Nazarene Messenger - January 14, 1909

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Vol. mi.

Loa I Caliform.a, 14, 1909 . .. No. 28

. ...

Some .Secrets for SOul Winners .

f(lTlREALIZATION of values is es-
sential to succeBSful enterpriSe.
Men do not work with much in-
terest for things that they count of lit-
tle worth. The . difference in apprecia-
tion of the value of a. dollar makes a
difference between the spendthrift imd
the successful man. The larger vision
of the value of knowledge makes the
difference between the dull and success-
ful student, and he whose vision of the
dollar is greater tlian his vision of
knowledge will never make a student ..
''If the game is not worth the powder
who will go gunnin_gJ'
A correct &ppreciation. of the value,
the worth the sou1, is at the very
basis of successful soul winning and no
one will have much interest in soul win-
ning until he gets . this vision. The de-
gree of success in this work of soul
saYing will fargely depend upon the
largeness of the vision. If the soul is
not worth saving it is not worth any
serious effort. Well may we ask the
question, is the soul worth savmg? So
f ar as are . concerned we would
nearly all answer the question alike:
we would say, yes it is of great value.
The trouble is we lack a. real, qeep rea-
lization of the facts; we lack the true
Yision Of that which We know to be a
fa ct. ' 1his vision is often hindered by
the q()mmonness of the thought and the
thoughtlessness of the individual. Oh,
let us go before the Lord and tarry
there until He burns this vision deep
into our hearts . . And may He now im-
JH'l'SS us deeply. as we suggest some-
thi ng of the way in which we may dis-
cover the soul's value. But l et "it be
l'Pmember ed that no Vision of the SOUl's
\nwth adeq'i1ate to the necessity of the
can be. received aside from the
r evelation of .the Spirit in- ans-
W< r t o e_arQest prayer ... .
The. value of. the soul may be seen
f'1 nnr the following.:
- JiEv. B. P. ELLYSON.
1. Direct . Statements . of
"He who. converteth a sinner from the
error of his way saves a soul from death
and shall cover a multitude of sins.''
James 5:20. "They that are wise shaU
shin!'l as .the brightness of the fi.rmaJp.eJit
and they that turn inany to righteous_.
ness shall shine as the stars forever and
and ever.'' Dan. 12:3. ''How much
then is a man of more value than a .
sheep.'' Matt. 12 :12. ''I am become
all things to all men, that I may by all
means save some." 1 Cor. 9 :22. "He
that is wisewinneth souls." Prov. "For
what doth it profit a man if he gain the
whole world and lose his own life? For
what should a man give in exchange
for his life?" Mark 8 :37.
out congeniality-for sin is terrible to
Him. He suffered the abtJSe, the mis
representation and . the rejection of
men. They called Him a devil. They
spat upon Him, and crowned Him with
thorns. They beat Him and in mockery
clothed Him with a scarlet robe. They
took Him out to Calvary and there
crucified Him. The world had no
place for Christ but on the cross, but
there He made a way of redemption
for the whole world. Oh, look at Christ
if you would see the value of a soul.
But this is not all. Christ only could
atone for sjn, and this He did com-
pletely, but the salvation -of souls and
the building and preserving of the
church have cost much of
and martyrdom on the part of God's
A careful study of the church
history and of revivals will reveal great
suffering and give a further view of
the cost of redemption and the soul's
worth. The price paid for the soul's
redemption is incomprehensible. To
By these texts we see that the soul is
w.orthy of the very best effort from
man, that such labor is rewarded with
a glory equal in brightness to that of .
the stars, and that the soul's
superior to all the wealth of the whole
world. Now just stop and think how
men will suffer, and labor, aiid
endanger their health for a little por-
tion of this world's and then
think of this comparison of the soul's
value and of the meager efforts that
we are putting forth for its redemp-
- undervalue the soul's worth is to
2. By the -price paid to redeem it.
''Knowing that ye. were -redeemed, not.
with corruptible things, with silver or
gold, from .your vain manner 6f life
handed down from fathers; but
with precious blo.od, as with a lamb
without blemish and without spot, even
the blood of Christ." 1 Pet. 1 :18, 19.
The soul.'s r edemption cost the rich-
est gift of heaven. For its acco!D-
plishment Jesus . Qhrist exchanged
heaven for earth, . the royal pnlace for
n munger, _the ro:vnl robe for swnddling
clotltes, the fri endship :of heavenly
iwgs where nll was congenial, for a.sso"
rintion with sin-cursed humnnity with-
count the atonement, but to win a soul
is to honor it. . Jesus died for the in-
dividual as well as the multitude. He
would have died the most lowly and
had there but that one, for He
tasted death for. every man. If Jesus
could atfo-rci to .. die for each soul, fo
sw:al't great dl'ops of' blood, ' break
His' heart over lost can we
not afford to join Him in this work
and suffer for the r escue of the lost?
3. Its Immortality. Every life is
immortal in the sense that it will exist
somewhere and in some state forever.
Because we exist no\V we must exist
through aU eternity. And it will be
existence either in everhisting life or in
death. We spend .much
time and effort over t emporal things
\d1ich \Vill soon pass nwny, but that
which has to do wit.h the _sp_irittlfll
is eternal. Dnrnbility. bns much
to ,do .. with of .. valuf,l. :F.rem
this. standpoint: the're '-is lioiliing, of lP:e
so . vaiuable a:s life . it's elf . When the
world has. be,en on
_ Conttibute.d Articles
sinful things destrqyep a,nd heavens Take, God, this life which men call
have be.en ' rolled to.gether as: a -scroll
for a million .years, each life will be u never_

stlli .. : ofu-: .. . ofi. somewhere.---.. it, as much as now I
. . g . . . .. , Retrirn to Thee, 'and mould -1t, plan

