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" The Blood of Je11ut1 Chrillt Hill Son lUI From AU Sin.

Vol. XIII.
Los Angeles, California, February 4, 1909 No. 32
The Primary Purpose of the Holy Ghost Baptism. (
r.======:'ffiHE Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene stands
clearly for tht"ee things-Purity of Doctrine,
Purity of Heart and Purity of Life. In these days
of half-truths there is danger of some of our people falling
under the spell of someoof the seductive teachers of error
along with truth. One of these errors is the "Power for
Service" theory, which makes what a man does of greater
import than what a man is. Now, in Acts 15: 8, 9, we
have this declaration, which shows clearly the purpose for
which the baptism with the Holy Ghost was given-Heart
"And God, which knoweth the heart , bare them witness, giving
them the Holy Ghost, even as He did unto us, and put no difference
between us and them, purifying their heart s by faith. "
These are the words of Peter to the assembled apos-
tles at Jerusalem as he rehearses the gracious way in
which the Holy fell upon the household of Cornelius
anu those assembled there, while he preached the Gospel
to them, calling the attention of the apostles to the simi-
of the experience bestowed to that received by the
one hundred and twenty on the day of Pentecost-' 'puri-
fyi ng their hearts by faith."
'l'hat there is such an experience as the baptism with
the Holy Ghost for believers is definitely and clearly
taught in the Word of God and conceded by nearly all
of evangelical Christians. It was prophesied by
Joel, proclaimed by John the Baptist as Jesus came upon
the field of His ministry: "I, indeed, baptize you with
water unto r epentance, but He that cometh after me is
mi ghtier. tha'h I. * * He shall baptize you with the Holy
Ghost and fire." Jesus kept this difference before His
disciples and made it the subject of His last command, to
"tarry" until they received the promise of the Father,
thus showing its importance. It became a fact of expe-
rience on the day of Pentecost, ushering in the dispensa-
tion of the Spirit, and became the normal experience of
the early Church and ought to be the normal experience
of present day Christianity. This is definitely and dis-
tinctly the dispensation of the Holy Ghost, and if the
Church turns away from His gracious presence and power
to intellectual, social or any other means to do its work,
there r emains no other agency to bring back a revolted
world to God. .
What has this gracious gift to believers reference to?
To the state of the heart, or to the service of the life- to
purity, or to power for service? There can be no denying
the fact that :for many years there has arisen a great
army of devoted men and women of all denominations
whose lieartcry has been for a greater conformity to the
person of their Master, and a more earnest consecration
to the service of their Lord, and so there has arisen the
Keswick movement in England and the Northfield work
of Mr. Moody to meet the needs of the Calvinistic branch
on the one hand, and the holiness camp-meetings and the
work of the National Holiness Association and the Pente-
costal Church of the Nazarene to meet the cry for this
deeper work in the soul on behalf of the Wesleyan branch
of the Lord's vanguard.
This cry of the soul after God is the same in both
branches of the Church, but because of the difference of
the theological standards of these two schools, the method
and time of obtainment varies in their teaching.
One branch maintains that the baptism with the Holy
Ghost is bestowed to gi:ve power for service. This is
blessedly true, for this is one of the great facts which
followed thePentecostal baptism upon the disciples, yet
it was not the main fact and is but part of the truth: The
other branch maintains and teaches this gift of the Spirit
is primarily in reference to purity. Wl]..ich is.true? There
are two sources from which we must get the truth to set-
tle this matter- the Scriptures and personal experience.
Both of these sources do not leave much doubt as to which
is true. We find that the words of Peter have reference
to the heart and not to service. ''Purifying their hearts
by faith."
And again, th'e\vriter of Hebrews (10: 14, 15) says,
'For by one offering He hath perfected forever them that
are sanctified; whereof the Holy Ghost also is a witness
to us.''
Now the primary work of the Holy Ghost, both in
r egeneration and sanctification, is subj ective and not
objective-God's likeness, not power. He would rather
have us like Himself in our nature than give us power to
ma ke a thousand worlOs. "He can make worlds by His
will, but He cannot purify the heart of man without
man's consent. He must have pure hearts before He can
flow . out like streams of living water by the Spirit to a .
dying, thirsty world.
The devil will be perfectly satisfied if his chief officer
-the oldman- is not disturbed, and the one thing he is
afraid of is the normal experience of this dispensation,
the baptism with the Holy Ghost, in which experience sin
gets its death blow. God is more concerned about purity
than about power for service- just as a true man is more
concerned about the love of his wife for himself than
her ability in washing dishes.
It is a libel upon the infinite wisdom of God to say
that He gives power and then lets a nature remain to mil- .
itate against the power ' He hasbestowed. It is a fact
well known to evangelists and pastors that you can get'
100 believers to the altar as for power for service,
whereas you cannot get ten out of that 100 to seek purity
2 Nazare-lie
[February 4, 1909
:of heart,__ Why? Because .. omLmeans crucifixion and death . is esseritial to power, is the first principle
.to sin and worldliness, and the other. means_ to a great of it. there wil.l be more or less doubt, which
extent popularity. . Whereas 100 . -need the baptism for brings darkness of soul; weakness and failure, a'g.d makes
purity, only ten out of the H)O would need it for service. man an easy victim. to temptation. Where purity is lack-
. Of course I am taking this term, ''power for service," to ing there will be an absence of earnestness and of those
refer to that class of Christian workers who are called positive qualities which go so much for success. Purity
upon to engage in the various activities of the church, and love are needed to control power; power would be a
which is a small percentage of the whole; though as John dangerous thing without them.
Wesley has said, "All oughtto be at it and always at it." Purity is also' needed as the groundwork of the Spirit
The plan'itnd promises of the atonement are to fruit. Power for service is not. There are many success-
the heart needs of all men, and not the specific. needs of ful workers who do not produce the fruit of the Spirit.
the ftlrnish a condition of heart to meet the thou- All the fruit of the Spirit is pure fruit, and impurity o_f
sand and one difficulties of life; rather than to prepare a heart would prevent or curtail love, joy, peace, and the
select number for any special service. other elements of an aggressive character.
Just a few reasons why the baptism with the Holy This thought carries the main purpose of the
Ghost is in reference primarily to purity rather than -to atonement, that Christ came to deal with the nature of
power---'-to the state of the heart rather than to any act of sin rather than the act of sin. Get out of us the nature
service: of sin_, and the desire for sin will cease. Forgive the act
Purity is a universal need; power for service is not. of sin, but permit the nature of sin to remain, and you
Individual purity is needed for heaven; power for service will have the constant recurrence of the act, though con-
is not. Purity is needed for living, by all classes of peo- stantly forgiven.
pie everywhere at al1 times, in the home life as well as in .Is it not true, then, that if the Church of Christ
the business or_ church life, while power ,for ' service is return to its Pentecost-perhaps not to_ Pentecostal meth-
needed only by those in service, which is impossible to ods, but to Pentecostal purity and power-that the church
the.great majqrity of even Christian people. of Christ, which has been disgraced and its influence so
Purity is a necessity; power for service is not. We often weakened by being made a place of amusement and
must be pure to enjoy the deepest and sweetest com- .. entertainment, shall again-be the magnet to draw all men
munion with our Lord; to give to us the joy of holy fellow- to Christ because the watchmen on the walls of Zion are
ship with God's children here, and to pt us for the men filled with the Holy Ghost, which is the attestation
inheritance of the Lord's saints in light hereafter. of Go_d to a pure heart "! R. PIERCE.
--Contributed Articles
I gav:e my Lord my downy bed,
While on the stones my couch I spread;
Before my evening prayer was said
'The stones had bloomed beneath my head.
I took from .Him the cross .He bore,
From Him the crown of thorns He wore .;
A thornless crown, it proved to be,
And lo ! the cross is bearing me.
In His wonderful prayer recorded iq
the seventeenth of St. John, Jesus could
say: "I have finished the work which
thou gavest me to do." No other per-
son has ever been able to say this as
Jesus said it. Paul could say: "I
have finished the course,'' and that. he
was now about to receive the crown at
the end of the race, but this is some-
-different from finishing the work.
God .has a plan for every life. He
had a plan for the life of Jesus from
the manger to the cross and Jesus in
His life built according to that plan
perfectly from da;y to day and thus lie
could say, "I have finished the work
which thou gavest me to do." God
His plan for each life from the cradle
to the grave.. But who :has sadly
marred that plan by of sin and
rebellion 1 "All have sinne<l and come
short of the glory of God. ''
But while the life never can be all
that it might have been without sin
yet upon repentance and faith in Christ
it may be restored to the divine favor
and given the completeness of His plan
for it as nearly as is possible with the
time already lost. Thus restored to the
divine favor we are given the Holy
Spirit, who knows the divine plan_ for
the life, to reveal to us that plan and
to empower us to- build to
the plan.
There is no imperfection in the plan
and there is no imperfections in the
Spirit's leadership. If then we will
but follow l-Iis direction and build ac"
cording to the pattern we may say,
since the of our restoration to the
divine favor that, "I have finished the
work which. thou gave&t me to do. "
Any failures -will be on our part. That
there is 'much failure we will admit but
in view of the provision in God's grace
we fear that much of this failure is un-
necessary and often inexcusable. . It
faiiure to lis-
. ten to the ' Spirit '8 voice, prejudice, fear
. and la-ck of consecration. . The Spirit
will lead those vvho look to Him. In
our ignorance we may not always un-
derstand Him and hence will make
mistakes but let us give all diligence
to make as few mistakes as possible.
Again, a great many things arc
begun but . few things arc really fin-
ished. God wants a finished work.
