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Eat Right Think Right Act Right

Nerve Force In the Power of Attraction and Quantity of [Sexual] Activity How To Increase Nerve Force With The Correct Nutrients &

By Monica Palmer (TSheba)


Sexual Continence, Fasting & the Overstrain on the Nerves Nutritional Acidosis In Nerve Disorders

Nerve Force In Balancing Function and Energy

The Role Of The Aura In Human Attraction

Part 1: Nerve Force In the Power of Attraction & Quantity of [Sexual] Activity

Part 2: How To Increase Nerve Force With The Correct Nutrients

Can Inorganic (Pharmaceutical) Phosphorus Cure Nerves?

Foods High In Phosphorus

Krill Oil In Nerve Health


The Brain & Nerves Depends of Phosphorus

Calcium: The Staff of Life

Vegetarian Diet Experiment With Rats

Dangers of Weight Reducing & Vegetarian Diets

Nutritional Alkalosis In Nerve Disorders










Nerve Force In the Power of Attraction & Quantity of [Sexual] Activity

Part 1 No bodily movement takes place without nerve influence. Your nerve force and without blood, much like radio waves.

determines the force of your blood radiation a kind of life-plasma moving in Blood radiation is the composition of all radiations of the physical atoms in the

body radiated into space, literally. Space, or sound space, is what is otherwise

called the electromagnetic (united field of the force of Nature) around the body. Each persons body produces its own radiation, weak or strong. When united with the radiation of another person or any other living species with which one comes into contact, together the radiations form a halo of radiations called emanation visible only from the lighting generated from that of another with which one comes in contact. (odic force). This is what gives ones body its unique aura. This glow becomes

This halo of radiations constitutes a protection and defense on the inside against

connecting ones soul with its wider environment. Each person is constantly otherwise called presence.

external [unfavourable] influences and at the same time forms a bridge

surrounded by this so-called nerve sphere, which corresponds to the personality,

The Role Of The Aura In Human Attraction

of the attraction of your thoughts.

It is through your aura you attract or repel another with whom you come in

contact. You always attract or are attracted to someone, as far as to the boundary

When two friends approach each other, a resplendent halo of radiation forms as sympathy of feeling or thought, each can sense that somehow they do not mesh completely, so to speak; in this there is no fooling ones self. When there is Cognizant, however, that you attract what you are. complete blending of radiations both will be able to read each others thoughts. Such are the exchanges of radiations constantly taking place between humans molecules; in fact, between all living species that come in contact with each other. Not only does this halo of radiation forms a substantiate bridge for a person especially where healing is required. In this also lies the understanding to the art exercise in a lesser or greater degree. both become locked into position harmoniously. Where there is only a partial

and their fellow human beings; between human and animals, minerals, food

to transfer beneficent power from ones self to another who is receptive, of clairvoyance, which is but an exaltation of the nerve-sense that some people

Nerve Force In Balancing Function and Energy

Nerve force is, essentially, the balance between function and energy. The

law of balances. This is so pronounced in the exchange between the activity of every organ and the energy of its vital organ. For instance, whether it is the nerve branch affects the regulation of that entire structure. sympathetic or parasympathetic that stimulates a particular organ or gland that Clearly, to cultivate that state of the nervous system that can maintain all levels feelings and maintain this state for the correct impressions to arise always and on a permanent basis. In the case of an intimate fusion, this allows for that

autonomic nerve system expresses this most splendid operation of the immutable

of activity in your day to day activity of experiencing is to perfect the most

integrated, operating system. A conditioning that can in turn influence your

greater power to bring about your highest achievements. It this lies the does not require practice of Tantra or Kundalini yoga.

valuable and necessary exchange of radiations, through which you produce

understanding of the vital relationship between sex force and nerve power, which

Practitioners of these arts use sexual excitement through the primary sensory as they claim, make love with the Divine. But the body energies cannot give rise for cosmic bliss.