.. .-.-Tile. deta:ils of' each year; eacn chour,
able, and effort in its behalf is the high- Each moment, by Th,ine own great
est of . .. . po-wer,
.,:When we look at so many peop}e oa,ck t _o 1ne, I P:t:a?',
their oft backsliding>and, laek :of iilttle by , 1Ittl", day. 'l!Y day.. .
l h
. th t th . ....,..F. F. H.
mora strengt It may seem a ey
tliec"church: and
we may be tempted to think them
worthless; bttt no . sout is worthless. .
''Babes cost more than they:bring at
the start, but life is worth the love be-
on them: " In .eternity,' if these
. apparently wotthless souls are' oiily
noticed and cared for until th'ey get to
heaven, they wil'l shine glory suffi-
<cient to repay the greatest of effort.
4. Its Possibilities. Not only :the
price and the durability, but the ad-
vantage to be gained has to do with
the measure of 'value. The soul
immortal, its possibilities are eternal,
. and through its possible relation to .
' H. H . s.. CI-PRICO.
.Beloved; these are the -last days.
Only_a....little longer and "He.who now
hinders'' . will \ '.hinder'' till : He be
taken out of the way -and that ."wicked
be revealed, the Son of:. Perdition. ;,
''The mystery of iniquity'' is working
overtime. The . last great " falling
away" is at hand. The h'!llgry church
members dissatisfied with sacred con- .
certs, socials, and lectures instead of
the Holy Ghost fired gospel, are flock-
ing by thoufi!.ands to "Christian
Science, " the 'str<ing delusion" which
God is sending that they might
Jesus they are all btit infinite. Men do
much iu view of present possibilities.
Even in _the: work of th,e church we find
ma1iy who will compass land and. sea
lor those who can be of. advantage to
the church iii some outward sense 'vhile
the . Samaritan or c a.naanitish' woman
is cast or passed But this is
a low stimdard of based' ori money v
and t al ei1ts r . rea.i' personal
. believe' a lie, who ' received not the love
of the truth that they might be saved,
but had pleasure in.< imrighteousness,
" .by holding" on to lodges, jewelry, to-
bacco and the worship of the fun-god.
The Holy Ghost is: g'l'adually receding
from Christendom where He is being
rejected and taking Himself to the
heathen who are receiving Him: "' He
. . '
. worth. The . "ahte of a ' soui is not
ineasureci J)y a dollar marl!; : ($) or. a:
diploma. The possibilities of ev'ery life
are eternal. The poorest and. ,v-eakest
may and' sing in et ernit,y.
Certainly we are' jlistifiable ib' making
the of effort for all men:;-
. P ent'ecostal'Herald'.
.$. ,,- .$ .
Oh, Thy light ahd- Thy . truth,
that I may live always near to . Thee,
niy God. Oh, feel Thy love,
I may be, as it were, already in
that I may do all my work as the an-
gels do theirs; and oh, let. me be ready
for. every work !-be ready t(> go out or
go in, to stay or depart, just as Thou
shalt appoint. L'ord, let me have no
of my own, or consider my true
happiness as depending, in the smallest
degree, .on anythhi.g that -can befall me
outwardly, bvt as cons:isting altogether
in conformity to Thy will. Amen.-
Henry Martin.
came unto His own and His ow'n r e-
ceived Him not, but to :as many as r e-
ceived :Him to tbe'ril gave He power to
b ec'omes the sons of God. " "Of ' ho'v
much sorer punishme.nt think ye shall
he be thought worthy who tramples
under foot the blood of the ' covenant
wher ewith he was sanctified and
counts it-'hh' ur1holy thing a-fid does de-
spite .. to the spirit of grace. '' .''All
manner of. sin shall be forgiven except
the sin against the Holy Ghost. '' This
is the unpardonable sin of this age,
' 'the rejection of the Holy Ghost. ''
The holiness movement of the past
thirty years is gradually culminating
in a unification of holiness
bands and churches into one organiza-
-tion known as the Pentecostal Church
of the Nazarene. T-his I believe is the
last call 'of the Spirit,: the final effort
of the Holy to revive His work
in Christendom, before He takes His
departure, ushering in the trib-
[January 14 1909
ul_a,, the rapture, and: the, personal
doinili,g of Lot:d.
Are, we ready to . Him should
lie cqme. a.t e:veniiig, . boon or morning
There's a great day coming, a great
day coming,
There's a great day coming bye and
Wlien 'the sa1nts and the shiners shall
be parted right an4 lef.t..i
Are .you=-rMd:y f-or"tbat 0Gm<H
.,. .;1 .,.
-FRED . .8:J::. CLAIR.
Ten thousand Olessings upon The
. thi.s N e)v Y -ell.r. uppn all
it.s . ,I intend, by gr!Lce,'
to. IJ1a},{,e, this best. year , of JllY life:
0 . ;\vpat .a is . ours, to
Qe engaged ll}. battle for organized
holniess ! . The idea .g.r'!ws. upqn I
seem to have a N azar.ene for
years. We. m\JSt , advance all along the
line. Shirkers, growlers and camp fol-
the rear! . We ought to dou-
ble our sui:>scription list, and I, fo.r one,
am going to do my_ best .tp see that it
is Then the needy places-even
lie:re- Stockton, Santa.
Fresno and. Reno, ought
tp be opened th1s spring. To your
Pray for
hi.bore:rs 8J?,d means to !>en_d them fo_rth !
We al,'e for belng where
we are . . we have . the best
t.hing go : . l:ro'w we are
ne.eded! Think ()f these utterances. r c-
ftqm promnei:J,t Southern 1\feth-
o<:list. '\J ,!lid n'ot know.
that He ,\,as the sori of Goci until after
f ljs baptism with. 'Qhost ! ''
: Nothing abou't tl1e birt h
J esus ; He ''' as His _in-
carna.tion ! '' ''If children wer:e trained
righ.t, they could do everything that
jesus dicl !" Shades of John
Then when a committee went to the
Bishop and protested, he laughed them
Dr. \Vinton, editor of the Nashvill e
their leading paper, saicl :
''The re-surrection . of Jesus was no
greater miFacle than any other per-
formed by Him, and had no more
meaning to us. That Regene:t;ation was
riot an experi!lnce, but a mere doctrine;
that a man could be a Unitarian, deny
the Divinity , of Christ . and yet be a
devout Christian; and that he .hoped
that annihilation was true!''
With such men at their helm and
that church rejecting holiness, they
are bound to strike the rocks. Let us
J>ray much, live better than we profess,
January 14, 1900]
- - ; .
-keep clean an,d humble, do not tone
'. down for any one, ''stay in the .vision'' -
(Dr. Bresee) and 1909 will bring mar-
vclous victories to our armies. Amen
aiJ(l Glory t Happy New Year to . all
- - I
the Messel!ger force. : .-I hay,e meetings
for Berkeley, San J <Jse, Alameda, St.
Rosa, possibly Siicramento and Stock-
ton, and camp at Milton. Pray much
for me.
Important Missionary l Messages.
ONE-TENTH. :iupply at a tinte, from Leslie F. Gay,
2889 IdeH street, Jjos Angeles, Calif.,
through its cqrrcsponding secretary. lt
c-tci1th of ripened grain,
Oue-tcnth of tree and vine,
Ouc-tenth of all the yield
ten-tenths of rain and shine.
Oue-tenth of lowing herds,
shall also arrange fer infor-
mation, by corresponding w1th our mis-
sionaries, securing tracts and books on
the subject of missions and keep the
'!'hat browse on hill and plain,
One-tenth of bleating fl.oclts,
For tcn-tei)ths shines and rain.
O.u.c-tentb .of 1.111 increase- .
From conntii1g room and mart;
One-tenth that science yields,
Oue-tcnth of every art.
One-tenth of loom and press;
One-tenth of mill and n1ine,
o;w.tenth of every craft
Wrought out by gift of Thine.
One-tenth of glowing words,-:
'l'hnt glowing dollars hold;
One-tC'nth of written thoughts
'!'hat tnrn to shining go\d.
Onr.-teuth! And dost 'rhou, Lord,
But ask this meagre loan,
When all this earth is 'l'hine.
general missionary secretary informed
of the work of the hour(! and its needs,
etc. .
Third. It shall assign an envelope
to eaeh member of the church and Sun-
day school by an envelope
for each one and see that every mem-
ber of the congregation (who will) take
an envelope, also as far as possible get
. every member of the Sunday school to
- - take one.
, ion .. and power, both now, and ever.
.. ..
Anthony A . .
E. C. Ayetoom.
.- Here follows the signatures of 1.04
preachers, Bible women, teachers and
boys and . girls in the school.
.. .. ..
For the glory of God, and the good
.of man: wJ3 send this news concerning.
our work in Portland .. _ As our regular .
monthly missionary meeting came on
Christmas night, we decided to
the Christmas and missionary prograpts
into one. We also wished to demon-
strate the fact that it is more blessed
to "give than. to receive. " So Sister
Whitesides planned a ''Gospel Ship.''
A large boat was secured, into which
were placed large white sails. On the
sails in red letters were the words,
' ' The Gospel Ship.''
After the rendering of a pleasing pro-
gram, the little ones doing ex<;eedingly
well, and a few timely remarks by our
'rhe church missionary board are ex- pastor, we had our "Halleluiah March"
p()Cted. to have the envelopes ready and around the boat, singing "The Gospel
put them out on the first Sunday of Ship is Sailing," and dropping into it
each month; regularly, and two or three our "envelopes" as we passed by it.
times during the month ask the pastor Some of got so happy we shouted as
to stir up the people on missions, call- we . saw the "tithes and offerings" .
ing their. attention to .. the . . missionary brought by the .. wee tittle tots as . well
em,elope ai1d the needs of the mission as the older ones, and as we thus
work, cfc. .. oil the last Sunday of ''proved God'' as he commanded
each month gather all of the -envelopes 1tcordilig to. His promise, the windows
THE WOR_L_D --' in, always having a n ew lot ready to of Heaven were opened and such a
J\.11d all we have Thine own?
. -Selected.
.$ .:;& .$,
ENVELOPE SYSTEM. give out the first 'Sunday of the fol- "blessing" as "He poured out:' upon
lowing month. us. " 'e shall never forget this precious
What? (D. V.) I will tell yon next week service. Nearly all declared it was the
The "Envelope System" was what to do with the envelopes and best Christmas they had ever spent.
adoptcll by the General Asselnbly money r.cceivcd in the same. Your And what a lesson for all to learn, of
at Chi cago, Ill. , Oct()ber,'
, as . Yom.' brother and servant in the 1\Ias- the real spirit of Christmas; that of giv-
. tel' 's work, II. F. Reynolds. in g. \Ye beg to congratulate all who
one of the. methods of raising participated in this new departure of
funds for our foreign and home .JJC .JJC .JJC the old customs and commend this plan
ntisisonmy work, and quite gener- NEW YEAR'S GREETINGS FROM HOPE for the future not only for the Portland
al ly atlopted by a .large majority of our SCHOOL. band, but for all lovers of righteous-
Dr. and 1\Irs . . Bresee and all our ness everywhere . . l\Iueh credit for the.
ehlll'ches thi.oughout the East and \Vest. American friends: success of this meeting is due to Sister
How? \Ve. the undersigned,' all wish you a \Vhitesides, who had the meeting in
' " b 1 1 Very Happy New Ye. ar. May the O})en- charge, also our pastor, superintendent
ow 1s this . 'system to e wor .:el and teachers. \Ve do not believe in flat-

scems to l>e the ttnestion that is not ing year be the best that you have ever t I d b l' '
. ery, >ut we o e 1eve a 'boquet
fully mide;stood by all of "our fotks." yet spetit. \Vc are all .iofned to Yotl in strewn in the path of the living .. is inore
First. The church official board is to . bonds of love and are constantly pray- savory than a great covering of bou-
plovide for the election of a "church ing for you, as we know you are for us. quets on the coffin lids of the dead. "
missionary board, . of four il;tcrested \Ve, 104 persons, preachers, Biblc-wo-" Our. offcri1ig ainounted to $73.65. Our
cr 1 1 b d I precious pastor then made known his
members of the church, or if the pastor men an< .,lr s .anc ovs an wepers In . t t ' . f t k ' f tl l ' I
. 111 en 1011 o a mg one o 1e 1tt e
hiu.; time to attend to it, only three will Hope School arc all (with four. or .five famine orphans. \Ve' know this will
11 ecd to be elected. The pastor if he a_nd Mo- mean a burden (financially) for him but
has .the time shall be the chairman. and hammcdamsm and 1t 1s onr des1re to be our God will see him through . . Then
from the other three one shall be re- true and holy. followers of our Lord our dear Sister :Marcellus who has been
t:or!ling. secretary, a corresponding sec- Jesus Christ and laborers together with .suporting a girl in School said
l'etary and the other the treasurer. 'l'his Him. Pray much for each and all of she felt led to sell her gold case,
church missionary ' b<)ard sl1all have all us.- \Ve hope that onr numbers putting the wor.k.s in a guil metal case,
of the missionary work of the ,church iri be doubled by next year, when we and the money. gained would. en-
charge. . yon y<nuj ne:x;t New Year's letter for able her to keep an orphan for some lit-
Second. They shall arrange with the 1!)10 D. V. "Now unto Him that is tle time. This inade a total for the even- .
past9r for niissionary mcctil)gs with the . able to keep from falling and to of $123.65. Praise God. . -
dnneh and the Snnday school. and se- present you faultless beftire the pres- The next day I was called to see 'a
enrc mwclops for the church and Sun- encc of His glory with exceeding joy, man whose "heart the-. Lord
day school, ordering a three months' be glory and majesty, domin- touched" a fe.w Sabbaths before in the
preaching service, as Brother Henriel{!;;
told of the child witlows of India and
their suffering. He silbscdbed
for our work the sum of $296.00, taking
Ahola, one of our .best boys .in Hope
School, Babu, a faithful Holy Ghost
preacher in our Nazarene Mission, and
two Bible -women. So when I I
expected nothing more from him, but
he was so delighted with A bola's pic-
ture, and as I showed him the late pic-
ture ef the famine sufferers, he called
in two helpers and together they took
five, with the of taking four
more, providing I ceuld get others to
take four. Last Sabbath morning when
the matter was present ed to the Sunday
school, with great joy they agreed to
suport .one, also the young people's
class, taught hy S.ister Russell, took one, .
with the superintendent's help. Sister
Marc.ellus again came to tl},C tak-
ing a third one. A visiting brother from
'L'acoma, Brother Sands, took two, mak-
ing five for last Sabbath morning. Now
I can. hold t l10 brother to his part of the
contract, which will make sixteen chil-
dren adopted since Christmas night.
Sister A wrote eighteen were
unsupported and we took these little
suffer er s to Gotl in prayer, and ''Praise
Him,'' He always provides.
Up to date I have r eceived for. the
snport of prcae.hcrs, Bible women,
widows and orphans; since June 1st
(j ust si x mont hs) $832.72. For Christ-
mas for our Spanish Mission and Hope
School. $23.00. In the monthly cnvcl-
ouc offering $153.23. Making a grand
tota\ of $1007.95. l.
J.Jast year as secr etary of this North-
west Distriet, t he dear JJord sent to me
through kind friends over $700.00,
whi<'h was not reported on this field,
Brother Henricks not wishing to t ake
credit for only that which actually
pased through the Portland church
hoard, but since I am a member here
I felt the ehnrch here should have been
er cdited with the same.
As a church we arc expecting great
things from God. It has been our
' h<'a rt 's cry for some little time that in
His all wi se Providence, He woulrl give
us a church home. Everything now
points to a speedy settlement of a
church property, in a good neighbor-
hoorl , allll at the same time centrally
loeated. Wishing all God-speed for the
New Year.
Mrs. E. G. E.aton.

