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"The. Blood of JeslUl .:Christ Qi!J. Cleanseth lUl From All Sin."
Vol. XII. Los Angeles, California, March 12, 1908 No. 37
A . Conv.e11ti911 . for . Southern California
-. , , ' ' ' 1 < , ( ; ' .' I _. I ' ( , ' ' ' ' ' I ' ' ( '
. a _ WILL BE HELD IN THE . . . . . .
First Pentecostal Church-.--of:tlie Nazarene
Cor. and Wall Streets, Los Angeles,- - From the 19th to the 29th of
. .
. Services 2:30 and 7:30 p. m. each day. A general invitation is extended to all the people.
Come. and take part in this Conventi()n, 3:nd enjoy . the feast of fat things.
Love and Law. . Object Greater .,than His Gift. .
While' lov:e is the mightiest power in heaven or axth, 'fhe object or purpose of God's love- to a lost
yet its nature and its relation .to law is very little under- seem to be greater than the Gift of His love
stood. Love does not wrong right, yet it always -His Son-by whom He was to bring if fo pass. It was
rights wrongs. Neither does it..;displace or ignore resvon- the fact that He " so loved" iost men that made the Gift
sibility. While it is always ready to .forgive, it cap not possible. He must nave had a greater love for the object
effectively forgive wrong until the wrong ceases, nor con- to be willing to make-a gift so great and His
done that which is contrary toright. It does not do away own Son. We enter here a fathomless abyss of I'6ve into
with law, but loves it, and therefore cannot love the law- which the fi.nite cannot "enter. It was love worthy of not
breaker until he becomes a law-keeper. Love is higher only a mighty God, but of a God with a nature which
than law, but -law has stern demands which love does and embodied all the elements of infinite tenderness, compas-
must respect. If love, in itself-without reference to the sion and sacrifice: We cannot conceive of God making
acts of those upon whom bestowed-could ignore law any greater sacrifice than to give up His Son, yet if it was
and atone for the sinner, millions of boys and .girls, and needed and possible, His love and wisdom would have been
husbands and ' woul(fbe saved . . While infinite love equal to it; but the object of His love-1lost man-and the
--was u i-e--mafrispdng ac tl'fe-atoi'1e-ment;it-could- not-save---1mrpose..o .. pre-
without the atonement. God -had to _ _''give .His .. only . emiJlent-iinJ?ortance that it must be accomplished evenit --
begotten Son" as the evidence of His love, before the sin- _so great a price: . Oh how the- thought of our tmworthi-.
n'er could look at the broken law and see it "satisfied." ness ofsuch a iove should melt our hearts into tenderness
Law has no love in it, and therefore no mercy is to be and hum,iliation as we come into His Holy presence. Lord,
' found in it; but love found a way to satisfy it, even thro' give u.s a sacrificing love for the lost, . that will seek for
the blood of "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the them until we find them and 9,ring :them to Thy feet to
world." .. R. P. be saved. , 1 R. P. "'
.. ... . . ... .. , . . ' ... - _,. .... .. ________ .... . ... -- -. -- .. - - - - -- ... ---- . . ,.._.,._
.. : . : ... __: .. .:. : <. -
F"Y b d A l 2: 5). truth made iuminous by ored and upheld, receiving their proper
.. Ute. .rtzc eS the Holy. Spirit, and made living expe- . place and attention. '"Holiness is the
rience, is the protection of the church conserver of orthodoxy." .The
TO TilE PRESI-DENT.* against every enemy. "When -the centers of today are where holiness is'
C. E. HUDSON. _ enemy Shall COme in like a flood; the, being preac]led . and all these Vita}
"God give us men," the poet Spirit of the Lord shall lift up.a stan- truths .
agamst-=ihm'.,__tlsa. 59:19). - -nthren, as the
For up and down the earth they strayed . . . . "b . let us not compromise on any line,
Like dark storm-driven clouds. If the church lets down on B1 le
. truth in an" way, she soon becomes but let us fbllow 2 Cor. 6: 3- 10 and be
So few g'reat hearts, so few hands, .J If d
.. Controlled by master minds, "the habitation of devils a:i1d the hold se -sacrificing, ready to en ).Ire hard-
.Ar;e strong; t'o loose b<tnds, .< of every a cage of . g()og . . ;J ..
And smite the power that binds. unclean and hateful bird'' (Rev. 8: 2). Let us de'ny ourselves and take up our
Here learn of one heart is great, Many have forgotten that the Lord cross and He was made
Who loves his fellow-man, planned to have His gospel supported ''perfect through suffering.'' May we
Who trusts in God and no tin fate, . . by tithes and free-will . offerings not expect to suffer with Him? . Paul
And does the best he can. d I th t h t d "th
His hand is strong to lift and biess
A brother in hi s need,
,And to relieve t he soul's distress
And bind up hearts that bleed.
A master-mind controls the .man,
He worships wisdom' s God,
And fondly lo'ves in thought to scan
. . .
The blades of grass and grains of sand,
Or raindrop's cry:;;tal cell;
Reveal' to him the Maker's hand,
To him their secrets tell.
Each burning sun, each shiping star,
. That lights the sapphire steep, .
The glory of his Lord declare
Arid show him counseis deep.
B.ut all these beauties fade from. view,
And vanish from his eyes,
When he beholds the smitten Jew,
God's perfect sacrifice:
Before that mangled bleeding One.
He bows in humble prayer,
Beholding in the dying Son,
God's love incarnate
We love this man _of spirit lea.l,,
With whom our days are spent,
And with a love we'kno'i.v and feel,
. We,hail our President. .
instead of fairs, . festivals, socials, ec ares a e was coun e as e
. oyster suppers and rummage sales. offscourii1gof all things.,,- Let us not
Some have forgotten the Fourth Com- become sour in our experience or our
man_dm:ent, which says, preaching because of oppositio"Ii or of
the Sabbath day to keep it holy." . It neglect on the part of others, but let
is not considered out of place . for us live in the . Thrteenth chapter of
church to go .on .aSunday First Corinthians, and. preach it and
.... .-.... excursion, and multitudesspend their pray .it and singit and it until . .
time gadding about the city parks and Say: AmEm!
other places of worJdly attraction and ..tC ..tC ..tC
. amusement, who are too tired to go to SIGNS FOLLOWING.
church. God's.peopleare commanded . E. D. HINCHMAN. ....
. to . be temperate .. -in- :aH .. things, but We have heard much about
many churches -seldom or !).ever raise the baptism of the Holy Ghpst with:
their voices against and other signs following, and while we cannot
similar forms of intemperance. Even agree with all the contentions of. these
ministers are seen to indulge. in these "seekers after a sign," yet there are.
things, and millions of d'ollars are some thiD'gs connected with the bap-
spep.t every year that might; be used tism of the Holy Ghost, outside of the
in spreading the gospel. cleansing of our liearts from sin, that
We seldom hear any clear teaching we would do .well to look into if we
on hell or eternal punishment, and in would properly appreciate our privi..:-
inany communities the minister who leges in the <;;ospel of Christ.
-- 0 . 3
*Dedicited to A. L. Whitcomb, wljjle President of Green-
ville College.
dares 'to proclaim it js a back number .Not only are we told that He will
and is not wanted. Real Bible regen- throughly purge His floor and gather
eration, with its repentance, restitu- His w.hea:t into the limd.., burn .
tion and "quit your meaimess, '--' or the up the chaff, but He is promised as
.sin business, is . being_ neglected, our Comforter, as the Reve.lator .. of
..tC ..tC ..tC ignored a;nd substituted by politics and Jesus . Christ, as the Gu'ide into all
BIBLE TRUTHS. topics of" the'day.- Not'long ago the truth . . The Holy Spirit is very hum-
A. <:>-. HENRICKs. most popular preacher of this city had ble and it is not His mission to exalt
. . If we would keep in the :narrow way_ for .his text, "Heads, I win; tails, you Himself, butrathertoexalttheworld's
':We .must have the truth or word of lose." What results can be expected Redeemer. "He shall not speak of
God hid in our hearts. ''Wherewithal from such preaching? and what may Himself, but whatsoever He shall hear,
shall a young man cleanse his way? we expect of the coming generation that shall He and He will sho1iY
By taking heed thereto according to under such a ministry .. ? This preacher you things to come.' '
Thy word." "Thy word have I hid often uses theJ!om_mon :t.heater slang . !i.e shall glorify me," _said Jesus,
in 'my . ..heart, that I might not sin in the pulpit, such as, "Cut it out," in "for He shall receive of mine and
against Thee." Psa. l19: 9, 11. . _, order to get a crowd: . shall show it unto you." "All things
.... l'he Protestant world of today has The coming. of the Lord is not a. that the Father hath are mine: there-
but a loose - hold upon much oi vital delightful thought to a worldly, sleep- said i that.He shall take' of mine
---!<'eligt61IS'-tr-uth:- .. This is seen - by-the -- ingchurcJl;-but those-who :q:ave. on the --and-shaU--showihmto : you:'' - Here' ' <, :,
readiness with which almosfany new wedding.' gar'inent ta}se great are some-of the follo'wing;. and .