avenue of touch to try to open the sensory gates and transcend body and mind to,

Cosmic bliss is experienced only in those moments of blossoming of the growing performance of lifes work and purpose. Yes, simply concentrating upon a desired

mind, which rays within and without in intellectual brilliance, in the joyous goal by "imaging" while experiencing climax one may be able to bring some results through the law of concentration, but such alone cannot suffice for fulfilment. serves to increase the accumulation of capabilities from cooperative

The spirit needs the continuous, sensuous warmth derived from the wilful accomplishment.

combining of its volition with the energies of others of like minds which, in turn,

Essentially, you will always be influenced towards similar thought-forms you carry that an originally-produced thought refines, changes, and takes on a different shape until it becomes a reality.

within you. It is in the joining of your thought with the thought forms of others

It cannot be overstressed, therefore, how critical is it to keep the nervous system

in proper condition: by means of nutriment and enlightenment. In eating, or balanced state through which works the Laws of Creation. Any disturbance or interference with nerve filaments is bound to produce disharmony in the physiology, in direct proportion to the disturbed nerve involved. This is the thinking, the nervous system should not be deprived of its noble, beautiful and

principal requirement in all aspects of the healing art, to which the late neuropath, A.P. Davis (1909) wrote:
The constituent of nerve elements are essential to know in measuring nerve power. and second, and its freedom from origin to terminus. These constitute the secret are two things always essential to consider; and these are, first, the nerve supply, These constitute the medium of communication to each and every part, and there

produces disharmony disease. It may be the lack of elements in the blood, or

of the healing art. Whatever overtaxes, overstrains, exhaust the nerve elements, organ using up the elements which constitute the medium of power, which is mind. be in the dark, vague, and merely, conjectural.

pressure on the nerves or the excessive use of the nerve endings in a particular

This philosophy will have to be accepted by the healer, or his action will always

Sexual Continence, Fasting & the Overstrain on the Nerves

self-abnegation helps or prevents spiritual ascent?

There is a misplaced doctrine that instils self-abnegation through methods such

fasting and celibacy, as ways to curb the senses to gain spiritual ascent. But does Humans should not descend from their spiritual height and yield to sexual Gnostics termed a "typhonian diet"; typho, pertaining to the delirious state enfeebled mind and overwrought nerves. indulgences in a beast-like manner. This beast-like sexual appetite is what associated with typhoid fever; a feverish state, which is consequent of an

Medical research finds that nervous debility in the male is often the cause of the

loss of sex power, with sexual excesses as one of the primary causes of his nervous

debility. One can, therefore, appreciate the wise teachings throughout the Ages

in admonishing the male to conserve his semen if he wishes to preserve his body

from the changes of time. Ayurvedic system of medicine teaches that it takes some forty drops of blood to manufacture a drop of semen, and he who would

considering bio-chemists have isolated liberal amounts of minerals mainly calcium Staphylococcus.

prolong his life must prevent the loss of this iridescent fluid. Which makes sense

and phosphorus, vitamins C, iron, fructose in fresh semen, as well as antibiotic properties, which have a particular effective action upon the pathogenic bacteria Cravings not only enfeeble the nerves, but also deprive the spirit of the great sexual incontinence fairs no better.

spiritual impetus it needs so urgently to progress and achieve greatness. But

With all mobile creatures, the sex act is dependent upon the integration of the

nervous system. Science shows that the means of arriving at a sexual orgasm is

not incumbent upon the nature of the species activity, but upon the health of urge for water, food, and air.

the nervous system. Therefore, to fulfil the urge of a normal nervous system for sexual intercourse is as vital to health and wellbeing as the fulfilling the bodys You live rightly by giving the body those elements that are necessary to maintain

it in proper form of health, strength, and efficiency. Self-mastery over your those human beings who are in possession of a certain amount of spiritual selftheir primitive nature.

