that motivated you to do that? A: I just wanted to do better and really reach my full potential. I knew I could succeed. Q: What strategies did you use to maximize that potential? A: One strategy that I found really helps is right before class starts I read over my notes really quickly from the day before. Teachers tend to ask a lot of questions from the day before, and this really freshens what I learned so I can participate better. Q: Do you feel that youve grown as a student? A: Definitely. Ive been able to actually help my classmates and teach them something they dont know. I used to be the one on the other end! I also feel like I became more of a leader by being

Page 2 The Flame June 14th

(I like it here on top) Lets state the obvious: Summer is here. Lets state the not as obvious: The sun is deadly. Even though you are enjoying yourself at the beach tanning, there are many disadvantages to spending too much time in the sun. Melanoma is a skin cancer that begins from the cells that produce skin pigment. Around 12,000 deaths occur a year from melanoma, and it is the second most common type of cancer for young adults. Unprotected, excessive exposure to the sun will increase your risks of getting melanoma. The Skin Cancer Foundation has always recommended using a sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher as one important part of a complete sun protection regimen. However, sunscreen alone is not enough, so here are a few tips to keep you safe this summer: 1. Seek shade. There is no such thing as a healthy tan. 2. Do not burn! This will only lead to premature wrinkles, and just one sunburn can double your chances of developing melanoma later in life. 3. NO TANNING BOOTHS! Using tanning beds before age 35 increases your risk of developing skin cancer by 75%, and even the occasional use of tanning beds can triple your chances. 4. Cover up with a hat and sunglasses. Just because your hair or skin is dark doesnt mean that you are not at risk. In fact, Bob Marley died of melanoma at the age of 36. 5. Reapply sunscreen. The most hazardous time of day is between 10AM and 2PM. No sunscreen works longer than 2 hours without reapplication. Enjoy your summer! Until next year! J Paulette Gindi

7801 Bay Parkway Brooklyn, New York 11214 Rabbi Harold Sutton Rosh Yeshivah Rabbi Saul Zucker Principal Mrs. Sabrina Maleh Associate Principal


Editors: Paulette Gindi Jack Nasar Tech Editors: Dennis Dayan Ralph S. Betesh Reporters: Linda Dayan, Max Dweck, Abie Chabbott, Zachary Mos seri, Robert Safdieh, Judah Esses, Butchie Betesh, Dennis Dweck, Florence Catton, Lisa Chakkalo, Jennifer Harari, Han nah Cohen, Renee Cohen, Lyn da Russo, Jeffrey Grazi, Jack Beyda

Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Rachel Harari

Hi everyone! I am Jack Nasar, and I am a sophomore (soon to be junior). I am very excited to be the next co-editor-in-chief of The Flame. I have a keen interest in literature and journalism, and I promise to make The Flame even more exciting and enjoyable to read. I will work along with Mrs. Harari and Paulette Gindi to add on new features to The Flame and to keep it running smoothly. I am very excited; I hope to take advantage of this opportunity and make the best of it! As the school year is coming to a close, and as we take our last Regents, we are getting prepared for summer. Many of us are very enthusiastic about the thought of summer; all that comes to our heads from the word summer is friends, sun, and fun. But before we race towards the summer, we must give each other our last goodbyes; we will surely miss our fellow classmates, teachers, and last but not least, how could we forget our wonderful seniors! As we all should know, this is the last edition of The Flame for the year. L It has undoubtedly been an unbelievable debut year for The Flame, and we will keep it running over the next year. We hope you enjoyed! Until next year, have a great summer!! J

Dear Students, If youve ever heard me say, Go stand next to the brick wall, chances are you played a role in our school newspaper, The Flame. This year our work on The Flame was never easy, but it was always rewarding. I will never forget the Friday our very first issue of the year came out. Rabbi Zucker walked into my AP English classroom and dropped a pile of 300 newspapers on my desk. It was such a happy moment after such a devastating weekend; the first issue came out on our second day back in school after Hurricane Sandy. We delivered the papers to every classroom that day, and by lunchtime I remember hearing an eerie silence in the cafeteria. Rather than seeing the usual vibrant, chatty tables, all I saw was a sea of newspapers. Soon after, shots of the paper and alumni requests to have them emailed filled Twitter. At that moment I realized how important it was to distribute this paper every other week. After that issue, the popularity of The Flame continued to grow. Abraham, Paulette, and I would sit in the Writing Center racking our brains, wondering how to make each issue better and better. Some highlights were definitely the Hanukkah Shirya issue, the Purim school uniform prank (you know we got you there!), and of course our interview with the ManRepeller. As I write this, there is one thing I have said again and again but I feel compelled to say once more: thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I say thank you to every single student who so happily offered to participate in the newspaper. It is incredible how many of you answered of course! to my last-minute article requests without a single hesitation. My heart swells with pride when I think of all the students who would sit in the Writing Center, laptops out, writing articles and working on the paper for hours. I think of your faces when I tell you its newspaper week, and I am inspired to continue working on your paper. This year was only the beginning. I am so looking forward to taking the paper even further next year (you can talk to Dennis Dayan and Ralph S. Betesh about that!) and I wish everyone a well-deserved, wonderful summer vacation.