creed or belief finds adherents. There and comfort in it. tha\ too upon the authority of ti_ncon-
is a great lack of fidelity-to and teriac- We have noticed that where holiness . trqverted Scripture .as tl)e words of
ity for Bible trutiL. We are com- or full salvation is preached and expe- our Saviour. What a privilege is this!
manded. to - "stand fast in the :r:ienced as a second work o.f grace What -excuse have we .for spirit11al
(1 Cor. 16: 13), and "that your faith through a perfect -consecration and ignora,nce in the light of this Scrip-
should not stand in the wisdom. of faith in the blood of Christ, .there all ture? - The .. open 'Bibie as our text
m(m, but. in the God". (1Cor. these other- precious are hon- book and the HolySpirit3sourTeacher
.. .N.azarelj,e .. nuer -
h'y'' so
and so much-ofdiversity of-teaching? into and know the kingdom of God. liancy.
It is because we look to men rather Yes, I was well-born; and born well, Sun of righteOusness as He mildly
than to God; becau_se we listen to the July 2; 1830. And I was bOrn anew, lights us down . towards the curtain
sensational rather than to and of the Spirit divine, March 3, of night, beyond which there shall be
the Holy Ghost, to the doctrines of 1847, sixty years blessed no peed of earthly 'suns; and where
men,.rather than the word as a whole meinorhil day. the Sun of righteousness shall lie the
--rn Its of ------.- - BORNpy non; Son of God viSible and all glorious.
that the wisdom we get is often March
Suctr-I-think-ma-y-be-al}d--Will--be iny
and Sensual, if not Utte'r}y devilish, LYMAN B. KENT. experience 'as the evening bast.e:ns fo-
instead of the purea'ml peaceable wi!::- Again returns this day of days; . its end. The morning of iny .
. dom .that frol!l above . . Pure!- Al!d calls anew for grateful praise ian life was bright and cheery. Its
thi's i's the
Thl:i 'devil" To God, m)l( &.iviour Rond IllY .. . , . . fi:rst. or five years were years of
can counterfeit demonstration, per- Whom !.adore, whose praise
sin&'. love, 'light 'an<f:growthl ,came: :
form miracles, and even appear as an . To memory dear, tha,t ev'en years of variety,' iittle advancement:
angel of light-advising and teaching WA nefw hfe bwas gwen, frequent decline and recovery; and--
. . . . n JOY u1vme came rom a ove, f .
the samts; but punty IS contrary to . And my glad heart was filled with love o more attention to head work than.
his natur:e, so we have this safeguard. Preceding days were asnight, ' to heart life; moderate and modified
wisdom that is from above is Nor knew my heart one pure delight; worldliness to a degree deadened the -
first pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy fear _and anguish reigned . spiritual _life, but' qid ;not crush out
to be entreated, full of mercy and of gmlt and sm: mind and sympathetic interest in the
. . . h . . .
. . d M1dst many vo1ces, loud and shnll, h . . h" d . f
good ru1ts, Wit out parha lty an There came His voice so soft and still t eones, t mgs an o
without hypocrisy: " is Warning, 'urging now, . ' religion. But carnality was neither .
a1ways while the . That' at H!s. feet, I humbly bow. deadened nor by this mind
of God is unto au; apt to . Long. was in_N ,. he_art, . . and. will-work . . respecting religion.
- teach, patient." 'In meekness in- Ere I ylel? With-sm. to . . . But as compared'with the. simplicity .
. , . Dear. praymg fr1ends, the1r vo1ces JOmed . . .. . ,.
those .who appose them,. To give assurance, aid my mind, -of my and the
elves. Till to resist seemed choosing hell, and contmUity of present expenellfe,
Jiaye you. received these signs fol- bidding hope the last my experience was wilderness expei."-
lowln'g? r Is your wisdom from-above? ."A father's -sighS; a mother.s tears, ience . .. And yet I actually thought I
Is purity. the' key-note of your life and A brother's was growingin it-ace all those years. '
I "I . I f All burdened with the Spmt's power B I . h L d. h f .
wa. . .s ove, JOY, pedace, Like angel help came in that hour, . praise t ek OJ::d t atha ter a
fermg, gentlenes_s, goo ness, fait , That ho.ur of weeping and of pain, w 1 e I was awa ene tot e
meekness, temperance'' the very fiber Such as I would not know again. state of the and sought restor-
of your being? Do you know the 'fel- The crisis came, I bowed in prayer, ation, and the fulness of life I
lowship c)f God the Holy Ghost And my then and there; vation, and found the way to sabbath
. J _ . . d . . ? H Repentmg at His feet I knelt, l"f A d t d I 1 k b k f th
mg esus to you an aye A d His peace within I felt I e. n o ay oo ac rom e
you received the .. signs following? I as Christ alone can giv-e table land of Beulah, over the wilder-
care not what other signs you have To those who in His name believe; ness, to the early, beautiful morning
received; ... have you these Peace which assures of sins forgiven, of my Christian experience, rejoiCing
signs? These are . the' signs God''s And here makes known. the life of heaven, in hope of the glory of God ..
. . f h 0 blessed hour- 0 hallowed place T .: ., f I k
word says follow the aptlsm o . t e Where first I God's pardonii;g grace; urnmg rom retrospect to co
Ghost, and these the signs _ ':l;!ly joys. shall ne;er forgotten be, and the u_plook, I must and will pass
that accompany holiness . without In time, nor in eternity. on to the goal, "Reaching forth to
which no man shall see the Lord. Let these things that are. before, I press
us see t.o it that the signs follow. Annually have I giverr due promi- the mar.k for the prize of my

to this day, the high calling, which is . .:of GoA in
day of d(Lys to my soul. Naturally I Christ Jesus." 0 Lord, I give my ali-
am reminded of .all the circumstances to Thee, and engage to do,Thy blessed ,
ELDER L. B. KJ;;N"I:. incidental - and providential. And will henceforth and . . And I ,
- "Where were you born?" an remembrance is awakened and will trust The&.for all things -spiritual
. Irish-born bishop of Sumerfield, the revived of loved friends that and temporal. Remaining is
young Wesleyan evangelist. "In were in the meeting in which I was- brief and eternity is at hand.
Dublin_ and ___ answered .. so happilyconverted. is fresh in
the ardent witn-essing_- preacher. -my .. memory. -- And all is this .
"How could that be?" queried the. blessed--tlav. ' . . . - ..... . ..,C- -.JI --$ ----- - - -
serious bishop: "I was born. of my I can no longer celebrate this day DISTRICT ASSEMBLIES.- _, ..
mother in Dublin and I was born of -as a mile stone on the ascent of The following is the order (}f . the
God in Manchester " declared . the hunian life but rather as a stair-step District Assemblies as agreed upQn by
and w,ell-irtstructed . down, t()wardT:tliif el'i<L_:. c .. t:he. ..
preacher . . And so it .is given in . This I do, not in sadness nor fear. ..

, . _ . . . New York .... .. ...... .. May 7 .... Brooklyn, N, Y.
life' s . late . evening gratefully to The"sun's light is not ,less pleasant New England .... .' .... May 14 . .. Lowell, Mass.
declare . that I was well-born of a toward his going down, than at his Pittsburgh ..... : ... :.:.May
2 ...... Pitts'!lurg, Pa.
godly and worthy mother: A _mother rising an_d . foren?on ascent. ..
who knew that her children must .. the evemng sunhght, soft and mild, Assemblies will be preceded . with-
needs be born anew, even of the is more welcome and delightful than a great
4 ' .. .
_ .. -_- .. .. : .. -..
and Sl;llvation at high tide. God does have carried coal from our own horne
honor the old gospel and a : people who eight blocks, t_o keep the fires burn-
beljeve in a pure religion. ing for the past month, and have paid
- CHICAGO LETTER. Our Sunday-school is using our own the most of the rent ourselves out of
An attempt to assassinate Chief of Sunday-:schoolliterature and is incr_eas- our own' earnings, and given our time
Police Shippey on March 2, has aroused ing in attendance and interest. It is without salary to the work, believing
. the city to the necessity of law a matter of comment how orderly the the Lord will -sonie da:y give us a glor-
enforcement. It is simply a question Sunday-school is. A silent prayer ious Pentecostal. Ch.urch of the Naza-
. of' "reaping what yo.u sow." Mayor period immediately following the .. rene in 'this J?lace.
