Nazarene Messenger - January 21, 1909

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The Blood pf Juu. Chmt Hill &n Ckan.eth u. From AU Sin.

Vol. :llll ..
.t\.ngelea, California, January 21;, :J-909 . No. 30
. Be Ye Holy, for I Am Holy.
PRAYER is the Universal Religion. be in the
slaughter, led away to be crucified! . .Verily, 'His way was
rougher and darker than mine.' "
INSTEAI} of weeping ov'r folks !JaY about us, let
us save our tears to weep over lost men .
X Legal and Divbie Treatment.
ThP. Hidden Ornament. There is no doubt that many Ynsaved people have
While. the butterflies of fashion are seeking out all formed an opinion of God similar to that which they have
the most flaring and costly outward adorning, which is of an earthly judge. They know fhat if a man has com-
constantly changing; the Lord has promised for His hand- mitted crime and confesses it, he is condemned, and must.
maidens an adornment that is so beautiful that both those suffer the penalty of the law for his offense; and so they
who possess it and those who see it never desire any fear if they confess to God their sins He will bring judg-
change. It is "the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit." ment upon them, whereas it is just- the reverse;
Evidently this ornament is not, like others, to be placed sion to the divine side is the condition of being forgiven,
on a mantel for mere show, for -Peter speaks. of it as "the while on the legal side it is the condition of being con-
hi dden man: of the heart." It is therefore beyond the demned. There would seem to be some reason for a
touch of any corruJ?ting thing, for it is ''not corryptible." criminal not confessing to an earthly judge, for it would
What a submissive restfulness is implied by ''a meek and mean condemnation and would close the door of hope,
quiet spirit"! have never seen an angel, but the Lord while there' is every hope for confesses -to
. has permitted us to meet a fe.w "meek and quiet spirits," God. And why are not the guilty flocking to God for
from whose lives shone out a radiance and influence forgiveness, when itis so sure, so full and so free? There
greater than an angel could possess . . They move . quietly, are many things . which we need to confess te God, that
peacefully and blessedly among people, not saying very the law could not hold us for, and that may be one
much, but making every one feel . that some orie w.ith reason why many do not more quickly repent-fear for
heaven in them is in their presence. God P\ltS His esti- . the present is removed; and then many believe the devil's
mate on these pure souls. He says that in Hissight they lie that there is plenty of time. It may be true that
are ''of. great price." Surely the home or church is "While the lamp holds out to bum
greatly blessed which has one or .more of these "orna- . The vilest sinner may return,"
menta" in it. yet there is no place for presumption in God's grace;
and, sinner, you better hasten to God and confess your
Goo chooses the hardest material for His greatest
"He Was Led."
How lustily we sing ''Where He leads me
I will follow," and, "I'll go with Him all the way," little
thinking what it means! Yes, "He has. left us an exam-
ple, that we should follow in His But before. we
get far ori the way we find that there are thorns nearly
every step of the way. A soul that determines to -walk
with its Lord will have alf the world against it-it hates
our Lord, it hates His followers; so, my brother, start
out with an ir1telligent knowleqge pCwhat your attitude
will be toward the world. If you walk with Him, you
will be led as He was, and as Frances Ridley Havergal
has so beautifully said: "Never once was He gently led.
He was led into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.
He was led by men filled with. wrath to the brow of the
hill , that they might cast Him down headlong. He was
led away to Amias; le.d away to Caiaphas; led into the
council Of the elders and chief priests and scribes; led to
Pontius Pilate and the hall of judiroent. A.nd then
He, our Lord Jesus Christ, was led as a sheep to the
sins and be forgiven. Do it now(
The. Sense of Sin.
"The decay of the sense of ' sin against God is one of
the most serious portents of these days: " Such: were the
words of conviction of Mr. Gladstone at the close of his
wonderful career. Such is the truth today. It would
seem that the professedly Christian nations were losing
this great essential to a reverential and humble life, and
. that God was putting it on peoples of the heathen
wqrld. when this sense of of sin against
a holy God is lost tOt the individual and to the Church,
there is lost also that sense of reverence and
which is so great a factor in tbeupbuilding of (.haracter.
When God raised up a people for Himself, He surrounded
Himself with such rest"rictions and commands as deeply
impressed the people with His holiness, majesty and glory .
And it is so today. As we see Goq 'in His holiness we get
a sight of and W,e mqre deeply our needs . .
What we today is a true sight of the awful, blasting,
blighting, abominable natur-e- of sin, so that we shall hate
it as God hates it, arid so intensify our determination to
rescue men from it. R. P.
Contrib-uted Articles
0 Thou, whose bounty fills my cup
With every blessing meet!
I give Thee thanks for every drop,
The bitter and the sweet.
I prniso Thee _for the desert road,
And for the r iver side;
For all thy goodness hath bestowed,
An<l all Thy grace denied.
I thank Thee for both smile' and frown;
And for the gain and loss;
I praise Thee for the future crown,
And for the present cross.
I thank Thee for the wing of love,
Which stirred my worldly nest;
And for the stormy clouds which
Me, trembling, to . T.hy breast.
I bless Thee for the glad increase
And for the joy;
And for this strange, this settled peace,
Which nothing can destroy.
-Jane Crewdson.
"" ..IC ""
Nazarene Messenger [January 21, 1909
and something_ else, but better hav.e a ._Lor.d has. !;!aid, speaking of the
few trusted and tried well-saved and .way cast np for the redeemed _to walk
w p eopl e thim a lot of in : "No unclean thing shall pass over
spurious Holiness folks having a form it;" cigars, tobacco,--opium, snuff, etc.,
of Godliness and no unction and power will all have to. go, before any one can
-a name to live and are spiritually walk with the Lord in. the clean way of
dead. Bless God there are a few who holiness.
are going. this way with hearts . made . . 5. If are to walk with God, we
pure and garments white, overcoming must be careful about our personal
by the blood and the . word of their tes- . adornment. . .
timony; It is tiie delight of the wife to know
,Jif : she is pleasing to her husba11-d; in
WALKIN.G WITH GOD. her personal adornment, if she really
I. G. MARTIN. loves him; and if we really love the
Enoch, the. subject of this has ._Lord we are going to try t .o please Him
the distinction of being the father of in our adornment. If He. wants us to
the oldest man that ever lived. He, al- dress in modest apparel as men and
so, had the honor -of walking with God women professing godliness," we will
for more than three hundred years, or hasten to obey Him without a murmur.
until God became so attached to him It is hard for us to bring ourselves to
that He took him off to glory one day, where we can believe that the gay,
\vithout even the preliminaries of a gaudy and fashionable dressed people
funeral. of our churches ar e the people who are
Little is said of Enoch except that walking with God.
'\Ve are greatly pleased with the
Thanksgiving number of the Nazarene
Messenger. ]-low God fills my soul
with holy joy while I r cad...sthe news
from the different districts all over this
great world that God has made. Truly,
/is covering. the earth, as
the waters . cover channels o the
mighty deep. Oh that God may con-
tinue to raise up men to preach this
twofold Gospel without hypocrisy and
h e was the father of Methuselah and Let every one who reads this message
that he "walked with God. " Where determine that whatever else is sa'id or
it can be said .Of any one that he l eft unsaid, when your obituary notice
"walked with God" little else needs to is written, this one thing .. they will be
be said. There are few statements in compelled to say: "This person walked
. all the Bible .that have a greater wealth . . with' God.-".
of meaning; that are more comprehen- ' ..t1 .JS -"
sive and all-inclusive; than the - state- PURE, BUT
meut, that Enoch walked with God. E. o. HINCHMAN.
P eopl e who walk with God are not Out from the past a vision comes to
"walking in by and forbidden paths," us of a picture we once saw of a chile!.
nor are they "making crooked paths. " battling with the elements. Half bur-
l . In order to walk with God one ied in the pure white snow with the
witltout . partiality. There is so much
need of m.en filled with nothing but
God's pure love, to carry the message
from house to house all thtough our
and villages, _without growing
. tired of their job. How many churches
must go the way God is going. stinging flakes of purity beating her in
. at this season of the year are going into
the wholesale entertainment bus'iness,
trying to interest our young p eopl e-
even I fear in some of our so-called
. Ho'l.iness churches. Let there be a con-
stant setting of old Gospel
.. truths: ''Come ye . out fr.oro. . amongst
them and be ye separate 'and touch not
the unclean thing and I will be a Father
unto y9u, and ye shall be my sons and
daughters, saith the Lord God Al- .
mighty. " "Bring ye all the tit4es into
the storehouse and prove me, saith. the
Lord, and see if I wiil not open the
very windows of heaven and pour you
out a blessing that there shall not be
room to receive it. '' Hallelujah! How
often God 's saints have proved this to
be tx:ue. We ought to prefer a good
old,-ashioned pJ.'ayer meeting or class
me:eting to the .best goV .
t en up on the most conservative lines
possible. The thpe has come when a
great many people will accept Holiness,
It is evident that a Christian who the face, suffocating, blindin$, baffling
walks with God, will not go to card her, she was the picture of despair ,
parties, dances, theaters, lodges, on and the title of the picture was "Pure
Sunday excursions or other places of b.ut Pitiless.' '
questionable character. It was pure; pure snow; pure as
2. If you are to walk with God you purity, but oh, how cold!
must let Him set the pace. We have among nsutoday what might
Do fl'of. get in mhurry ahead be called the holiness stoic. They have
of the Lord or become indolent and fall so t4oroughly the world and
behind, but just catch the step and all the ordinary amenities of life
move forward. If you k eep step with the average mortal cannot get any-
the Lord you will walk in the light, but where near them. We admire their
if you_ run ahead or fall behind you will splendid isolation, it is true, but there
soon get into darkness. Keep step witb is s_uch. an evident lack' of sympathy
the Lord. ,... . with our poor human frailties that we
... 3. Those -who walk with God will are rather than attracted. In
needs be very careful about their con- seeking to perfect themselves in . holi-
versation. ness, they have come to pur-
All trashy talk, evil-speaking, alan- . ity to the practical exclusio.n of the
der, back-biting, with all fault-finding, sweeter graces of compassion, mercy,
murmuring and complaining, . will for- and .. love. In their effort to die to the
ever have to be abandoned by the carnal they have crucified practically
Christian who sets out towalk with the ever$tthing that . is and they
Lord. walk through the world, li ving a kind
4. The man who . walks with God of convent life, basking in the light of
must be clean in his '.habits. their own purity, and glowing upon
21; 1909] .
therr satelitcs who worship th.em and
witlk in their light. 'l'hey love, yes,
as nearly as t'lwse dead to 'the human
. ea II Jove i they love those WhO. WOrship
t lw same god, Pnrity. They love Inno-
' tmtcfl while it walks in leading strings,
huL woe imto them thitt et
r. As well
t he child of the prrtitie look to
t he hi izzard for comfort as the erring
on<) to one of these.