A Message From Your Newspaper Faculty Advisor: Mrs. Rachel Harari

By Hannah Cohen

Dvar Torah

Hashem said to Moshe, Speak to the rock before their eyes and it shall give them water. Moshe then raised his arm and struck the rock. Moshe was commanded to speak to the rock, but instead he struck the rock until water poured out. Rashi explains that Moshe was supposed to speak to the rock that had given Bnei Yisrael water before, but Moshe couldnt find it. He spoke to a different rock and when nothing happened he hit the rock, which then produced water. Whats difficult to understand is why Moshe was punished. He listened to Hashem and first spoke to the rock, but because he couldnt find the rock he hit it. Why wasnt he punished for not recognizing the rock to begin with? We are expected to recognize our benefactors and appreciate them. The rock that had been providing the Jews with water for 40 years as they wandered the desert should have been easily recognizable. Not recognizing the rock is considered a lack of appreciation and a grave sin. The first thing we say when we wake up is Mode Ani Lefanecha. I gratefully thank you. The Hebrew word for Jew is Yehudi which means one who thanks. Gratitude helps one focus and take pleasure in what he has rather than concentrate in what hes lacking, which is key to being a happy person.

June 14th The Flame Page 3

Ask Dennis and Flo

MDYHS Advice Column
E-mail questions to


Margaret Mitchells Gone With the Wind has to be one of the most amazing novels I have ever read. With the dramatic setting of The Civil War, the story of the beautiful and ruthless Scarlett OHara will keep your head inside your book day and night. It is an epic love story, filled with overbearing emotion. Between the love, loss, and tales of the war, this book will be impossible to put down. At first glance, youre most probably going to say, No way! Im not reading that! Its way too long! But please trust me on this. Even if it takes you months to finish it, it will be worth it- I promise! Throughout the whole book youll be waiting and waiting to see what happens when it ends, but when it does end, youll be so angry that it did. So do yourselves a favor and read this novel. Take my word for it.

Dear Dennis and Flo, I tried to get a nice tan for the first BBQ of the summer but I sat out too long and I'm all red! What do I do? -Ouch Ouch, It's not a question. You go to the BBQ. What does being red have to do with enjoying a nice juicy steak and some hamburgers? If someone asks you what happened to your face, slap them and say, "Your face is red too." Dear Ouch, First, you need to read Paulette's editorial. Now. Next time, stick with bronzer. It's easier to get color that way and safer. If you ever do put too much there's makeup remover. For now, just make it like that's the look you were going for and be confident. -Flo

Are you looking for great summer reads? Email Joyce Sitt! She would be glad to recommend a book based on your interests! Email

We asked around... "What are your summer plans?"

"Krinsky University" -Daniel Sitt "Working with the National Coalition Against Censorship" -Mr. Danning "Working at the Center" -Debbie Chera

-Ya boy D-Eazy! Dear Dennis and Flo,

"Going to Israel" -Suzy Roubin

Is it bad for my image if I'm doing my NYT summer homework reading on Loch Arbour beach? -It's Kind of Interesting Dear It's Kind of Interesting, Not only is it bad for your image, but it's bad for your kids and grandkids. BUT you get to make mad flooce off your friends because like me they'll probably pay to see someone actually doing NYT on the beach! Dear It's Kind of Interesting, Nah, it's not bad at all. You will appear sophisticated and people will be drawn to you. It will make someone take a double look at you and it could even strike up a conversation when someone asks you what you're reading about. They will view you as different and everyone likes people who are interesting! Mrs. Harari did not tell me to write this! -Flo "Seeing how long I'll last bumming." -Raquel Imir

"Interning at a doctor's office" -Aimee Barnathan "Going to sleep away camp" -Sarah Louzia

"Working at a playgroup" -Sylvia Schimel

Best Regards, Dennis Dweck

"Studying organ- " ic chemistry at Harvard" -Albert Antar "Deciding between two different camps." -Berta Nuseiri "Climbing Mount Everest" -Rabbi Esses