Busse has openly said he would not teaching of the lesson, and a .respons Bro. Hart of Chic.ago . was with us
enforce the law against the law break- ive Scripture .reading .are _ impressive thr!'!e days. during our meetirigs.
, i:ng :hepce la.w ,features - introouced . -by, .. Bro; ,Akers: Rev; J. G. Baellebaugh is' hlping us.
anarchists and all sorts of dangerous the efficient Superintendent. Pray for Peoria. J. E. PEEL.
characters thrive and are shielded and The sentiment against the saloon is
inflamed by the saloons . under the . increasing, -and it would not be sur- . LOWELL, MASS.
protection of the Mayor. . The Mayor prising if Chicago went '.'dry" within The. First Pentecostal Church of the
himself is a frequenter of low-down the next few years. Nazarene has just closed an old-fash
saloons and bawdy houses, where he The churches and school children ioned revival meeting, with Sisters
meets his henchmen. Collier's Weekly are singing, to the tune .of ''Bringing Crow and Kellin charge. These are
recently gave a graphic piCture of one in the Sheaves," two beautifully- san-ctified young
of his de.bauches, or "being out with . , "Chicagos' going dry, women from. Kentucky. . They re-
. Of h' b Chicagos' going dry,
the boys." course t 1every, ro - Pass along the watchword, ceived a good bringing up from a
bery and men will w-ith . . . . going dry.'.'. , . . godly mother, who br.ougbt them to
.. the head of a great to hve this_ glad, m1l-. and nQw is-happ.)' t.hat the-y are-
CitY.. 'the people will yet get lenmal day. Amen c. E. c. . out winning souls for Him. They are
their eyes open. -" .)1 ..w . not.of the popular type of holiness
Dr. Dixon of the Moody Church is METCALF, ILL. people, but of the real, old-fashioned
doing som. effective work .. He write.l - Havebeen liere ten days in theM. kind who hew to the line, let it hit
- a and has ptinted in E. Church with victory at every ser.- it may. There were seekers a.t
the Daily News every Saturday. His vi_ce, though the battle has been . every service, and Saturday, Wash-
. last:article against Ch:ristian Science strong and hard, with much opposi- ington's birthday, and Sunday, the .
was logical, convincing and unanswer- tion to full salvation; but the Pastor, closing day, were filled with victory.
able. But fe.w preachers hereabouts Rev. L. s. Ellison, and wife, have What looke<;i to be impossible cases
have the courage of Dr. Dixon. . entered since the meeting came through into clear light, after
The. Pacific Garden Mission, known began and are shoutfng' the viCtory. strong-pleading and crying. Praise
\VOrld wide, presses the battle day and I was notified to leave, but took a col- God! The altar was filled these last
night for souls. Scores-of the ''down lection instead, to which they , re:. two days at each service, and the
and class are converted. Many sponded liberally, and I'm shout- church was filled to its capacity at
of the converts come to the First Pen- ing victory and pushing the battle. night. The sister went from here to
tecostal Church of the Nazarene to Glory to our God, who never loses a Malden, Mass., where they will have
obtain the blessing of entire sanctifi- battle, if we will be true. Have open the prayers of this church for the
cation. time and would like hear from same or greater victory.
Our "Church is now plannillg an churches, pastors, or. camps for the On Sunday eening, the closing ser-
aggressive personal work campaign. summer. Address Goldsmith, Ind. . vice, the congregation at the sugges-
Under the direction of our four effi- .. M. 0. HARPER. tion of the pastor gave a rising token
cient Deaconesses we purpose visiting .)1 $ ..w of love to be sent . to their mother,
from house to house the territory lying PEORIA, ILL. Mrs. Kell, of Madisonville, Ky.
contiguous to our church. In this We are glad to report on the May God speed the day when inany
way we hope to find non-churchgoers Lord's in Peoria. We rented a more mothers' daughters will be out
and induce them to come out and hear small hall located at H)5Yz Given ave- spreading holiness over the land,
the gospel and compass their nue, it. to the service of instead of fashion and frivolity.
salvation. . th'e Lor{fwith a thankssdving service. C. P. LANPHER.
During January and. fully The Lord came among us in a stirring $ $ _.)1
300 persons have been at our altar as manner and conviction fell on some "WASHINGTON, D. c.
- seekers of salvation. Many of these the 'first service. We are now en - .,. ..The.- Wesleytm Pentecostal Church
have prayed through to victory. gaged ina series of revival meetings. of the Nazarene of this city dl!4icated
Sunday March 1, was exceedingly Seven souls have to the alfar the _
--unfa-v:o.rable: - Thestreets .... arnfwep -tlieir way .. It was a day of . great vi-ctory. Bro.
impa!?sable; but our people turne<;i out .to Calvary, for which we give Hoople_preached at the three services.
in large numbers and we enjoyed-one -God the glory; five have united with Sister Larkin and Bro. Gordon sang.
of the greatest days. About fifteen the Society in the past. two months. The congregations were large, and
persons fo_ynd salvation du:ring the This is the stronghold of the old ser- several sought the Lord for pardon or
. day. It was said that some G.hurches pent in the form of the liquor traffic. purity. . A collection amounting to
. in .'ou:r vicinity closed for ,lack of . Your humble servant has been called $1,351.00 in cash and pledges to be
attendance. Butwehadlargecrowds bythe'Societyto . actas pastor-. . We paid by ' July 1, 190S, . was .
. ,
. - . - - ;11 :. .
. -March 12, 1908] Nazaren_e : Messenger
5 ... .
When it is known that nearly every Reed comes from ,;the Free HOWARD, KANSAS.
mechanic connectediwith the church Methodist Church: For some months. -The Lord very graciously poured
is out of work, and that some have he has been laboring in the Peniel out His Spirit upori u1nast- Sabbath. 1
had no work since last November, it Mission in- San Francisco where the The opening of prayer -and .
can be seen how the Lord has favored _Lord has graciously blessed his .-praise led by Bro-., . Rambo was a time .
and blessed . us.. Revival meetings labors. These changes seem provi- of from the:. of .
in all the Lord. Bro. W. S. Martindal0Wa:
Sister Larki.n remained ove:r_:S_!!nday, the blessing of God will attend the helped-of the .Lord .-
March 1; and Rev. James D. Acker labors, and souls will be brought to message: Three-souls- bowed at- th .
followed effective service. God. altar, one for . pardon who gave evi-
.. -" . . . , We are mucq . encouraged with the dence he had prayed through to
PORTLAND, oRE. ,,. work in: generill/though:we areoften . victory and two-for purity.. . . : ... , -. ...
we are glad to report-victory once . reminded of the fact that the devil is Bro. Rambo gave the message at .:
more. Bro. Ruth's meetings were a not dead, nor are we in the Millen- night. .
. great help and blessing to our work ium. But we also know that God My had charge of the ser-.
here. We had a hundred or more at still lives and is .. vice at Highland, otir appointment--
the altar during the ..fen days, and Jesus Christ. . P. G. L. seven miles Qf Howard. ... . . . .
most of them prayed through. We Our missionary offering for_ the .
are still reaping as a result of _those SANTA ANA. CAL. month of February was thirty-six
meetings. The tide is still rising. We are glad to report from Santa and sixty cents. Thirty dollars of
Yesterday we had Rev. Will Huff and Ana that the favor and-; blessing of . this amount is for the support of two
. Bud R.obii1son with U!;; for :an God is . upon us. Our work . is on - famine waifs. in. the mission schools
afternoon and e:vening serviCe th the up grade. and our people are tak- at Paipur., II1dia, who have been sup.:.
house was pac_ked to its'titmostcapac- ing fresh 'courage." . . ported;by one of oqr. num_ber siQ'_s!e' .
ity at both services and scores could We have secured the se-rvices of the famine of -1900. '"
not get even to the door in the even- Bro. L. C . . Eltiott as pastor. . . MAUD Pastor.
ing, when Bud Robinson related some began work with us March 1. God
of life..:story, At both services set .His seaJ on the work the first day
the audiences were carried away until' in giving us three souls' at the altar Contract
r and Bu. i fder :-
it seemed that s_ome of us could and all professed... to get through to Office
23 Laughlm Bldg.
scarcely J<eep f.r:om going up at times. victory. For these things we praise 315 South Broadway
Many said they were the best meet- God and press on with- increasing Tel. Home 27
ings they. had ever been in .. Souls faith for greater ' things. We have Res.
s. Tel. west 3891
came to the altar at both services and . had a long hitter fight with the devil
some of them prayed through. We who: has stubbornly resisted us, but
have engaged these men for a meet- thank God, He hears prayer, and as
ing of ten days next spring and hope Omnip0tence undertakes for us we
to have our new church where we clap our hands and shout victory in
can accommodate the the name of Christ!