thoughts and emotions through purity of volition alone ensures spiritual ascent. Self-mastery is the power of being discriminating; possible, of course, only to consciousness, i.e., those who feel and know that they are somewhat superior to Enormous is the responsibility in taking extra care of your physical body. You

cannot do too much in caring for it, providing it wholesome food, rest and in the development of the spirit principle.

recreation. Unnecessary stress should not be placed upon the nervous system,

which not only influences physical health but also holds the key to immortality,

How To Increase Nerve Force With The Correct Nutrients

The nervous system plays the leading role in life and health, particularly the health of the sex glands. In the first place, it is through the nerve impulses the

Part 2:

digestive process is activated and completed. All bodily secretions, which are actually activities of the mind, are carried through the nerves, acting upon the the function of this magnificent body-temple. blood as it passes through the structure of the various glands. Which goes to shows that the mind controls the selection of elements essential to the performance of The nerve cells are the oldest part of the human organism. Whereas thousands this is not the case with nerve cells. They do not multiply after birth.

of cells in the human body die every day and are constantly replaced by new cells, Each newborn comes endowed with all the nerve cells it will ever need in the

course of its lifetime. These nerve cells expand, they grow, and are constantly special kind of foods.

numbers. However, they do grow old quickly, unless they are supplied with their When we do not take up the requisite elements to supply healthy blood, the neuralgia and other nervous disease.

kept fresh by the vital forces of the body, but they never increase in their

nerves become starved. We eventually develop serious conditions of nervousness,

Nutritional Acidosis In Nerve Disorders

to sulfuric acid; the phosphor-proteins produce phosphoric acid; the nucleic acids

result of the sulfur produced from the sulfur-containing amino acids and oxidized

is due mainly to a high protein diet. Protein foods give rise to high acidity, as a

Loss of nerve force can stem from the condition called nutritional acidosis, which

and the phospholipids. Which makes meat the most acid producing food, followed rob minerals bound for the nerves, particularly calcium, in that they exhaust the fixed alkaline reserves of the body, in an effort to maintain blood alkalinity.

by legumes. These food items eaten alone without mineral-containing vegetables

All natural foods contain alkaline-forming, organic acids such as potassium (K), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na) and magnesium Mg), to varying degrees. When these Mg remain to neutralize the body acids. organic acids oxidize, that is, combine with oxygen, the chemical reaction gives rise to bi-products of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water while the K, Ca, Na, and Although meat is the most acid-forming food item, the effect is more or less short ionized to ammonium, releasing bicarbonate, which gets reabsorbed into the

lived. Normally, the acids are soon excreted from the body: the ammonia is blood to replenish the alkaline reserves. However, with a high protein diet, with when permanent building up of acids . The weak nerves will not have sufficient essential to the performance of the function of nerves and brain. little of no alkaline-forming vegetable acids, the body is unable to store up a

normal supply of phosphate salts of phosphoric acids to feed the brain and nerves, force to act upon the blood, which passes through the structure of the various glands to select adequately and absorb the phosphoric elements from the food The symptoms of acidosis are many and varied and are liable to develop most

any disease in various parts and organs of the body. It retards the elimination of waste products and toxins from the body; causes obesity; rheumatism; gout; coarse muscular twitching, cramps, and/or itching. diabetes; nerve disorders such as fatigue, decreased mental acuity, nausea, Continuing on the subject of nerve force and the quantity of [sexual] activity", the hormones of the bodys secretions as well as the cells and tissues of the body. As anyone will attest, when sex life wanes prematurely, this is accompanied acidosis is one of the contributing causes of a waning sex life. Acidosis changes

with diminished drive (e.g., pre-matured ejaculation). Overtime, the result of mineral deficiency is premature ageing and loss of muscle tone (wrinkles) even at a young age, though barely noticeable to others.

generally with loss of vigour. One may experience increased gonad secretions, but