While we may not be able to finish the
work given us as Jesus did the_ work
given Him, because 'vc have ,already
marred the work by sin,. and Hc)mcw
no sin, yet we maynow finish the daily
and hourly tasks which I-fe gives us to
do.- God has His plans for each day
and ca1:h hour of our lives. It may not
be the thing we planned to do that day
or the thing we thought onght to be
done. When _we plan our own lives
how frequently plan more for the
day than we are able to . accomplish,
But God knows just how much we can
do and what should be done. If we
let Him plan each day, and having
found out His plan, accomplish it, we
w ... .. '
can say as the day closes, "I have fin-
ished the work which thou gavest me
to do'' this day. Is not this the kind
of a lire we should live? not such a
life possible? Shall we not this
finished life-finished up to date T To
4, 1909] . Nazarene Messenger 3
live this kind . of a ___ life means. to be to .give all his time to the work as. pas- -with Bibles, and church .pa---
swayed constantly-by the Holy Spirit.- = torand evangelist: Siich:a church and pers. The othet: shelf you know that
!Jet us m'ar the plan as little as possible. mission I have organized in Chicag6 at was always loaded with hatred and
Peniel, Te_xas. 43d street and Union avenue. Had a envy is now crowded with love and
JIJ .Jif .11 good spiritual meetmg- -In
Chicago. kindness, not snubs, fr9wns and such
"ORGANIZED HOLINESI:J." Over one hundred seekers at the altar. like, but smiles and loving words, . good
The so-called . ''gift o.f unknown deeds and a .mild and a. meek spirit.
To secure , the work, to :create. the
work of holiness in. these formal and
unspiritilal times is diffi dult; but to eon-
s,rve the work is much greater . In
=rny early ministry I made the re-
mal'l{ that the experience of holiness
was the cure for backsliding, but alas !
we find may backslidden from holiness
1 hese day,s. I kn9w of many, many
places in Illinois where twenty years
ago there were fine companies of fully
sancti fi ed people, and today they are
not. Here and there we find a ' 'has
hcen" sanctified, but dry, "very dry"
tnclay. There was a time when the
holiness "band" worked well, also the.
local and county '.' Holiness Associa-
1 ions,' ' but these methods have largely
had their day. Pastoral supervision.
antl eare seem imperative. In the rural
cottntry districts, villages, towns and
cit.ic.s, where ther e exist local isolated
eonc1it ions a fully organized church
with a pastor fully the
wot!, of the ministr y is a necessity t o
for the work of holiness, lint in
om larger eiti es and in the downtown
disl.ricts wher e we must go to save the
lost., ronditions ar e differ ent. City mi s-
sions and missionary work are as much
neecled in America as any so-called
C' ign fi l'lcls in all the world. But her e
also we are finding conditions that must
hP lll ct. In our larger cities these mis-
sions are springing up everywherl.l.
l\f<'n and women full of zeal, with bnt
litll c <'ducation, l ittle of the
Bibl e mHl also little knowledge of spir-
ihwl things, many of them mor e or lcss
fanat.i eal in their teaching, are operat-
iug t hese missions. Many . of these
be useful were they un-
clcr t he gniding hand of some level-
hr aclecl Spirit-filled men, or l eader. . In
Ol'<l e1 to do t his we must have some
fnnn of organiznt ion ; not so full and
complete as a church would
lllllst have more flexibili ty as to govern-
. llWnt, hut .rules and briefer sta.t(nncnt
of doctrine. A constitution and by-
laws and -bricf statement of doctrine
should he adopted, a board of control
elected, . and for membership.
Active and associate all mem-
.. hers contributing to' the sripport of the
wmk ; systematically .thus making it
possible to employ some good preacher
tongues" movement hindered .the work And your -. house which used to be used
at 63 West Madison street . . The graces for banqueting and will be
of the Holy Spirit must be emphasized turned. into a house . of and .
above the gifts of the Holy Spirit. ,The thanksgiving. Have ye received the
devil can counterfeit the Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost since you believed.
but not Christ. The Holy Spirit him- L. B. Stoner.
self is the witness to sahation, and not $ ..,. .. .JI
his gifts. Teaching at this point will
save many of their innocent souls. I
preached holiness to them seventeen
days and great victory was seen at the
alta r.-T. H. Agnew.
.. .II ..
A r ecent Sunday school lesson
brought such ecst'acys of joy to my
heart I could scarcely contain my-
self, but had to give vent to shedding
t ear s of joy r ealizing what the Comfort-
er has been to me, and that I know by
experience wh!lt the Pentecost is. I see
the need so much of believers receiving
the Holy Ghost and showing by their
. lives Peter did that they r eally pos-
. sc'!-is the Holy Spir-it.. V\rhen we' look in
our mirror, the blessed Word of Go(l,
and compare professors ' li ves with t he.
\Vorcl , Oh what a contrast. J.Jast Sab-
bath, while r eviewing the Sunday
sehool 'lesson on the Comforter , I
thought how safl, there seemed to be no
r eception or realization. But t her e will
come a day, and not far off perhaps,
when we. will all together r ealize that
Tic is t he One that must possessed
in. order to possess eternal life. If 've
ha vc not . the spirit of Christ we are
no1'lc of His, t his is plain l anguage. If
t hat is t rne and we po.sscss Hir.i , the
Hol:--r 'Ghost, how can t here be strife
. and such like in the churches and
homes. The fruit of the Spirit is joy
and peace and such like .. God supplies
all the necessary equipmcpt.s to . the_
work. Let us clean up before too late.
and get ready to meet our Lord. How
sweet to know that you have been thor-
oughly . cl eansed by the blood of our
One very good reason am,ong many
others why .. we cannot- accept the doc-
trine of suppression, is because it is Iiot
purity. The Bible has a great deal to
say concerning purity, but it has noth-
ing to say concerning suppression. And
we -notice that those who advo<'ate the .
doctrine of the suppressioi.t of sin, never
speak of heart purity. The term is not
found in their vocabulary. But it is a
Bible t erm, used much by the Saviour -
of men and the sac;red writers.' -
Purity means freedom from all defile-
ment. Puri.ty is a simple state. It ad-
mits .of no compromise. if anything is
. contpounded with anything else; it is
adulter ated. Water or air mixed:. with
anything else is impure. The housewife
may, in cleaning her horise, neglect to
sweep 1mder her mats. The dirt is be-
neath, suppressed. But it is not pUrity.
Sin held down in suppression is still in
the heart; and hence suppression is im-
purity. This is the highest state pf ex-
perience advocated by some; b-i1t the
Bible never blesses it, n ever even speaks
of such a condition. God can never
bless imp\1rity. But Jesus says,
''Blessed are the pure in heart.' ' This
is present t ense. He recognizes -t he
fact that ther e were such people on
earth. \Ve. must ther efore advocate
purity. To advocate suppression is to
advocate impurity._:Christian Witness.
APPLES OF GOLD is just the book
for a Birthday. Gift. It will bless
the soul and inspire faith. Send for
one. 30c. postpaid; 10 for $2
prcni ons Redceri1cr fr-om top to hot.tom.
no corner left but wholly cl eansed and Quite a numberl sent in a list
tlHn inYit.c our hJPssed guest j he Holy . of five subscribers .for the "YOUTH'S
Ghost t_o come in to abide. Bless the COMRADE.'' They got the Club rate
And. as snre as we p_f $3.,00, for the fj.y._e.
ness He will come; . and shelf you five young friends to send it to? You
had behind the door, filled with idols can bless them and .help the paper at
and vanity fair goods, He will stock up the same time. .
Beebe, Ark.
Owing .. to the second blizzard that
reached southeastern Missouri.J.. we
were unable to go to Brounot, or visit
our church at Coldwater, Mo., so we
-started for Beebe, Ark., 'Tuesday in
time to have reached there that night,
but owing to the lateness of the trains
we did not . arrive till nearly noon on
Wednesday. We were most royally
welcomed by Rev . .E. H. Sheeks, treas-
urer of the southern division of our
General Missionary Board, and Rev. \\T.
F. Gibbons, our pastor at Beebe.
We were with "our folks:' at this
point for two night services, devoting
the second service to our work in gen-
eral, the importance of
systematic giving, and the neces'sity of.
turning all of .our offerings for missions
through our missionary treasury.
This church will install the
' eu vel-
ope system" we feel sure that with
Brother Gibbons and wife, and Brother .
and Sister Sheeks, , and a good number
of our members alive on this subjeCt,
the system will prove to be a great su c-
McRea and Stoney Point.
.. ,Brother Gibbons preaehes at l\feRca
and. Stoney 'Point regularly and a lso
has another preaching appointment,
which 1}1akes him. a large ciretiit, but
the appoiribnents are such that they
are easily reached with his own horse.
vVe have a good church at Stoney Point,
and also a church house at Beebe, and
parsonage, with a l arge piece of l and
for l awn and garden. The society .has
been making several desirable improve-
ments on the parsonage, barn and
grounds since the Distric>t Assembly.
Beebe Holiness Camp Ground.
There is a fine camp meeting gronnll
one-half mile from Beebe Station which
has an inclosure of about eight acres;
upon which there is a lat'ge tabernacle.
.a boarding house ot hotel; 'with several
good cottages, three;.of whi ch are occu-
pied all the year round. It wa:s my
privilege to be with Brother Sheek s
and and his good wife a clay on this
holy spot, during which with our treas-
' nrer went over all of the work in the
foreign fields, giving special attention
to the work and workers in Mexi co,
. Japan and India . . Brother Sheeks has
the missionary interest on his heart and
well in.hand, receiving reports from the
missionaries every _month, . in whi ch
they state their r ece.ipts and . expendi-
We are specially gla d to state that
Brother Sheeks reports that of the $600.
pledged for our work in Mexico at the
General Assembly, _ $596 of it had heen
paid in. for whidh we are tr:nly thank
ful, as it will help Brother Stafford to
complete the buildings s.o .much needed.