A 0 H
. One sister united w_ us on last ..
. . . ENRICKS.
"" "" .)I Sabbath and several more are coming
It Pays to .. buy
231-233-235 S. Broadway Opp. City Hall .;
Laundry or . Bakery- -
SAN FRANCISCO DISTRICT. soon . .. God is giving some folks here
Th S F
D' t t. : t :
-- strong, clear convictions-in regcard to
e an ranCISCO IS riC IS S I . .
S h. . . . . ---- -t 1- leavmg the cold formal churches and
W A.GONS.,-.--
. :ll..: .. ' .
to Order,
on e map. orne c anges are a.l\.- --- - . - --- . .
1 h' h + b . th commg m to help push the work of
mg . p ace w 1Q seem ,o e In e . . .
d f th L d B P
w G' salvatiOn .m the Pentecostal Church
or er o e or . . ro. . . . . f th N w h d. th $65
' h II d
th S o e azarene. e . a ra er
vm, w o was ca e to supp y e an h .
f f th t k' d th
h h . ave on Y a ew o a m an a ECONOMY CARRIAGE CO.
ranc1sco c urc for a time has lt't d th' t. t N t
. . . mu I u e a are no azarene a
- 1413-17 S. MAIN ST.

andh accheptedd ha call frcm :. heart, for we have noticed that God
an Iego c urc an as gone to Is t'll _. h . .. t. th Ga b"' d
s 1 c ooses o use e I eon an HEALTH IS '\rEALTH
field_ of labor. No doubt out t d f t th lt't d A 1 . . .
G d
'II tl -h-. o e ea emu I u es. men. T t' I to d h I h
. o WI grea y use IIJI an _ Isw _I __ . MRS FLORENCE WHEELER - - wo essen Ia s goo ea t _ ar.e.
in the south. We wish them great " fresh air-and pure water. Both these
success and victory. Bro. C. B. ."" "" .J11 furnished with lots purchased in
. --- Melrose Hill Tract and
_Langdon having to .the . . _ SEATTLE, . pTQperties.. .
_ _San__ Francisco was It was a g-reat dehght to.have with - InformatiOn. J?Y _A. _,N.
witqout a pastor. Lotd 'lfi[s-u.s-Rev:-Butt-Robinsorr:who-preached-- Blar-k- a:t -his . residence on Graliam.::::.._
helped us out of the difficulty. The to a :good congregation. __ ':Ave., Hill. Western
class there called Bro. C. W. Welt&- of morning in our -church'. Our -address: Melrose-
Alam.;da and . he wlll at once take were blessed and helped as we sat Hill; R. F. D.
Los Angeles, CaL
charge of the work in San Francisco. under his ministry. There was one
. And the Alameda church extended seeker for holine-ss. Bro. and Sister
Bro. D. L. Reed a call he will J. D. Cart from Los who \lave.
, soon be on the ground to push the moved here 'United with the church.
battle for God Bro. MRS. D. WALLACE.
Holiness Books
Can be -had at iiie -
730 Sah Pedro st.
1\... . ' .. .. ,:
. .
i.Vazarene .Messenger . . . l1rfarch 1908
Nazarene . Messenger .. and strange al)d unworldly. The So many souls take steps by over-
Prophets as they received some ilium- urging, that in calmer ri10ments tliey
ination in reference to them found it would not .. take, because they must
P. F. 71resee, Ef!!TORS: <Iifficult:to find terms to . give e:l_Cp.res-:. he :Wit.hout des:Reration-
R . Pierce, - - - - ... Office Editor sion in reference to them, . and trying urging them ()n, many will not do
C. J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and Bus. Mgr. t.o teir of .. their'l'ives called them ''The this,-and admi.t they were.
E. A. Girvi,:. E . Cornell tpay Of Way
"f;. P_o_ <:;!:,r;;:n "A highway shall be there .... and a their wrong course, quietly retire
way." And when Jesus undertook from the cdnditions which . caused
Enter<>d at t he pbst-office, Aug. 7, 1900,' at Los t t 11 th f H. 1 t' t th h k . h
Angeoes, California, as second-class matter. 0 . e . e.m 0 IS rea IOn 0 t em to ta e t e WrOng COUrSe, Or,
PP.btish,ed Eve,ry Thur'sda7 "'
,, : . .He T am the , w.a.y( .SQ.itjs . ; their ... after : a.
TERMS- $1 a. year in advance; to Ministers 75 cents; Strange that When . the people fearful ShOCk tO. their faith, Seek
tried to designate them they should more carefully, and with less confi-
to which t he p aper has been sent, and the office and State .. h t d t th' h d f h d
to which you w ish it sent. ' rever e . 0 IS met 0 0 Speec ence In man, for that Which a divine
and -called t.hem People of the awakening compels them to believe
. it will be mscoNT.INuEo at Way. It was not an unappropriate lias a true method of attainment.
S P.ECIAL NOTICE-Address all bus iness communications d Th 11 d .
to c . .r.'Km'NE. Business Manager. Never write business esignatlOn. . ey a reste upon The calling an act of the
ma tters on same postal or s heet wi t h any other matters. h f d k f h -
It always.causes trouble and delay, a nd may cause t e same great acts, ran . 0 t e . process of salvation, Sii)Cerely taken,
.receiving the pape; regularly w it hout having same spirit, made the same confession ' salvation, has . filled the church with .

and sought the same ends. And all . unregenerate church members . .:.. Such
In of any irregularity or failure to receive your h d . 1 1' . .
paper. notify the Publisher by mail at once. t 'IS. seeme SO Origma , SO peCU Iar, Can only be W..Orldly in spirit, however :
.How TO REMIT - Remit by Money Order or Bank d d ff
I;>rnft, payable to . : . so marke ,. and S9 erent :(rom all religious the exterior: .. This is equa.lly .
. : . N:.AZARENE PUBI:fiSHING. co. . . .. the rest .of.'...tQ.e. true in the . wotk _ pf sanctificati.on.
730 SAN PEDRO. ST. . LOS ANGELES, CAL. SO close together in unity, and they SO Anxiety to secure pumbers at the
Tel. Sroadwav 4831 Home F-2675
================== . kept step in this march, that noth- expense of quality, hecause or
! ing . was able to turn them aside more in process has been
. from the one purpose which animated taken, has brought great reprcach on
.oi? THE WAY. them all, that it ceased to be strange the. cause by. the unsancti-
It seemed difficult to know what to that they should be as .Pe.o- fled lives of th.e professors. They
call them. They were.Jews, but they . pie of one way and then People cannot live a life not yet imparted.
were something else beside. They of the Way. . . . The stronger the personality carry-
were disciple!> of J es1,1s, but He of this desig?atwn . ing on the work, the easier one is to
walked the earth no more, and had abide. They e:ver travel m the high- . be pushed beyond his own free
not as yet gained in the thol!ghts of way up for the redeemed to 'walk action. .If the leader has notions
men that ideal place of teacher and in, all God's mountains of truth are a (and who has not) and values them
leader as to cause the world to regard way which they all tread, and with he may demand they. be received and
them, in His absence, as His . disci- greatest inteitsity they strive not to be acted upon. He may insist that the
pies; though as they continued to tell turned aside or to deviate from the method successful with another must
bf Him, they beg:i.n to. be called ' 'The one end of their being. Surely they be a success here. He 'confi-
sect of the Nazarene. , 4fl are ever The People of the Way. dence in his leadership without giv-
It was a happy providence, when .ll $ .ll divine r,easons for .to .
during that great work of grace at PRIVE THEM-LEAD THEM. his demands. Sometimes .,. the indi-
Antioch the people were so impressed In no place is wisdom more needed vidual, hesitating for . more light, is
with their preaching Jesus, in which than in dealing with a wul when it is with stubbornness, or urged
. they laid such emphasis upon the aroused to the point of a spiritual act. to' blindly act; weak he may sur-
fact that He is the Christ, that they . The anxiety for success and the render to the dominant mind and
coined .the new name. It seems to trustfulness in the one who, through - take the quiet of surrender 'for a
have been_in the providence of God God, has caused the . awakening, spiritual experience, till l1fe's practi-
that their. first' workoutside of Juda- .makes one easy to be led, and as it cal tests rev.eal its ungenuineness.
ism should have been among the sometimes is at the point -of despera- The of such an one is called
.. Greeks, . and that they .formed this tion, easily driven to accept a method lack of faith, when. the real trouble
word. Ckr.istianos.-:-:-a . Christian: The or dochine. rpay not pe true is, the fruits of a spiritual work can-
disc.iples were called Christians . first and cannot create spiritual exper:- not exist till . the spiritual work is
. at Antioch . .' .:This . . name gradijally ience. wrought.-
prevailed. Before that and contimi- - As tne of all When such souls become quiet and
_jng .more or __ .is create spiritual experience, and retrospective, and carefully examine
descriptive appelations. One of these---:-uius soul to taken,- anawhy they wt'ire-
was, : "The Peopl(;'l of the Way. " Paul- actjvity lE!ads away from .this and .is . chagrined . at . the .
says: ."that if ]le found any <;>f this ' must react on both the . teacher absence that to . which all this .
way," and again he says, ' 'I . perse- - the doctrine taught. No delusion endeavor was supposed to lead, if It
cuted this way." awakens so much distrust as that of discovers it was driven, when
... That if vias 'difficult to .find a "nagie being led to believe,. or caused to take ate, to- act from impulse, through
for this new people is to be won- step, the awakening to the conse- wrong motive, self -od.istrust is
dered at. _ They were so different quences of which reveal their increased. He remembers the will of
from all that is ordinary, so peculiar. unreality. the person. dealing with him was the .