Nutritional Alkalosis In Nerve Disorders

sugars (molasses), maple syrup etc., and little or no animal protein in the diet. These food items, on the other hand, can result in nutritional alkalosis associated with anxiety syndrome: an undernourished or starved condition of the nerves and alkaline phosphates properly. With respect to acid fruits, although they produce brain, caused by a lack of, or in the bodys inability to assimilate the natural alkaline forming substances upon digestion, they can contribute to acid overload. Symptoms of nutritional alkalosis can include any of the following: tension without cause; irritable or angry responses to sudden stimuli or frustration; fear of social activities; indecisiveness; inattention and failure to recall; difficulty falling asleep; nightmares; despondency and pessimism; tachycardia with palpitations; shortness of breath/hyperventilation; faintness; appetite constipation, high blood pressure, as well as loss of sexual desire.

The converse is also true of a diet predominant of vegetables and fruits, cane

impairment; and/or hemorrhoids. This is also found to be one of the causes of

Dangers of Weight Reducing & Vegetarian Diets

alkalosis. Calcium and other minerals, abounding in the alkaline-forming green leafy vegetables, do what nature intended them to do. Reduce! But starving the

Poorly balanced weight loss and vegetarian diets can contribute to nutritional

system by a lack of bodybuilding foods or a diet of non-sustaining fruits and

vegetables will not only reduce fatty tissues, but also "reduce" the functionality of the stomach and other vital organs. In addition, calcium is not only one of the most difficult minerals to assimilate, it can only be transported to the tissues and nervous system by proteins. But, in the first place, it cannot be assimilated without albumin found in meats, fish, eggs primarily, or casein, found in milk or legumes, this is where the imbalance nervous disorders, or even death are added results. in one's diet is essentially starving to death, or suicidal! So instead of curing obesity or conforming to a one-sided vegetarian diet, anemia, stomach and


Vegetarian Diet Experiment With Rats

The average life span of a rat, being thirty months, makes it the ideal creature The so-called Slonkers list included nearly all the items of food a vegetarian

from a list of twenty-three vegetables, allowing them free choice within limits. would be likely to eat, both cooked and raw. He found that the rats grew fairly well for a time but later became stunted, when they reached about sixty percent and soon died. of adult size. The diet was found to lack the vital protective foods containing the necessary mineral elements. Succeeding generations of these rats were stunted Interestingly, rats of the same litter that were fed on nourishing food, were quiet

on which to carry out experiments. The scientist Slonker fed a group of rats items

siblings, which were fed on fruits and vegetables. The problem lies in the fact of calcium to phosphorus.

difficult to handle. The well-nourished rats grew to be twice the size of their that the greater majority of foods that give rise to irritability have a higher ratio

and easily handled, whereas the poorly nourished group were irritable and

Phosphorus and calcium are the two critical elements to the brain and muscle


precocity, as much as they fortify the different bodily structures. The rests of minerals and vitamins only assist them. Call them the psychosomatic elements: phosphorus indispensable to the mind and calcium to the body. The bonding of in the stimulation of secretions of the endocrine glands, in setting the chemical messengers epinephrine and noradrenaline in motion. The adrenal medulla secretes the hormone or neurotransmitters epinephrine (which prepares the body for the flight or fright mechanism) and norepinephrine transmitter in the muscles in bronchial and intestinal walls). sympathetic system (which increases blood circulation and relaxes smooth calcium with phosphorus in the body plays such a fundamental role, particularly

Calcium: The Staff of Life

Calcium accounts three-fourths of all the mineral elements that make up the

human body. It is the principal mineral for making and maintaining bone and prevent acids from prematurely destroying the body and the nerves.

vitalizing cellular life, including nerve cells, and for which reason it has longed

been hailed as the staff of life. It is the primary alkaline element vital to The lack of, or loss of, calcium, whether due to sickness and fevers, worry, faulty

become dormant as we drift into premature senility. But it is the nerve that arouses the endocrine glands into activity; hence, a deficiency of one is the deficiency of the other.