When he gets the printing outfit that
Nazarene Messenger
Biother W. H. Bache is sending. him;
he will be 'vell equipped to do thorough
missionary work . in . that gieat mid
needy co.untry. I.1et us all. pray much
for lVIexico and our twenty-six mi!;sion-
aries, most of whom are self-support-
Vilonia, Ark.
'l'hrough the courtesy of clear Br6thet:
Sheeks"'and the help of his good horse
that h'e has driven over 40,000 miles, I
was permitted to visit District Superin-
t endent W. F . Dallas and onr Arkansa.R
Holiness College at Vilonia, Ark. , a
distance of twcnty-fi ve miles from
Beebe, Ark. -
vY c were . very glad t.o find Rrotlwr
Dallas . quite restored from his
long and severe attack of sciatie rh<'n-
matis m, which so prostrated him t lu1t
he was unable to press the work on his
large district for o:ver eight weeks.
.\Vc had a profitable evening wi t h
Brot:hci Dallas and family and BrotlHr
Sheeks, going over the work of the
Arkansas district. Brother Dallas,
not.hwithstanding . his long illness, has
his work well in ha:ncl a11d is planning
some large fneetings on his di stTi ct if
his health will permit. vVe expect: to
hold two or three rallies on his distrid
The Arkansas Holiness College.
By the courtesy of SuperinteiHll'nt
Dallas, the writer visited the above-
named ifrstitute. and by invitation Dt' ..
Rcv . . C. I.1. Hawkins, t.he president, took
ehargc of the chapel service, arHl ma!le
a few remarks with . r efer en ce to t he
Holiness schools in New Englaml, l1o!;
Des Arc>, Pcni el , Pilot Point,
tmd_.Alabama, and the threefold wnl'l{
that our Holiness institute were nnder-
tl'lking. It was a hlessecl : time in the
This institute. like most all of onr
other Sl'hools. is young. Brother Ilnw-
kins is assisted hy a facnlty. of ninr
devoted men and women, and is plan-
ning for a great work on the hoii_ncsR
line. This institute is in t he cha r ge of
a ' board of fourteen trustees ancl .in in-
terclenominational. The officers nr c .J.
N. Siinpson, presirlent: J. N.
vice-president; '\Y. B. Pinson, seerdary
. ancl treasurer.
Our Church.
Rev. ,J. B. Chitpman; one of onr cl-
cl crs . is both a st1Hlent and past:or of
our-little flock. and oceupies the pulpit
a part of the time, and -the Free :\-ft,t'.h-
oclist preacher also suppli es t'.IH iHilpit.
a part of the time. I trnst all 0f om
holiness p eople will also pray for thiR
holiness school, thnt from it runy go
ont many holy p eople to hl ess t he
world. H. F. Reynolds . .
$ $ $
Came her e Friday, January 22, flftcr
heing in Indin.napolis,. Ind. , and
mMting at Terre Haute, Incl. , f rom
. January 2 to 2i. Had a n'lost
and glorious time a,t T erre Haute. ; six-
[February 4( 1909-
-ty-Ifv_e -lia'd"' been . at the altar 'lip . to the
. time I left and most Of-them had foun!l
what t hey sought: The first week of
the, meeting we had a changing
gation but the secorid , \reek the truth
took liold of the people and deep coll-
viction fell on the congr egation. Seek-
ers ran to the altar and prayed -and
wept their way to Calvary. .It was
to .behold the . bright ' and
happy faces of the n ew born soul:;. A
number that were so marked in tliei t
conversion came to the altar the iwxt."'
service and were wholly sanctifie1i . .
The manifestations of the two ,vorl\s
of graee were seen at the altar e vctv
night for fourteen nights. Praise Go;l
fot the old time power.
'!'his society is- !loi11g well tlluler l'IH
pastoral car e of l}rot hcr 'StroNg. Or-
ganized abont one year ago wi t h tweH-
ty members in a hall, they now h:vi' t:
some fifty mcmhers i11 a n ew chnrdr. .. \
flourishing Snn!lny fwhool of seventy
cnrolled. Brother Sttong haR s h own
splendi!l exceutiYe ahility in the build-
ing antl locating of t he nnw
'\Ve now have 1i fine ol'
people of t.he middle dass at 'l'erT<:
Haute. The work h er e at ltulianapolis
is taking on an encouraging outlook.
The nndierH'C r oom well fill<'Cl at. hotlt
servieesyeRterclay, collectionR good a11d
111\lC.h s'piritnal blessing on the p copk
1 "as helped o.f Gotl in .
A nnmher crf strmtg!' l'S Jl l'!'sent itncl in-
qniri cr as to meHthl'rship in the
cosfal ( 'hnrch of the Nnznrc11e. 'J'h<;
. wmk hel'C lias h<' l!ll. sifted llllfil now \\'t!
are snrc to grow, and will have a
strollg . Nnz<t r crw chureh hel'l!. .AIIII ' I I.
I may rcmnin he r e :-;evcrnl Wl'<'l<s ""
At a rmmher of places in tlw distTid
good revivnls have occmrrcd nnd till'
wol'k is going good. The pnst.or s nn
in good heart nrHl <!ourage. l\fost nl'
t he soeiet.ies are falling i nto line iH t.lw
tnissinnary wo!'];: arHl the outlool;: i-;
hopeful. L. IT. Agnl'w, D. S.
$ ..,. --
'l'he < ' hi cago edi tor of 'l'hc ( 'lt ri st i1111
witucss says o.f his visit' to t he ChHJ'th
of the Na:wr cne: "It wns t he closing-
of the three weeks ' ievi val servi'ce lrd
hy. Evangelist vVill Huff. '\Vc W!'l'l!.
present the lat>t S_nnclay. It W[J;<; one
of the gtatldCRt clays we have ever ex-
p erienced. 'l'he sermons of Broth1t
Huff were heaven-inspiring ancl all th11 f:
one r.onlcl wish to h ear this side of ch t' -
nity. He is a t rne scriptmnl preaehc r .
which we consider the highest cnci>m-
.. inm that c:an he gi:vcn any man. About:
:wo seekers have bowed at the aHnt
during the three weeks. 'l'herc wet'('
fifty the l ast Sunrlay. The Church of
the Nazarene now numbers 558 mem-
hers. vVhen we consider tnat it is h11t.
four-cyears old nncl now has .a .prGJ)erfy .
worth at l east $15,000 aml wi ll h efot'<'
l ong erect a church that will scat 11t
l east 1,200 people, we are. l ed to tha11l<
February 4,
God for. gr.ea.t iU.Iis.tcation of what-
cab' be -dOtle- .. whe.n holiness -has a. fair
ell an cc.'' .
.)I .ti . .JC
Vic are having blessed vict,Jry in
meetings here in the Nazarene
Arc in a continuous spirit of revival,
souls are saved or sl:mctified every
week and -!ire uuiting with the church.
We lmve more than trebled our mem-
bership since ,June 26, 1908, the date of
our we lui. ve . recently
started a building and $267 was giveu
anu pledged the first Sunday we pro-
posed it. Bless God for the Pentecostal
t:li urch of the Nazarene, a clean, hum-
ble, holy band of workers.
J. 'r. Maybury, Pastor.
.... . ...
We ate having the l>est time of om
Jives. Bouls have at the altar at
c:very service. Over a hundred . thus
far and every evcuing the altat is full
1111d runuipg over with hu11gry souls
seeking and finding the I ...ord. We
c:uuld not stop last Suuday, hut had
Hrothcr Huth call off another engage-
IIICIIt iu order to continue ours until
'J'hnrsday evcuing, when he has to lea vc
fur Seattle. Snnday was an
<:poehal day iiJ . the history of om
licte. Souls lined the altar jn ev(:ry
service, and we' raised over a thottsand
dollars i11 our hallelujah nHtl' ch in the .
at'tci:noou, and recei vet!_ .te11 !n to the
chutdr, of which six "'l'l'!: ,\-oung ladies,
\rhich wi'll add mtll'h to the strength
of our young people. \\'e a li\' cly
stl'!:ct mcctiug and dosed the day with
lltiillY sonls in the kingdon.1. lt was
th<! greatest day of our lives so far . antl
y<'t; ot'IJCrs a1e sn1c to follow.
Wt! J10pc to be in o11r own c:.hmeh
ltoiiW \'Cry SOOn. lt a.Jl hC'Jp liS hy
ptay< J' all(l hy send in g. in ofl'Prings, cs-
p<wially those of our memhtJ'S who Ji,<:
on the outside.
We have nevC' r seen BJnth<'J' Huth
in as good a trim as he is 1igltt now.
\Vc bespeak great. vieJ:ol'Y for 0111'
dturch at Seattle, ''"h<'l'e "he <'QIItliiC'JH'C's
FridiJy evening. 1\Iay God hl C'ss and
tts< this servant of the T ... o)'(l.
A. 0 . Hcnritks.
$ .JC . .JI
Go<l is most blcssctlly <a nsin g 1l is
l';we to shine upon ns hc1c and h<'J'e-
a hou.t.
'!'he Chnrth the at Nort'l1
Yalcima, '\Vnsh. , is stretching up
ari<l is going forth in the'ngth of
Almightiness to clo exploits for hr.r
Rister Phebe Epperson gaYc ns a
splmtdid meeting in thr. month of No-
\'C:J nber. which r esulted in fifty-thrr.<'
]Hofessions and sixteen a<ldit ions t.o
onr tinrnber. - S'inC'e .om smv.i et's
. t.he pastor, with B1othcr 0. A. Clark
onJ local . prcache1', and a number of
onr. p eople, hcga.n a meet-
Nazarene Messenger
hJg stx uutf in .... thc .SUlah Valley,
holding of nigTtts only antl contim'ling
foi.1r week, the workers going back and
forth each evening. At the beginning
the weather and roads were . fin e, but
the attendance was v(!ry diReouraging,
so few carn1: out, hut we had our oiders
and march ed on and Gou blessed and
the folks began to crawl out of their
shells and come. And the interest
grew, and with. ..the growing interest
and attendance, W!1athcr conditions
changed .for the worse. and our real
. winter swept in Mipon liS- The tide of
the meeting by time had taken on
enough of the indomitable to brave all
odds and on the surges of victory
rolled. God gave us a number of souls,
and at the- closing service seventeen
seekers were forward for sanctification;
representing Methodist., Baptist, Pres-
hytl;. tinns, Dunkards and l\-Ienonites,
antl three others for pardon. So we
,.Josc1l this goQd meeting uni.l<'r pro-
t est an1l with the physical
he low 7.Cro an r1 hen vcn 's thermometer
at white heat and the mean t empera-
ture at t Itt) hall elujah mark. Amen .