Stern iebuke and wise they
will rceeive, but the icy shafts of out-
rag-ed ptll'ity will strike death ' to the
soul whom ,they seck to make alive.
Jkd ltten! let us still contend for pur-
it y. \Ve cannot be too pure, but let
it he that wise purity that after being
. li rst pnt'i) is also "peaeeahle, easy to be
<HITPatcd , full of mer cy a nd good
f1nits. wi t ho-ut partiality and without
h.q><H' l'isy." l 1ct 11s ha ,.e that love that
hnardh all things, beli eveth all things,
and hopcth all things, for good, and
th inlwth no evi l, especially not of our
hrotiH'r. A'men.
.JA .lit $ .
'l'lt JH'omisc of the Father is bacli: of
this xperif:ncc. 'l'he promise of the
!-ion is hat'k of this experien ce. Ther e
will he nw fHilure on the. ))ivin.e side . .
'l'ht!n: must he a g<' nninc ll esire in the
!wart of the seek er , not simply a d esire
for nwrc love or to be more faithful or
to have more joy, but a rca I heart cry
to he tiutdc holy, to lnt ow Goll and to
he fi ll ed with the Holy Ghost. As long
as \\' (' l't!d we can get al01ig pretty well
as \H! are or that " c don ' t need so
tnul'!t after all, we will be quite likely
to go wj t hont th( fullness of th0 blcss-
Htg. Bnt when there 's a hunge/ ai1el
t hitst. wi t hin and. a r eal panting as t he
ha 1t ' for t)Jc water-brooks, . then <!-our
" t'C<lcmpti<ln draweth nigh." There
must he the emptying out of the heart.
of Ovtrything unholy , i\11. in\vard con-
s<, nt that the old man in us shall di e
an<l an entire ahan flonment of the
to God, t hPn and then only
llJ:c in .the condition to b elieve that
the hlood elcanseth , the God of p eace ..
sa m t ilir!s aitd that the Holy GJ10st docs
wnw tm onr poor h earts. Believe He
<loet h it and' the "l.Joid whom
SNk. shall smhlcnly come to His tem-
plt'. ' ' \Yhen He comes ''the wilderness
and t he solitary places shall be glad for
tlwm, and the desert shall rej oi ce
blossom as the r ose. '' 'l'he " mo.i.1ntains
and the hill shall hreak forth before
thPm into singing and nll the trees of
. tlw fiCld shall clap their hands. Instead
Na;zarenir Metrsenger
of the thorn shall up the fir tree
and instead of the brier shall collie u;
t he myrtle tree; and it shail be to the
l_;ord for a nam_e, for an everlasting
sign that shall not b e cut off. '':__ Will
II. Huff.
" $
arrd Mohammedans- n'umQering . over
one million souls in this great city of
Open :Preaehing._:_This is the
:vay we reach all classes of people
m th1s busy city. Hindus and Moham-
medans in India do not like to come to
our meeting room or preaching hall, :
nor do they like that we go to their .
houses and to them about the
'l'rue Savior, but when we stand and
TO MISSIONS? preach in the streets a nd market places
they come and listen .. Five days in the
'l'he following is a little argument week .we gather 100 to 400 people
with myself : round us and speak t o them about
1 .. If I r efuse to give anything, I .Jesus and His love.
practwally east a ballot in favor of the . Visitinl? and
r ecall of every missionary, both in tl,c the from 7 to 10 o'clock I go
home a nd foreign out v-JsJ.tmg house to house . and give
2. If I give less . than heretofore I tracts and gospel portions and when
favor i:t reduction of the opportunity comes- I speak to them
for ce:;; proportionate to my r edu ced about the story of Cross:
eontrihution. . . Hospital Visiting.-Every Friday af-
. 3. If I the as formerly, r ternoon I spend about two hours in vis-
. favor holdmg the ground already wun, iting hospita ls, wher e .I get opportunity
hut I oppose a forward moYcment. 1\I, to speak to Christians and non-Chris-
song is, "Hold the fort, " forgettin'g tians and pray 'vith them. Story of
that the Lord n ever intended that h ::{ the <J. r eat Physician wel comed by every
a rmy should take refuge in a fort . All .one m the hospita ls.
of his soldiers are under marching or- .young men's meeting for
d 0rs always. They arc commanded t o the spiritual life:-Every
''Go . .' ' fhursday mght we are holding a meet-
4. If I advance my offering bcyond
former :'\'ears, then I favor an advance
movement in the conq nest of new t erri-
tory .for Christ. Shall I j oi n this class?
Jf I h-undt'ed pet cent to my
fornwr contributions , then I favot'
.donbling the missionm".v force at once.
If I add fifty per cent, I say, Send out
one-ha lf as many more; nnd If I add
t:vcnty-fiyc p er cent, I say t o onr mis-
swnary . society. Send out one-fourth
-more t han are. uow in t he fi eld. \Vhat
shnll I do? I surely do not fayor the
r ecall of on:r for ce.
or of any part of it. Neither a m I sat-
isfied simpl y to hold our own so l ong
as t he g teat majority of t he heat hen
wmld as yet ha ve never heard of
('luist. I do heli cYe in grea t ly increas-
ing present number of our mission-
aries, ther efor e I . will increase my for-
IIH'r offt>rings to wQrk.-
To the Bro.thcrhood of St. Stephen.
Dear nrothers in Christ: I nm Ycry
pleased to wtit.c this short letter to yon
and introduce my humble I haw
been in this city and after my conver-
sion I have called to work for t h0 Lord
a mopg .own conntrn11eu. For two
yPars and a ha lf (have worked innong.
Postal antl 'l'elegtaph employes. \Vh0n
J pt:omised to open a Y. l\L C. A. branch
in this. pnrt of the citv I was .nsi{f'd to
. the s ccr etiuy of tl1c br1inch,
aml winl;:ed a mong Christ iim and non-
Christian young men for three years.
Since l\ray last I lune been working
as your own evangelist among Hindus
ing for Christian young men. There
arc about 400 men li vi ng in this
of t he city and we feel our respon-
s lhlltt.y to r caeh a nd teac:lt them. These .
not r cguiarly lwid . but ..
.ni the fntme I hope' t o ho.ld meet-
ing regularly.
Bible Class.-From this month l
ha,c a rra nged to t eaeh a Bible class in
my house. wh<'n' I expect ten t o fifteen
young men will com<'.
<'ottage the
help of. a f ew Clnistinn laYmPn I have
began to hold cottage m eeti ngs
at night in the homes of Bcn,..ali Chris-
tian .:-otmg men. \Ye expect a_ great
hl essmg through these meetings in
( ' lnistian homes.
I am sorr:v for not wri ti ng yon before
t his hut in future I hope to write .. y:ou'
every month. with the hope d ear
hroth<' rs in C h_ri st that will
for Ill <' a nt! my work among Ghris tiaus
a ntl non-(' hristians in thiR citv .
. I shall be' thankful if y'ou write
me from time to time that yoft arc
pra:vin g for nic and m;. \vork; also to
r cecin n , \eekl :-r or monthly r eligious
pa pPr for my own usc.
Ym1r own Evangelist,
JoJm Faithful.
$ $
Subscribe for the "YouTH's CoM-
RADE" now and get the first numbers.
The whole f3rrnily will be
it. Sa111ple free:
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APPLES oF GoLD is just the
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God is. still leading on 'to victory.
We are having real hard winter weath-
er, nine inches of snow and the ther-
mometer has been down about zero for
over a week. The. city has been threat-
ened with a water famine because of
the water pipes many build-
ings have been :flooded and great suf-
fering and hardships have prevailed in
many places because the people were
not prepared for such weather. At
VanGouver, Wash., a few miles from
here, they have had the coldest weather
in the history of the country . . We com-
mence our special meetings with Broth-
er Ruth Thwsday and ask an interest
in your prayers, that in spite of the ad-
verse circumstances we may have a
great time of salvation. We are at this
time straining every nerve to raise
enough mo;ney to get a church home.
We have two splendid propositions.
One is. 'to buy a lot in a central part
of the city and build a church on it.