March i2, 1908]
J'II . .
vr . ...
-: . , . . . ' - .
determini:ng factor, and not a clearly. and Der.'SO .. n a ls REV. H. C. ELLIO.TT, pastor at
wrought conviction that -what was . ll'-4 .rl mour, Jna: . writes that they have just
done was divinely required. He is closed a great meeting; have received
strongly tempted to believe tbat an . KEEP the Missiona.ry zeal aflame. eight new . members, with about
the testimony ::tbout him is a delusion, Push the envelope system. .. twenty-s1x to follow. God is greatly
and this becomes a power,_if REv. A. L. WHITCOMB will preach" blessing-the work . among them, aiid
- gent_:_seu-ls-seek- to.-confh:m.._hlm in morning and evening . at . the First they are looking for Him- to bless
that belief:: All this intensifies the Church, Los Angeles,. next Sabbath . . them more and more. .
battle ;hould another crisis occur. . TH.E Dennisport, Mass.', -ch-urch has .. of :Bro: J. P.
Frequently a soul is required to voted to unite with the Pentecostal Mrs. Malinda Hall, passed to her
conform .to .some. theory or x:nethod, Church of. the Nazarene. Alld . so on March 3, at the
beyou'd . th.e, requiremertts' of they 'coine';' ' . ;: ... , . . ... ripe agiH>f. and;sjiC .
Individual divine leadings are ele- WE learn from the Beulah Christian months. Her words were,
vated to standards of divine statute. that "there is some probability of a "Meet me there." She lived near
"l had :to, or }?e lost," is made to strong work being launched in New Charleston, W. Va., where she had
mean ''You will have to, or be lost.'' York City i:t:l the: near future.'' spent the most of her life.
That which does not require of EVANGELIST.!. G. MARTINis holding REv. H. F. REYNOLDS has received
cross, service, form, duty, or me.thod,_ special ,meetings every night this a letter Bro. W. J. from
will never sit well on the soul upon week at the Vernon Church. Let. as Ingapuri, February 5, saymg, He left
whom God does not impose it; and many as possible be prese.nt to help. on the "Dheli" that day for Hong-
will sure1y interfere wi tb that . soul AN ail-day .-is being held . kong. ''Mrs. Rogers was_ v_ery wel!k.
doing alL.that God requires. _of it. today at the . Ocean . Park Church, . and nervous, and the babies about as
Responsibility. C!iD.DOt without would. lrke t'o . usual. . I .am well but_ my heart we_eps
.. _DAtY requires 1J$. to l10ld number of First Church friends pres- for . Much love to you and the :
ourselves free to do_ the will of_ God_. ent. churches. -' ' . . . . . _ .. .
:o ?iscover that will and conform to. Bro. I. G: MARTiN and Bro. A. EVANGELIST E.
It, Is _ca:ry _out God's plan,. and to Bowes, late of Colorado, have just after a year's serious trouble with her.
?o this IS JOY mdeed. Authority, . closed a very successful meeting at . throat,_ . has re_cently an
IS not of from God, . can Hynes, Cal.; with over one hundred _operatwn,_and 1s
no T? obey all else JS seekers at the altar. . her Malden,_Mass . . She will
voluntary; this IS obligatory. - Do not T d f h J h W not be able to do active work
. b L d HE goo news rom t e o n es- M s C - - d t b
driye, ut ea . G. w. w.
Ch h f B kl. . . h . . ay. Ister urry IS engage o e
ey urc
roo yn _IS t at It one of the workers at the Beulah
.:1' .:1' .:1' enjoyi_ng _blessed victory. A number Oak'land, July 1.
..... .. of drmkmg men have .recently been . . . - . .
THE GENERAL SUPERI_NTENDENTS' saved and sanctified in these meetings. : C. A. East J>alestme,
ITINERARY. . Oh10, has received and accepted a call
General Superintendent P. F. Bre- REV. J. M. BELT has taken to the : pastorate of the First Pente-
see is expected to leave Los Angeles of Pentecostal of Naz- costal Church of the of
on an extended visi-t to the East about a:ene at . Putnam, Conn. A Indianapolis, Ina. , and will his
April. 7 or s. He . will ' go first to tion has been there With duties as pastor there April!, with a
Peniel; Texas, by invitatiqn of the victor:y. membership-of. fifty-six, anda very
.,.. faculty. of . the Texas Holiness . Uni- wh1ch Morse presented to the promising outlook_ .for a great work,
versity, April12: Ffom-therehe wih- .. . ; ---_--.. o wit}1 a vt!J;y aggressive people . .
go to I.ndianaj>Oljs, Ind., . April 15, _WoRD comes ' from Bro. w. s. D,or- ii&o.<J c . w. .. pastor'' at
Seymour, Ind., and Louisville, Ky., wm, Auburn, Ill. , writes: "Things are .
April 19-. After hofding th.e Eastern Chu_;ch as a faith_ful warrior of, the going . well with us except -in our
Assemblies, as announced, he will cross, that at Cedar Falls, health. Have made. a hospital of ou'r
return accompanied by Superintend- Iowa, 'l, m_ his. usual home for a'Qout two months. Grip,
ent H. F. Reynolds, calli'ng at Den- and says,_ G?d Is sti,l! very good to lumbago, chicken pox, pneumonia
ver, Col., and then on to _Portland, me. Praise His name. and measles. The two babies are
Ore., to hold the NorthW,est'District A SERIES of holiness hav,e .. now down with measles in ver.y bad
Assembly. From ther.e they will go just closed at C_liftondale, Mass. form. Smallpox -within, three doors .
to Oakland, . Cal., and take part in the . Bro. A. F. Ingler was present and -of us. ,
annual Nazarene Camp-meeting at assistance was rendered by brethren WE- hear that delega.tions are ex-
Beulah Park. It is expected that from neighboring cities and towns. pected to v_isit the great' meetings tQ.
Superintendent Reynolds will The work will surely prove effec- be held .by Bud .. Robinson .. and Will
at the. . tive for time_ .. . ..... , ;Hu(f in the First C-hurch, Los
District at _Pasadena m AND SISTER JoHNSON, who on from Hynes;--
--- ..
. monga so acceptably for the year and'-it has been suggested that these
"Baptism has been substituted for and a half, have from the .. friends arrange to meet at the Pacific
the r-ene\Ving of . the.Holy Ghost, the work, to the great regret of the . Building in time to march in .
Supper for living; -ana church. - Tney expect to- spend some .. it to the church at 7 o'clock.
Leagues and Endeavors for the work time at Whittier, with the parents of - Bro. I. G.' Martinwm be there to lead
and baptism of the Holy Sister Johnson. the sing_ing on the march.