Going 011. steam np aud
pray for ns.
.J. B. Creighton, Pastor.
$ $ $
have been holding sriefial praye r
sPrviecs fo,r r cviYal , and our Gocl has
given us the assurance that it is com-
ing: Gliwy to His nf}i'ne.
Since the coming among us as. pastor
of Brother Hugh .Elliot, a blessed man
of Go<l. and one not ashamed of the full
gospel of christ. ,J csus, we have I wen
having stirring times. 'rhc peopl e havc
getting nndcr conYi rtion , souls r
hai;e he<' n sav<'<l. bat"kslirlcrs r eclaimed.
hclicvC'J's sanctifi ed. and all the saints
J' CfJ eshC'tl. '\Vc arP.. coutinuing tv push
the right along, in our Captain's
name. And God is answering prayer.
One d ear girl whom tl:e writer had
hel:'n- -burdened for through several
weeks, at last. broke down, coming for-
ward to the altar one Sabbath morniug
blcssed]y saved. .
A yonng i'mm Pame into our '\Veducs-
tlay C' prayer: meeting." The Holy
Ghost pnt. him nnde1; -conviction, and
lw went home rejoicing with the pearl
of greatrst price in his bosom.{ A few
days ago he was gloriously sanctified.
and now he is running up the shining
wa.' to Glory. shouting praises to the
Lam h. .Another d ear .. brother was
blessedly sanctified Sunday ri10rning.
:mel of eonrsc we all got blessed and
. had a love f eali)t right theie.
"While we . are -having a real hallelu-
jah time. mid l<'at.hrr is graciously per-
mitting the "mC't'CY chops" to fall npon
II!':. yd "'C nrc not. rr.sting lwr<'. hut are
fervently praying. not . for the
'' '' hnt a regular cloudburst,
and bl ess God :f'or<'V<'r, it is coming.-.
'\Vc are having opposition, for 'the
Devil is getting nseasy at seeing so
nmny people professing E-and living;
bless Ged) sanctified lives, and also at-
seeing them on their knees. But praise
the . blessed name of Jesus, God over-
rules even the opposition to our good
and the everlasting glory of His name.
Beloved, pray . with us, and for . us,
that God will use this chnrch as a
mighty firebrand for Him, for the sal-
vation of many precious souls, and .. tJte
scttin g on fire of the whole country
around. A. 0 .
.;I $
I have just closed a two week's meet-.
ing at the First Pentecostal Church of
the Nazarene at Sawyer, No. Dak.,
where the of Glory gave us vic-
tory through the precious blood of
Jesus. Sinners \Vere converted, back-
sliders :r;.eclaimed, believers san_ctified,
and saints established, and the outpour-
iri'g of the Holy Ghost upori the sinners
was great. They could not stand the
holy fire, they would run from the
church. \Ve believe God will bring
down some of them yet; we have faith
to believe so. Sawyer is noted as a very
wieked town. Our God led us in there
one year ago in February. It was the
first Holiness preaching they ever
heard, aJ.Jd God diu give us some good
men and women for Holiness_ One
merchant of the towri came to the altar
and wept and prayed his way through
into the kingdo111 of G.od, and went
lromc that night and hefore he slept he
went to cleaning about
packs. of .playing cards and-thre,v:.-
.out his slot mar hine, and later on the
"-hi ch he was selling wcnt out.
:-.Jow he is running a Holiness business.
'\VeiL amen; our God gets the glory.
The beginning of winter God laid it on
the hearts of the Holiness people of
Sawyer antl Fail'\'iew to rally and build
a Nazarene church where we cau
JWC' arh RC' riptural Holiness as a second
work of grace in the heart and where
the. wolYes cannot get in among the
to t ear to pieces and kill the
VOIInO' Jambs . . r_...ct l iS- pi=av- m\ich tluit--
God will send some more good
shC'ph<'rrls.. Amen.
J ...yman Brough.
-" .JI .JI
I have been wanting to write a few.
I incs f or a long time, to let our friends
know that we haven't backslidden Or
. sidc-tratkctl hnt are steadily pegging
away with God's blessing in our hearts.
In our enlarged work among the w!lite
pcople, God i3 giving- us heartio and
confidence and we know this will mean
souls. when the seed has been sown:
The little . hand of Indian Christians
arc faithfnl. They continue steadfastly
in th<' fnith with one 01; two exceptions.
Husband and I are doing the best we
enn to make folks realize it is their
privilege and duty to seek . sanctifica-
tion. Hitting sin is hard wm;k out here,
it tnkcs mnch tact, and courage.
Pray for us; ym1r prayers _ help im-
mensely. C. A. Linberg a!!d wife.
Nazarene Messenger
P. F. Bresee, Editor
R; Pierce, - . Ollice Editor
C. J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and BUll. Mgr.
Entered at the "post-office, . Aug. 7, 1900, at Los
Angeles, California, as second-class matter.
Published Every Thursday.'
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The sweet, loving call of God, with
the tendering and enabling influences
of the Holy Spirit, comes to men with
the subsequent renewals of divine
grace andlove,jn justifiGation, regep- .
eration and adoption, in order that
men may be holy. God calls men to
release from slavery, dungeon and
chains, that they may be partakers
of His riches of grace, love anqfellow-
ship. He has purposed and provided
not only relealile and liberty; but wealth
and sacred place and holy fellowship.
It is privilege all the way-pardon and
deliverance from condemnation, from
the dungeon to r"reedom, light and life;
translation from the kingdom of
. Satan unto God, and then inheritance
among them that are sanctified.
Could the infinite, divine Father
plan with greate:t prodigality? The
prodigal called and comes home, the
father's welcome kiss, the new robe,
the signet ring, the fatted cal-f repast,
the glad song and holiest devotion.
Holiness is wholeness, the full circle
instead of fragments, where. divine
love fills out the life to the soul's holy
What joy comes to the guilty wretch
to have his conscience made clean and
pure, to the imprisoned criminal to
have pardon and liberty, to the poor
tramp to be made a prince with palatial
splendor apd comforts. This but
faintly typifies the privileges which
redemption brings as it makes a sinner
. . .
Nazarene Messenge,.
.[February 4, 1909
into a hQly man.. To refuse it, to pe THE PUBLISHING JIDUSE.-::-::ANNUITIES.
careless about it, ignore or turn from . 'J'here is no department of our work
it. is to manifest a condition that jus- that needs money more, or it
tifiel'! the enquiry as to sanity. The will pay better, than in the. work in
question comes to be: Can a man be which The Naza'l"ene Publishing Honse
sane and not. regard God's great pro- is engaged. It is giving us The Nazar-
vision? We tread the ages of God's ene Messenger, which has and is doiug
gracious dealings with men, and the so much to spread the work, in which
. men thus redeemed. and saved api)ear no pains has heen 'spared, not only to
on every page. In this ptesence who- mal{e it regularly a!! good as possible
can say anything against it? By the -red hot withfull salvation-but in its
example and through the testimony Annual Nnmbfrs; prepared and issued
of the great cloud of witnesses, look- at large expense, and these and copies
ing unto Jesus, we may enter in.
of the regular issue scattered broad-
$ .$ .$ cast everywhere to ,advertise the ,V.o.rk.
It has from time to time published the
EVERY MAN IN HIS PLACE. Minutes and Manuals of the Church.
These are strenuous days in the and sent them out to in.quirers . all
battle. Faithfulness, fidelity and the land, together with other : litera-
earnestness are in demand. Every ture. It has also began the publiea-
member of the church should be :in tion of Sunday School literature fm
his place, full of faith and the the Church-quarterlies, leaves, etc.-
Holy Ghost. Those who have been
and now .The Youth's Comrade, a
wandering in the tribe of G-i\D weekly Sunday School paper, whieh
should at once repent, get in their is meeting with great commendation
places iii the .ranks, put on power,
from t.he highest sources. .
strengthen the hands of the pastor, All departments of this . work, at
get people to the house of God and
ieast in. their early stages; cntail loss.
pray heaven down. We must triumph
now. Our God challenges us to the The House is and has been earnestly
h f h striving .to serve the Cln;rch, and w.c! .
gat ermg mto our earts o t e divine
blessing .even to overflow. Brother; are glad to know, has greatly sur-
sister, each one of us; for the charge . in its endeavor. Indeed, it has
been vital to the Church's success.
and new victory now. Let no curios-
ity, no side-show, draw our Great fieldc; open before us an!=l must
thought or attention for a moment. be occupied. The PublisMng House
In our place, the ranks, forward, has done a large job printing business,
victory. with. the profit$ of which and the help
-" .$ .lC
DR. C. J. FOWLER writes us that he
will be obliged to postpone his con-
templated visit to the Coast this win-
ter. He was expecting, together with
Mrs. Fowler, to a few weeks in
Southern California, and arrange-
ments had been made for him and
Rev. C. W. Ruth to held a meeting in
First Church, Los Angeles. " They
were already started on their way
when sickness in . the family of their
daughter necessitated their return and
the abandonment of the trip. This is
a sad to many, who
so highly esteem them and much
desired to see them in these parts
again and hear the word from him.