The other one is a church and lot ''which
is fd'r sale, in a central location. Either
will give us just what we been
praying for and what we need, where .
will have a good commlinity to
work in and at the same t ime. near
enough to the business center to hold
our street meetings. We have to raise
$5,000 for either property and lack
about $4,000 to meet the 'payments, as
we are unable at this time to sell some
. of eur property. Owing to the bad
weather we only raised a little over
$200 'last Sunday,. but next Sunday 'we
expect to raise the other $800. About
forty of our members live outside of
the city and yet we are sure they want
to share in this blessed work, so kindly
ask the Lord how much He will allow
you to give, and sent it at once. If you
have not the money; send in your
pledge and pay it as soon as you ca'n.
Don't fail us at this time as it will
inean so much for the work here.
A. 0 : Henricks, Pastor.
.JI .. . .JI.
The Messenger is a great comfort to
. me up here. in the wbods. I am pray-
ing for a Nazarenechillch to be-started
here. We have had a glorious time
here for ten with Brother Elliott
from Bidwell street, Portland, as an
evangelist. We held a ten-day revival
and had Bible study and cottage prayer
meetings, where eight souls sought the
Lord for holiness and claimed the
blessing. Then there were backsliders
reclaimed and . converted, as most
every night some one was blessed at
the altar ; but Brother Elliott was
called to Mountain Home, Idaho, and
Nazarene Messenger
big snow storm came here, so we had
to .Jwld the meetings in our homes after
Brother Elliott went home.
Mrs. 0. M. Keebaugh.
..,c .})& .})&
I am glad to report victory from
Askansas. Since December 4th I have
visited churches at Bethel, Pleasant
Home, Drab, Beebe, Jonesboro, Ask. ;
also Malden and Caruthersville, Mo.,
and find the pastors and :flock doing
nicely. We are getting settled down
to business. God is blessing. At the
above named places I find the revival
fires are still burning in the hearts of
the saints and some thirty or more
souls have been blest on this round.
Calls are coming fro.m different parts
of the state for new churches and by
God's help we will push the battle.
W . . F. Dallas,
D. S. Arkansas Dist., Vilonia, Ark.
.})& .})& .})&
Rejoice with us. The IJord has given
us a blessed outpouring of Spirit
here. Closed our holiday revival on
the night of January 7 . . Held a great
watch night service the night of the
31st. It was a wonderful service. Sal-
vation came to a number of souls: Rev.
W. F. Dallas, .our hustling and. efficient
district superintendent, was with us
four days during the meeting and h eld
a holiday Holiness rally.. His ministry
was greatly blessed of God in the sal-
vation of many souls and in b.uilding
up the saints. About forty professed
either justification or sanctification and
seventeen :were received into our
church. The work is in a prosperous
condition. God is ble.ssing us on all
lines. To Him be the glory.
Jas. N. Spe't1.kes.
.JI ..- .-
The first . week of the revival NVith
Will Huff, in the Frst Church of the
Nazarene, cfosed in a blaze of glory.
There were twenty persons at the altar
on Friday night, and some remarkable
cases of salvation. One poor fellow
came in and cried out to God in the
beginning of the service, that he might
,be delivere.d from the curse of rum.
About seventy persons have been at
the altar the first week. The tide is
on, and we are expecting great results.

..- $ ,.,.
Victory in Jesus' narrie. Last .Sun-
day, January 3, was a .great day with
the saints at Lithopolis. We dedicated
the new chapel which cost nine hun-
dred dollars. -!\,11 . the money was
raised and a small surplus over. We
[January 21, 1909
had with us H. Vernon and
Rev. B. F. Miller, Rev. H. Dolbey, and
Rev. Chellis. It was indeed a l1igh day
in Zipn.. The power of God was on us
all thiit 'day and saints sh
uted all over
the house. . We began our revival at
this time. Brother Vernon and wife
will help us in this meeting. They
will also help in our meeting in Colmll-
bus, which will commence January 22 ..
Pray for us here. '
A. R. Welch, Pastor.
.})& .})&
The two day's Holiness convention,
under the auspices of l)itttrict Superin-
tm;dent H. G. Trumbauer, held in t lw
Christian Gospel Chapel in Philadel-
phia, of which James D. Acker is pas-
tor, were days of feasting. The distri<' f'.
superintendent, H. G. Trumbaner, an<l
his father, Jonas Trnmbaucr, and the
Brethren A. J. Dalbow, \Vcsley Walls
and J . W. Henry, prea ched in the dP-
monstration of the Hold Ghost an<l
power: The Brethren J. N.
W. E. :Miller, J. B. Bowen, J. h May-
bury, D. H. Gottshalk, G. W. Gottshalk
and the writer were also present aJHl
took part in the
Jameli D. Ackc1.
$ $ .})&
vVe are holding steady in our work
.here and GP,cl is blessing us. Some arc
being saved, while mariy of the mcJot
bers are driving stakes down deep<' r
and " stretching forth the curtains o[
their habitation." vVe arc holding high
the banner of full salvation and we pet-
sistently refuse to bring it down or
rower it OI). inch. We are pers'nadcd
that He can bring us off than
F . Harvey, Pastor.
.})& .})& ..,c
Last night in this city was
the first Holiness Church of Mexi r o.
The blessed Holy Spirit witnessed Ilis
approval by descending on the ,
audience in a baptism of love, .1;1nd the
sccne which followed was never before
witnessed in Mexico. Nine came foi-
ward for baptism and .eight of the nine
were received on probation, which,
with six workers, native and American,
made a little church of fourteen.
' Among thos.e who joined was one Jew,
one half-blood Jew, one Spaniard; full
and 111ixed blood Mexicans, and in ex-
t ending the right hand of fellowship
the. common hand shake 1mmediatcly
gave way to the native embrace. There
was no American, no Mexican, no Je.w.
rio Gentile, no .Sp1.1,niard, no Indian, 110
male, no female, no fmint, no sinner,
yet all these were present, but evct'Y
thing fell under the power of that bap
January 21, 1909]
t ism of loye. One very intelligent Mex-
iean doCtor came forward and pro-
fessed pardon, was into the
ehnrch, baptized, and was the ninth
above mentioned, although baptized af-
t er t he others, and when Brother ,F elix
:)olis was set aside by t he l aying on of
Jwnds to preach the gospel, he wanted
to he ordained also, but was told that
y,e could lay hands on no man sudden'-
Jy. 'l'wo other very intelligent sinners
enll eel for prayers. body was in
tears, t ears of joy. for -the saved, and
tenrs of r egr et for t he unsaved. Mex- .
it() never had such a t aste of heavenly
love as t hat. Brother Miller com-
III<'JJ Ced a series of meetings on the
201 h, with Brother A. H. Sutherland a!'!
htdpcr in the preaching, which was
stmight and strong on full salvat ion
and a quiet, beautiful spirit pre-
Ynilcu throughout. '!'here were scekcrP
ni ght, especially for sanctifica-
1 ion, but very few made visiblydefinite
These people have never
l; nown anything but absolute dictation,
tivi l aud r eligious, and how to deliber-
nl Ply a ncr definitely 'choose and lay hold
h,, . .faith is about as foreign to t hejr
nnlnre as Heaven is 'distant to their
III Hhrstanding. Ther e ar e exceptions,
ol' contsc, and these exceptions arc the
l'n1111dation stones of the evangcliza-
1 in11 of :Mexi co. Most or all of those
\\'ho .i oincd were of this class. Ot hers
\\'hn had bcei1 and n1ade marked.
in t hc . lif_e. of fait h wanted to
join. hut t hey had hccn married by the
I;J 11 of common consent, a law so prcv-
' nl<llt in Mexico, and Rrothc>r 1\-Iillcr in-
sist (' d that t heir marriage be recognized
nlso hy the laws of 1\fexico, whi ch it
tnkcs twenty days to do.
Nazarene Mei8enger
in this country means to forsake all to
start with, ent er at once into an iso-
lated life of pcrsecuti.on. I tell you,
brethren, these native Christians who
pay the cost and get God, are going to
take the front seats in the great Eter.:
nal Synagogue, and the big preachers
of the home land who stfck to the easy
places are going to take back seats.
J.;ct every one put in his two mites and
stand beside that precious widow in
that great day.
yours for both worlds,
0. C. Woodrow.
\Vhat . shall I say about the great
Billy Sunday, the baseball player evan-
gelist? How shall I begin? Who is
he like and what are his methods? _He
is like a number of great evangelists
I have heard and some I have read
about, and yet differ ent from them
all. He is a sort of composite combi-
nation of Sam Jones and D. L. Moody,
but original and forceful. He has his
own janitor, an assistant manager, a
ehoristcr, - a singer, and two _women
preachers, whom he takes along with
him and whose salaries he pays him-
sci f, largely out of his own pocket. He
has been since the 20th ult. and
in spite of 15 and 20 degrees below zero
. weather _ha!? filled a pay_i_lion packed
f ull, containing scats accommodating
hctwccn 8,000 and 10,000 people nearly
eYOl'Y night. He prea ches the simple,
ol (l-fashioncd gospel of t he cross of
Christ, including convi ction, r epent-
ance, faith, justification and regenera-
tion-heaven wit h its r ewards, and )lell
" ith its eternal punishments. At the
four meetings that I was t o
listen to l1im I heard him say nothii]g
what ever in r ef erence to the great doc-
t tinc so ncar and clear to the hearts of
hol iness peopl e, viz., entire sanctifica-
tion by faith, but at the same ti me I
did not hear one word said by himthat
could be construed as against that
gr eat truth. He said nothing of r epres-
sion, s \tpprcssion, or g r owth toward
'l'hc new year was sainted wi't.h the
li .l' lllll. "Blessed he t he Fountain of
Blood, " followed hy prayer t hat t his
hoi_,. peace and hcaYcnl y hapt ism of
lui'(' might rP-main on Nl<'h heart t he
\\'hol P. year t hrough . Ptay with 1is to
I hat. Pnd. 'l'hc Catholi cs rang their
hells, the factories blew their whistles
and lond, the militia shot their
<n lJnon, t he saint worshippers. shot
I h<'ir fire-wot'lu; hi gh in the air in a
d<' spcratc P.ff.ort t o call down th_e hcav-
. tuly hl essings of the year , :which to
th<m is money and infl u(' ncc, hut the
c ons('(.ratcd few wer e the only ones in
I his cify. of 506,000 who were in actual
posspssion of that whi ch they all
songht. t he swectc>st gift of Heaven,
divine love fol' and man. Some of
l1ol iness. ' rrc was .simply silent in r e-
gard to it. Thou gh apparently an edu-
('at cd man, with a- large fund of infor -
.mation, he uses the "v,crnacular" to a
gteat extent in addressing mixed audi-
c>nces of sinners and Christians. That
he is doing a good work is manifest' on
e\'cry hand, and this afternoon, t'en
t housa nd men - only packed themselves
into the hall to listen to one of the
sbaightest talks I have ever .h eard.
