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Blood of Jeua Chrklt HiB Son From All Sin.,. .

. Vol. xin. Los Angeles, California, February 18, 1909 No. 34

.. - .. -W-h-at_I_t s-t---ia_n_.;.._ .. ...- .. -. -.
A Pentecostal Christian ! It took
Pentecost to complete Christianity-
there is no other kind of Christian but
'Rentecostal Christian. I ptirpose being
a Pentecostal Christian throughout this
Now Year.
less and lean spiritually, but they are
stticken with poverty today because
they have robbed God. in the matter of
tithes. God is not mocked. Let me
not bear the name of Pentecost if I
tiy to cheat God.
convicted of making a mistatcment;
not one exaggeration?. Never has one
of their fellows followers been
obliged apologize for a mis-
construed; or a misrepresentation of
friend or foe. Oh, to be a Pentecostal
The Pentecostal Christians had know- The Pentecostal Christian endured Christian means to speak and write
letlge of a Christ crucified for man's through suffe1ing, counting it all honor and live in the white of absolute
sin; knew a risen Lord, who had to setve with joy in scourging, in pris- truth. An.d speaking h1e truth, means
gain ed .victoty death and the On, in stocks, in hunger, in shipwreck, an exact fulfillment of every pledge.
gr<l\c, brought immortality to light, iri martyrdom itself. The Pentecostal Our instituti.ons a're languishing, God's
and gaye assurance that because He (.;hristian . stretches forth again and cause is in disrepute because of unpaid
m1s a! iYc forevermore, those who fol- again the hand to bless, that for its vows. \Ve have found it easy, in our
lomd Him should also live; had seen blessing the nail thrust through; I pur- ei1thusiasm, . to pledge the payment of
the heavens open to receive tl1en l\Ie- pose being a Pentecostal Christian this money, and then fail to mak,e our
diat!)r, the Man-God, aud God-man. I year, enduring faithfully without com- pledge good, because it is ineonven-
pnrpose, this year, ;;.to bww J e&ns cru- plain ient: A Pentecostal Ch6stian will not
eificd. risen and ascended. A Christian will be pledge what he has uot the assurance
. The.- - PentecostaL __ __ c : arid, pledge(,!.,
obedient, and of one mind, recejved the cially will he 'wei'gh his words when pay the pledge as the first duty he owes
promise of the F'ather, and were filled speaking of the acts or moti,es of one to God. I purpose this yeal' to make
with the Holy Ghost. Confusion and of the household of faith. A sad, sin- uomore pledges until every p.ast pledge
striving .is no mark of Pentecostal sirk world is waiting for the joy which is paid or arranged for , and to pay
they are states conducive is the strength of life to the Pentecostal every pledge I shall hereafter make. I
ll('ither . to the coming or staying of Christian, and I dare not, with selfish purpose in being a Pentecostal Chris-
the 1-Ioly. .. Ghost. The Pentecostal Chris- or thoughtless word, wound the heart tian to be honest with God and man.
tian welcomes, sacrifices for, and de- 01: dim the eye of one of God's workers. . Pentecostal Christians '' \Yent every-
lights in unity. I purpose being iL Pen- I purpose in .my heart. to be a Pente- where preaching the word, " in like
t\ cost al , Cln:istian this year. costal Christian in this respect . mauner do they today. In the home,
'rhe Pentecostal Christians had ' 'all A Pentecostal Christian has no stiiv- on the street, in their business, .on the
things in common." 'l'hen sense of per- ing that his work or his train. everywhere, their life and their
sonal owi1ership of property was lost should have pre-eminence, but that it is redolent of the
in sense of the general good. we may should. be the very best his prayers aud of the \Vord of God.. Eveiy Pente-
let covetousness sneer at the thought saerifice and holy effo;l't can make i.t. costal Christian is called to be a preach-
as it will, btit Pentecostal Christianity A Pentecostal Christian will not eYen er, though not all to the priestly offi ce.
will not pile up- for itself while its in thought strive "which should be the I purpose this year to be instant in sea-
neighbor is suffering lack. The Pente- greatest. "_ If he is a Pentecostal Chris- son and out . of season, consciousl),ai1d
costal , Christian holds as his own no tiilll the -thought of his own import- unawares, my Father's business . ..
than his need; ti1e baiance be- .ance. will not. occur to him: . He will The Pentecostal Christian,s carried
.longs to his breth;eti. I purpose being uot only be willing to "do the little. the .gospel to the ends of the earth, but
a Pentecostal Christian this year. things, " but he will be found doing they carried it. by the aid of those who
A Ciuistian pays the them, when needful, as a matter of sent. A Pentecostal .Christian will
tithe of all his matter how eouise, and with no sense of his con- either go or send, l!n.d h e who refuses,
much, no inatter hd\v little-neither . descension. I purpo_se being a or goes or sends . grudgingly and mea-
an10unt excuses . him. If he . withholds c_9stal Christian. gerly, is not a Pentecostal Christian.
that from the Lord's cause, let him The early Pentecostal Christians ; as I purpose this year as a Pentecostal
be classed with Judas' wh() held the bag, read, 'spoke the truth in all boldt1ess. Christian, to ,go .or send, freely, glaqly.
an9. .. th\d,_. _Q.l' ._ __ But .it was tlte_ trntJ1, _ b it. nQt .. .