'\Ve opened. up battle here in the
U. B. church, with Rev. C. K Farney
as pastor-a good, sanctified .man. The
power of God is 11pon us, and souls are
getting saved and san ctified in most
every service. Will close here .Tuesday
night and on the following Friday night
we begin Rev. LaF ,ountaine of Los
Angeles, then to Whittier and Santa
Ana. Others wishing evangelistic help,
address us at our home, Ringwood,
Old a.
Allie and Emma Irick. Messenger
Owing to the.revivafiiiterests on
it was deemed wise to postpo'he the of-
.. for the Special FU:nd till. a later
date. -
"!'he writer started De_corber 30th
on what may be termed The Southet;,n
'!'rip, for the purpose Cif :visiting
Pentecostal Churches of the .Nazarene,
in the great sunny South, giving the -
months of Jan\Ylry, February and
March to that field.
Our flrs,t stop was for -:Wat_ch-night
servi ce with our church at Pittsburg,
Pa. Owing to a: dense fog we missea
one train at New York, making us late
to tho service, but we found the meet-
j ng well started, with our pastor, Rev.
Norris, leading the forces on, and being
all prayed up, we f elt quite at home at
once and by the ")rind arrangements of
Brot her Norris we were so'on talking
about 'the glory of our Father's
dom, and tracing IIis footprints in our
work as indicated on our great map.
The pastor made Iin earnest appeal for .
syst ematic giving for all of the work
of the church with speciid emphasis up-
on the usc of the envelope .for our mis-
sionary work at home and abroad, and
closed by t aking an offering for the
special fund, to which the people r e- .
sponded with a very generous offering,
which was t ruly appreciated, for . it
l10lped us.- on our. way. The servi ce
closed with a precious outpouring of
_the Spirit, . clnring .. ..
seemed to r eceive a new unction and
inspiration to enter upon the duties and
responsibilities of the new year.
W c spent the early part of the day
with our District f:jupcrintendent, going
over the work on the district, and the
balance of the day with Dr. and Mrs,
Whitehead and our daughter, E. Belle,
who had accompanied me from our
home and will spend the winter with
her sist er at Bee
Chicago-First Church.
We were busy in this g;cat city all
day Saturday arranging feir the Sunday
services and trying to some
friends in our missionary work.
. "vVe wer e p ermitted to hear Rev .. Vv.
E. Huff preach his opening sermon uf
a three weeks revival effort with First
Church. The Lord greatly ttssisted his
servant and gave him the. hearts of the
people at once and three clear cases at
the close :;mel about eight iri the after-
noon and fifteen a.t night, thus starting
off what we expect be one of the
greatest r evivals tnat has struck this
great city. The writer spoke of our
movement from the large map, as did
Brother Huff . speak of' his relation to
thc .pioneer Holiness work in Texas, and
hoped the Lord would give him another
chance to preach Holiness in that great
state.. Brother. Qard, one of .our mem-
bers at Texas, also gave a stir-
ring account of his relation with the
Holiness work in the .. South.
Second. Church.
We were with our Second Pentccos-
tai Church, or known as the
Stock Yard Mission, former leader
Brother Bohart. Rev. Francis
is the acting pastor and hopes soon to
devote all.'of his time to the pastorate
of our.l&11tirch. We had good liberty in
preaching, the word and presenting. our
work, using the large map. The people
made a cash offering for traveling ex-
penses, but will make a special offeting on for the special fund. Rev.
and Sister Winston were pr(:s-
ent and rendered valuable assistaHec .
in song. . 'fhe day was made the mrne
enjoyable because the writer had the
privilege of having his brother, A .' J.
Reynolds, with him during the day, and
was entertained at his home, where
good wife and son, Allen, Jr., made it
so pleasant that indeed it was riext to
being at home.
Louisville, Ky.
.Monday was a busy day with thr.
typewriter and arranging for my f tu-
t her trip South. Tuesday found me
busy with the mail till 3 p . m. and the.
rest of the day was spent in the. pl eas-
. ant home of our district supcrintendtnt,
Rev. C. A. Bromley, 1220 Beech str(lct,
St. Louisville, going over and,plnnning
for the work on his large . .
While Brother Bromley is not very well
. in body be is pla,nning to push the .work
in his district the best he can in coimec-
tion with l1is heavy charge. He is plan-
ning for a granrl rally near the Ten-
nessee line, of which you w,ill hear later .
While the night- was very unfavor-
able, a good company of "our foll\s "
gather ed at the church, where we had
a .good time reporting our entire wol'k,
with our system and neecjs. The past or
and people will install the envelope s.vs-
tem right away and work it, for
are one of us and have taken the whole
work on to their hearts, in addition to
their own heavy and responsible wol'!r,
which they have been doing nobly hy,
havig paid last year over $2,100 with
a membership of about eighty and all
(ou:r kind) poor._. We have a
gressive Sunday school and we anti,i-
pate a great work in this city of 2GO,-
000 people. . A cash offering was do-
nated for traveling expenses.
H. F . Reynolds.
If' flf' flf'
It is now some time since we ha vc
reported' through The Messenger, but
we are glad that we have no evil report
to Some have united with t he
church, a number been saved and
sanctified, saints built up in t he
most holy faith and a real advance ha!!
been made along every line. We will
not stop to report of the more than
wonderful answers to prayer along the
missionary lines thatthe has.given
January. 14,- 1009)