' l'herc is no card signing yet on account
of t.hc great crowds, t hose who go f ot-
ward sit down in rows of scats ncar the
front. their tiames and addresses taken
and their church pref er en ces sought.
Tit'bthet; . deals faithfully and
d early with his audiences who being
-to a great measure goats, both in and
ont of the churches, he clubs them un-
mercifully and they to like it.
1 he ('athol ic conYcrt.s J)'r onght t heir
rosnrics.,' prayer: bool,s, heads, that they
li n<l hecn prnying to for . year s, turned
I h(' m ovc>r to t he htct.hrcn as an evi -
dtfl(e of t heir lost faith in t hese t hings,
and sct.tlccl clown in ad .ual poss'cssion
nl' thn Go<l t hey long lu1d sought ancl
l'ouncl Ilim not:. BrcthrPn . . it was good
In he thCJe. J . weep tenr.s of j oy over
it God is rmliemhering the en-
slaved, down-trodden, most n eglected
<ount ry of t he world: Mexico must be
('\'HJ1gelized. l.Jet every r ender r emem-
ber us at the throne. . To be n Christian
What provision will be made fo.; the
young lambs (and no doubt but that
some will get into the kingdom), re-
mains to be 'seen. Up to the point of
presenting the doctrfue of sin in be-
lievers and its remedy, I have never
seen anything equal to what my eyes
have seen and my ears have heard this
day, th'e only thing approaching 'it
ing our . Buddy's .. meeting at First
Church, Los Angeles; last year. The
people have given liberally towarq .the
expense of the meeting and Billj is an
adept at that part of the proceedings.
His one great characteristic is his faith..:
ful presentation of sin in its every
phase as applied to sinners, and driving
home of the truths that he preached,
to his audiences. No doubt the meet-
ing will be productive of .great good
and salvation will result. Let us pray
that the churches will follow on to
know the Lord collectively as well as
indivdually in entire sanctification so
that the Holy Ghost may be ponred
out upon them in tongues of fire and
much greater and permanent fruitage
result. Go!) bless Billy Sunday. He i!J
a marvelous preacher. Amen.
H. H. B. Ciprico.
.. Jll ..
The annual mid-winter convention
and conference of the People's Mission
Church was held i1,1 Pueblo, Celo.,
cember 26th to January 4th. Pueblo
had been known as a hard shop spirit-
ually but God manifested His power
so that the natives were astonished.
...We never had a better meeting in the
Rocky Mountain country. Brother L.
Milton Williams was the evangelist in
charge, assisted by P eople's Mission
workers and others from different parts
of Colorado. We have known Brother
Williams very intimately for over
eighteen years but we never knew him
to preach so well as at this conven-
tion. God has. his band upon hi111;.and
fortlmate is the church that can secure
his services. Holiness is steadily gain-
ing ground in Colorado and the spirit
of r eal holy love and fellowship is
strong in the hearts the people re-
gardless of name or order, We extend
the hand of Christian love and fellow-
ship to the Pentecostal Church of the
Nazarene. We are with you in the holy We rej(),iee in and
sympathize with all your plans for the
furtherance of God ts cause. May God
make 1909 the best year in the spread
of scriptural holiness and the salvation
of lost souls so f11r in the history of
America. Wm. H. Lee,
Supt. People's Church.
r/{' .. r/{'
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Nazarene Messenger
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1'hm:e is no little complaint that we
arc;l people of one idea; that we ride a
ho).>by, etc. , ete. In some measure we
r catly to admit the charge. ThaJ
o11e great idea possesses us; . that we
have .a favorite ever r ecurring theme of
discourse, thought and effort , we gladly
concur as true. But that it occupies
our attention unduly, we do not for a
moment consent to. A_subject so vast,
so comprehensive, so all embracing as
the salvation of Jesus Christ wrought
out in the humnn soul to cleansing from
all sin:- and making it ltiminous .. by eli-.,.
vine indwelling, filling all the avenues
of the soul "ivith the perfect l ove of
God, thus transforming the being in
spiritual life and beauty, and filling the
. soul with heavenly ministries, is too
large to in any wa:v dwarf the life. It
has come -to pass in these clays that in
.the general t!hought of. men,. that h e
who is a 'man of one idea, is likely to
bring things to .,Pass, especially if.. it is
worthy ancl sufficient. Does any one
think of Fulton or Morse or Eclis.on or
Field .. as J) eing other than enlarged in
coneeption and achievement, because
one great idea possessc(l and filled
them with its .great purpose. Arc
Clarkson and Phi lipps a nd John Brown
l ess in the annal s of the history of 1m-
man weal .the one great idea of
fibcrty so filled all their thotrght '? Arc
Isaiah nnd Blijah and Paul l ess lumin-
oi.Is because it was their's to say " -This
one thing I do?" Is it against a man.
because h e is filled with one great idea
Nazarene Messenger . [January 21, 1909
and his whole being. is swallowed. up ence if . all . liars conld some way he
in bringing to pass its great purpose.? herdecl together .and properly labcl<>
Is not this the way that a man is to be We tlOJ1 't know. of a more appropr.iatc
lifted up, cqtiipped, strengthened ' and name . . We feel sure that there wonhl
made effective? If the matter is anal- ... .. an alldcd sense_ of .security felt hy
izcd, it will be found it is not trnthfnl people if tl1at class could in
one idea that is the matter objecc some way be classified labeled. W c.
tion. If it was . in phi losophy, or - .once read that 'in ancient Venice whcn-
scien<)c, or a matter in peace or war, ever a man told a lie, his house was
nothing would a man more painted black, a.nd "ive remember the
-than that he had one great ide_f!. __ a}H;l _ snggestj,on_of soJnc onc_who said ' '"what
was pursuing it earnestly and contin- a appearance some of mod-
ually. It is to such men that the na- ern towns . would present, if that was
t ions turu with hope, to whom they carried out now.'' One thing that r e-
listen with expectancy and from among pentnnce and the new life bri;1gs is
whom come those who do not dis<l.p- truthfntness. Paul says, '' vVherefo1e
point. It is not then the one idea that putting a,\,ay lying, speak every 111 a1;
is objected to, but the idea itself, which truth with hi s neighbor, for we arc
so Im'lch of the world dislikes. That members one of anothe1." vVhcthc1
ther e is no reason for t h is mal<es no
differ en ce. That there is nothing so
narrowing and belittling as sin, that
there is nothing in the uni verse so beau-
tiful and attractive, to those who haYe
eyes to sec, as holiness, does not ch ange
the matter. It is the carnal heart
which hates holiness, which seel{s some
place to strike it without revealing Hs
r eal purpose, thus covering its hand
by the pret ense o.f na.rr;o\vncss, or "one
. idea p eople:" There is nothing which
enlarges and illuniinates tlie mind, a.nd
enabies it to sec and iove and lay hohl
of truth everywhere, lifting up med ioc-
rit.y and making genius to hlush v:-ith
glor,v like this greatest" of ideas, Holi-
ness i.mto the Lord.
Senator Tillman, in his defense as to
the a ccusations of the Prcmdcnt, is
quoted as saying that "the President
had promoted him to membership. in
the Ananias Club." \Yhatever the facts
may be prbvcd to be, it evident
t hat the great audience whi ch crowde!l
gallcric;,s_ of the senate cham her to
hear his defense-made up of fri ends
and sympathizeis-were saclly disap-
pointed that he failed to make ont a
stronger It is to he hoped that
h e will TJe able to full vindicate him-
self, for it is a sa.d thing when . a man,
for the sake of or to fnrt.h er
own ends, docs a thing whi ch seems to
him to neccssitntc any_ departnre from
the-' exact -trnth. Of course he is n ever .
s erved by such a course, nor justified
.. hy such departure the -truth; it
is simply the trap of the enemy to fur-
ther ensnare the fallen. nnt we speak
Of it to call attention to this new cluh
1iame. It might have. a healthful influ-
yet classific!l o1 n.ot, nll l iars arc mc,m-
bers of the" J\nnnins Club. " 'l'hey arP
memhcrs hy thpir own election. 'l'hosu
who prece1l ml thcni in memhc1'ship
conld not ball t hPm out; th1_,.
blaek-ballcd themsel ves in. vVc ha\"\!
noted that Demagogues and Pharisecs_
whose main hnsi1aess has seemed 1o.
be to !lcscant npon the sins of othc1s.
rarely. proela im against !yin g,
l css because in their suh-l' onstious-
n ess there is sneh a sense of IWI'-
son(ll l at'k of tri.tthhdness. lt secn1s: to
rtmain for people ,"i"]w 's thoughts n 1' 1'
on t hings which n1e pnr<J nnd of good
report, and " -ho li ttle in vitnpPJ'a-
tion to cry ont against the evi l of Lth-w-
hood. It is 1hat no eomnJHJII I-
ment n eeds to be r citcJ at.ed in th('so
tlays m(n'e tlHm ''Thou shalt not '''
In justice to t h e Publishing
we think it prop_cr to ca ll the att!ntioil
of our suhseribers and patrons to soJJI' '
mattms whi ch they m)ght otherwise

Driring the r)nst two montl)s we han
not heen aGle to get the .iJ(!,'V names on
t he snl>scription list m( snqn as t lii'.V
were r eceived. \I.,Te have not bl"en ahlt
to ke-cp np with. our I'OJ'J'<!spondi'JH't'
and therefore ther e has no doubt hc<n
more than the usual number of errors.
oversights, etc.