: . \
[March .. 12, "1908
Los Angeles . and Vicinity Christ; 3, - knowl-:- doubled its. membership; the church
edge .of Jesus Christ. A large rium- membership has greatly increased
AT THE TABERNACLE ber of the with personal and tl!e congregations growing con-
The Sabbath dawned bright and requests gathered the altar tinually. _But all we have
beautiful. An unusually large ass em- for prayer, followed with a time: of.:. been kept under the : and . our
bly gathered at First Church. testimony . from . the saints. 'Many hearts so u:nited that. many, many
to previcus announc( :ard 1 efr
Rev. -A, Lr. -Whitcomb, the new through the services of the .day. One Sunday nightthere was a baptismal
ciate Pastor, occupied pulpit-. He soul was blesse?ly saved.. service, foliowed by a short blessed
. was given a royal welcome by the The Company E meetmg was message through Bro. Fluck. Not-
. :.Qong;r.e,gatiop, . l,'h,e .. . hea':'ens.:: :, . .. the special in '
opened upon us while S.Ister Rose : Sister Radford tHe his. own church,. our dear BrOr Fluck
Potter Crist prayed with power and ment of Sister May B:urke . as as.sist;- .w:as present to administer baptism by
unction. When Dr. Bresee intro- ant leader for the commg year. Sister immersion to seven of the nine candi-
duced Bro. . Whitcomb with a .. few. Bu.rke then .us . a precious dates. The Lord reward him for his
at11>ropriate words, and he came for- message from Matt. 5:14- "Ye are unselfish and continued to
ward, the. great .. . congregation arose ,the light of the woj.ld" -and 'earn- liJ.S. During a brief period for tes.ti-
en masse, and with waving of hand- estlyexhorted us to be lights by the monies, a . number of new witnesses
kerchiefs, sung a triumphant . wel- grace of God. A season of told of recent conversions and sancti-
corrie. He then preached in his testimony followed and one young ficatio.ns . . Little . Geneva-the child
masterly way, from Acts 10:29, "For lady united with the company. who was healed "on Thursday night-
what intent have . Ye. sent for- me?'' . ,)1 ,)1 ,)1 . the preacl}er;s platform. and
H'e showed that Cornelius not . . . STREET '"' :\:. _, testifiedthat .. w pile we ..
ha,ve sent for Peter to give lectures At the street . services the natural she felt the bad pain leave her arin;
upon either Greek Art, Philosophy; air and. the prince of the air combined . and that when she arose from the
Roman Law, nor Hebrew Religion, against us, but all calm and. altar she put. her coat on without
. but to' know "_th: wa;y serene within.. Such. -a :flow of ?t;d without . any_. pain .
. of hfe. Peter would have ?een inony and unCtious 1iberty:. parried With of perfe.ct praise .she
sent for . because of his the blows of the ruler of darkness as . added, I haye been so happy ever
qualifications, Jewish standing . or only our Guide can give Such' a _. since." A mother told of the remark-
views, but because he thrill Of joy as the battl; came on; able healing of our little Ruth from
was.a disciple and. of Jesus .. . such vehemency, sucq genera!' shout,-_ fever. A. weeks ago
For what mtent .. , . ing, only- the happy i_n. Christ 111, the house
Itative.' attitudes are know. Who amongst us would riot be_en quarantmed for . th_e
essential conditw?s of soul-develor- . enlist with such a Captain? On with friends prayed that: evemng m the1r
ment. For what mtent have ye Naz- the war our King approaches. homes. As the famJiy made P!epara-
arenes sent for me? What do we ' T J DuNN tions for . the night's vigil, they _dif-
stana for? 1, That the Church is not ,)1 "" ,)1 . covered that her temperature was
an 2, The Church COMPTON AVE. CHURCH. normal, having fallen from 1020 .
is not a . bureau of reform. Though He that ministers to the Spirit and Her skih was moist, and. she was
every soldier of Jesus Christ must sleeping _naturally.. .Seeing the hand
worketh miracles among us has been
)lave convictions upon all'social prob- graciously with us during the week. of the Lord ' they all retired to rest,
lems and also be alive to such . con vic- Thursday night tw.o seekers were and Ruth slept all night.
tions. But positively, 1, the Church th'ea:Itar for pardon and sanctifica- The next the physician
stands for the Gospel of Jesus Christ; tion; and a dear child was instantly said "You have had access to the
2, for the Spirit of Jesus Christ; 3, healed of an acute attack of rheuma- miracle has been wrought
for the purposes of Jesus Christ. The her arm which had made it in this child." He .also informed
Church stands for the purposes of allllost .useless for two days. Sunday them that he would not come again
Jesus Christ, because only by these morning we had the privilege of hav- uniess called. Ruth was weak for a
can the needs of men be met. ing Bro. J. G. Rogers to preach for time, but the sickness was gone.
In the afternoon Dr. Bresee had us. His message from Ex. 22 After Pentecost the disciplel'l prayed,
charge of the-meeting. By request, was most impressive; words of warn- "Grant unto thy servants that with
Rev. J. H. Orowell, one of the old ing and of hope welled up from the all boldness they may speak thy word,
. heroes in the work of the Lord, gave heart of this man of' God who has . by" stretching forth thy hand to he
a brief talk_along the line of personal visions of eternal thil)gs. Three of . that signs and wonders may ,be done
_ __ were .. !ci.. the . by the name of thy holy child, j_esus .. :.:.._
momes followmg to the savmg grace altar and prayed through to victory. Doctrines of devils are robbing . the
-O.f- God .. .. : -- .. ----.. - 0ne-year agoc Bro-;- Rbgers corrducted--'-church-of-- what--is-rightfully her's:- -
In the . evening Bro. Whitcomb a protracted meeting. for us. His Bible t-?uths do I}Ot each
preached a .clear, logical and force- presence caused a little retrospection .other,' but it is high time that Holi-
ful sermori-from Phil. 3:8. He dwelt of the past year. Our bro-ther's lov- ness people wait before God for a
Paul's personality. Pa:uts dec- _ ing recognition of . God's harid upon lost gift that will meet and overcome
laration and only object of glorying .. us brought tears. 6:( gratitude as we that "masterpiece of satan, Christian
was bas'ed upon three facts: l, Jesus remember His tinmerjted-favor. The science," which is sweeping . thous-
Christ; 2, the knowledge of Jesus Sunday School has much more than a11ds-Qf immortal into infidelity.
12, 1908] Nazarene :Me8se_nger
_ '
At the altar cali Sunday night nine tion of Spiritfrom Acts .5-:29-32: 'of -the Lord . . ' -The SabbatH
seekers' came forward; and a .lady At the close of the sermon he invited -increasing in numbers and interest.
ste-pped from her seat, saying that all who desired to unite in forming a
One young man, -Arthur A. El1is,
God had just lifted her burden of sin, regular church organization to come joined the church. The of
- : ... - : .. . - . . --- - ....:. .
and given her a new heart. around the altar, and a :rp.ost heavenly the Lord is upon His" people for which
Luc-YP. KNOTT. season of prayer, praise and thanks- they often shout aloud for -jo}< We- -
.JC .JC .JC giving was enjoyed under the gra- fully expect_ to praise Him forever
cious- ou.tpoucirig__oLth.e_Spirit. The and ever. B. H. K.
During the absence of _:J3ro. Rock- spirit cl'f victory and sa1vation was .JC .JC .JC
hill we have helped to push 'the battle everywhe1e _manifest and the 'others - SEYMOUR, IND. r
at the West Temple St. Mission, which _ of- the . rallied around
was with some results. . As and expressed their joy and apprecia- I aqt glad to say that the blood
. - - , - - - . _ eleanses,t4e fire .burns, and_ the Holy
ne soul knelt at the mercy-s.eatand ti'ori.' The afternoon an1-1 evenmg Eer-:- , ,
- Ghost ab1des i'n my soul. It is bl'essed
prayed fot help from God, who . vices -were a continuation of the bless- to in the center of God's
answers prayer, we believe he really ings of God upon all. The business ..
. heart of . love, where there is a real,
got some victory. Bros. Rockhill and matters of the organization were
d . glad; heaven-born amen unto the
ibbs, assisted by other workers, are attended to at a meeting on Tues ay
whole will -o{ God. -
utting_up a stiff fight against i_ndif- evening. c. V. L. G d h .
o as given great victory to the
The dedication of the new Grand Ave. Pentecostal Church of the Nazareite,
of Grand Ave. and Malcomson St. , will be held on next Sabbath after-
,.noon, March 15, 1908, at 3:00 o'clock. The Dedicatory Sermon will be deliv-
ered by Rev. br. P. F. Bresee. Rev . L. I. Hadley will preach in the morning.
ference and the respectable devil ; but LONG BEACH, CAL.
our God is able to conquer . and bring _ As the was called to Covina
things to pas_s. They are conducting last Sabbath to conduct the funeral-
quite an interesting Sunday Schcol, services of E. I. whose obit-
with quite an encouraging outloo}{. uary will appear in the MESSENGER,
May God b-less and save the children: tne Rev. M. Bohart of _ S. Dakota
Sickness and other difficulties inter- preached _for us in the morning to the
fered, but yet the g(merai att"endance helpfulness of 6ur people. The pas-
was better. T. S. MASHBURN. tor was help-ed at the evening hour
.JC .:1& "' on the subject of "Christian Perfec-
GRAND AVE. CHURCH. tion. '' Our February.