or hormones for blood, cells and tissues, otherwise the glands atrophies and

death. The glands must have calcium to be able to secrete the chemical elements

of metabolic (nutritional) acidosis, which leads to premature ageing and often

diet, strenuous work and exercise, is the main cause of the pathological condition

It is calcium that promotes the concentration of thoughts in the brain, and holds them there. This is critical, in order for mind and body to act in reciprocity. The indicate to one whose brain is in a vigorous state. capacity to originate great thoughts, or to conceive pure and exalted sentiments,


The Brain & Nerves Depends of Phosphorus

Though calcium is regarded as the bodys lifeguard, it is just as crucial for the

Phosphorus is believed to be what makes humans capable of reasoning. Tests ones intelligence and degree of consciousness and was, therefore, a determinant of behaviour.

brain to contain phosphorus for the principle of mind can become active in it. phosphorus found in human brain-matter corresponds to the state and stage of carried out as far back as the 1800s show that the proportion and variation of

Two celebrated French chemists of the 19th Century, Vauqualin and LHarittee, corroborated this finding. Their tests, illustrated below, showed that the brains of infants and those challenged mentally contain less than half the phosphorus and the portion of phosphorus is found to be in direct proportion to mental found in the brain of men of common intellect. Of the solid matter of the brain, development and mental activity.

one twelfth, on an average, was found, by chemical analysis, to be phosphorus,

Phosphorus is the physical source of vitality. It is the principal chemical upon

which mental and nervous activities depend for genetic transcription; DNA, RNA, enzymes; and energy production necessary for increased cellular activity. It takes part in the chemical reactions with proteins, essential fats, and carbohydrates phospholipids (phosphorus bound to lipids molecules), which are essential in the to give the body energy (glucose), and vital minerals for growth and repair, e.g., synthesis of DNA and RNA.


In Infants 6.67 8.05 5.67 .76

Composition of Brain and Nervous Substance

Youths 10.20 5.30 1.65 74.26 8.59 Adults 9.40 6.10 10.19 100.00 72.51 1.80


Aged 8.65 4.32 1.00

Handicaps 8.44 5.00 14.82 100.00 70.93 0.85

Cerebral fat Ozmazone/ salts Water





12.18 100.00 73.85



Phospholipids are required for the makeup of the myelin sheath that protects wrapped around nerve fibres, and the inter-digital cells of the deep cortex, forms

nerve fibres. The myelin sheet, consisting of multilayered membrane structures part of cells of the CNS (brain and spinal cord). These lipids, termed sphingolipids, constitute cholesterol, lecithin, and phospholipids, among others. It is important to note, that although fatty acids are essential sources of fuel for many tissues, the heart, and skeletal muscles, this is not so of the brain. Research shows that the brain cannot use fatty acids as a source of fuel, and relies instead signal transduction and to ensure high membrane fluidity, dietary fats are crucial on glucose, or on ketone bodies produced by the liver from fatty acid metabolism

during starvation, or periods of low carbohydrate intake. Therefore, for cellular

since the body cannot manufacture several of the required fats.

Krill oil is now hailed not only as a significant source of omega-3 triglyceride, but

Krill Oil In Nerve Health


that it is one of the few dietary fats high in phospholipids. Whereas most omega(such as cod liver oil and fish oil), krill oil contains a high proportion of omega-3 consist of phosphatidylcholine (a component of lecithin) the indication it Alzheimers disease.

3 fatty acids supplements on the market today are found bound to triglycerides fatty acids bound to phospholipids. More to this, the phospholipids in krill oil contains choline: the vitamin B-like mood stabilizer, which is invaluable in the

treatment anxiety, bi-polar and manic depression, as well as for memory loss and

Foods High In Phosphorus

Phosphatic foods constitute the whole group of minerals for brain and nerves chiefly those items that are high phosphorus, which is linked inseparably with calcium and the B vitamins. Phosphorus abounds in the cereals grains, but especially seafood.