P erhaps some will think. tha.t we an:
. getting emeless or neglectfnl. \Ve si m-
ply want to call your attl'ntion to t lw
facts in the cnse . . 0Hr mn-in -btL'lincss
to publish litern.tnr e for the . church.
The literature (loes 110t pay ancl as
there is no . missionary fnnd subsidy o1
other h elp, we must earn in our com-
January 21, 1909] Nazarene Messenger
Jll crcial printing enough .to imcp .the cs- much a:s a look upon the humble strang-
. tat
I ishment going. er at the door.
During the 1i10nths o.f November and "He has had of church at-
tendance. He has seen and heard
December we published (for t h e enough of profession. passing itself off
chur ch) the Thanksgiving Number of for . r eligion, of text falsifications
The Messenger, the Assembly lVIinutes palmed off f or inspired gospeL" He has
Hrl<l t he Manual. "' The 'rhanksgivi"ng had enoug)l of earth. He returns sad-
Messenger involved an a mount of der than lie came."
llll!t:hanical labor equal to t hat of six- J/1 J/1 .-
r egular weekly iss ues besides the SCHOOL, LOS "ANGELES.
- Ia hor of -getting the- mat ter together - - The are the t he
fm it. The Minutes and :Manual rc- Sunday schoo-l board of First Church,
. quite a li ttle investment of fJos Angeles, elected at the annual
lllOI1ey and no small amount of extra ineeting held at the residence of Dr.
wmr->. \Vc"had IIO capital furnished us Bresee on 'l'ucsday night, January 12:
Superintendent, R. E : Shaw; assistant
to float t hese entcrptises but had to do superintendents, 1\'lrs. 1!"'. A. rJaw and
it I he hest way we could. T. -A. Asbridge ; primary superintend-
During this same ti me we changed cnt, :i\frs. Ada B. Bresee; assistant
ottt 1111tiling l ist to our new mai ling ma- primary snpcrintencl cn t, l\fiss Clara
dtilll' and fouiJ(l it lifficnlt to get every- Ghenn ; kinder garten superintendent,
l\liss J enni e assjstant l<i ndergar-
correct. All we ask is that YI{U ten supcrint cmlent. :\I iss Grace Todd;
ha Yl' puti cnc< with us in our efforts- to secr etary, L. H. Val entine; assist ant
lllilke ' 'hric:k without str aw." Help us Hecrctarirs, 1\fiss Ali ce Rns:;,ell and 1\liss
all ,ou can to cortect e rrors or to iul- Anna l\Tc-):aughton; treasurer, 1\-Iiss
just" an) difference. W e know t hat we YoLtng; l i bra ri an_ and -secretar y
can not <l o t he work as well as some Su'n<lay sch ool hoard, Jess Holman;
hut we arc cl oing the hest we organist; Arthur Valentine.
I"< III and are ttying to do better. _.. .11 .....
.JC .)1 ...
The foll owi ng wqnl s from t hc. l ir>s of
Dr. Kranskopf, clipped fr<im the
. \ IIH'I"ican of Phil ad cl pit ia, 1locs not
("1111 11' far ftom the truth. He sayS:
stHaking from t he subj ect of "If Christ
\\"I 'I"C to a ttcncl Church'':
" LPt us imagine Jesus appearing t his
111111"1.1 ing, ' ' h e said. ''at t he cnttanee of
son11' f'ashi onahl c elmrch , attired in the
illll llhle garh of t he p easant m11l artisan
in whi .. h he walked t he streets of Palcs-
lil1 c.
'' lie would prohahl y he usher ed to
SI!IIIl' r1:ar s cat, . m11l , b.cra nsc pomly
"lad. no further notice wonl1l be taken
of' him by any of the ri chlv attitcd con-

)Vould hear )1is Yirtncs extolled
in st\Jmm1, prayer and hymn." particn-
larl.v hi s meekness and humility. He
would pcl'haps hear himself piti ed for
., hl):ying _h ad a place whereon to lay
h ts head, a nd yet wonlcl find none in
I hat. 1ieh eong1cgati on inquiring whcth-
l't" he was prm itlcd " ith food and sbcl-
h t .
" He wonld fi n.1 the people who wor-
ship. his spirit shrink from the vcty
of his body. because meanly at-
tt_nHl . Even t he minister paRs
htnt hy unhccrlcd. being too busy wi th
his attentions to the mi ghty_ ones of hi s
(}llll'Ch. "
'' And yet." :mi1l t he rabbi, "not.-
_wiJ hsta ndi-rfi{ thr!-W -t_9achings were -r e \' -
t he unheeded author
nf thCJ\1 in the r ear might sec the very
<l r>acon s of that church . a ttired in . rich-
garb, r epair, at the close of the ser-
vice to their palatial homes without as
Notes and'
'l'hc new 1\[anual is now r eady. Send
.in yonr orders.
Are yon a dding f uel to r c,ival fires
by earnest prayers ?
Bud Robinson is to be with the " 'l's-
leyan Pentecostal Chunh of
top, D: C., over t hree Sundays in F'cb-.
Miss Naomi Ruth, _daughter of _EYan-
g clist C. \ V. Ruth. has left for JaYa.
her chos<'n fief<l of 111 issiouarv y.- ork.
Hlw will he supported by the Epwor t h
fJcagn es of P cnusylva11ia. 'l'ha11k God
for s uch eonsectated young live:?.
Mother Hilbish, \vC'll a11d fa vnrahly
known to many of our peo ple, who at
011c time was in of our rcseue
home, passed" to her heaYenly lcwaid
in great pea ce at Elmhurst, CaL Janu-
ary 3. 'l'hc memory of the . just is
General Supciint!'.ndcnt Ellyson in a
personal note r cfeiTi 11 g to t he work at
Pcni el. Tex., sa_vs: " \ Ve had a g tcat
day S unda y (Jan. 10th) . . nine
in to t h e ehnrch, antl had one of t he
gteatcst missionary rallies that 11ight
that we ever hac!. "
B1ot.hcr H .. C. Ethel! of Boise. Tdaho.
writes:.. 1:lav1i}g- cl osed "my jli'istoia l
work at Boise, I a m anxious to be c m-
ploycl in the TJor<l 's work <'lscwh!:' r c.
I am at the servi ce of any. dnnchcs <W
groups of Nazarencs or H oliness bands-'
anywhere for meetings or other work."
Rev.. John Norberry . closed hi"s meet-
ing with the John \Vesley Pentecosful'
Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., on Sundlty
evening, January 3d. Over three hun-
dred sought the Lord and many united
with the church. Brother Noi'berry
open ed at Patchogue the foliowing Sun-
day . .
: The, a-ddress of Dr. E. F. 'Walker on
"Soul \Vinning" last Friday evening
at the Young was . a
feast oCricli things. H e will speak on
the same theme for several weeks, and
those who miss any one of these talks
will miss a 'great deal.
Rev. F. J. Thomas has heen. called
to t he p ast orate of. the Second Pente-
costal Church of the Nazarene, Chica-
go, r ecently organized. This church is
of good courage and a r e doing great
good in a needy field. They received
some new members on a recent Sab-
In 1908 Brother Ruth traveled 25,038
miles, conducting 576 services, holding
nineteen indoor and eight camp and
tabernacl e meetings, in seventeen dif-
f er ent states. H e spent bnt one entire
week with his family during the year.
In a ll these l abor s he d eclares that the
was the very best of his life
in c.: v.cty way.
. An u rgent 'call is made to. thOC who
for Brother -Stafford's l\lexi-
can work at t he General Assembly to
send in the amount of -their pledge.
Brother Stafford went ba1k to his work
to carry out h is plans." bac:ked , as he
supposed; hy the promises of Holiness
p cojll c, and hG ought not to be ham-
pctcd o.r disappointed. Pay your
Among t he minist ers prl'scnt at the
F'i_rst (' hnreh Sabhath morning was Dr.
\Y. '1'. S mith of t he -;\L E. clnueh .. ap-
eompanicd hy his wi fe. Dr!. Smit h" was
for some time presidin g elder in the
Des conference. and for a quad-
. r enium one of t he general missioiwry
secr etaries of t hat church . Also Broth-
<r and S ister ::\f iller , who ha,e just r e-
turned from Japan. Sister Miller's
health ''"as such as i1cccssitatcd n r e-
turn to this countrv. Thu ehnrch will
pray for . h er. speed) r estoration.
DR. BRESEE is to hold a meeting
of a few days with our church at San
Diego, Cal., beg-inning today.