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
of this place. Oh, hallelujah! Ifis
just like Jesus.
we began a siege meeting February.
5 under the efficient - leadership of
_Rev. Dave A. Hili;_ ,Bro. Hill
the whole gospei without fear or
favor. Thank God for men who don't
believe in kid-glove preaching. The
meeting was characterized by a glor-
.iol]s mapifestation of
from beginning to end.
I presume there were at least
hundred at the altar of prayer, many
of them weeping their way through
to the cross. It is to see seek-
ers dig through, touch the rock, get
the op their face.s) md the glory
in their souls. _ .
There were eight persons received
itito the Church last Sunday.
are.be_tween twenty and thirty yet to.
be received. In regard to member-
ship- we are laying more stress on
quality quantity.
' We never worked with a more faith-
ful and devoted class of people than
we have at th'is place. Nearly every
member is in the experience ()f .
ness. The class 'is level-headed and
warm-hearted. H.' c. :E.
-Altar Record.
- Sabbath was a gracious day of vic- offering will be $50. F. c. E.
- tory forthe sainfs'- wnogatliered -at- --.JC- -:-,11- ---.JI- -- -,-- - --- _. .:
the Grand Ave. Church. The ''.Organ- PASADENA, CAL.
ization Service" was held at 11 o'clock, :I;:.ord a gracious Sal::i-
-with a sple'ndid attendance and bath. Bro. Clark of- ,Y.edlands . was
faces, who lent encouragement _ to with us arid preached a glo-rious
this the newest-formed Gospel: One lady was blessedly
Church of the Nazarene. Bro. La sanctified. Our prayer and holiness
Fontaine preached in _the demonstra- meetings are also wonderfully blessed .
BRO. A. S. SPAULDING; of Springfield,
lit, has prepared a book for keeping a
record of seekers who present themselves
at the altar in or special
-------me-eting!r.:- It-'- is-'-an-exccllent -t-hing-for- - -
. Evangelists and Pastors. It may be used .
to good advantage by pastors-- -in altar---- -
wor-k at the regular -church services. To :
. its value yol). should see one.
5c per copy, or 49c per postpaid
:.. Naza"re_1e _-.
- - -- - -- -- . . . .
-- - -
. ..
. ..
viction, and getting right with God.
One young man packed his trunk to
Deets -Pa-cific Bible College
64l E . 28th St., Los Angeles, Cal. leave, after staY:i'ng less than-:a week,
. but was inade almost without
COLLEGE NOTES. And never has the entire ceasing- for him, and he is now
BY LEORA MARls, PRINCIPAL. body been so effective . as Christian intensely desirous to take the full two
-. --Tlie - annual meeting of theBuatd workers as ;1t . present. Irivitations years' course and become a preacher
of Trustees of- -the Deets Pacific Bible fgr: :tliem to go in a body or in groups, of the gospel.
College was held in . the.. College or singly, to sing_ and preach and We are. truly in a School of Prayer '
class-room Thursday p. m. March 5th. pray come from all directions
that here, and yet our students are doing
, - Thl'):ie w.ere two . vacancies. to be if, , they accepted. invitations we . work t_hehstudies, as you
., filled oil of the death: o{ :B;o: would be 'to' condnqe 'can t?e -...
Geo. Phibbs, and . the removal from 9Q.llege ... ... . . .. __ .. _ v .. .. questiOnS. al}d . then lookmg at-their
the St.ate of Rev. J. H. Mcintyre. '"S-eldom a week passes-without' some . note-books .. and paper-8, and at the
Rev. A. L. Whitcomb and Rev. one or more persons at our altars Records of the Examinations which
Isaiah Reid were elected as members usually a new student, or an outsider: are kept accurately recorded in the
-of the Board of Trustees, and to fill But one of our more estab- and open to the inspe,c-
these vacancies. . lished students has . been struck by ,a tion of .all. . . ..
Officers of the Board were then dart of the.enemy, and will not rest Prof. Reid, m addit1cn to the five
elected, and are as until confession has been made, the . :9ollege classes, has a_dded a PleW
P, F. D:; President, sin. forgiven, aud the poison cleansed . to our
Rev. Reid, A. M.; . Secretary away_ by the only remedy-the blood. namely, his f'uesday Evemng B1ble
_- Lily D. Bothweli; Sec-:, :or if are

fo_r men. . ... . .
retary, Leora MariS; Treasurer, F. C. themselves the other students have . The en_tire Faculty has been sent of
The above-named officers no rest until they are completely res- God year and th_e love and:
. with o.ur Bro. Jackson Deets were tored. appreciatiOn of the entire student
made to CO!JStitute the Executive All our students understand that if body. for every teacher i!;! most sincere.
Committee: . . . . . . .. they find; a yourtg person under con- . . These_ wil_I .with_ us
The anomtmg of the Lord rested viction at church . or elsewhere who the .. commg:term, with the .
upon the meeting in a marvelous may fail at the time to pray of Rev. J. N. Liscomb, whu has
. manner, and the outlook for the -to victory, that they are privileged. to _to Redlands . . The highest
future o_f. the . D. P. B .. C. was never invite them to the College to supper, appreciatiOn of the and cffi-
so pr?m1smg as at In and a company cers. was expressed to h1m both by
_ at supper, when . Prof. Reid will go with them to the parlor for letter and by_ of
to the students as prayer. Our dear Bro. Reid is always We to _have added to the
V!ce-President of the Deets Pacific ready to . assist, and one night he for the commg Semester Rev.
ther: was a regular stayed up with us, praying for a new Lewis I. Hadley, formerly Port-
. ovatiOn, with wavmg of handker- student until after 1 o'clock. land, Ore., and Rev. A. L. Whitcomb,
clapping of hands; sing- Last evening two young men called now Associate Pastor o:f First Church.
mg, and spontaneously a hne of and were afterward invited to supper and the .
march ,was formed, and they all arid after worship all the you'ng men Pri_ncipal VISited the Bible Schools of
passed the tables to shake together took them to the parlor, Chicago, and they report they
hands Wit? him, and_ when had where we soon heard them praying, found nowhere a F3;culty which was
found the1r seats aga\n, and It was _which c,ontinued for over an hour. better than our own m excellency.
also announced that the of . At one time in the early part of the "Praise God from whom all blessin)!;s flow. "
had been to secure term_a ,"Missionary Ground 'Swell,"
the servJC_es of Prof. Reid for as Prot Reid called it, came down
year, agam t?ey to from" God out of heaven upon the
hands and Smg His praise, school and an intense heart-interest
sing His praise, Let the glory in your in was aroused.
sing His Praise; " , There. are many indi'cations that
Apples of Gold;
The Principal's annual report was seven stuifE:mts are probably called of
iri part as follows: God to the "foreign work: T\\ro had Or, Words Fitly Spoken.
We wish first to c,all special atten- the distinct call of God upon them Being a Compilation of the brief Spiritual
tion to the spiritual blessings God has before entering the College, and three Heart Messages which have .appeared on the
poured out upon us as a Bible School are not members of our Church. first page. of the MESSENGER du,ring the past
At the present writing believe which God sent from heaven .upon us.. BY REV. -R. PIERCE.
there was a time in the history over a year ago has never
pages, paper. portrait, and
' of, the College wh.Qn our young people it only took a vacation in the Introduction by Dr. Bresee.
have been, as a whole, so intensely in summer and' began again with the
earnest to be thoroughly rooted ar1d opening of College this year . . No new Price 25c, by mail 30c; . in lots of 10$2.
grounded in the true heart experience student has, far, this .year, been In cloth, 60 cents.
of . sanctification, and so completely able to remain . in the College long, Address "R: P.,"
given up to real holy living as now. withoutgettinguiider tremendous con- 730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
March 12, 1908]

Our -Young .People
. YOUNG girl -ofteri met .. an old
Quaker lady as she went to and
the street-cars. The
wrinkled face grew upon her irresist-
ibly: . 0ne day a sudden impuIse
caused her to address the quaint old
soul, saying, "Won't you let me kiss
you?" .. "Ye.s,. dear, .certain,ly,.'? came.
the sweet response;
This the beginning of a beauti-
. ful sanctified friendship. One day-
young lady inquired of the older
one: "Weren't you surprised, that
time in the car, . when I asked you to
let me kiss you?' ' ''Oh; no, dear; ''
was the unexpected reply, . "people
often ask me that." The soul-sweet-
. ness and light 'shining in the withered
face .called forth _swift from
other pure, r Erceptive souls. .
. .JC __ .JJ $ .