That mental activity depends on foods high in phosphorus longed came in an

endorsement the late Professor Agassiz, Boston, Massachusetts, to quote: The

fish enters largely into the requisition of the human system. It is a kind of food

which refreshes the system, especially after intellectual fatigue. There is no other

article of food that supplies the waste of the head so thoroughly as fish diet, and

the evidence of it is in the fact that all the inhabitants of the sea shores, the health.

world over, are the brighter population of the country. Fish contains phosphorus to a large extent a chemical element which the brain requires for growth and

wise. But, that the brain should not be wanting in one of its essential elements. For this reason, fish sustains better for students and sedentary men and women than those who work hard.

He clarified, however, that an exclusive use of fish would not make a loggerhead


Can Inorganic (Pharmaceutical) Phosphorus Cure Nerves?

You cannot build nerve power with inorganic phosphorus formula. This is treating phosphorus formula is first taken out of wheat, in which it was assembled and symptom instead of remedying a situation. In the first place, most prepared prepared to supply the system with the important element, and then made into

prescription drug, or by fortifying foods with salts made inorganic phosphoric acid. inorganic materials in chemistry labs are just as well adapted to supply the wants Quite absurd it is to believe that phosphorus, as well as iron, prepared from crude, of the human system as these elements prepared in Natures own laboratory. This is not to say that for crisis management supplementation of inorganic minerals If the body could assimilate inorganic minerals, then it can take carbon and nitrogen or the other elements directly from the air or ground and repair the repeated dosages. whole system, or make new persons, by a shorter and cheaper process, hence

are not critical to saving life. But the feeling of wellbeing is falsified, never lasting.

Inorganic mineral salts pass out of the system, because the body cannot assimilate.

But if you also read the counter-indications for the prescribed formula, the liver

is mostly what gets harmed severely. As one author impressively puts it, We take

into our stomachs a number of poisonous substances, which, if injected into our through the liver, which is the poison destroying gland.

blood stream would kill us, or at least cause grave intoxications. Yet, because

they are taken through the mouth, they are rendered harmless because they pass

gland of childhood, is primarily obtained from barley, wheat, and yeast

Nucleic acid, the valuable, organic phosphorus found also in the thymus the

The most sensible approach is to eat the wheat germ, or best barley germ. (nutritional yeast). Nucleic acid is considered the most remarkable white cell stimulator known. It increases resistance to infectious disease and purify the blood, improves nutrition, arouses dormant cells in the body and glands while increasing the vigour of the central nervous system as in an uric acid solvent.


As infants, the thymus gland controlled the development of our lymphoid tissues and immune response to microbes and foreign proteins. We can then understand why when the thymus atrophies in young adulthood if childhood diet were not balanced it would follow that later on in life we may become subject to allergic diet of childhood is critical to healthy adult life; in other words, we water the

reactions, autoimmunity, even in the rejection of organ transplants. A balanced root to enjoy the fruit.

The elements that the nerve needs are found in an increased amount of natural foods high in the phosphoproteins and the minerals, but not in starch, fatty substance, or sugar, which overheats the body (acidosis). We find such elements principally in seawater fish such as salmon, plaice, smelt, herring; grains such as

barley, wheat, corn and oats; peas and beans; and the root vegetables, in their in a healthy condition, are those who suffer from headaches, neuralgia and

natural state. Those who live mostly on white bread, butter, and confectionery, which contain none or little of these elements which keep the brain and nerves nervous disease, and are those who finally die of apoplexy.

How enlightening it is to know that not because you have a disposition to a disease you have to suffer with the disease. If only you do not fall a victim to your own

destiny, by means of diet for good or bad effects!

weaknesses disease is made impossible. In other words, you chart your own

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