Mr. W. G. Walker. and wife, Norma
Walker, of 2419 Boulder street, Lo6.._
Angeles, united with the First Church
on Sabbath morning.
Bro. Griffin, .. w ho has recentlv moved
to Pomona, and opened up the work
there again, reports two at the altar
on Sunday night, with a growing
interest. They hold an ali-day meet-
ing today.
Los Angeles and Vicinity
After the .morning "prayer m.eeting-.
which :Was .large and- triumphant-and
the Sabbath school, which was full of
brightness and hope, Dr. Bresee
preached to a large and appreciative
audience from St. Joh.n 5:6, "Wilt thou
be made whole?;' He read the environ-
ments of the impotent men at Beth-
esda and the Master's .conversation
with him, and announced 1ts his theme.
Christ in the b.roken gates ' of our civ- .
ilization. He. spoke of "the waters of
Shiloah . that go softly,'' which flowed
through this great pool, which
was 360 f eet long by 130 f eet. wide, by
which wer e five porche::;-hospitals,
once palaces of the . rich but now hos-
pitals for the poor and si ck-as ernble-
matical of the revelation of God in the
earth, flowing upon the f eet of the civ-
ilization of men. He spoke of the so-
cial, political, business and educational
and church life as being these five
porches, full o{ s ick and needy men
and women. He spoke of the angel's
troubling the wat er at certain tiines as
special means of grace-revivals-but
as not sufficient to meet the needs, but
that Christ Himself has come to do the
.T\vo united with the church.
.The afternoon Holiness meet ing was
a season of gracious blessing and in-
spiratiqn to all. Brother Williams of
Colorado, who has lately arrived to
spend the winter here with his daugh-
ter, brought the message from the
\Vord. He first gave a few facts in his
own life of how God took him and
heal ed him, then called him to the min-
istry. After this stirring talk, how the
testimonials of God' s saving grace
poured in from hearts overflowing with
gratitude. It was a good hour spent in
the Divine presence.
The evangelistic service at 7 :30 was
in charge of Rev. J. W. Goodwin, the
. assistant pastor, who choe his text
Rom. 2 :6-11-16, and spoke on the com-
ing judgment. The various facts con-
nected with the judgment . scenes were
.taken up and awful'" condition of
the hopelessly lost was ur.ged as a rea-
son of r epentapce, as well as the good-
ness of God. As the altar service was
.called a seriousness fell upon the con-
gregation, and as the saints moved to
the front six different seekers came to
the altlnr, four as seekers for salvation
and two for sancti.fication. A greater
burden for the unsaved seems to be
coming upon the church, and the out-
look is goGd for a continuous t'ide of
salvation this
. Company E met as usual
evening, and the Lord was not lmmind-
ful of us, hut His blessing was on us
as Sister Smoot brought a precious
message fx:om II Kings 2 :1-15 and
Nazarene Messenger
. a faithful, steady walk with
J esus as Elijah and Elisha. We, too,
ar e going on. Bless God for the privi-
l ege of walking alone with Him.
- ,:,1 .>C .II
.It was was a great day of blessing
and victory at the' Tuesday
meeting in the First Los An-
geles, Cal. Our hearts were made glad
by the J}l;esence of our dear Dr: Bresee
and by his words of Cheer and: ..
ageme1ft) as he spoke to us of. pos-
sibilities before us, which made us all
det ermined to seek higher ground than
we lwd ever yet taken. Brother :Mil-
l er , a r eturned missionary from Japan,
brought the message from Eph .. 5 :1, 2,
8, and showed us how it wqs God's
order f or us to first be then do ; first
the life, then the walk; and how when
J esus ruled and r eigned in our h earts
that it was easy to be what He'd .havc
us be; that the life of sanctified
child of God is the life that is well
pleasing to Him; and that
on the track-
l ess sea of life we are safe if we use
the chart and compass (13ible anq HolY ..
Spirit.) while the of our sal-
va tion is guiding our s.hip. The .. mes-
sage was blessed to all and we hope to
hear our brother again soon.
[January 21, 1909
there is sure to be a big break iii the
ranks of .the world soon. An All Day
meeting will - be held this we.ek on
Thursday, January 21 and 28, wit h
three preaching services. in charge of
the evangelists. An afternoon service
will be held each Sabbath afternoon at
3 o.>clock. The services will continue
every ev.ening, except Haturday, during
the month. Remezqber us when you
pray. C. V . L.
.- .JII .JII
Our prayer meetings at the Vern on
church are well attended. The people
that . members of the prayer
meeting, and. all. pray. We exped
ot her s to join soon: The writer belongs
to this meeting, and it is noticed at the
Sunday congregations that God m s-
wers prayer and honors those that love
him and serve him faithfully. Our Snll-
day school is increasing and
all alpng the line. Sunday was anoth1r
day of victory. Brother Fred Wil-
liams of Denver was with us at the
morning service and preached with the
Holy Ghost sent down from heaven,
and the Lord gave him one soul sanr.-
tified . T.he evening was another glM-
1ous time of pra ise and rejoiciqg.
It was a pleasl.1re to hav.,e our brother,
Re:v. J. G. Rog.ers._of . Lohg with _
ns. He gave us a helpful talk on the
C. B. L:
$ JJC $
. .
At the prayer-meeting Thursday
night one of our young ladies brought
a message from the Word and gave
some incidents of God' s dealings with
her. since the time of her conversion at
Mateo St. Mission years ago.
Canaan experience and of onr
the sons of Anak, but God had
promised to be 011r st r ength, and to
fi ght our battles, and that they are to
be overcome and made stepping stones
for us to greater victories. l-I e also
sp oke of the power of ''perfect love''
in our lives. The t estimoni es that fol-
lowed wer e vi ctorious and the Spirit <;>f
t h e J.Jord was f elt throughout thP- whol e
servi ce in melting power. We f eel
we ' ve t ak en higher ground f or this
hour spent apart with God.
If you wer e not ther e wol.i' inissed . a
blessing. L.
.. .. .JII
Revs. Allie and Emma Irick began
their lahors at tqis. church on. F1iday
night of.last week with a full tide of..
blessing already flowing and.seekers at.
the altar. Their presence in an added
inspiration and the r evival is:dcepen-
ing and going on in glori9us vfctory.
Large audi ences werP- present all clay
Sunday. Brother Irick from
Rom. 1 :16 in the morriing .O'tl "Not
'' and at night from ''The
Great Salvation. " Sister Irick preach -
ed t o a fine and happily annoinfed com-
p any at ::3 p , .m. "Hearlmni ng.
the " The altar. servieesdurtng
the day were vi ctorious and happy 1n
the Lord-:--8Cverals eekers were for-
ward and found the Ilord. The
tion is resting upon many others and
While a time of liberty in prayer
was enjoyed by members, a .young boy
was at the altar seeking sanctification
. and a young boy asking for pardon ;
both entered into the blessings sought.
.The Sabbath day was specially
.marked by large congregations at
every service and deep con.viction was
manifested at both preaching services .
. At the morning l'iour Bro. Isaiah Reid
of the Pacific Bible College preached
a blessed sermon, tothe great delight
and edification of all present. Our
pastor preached at Trinity Mission.
The night sermon by our pastor was
directed to three classes of sinners-
"Outbreaking, Moral, and Sinners in
Zion. ! ' God owned and blesse,dHi:;
word during day. souls
were at the altar. v . J. J.
number ha,..vesent in a list
of five subscribers for the "YOUTH'S
CoMRADE." They. got the club rate
of $s:oo for the five. Haven't y-ou
five young friends to send 1t to? You
can bless them and help the paper at
the !;!arne time.
January 2i, 19091
Our hearts were , comforted and
stLengthened by the presence of Broth-
er JJangdon and two other of the breth-
ren on Tuesda)' night . last. Brother
TAtngd.on brought a short message from
Ps. 34:8, "0 taste and see that the
JJOI.'d is good," ana the. others a lso gave
waisc to our Lord for this wonderful
sal vation. God is adding to our mim-
her such as are saved. Received new
members and so'me six or eight seekers
the last week. There were fifty in our
Sabbath school last Sabbath, and we
covet the earnest prayers of those who
rcmcnibe"r :us before ,the throne for
ntotc wisdom grace. Oh, that a
host .of these hearts might
spccili ly
Mr.s. M. McReynolds.
... .JI .-
One more day's work for J esus:
One l ess of life for me.
It was a most blessed day, especially
at t he morning and afternoon services.
On Sabbath night meetings are not so
eneouraging. Some of . our p eople are
infirm, and some live at a distance, so
that it is difficult for these to get all
the services. But others are what Glad-
stouc called '' oncers. '' Not all of our
peopl e are ''en during har<Jness .as good
soldi ers and not all are per-
fedly loyal in standing by our own
work. Pasadena seems to be quite a
place f or church visiting, which is en-
eomaged and fostered by some of the
churches "getting up things" to draw
such visitors. But we have a fai t hful
few who can always be depended on-
pmise the Lord! We are still consid-
ering "Pentecostal Fire" and ''The
G1nat Salvation."
The new "Question Drawer" meet-
ing, inaugurated last week, proved to
he of much interest, and a goodly com-
pany, of people gathered to consider
especially the subject of divine healing.
Next Friday at 2 :30 p. m. we will con-
sider some other questions pertaining
to this subject, such as differences be-
tween divine healing and mind healing,
Christian Science, etc. Other questions
of inter est to earnest Christians will be
considered in their 'turn.