of late," but: have asked our
secretary, Sister Eaton, . who brol;lght
Sulw(l'ha Bana'rjee to Southern Cahfor-
Jiia, to send in a report of that work
w<! want you all to be sure and read 1t
in otdcr that. yoti may take- courage
and press the battle as never before.
Our congregations arc on the
and a real 'Bpirit of prayer and rcviyal
is 011 the people. .. We are
eat things in the coming 'Iheetmgs
with Rev. C. W. Ruth from January
14th to 2.5th. Pray that God may give
ns an old-fashioned Holy Ghost revival,
sudt ;ts shall honor and glorify Him.
A. 0. Henricks, PaRtor.
I am delighted to tell _you we arc
having ' blessed victory in our work .
here. Have twenty-seven into
chmch membership since the General
Asseml>ly and numbers have been saved
and sanctified. Brother Ruth is to be
with ns the last of for a mect-
i11g. '\Ve are getting along nicely with
our church building. We have to raise
$1,000, our next. payment on lot, by
the first of April, Lord will
aml is helping us to do. this.
Mrs. D. Wallace.
Rinec writing the year haR passed
an<l a new __yC"ar has come to. us . Let
pray and work to make it the best
year of our lives for spiritual develop-
ment and usefulness.
The writer spent the last Sunday of
the old year with our church at Fitch-
hnrgh, :Mass., with our pastor, D. Rand
arriving on Saturday night and
was entertained at the home of Brother
l'i cr ee, where we found some of
many fri ends gathered for a pleasant
evening visit. We also met Sister
Graee Smith, a friend of Mrs.
and the writer whom we had met in
New Hrunswick while in revival work
there some years ago. Sister Smith is
doing deaconess work in East Boston
at' present.
Sunday was a delightful winter day.
The attendance was good all day. . The
. writer spoke on our home work in the
momiug"tind on the foreign work in the
1\fternoon, using the assembly map to
familiarize "our folks" with our wor.k
at home, and used the missionary map
to locate our work in the foreign fields.
Our people seemed glad to learn of our
work an
d doubtless will in the near fu-
ture adopt the ''envelope'' system.
They would at once but they nave other
missionary obligations that were made
before joining us. .
. We had a good time at night preach-
mg the word);md the Lord waR present
to bl ess it and three good cases were at
the altar and gave. evidence of finding.
'I'he praise antl testimony meetings qf
the day were full of life and unction,
-Nazarene Messenger
and the Sunday schooL was a time of
Brother Pierce and his good wife
have their work well' in hand and are
planning for an all winter campaign
against sin and arc expecting our Lord
to give them a blessed revival on the
old-fashioned line. Let us all pray that
it may be so. A cash offering was fak'm
for the general superintendency which -
has been turned into the special fund.
The :writer is now at his second stop
on his Southern trip, which will prob-
ably ta'ke three months, which h e hopes
to report in our church papers each
week. Please pray for him and for hiR
wife, who is caring for her aged mother
at home. H. F. Reynolds.
Godds richly blcRsing his people here.
Some arc shouting from the top of the
.mountain. The young converts arc do-
ing well, and the co_ngrcgations n,rc ex-
cellent. Praise Him! 'rhe paRtorR (my-
Rclf and wife), were surprised beyond
mcaRure at the Christmas exercises,
held at the home of Brother and Sister
Chesbrough, when the pastor was
Rented by Brother Mcintire, on behalf
of the members and friends of our
church, with a splendid 'Y.i.nter over-
coat, hat and gloves, while Sister
Frayer on behalf of the women of the
church and congregation presented the
co-pastor ;,vith goods . for a: skirt, and
the money for a new. winter coat. It is
a constant delight to labor with snch a
loyal, people. God ,bless
them one and all. -
D. Rand Pierce.
.J/1 .J/1 .J/1
'Vc ar.c in the midst of a glorious
revival. For several wccl<s prevailing
prayer has been going up for God to.
r evive his work. He has heard and
answered and given us from six to ten
Reekers nearly every week. Brother
Schurman is doing some marvelous
. preaching. One ivho has been a drunk-
ard for many years, of whom it was
said, "No usc trying to do anything
for him,'' has been gloriously delivered ,
and is so transformed as to be hardly
recognizable. Glory to onr Almighty.
Christ! Six were at the altar in the
morning service and eleven in the even-
ing. Hallelujah! A f ew of the. saints
have for several weeks gathered in the
church on Saturday night and '' prayed
through'' f-or next day's services, and
last Saturday night the pastor prayed
nearly five in the morning. The
seventeen souls at the altar on a recent
Srinilay. proved . that our God sees ami
answers prayer.
A. F. Skinner.

Rev. E. J . Fleming of Raein<'. Wis.,
has . h<'<m here for three wcckR holding
special meetings for us. And God has
honored his word. Not many at the
altar , hut the saintR nrc a long ways np
in Beulah lnPd now than when Brother
: 5
l'leming came. God sent him io us and
. God opened a way for us to call him
as pastor. He returned to Racine this
morning .to pack his goods and ship .
them to Stockton. Itc will be here to
begin his pastoral work by .;January 17,
] non. You. can look for . HOmething to
come about here in Stockton . .. I oan say
Brother ]<' 'leming iR a man who believes
God. W. R. ll.ussclL
.J/1 .JI .t/1
Brother Will Huff began here. in the
li'iJfit Churc:h with a great mcetiri'g at
high tide. CrowdH paeked the church
and fifteen came to the altar. The peo-
ple Rat spellbound as this matchless
preaehcr poured in the truth. It was a
gtcat beginning, and we are. believing
that God iR going to give UR a most
\von d.erful revivAl.
C. E. Cornell.
.!II .J/1 .JI
'Vc are Rtill alive ar1d !llOVing on. God
is blessing and giving us the victory.
Four precious souls joined with us Sun-
day. We will Rtart specia l mcctings
with Brother Jernigan to lead us on. be-
ginning February and we expect to
press the battle until \' ictory comes in
a glorious \vay. The Methodist, Christ-
ian and Presbyterian churches arc hold-
illg card. sign ing mce.tings no\\.".
for God is blessing, and:-- ,ye arc
movmg the . uplands we arc
homtd. The clc\'i( dead churchanity and
backsliding members all mad, and
we are laughing anll shonting, while
they arc abusing. The tide is rising,
the intc>rest is gr owing and sinners arc
g-etting mH.l P. r conYi ction.
J : If_ Mcintyre_
'Vc arc in the miflst of. a good r c,i,-al
in the United Brethren church at
SharpsYillc, . Pa. :Souls arc praying
through to Yictory. Thi-s is our third
meeting in this t own and s <' eond in"'this
chur<h within a y ear anrl a half.
C. A. Imhoff. Evangelist.
Will Convict, Inspire and Bless.
Apples or Gold;
Or Words Fitly Spoken.
Being a Compilation of the brief SpiJtb;i
_Heart Messages which have appeared on the
.first page of the MESSENGER during the past
two years.
240 Pages, Paper.
' With portrait, and introduction
.by Dr. Bresee .
Price 25 Cents
by mail30c; in lots of 10 $2.
In cloth, 60 cents.
Address, t'R. P."
San Pedro St., Los <;:a!.
.Nazarene Messenger.
P. F. Bresee, Editor
R. Pierce; - Office Editor
C. J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and Bus. Mgr.
Entered at tho post-office, Aug. 7, 1900, at Los
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Nazarene Messen,ger
Standing -or popularity,-or posthumas
fame nevei become even subjects of his
thinking. It is his only to and
do the work given him to accomplish.
He must have the .breadth of manhood
and culture, with power of utte:.:ance
necessary for these things and a spir-
itual life and faith through which_ he
brings to bear upon the hearts of men
the superhuman power of Christ, irans-
forming and energtzmg them. The
str ength ening t hing is that the inesti-
mable value of these men is not usually
recognized among men, but that does
not effect their great value and cost.
Of what untold.worth is the manhood of
such men as Isaiah, Paul, Chrysostom,
Savonarola, Knox, Wesley and the mul-
titude of whoin time would not p ermit
us to leU, who will shine as the stars
forever and ever. They were not prized
but were and arc of untold value and
can be had only at highest cost ..
The same unthinldng misquotation in
r eference to the Gospel being had with-
The Gospel Is
The gospel is most expensive. Not to Costly to
speak of its primary cost-so beyond Him Who Hears.
out money and with-
out price, has vitiat-
ed the very grounds
of-its reception. We all or even conception-its
present ministry is exceedingly costly.
There has been so much unthinldng ,rep._
etition: of its freeness, and that it is
secured wit hout money . and without
price, which was said originall:y because
of its infinite value and nian 's need be-
. ing so great that our God had made it
possible for man to have it, notwith-
standing hi s moral ancl eco-
nomic pove.rty. Yet he is to have it at
highest cost, both as to himself and
others, as .:well as at its first and con-
tinued infinite price in attaining love
and sacrifice.
This is exceedingly costly. A r eal
minister of Christ must be a man of
T-lie Ministry
of the
rare value-,-a man of
good judgment, of good
gifts, of good attain-
ment. He must have
the higher, rich er .:value of unselfi;<;h clc-
votement . and in a great degree the
spirit of . heroism,
friendliness, patience and vision. He
must be able to impress men in .all .. re-
lationships ; to dominate with the r eli-
gion of Chris_t their domestic, commer-
cial, educational, industrial, civic and
national life. He is a man that would
be of great value 'anywhere, but who
can. not be bought nor hired for any-
thing but this high calling of God in
Jesus Christ. Salary or social position
or emolumentif are to him as nothing;
only. him to do the work
. . . .
do well to rem em her ti1at J csus Christ ,
says, "lluy of me gold t ried in the fire
that thou -may est be rich: '' It is no
vain nor in:iceless thing to listen to the
voice of God, forsake sin and deny ones-
self and turn away .f rom the old life.
It was a costly hour to Saul of Tarsus,
when he took the c.ovcnant of J esus
Christ. He did not f ully nnderstand
the accepted, hn.t he gladly met
them as they came due, until he counted
a ll things, but loss for. the excellency
of the lmowledge of Christ J csus. When
a man listens to the Gospel, it means
that he .sells all . he has and purchases
this field of trnth; that h e gathers all
his j ewels and gives them for this pearl
of Christian experience. A man can
he a Christian only af highest cost.
Chri st calls every disciple to he "a
wo,kffi:' together with Him.''- To
his purpose, his thinking,
his love,' his activities; 'in-
to oneness with Himself.
The Gospel
Job Is
He says to every' one, ''As
the Father hath sent me, so send I you. "
He says, " If you ha vc a purse, take it;
if you have two coats, take them, you'
will need cverything.:,_business, social,
civic and home life-but let . it all be
mingled in t his your glad service.
Whatever a man is_:_gcnius ' or idiot,
millionaire or pauper:-it simply costs
him -all, .. to possess the gospel of J esus
Christ: It is a
[January 14, 1909
yielding a . hundredfold :ii{ "'o.rld _
and in the world to come life ever-
I .
We are constantly r eminded of the
cHffcrent, cthical standards of men pro-
to .have Qbtained the same spir-
itual exP.erience. How can some do
what others cannot do, and still retain
favor. with God 1 One needs to he ex-
ceedingly careful here, as one may un-
intentionally grasp at weakness in-
stead of strength, and conform to too
low an_ ethical standard. Some do what
others think they cannot conscien-
tiously. do, and yet retain an irre-
proach spirit. Some . who are not as
active .as others in religious work, ac-
complish more than the active ones he-
cause of their . excellent spirit in_
what they do. Some cunningly have
powers others do not possess, and yet
do not in the end accomplish more than
the steady, quiet ones with an unfailing
stream of common goodness. 'i'hc shad-
ing between what is right to one and
wrong .to another may be very thin, so
that the s hrewdest observer cannot <lC
teet. the line -where the one .ends and
the other begins.
A Paul and llarnahas, after bei ng
filled with the Spirit, m.Hy so disagree
as to personal duty, each believing him-
self to be right, ''that they d eparted .
asunder, one from the other." ']'hose
differcnces may cause hoth to be lin-
just, unfair, and all tinintcntional, and
yet neither be displca!i ing to God i;1
any wilful sense. Errors of judgment,
l eading to errors may inter-
vene wheri the holiest of men are conn-
seling in r egard to the holiest of canscs,
as these prove. A true 'ethi cal
cod e demands that we should be just,
true and loving to our fellow men.
Who denies this? llut, ah! how often
the host mi ss this mark! Holy int.r.n-
tion is not a guarantee for holy ac- .
tions. Who of us would not now, if
possihle, atone for, weep .for forgi\'e-_
ness for, suffer to undo, some of t.lte
great blunders of our lives in thought
and action while conscious we thought
We were . serving Sllf-
fcring for the right. We sec the whole
matter more clearly .now; we undcr-
stimd .others by a better understanding
of ourselves. And, as is proper, we can
only obtain forgiv(lness, not by confess-
ing guilt, . but our short-sightedness,
mistakes in 'practici-and judgment, be-
. cause we saw through a glass darkly.
l\1;any exper-iences--have to come to
us by through other sa4
pcrierices. To'. a holy heart, . though
mistakes and errors . create,
and confession, they prevent the
l essons they teach to be- beneficial.
Holy men kind(Y'. reveal the mistakes
.and error's of others to them they
may .profit thereby. A misunderstand-
ing between Mr. Wesley .and the lead-
ers 'who opposed him in Conference,
. they procee'aed to'
themselves instead of confessing they
had done wrong, looked as though i.t
might something serious.
. JVI\i . Fletcher, on his -knees, expostu-
Jatccl with . both and won a glorious
vietory. Yet, on the point of differ-
ence, 11hc scqficl shows they were never
Is it true that holy men can retain
holiness and differ? If this is not true, .
then there are no holy men on earth.
'l'hc best of men differ, some on non-
essentials; some ori interpretation's;
some on government ; some on doc-
trines ; some OJ:.l methods, etc. Hence,
the t eachings of the . Word that,
whether we differ or agree, we are to
love. Love puts the best possible in- .
upon all conduct, the best
poss\!>l e construction 'upon the attitude
of .. even .an enemy. We shall never re-
ccivc from others credit for right mo-
t ives lying back of apparently wrong
acts, unl ess we cr edit. them with having
si111ilar motives. One may he very un-
and l1is conduct" have the scm-
hl a ncc of wickedness, because of our
vision of such and be laboring
un<1c.r a false view of things. We may
not agree, we may have to disagree .
wi t h such, we rimy die differing as to
what is right concerning seemingly vi-
tal matter, hnt the one who, through
all this, never ceases . to love, and wish
to he iovcd, . is "uie conqueror. . w eslcy
and Whitefield demonstrated
Nothing . is more needed today every-
where than an unceasing heart-cry for
more- of the love of God. No' blessing
to one 's own soul is greater than pity-
ing-love for th-ose \Vho seemingly wrong
us, and still seem to be the children of
God. Cannot many se.cmingly
acts fiJ)d their explanation when 'love
rules us, otherwise than as wc inter-
pret them? One docs not like to be-
lieve that some are igr1orant in some
things who arc quite wise in oth.ers.
Yet is sadly true: Differ as we
may, as long as love rules hi our. hearts
we have undying' . . prayer and desire
that something superhuman may .clear
Nazarene Messenger
--the we. m:a-y .atl
be one. Until that time comes, our own
peace and require that we
earnestly cherish a. love that thinkcth
no evil, and in the moments of seem- .
ing failure hopeth all things. And
even when misundcrtsood by those we
think should deal with ' us m.ore kindly, .
we ourselves suffer long a nd. Qe kind.
Even so, Lord Jesus-Amen.
s - G. W. W .
' ... ..
Dr. Edward F. Walker, the eminent
cva'ilgelist, who is J10W at Pasa-
dena, .. will hcgin a series of addresses
on Friday night next, January i5th, at
the First Church of this city, corner
Sixth and -Wall streets, on "Soul Win-
ning, " to be continued. on successive
Friday nights. The servicefl Will begin
promptly at 7 :30 and Dr. Walker will
begin his add.ress ten minutes before
eight o'd()ck. At the close there will
be ti1nc for questions, testimonials, or
an. opportune time for seekers and
prayer. The meetings will -be under the
auspices of the yo,ung people but ope n
.to all. This 'will he a great privilege,
and a general invitation is extended.'
.. - ....
This n1ccting, held every week at2 :30
p. m. at the First Church, corner of
Sixth nnd Wall streets, is one of the
of the Pentecostal Church
of the Nazarene. 1t has been part of
its work from the first week until the
last. It was in the First Church, when
ther e were no others; . and as the
d:ui.ghtets have gone out and set up
. honsclweping with the blessing of the
mot her church upon them, this meeting
still r cmail,l Cd a part of the inheritencc
of t he whole church, to whi ch they
have us\utily lovingly tnrncd as a part
of general work. These meetings
-wer e never niore rich an<l deep tl{an
i1t the present time. Indeed we arc in-
clined to beli eve that the saints who
have long abode in them have been so
C;lri chctl u{at ther e is a !>l_lCr cd depth
and holy p<nvcr more blessed ann won-
derful than in other days. They have
become so blended in the life of' many
that it would be like plucking out of a
. \ . .
r1ght eye to be deprived of them. They
are mile stones toward the great white
.. .. ..
D&. BRESEE -is expected : to. hold a
few days of meeting with our church
at San Diego, .. Gal. , beginning J anuar.y
The monthly missionacy . prayer-
meeting for . the Firat. Church in this
city was held Wednesday night, last
week. After the readingof the word
and a season of earnest prayer, Bro.
Gay reported the previous .. month's
offering, from this church, a8 having
been raised during the last month-
. December-for . the General Fund,
$113.25 . For special help for orphans
. in- Hope School, a
Frfend, :$100. Christmas offering,
$50.00. Other special offerings, $3. 00.
Total, $266.25. He said that a goodly
number 9f our people make a regular
monthly but that many do
not. He read some very wonderful
words from Sister Eaton, of Portland,
Ore. ; how in her severe illness God
had answered her prayer in reference
to money for the work. An account
of this marvelous answer to prayer
will be found on page 3 of this week's
The meeting was largely given to
prayer for our Home and Foreign
missionaries and fellow-workers, and
for a mighty outpouring of the Spirit
upon all .the churches. . It. was a busi-
ness meeting by the way of the throne.