"Going to Israel" -Dr. Hadar

"Bumming!" -Devin Ajzenman

Would you like to place an ad in The Flame? Email Zachary Mosseri at

"Getting the school ready for blended learning" -Rabbi M. Bitton

Page 4 The Flame June 14th

Tech Column
By Dennis Dayan
Apple came out of the box with a bang, introducing a revamp of their computer operating system, Mac OS X Mavericks (Yes, they ran out of cats). Some new features in this new software are App Nap, and an upgraded Finder. Using App Nap, a hidden from view application will be in a standby state and cease to use CPU, therefore it wont waste battery. In Finder, Apple announced tags, where you can easily identify a picture or document in a certain category, such as tagging files as Vacation in the Finder, so you can jump back to them next time you are looking for something. Along with the revamped software came new hardware. Apple unveiled the new Mac Pro, which is half the size yet twice as powerful as its predecessor, all the while maintaining Apples iconic sleek and simple look. Alongside the desktop, the MacBook Air laptop was upgraded with double the storage in memory and a significant increase to battery life, which everyone appreciates. One new feature they added was the ability of the computer to, on its own, compress inactive memory to free up space to make everything you do on the computer faster. One out of the blue feature also disclosed today was the induction of Pages, Keynotes, and Numbers to, expected to be like a Google Docs. This introduction came before the widely expected reveal of ITunes Radio, an Internet based music streaming service that can be fully customizable to ones likings. If you really love a song that comes on, you can easily buy it with the click of a button. It is expect to rival with fellow music streaming services Pandora and Spotify. Now, to the most anticipated revelation of all, iOS 7 was the center of attention at the conference. With iOS 7 came all colors on a bright screen. The icons are all redesigned too, giving your old iPhone 4 a new sensation. The interface makes your phone appear as if there are layers on your screen, which gives the iPhone a 3D like feel. Apple removed all the clutter from the phone; the ornaments in the pre-installed apps are all gone. By expelling all this, the iPhone becomes more translucent and simpler to use but with the familiarity of your iPhone now. Another cool redevelopment done was the establishment of Control Center. Now, when a user swipes up on the screen, a page appears which has a flashlight, airdrop (another cool feature), and the common settings like WiFi and Bluetooth. With Airdrop, you can send a file or photo to anyone with an iPhone that is near you using WiFi or Bluetooth. No need to run around the room and bump phones like a Galaxy:). Siri, on all Siri compatible devices, is more knowledgeable and the voice can be changed to male or female. Another exclusive to Apples iOS 7 is the ability to open the Notification Center (swipe down) from the lock screen. I the Notification Center youll also be able to see real traffic and weather alerts and what your schedule will look like today. Another function of the new iOS is FaceTime calls that are only audio, no more need to have to see the person to talk to them. A few more additives to Apples apps are to Photos and Safari. In Photos, all of your pictures are organized by location and date, automatically!! In Safari, full screen browsing with less of the apps clutter was introduced, along with a smoother experience like the rest of the phone. Lastly but very importantly, Find my iPhone can NEVER be disabled or bypassed unless you type in the password to your Apple ID account. Hopefully this will stop people from stealing your phones! All in all, it was one amazing presentation by Apple.

Current Events Staying Current with zach

Nelson Mandela The increasingly frail Nelson Mandela was rushed to a hospital in Pretoria, South Africa on Saturday. Later that day, the South African presidents office said the 94-year-old former leader was in a serious but stable condition. He was breathing on his own and his wife was by his side, the office said at the time. After offering no updates for 48 hours, the government said Monday that Mandelas condition was unchanged. Hearing such new about her father, Zenani Dlamini, who is the South African ambassador to Argentina, has flown back to South Africa to be by the side for her family though this all of this. Mandela has been in and out of hospitals in recent years and each episode has sparked concerns worldwide. Every time Mandela enters a hospital, the world gasps and holds it breath, praying for his recovery. The world and most importantly the South Africans, see his as immortal because of everything that he has lead them through. He considered the founding father of South Africas democracy; Mandela became an international figure while enduring 27 years in prison for fighting against apartheid, the countrys system of racial segregation. Meanwhile, the front page of South Africas Sunday Times read, Its time to let him go. The same paper quoted Mandelas longtime friend Andrew Mlangeni saying that the time may have come for South Africans to say goodbye to the beloved icon. You have been coming to the hospital too many times. Quite clearly you are not well and there is a possibility you might not be well again, Once the family releases him, the people of South Africa will follow. We will say thank you, God, you have given us this man, and we will release him too, said Mlangeni. His history of lung problems dates to when he was a political prisoner on Robben Island during apartheid, and he has battled respiratory infections over the years. Last year, he spent Christmas holidays undergoing treatment for a lung infection and gallstones, one of his longest hospital stays since his release from prison in 1990. In 1993, Mandela and than South African President F.W. de Klerk jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize. He was then elected the nations first black president a year later, serving only one term, as he had promised. But despite rare public appearances in recent years, he retains his popularity and is considered a hero of democracy in the nation. Last year, South Africa launched a new batch of banknotes with a picture of a smiling Mandela on the front, a testament to his iconic status. Nelson Mandela will always be in our hearts.

June 14th The Flame Page 5


THis summer, every student will be asked to complete the NYT Summer Reading Project. Additionally, students are required to read a short, contemporary book.There will be a short exam on the book when you get back to school. Incoming 9th Grade: Tao of Pooh, Benjamin Hoff Incoming 10th Grade: Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, Ransom Riggs Incoming 11th Grade: Unwind by Neal Shusterman Seniors: Check your mail! You will see a letter that states what book you are required to read based on your Fall electtive.