"HAVE your shoes ?''
out a small boy near the Umon
station' among a group of people
just from the train: A young
man who heard the cry stayed his
steps, hesftatingly, for he haq . not
much more money in his pocket than
he had blacking on his shoes. But to
hesitate . was to fall into the shoe-
black's hands, and the brushes were
soon wrestling with splashes of rural
clay. When the shine was completed
the young man han$ie.d the boy a dime
and felt that he had marked his way
into the great city with an act of
charity, for in his heart he did not
care how his shoes looked. But as he
was putting himself together for a
new start, he saw the boy who had
cleaned his shoes approach the blind
beggar, who sits behind- the railroad
fence, and drop a dime into his cup.
"What did you <:}o that for?" asked
the young man.
"You see, " said the boy, "that wa '3
the tenth dime today, an' me teacher
at told me I ought to
give a tenth of all I makes to the Lord. _
See? An' I guess the ol' blind man
wants a dime more than, the Lord,_ so
I gave-it to-him . . See?"
. ,JC .tC _.,,JC .
CERTAIN: and graCious
woman is the admiration of all
the schocl girls in her t<;>wn. Even
girls of a larger growth are ready to
-declare there is nobqdy like her;-
, 'Why do you take such pleasure
her?" an older lady curiously asked
., 11 1Va.Zarene"". Messenger
- ' .. ' } .. . J
a plain and rather awkward girl who
given to the prevailing fas-
"Why," she said, at a loss for a ,
moment,' "it . isn't because she''s so .
. lovely or so nice. It's because when
.I am talking with her she makes me
feel jnst as lovely and. nice as_ she IS.''
The New York Times tells another
anecdote of the same complexion,
touching a young lady wl:Jo gave a
good deal. of time .:to:.
work, and was a particular favorite
with all the children. ..
you love -Miss Mary so?"
somebody asked a devoted little boy.
''I like her, " he said, "because she
looks as though she didn't see the
holes ih my shoes. ''-Sel.
,JC . ,JC ,JC
. A. New
Is the Word. to. the justified.
Can be had from the author, Rev. R.
Pierce, 730 San Pedro Street, Los
Angeles, Cal. Price, 20c per_ doz.; $1
per JOO.
L 119-121 E- Sixth St.
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Tel. Main 1484 Home F !484
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-'. f ._ . .
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823824-825 H. W. Hellman Bldg. . Los Antreles
N. E . Cor. Fourth nnd Spring Sta. Cal.
Teleohone Home 152-1
S uite 800 Trus t Building
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W .. S. KNOTr 3 . U. ARDIS W)l. 'P. KENDRICK
( Will 'practice in all the State and Federal Courts.
Offices-Rooms 92-93 Temple Block. Los Angeles.
WEST 657 ;WO:J W4fsconSin Ave.
Eatabllohed 1899 G. BREDOW
Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of
3i7 Weat Fourth Street
Sunoet Broadway 4699 Lo. .A1111ela. Col
The Authentic Estimate of the Nation's Drink Bill for 1907?
The Amount of Liquors Consumed in 1907 by the
. American People ?
The Real Relation, in Figures, of the Liquor Traffic to
Legitimate Industries ?
- - ,;
EVERY GOOD CITIZEN should know ali about these and a thousand.
other phases of the DRINK PROBLEM and the steady grow to of
PROHIBITION sentiment all over the country.
EVERY CHRISTIAN WORKER needs to be armed \vith reliable, up-
to-date information about the A,RCH-ENEMY OF THE
CHURCH -the Liquor Traffic. .
YOU CAN FIND a)l these facts in 't}:le columns of
The National Prohibitionist
A Journal of Good Citizenship .
ur kl One Dollar per year
Publishe . .. nee y 8"7 wA_SHINGTON ST.; CHICAGO
The Acknowledged Authority of t.he
Prohibition. Ref Send for Copies
. J.tention this nd.
. . ., .
Nazarene Messenger ,
A NEEDY FIELD. Evangelists' Appointments.
This stockyard part of Chicago is a G. c: BucK
very needy field. There is one Meth- Salmanca, N. Y.
odist church close, but . it is no_t very 2U2l Walnut St.,
spiritual. ' They have in connection J. A. Door.nv AND WIFE
. with the church _a gymnasium, _ a pool 849 St., Dalias, Texas.
- fa151e, . l5iTilard . hall-anct'I50W1
-;-m =g,-----.. -,.- __ Mnr;'--PtroEB:tt EPPERsoN
R. D. 2. - East Hollyw=ood, Cai'.
so there is no danger on earth
of any of the stockyard people get--
ting saved in that kind of a church:
. . :1 wo.nder what. Wesley would
say ' if he were' walk down ' the
streets . of Chicago and . con:'te to a
- Metlio-dis t' church ana see tio
but look around see a pool table; see
no tears, but see a billiard table; see
no seekers, but a bowling alley;
hear no . prayers, . but see a .gym-.
nasium outfit-what do you think
Father Wesley would say? It is
marked over the . bowling alley, ''10
cents a gaiJle. '. you, . they '
. trying to hold their young people; .
Now, i can see a . man might .
join the Methodist church and back-
slide, as . we know some of them do,
and go out and play pool and billiards, .
but how set of . Methodist Bishops
can be content to aUow a preacher i:o
dri-ve out his holiness membe.r& and
put in all things I have been
describing, is a mystery to men an<l
When-we see pool tables and bil-
c. A. IMHOFF : .
East Palestine, Ohio.
Columbus. Ohio. March 5 to 29 .
73 F.ourtbst., Lowell; Mas!l.-'
Cliftondale, Mass.-, March 6t& 15;
_____ .:____ G. MARTIN - ...
772 E. Fort_r-first St., Los Angeles.
49 Royal St., Lowell, Mass.
Cortland, N. Y., March 3--15.
Illion, N. v., March 17-20 ..
\Vest Hebro_n, N.-Y., March 22-- April 5.
Herkimer, N. Y., April 7--10.
Perry'smills, N. Y., April 11--19.
Mooers, N. Y., April20-May 1.
1340 Appleton st. , Long Beach, -Cal.
. , 9 W . . RUTH . .
1823 Nowland Ave:, Indianapol;is, I-nd.
. L. MILTON .. .
University Park, Oskaloosa, lq.wa.
Ottawa, Ont., .March 4--15.
Battle Creek, Micb:, March 17--26.
Danville, Ill. , Apr. 3-12.
.. H. J : . . ELLIOJ:T
524Durham ave., Woodlavvn, O$e.
.T. \V. GoonwiN
742 14th .St., San Diego, Cal.
liard tables and bowling alleys in _ We have a beautiful calendar which would
saloons and halls of different kinds retail for 25c, as a gift calendar . . It is Hoff-
. man's "Christ in the Garden" mounted on a
down town among sinners we are handsome back with a neat calendar for the
not surprised, but to find them con- year. .
To all MESSENGER subscribers whose sub-
nected with a Methodist church is a scription will become due in April or any other
surprise to me. I had no idea on month thereafter and who will send in the
. earth there were such things in . the .. 10, we wi!l send this eaten-
world; but I suppose that I were to Wehave need of money now and make this
speak to the pastor about his bowling a little .in ad-
alley,- he would really believe that I NAZARENE PuBLISHING Co.
was a disturber .of the peace of W/-00 ._ -,-/ ,-/--=-::::::::;:_-_-:..-:_-:.-:._-:::._-_- _-_--------.
-..Israel, and a disgruntled sorehead l
and a back number. j
Well, amen. I am still on the vic-
. torY side. REV. BUD RoBINSON. .,
The Pioneer Optician
Preferred Advertisements 1
. , . . Established 1895

FoR all kinds of carpenter work,
apply toR. E. Shaw, 757 Ruth ave.
To LET.-Nice sunny front room;
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[March 12, 1908
Call And See Us In Our
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Special offer to Theological Students and
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College Preparatory, Commercial, Musical
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. W." H. PRQP.
-- Mention this paper when you write .
Order from the nearest. of our
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' 32nd and Hoover
Both Phones ____ __ -: ___ ,_ .. .... __
. $1000, 2 Rooms, Lot 40x120, $250-cash, $10mo.
$14'l'i0, 4 Roqms, Lot 40x135, $500 cash, 2 years
$2100, 5 Room Cottage, $400 cash, $25 mo.-
$2800, 5 R. Mqdern Cottage, $200 cash, $20 mo . .
156 Acres in Riverside.Co. t.o exchange; $1000
& Mullin Eumller -: co. ____ _.:. __ --
F. A. LAW, ave.
Phone .Home _F5479 Snnset Main 8760
Mottos and Holiness Books can be
had at the Publishing House.
.Cor: Fifth and San Pedro Sts.
Prices . as low: . as the l9west, censistent with good -

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