Sunday was a time of .. deep search-
ing. Bro. Fluck preached 'Under the
anointing in the morning meeting. A
number of new faces were seen in the
audience. Some expressed their need
in the evening service, one soul seek-
ing at . the mourners' bench a clean
heart. Many times have our souls
feasted upon the good things coming
from God through our dear Bro. Good-
win, but Monday evening . the dear
Lord surely possessed him as never
before as he poured forth in our meet-
ing the Gospef, freightJ:d with not
only old but new truths tQ us . alL
Many caught a vision of God's
purpose for His children, and a num-:
ber fen on their faces about- the
mercy-seat and heard from heaven;
Thank God, His glory Is coming upon
the meeting here . .. E. M. HUTCHENS.'
tr tr IC"
DR. BRESEE wH! preach at
Church, corner $ixth and Wail streets,
next sabbath, at 11:00 o'clock, on
''Christ in our Broken Gates of Civil-
ization.... Rev. J. W. Goodwin will
preach at 7:30 p. m. Mass Holiness
meeting at 3:00
BRo. WILSON, of Long Beach, _ Cal.,
writes: ".The. blessing of tlie Lord
was with tis on Sunday. Eight or
nine were at the altar and two: or
three proftSsed to obtain.:w.hat they
sought on Sabbath evepii)g. -Me-et-
ings continue each eveningthis week.,,
.. JL
--Los-A.nueles aifdi::.v-(cinttg
'l'he morning worship was well at-
tended, and a precious spirit of unity
prevailed in the meeting. The large
anditori\nn was well heated and the
added heating power which has been
installed by the church board was much
a _I)preciated.
.In the absence of Dr. Bresee, through
a temporary illness, Brother Goodwin
gave the message of the morning, tak-
ing his text from Isa. 40 :39. He spoke
of the need o.f our waiting in prayerful
submission, silence, expectation, pati-
. once and with the attitude of unques-
tioned obedience before the Lord. Hu-
m_an weakness a requirement of the Di-
vine strength, and how the Divine over-
ean1e the human, which is the result of
waiting upon the Lord.
Brother J. C. Coleman had. charge of
the afternoon Holiness meeting which
was indeed a:: wonderful service of holy
testimony. It was what Brother Cole-
man would call ''an old-fashioned
praise meeting,'' rich in holy power.
Bro. Goodwin brought the message
of t.he evening from Luke 18:1-8, taking
the faith of the woman as she plead
with the unjust judge as an illustra-
tion of the. faith needed in these ti_mes.
'!'here were five seekers at the altar.
three for pardon and two for sanctifi-
'l'he Company E meeting was a source
of much interest, Sister Radford giving
the message and a . spirited session of
h'Rtimony heiug enjoyed.
"" "" ""
The revival continues in increasing
victory and glory. Larg"e congregations
were present at both services on Sab-
bath. Brother La Fontaine preached
at 11 a. m. from Ezck. 22 :30, ''Stand-