Liran produced beautiful music to accompany the lyrics to the poem "La Guitarra" by Federico Garcia Lorca

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE WINNERS THIS PAST YEAR... Berta Nuseiri Hannah Cohen Benyamin Saadia Nissim Hazkour

Sports News By Jack Beyda Will Kidd Return? There has been some speculation of late that the recently retired, Hall of Fame point guard, Jason Kidd will return to the Nets organization not as a player but as a head coach. The Brooklyn Nets almost signed Kidd last offseason but, he went to the New York Knicks for his last season in the N.B.A. Kidd revived the New Jersey Nets organization when they acquired him from the Phoenix Suns, and he then brought the team to two N.B.A Finals. Jason Kidd was a phenomenal floor general in his playing days in the N.B.A and will be a dominant coach off the court. With the Nets having a short list of who they want coaching their team, Jason Kidd appears to be apart of it. The other two candidates the Nets want are Brian Shaw, an assistant for Frank Vogel in Indiana and the coach of the Memphis Grizzlies who recently parted ways with them this week, Lionel Hollins. Both of these coaches were on teams who reached the Conference Finals in their respective conferences. Shaw coming out of the Eastern Conference and Hollins who came out of the Western Conference. Tebow Time in New England? Tim Tebow a player who was exceptional on the college level where he played under Urban Meyer in Floridas football program. He won the National Championship with the Gators and was thought to be a great player in the National Football League. Tebow was scrutinized early about his arm strength, accuracy, and his throwing motion. These factors along with reading a defense make a quarterback. In college Tebow was not your standard quarterback. He ran the ball a lot and that is how he won so many games in college. Now it was time for Tebow to play in the N.F.L and the scouts were concerned with Tim as a franchise quarterback. The Denver Broncos were brave and drafted Tim Tebow. In 2011, when he came in the game in the second half to replace Kyle Orton, Tebow went off, he played exceptionally well carrying the Broncos to the playoffs and they beat the Pittsburgh Steelers in the first round. They later lost in the second round. In 2012, the Broncos signed Peyton Manning leaving Tebow the

The Nets have the time and the money to find the right guy that will mold nicely with their roster and we know their owner will find the right guy. The past season the Nets fired their coach Avery Johnson and parted ways with his assistant P.J. Carlesimo. The Nets owner made it clear he wants to win in the near future and will pay any amount of money to get that done. The N.B.A has been going through a coaching carousel as of late and we will have to wait and see what happens to the teams that have those spots vacant. Will the Nets bring back Jason Kidd, or will they go a route that will bring Lionel Hollins or Brian Shaw to Brooklyn?

backup role. In signing Peyton they traded Tebow to the New York Jets. The Jets wanted to use Tebow in the wildcat formation. Throughout the season they rarely used Tebow and their starter Mark Sanchez was awful. At the end of the season the New York Jets had no other choice but to release Tim Tebow. In recent news the New England Patriots are going to sign Tim Tebow. This would make sense (somehow) because the offensive coordinator for the Patriots is Josh Mcdaniels, the same coach who drafted Tebow with the Broncos. We know Tebow will not be used as a quarterback because the Patriots have a Hall of Fame quarterback in Tom Brady. So how will Tim be used? And we know Bill Belichik, the coach of the Patriots, always has a trick up his sleeve. So I guess we will have to wait until the start of the preseason to see how Tim Tebow will be used in the complex Patriots offensive scheme.

By Frances C. Mamiye and Michelle Catton

Hi guys! Summer is here and who doesnt love grilling in the heat?! We have some great tips to ensure you make that experience fun and healthy! Lets start off with red meat. We all love grilling it until its crisp, but you should avoid cooking your meat at a very high temperature over long periods of time. Hazards with over-cooking meats at high temperatures include an increased risk of cancers due to chemicals called HCAs. A study showed people who ate well-done steaks were 60% more likely to get pancreatic cancer than those who ate less-cooked meats. In addition, overcooked meats tend to be harder to digest. Try and eat the lighter meat such as white chicken and turkey on the grill. Chicken breasts are a great source of nutrition value as opposed to grinded beef. Chicken has a high amount of protein and vitamins. When it comes to side dishes, go for the greens. Make sure to complement any meal with lots of vegetables especially green leafy veggies like kale or spinach, and preferably some raw as well as cooked. Green leafy vegetables provide your body with nutrients to counteract some of the harmful effects of the other foods at a BBQ. Summertime is a great time to find locally grown and organic produce in abundance since it is a great time for farmers markets. A great thing to do is make chicken skewers with cubes of chicken breasts and peppers or eggplant in between. Prepare these before hand and then place them on the grill.