. lied to Holy Ghost. church that after the scrutiny o.f i1ine- costal churclies. A Pentecostal church
nnd God's people are not only teen hundred years, not one has been was never.: self-centered. nor self-seek-
- .
Nazarene Messenger [February 18, 190
. . '
' .. 1 '0' . . . . ' . .
-it . of--- the .: that---:as_sure'd_ly:c_ will .. _.offer:- up as -a _b:g:t:nt: :-W_!l : _
. - not,' f(il era ted there. I' au! - Cilme-: ' Tlie.- pi;ayei: of iiiln:..:-
. huked it when he sa'v Peter ditioned . on an "if it -be 'fhy will" for his 'l'lte Lord gave J<eph-
date himself to it. . A Pentecostal the Spirit that inspires that prayer of tlwh victory over the Ammonites. "and
dnirch is not a n end, but a means to an faith knows what is the will of" God in Jephthah carne. to l\fizpeh unto his
end, and the end is always magnified, that matter. In such a prayer the soul house, arid, -behold, _ his daughter came
not the .mea_n s. The Pentecostal church is effectually actuated, exalted and out to meet him lt and she
moves; it Jiloves not toward the <.'en tel: . empowered by immediate in'spiration of - was his only child. " J ephthah 's ff!el-
hut from the center. It. is a center of t he Spirit to present t he p etition and ingit may b.e appreciated by every
fire from which new fires spring; if its the answer in - forthcoming. Such a who has ary only daughter , or
. tire is not of the spreading kind, but spirit of prayer is not at our eoinmand several of . them for that. matter , aurl
merely that expends itsel"'. upon at -aU times. It cannot be worked np, we do not that "when he saw
itst' lf, it is not a P entecostal . church, but it may be prayecl down. It comes h er he r ellt his clothes, nnd said, ' ' .A las,
but a counterfeit. only to frnly dev(}ut souls in the pure my daughter!. thou hast broug!1t me
Father, the New Year which 'fhou ()f r eaf prayer. Such a. prayer . very low, and thou art one of them
hast given, is unmarked, hnmarred. givt>s H<:.<'ess to God. Assures un answer t hat troubie me : for I have openetl '''v
Q-ive ns gr ace that we be f aithful and p1;odnees results. month ,unto t he Lord, ai1(l I <"annot g-u
in the least.. t hat this New Year shall .JI ,c ,c . back. " 'l'he further history of. thi s
he "-ritten h:v Thine ..Angel. for us, a THE MAN WHOSE CONSECRATION sad event need not be followed now,
l'<>nteeost11l YPar.-PentP.costl1l HURTS. bnt it is only to onr present purpose
<'n tt>. H. G. cowAN. to uotice that J epht ha h made a Yow
. "' "' I11 Psalm 15 the psalmist asks. unto God, a l'ash one it may have be11 ,
Con.tribut'e d Artzct'es " Lord. who shall abide in thy hther- but having " opened his month \IIIlo
t,he 1. Ol'(l" ll e (' .Olllcl Jl()t "ao I n 1- "
nade? who shall dwell in thy "' J , . '
Kept by the Lord when duties hard press,
Burdens increse and clouds would depress,
Kept when the ftesh would falter and fail,
Kept when the hosts or' Satan assail.
Kept in His peace ' mid conflict and strife,
_Kept through the pain and. sorrows of life;
from the dread of the coming days;
Kept, always kept, to show forth His praise.
Kept by the
Not for a day, but on to the end.
Kept by .the Lord in death's solemn hour, .
Kept, ever kept, by His love and power.
-Selected .
.$ .$ ..,c
The pra)'er of faith is a specific
prayer for a special purpose. It is dif-
f er ent from the pray saving faith,
for one may p1ay with saving fai t h and
not offer the prayer spoken of lJ)r"James
as t he .prayer of f aith. H e was writing
there under inspired instructions for
miraculous r esults. The prayP.r of faith
prevai ls with God and hrings things to
pass, as Elijah did on Carmel. Such a
prayer is always inspired in a believer
the Holy Spiiit, ''for we know not
what t o pray for as ' "e ought, hut the
Sp.irit helpeth out infirmities," and He
alone e<111 s pirituall y empower a _ soul
to pray the ef(ednal f t>rYent prayer t hat
11 Ya ileth much. c;
It is the effer t ual, fervent prayer of
11 J'ighteow; _ man. thn t is. of a righteoi1s
man 's being en ergized hy thn
H o.l,\ Spirit, that heeomes the pntyer
.. <:>.f faith._ Th.e .. a<lfljti()l}a-1 en er&'y is
the Spirit.. The Spirit illmninates the
the petition. and assur es
h" '' f'''' ore to 111- < , _ ()\\' Jl ll'll't 1
hill ?" Referring to the :Mos11in law, it v ,, ' ' <lilt
would . seem that the priests and the changed not."