In ariswer to a number of calls from
various churches Revs. Allie and Emma
Irick of Ringwood, Oklahoma; will ar-
rive in Los Angeles this week to begin
the]r engagerritmt at the Orand Avenue
church on Friday eyening. They will
preach at the usual services qn next
and in addition, an afternoon
service .. will be held hereafter at 3
o'clock, giving a ,full day's niecti;1g dur-
ing their series of meetings.
Brother Irick and his excellent wife
are new to the people on the coast, and
come to us in the fullness of the bless-
ing. He has recently returned from a
journey around the world in company
with Dr. Godbey, witnessing revivals in
India and Japan, and has wondrous
triumphs in therhomc land since his re-
turn . . His recent meetings in Oldahonui.
Revs. Allie and Emma Irick.
and Kansas have been seasons of spir-
ing in the Gap," and at night from itual glory and may souls have been
1 Jno. 1 :7, "The Blood that Cleanseth." saved and sanctified. Sister Irick
Four souls were at the altar and sane- preaches with great unction, power and
tified wholly and two were received into effect.
A cordial invitation is extended to
church membership. Seven new schol- all to coinc and help push this battle.
ars ,\rere added to the Sabbath school, . The chm;ch is in splendid shape and in
and the average is close to . spiritual power for aggressive work and
75. The meetings during the past week are confidently expectit1g great rcsultR
have been well sustained jn attendance, from heaven.
and with salvation. Rev. Mrs. Lulu
Rogers preached acceptably at two ser- .
vices, and Brother B. N. Conoway
brought the message on one evening, to
the helpfulness of all. The pastor will
preach each eveni.Dg this week. Rev.
Allie Irick and wife of Ringwood, Okla-
homa, will arrive on Friday a,nd will he
in the evening service and will preach
on next Sabbath, and the week follow-
ing till the end of the month. The
Spirit of the Lord is leading us on with
.,. .,. .,.
Our Sunday school starfs out the new
'year with a change i.n the superintend-
ency, the first change since the organi-
.,.;r,ation fifteen years ago. Sister L. L.
Lewis 'started the school in a private -
house, and has devoted her time and
energies to bringing school to its
present efficiency. It 'was .through her
labors, largely, that it became possible
to organize a . church in this neighbor-
liood: May-the-
continue to rest upon her. The
officers arc: . Superintendent, L. A'.
Sprowl; assistant superintendent, H. N.
Blliott; primary superintendent, Sister
L. L. Lewis; superintendent of home
department, Sister L. Ortwyn; supet-
intendent of Mercy ai1d Help depart-
ment, Sister P. A,.dams; secretary or
school, Rilla "Jayhes; organist, Majorie
Home; assistant .organist, Sister Gipi ;
treasurer, D. J. Loomis. On
'l'hursday evening at our prayer meet-
ing one man -knelt for prayer, and on
Sunday morning four. were forward for
Ranctification. 'l'he interior of our
church has been retinted and painte<l .
'l'his became possible by a good brother
donating the labor. The Lord knows
how to reward such as these .
. . IT. N. E.
"" "" ""
'l'he all-clay niectlng last Thursday
waR. of exceeding intcrcRt and profit.
\Ve trust that real Rilhstantial
ment was made. In the morning tlw
pastor preached on "The Sanctification
of the Holy JcRus for the true Sancti-
of His Disciples" as the exlllll-
pl e fot' all holiness people to give thcm-
Kelvqs wholly to this work In the al'-
tcrT)_!)Oil our general superintendent,
t)t:. preached on "The Harvest
and the l1aborcrs. " It was a most
thoughtful and unctions presentation of
truth divine. In the evening our ;diK-
l rict snpciintendent, J . W. Good-
win, preached on "Oblivion of the PaKt
and Pressing Towards the Goal
Ahead." It was the first time this
writer has been privileged to hca1
Brother Goodwin, and he had to won-
der at the wisdom and power with
which the word was spoken.
I1ast Sabbath the pastor "' preached in
the morning on "The Fire of Pentc-
coRt;" and in the evening on "Thn
. Great Salvation. " The afternoon peo-
ple's meeting was especially good. On<'
new member was received on profes-
sion. Tlie faitl1ful few are longing and
praying and looking for a time of re-
freshing from the presence of the IJonl.
Next l<'riday at 2 p . m. will be in-
augtlratcd a ivcekly "Question Drawer
:lV[ecting, '' for the consid.eration of writ-
. ten questions pe!taining to the practical
life of holiness. The . particular topir.
for qonsideration at this first meeting
will be Divine Healing, especially as re-
lating to the Atonement. My own soul
is free and exultant. Hallelujah!
Edward F . Walker.
W c are pressing the battle in Pasade-
na mi(1 expecting .constant victory.
Holiness is especially unpopular here
hut thank God a few have seen the
King in all His beauty . and are wor-
Rhiping Him in tlw. hem.1ty. Qf hnliness.
Brot11cr Walker preached Sunday
morning from Acts 2 :1-4,_. his subject
being "Pen tccost. '' .This is one of a
series of l')erinons on this theme. In the
January 14, l9Q91

mi!ch -r:ejo1C1ni'f !lin on g-:-:m<r
saints. At night Brother R. Pierce
pl"Citehcd a VCJ'Y helpful sermon. for the
new year from Hcb. 11 :8. Keep pray-
ing for Pasadena. A. 0.
"" "" ""
.., . . . pAKERSFIELD, CAL.
'l'ue Holy Ghost is leading
tlw Pentecostal Nazarene Church in
Bakersfield to greater and grander re-
sults every Sabbath. Vfe have forty-
five in Sabbath school, with trained
spititual teachers. All services are
g-aining in Pentecostal power and num-
IHH"H. In the name of the 'l'rinity, we
IH,gin special meetings Janimry 7. Let
all interceding Nazarencs pray for the
loHt in Bakersfield. 'l'he lost here
llllmlls lost. But .Jcsm1 came to seck
nne! save that' which was lost.
Will C. Williams, Pastor.
"" .;!. ""
God's blessing has continued with us
nnother week and souls have found
JH'aee in believing. Some also have
l'ound the blessing of a cican hmirt.
'l'he ten days following Cln:istmas six-
tt,t!ll seekers have bowed at the altar,
the most of whom prayed through to
ridory. Some remarkable answers to
prayer have been ours. 'l'hc past week
we rcecivcd word also of a woman
sa Vt!tl through one of ou.i' members at
Burbank, who left her llying testimony
of' the power of Jesus to save her from
;,11 si11 and take away the fear of death.
said; "'l'cll them that there is. no
sf ing in death, and no need of the
p1iest. " A man saved four years ago
in our mission, and who hm; been away
!'rom the city working; has kept saved
1111<ler great persecution. At one time
Ill! had nearly all his household goods
nnd elothing stolen. They came into
till! city for mc1lical aid for a young
hil<l; it died, but the mother also
found the Lord and went home com-
fortetl. We find ourselves at the bcgin-
. ning of the new year in great need . of
ht'lp in the primary department of our
school. vVc almost always
ha\"IJ laekcd sufficient help there. It is
'.Jot . necessary to be able to speak Span-
lsi,!... There is only one requisite-a
passion for these precious lost ones for
whom Jesus died-and you will . do.
W c feel sure one would esteem it a de-
light to work under such efficient lcad-
as Miss Cora Snyder, the super"
1ntcndcnt of the primary department.
She, as has Brother Petersoi1, Brother
'Wood Glo.ver and Brother Brand held
faithfuly to this work, but God ' waits
to speak to you. Will you hear Him?
Tf yon refuse l-Ie cannot bless yon. One
day niHler trial He told me that if He
- could not bless me here, He would not
hlt!ss me anywhere. Sometimes mission-
al'e tempted to do like Jonah. It
1s not always easy to stand in hard
places, but it is always ble!'lsed.
. Mrs. M. McReynolds.
.. .. ----- -