. ..,c ..,c ..,c
I have just closed a week of meet-
ings in Fresno, resulting in.several con-
versions and sanctifications and four
nn iting with the church. The meetings
Nazarene . Messenger 9
where who are willing to take thenar- holiness meeting would do much gOQ.d .. ,
row way and go through with Him. '!'he subject is .so hated _by the
Praise the Lord! There is no real holi- and . backslidden professors of religion
n ess work in this city. There is what that it should have the right kind of
is called holiness, but it is some of the special Prominence. T,Pe kin,d . of a
fanaticism of . these last days. One of meeting we is not . one where .
these sects calls themselves "Christ a few persons convene to fin.d fault .
Sanctified Holy Church." Now, if the with everyone. else. and to shoot at the
r eader can get any. sense or meaning pastor. and other members of the
out of this you are that much ahead of church with their tongues, but a meet-
me. We greatly need a "middle of the ing where the true Bible doctrine of
road" people here, and I believe God is where . .:. men and
will raise sueli" a people up. Amen! women in the actual experience help
Brother and Sister Langstaff are using others to find .that experience.. and
their own tent and sacrificing much for where all pray for such causes and
the work here. lf any good evangelist persons and interests as may seem to be
is passing this way and can stop over brought to their attention by the Lord,
for a week or ten days, and will be sat- a meeting that is with kind-
isfied with a place of entertainment ness, Christian charity, where no
and the free will offering of the people, harsh or unkind word is ever spoken,
drop Brother J. V.. Langstaff, Fresno, where the weary should f\nd rest, the
Cal., Gen 'I. Del. , a card and I am sure discouraged new kindlings of hope, the
t he Lord bless you. heavy-ladelied rest, and where Jesus is'
We are still saved through the blood lifted .'up in all of His offices; where ,...
of J esus and pressing on the shining the Holy Ghost is i honored, followed,
obeyed, and His leadings are received
with courtesy and gladness. Such a
meeting would be a blessing to Very
church on earth- Wesleyan Methodist.
P . G. Linaweaver.
In some churches a holiness meeting
would be a seven days' wonder; i"n
other clmrches every service is 'more
o'r l ess a holiness meeting. In a major-
ity of churches' a weekly or monthly
Gospel Stamps
New. Unique, Attractive; a picture and text oil
every stamp. Suitable for placing on letters, pa,.
pers. etc:. Cheaper and more effective than
tracts. 120 s tamps In book' (60 varieties), lOc per
book: 3 for. 25c:. Agents Wanted.
NAZARENE PUB, CO., 730 San Pedro St., LosAaptes, CaL
fi .-
One Thousand Homes
Where this advertisemeQt will be read which
do not get The Youth' Comrade. from the
Sunday School. You ought to have it for your
young people and yourselves.
The Youth's
Is a wee kly young peoples paper, full of inter-
esting reading. We will soon commence the
publication of a serial story entitled
I '
This is a true story of Armenian life, written
by a native Armeni11-n, who is a member .of the
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene.
.. we_re held in a -t ent which Bro'ther and
Sister Langstaff have fixed up very
and where t hey h()ld meet-
lllgs every night. There is some ( ,
pect for a church here in the near ffi.,J
ture. We pnd hungry hearts who . are
ready to help to push . on the work of
holiness. God has a few people .every-
Subscribe now-only 75c a year. See that
your Sunday School has it-we make a special
price Sunday Schools. .
Nazarene Publishing Company
We can furnish ba'ck numbers new .
Sample s Free.
19 Messenger
Deets Pacific Bible College,
641 E. 28th St . Los Angeles. Cal.
. . .. PmNciPAL, LEORA BESS s. wg,oD.
. . .
" .The God of Israel is he that giveth
strength and power unto his people.''
Ps. 68:35.
Deet 's Pacific Bible College for t hese
tvvo and a half years and thqf?e hours
of sitting at his f eet have been more
precious . thal1 gold which perishcth.
He hns sent to us the choicest teachers
Among our inm;unerable blessings and has helped us study all for the end
the greatest is God's unspeakable gift that we may better be prepared for our
to mankind and "best of all I life's joltrney to tell to others the way
He's mine. " But oh! how many thou- of salvation.
We feel sure that our dear parents,
sands and millions have never " even .
who have consecrated us to the Lord,
h eard his name mentioned i '\Vherevcr and Brother Andrew Adams, God ' s
we ar e, may we be faithful heralds of f a ithful servant, who made i t poss ible
these glad tidings to mankind, not oi
ly for. us to attend t his precious school,
1vith our -\vords but al so in our dnily and our principals and teachers who
nrc liviug their li ves anew in us, will
life. The Lord help me, as one of his all have a part in the reward, for
children, to f eel my r esponsibility of
na.ny of t he sheaves, which we by His
., ever holding up the blood-stained ban- help shall carry home at that great day,
ncr for the snk e of p erishing souls will be inscribed the names of the dear
around us. \Ve can afford to be one of. ones who made it possible for ns to go.
God's faithful f ew though tried on God bless them; how we praise Him
every hand, for "He giveth us strength for yon all. each one of us ask
nnd power." \ Ve should f eel the same oursel ves t.hc questi on : Am I doing
fir e and zenl burning in our breast as all I can to saYe the perishing soi.1ls ?
did Ashael Grant when he said : . ''I His love is burning in my .f>OUl today;
can not; I dare not, go to judgment till .his blood cl eansing me from all siPr, and
I have done the utinost God enabl es this yenr I am more intent on doing his
me to do, to diffus.e His glory through whole will "that in an things He might
t he world." have t he pre-eminence.'.' .
The Lorcl has certainly placed Your co-worker in the Gospel , called
of ns in ple'asant places. I thank Him to Indi a, . Leoda l\I. Grebe.
for . the privilege of attending the Portland, Oregon.
At the Christmas services at Comp-
ton Avenue Church, Los Angel es, a
beautiful incident occurre.d. The day
before Brother H-- was singing a
song as he d eli vered his bread from .
house to house. Driving along he
noticed two little girls sitting on the
steps. of a l ittle hoqse. . ""When he stop-
peel his wagon just across the street ,
girls ran over to him, saying,
1\fister , wou 't you please sing that
song to us?'' Brother H-- stood in
the street and sang of the heavenly
home. Then he invited his audience to
attend the Chi:istmas services. Christ-
mas eve two littl e poorly clad
and holding each other by the hand,
occupied one chair ricar the front of
the church; one stood while the other
sat, and vice versa. A vacant chair was
just back, but they r efused to be sepa-
rated. Dwing the . t estimonies o"f the
children, they eagerly listened to c atch
every word. Presently they went out
and a t eacher went after them. They
wer e standing on the . steps of the
church, still holding each other by t he
hand'. Seeing' the teacher, one of tl!em '
said, "We were seeing if it was getting
very dark/ ' ....
The t eacher told them she would sec
that they got home safely, and asked
them to stay through the servi ces.
"\Vill ther e he a Santa . Clans," one
of them .asked. .
"Oh no, chiltl , -ive clo riot h ave a San-
ta Clans ; we have a precious Jesus."
" "Will he come tonight ?" t hey ask ed.
But the t eacher wi t hout making r eply,
hurried them back to their scat.
At the .close of the services t he pas-
tor called for t hose who wanted to
!mow 'J esus to lift their hands. In-
st antly two little hancls wer e lifted
hi gh above the little stranger 's heads;
oth er hands were lifted, and then the
altar call was given, and t he two chil-
dren came forward and laid down on
the ir faces before the altm\ when t hey
lifted thci1 faces wet wi t h tears, we
knew that '' J esns had come.''
L. P. K.
Thi s grncious command from the
l\f astcr-Tcachct is addressed to all.
" L earn of Me. " why? Because " I
a m meek and l owly in heart." What
nn m; usual method of r ecommending
one 's-sclf as a teacher. Not- "I have
studi ed. so l ong, have had so m1wh ex-
carry such and such cr eden-
tials." No- "I am meek and lowly
i'i' heart," and the promise-not of
diplomas or other r ecognition of brain-
[Jal?-uary 21,- 1909 .
. .
work, but-when the "11 eart shall have
.r eceived the , sacred l esson-" Ye !>hall
have r est to your souls. " Soul r est.
means an abandonment of all psychic
worry and excitement; weary au(1
heavy laden th.Q pupil may have been .
but now thl' Master lifts the
and says to the wavos of surging
thought, ! ''Peace! he still,'' anQ. thc1e
is <\ "great calm. " SerCJi"ely the soitl
must rest on the promise and live hv
it: ''He will k eep . him in per.fec:t
peace whose mind is stayed on Htnt ,
because he trnsteth in Him. "-Se-
l ected. .
.- .JI .JI
If any young person wants THE YOU1'H's
COMRADE but has not the money to pay for
it you can easily earn it.
The subscription price is 75c a year. In
clubs of five it is 60c. Get four persons to
subscribe for it at the regnlar pl'ice (75c) and
get your own subscription free. If you wish
to try this plan send at once for some sam-
ple copies and a blank receipt hook. You can
do it if you try.
Pins ...
We have a new supply.of Nazarene
.Pins. The Nrckel-plated, such as
we have here tofor e sold, and a n ew
kind made of Aba lone shell with
black lettering.
25c each
50c each
Nazarene Publishing Gompany
Jacob the Heelgrasper,
OR .
Some of God's Pictures of
the Carnal Mind.
With Portrait and Introduction
This is a volume of 350 pages packed full of
striking lessons from the life of Jacob, writ
ten in the clear and direct style of this emi
ne nt Evangelist.
Bound in Cloth, Price $1.00
N azarepe Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street,
Los Angeles, Cal.