Nutrition & Health

A healthy recipe brought to you by Frances & Michelle

Ingredients: desired) Chicken Salad 2 6-inch whole-wheat pitas, split 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided 1 1/4 teaspoons ground sumac, divided 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 1 large head romaine lettuce, coarsely chopped 2 large tomatoes, diced 2 small salad cucumbers, or 1 large cucumber, seeded and diced (peeled if 1/2 cup thinly sliced red onion 1/3 cup thinly sliced fresh mint

Fattoush Salad with Grilled Chicken

1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, trimmed pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, trimmed 1 1/2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon freshly ground pepper

Preparation: 1. To prepare salad: Preheat oven to 350F. Place pita halves rough-side up on a large baking sheet. Brush with 1 tablespoon oil and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon sumac. Bake until golden and crisp, about 15 minutes. When cool, break into bite-size pieces. 2. Whisk lemon juice, salt, pepper and the remaining 2 tablespoons oil and 1/4 teaspoon sumac in a large bowl. Add lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, onion, mint and the pita pieces; toss to coat. Let stand for 15 minutes. 3. To prepare chicken: Meanwhile, preheat grill to medium-high. Rub the chicken with oil and season with salt and pepper. Grill until no longer pink inside, 3 to 4 minutes per side. (Alternatively, broil chicken 4 to 6 inches from the heat source for about 6 minutes per side.) Slice the chicken thinly and serve on top of the salad.

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Class of 2003 Ten Year Reunion

**As ten years were approaching, a group of us got together to plan a reunion from the high school that was our family for four unforgettable years.... **Obtaining everyones updated contact information was the hardest part. But we did our research-- thank Gd for this community where we are all connected, practically family- we were able to reach out and get in touch with everyone. **People's responses: They were eager, excited. We even got emails from people who didnt graduate but who heard about the upcoming reunion and wanted to attend. Everyone went out of his/her way to make time in their busy schedules to be there. **Venue- Cafe Venezia June 3rd @ 7:30 pm. The restaurant was more than accommodating-- worked with us on the menu, wines-- basically anything we needed. **Guests began to arrive-- and they had to identify their name tags-- which were their yearbook pictures with the quote that was written under in twenty years from now.... It was cute to see what people were projected to be and what they became. Yellow and blue balloons and yellow flowers filled the restaurant-- MDY colors to keep up the MDY spirit. Our graduation slideshow was playing in the background throughout the night and everyone was fascinated as he/she relived memories, all watching with big smiles. Kelly Yedid entertained us- she did her research, calling many of the attendees beforehand to do some high school trivia-- it was shocking what people remembered from ten years ago! **It was just casual banter through the night, reliving memories, private jokes and just reminiscing old fun times. People getting up and telling stories, recalling specific events, days and classes. **It was nice to see what everyone was up to- Although many of us do still keep in touch--- impressive to see the bunch who became doctors in the ten quick years since we walked out of MDYs doors!- who made time in their busy schedules to be there. **So happy we had teachers join us- Rabbi Baredes, Ms. Ullman, Ms. Elyse Nadjar and Mrs. Cymet--- they were the highlight of the night! **We received a bunch of e-mail and texts after the reunion-- everyone enjoyed the night! Everyone was impressed and so appreciative that we took it upon us to make it! One alumnus texted Hi, wanted to thank you guys for putting together an awesome night. Whens the next one?? Everyone had a great time... Another: Thanks so much for working to put this reunion together, it was so nice. Any chance you could send over the pictures from the night?.... **Before leaving, a bunch of the men got together to pray Arbit-- a reflection of the school we graduated from!

Al Falack

I was looking forward to seeing all the people I havent seen in 10 years. Then I realized when I got there, Ive seen almost everyone recently. I was surprised, though, that Ogre (Abraham Massry) managed to marry a girl that is taller than he is. It wasnt so much realized while I was at MDY, but once I stepped into college, I realized the huge edge I had over most students due to being accustomed to a double curriculum. Rabbi Matalon is a teacher who made a huge impact on me. Just seeing someone so completely dedicated to his job was inspiring. Advice I have for the graduates of 2013 is that the concept of daddys business has quickly dissolved and the requirement to earn a professional degree is more critical than ever. College is no longer an option or a ticket to freedom; it is the first step to the rest of your life.

Sophia Cohen Ben-Dayan

I didnt really know what to expect from the reunion since I see most of my classmates around. I was looking forward to seeing the people who I havent seen in years. What surprised me was that everyone looked exactly the same as I remembered them. A teacher who made an impact on me was Rabbi Matalon (or Rabbi Mat). He knew how to talk to us and relate to us. I always felt he was looking out for our best interests and really cared about us. It helped that his class was always fun and he gave great advice. My advice to the class of 2013 is that they should always be true to themselves, know who their true friends are, and stick with them. They are the ones who will stick by you and help you get through things. Be aware and keep your eyes open. College and the real world are much different than high school. You will always treasure those 4 years at MDY, but dont worry- your best years are ahead of you.