Dr. W. B. Godbey is to hold meetings
for three days, Mary 2-4, at Pilot;Point,
'l'exus. .
N. Y. We arc sure that grace is suffi-
cient in this. time of bereavement.
Brother W. A. Mliiler, wile and two
boys,,who have been engaged with the
Beginning noxt Sabbath an afternoon
meeting will be held in the Grund Ave-
. nuc church at 3 o'clock
Brother J.Ja Fontaine preached (!t tpc
Mission at Nadeau on Sabbath after-
noon and four souls were sstn!!tified.
Uowmari and Kilbourne Mission Work
in Japan, have found it necessary, ow-
ing to the state of Sif,lter Miller's health,
to return to this country. They are
N azarcnes and will locate for the pres-
ent iu Los Angeles' at . 150 South Ave.
24. .
Our church at Ducamorga, Cal., com-
menced special revival meetings Janu-
ary .a, which the Lord is blessing under
the lead of the rmstor, llrother Hum-
The special meetings at J.1ong Beach
churt!h, under .the lead of the pastor,
Brother Wilson, are being gr;aeiously
blessed of God, souls being sa vcd and
Some twenty or more have fo\Vlll
God either in pardon or purity at .Jones-
boro, Ark., in meetings held by Super-
intendent W. F. Pallas. May the num-
ber increase.
lllessed results arc following the
meetings held by Brother John Nor-
berry : at th.c John \Vesley church,
Bx:ooklyn; N .. Y,; thirty having united
with the church.
.Among the latest contributions for .
readers is that splendid little story,
"The Time to Strike," hy Alpin M.
Bowes of Denver, Colo. Evangelist C.
B. Allen writeR in the fore-word, ''The
. imclcmed pages bring a timely message.
Interesting from start to finish to . all
who arc in any way concerned for the
safety of the family, arid for civic right-
.,cousness. The main items in this story
arc based on fact, and since fact is
stranger than fiction, it will be read
with fascinating interest. " This l>Ook
should be in every Sunday school and
every Christian family in the country.
It brings encouragement to the rightc-
ous and convidion to the unsaved. Or-
der of . the Nazarene Publishing Uo.
Cloth 60c, paper 30c.
"" ""
We are sorry to hear that llrother ' _The has been
. I\[ iller, pastor of the Upland church, With salvatiOn. Thursday mght s.ouls
were at the altar and Sabbath morn-
has very siek and docs not seem to
improve rapidly. Let all our readers ing at the.close of a sermon by our
pray for his recovery. Pastor there were three souls; one for
pardon, one seeking sanctification,
Brother Ruth has already . reecived
invitations to take part in twenty-seven
camp meetings in 1!JO!J. He commences
meetings with the Portland,. Oregon,
church today. Pray for these meetings.
Brother E . Dearn, : superintendent of
tile N orthw<).st District, is to hold revi-
val meetings with the Lynn, Mass.;
dmrch in F ebruary. Tllis church is en-
joying a constant revival. On a r ecent
Sunday twenty souls were at the altar.
Special meetings have been held at
Pomona church during the past week,
under the lead of Sister Rogers, and
continued over last Sabbath hy Brother
l<'luck. They will be continued this
week by Brother McCann.
District Superintendent Goodwin, in
addition to his duties as assistant pas-
tor of the First Church. Los Angeles, is
gradually getting round to the churches.
Last week he visited Ocean and
.Upland and had very gracious seasons
with them.
W c are informed of the st1dderi <teath
of the father of Rev. \Y. H. Hoople, at
his home in Brooklyn, N. )'". Brother
Ho?ple is the efficient superintendent
and one a backslider. God spoke
peace to each heart. At night a feast
of love.was enjoyed by all present
and to souls were made free. As a
church we are truly thankful for God's
blessing and beriediction' upon us.
V. J.J.
.... .Ji
The annual meeting of the, Stock-
holders of the Nazarene Publishing
Company will be held at the Publish- .
ing House, 730 San Pedro -St., Tues-
day, Jan. 19, at 7: 30 p. m.
"''h. ,,,
or, Spiritual Earthquakes.
This book by this noted Evangefist will
arouse, instruct 1!-nd bless. Send for it.
Bound in Cloth, 320 Pages
Price, $1.00
10 Nazarene Mess(!nger
Deets Pacific Bible College
641 E .. 28th St., Los Angeles, Cal.
MoNDAY-Homiletics . ...... ... ........ ... ...... .. . . , .. .. 9 a. m .......... .. ....... Rev: R. Pierce
Philosophy of Plan. of Salvation ... ........ ... 10 a. m ........ ......... .. Rev. Isaiah-Reid
Holiness-and Missionary Biography ... , .. .. 11 a. m ................. :; Leora Maris
TUESDAY-Theology ......... , .... .... .. .. ............... 9 a. m, .... ........ ...... Rev. lsaiah.Reid, A. B.
Students' Preaching Service ..... ... ...... .... 10 a. m .. .. ...... .. .. .... :College Students
Praise Prayer Service..... .. .............. 11 a. m .................. . Mrs: L. M. Hervey
WEDNESDAY-Public. Speaking................. ... 9 a. m ...... ... .... ...... Miss Adelaide Haller,
. . . . Teacher Cumnock School of. Expression .
Bible Text Drill ... : ................................ 10 a. m .... .. ....... ...... Bess S. Wood
N. T. Doctrine ...... .. ...... .. .............. , .. ..... 11 a. m ...... .... .. .. ..... Rev. Isaiah Reid
THURSDAY-Life -of Chri:'t ...... ............ .... .... 9 a. m .............. A. L. Whitcomb, M. S.
Old Testament Studies ........................... 10 a. m ...... .... .... .. Rev. Isaiah Reid
. 9.;f. .... .. . _. .... ............ .... .. .. .. .. :-.. 11 a. m ........... .... .... Rev. P. Bref!ee, D.p.
FRIDAY Holiness.................. ...... 9 a. m ... .. . , .. ..... ..... Rev. Isaiah Reid
Bible ..... .. ....... ............ .. .... .. .... ... 10 a. m . ......... _. ........ Rev. Lewis I_. Hadley
Church History ; .. ......... _ .......................... 11 a. m ...... .. .. ..... W. Burt Clark, LL.B.
English and American Classics ............. , . ............ . ....... ....... .. .. Leora Maris
and Business Forms .... .. ... .. .. .... ..... ..... .. .................. Mr. F. C. Epperson
General History .... ....... ... .... , ........................ .. ... .. ................... Mae E. Burk
Biblical Geography .................. .. .................... .. .. .... ............. .... Mae E. Burk
Grammar and Composition ................ .. ............ ....... ....... .. .. ..... Mae E. Burk
Reading, Spelling, Penmanship ........ .. ........... ........ ... .... .. .... Mae E. Burk
Piano Lessons (Advanced) .............................................. .. .. Miss- Lela Torrey
Piano Lessons (Beginners') ............... .. . .. .. ... ............... .. ........ Miss Pearl Stoner
. Voice Culture .... .. ......... :: ...... ............................................... Miss Nellie Green
Singing and Sight Reading .. .. .. Miss Katherine Stone, Supervisor Music in l'ublic Schools
Reviews arid Examinations for closing of the First Semester of Cdllege Year 1908-9."
Reviews, Jan. 25 to Jan. 29 inclusive. Examinations, Feb. 1 to Feb. 5 inclusive.
Second' Semester. of College Year 1908-9 opens _Feb. 8, 1909.
- \Ve have -jnst closed a meeting of six-
days . aiicl nights at -this place. Rev.
Lyman Brough, of Surrt\.Y, N. D., <.lid
the prea ching, and he held the standarll
high, preaching holiness of heart and
life as a state of grace to
justification, and received by faith.
His expositions of Script:ure were clear
and co11 vincing, his exposures of sin
unsparing, and his appeals to the un-
saved and the regenerate to "get right
with God'' were full of t enderness and
love. There had been much opposition
to the doctrine rind experience of holi-
I_!esshere, so much so that I had felt it
best to resign my pastorate of the
Christian church, l:J:nd later to. enter the
Pentecostal Chui-cl1 of the Nazarene.
More rec-ently; however, a better under-
stailcling of the tri.1th seems to have
been reached, and there was a gieater
willingness to listen to the doctrine.
But carnality dies hard, and it was with
a struggle that some brought their
gifts to the altar. But;_ praise the Lord.!
some prayed. through and obtained the
blessing, while others were reclaimed
-or converted. About ten cases of sanc-
tification, conversion or reclamation
. which ended in the crucifixion of self,
they .were able.. tq . ''J'-ve . got it. ' "
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!
Brother Brough luid to leave at the
eud of six days, having held meetings
twice each day, and we. accompanieu
. him to Malta, :Mont., where he preached
in. the l\L E. church on New Year's eve
to a small congregation, the crowd be-
) ug at a dance. \Ve were rejoiced to
find the pastor and wife in full accord
with the doct).ine of holiness, the for-
mer testaying to the experience.
\Veil, we are going right. on with the
holiness -\vork at this place, as the Lord
may lead us, and will endc'a vor in I-iis
name to organize and conserve the
work. I am peJsuaded that holiness
preaching and prayer meeting will be
moJe appreciated here now than iu th.e
past. There is also some interest here
on the subject of educatioi1, and that
some of our young people will enter a
holiness school 1 feel quite sure. I ask
the prayers of all the Nazarene peop_le
for God's blessing upon this work, that
in the midst of ungodliness, unbelief
and indifference we may be k ept true
to God, aDrcl go through with Him to
victory. !
lJ.. G. Cowan.
"" ..-
. ""'ere testified to, and . said they . . .
. were much blessed by the . meetings. OKLA.
Among those w_ho testified to sanctifi- I have joined the Nazarene Church
cation were my wife, oldest son and and must have your paper. For several
daugl1ter.' _.. These had all former1y. op, . )' ears -a . :Friend_, or Quaker, .. I . see . the .
posed the preaching of entire sanctifi- " right way of uniting the holiness peo-
cati0n by m:e, and rejected my testi- pie is to enroll them in one great or-
mony, but after a severe struggle; in ganization an'd puf!h the battle to the
. ' . .
[J a,nuary 14,. 1909
gutiDJ. While I shall remain a member
of tb:e N a tiona!, Iowa, Kansas and Ole-
lahoma associations yet for some. time
I have been telling enquirers the Naz-
arene movement was" of God and we
must . get together in. a Closer borid of
union than any association affords us.
For maoy years secretary of the Iowa
Holiness Association, felt like Brother
I. Reid, its president, that the time ha.d
come for a forward movement: - I am
now on my farn1, recuperating from l\
nervous breakdown, and luoking after
tmnporal interests .
J : W. Elder.
.. tr tr
If any young person wants '!'HE YoUTH'S
COMRADE but l:tas not the money to pay for
it you can easily earn it. .
The subscription price is 75c a year. In
clubs of five it is 60c. Get four persons to
subscribe for it at the regnlar price (75c) and
. get your own subscription free. If you wish
to try this plan send at once for some sam-
ple copies and a blank receipt hook. You.can
do it if _you try.
:Pins .....
We have a new supply of Nazarene
Pins. The Nickel-plated, such as