There is no more devoted, able and
uncompromising minister of Christ in
the holiness work than Dr. Fowler.
We trust the illness which has
. sitated his return will not be serious
and. that it is but a postponement and
we shall ere. long see him and Sister
Fowler in California again.
of friends especially interested, who
have made contributions in one way
and another of quite considerable
amounts, have carried this '"vork on to
this mneh of success.
Far-seeing men who are in-
terested in this work, realize that in
this time of laying of foun(lations
money is an absolute necessity, and we
rejoice that some are giving it careful
and prayerful attention. One devoted
man of God, not a member of oul'
Church, but who sees in it the hope
of the work of holiness in this coun-
try, who, though he is nearly 75 years
of age, feels that he desires to" see,
whil e he is yet here, his money doing
its utmost service, has just made a
gift of $500 to the Publishing House,
upon which_ he is to receive a low in-
terest while he lives-reserving the.
right to give that also if . he shall he
able. This brother has beei;l familiar
with the great work being done by the
'Publishing House and did this of his
own accord, without solicitation, moved
as we believe by the Spirit of God.
February 4, 1909 J
If many' persons Whd are. arranging
to make the most of their means at the
end of their lives, would desire to do
. as this dear brother has done, it
secure to them a fair return for the
usc of' their money while they live; if.
they need such return, and the money
could at once be built into this
ness for _the Lord with great advantage.
We need available. capital to do the
large business upon us, and there evi-
dently are those who desire to be in
the co-partnership. We shall hope to
hear from . them.
.JI .JI ' .JI
Notes and.Personals
Evangelist C. A. Imhoff w.rites that
he began a series of meetings with our
Church .at Burnside, Pa., Rev. W. H.
N erry, pastor. May the Lord be in the
Sister L. W. Marcellus, writing froin
St. Johns, Ore., says: "We of the N az-
arene church are having the time of our
lives, with Brother Ruth's preaching.
It's glorious. Praise God.''
It is reported that Brother J. G.
ltogcrs has accepted the call to. the pas-
torate of the. Ocean Park church and
wiil enter at once upon .the work. This
is good news for the church . at Ocean
The meetings at Whittier under Bro.
aud Sister Irick's lead are progressing
fine, and God is blessing the people and
saving souls. There will be an aU-day
meeting' tomorrow (Friday). Go over
:md C'lljoy the 'feast.
. Br?ther Mashburn is holding m.cet-
mgs m a hall at Edendale, assisted by
.Btother Sprowl and wife. Through
had weather and outward opposition
t he attendance has not been large, but
good has been done. .
Miller, who is supplying our
church at Uplands, has had a relapse
and was not able .to preach last Sun-
day. He has our sympathy in these
<lays of trial. Brother Kennedy of Pas-
aliena supplied the pulpit for him last
A Pentecostal convention will be held
in the Wesleyan P entecostal Church of
the Nazarene, Washington, D. C., F eb-
ruary 4-22, with two services each day.
Bnd Robinson will have charge an<l
many other workers will be present to
help. push the .battle.
. In a personal lette.r from Brotlier
Fisher, pastor at Erwin Heights, he re-
ports a growing interest in the work
there. They-- now have about six,ty
the Sunday school and have taken sev-
<,J'al into the church of late, with in-
mcasing attendance at all the services.
Nazarene Messenger
.Rev. R. M. Guy 'has
Poinf, Texas, and taken charge of the
Nazarene Bible Institute.
Word from Brother Henricks
of Portland Or.e., saying: ''A fine
eleven pound deaconess came to our
home January 22. Mother and baby
ar.e doing well.'' Congratulations.
. Sister McReynolds of. the Spanish
Mission makes an appeal for old blank-
ets or quilts, pieces of blankets or
quilts, or dress goods of which quilts
could be made,. to meet the needs of
many of the people in this cold weath-
er. If notified Sister McReynolds will
send for them.
Good for Bakersfield. The Snnday
school there, so the pastor has
clossed the sixty line and still going on.
There was only about fifteen in the
Sunday school when Brother Wiliiams
took the work at the Assembly last
July. Multiplied by four in six months.
Good. We wonder if it can be dflubled
in the .next months.
Brother Griffin is still pushing the
battle at Pomona, Cal. He our
earnest prayers. He started the ,vork
there in December, and has had .a hard
. pull so far, but has moved to a per1ha--
nent hall on Second street and has
started .. a. Sunday school, which bids
fair to .be a good help in the work.
The . Holiness Evangel . of January 20
gives considerable space to our r escue
work carried on at Pilot Point, Texas.
Our readers would do well to subscribe
for the Holiness Evangel and so keep
in touch with the gracious work. New
subscribers for The Messenger and
Holiness Evangel can have the two pa-
pers for the year for $1.50.
DR. BRESEE will preach at the First
Church, corner Sixth and Wall Sts.,
Los Angeles, Sabbath morning, Feb.
7, at 11 o'clock.
THE Church Board of the Church
at San Diego passed resolutions of
highest esteem and appreciation of
the services of Rev. P. W. Girvin and
wife and regret that his health was
such as made his resignation neces-
sary; also of high appreciation of the
services of Rev. Stuart Noble who
had abiy served them in the interim
between pastors. ' ,
The Brotherhood of St. Stephen of
First Church, Los Angeles, enjoyed
the presence of the Lord on Sabbath
evening. Rev. P, W. Girvin brought
a very precious message, taking for
his subject, "Love the Brotherhood."
(1 Peter 2:17.) He showed very
clearly the results of brotherly love .
Two new members were received. It
is desired that every member be pres-
ent next Sabbath to welcome strang-
Funk-Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Funk of
. '
Bloomington, Ill., passed to her heaven-
ly home December 27, Hl08. She was
'the sister and sister-in-law respectively
of Mrs. Rector and Mrs. Houser of this
city, where in years past she has &perit
some time, and where a few years ago
she united with the First Church of the
Nazarene, . Los . Angeles, of which she
was a member until her death. She was
an earnest Christian, having been con-
very in life and coming
mto the Of full salvation some
year ago. She died at Hillsdale Ill.
h h h
.. ' '
w ere s e ad gone for treatment she
having been ill for some time. 'She
had a wide circle of devoted friends
and loving arid appropriate words
said beside her casket and all that was
mortal was laid to r est in the vault in
Bloomington cemetery. She loved the
association of the Holy People often
going long distances to be at meet-
ings where the "\Vord was preached in
its fullness. She has escaped to the
many mansions whither the holy peopie
tend. .
JJyford-:-Little Lyfora, aged
5ljz years; the first meml;er of our Sab-
bath school to go to be with J esus,
passed quietly a\vay from this earth on
mo;ning, .January 31st, at 7
o'clock. He was but a couple of
days. He fell while at play struck
on the. back of his head, prouucmg a
severe concussion. Everv medical aid
was given, but ''he is not, for the Lord
took him." .The funeral services were .
held from the home of the parents,
Brother and Sister Leo Lyford, 3012
l\faple avenue, on :\Ionday afternoon at
1 o'clock, conducted bY Rev. Charles
V. LaFonta ine. The interment was at
Inglewood . . Four boyrs; members of the
Grand Avenue Sabbath school. actt>d as
pallbearers. The prayers and love of a
host of friends is a comfort to.the par-
ents. J)r. Bresee assisted in the
('. V. L.
. GILL.-Infant daughter of Mr. R.
F. and Nellie Gill, residing at Long
Beach, Cal., born Jan. 21, 1909, and
died Tuesday morning, Feb. 2.
Dear little bud of p'romise rare,
Transplanted to God' s garden fair,
Dear little heart, to us so dear,
You were too frail to linger here.
Mrs. Gill is the only daughter of
our Brother and Sister Ballard, of the
Nazarene Church at Vernon.
Snyder, Texas
Abilene, Texas .
Rogers, Texas
Goldthwaite, Texas
Feb. 5- 6
.. 7
' IQ-11
8 .
. Los,
. \isefi1liiess and like- the
t1;ces that the storms of y ears be-
cause'of the roots far bc1icath the earth
that have fonnd the . hidden sprh.1gs.
Friends .came into Sunday . school \Ve too pass

the . trials and
from eight o 'cloek prayer meeting testings a_ncl come through with
freighted with glory. Thn Sabbath st.rm)ger fibre than before them, when
was fnll of Imppy hearts and we have gone. down into God's deep
glad faces. . and have the liidden springs in our
souls. How safe it is for us to ''launch
The 11 o'cl ock .servi ce was peculiarly out" at His word .. and how smooth the
[February 4, .1909
, .. and beij,eycd . convexted:
One .little girl iive years old asked bet
f ath er if she might go forwaPCl. and onc
of Brother Sn"elling 's boys; that r e-
cently esca.p ed. death in a street em
accident, was among them . . Thank Go1!
J esus said., ''Suffer littl e children to
come unto me and forbid t.hcm not. ''
He did not say how little:; he said
"little children . " The-r efore if tlwy
know enough to come and can walk to
the altar and weep l}nd pray, amc1t. ""
C. B. L.
tender and blessed of t'iic Lord. Dr. sailing when we get away from the im-
Bresee preached from St. John -17 :22 : .. pediments. Sometimes we get too close
".'l'he glory which thou hqst g ivei1 to the wodd (or the shore) and the tide
me I have given them.'' Ther e was a went out and left 'Us on the ban}< with- GRAND AVENUE CHURCH ..
large audience and many cheeks were out an .experience, and had to wait 'l'h.e joy. of t he I.Jord is our strength.
wet with t ears and many li eitrts drank till some orie came along who was Rail- antl we are marching on in victory fnn11
in t h e d eeper !!lory. Six united wi1".ll ing in the d eep waters to throw us a "=> .
1' d t contest to COilqucst: vVe have h ad tlw
t.he church. me an t ug us ou agam.