Something I miss about high school is seeing my friends everyday and making memories with them. Mrs. Alexandra Mizrahi was my English teacher and one of the most intelligent thinkers Ive met. Her insight into books was college level, and I appreciated that she didnt hold that back. I would secretly re-read chapters after she broke them down to see if I could have seen those clues. Her passion stayed with me and she will forever be connected to specific books for me. My advice to high-schoolers is to appreciate that learning is fed to you on a daily bases. In life, you have to figure things out on your own, and each bit of knowledge you have makes it better and your life more fulfilling. Life is all about learning and growing. School is there to help you learn and grow.

In high school, I learned the ability to analyze complex issues and to work through problems. That ability is not something that is taught in one day or one months worth of class sessions, but is a skill that comes with being immersed in many different subjects with many different teachers and classmates all working towards the same goal. Its a skill that is exercised every day in my work environment. Use the time that you will be spending in college to explore different opportunities. Take classes you are interested in, solely because youre interested in them and not because you want to finish as fast as possible. Your time in the workplace will come soon enough (if it hasnt started already) but college is a contained environment that you can use to nurture your mind and engage with people that you wouldnt otherwise come into contact with.

Eleanor Sarway

Murray Maleh

In English I learned how to write an organized essay, which really helped me throughout college. I believe that continued education is very important. Keep in contact with professors. Dont be afraid to ask questions or advice. Become the best version of yourself.

Truthfully, I wasnt the best student in high school so I didnt get the chance to fully appreciate the Rabbis that I had. I do, however, have the opportunity now to learn with Rabbi Greenblatt once in a while and I now realize that I missed out on an unbelievable opportunity to take advantage of the Rabbis knowledge during my high school years.

Esther Haddad-Dushey

Elliot Maleh

June 14th The Flame Page 7

Passing the Torch... What advice do you have for the incoming grade?

Actually listen to the advice given by teachers about college and the real world because its really helpful and necessary. Sarah Kabariti I know it feels like the end and you worked so hard for the last three years, but dont give up. Youre almost there. Give this year your best shot. Danielle Chera Do well in school. Apply to all colleges you might be considering to keep your options open. Make sure to have a lot of fun because its your last year! Sammy Shamah Enjoy every moment of it and appreciate it. Dont take it for granted. Jackie Kassin Apply to colleges well before the week of the deadline and make sure all your personal info is correct on your application. Especially your social security number! Raymond Dayan Honestly, take advantage of every minute. I miss it already. Make relationships with teachers, rabbis, and role models that you can keep in touch with forever. And even though the year doesnt count college-wise, absorb the knowledge because the education is useful forever. Barry Sitt Start practicing for next years Shirya, maybe youll win! Lauren Shalom Have in mind where you are interested in applying. Dont jeopardize senior trip or internships with stupidity. Take school seriously even though you are graduating. Leon Betesh It can get very overwhelming at times, with the college applications and all the work. But dont get too stressed out. Enjoy it- its your last year at MDY with all of your friends, and youre going to miss it when its over. Live it up! Gloria Safdieh Dont get your wisdom teeth removed. It hurts a lot and your face will swell like a beach ball. But seriously, take it easy. Its your last year. Have some fun. Ceasar Sitt Have fun and really appreciate the time you have left with your grade. Though the application process might be tough, youll be wondering where the year went come June. Enjoy! Abraham Tobias Enjoy every day of school because its over before you know It. Eddie Nissim Take each day slowly and enjoy every second because it goes by so fast. Gloria Sitt This is your last year in high school, so enjoy every single day. Dont take any day for granted. Spend time with your friends, because it will be over before you know it. It is important to keep up with school work, but really have fun because the year does fly and there are SO many opportunities that arise. So dont pass them up. Take risks and be yourself. Alyce Shasha Prepare your essays, applications, and portfolios in advance so you arent left in a situation where you need to cram in crucial work pertaining to your future. Frieda Sabbagh Dont stress over the college admission process and start your college essays earlier on. Senior year is not a joke and you should work just as hard as you would usually. Esther Hanon MUST take AP Calc. Mr. Arbesfeld is an ox. And in college its very, very hard. Keep studying for the SATs because its very important for college acceptances. Just enjoy!! Have fun, chill, and dont stress. Its your last year! Renee Sutton Take things seriously because colleges see your 12th grade progress. Albert Manopla Enjoy every minute of school because high school is the best four years of your life. Dont take it for granted. Paula Tawil Be on top of your own college applications. Michael Mamiye Enjoy your last year of high school. Soon it will all be over. Dont feel too bad. Youll be fine. Have fun, but also finish off strong. Take everything you learn with you and always continue growing. Joseph Kassin Dont stress. Have fun. Its your last time youre all going to be together. Helen Esses Just have fun because its the best year of your life. Dont fail out of school, though. Try to balance fun and good grades. Best combination! Jennifer Harari Use the year to strengthen your relationships with your teachers so when you leave you have lasting relationships. Also, apply for college quickly. Dont wait until the last minute. Molly Maleh Take advantage of the time you have in school between hanging with the teachers, being involved in all the clubs and teams, and school activities, and doing the best you can with your tests and classes because once its over, its over. It flies and youll wish you could go back to freshie year and do it all again. Marie Betesh Pick classes that give you college credits. Esty Cohen Just live it up and have fun. Make sure you get into the college you want and then just have a great time because its your last year together as a grade. Matthew Cohen Try and keep as many relationships as you can for the future. Jonathan Cohen