January 21,1909] Nazit:rene Messenger .
.. . . . --
Our Yoztng People
ao. not to ask for it, or
"to take It. v .
You. sometimes wish to play when
you ought to study or do some work.
I started .on an errand,
And -then that old Jack Frost
He came so fiercely after me
I r eally 'most got lost.
He gave my face an ugly ,slap,
And then he nipped my nose;
He pinched my cruelly,
And then he pinched my toes.
He said: be . frozen, ,
You'd better ., turn right back;
I'll pinch you harder if you don't!''
. old Jack!
I said: "When I am sent from home
With something I must do,
Just try your very worst with me,
I ' ll go in spite of you.'' .
-Pearls for the Little Ones.

A school teacher once re-
marked that he who buys truth makes
a good bargain, and inquired if any
scholar recollected an in Scrip-
. tnrc of any one making a bad bargain.
''I do,'' replied a boy. '' Esau made
a bad bargain when he sold his birth-
right for .a mess of
A second said, ' 'Judas made . a bad
bargairi when h e sold his Lord . for
thirty pieces Qf silver, " . .
A third replied, '' Ananias and Sap-
phira made a bad bargain when they
sold their land and then told Peter a
falsehood about it.''
A fourth observed, "Our Lord tells
us that he makes a bad bargain who,
to gain tlie whole world, loses o:wn
soul.'' -Children's Friend.
. .. .JII .JII
A few months ago some boys 1n
Evanston, Illinois, were arresteq., in a ,;
raid on a place where liquor was sold.;,;.
One of the boys wanted his name sup-
pressed for his mother's sake, but the
local paper refused, saying, "He
thought of his mother too late. 'He
should have thought of his mother
when he was wasting his hours in
carousals. We don't take much stock
in those young men who care nothing
for their mothers until they . get found
,Jil ,Jil ,Jil
It is w10rth a great deal to be able
to say ''No'' to yourself. If you do
not learn to do this, no one can do it
for you. When you are tempted to go
somewhere, or take something that you
kno,v is not right, say inside,
stck to it. Say it good and strong.
.You sometimes eat too much-you
know you do. Tell yourself that you
do not need what you would like to
.have simply because it tastes good, and
Say to .that wish play, arid go
right about the duty that comes first.
Do' not let self be' the master . .. Be
master of yourself, and see that self
minds when you say "No. "-Selected.
Some one has written beautifully to
the boys in the following manner. Here
is a whole sermon in a few sentenees:
''Of all the love affairs of the world,
1ione can surpass the true love of the
"big boy for his mother. It is pure and
noble, honorable in the highest degree
to both. I do not mean merely a duti-
ful affection. I mean a love which
makes.. a boy gallant and courteous to
his mother, saying to everybody plain-
ly that he is fairly in love with her.
Next to the love of a husband, nothing
so crowns a woman's life with honor
as this second love, this devotion of a
son to her. And I never yet knew a
boy to turn out badly who began by
falling in love with his mother. Any
man may fall in love with a fresh-faced
gi rl , and the man who is gallant with
the girl may cruelly neglect the worn
and weary wife. Bnt the boy who s
a lover of his rriotbel" in her middle age
is a true k night 'vho will love his wife
as m'n ch in the sere-leaved autumn as
he did in the daisied -springtime. ''-
Church Advocate.
$ $ $
"I hope .you ' ll have a pleasant time,
son," said I, as the latter was starting
out to spend the evening .
''Thank yon; I always do, for I take
it with nie," wfis the r eply.
And that is a great big secret. l\Iost
people ,\ish to have. a good time. .A.nd
that's right. But so many of them
seem to fail. \Vhy pon ' t they take it
with them? They can; they should.
Going on an outing with some
friends, a young lady before starting
put a spray of sweet eglantine in h er
bosom. She quite forgot its presence.
But all day long she and her intimate
companions kept getting the delicious
odor of the sweet brier and wondered
where it was.
So in all .your life. The good time is
in you. It is with you as to ,\hether
you have good neighbors and find
pleasimt people everywhere you . go.
The glory of the heavens, the gorge-
ousness of the sunrise and the sunset,
the sweetness of bird songs, the beauty
of waving trees and lblooming flowers,
the very goodness of God itself.:_an
are in you, all depend on what you are;
on what you have brought with you.
what kind of a time do you want to
have? It rests with you. \Vill you
walk in clear light or stumble along in
gloom 1 Will you be . strong and j9y-
ous or weak and satl7 It rests with
Will Convict, Inspire and Bless.
Apples Gold;
Or Words Fitly Si>oken.
Being a Compilation of the l.trief Spiritual
Heart Messages which hav!'! app.eared the
first page of the MESSENGER during the past
two years.
240 Pages, Paper. . . .
With portrait, and introduction
by Dr. Bresee.-
Price 25 Cents
by.mail 30c; in lots of 10 $2.
In cl?th, 60 cents.
Address, "R. P:"
730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, CaJ.
The Time to strike;
Or, Our Nation's Curse.
A story of sixteen chapters, told in
an interesting and graphic way, of
the Curse of the Liquor Traffic, and
its awful effe.cts on the family: It is
timely and should be read by every
lover of cleanness arid purity.
Nazarene Publishing Company
Los Angeles, Cal.
"'Where Art Thou?,,
or, Spiritual Earthquakes.
This book by this noted Evangelist will
arouse, instruct and bless. Send for it.
Bound in Cloth 320 Pages
Price,_ $1.00 .
Mohave Children
Stories from life by
Missionary to Mohave Indians
A beautiful book, illustrated with fine half-
tone engJ;"Svings, bound in Onyx Bristol.
This book is instructive as well as 'entertain-
ing and gives an interesting account of real
life among these little known people.
An admirable gift for Sunday School Teach- ,
ers to present to their elasses. .
15 cents
two for 25c
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
Helpful Rea_ding.
Dr. Valpy, the author of a -great many
class-books, wrote the following sim-
ple lines a:s . llis confession of
''In peace l et me resign my. breath,
Thy salvation see;
My . sins deserve eternal death,
But J esus died for me.''
Vt\lpy gave those lines to Dr. March,
a rector, who put them over his study
mantel-sll.elf . . . The Earl or Roden read
''Will you give me a copy of these
said the good earl.
''I shall be glad to,'' said Dr. March.
. Lord Roden took them home and put
them over his mantel-shelf: General
Taylor, a waterloo hero,-,canie into the
r oom and noticed them. He read them .
over and' O''er again. while staying with.
Lord Roden, till his lordship remarked:
''I say, Friend Taylor, I should think
you ' d ln1ow tlwse lines by heart. ''
General Ta:Ylor handed those lines to
an officer in t he army, who was going
out to the Crimean war. He came
home to die; and '"hen Dr. March went
out to see him, the. ppor soul_ in his
weala1ess said : "Good sir, do you know
this verse which General Taylor gave.-
to meY It brought me to my Sa'vior,
and I die in peace. "-Selected.
-" ..
The blood of Christ: it is the foun-
tain of immortality! The blood of
Christ : it makes the soul summer warm
beauteous! The . blood of ' Christ:
it binds all heaven ; with its man-
sions and throngs without number, in
holy and indissoluble security! My
soul, seek no other stream in .which to
drown thy leprosy! My lips, no
other song with which to charge your
music ! My hands, seek no other t!l-sk
with which to prove your energy! I
would be swallowed up in Christ! I
would be nailed to His cross. I would
be baptized with His baptism. I would
.quail under the agony of His pain, that
I might triumph with Him in the glory
of His resu:rrection.-J oseph Parker.
.II ..,. .JI
''It is time my sympathies
ooze out through my finger tips,''
thought the yotmg girl who had been
feeli ng sorry for an overworked
mother .
''I . will send my" prayers in my
wagon,'' answered a farmer who was
asked to pray for a poor widow who
was in great distress.
'' I must spell ni y pity. with . my
purse," d ecided a mmi whose heart had
been touched at the need of the
heat hen. ,
"My sociability needs to be mounted
on shoe l eath er , " concluded a well-
meaning, but. home-tied church mem-
ber, as she .. of her duties to-
ward some. newcomers.
"I will try to coax my heart into
the palm of my hand,' ' the usher whis-
pered to . himself, -as he was about to
reach out for a perfunctory handshake
with a stranger, .
'' 0 love, come sit on .my lips while I
speak to that careless one, '' invoked
one whose good intentions had a habit
of hiding in the<> heart. .
''I must multiply my Sunday good-
ness by seven," declared another who
had awakened to the need of Sunday-
izing the week in order to prevent sec-
ularizing the Lord's Day.
When comes the King in royal might,
To crush,the wrong and crown the right; .
When all the saints in glory meet,
No more to die, no more to weep;
When. thrones are set and crowns are given,
. With all the rich r ewards of heaven;-
0 , in that glorious by-and-by,
What's done for God can never die!"
[January 21; l!Jl!9
. .
Are words in season to the justified. Can be
had from the author, Rev. R. 730
San Pedro St.,. Los Angeles, Cal. Price, 20c
pe1; doz. ; $1 per 100.
New Manual
We hope to have the new Man-
ual ready by the 5th of January
Send in your orders for them.
The usual prices in quantities.
Retail price 25c post paid.
Nazarene Publishing Co .
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
We Can Fill Your Orders for
Assembly. Minutes
We have not sold enough minutes to get the actual cash cost to us, to
say nothing of the work. We would be glad to get our money back. Many
Churches.have ordered none. Let us hear from you at once.
Nazarene Publishing Co.
Los Angeles, California.
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