It was a very helpf ul message and co11test ani:l God is giving the vi'!toty.
--'l'he afternoon holiness mecling many testified to being gra.1.tly bl essed The 'Lord is l eading on and souls a t'l'
in charge of Brother Goodwin, '"ho let_. by it.. 'restimonies followed, and when seeking and fi1idin:g the JJord. Brothl't'
the people l oose in t estimony. There the altar call was .twosonls knelt. iwd Sistd Irick d osed their la bors wit l1
were a good llUllthcr of n ew faces in t.he for Brot.her ancl Sister hil k ns after a most happy a"nd blesset1 all-
meeting, whi ch is evidcut that the af- were '"ith u s and made spirited talks. day service on 'l'lnHsday last. 'l'hr!y a t'l'
t ernoon meetiHg is gro,Ying in interest. They have been engaged \vit.h Re v. La now at \Vlti tt.ier " ith Brot.het J ol111sntL
The meeting was chara ct erized with an Fountaine in a series of meetings and :Mrs. Ltlln B.ogcts is preaching f<n 11s
increasing hi gh title. of holy enthus iasm h I
Go(" l1 ns oivcn victory t <P' e ..J each evci1I. I1.!! antl s .. otds ,ar c C(mlin . ..!
and ea riwst testimony. \\' ell might . all .l "' "' '
have said "Tt is good for us to h e .$ JIC .. .liC through. The pastor preached on Sail-
. here. " . . EARLY MORNING AND STREET MEET- bath morning, and Brother Conoway
gave a cl ear message in the afternoon.
In t h e evangelistic serv\<"'c at 7 ::10. INGS. During the cl ay six souls were at the
Brother Goodwin bronght. the HH!ssagc About. d aylight;iy morning as altar and fonnd the Lord either in jus-
f r om Rom. 3:24 on "J;ustifi cation by we r;aw whole families going to tal<:e tification .or san cti fication. :Much cotl
faith." Two were at the altar and one viction - is on the people round ahonl.
hrother gloriously sanctified . while the ._car for ?- .clay ,of _pleasm:c Reeking -a n(l we arQ looking for . big. r esill t<
' OUild the ,nlt,nt 1.11 t l1e J _tlbJ"lce ,nt t h e we t h ought. how g' hi<l we weic whr_n
" " " Three services on Sabbath. Come flnd
nlosc. Tlwt littl e J'nbi_lee l ed on hy Dr._. the." said " .. IJet us. rro up to t h e
' ' enjoy our .services.
Btesee at the close seemed to be a; .. hot h ouse of the nord , '' and when we came
place m;d a very dangerous place to he_ into the tabernacle. ho-\v our f"a ith- _$
i1't unless one should want t> .get caught the . joyful so\mt1. t h e "song of ALL-DAY AT PASADENA.
blessed. 'l'hc work in the First Church saints on higher ground." Brother Me- The time is 'l'hms day, FPhrnmy -L
seems to be deepening 111 spirit.nal life Cann n s a message from .Tas. at 10 a.
aiHl 2 ::30 an<1 7 ::{() p. 111. 'J'Ii !
and power. 5 :17, "Eli.J'i:ih 's Go'cl, andGod 's Blij a h, " place is t{le Pentceostal Ch nn:h . of tI11
. The meeting of Co. E was well a t.- and how it was our privilege to he Nazarene, corner of F<lit Oaks a\'l'llll<'
tended./ The Seripture was r ead by t he latter, and t h en prayed and l\[ary street , jnst opposite t.he
1\'lrs. Valentine. Onr l eader , .l\'Irs. Rad- open and fire rained dewn on onr souls. <"' ifi c El ectric car barn. 'rhc
ford, feeling i t \YOU] (l he best for h er ancf as we wer e bronght up into the ' ptcitclwrs arc Rev. p _ F. Rt:PS<'e . of Los
to devote more time t.o t he work of third h eaven expericnee, 2 12:2, Angeles mHl "Rev, \Y. C. \ \T ilson of Long
deaconess t.o '"hi ch sh e is called. the meeting closed to begin SmH1ay 'l'hc congregation. whosoeY r
t;h onght that" anot h er l cadcr shonld I><> school. wii( ;;11<1 everybody invit<'<l. Come ont
sel ected, so lVIrs. Smoot '"as chosen. 'l'he street mcetii1g as we ar e told to . a ml help ns ns help yon
with much f eeling of r egret to lose onr submit oursel ves to every ordinanee of Edward I,. \Valke1, Pnst.m.
faithful and devoted l cacl<'r. who h as man for the IJorcl's sal<e, 1 Pet. 2:18, $
so efficiently led Co. E for the past t " o we were again obljgecl to _leave F'ift.h
y ears. Vve pray the dear IJord to bless street, but we open ed np just a,rowHl SANTA ANA, CAL;
h er hihors of love more abnn(la.ritl y. the corn er on San Pedro str eet. where was a gootl day her<'. 'l'h
\Yc believe God h as given us a l ea(ler a goodl y number listen.ed with int<'rest attendance was good in all the spnil'l 'S
who .will stand sh onl11er to shonlcl rr to t.lw vation, as it po"nrr cl and the bl<;ssi ng of "the Lord was upon
with the young women to pnsh the h at- fl'om the hearts of the saints., and WP. "the people. \Vc arc looking forwa rd 1o
t l e for righteousness . and holiness. used our liberty in 'exhort ing sinners of . the co"ming of Brother and Sister lrick.
JIC "" JIC the awful consequences of sin ani!. the Febrnit.r.v 10, with confic1CJ1ce that t.h
. glories of salvation . Some followed ns "God of hattlcs" will us _victor_, ..
to cll"nrch and .. o"ite young \\roman gnt Let. ' t he Nazarene . family join ns in
into the 'fountain that is open for sin prayer f or great vi ctory in onr nw<'l
... Tuesday, .Janua ry 26, was anothPr
great day at t he First Chur ch , I.Jos An-
. gel es: Our Sister I.1ulu Rogers brou gh t
. tl)e incssage from Luke 5:4, Jesns' cou1:
mancl to '' I.Jaunch out into the clPcp. ''
She told us how it \vas God's command
to ev ery Christian to cut ' shore lines
and l eave t h e world ancl go .down rnto
the deep t hings of G:od, aT,Jd h :! thns
prep ar ed to help-poor lost or struggling
souls. And as we went down and. stood
t h e storms h ow God was fitting us for
and nn cl ea nness. in g. l\1nch . d epends on t his meet ing .for.
w. vV. Fitch. the f nt.m p, of onr Panse in Ranta Ana .
$ $
A note of praise and thanksgiving
fm another hl e.ssed day at t he Vernon
church , especially th!'_l ... evP.ning sc:rvicc.
The presence of. tlte- IJord was there in .
power, making the place glorious a 11
the way through. Four more of our
Sunday school childi''eriL came to the al-
. G. W. Glov<r.
Rnnday was a grand day. Go'l " ns .
\Vith ns. in wonderful pow()r in t.l1r.
morning and nfternoon servi ces. At t.hP.
morning meeting was w eeping
and nll over tlt e house. \\'f'
are looking out over the fi eld here, ancl
. February 4, "19091
we eim sec God worldng in oui: place
and we are results soon
for God in lJatin. Our members arf.>
Holy Ghost people and they are doing
all they can for God. and souls. We
are getting ready to build a church
here and it takes most of our time rais-
iug funds for same. We have OJ,lr lot,
Ioeatcd on Short avenue, half block
'Jrom car line, and the outlook so
bti<rhLrwe have no doubt r,atin will
hav';'e church soon . . In the meantime
pray fot our work; and if any our .
people feel like h elping toward the
lhureh here, God will bless you in so.
We praise God for his goodness
to li S. vVe have prayct meeting at
Dale evety Tnesday night at
Ht,otlwr mul Sister Jennings, anf.l God
potll's out his upon Hs.
L. B. D.
$. $. $.
l'taise the r,or<l for \'i( t: ory at: Whit-
t ilt. Another series of nt Pdings is in
with- Brother ltnll Bist<t Jri<k
111: the helm souls arc bning save<l
nnd sanetifiod. God he pi'Hised fo r our
dPi! l' pastor and wife, Brother nnd Sis-
ter 'l'hcr e is no limit to what
I hl'Y would do for God's glor.v aiHI the
sal n ttion of souls. Their faithfulness
has nw<le possible mwh of the
t'lt nt tho dmr<h at t his plaee has been
(' JJjoying. '!'hey ncvet <Otlllt the cost
unlo But Go<l's hlr>ss: ng is
upi'ln t'Il i,tn :itrHf Jlltto hitn he g ]ory :111d
'.holti-,i; ;r. S H. :
On 'l'hnrs<lay, .Jannnr,v 21St. tlt e
Pentecostal ( !hnreh of tlw Naza-
<:olnmen f'Pd a scri P-s of spr<ial
s<:t, iees mtd rr t h e lna dPrship of Dr.
Btestc. 'l'her c ha<l been Irlll t.: h prayer
and fa ith and expcdaney for this ll1<!<'t-
ing anfl the saints were not clisappoint-
<:d. In spite of hcavyTains and aintost
illlpassable mnd the atttndance was
Ynr ,v g;ood. 'l'hc glory of the T,mtl was
tnanifcstl.v in the midst a.tHl thPrc "as
nnHh salvation.
Evangelist H . J. J<:lliot.t of
Oteg;oit, who was to have assistNl . r>r.