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Junior year is great, but dont get overwhelmed about the SATs. Just think that everything has an end to it. Dont wait last minute. Mafi procrastination. Its a very important year. You start thinking about college and dont mess it up. 11th grade is also so much fun. You basically rule the school (under me of course). The younger kids look up to you, so set some good examples and most importantly have fun. Good luck! Dennis Dweck Take Regents subjects really seriously because its worth it in June. Become best friends with your teachers. Theyre always there for you. Learn how to stay out of trouble by talking to the Dunkin Duo. Well help you. Marilyn Tobias Do not cut class. Do not take it as a joke its a very important year. Do not fail, or you have to take credit recovery and youll regret not doing the work. Mostly everyone can do the work, we just dont take it seriously enough in the beginning, and then we realize we couldve done it. Dont get discourage, give yourself a second chance. Itll be worth it. Brigette Dana Enjoy everything you do and be happy with it, even if its not perfect. Perfection doesnt exist. Also, every experience is a learning experience so nothing should be taken too seriously. Yet, you still have to be serious and work hard when its required to achieve great things. Michelle Catton DONT FAIL CHEM! Nicole Sitt Study hard. Dont take this year as a joke because it affects your average for college. Also, dont waste this year. Its the most fun year when you grade starts to get super close! Raquel Salem Entering junior year is a fun experience. As juniors you feel a little more power, but this is the year where things get serious. Life becomes a little more complex and a lot changes. Its not going to be as easy and trust me dont wing your way through it. If you get something thrown your way, dont let it define who you are. Make the best of every situation and dont get caught up in rough times. Its overwhelming, but with the right determination you will get through it. Try your hardest because everything affects your future. Dont be afraid to ask for help. Sophia Safdieh Those taking APs should not wait to study. Instead, do a chapter of the book every week so that you wont be that stressed out. This is the year you start to have more fun so dont forget to have fun! Start making bonds with your teachers and everyone in your grade, not just your group of friends, because it will make school so much more enjoyable and youll realize by the end of the year that you are all one family. Once you get to the end of junior year you realize how little time you have left together. Also, if youre able to take an SAT course, do it. Most importantly, you should know that sometimes you need to take a second and take a break from all the work and enjoy it because its one of the best years ever. Renee Cohen YOLO. Dont go nuts over work. Enjoy your years of high school because its all going to be over before you know it! Also, decide from the beginning of the year if you are taking the ACT or SAT so you dont get messed up a month before the test!-Sandy Yedid Junior year is going to be your most exciting year yet. Either you or your friends start driving, and everything is funnier but you have to stay smart about it. Every class counts so you have to decide, is college and your future worth missing a trip to Starbucks? Zachary Mossery Its not a joke. Work hard and dont get distracted. Adele Sutton Take school very seriously!! Dont make it like its a joke because youre going to need to know everything to get into a good college! Gina Malach Enjoy every second of it. Dont slack off. Chaim Salameh Its an exciting year because all your friends start driving and youre never going to be home. But dont slack off on schoolwork because 11th grade is the most important year. Youre sending those grades into colleges! Frances Mamiye Junior year is the most important year of high school, and you only realize that when its over. Magen David gives us many opportunities to look into colleges by visiting universities and preparing us for applications. Junior year is not the year to slack off, because its the year of SATs. This is the last year to prove to college that youre capable. Paulette Gindi They say junior year is the most crucial year of high school. It is not. Every year is. Junior year is just very stressful. The key to succeeding it learning how to balance all of the activities you are involved in along with SATs, Aps, and regents. Dont pile yourself with tons of work. Learn how to balance all the subjects you are taking by making a schedule of things you have to do. If you ever freak out, just take a break and relax. Hannah Cohen Cherish every minute you still have left before chaos, stress, and SATs are introduced into your lives, along with the pressure of college. Ruthy Abadi You have to study. SAT studying starts from now. Junior year we get closer to our grades. You need to work hard, because its not easy. Sarah O. Cohen Start off the year strong with math because youre going to need it for the trig regent! Florence Catton