.. we have heretofore sold, and a new
kind made of Abalone shell with
.black lettering.
Nickel -
25c each
Nazarene Publishing Company
Jacob the.Heelgrasper,
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Some of God's 'Pictures of
the Carnal Mind.
With Portrait and Introduction
This is a volume of 350 pages packed full of
striking lessons {rom the life of Jacob, writ-
ten in the clear a.nd direct style of this emi-
nent . . . .
. . . .
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730 San,;.P.edro Street,
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.. .. L1lul Son1 Book"3Dii.Sonll . ;
J. M. H1rria, Editor.
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PUB. CO., 730 San Pedro St. Los Angetes, Cal
'' My mother says I shouldn't" say
l\iy praye:s?. I . pray;
She says It Isn't right for _me . ,
'l'o pray, 'Forgive our w.e
Forgive .orirdebtors,' wlien I'm not
Going to forgive .. sister Dot
For eating up my candy 'cane
And playing wth my .. p!J.ints again,
I can't xou;,))o'tty
But'a"nt to s!iy' my prayer,_
And-s 'posin' God should say to me,
'I can 't: forgive you, !l'ommy Lee ! '
.Then Dot's . s.o l.ittle, all, . ,
And l'll .. year,s . pl.d tqis Fall-
! do forgive her_:_yes, I do!
Antl :now, I 'll say -my prayer right
through: " . ., : . .
.. .. ..
' .. . . . . 1 . - . . '. . . . . .
Two little boys talking . about
Elijah being carried up "into heaven fu
,, a chariot . of fire, . and horses of fire.', .
One little fellow said, "I would be
afraid to ride in a : chari6t of fire,,
wonldn 't you?" "No," replied the
ot her, "not if God drove. "
soul need be afraid to go any-
wher e God, Alniighty_is with. him.
\Y can 'find the sweetest rest and re-
j oi re in the might i est victories only
wlH' n we have handed .ovex: everything
for time and et ernity "into His Almighty
and . laughed ;'
. straighteni.Iig up, he said to the last
sp-okesman : o, . . :
" .My boy; you have said than
did all" the politicians and thE( teachers.
You shalf have .the show to be mayor.
That saloon will have to quit business
at once. "
The boys gave the mayor a hearty
cheer and marched out of his
. They had conquered and were conse-
quently happy and triumphant;-Con-
gregational work.
. J/1 J/1 .. .
Children may sometimes .. thmk . be-
use .. they young .. and that
they cannot do-anything for Christ and
that there is nothing expected of them ;
but there's little deeds that can only be
done by little ones, and little
are blessings when" they are full of good
deeds. To be prompt at Sunday school
and to always know your lessons per-
fectly is a great help to other children
as ,wen as to you, setting a good exam-
Be .truthful through all circum-
stances even if it causes severe punish-
. ment:_, sometimes, you will always gain
by it. Be obedient to your .parents,
trying always tp do what you think
will be pleasing to them. Be determined
t o make yourself useful in making those
who _are sad happy. Don' t be si;llfish
think because. you are provided for
that ther e 's no one eats but what has
enough. Think of some .orphan . who .
..-. . .- .. hasn't anything nice who would be glad
A BOY'S woRD. to get .- eve .. !l a sweet smile from soine
. ' . one :who sympathizes -with them. Yet
Patrick A. Collins, mayor of Boston the most important and the only way
for a years believes to . glorify God the most is to give Him
that a boy's 'word. io: ; your heart now, so that yon will be
Rccel;ltly, co
plaint ,v-as made to him . _ to t ell others the . sweet story ?f
that a sa"loon too J esus all through your hfe :'nd yon Will
.. . - ... .. -.............. - ... -- -- .a. ._ nc,er r eo-ret when Your hfc has been
) m r.hilin .. t1iat "'i\'iU ptii'-
antl others interested in k eeping the chase you at last home in heaYcn .-
placc open -.urged 11in1 not tO JiD.t-er.fe:r e : - ;
wi t h t he r esort. The school $ .JI .Jii
desired it closed or -removed, . BUILDING WITHTHE MATERIAL
"\fter t he mayor' had argu- I : . . "fURNISHED.
ments from both sides, he said : . . .. ''There was a certain woman, a mem-
' ' W elJ, I'm gcii.Iig ' t6 let. the boys of her of- a fashionable wh<J was
the scllool : tell. me 'what they _ think of prominent .in all social and charitable
the place._ 'Send me," he said to the reforms and movements, who dreamed
principal of the school, ''hal,f a. dozen she died and went to heaven. St. J>eter
of your brightest boys. I '11 listen to
them.'' . passed her -on to an angel who was to
The next day half a dozen of escort her to the place prepared for
boys, ranging from ten to fifteen years her . . As they passed along the .streets,
of age, called on the .mayor. Each boy lined on either side with such mansions
gave some reason why he believed the as called forth her strongest exclama-
ought to be taken away, . until tio:p.s of admiration, she to won-
It came to the last one, a youngster of der which of these was hers. They
He looked the mayor squarely came to one more beautiful than the
m the eye, and gave as his reason: rest, and she could not repr.ess the ques-.
" l\fy school gives me a chance to be tion "Whose house is this T" "Robert
mayor of Boston some day; the saloon McChesney's'' _answ:ered the angel.
can't . .. I think us boys .. ought to have "Robert McChestiey, our gardner?"
all the :show we can get to be mayor. "Yes." "Why," said the woman, "ho .
That's- all I know about it.'' will not know how to act in sueh.a place
The ma:y.or threw back in his thit?; he was only a poor man on
earth, and while .he was honest, good
worker, he never sa:ved anything, and
his wife even took in washing. My hus-
band said, though, that he. might have
been rich, but" he _gave away nearly all
he earned. ''Yes,'' said the guide,
''while he was poor in ear.thly
there never was a day but what he sent-
up some good. deed or kind-act to !tdd
. to his mansion. here, _and we. alway.s,
'"!mild acc.ording to the material sent up; :
and' "this hoine is the result of. Robert .
McChesney's treasures laid tip in heav
en. '' . They passed on to where the
streets wer.e .. narrower and houses.
plainer. They paused befo_re a small
and very plain cottage. ''Whose house
is this?'' the woman asked. ''Yours,'''
replied the glide. "Mine! Why I can-
not live in such a place. I had an ele-
gant home on earth,- kept three servants
and entertained elaborately. What
would my friends think to :fine me in
such a house 1 I would be ashamed. to
be found here.'' Woman," said the
angel, ''we always build according. to
the material sent up and we have
watched carefully all these years \}nd
this is the very we can do with the
material you sent us.''
Reader :-this is not all a dream. Y o:u
are forgi.n,g .and furnishing material for
your eternal Y
will .a. blJ_!ldfug. the world cannot
see. The nuiterial is being transmuted
through,.SORROW or through JOY and
wil CQmpose your home in ETERNITY.
Christ is the builder. Are you
. ing . him the right kind of material?
Marquand, Mo. Jacob , Lutes . ..
. ,JtJ ,JtJ ,JtJ
APPLES OF GOLD is just the book
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A story of sixteen .chapters, told in
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Nazare.n"e Publishing Company
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This "book is instructwe as well as entertain-
ing and gives an interesting- account of real
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730 San Pedro Street
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Hidpflil Reading.
This Book contains: The mind of
God, the state of man, the way of sal-
vation, the doom of sinners and 'the hap-
piness of believers. "rts doctrine is holy,
its precepts are binding, its histories
are true and its decisions are immu-
table. Read it to be wise, believe it to
be safe d. practice it to be holy. . It
contains light to direct you, food to
support you and comfort to cheer you.
It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim's
staff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's
sword and tpe Christian's charter.
Here heav-en is opened and the gates .
of hell disclosed. Christ is its grand
subject, our good its design and the
glory of God its end. It should fill the
memory, rule the heart and guide the
feet. Read it slowly, frequently and
prayerfully. It is a mine of wealth,
h ealth to the soul and a river of
pleasure. . It is given you here in this
life, will be opened- at the Judgment
and is established forever. It involves
the highest :responsibility, will reward
the greatest labor arid condemn all who
trifle with its sacred contents.-A. C. A.
At a large dinner given in New York
Mrs. Margaret Bottome sat beside a
German professor of scit?nce, says the
Institute Tie. In the course of conver-
sation, M:rs. Bottome said quite natu-
rally for her :
'' Th.e Bible says so and so.''
''The .Bible,'' remarked the profes-
sor, "you 't believe the Bible!"
'!Yes, indeed, I believe it,'' r eplied
Mrs. Bottome.
"Why, I didn't suppose that any in-
telligent person today believed the
Bible!'' :
'' Oh, yes,'' Mrs. Botto me said, '' I be-
lieve it all. I know the Author."
The scientist was squelched. He had
n<>t a word to say, and became the
laughing stock of New York society.-
Cap_ there be .in-this world an interest
greater than tliat of holiness? Can
there be held out to man a greater
boon than to be a partaker of the Di-
vine nature? And will not the con-
sciousness that I possess such a boon
l ead to a just sense of my own per-
sonal unworthiness?
If holiness be ari effect of my Lord's
working; and not chiefly the product
of my o"'n a ctivity, shall I not, in my
p1ofession, be careful l est I even seem
to aim glory for it?

.. .. . ... - - . .. .. . .
It was said of our Saviour, "He shall
not strive, nor cry; neither shall any
man h ear His voice in the streets. '' If
independent Omi-was so
modest and r etiring, shall I (so utterly
dependent) .thrust myself forward os-_
tentatiously ''as a model for! others to
pattern. after?' '
Nay; true holiness will not be ad-
vanced by the . parading of my self-ali-
vertised goodness, but rather by my
setti.D.g down into blessed hariQ.ony with
this precept, "What doth the Lord re-
quire of. thee but to do justly, to love
mercy, and to walk humbly with thy
God?" , .
What is the gift of .tongues, what is .
any mere gift as compared with the
grace :of a meek and lowly spirit, and a
ljfe of unassuming righteousness ? us be grateful for the fullness of
the Redeemer's love; let us bravely, yet
humbly make our professions up to the
measure of r ealized possession, but let .
us not forget the modesty of holiness.
[Janua!.Y. 14 .. 19!.19
Tioo Jlelpful Tracts.
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We hope to have the new Man-
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Naz:;trene Publishing .Co.
Los Angeles, California.
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