Htesec, was consi<lera bl y clela.'ed hy the
d<'moralizcd eondition of the rnilroadR,
dne to the h eavy storms, and did not
al'l'ive nnti l 'l'uesday afternoon .. Ja nn-
aty 26th. Up to tl{is time Dr. Br!'sce
<:ondneted all the Rervit:cs, l.H'PaC' hing
afternoon and evening. except on Snn-
<lay, when h e pr<'ar:h c.rl in the Htorni ng;
ancl afternoon. He was wondcrfnllv
ll(:lped of the IJord . in all his
ponring forth the truth of Goll with
tnarveloits u netion. atHl his elear-cnl.
fore<'fttl and appropriat.<' Ht cssages be-
ing gr<'atly inshnmcnbtl in htinging
hackRliders back to a loving l<'athct;
si,JJll ers to the glorious . knowl e<lgc of
si1ts fo!givCJi aJI(l nnsnnetifi c<l sonls
iitto thr "fullness of the bkssing of t he
gi>spcrof: Christ . .t
It was a great meeting, great. in holy
Nazarene J!l.e'Sseiige't"
fire and victory, great in. definite re-
- suits, and ' great in its stirdng and e(li-
fying effects in the hearts of God's
children. "We never shall cease to
praise Him.'' . -.
P. Vv. Giqin .
$ $
\V c arc glad to r eport victory in
l' 'l'hrough the mci cy of God we
w.erc blessed with the presence, prayers
and preaching of our D. S,. , Bro.
wcavcr, January _4t_!t __ !9_lQt_h ;_truly a
great refreshi'ng grace Was upon. him;
His ministry was. b! cssed of God; a few
saved, a few sanctified and a small class
formed, four uniting with us, so that
. :t<Hlay in l<'resno there is a little com-
pany of s ix Nazarcncs who arc not
ashamed of being classed with the
world's despised few; others we be-
. li cve will follow. Hallelujah to our
God. Thaul{s be to God, who always
leadeth ns in triumph.
Sunday was a day of vi<: tory, hoth
in t he tent atlCl on the street, one man g in the stn.J et crying for merey,
following to the tent and pray"
ing through. J..;ast nigl1t three at the
altar and we have had and still have.
mtwh to e11countcor, but there is still a
God in I srael. . .
Brethren passing thrO\l gh ar e in\'itccl
fo stop O\'er "ith us at t he tent,
i)f Tnl arc and N streets. Evangclists
and worl\ers will t:eeojve .w elcome mHl
an open cl6or to holiness; There:' ar c no
soft snaps l yi ng around, hut as n eedy
a place for (:! ousec-rated workers as can
be f01111d. Pray for ns. Anyone "islt-
ing to do some missionary ,\ork anti
cannot eorit e in person r an help
in finimee. whidt is much needed to
push the woik her e . . ,J. Y. tJangstaff.
.JI .!JC ,JC
The dear Lor<l has us down htt'P for
a time. \\' e have been her e for a year
now. \\e fonnd no chnreh, a . ff'w be-
lievers and lots of sinners; no Sa!Jhallt .
sehoul , bnt plPt it,V qf danCl'R and -l' Pvcl-
ings of all sorts, and the same business
is still wPII rqll'csentcd: 'l'o tlw glory
of God we ha ve been- permittPd to or.
ganize a Sahbath sehool. It has been
rmining ever sitH' C last Jnly. W c or -
ganizecl Olit of doors . under some oak
t rees and then we had a riicc la rge hall
donated to our .use. A sanctified Con-
gregatii>nal broth er has donated the lit-
through th<;li r church or Sab-
bath school missionary society, and he
prea ehes for us on"ce a month. Our
sehool av.cragcs thirty scholars. There
are also other ministers preaching oc-
r:asionally. Brother Davis expects to ..
hold a series of meetings some time this
winter. Pr.ay for us. \Veoften go hun-
gty to go into the home church and get
a feast of fat things. You . folk;; that
have . such grand privileges d .) not
hardly k110w how to pity the isolated
ones. But it is in ns to go through
with .Jesns . . It takes grace and back -
bone to stanil t-rlle but He l1as promised
to never forgGt or forsnkc ns, so we. arc
est in g on His_ promise:
S. B. Stoner.
Will Convict, Inspire and Bless.
Apples of Gold;
Or Words Fitly Spoken.
Being a Compilation of the brief Spiritual
Heart Messages which have appeared on the
first page of the MESSENGEH during the past
two years.
240 Pages, Paper. .
With portrait, and iiltrodnction
by p r : Bresee . .
Price 25 cen-ts
. by mail 30c; in lots of 1p $2.
In cloth, 60 cents.
Address, "R. P."
730 San Pedro. St. , Los Angeles, Cal.
New Manual
We hope to have the new Man-
ual r eady by the 5th of January
Send in your orders for them.
The usual prices in quantities.
Retail price 25.c post J:Xlid.
Nazarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street
Los Ange1es, Cal.
We Can Fill Your Orders for
The Assembly Minutes
.. Nazarene Publishing Co.
L9s Angeles, California.
10 Nazarene Messenger
Deets Pacific BifJle College
641 E. 28th St., Los Angeles, Cal.

COLLEGE NOTES. to preach the gospel. I thought then
\Ve thank the dear Lord and Brother that He wanted me to begin right away,
and Sister W.ynne, of upland, for $10 but found that He would have me go
to school awhile first.
for College expenses. It met a most One thing, I praise God for Christian
pressing need. Also Mr. E. E. Wilson parents who have always taught us the
for 300 pounds of fine lima beans from way of the Lord. My scho.ol privileges
his packing house in T'nstin;.-Cal.-; ancl -have not been the. best, but , God has
Brother and Sister Logie, O:f Ontario, .. kept me saved. Last .year I attended
a Friends College in Nebraska, where
Cal., for a fine box of oranges from I intended to finish high school, but
their fruit ranch. It was a rare treat the Lord led me .to .,the Deets Pacific
for all, and we wish our friends could Bible College last fall and has wonder-
really know how much good their gifts frilly blessed me here. I didn't like it
do our hard-working young people. jn California at first and was awful
homesick. I thought I ought to have
Examinations are keeping them very . gsme to Nebraska, but bless God for
bnsy this week, and a treat now and Sister Wood and Brother Athens who
then helps over the hard places won- were here, and they prayed for mc ,_that
dcrfully. God would give me work if he wanted
Apricots from Brother and Sister me to stay in the College, and just show
Carst.ns, and a: box of. yelko and vege- me His will, and God answered prayer.
tables from Brother Anning have also The ' next day I had work, and have
tddcd. much. had work ever since.
:visitors are attending onr -students' I was not entirely satisfied in my
preaching services almost every Tues- soul, so I went to the Friday night
day at 10 a. m., and souls have knelt at prayer meeting at First Church the 18th.
the every t ime except one, and of September and the Holy Ghost came
most of them have p
:a)'ed clear through upon me and filled me, hallelujah, until
to victo
y. Pray for us. .. my soul overflowed with joy. Glory to
God, the fire is in my soul yet. I am
satisfied with this school, satisfied with
our Church, satisfied with the people
Praise God for salvation. The T1ortl and, most of all, with my experience
saves me from a world of sin and 1 am
glad to be eonntcd with His <>h'eep.
Before I was converted I . nl ways .
wanted to be a .
\Vhcn I was a bout ten years of age
at an aft0rnoon meeting I gave my
heart to God. I went on, and God p:ave
me a better . experience and called me
Glatl to hear of good reports coming
in from different fields of labor. We
intend by the grace of God to throw
the life line wherever a door of utter-
ance is opened. The work here in San
Franc:isco has been blessed of God and
many souls have found the Lord in our
Church; the last three years. It re-
quired patience, work !J,nd prayer with
opportunity for some of us to preach
at Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Jose,
meda, Colma, P eniel Mission, Whoso-
everwill Mission and other places. .
.someone said these Nazarenes preach
. to b eat the band. It takes real ag-
gressive work to beat the devil , down
sin and. spread Scriptural holiness in
t his part of the Master's vineyard.
Well, bl ess the sweet name of our
Lord forever. By His help I intend to
keep right on k eeping up the down
row, for it's always husking time in
this part of the field. W. L. Garrett.
in Christ. May God bless our College
and every teacher and student and
worker in t he Chu.reh is my prayer.
1 expect hy God's help to go out
from this Bible school .better equipped
for His serviP-e. Our College motto is
"Holiness nnto the I1ord." Amen.
John W. Frazier.
Vvoodston, Kan.
'l'hc revival at Tonola,
ico, has clpsed. between
500 and 600 souls seeking during the
last ten days. :Many have found p ar-
don. They l augh, cry, shout and tes-
tify; the like' was never known before
in .. the history of the nation-a regular
Pentecost. None of thege people (wer
heard a gospel sermon but I
imagine it is like it was before men's
heart!? became hardened by' the preach-
ing of the word, they hear the glad
tidings of great joyand accept and he-
and the Lord does the rest. Sa-
loons have been closed, old grudges
settled and the revival has gone to the
hottom. To God he all the glory. Pray,
that the revival may continue until it
spreads all over the country.
S. M. Stafford.
[February 4, 1909
The blessing ot the Lord was on us
on Sabbath. Bro. and Sister Roth-
well united with our Church and Sis-
. ter Arnie on Sunday, the These
persons are valuable additions to our
work . . , we opened afternoon services
at 3 o'clock, at Anaheim and Belmont
Heights, in a small hall; there was a
full house. This place is three miles
out, at the junction of Redondo car
line. With faith in Him we push
. on. . W. C. WILSON.
' -JII ... .J/1 - ,JI ..
I desire to thank the many friends
in the Church of the Nazarene for so
kindly remembering me on my birth-
day. My testimony is that Jesus is
more to me as I grow older. I find
the love of God more precious every
day, as I remember how loving my
Father is to rrie. He takes care of and
leads me, 0 so gently, along life's
path My prayer is that God may
bless you all. MARY J. HILLS.
..,c ..,c ..,c
Subscribe for the "YOUTH's CoM-
RADE;' now and get the first numbers.
The whole family will be interested in
it. Sample
We have a new supply of Nazarene
Pins. The Nickel-plated,. such as
we have heretofore sold, and a new
kind made of Abalone shell with
black lettering.