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Be prepared, work hard, and get the most you can from it. Dont let opportunities pass you by. Dennis Dayan You should focus more on school than on other activities. You should also pay really good attention in class because then when youre studying for something the material comes to you much easier and you dont have to cram everything in at once. Eddie Mamiye Study really hard and go to class. Its not worth ditching- especially global! Sophia Cheika This is the year where everything changes. Now you must think about college and every grade counts. But, also remember to have fun! Jack Avidan When you dont understand something, dont put it off. Study or get a tutor for the topic so you dont feel left behind and you arent worried. Abie Chabbott "Don't take it as a joke. People take you more seriously now that it's your second year. Don't joke around." -Sharon Anobian "You won't be let off so easily because you're not a freshman anymore. It's much harder than 9th grade. There are harder classes and stricter teachers. You might have to spend more time doing homework in sophomore year, but it's definitely worth it." -Claudette Yedid "Don't be like me. Try hard." -Charlie Dana "Don't study with more than one or two friends because there will be too many distractions." -Daniel Sitt "Take school more seriously. Colleges are looking at your 10th grade transcript." -Ronnie Harary "Try hard from the beginning, starting first semester." -Jack Beyda "Don't fail anything because you'll have to take extra classes. You'll be paying for another tuition!" -Victoria Zalta "Study for the Regents from the beginning of the year. Don't wait until June." -Victoria Shrem "Don't play around in class because you'll just end up failing. Take everything seriously." -Lorraine Franco

Enjoy freshie year while it lasts! Make sure youre on the right floor before you try opening someone elses locker!! Rachel Sardar Take it seriously. Even though high school is so much fun it determines so much of your future. Also, you should have fun when in school. Its really such a fun place and you can do so many things that you enjoy doing. Its not scary at all. Make friends with all your teachers and its all good! Sarah Saide Dont get offended when youre called a freshie. Just embrace it. Its going to happen either way. Its inevitable. Evana Said Dont be afraid to join an interesting club or sport. High school is the time to try new things, and luckily Magen David has so much to offer! Tania Kbabia Look good on orientation because they take pictures for your photo ID that youre stuck with for the next three years. Also, theres NO bathroom on the fourth floor! Natalie Segev Dont goof off. Take it seriously. Im not just saying that to preach. Its very true. Rebecca Safdieh Dont come late during finals and midterms!! Norma Srour Dont slack off at the end of the year because youll regret it! Rebecca Mizrahi Beware of Rabbi Tobias. Enjoy freshie year. It happens only once. David Yazdi Its very easy to make nice friends. The teachers are incredibly amazing at teaching. Good trips to make students feel comfortable and have fun. Also, you need to try really hard and dont give up. Youll regret it if you dont. Tal Guigui Study for all of your tests. Dont push off studying because youll never get to it in the end. Julie Swed Dont start a fight with a senior.- Daniel Hamowy Try your hardest for everything because it passes by very fast. Jack Hanon

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Faculty Focus

Rabbi Saul Zucker

Rabbi Zucker, Principal Interview by Jack Avidan

Q: What are some of your goals for this school? A: The goals that I have for this school are to teach students skills to learn on their own (not just learning what but how), and in terms of character, to teach the students to understand responsibility and accountability that includes midot, giving back to the world, and to understand that there are consequences to everything we do. Q: How do you feel working in a school within the Syrian community? A: I enjoy working here very much and I feel that this community has a lot to teach the world with regard to how close the community is and how we welcome Jewish people from different backgrounds. Q: Who was a major influence in your life and how does it affect you today? A: People that influenced me would be my parents, my Rosh Yeshivah Rabbi Israel Chait, and Rabbi Yosef Soloveitchik, in terms of the way I think, in terms of my values, and in terms of whats important to me in life. Q: What is the most important quality that you think a principal should have and why? A: I think a principals most important quality is a strong sense of vision in terms of where you want to go and what you want to accomplish, and to stick to the plan but also reevaluate it to make it better. Q: What inspired you to become a principal? A: I love teaching, I love seeing students open up their minds to a new way of thinking and I believe Im creative and I believe Im organized. Q: Do you play and enjoy sports, and what do you do to stay fit? A: When I was younger I played the usual sports and I was a competitive swimmer. I run to stay fit. Q: Who is your favorite team? A: Yankees Q: What words of advice do you have for the students that are going into summer vacation? A: I believe that summer vacation is fantastic. It gives you the chance to relax and it's great after a long year of hard work. It's good to recharge. At the same time summer gives you the opportunity to pursue things that you are too busy to do during the year. Even though there is more freedom and less structure, you should use that to teach yourself that there is never a time a person is free from responsibility. How we choose to spend our time in the summer is in our hands. My advice is to be aware of that and to use this time in the most beneficial way.

MESSAGE BOARD: Have a great summer!! Make sure you READ! -Mrs. Harari Hi! -Mr. Rabinow Have lots of fun in the summer, but don't forget your numbers! -Mr. Rader Dear students, It was a great year all around. I am wishing you a great, fun, and healthy summer, and I am looking forward to another year of success, excitement, and an all-around great time in Magen David! Love, Shaindy Go get some R&R- you deserve it! -Holly

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