25c each
50c each
Nazarene Publishing Company
Jacob the Heelgrasper,
Some of God's Pictures of
the Mind.
With Portrait and Introduction
This is a volume of 350 pages packed full of
striking lessons from the life of Jacob, writ
ten in the clear and direct style of this emi-
nent Evangelist.
Bound in Cloth, Price 00
Nazarene Publishing 'to.
730 San Pedro Street,
Los Angeles, Cal.
February 4, 1909]
Our Young People
Wanted! .Young feet to follow
Wher e Jesus leads the way,
Into the fields where 'the harvest
Is ripening day by day;
Now while the breath of mol,'ning
Scents all the de.wy air,
Now in the fresh, sweet dawning,
0 follow Jesus there !
Wanted! Young hands t_o labo_J;; __
- The 'fields are broad and wide,
The harvest waits the reaper
. Around on every side,
None ar e too poor or lowly,
None are too weak or sn:}all,
F or in His ser v i ce holy
'rhe l\Iaster needs them all.
Come, for the Savior calls you !
Come, for the work is great!
Co111 c, for t he hour!-l arc hasting! .
Come, er e it is too late!
Come, and be burden-bearers '
With Him, your glorious Lord,
Come, and be happy sharers
Iu His most blest reward.
"I'll be glad when I get that whole
pile of wood in. Then I'll be through
with it, won.'t I, mother?"
"No, Ted. You know I ' shall wimt
you to carry out the ashes, after the
wood is burned t1p," answered mother.
''Then I'll be through with it, moth-
"No, I think not," answered mother,
while Ted's eyes grew big with won-
der. "You will scatter the ashes on the
corn-field, and , father ,-v'ill plow them
in in the spring. Then yon will help
them plant the corn, you kno\v . . The
corn will grow, eating the ashes arid'
ground about it, and by and by you
will cat the sweet corn. "
"Oh, we ' II sort of eat the wood onr-
sclYcs, and that will be t he end of the
old wood pi,le. ''
"Not quite," said nioth()r. " Ther e
will be cob!? left, and stalks of corn.
\Vc may f eed them to the pigs, or -to
t he cows. and that will give us meat
or m.ilk. '' .
"' \Yell, I never knew before that .
thc1e was so much in a wood pile.'' said

The other day .I met a man old()r and
wiser than any of the rest. He was
_very old and very wise, rind he told
me :
"Tt is ha!'[ luck to cry on Monday.. .
- ''To cry on Tuesday makes r ed eyes.
''Crying on Wednesday is bad for
children 's heads and for the heads of
gther people.
"It is said that, a child--begins to
Nazarene Messenger ll
cry he \vn"r find it hard . me my first -lesson in poiiteness a few
to stop. '' years ago." .
''It is not best for children to cry-on The lady looked at him in amaze- .
Friday. It makes them unhappy. ment, while he r elated the little for-
"Never cry on Sflturqay. It is too gotten. incident, and t old her that aim-
busy a day. pie "Thank you" awakened his first
" Tears shed' on the Sabbath are sad ambition to do somethirig in the world.
and bitter. He went the next morning and applied
Children should on no account cry for a situation as office boy in the es-
at night. The nights are for sleep. tablishment where he was now an bon-
" They may cry whenever else they ored and trusted c'ierk.
please, but not at any of these times, Only two words, dropped into the
unless it is for something serious.'' treasury of a street conversation, but
I wrote down the rules ji1st as the old they yielded r eturns o! a certain kind
man gave them to-me. .Of course, they more satisfactory than investments
will be of no use to boys and girls who stocks and bonds.-Young People.
are past six. for those children do not
cry. The wise man meant t hem for the TITh A ,.,..,'h ?''
littl e ones-the millions of little boys " ,.,. J ere rt . ' ou. -..
and girls who want t o do the right or, Spiritual _
thing and the r:er y best thing.-St .
::\licholas. BY L. MILTON WILLIAMS .
.lC "'
Se\'cral " i nters ago a woman was
coming ont from so1i1e public building
when the heavy door swung back and.
made egr ess some\vhat difficult. A lit-
tle street urchin sprang to the rescue;
and as h e held open t he door, she said
''Thank yon, '' and passed on.
"D 'ye hear that?" said the boy to a
"No, what?"
"\Yhy that lady said 'Thank ye ' to
.the likes o' me."
Amused at the conversation. which
she . could not help overhearing, the
lady turned round and said to boy :
"It always pays to be polite my boy,
r emember that. ''
Years passed away; and last Decem-
ber , when doing her Christmas shop-
ping, tilis lady received an exceptional
courtesy from a clerk in Boston, whom
shP- thanked.
"Pardon me, madam,' but yon gave
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It is in dealing with strangers per- .
haps that the greatest perplexity arises,
]>ut us never forget that we have
an infallible Guide who is sufficient
for all emergen.cies. "Ask . when
in doubt, and He 'vill quickly let you
know if He wishes you to speak to .. a
Sometimes the Spirit impresses us so
strongly as to leave no doubt what our
duty is. . A friend of mine was walk-
. ing along a crowded street with his
mind so occupied that he did not notice
whom he passed. Suddenly he felt an
irresistible impulse to speak to some .
one. He looked up and saw a man
standing by a lamp-post. He said, "My
friend, are you a Christian ?'' ''No,''
said the man, ; 'but I have hardly slept
for two nights, thinking about this
very matter.'' It was very easy, of
. course, to lead that man to Christ.
As a rule, however, the Spirit speaks
to us throi1gh our judgment, which is
a vehiCle of God's thoughts as truly as
our conscienre. The opportunity of
speaking to n .stranger, and the fact
. thnt yon nwy neYer see him again, is
in itself a call "hich one ought to pray-
erfull:v consider. Jf we ask for help,
the Spirit will mmnlly suggest some
way of bronehing .the .subject, and we
em1. usually tell quickly whether or not
the person is willing to talk with us.
If he shows a.riy interest :we can. fol-
low it up, but ir'he is silent and refl1ses
to talk, it is probably. better to pass
soon 'to sorpe other topic.
$ $ $
- '' Up.on the first day of the week l et
every one of you lay by him in store, as
God hath prospereQ. him. '' So wrote
the Apostle Paul to the Church at
Corinth, regarding the collecting of
:i'un.ds for the carryiiig on of God's
work, and in the book of Genesis yve
read that Jacob made this vow unto
God-'' Of all that thou shalt give me I
will surely give the tenth unto thee.''
Some years ago a young man and his
wife struggling along on a lim.ited
income. The:i had many calls from
church and charity upon their slender
purse, which barely met their personal
needs, but the d.esire was strong to help
outside calls. One day, while at prayer,
they told God that when a load of debt
which was pressing hard was paid, they
would consecrate one-tenth of their
future income to His service. From
that time-which soon followed-they
kept their vow, never {!l}ling"" to meet ..
the calls upon them. Each month
when the husband's salary was. re-
ceived, and later, when interest and
Nazarene Messenger
dividends from investments were. add-
ed, one-tenth was laid aside and ... de-:.
voted to charity .and church calls, and
like the widow's cruse of oil, the fund
never failed. When the calls came, the
money was all ready to meet them . .
And was the money missed 1 No, in-
deed. As years followed each other,
the young man found that they brought .
him increased prosperity, until ample
funds met every personal need and a ,
surplus swelled his bank account, while
his flmd for outside calls grew propor-
tionately larger. 'fhe sum devoted to
others did not belong to him, and on it
he never counted, when calculating his
means. This sum belonged to the Lord
and to . His calls.
LFebruary 4, 1909
temples. Again the face you looked
intb may have bMn young. But was
it a shining face 1
Thank God for the faces we
see in our homes .and on our streets.
A light of wondrous beauty shines
within . the heart and t.he face beams
with love and kindness, pity and pa-
tience. Some of these faces that have
shined upon us have gone from tarth,
but the luster of their countenancfls is
a glorious memory to those who gazed
upon them. The pdet sings of the time
when God shall lead him on till the
night is gone-
"And with the morn-those angel faces
Which I have loved long since, and
lost a while ! ''
\-Vhat wondrous beauty must have
shined in the face of Moses! And the
first martyr Stephen, too, had a shin-
ing face as he caught a glimpse of the
. glorified Christ. But, oh, what a rev-
elation had the apostles on the mount,
when their Lord permitted some-
thing of His essential glory to burst
forth frpm His earthly body!
My reader, if you will permit the
Spirit of God to dwell within your
body and mind, you, too, may have a
"There is that scattereth, and yet in-
creaseth; and there istl)at withholdeth
more than is meet, b.ut it t endeth to
poverty. " God pays good interest,
even beyond Try it-
pro've it. "Bring ye all the tithes into
the storehouse, that. there may be mea:t
in mine house, and prove me now here-
with, saith the Lord of hosts, if i will
not open you the windows of heaven
and pour you out a blessing that there
shall not be room enough to receive
it. " . ......:...H . . T. Gray.
$ $
shining face, making glad all who look
upon it.
"His face did shine."
. Did 'you look in the glass this morn-
ing? Surely you did. What -sort of a
fa ce did . you see there 1 Did you look
Ioi1g a:ucl c deeply iii to the eyes . that .
gazed into your O'\Vn?
Perhaps you saw an, old face in that
wonderful room through the looking
glass: It may have been crowned with
.white hair, .or perhaps the hair was all
'gone. Perhaps the face was adorned
with brown hair . . but a few white
streaks were noted gathering about the
Remember ,. that your face is an indrx
of your character. See:k a mirror nnd
discover if you have a.face that is dark
and forbidding or one that is bright
and winning.-Lntheran Observer.
Two Helpful Tracts.
Are words in season to the justified. Can be
had from the author, Rev. R. Pierce, 730
San .Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal. 20c
per doz. ; $1 per 100.
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