J,r:>vit('s. men who were sanctified or
set 11part to holy s'erviees. would find
their appropriate place in God's t11 her-
n;wl<', or in the temple whi<' h
war<ls took . its. place on )ft. Mo1inh,
the " holy hill.". .
Bnt it - is e':ident._ .from t h e .miswer
that a n ew order of things is r <'ferr ecl
to, that the " tabernacle" and the " holy
hill" nr c t ypes of better and mo1e ( n-
during things which the Lord has es-
tnhlishe(l for His worship and service,
1111(1 t.hat His sanctified children today
have an a hi<ling place in His chm<' h
on <>nrth. and shall elwell forever with
Him in glor .v. J_,isten, as God answers
His inquiring servant: " He that walk,
et.h upri ghtly, nncl worketh righteous-
n ess, nncl speaketh the truth in his
heart. " Or. as Ps11lm 24 puts it. " He
tlwt hath <' l<>a n hands, and a purr.
ht>art." 0 1. as J>snlm 24 puts it. "He
a save<l pe rson who abstains from every
appearanee of evil, until ti1e 'micldle of
the fourth verse is r eached, where we
ha ve these remarkable words : "He
that sweareth to his own hurt, a nd
not." '\Vhat docs this 111 <'an?
Cert11inly n ot profane swearing, which
'' hurts'' both and hereaft(' r . ancl
of whi ch a 111nn may r ep ent and ehai1 ge'
his ways . by the graee of God. Rnt it
is o11ths or vows of a sacred nature to
wh i<h is' made. An instance
of this smt is found in the v,1w of
,J_ep)lthtth, that. if r etqnwfl from the
war with the ehildren of A Jm{lOn in
he would devote to the T,ord 1JJl(l
'\Yc need mor e .Tephthahs toda,\.-.
\Yhat! lll P. n who woul(l sn<rifir' e t h .. il
own daughters ? No, .nwn who will
conseerate _their all t.o God, and " ill
stand that eonseer at ion. tho.ngh it
hurts. Be<ause it is of t his sort that
God .S.H.YS. sh_!.ill ah_i<l_e His t!tb:r-
nacle and dwell in His holy hill , o1. in
other words, shall serve Him :n . His
sanctified-hosts on eart h and lw gat h-
ered with the blood"washed throng in
heaven. Of t he same meaning nrc t he
woicls of J ('SUS i n' Luke 14 :2(1. 27: .. rf
any man eome to me, and n; >t- his
father , -and mother , and wi'fe. and hil-
. 1lren, and hrethnm, and sistPrs. : <a,
and his own life. a lso. h < <'aJtnot lw 111,\
disciple. And whosoeve1 doth not lwn1
his <' r oss: and I'OIIl C nf1'1r Ill <'. (nntll>t
he my discipl e: Fo1 whi<:h of you ill -
t ending to build a t.owPr. sittPth not
tlown first. illltl l' the cosr.
whether he haY<:' suffi cit>nt 'to finish it.' ''
Today it is those who ha,-e "POlmt.rl
the cost, " who plaee t he love of God
before that of earthly no mat -
ter how elosc the t ic, and who
themselves '' unto world. "
who r ea I i:w that, the rous<' <: r a
t ion hurts yet it is worth while tn suf-
f er for J esus' sak e.
In onr eommunity _we have' a roll -
erde exampl e of one who has swotn
to his own hurt, ar;<l lie ,;oL
for having Opened his inont.h t-<1 Gocl.
1;iinn.ot. g,Q_ of his. neig-h-
bors is widely kiH>WIJ as "Hoho
a man who early in lifP (nteJetl upu11
February 18, 1909] Naz,arene:_ . Messenger ..
. .
. :
t l " clerked in a railroad company not go back. " prepared to put OtJt. the . .Sunday .
c, . . . A d h h . . . . of the month followmg t'he preceding
store, . and finally Rettled down to the . n . ow t IR remmds us of. a scene month, and did they put them out?
quieter life of a homestead rancher on m the City of Ephesus, .a long t1me ago, Dear members of the ..
the Mi lk river, in northern _1\-Iontana. which is in an old book, "Arid Board: The abo_ve may seem
Her e one. mea ns of livelihood open to many that came, and con- to be a lot of useleas questions aud the
him was to make and sell loadcrl dice fessed; and shewed their deeds. Many work suggested bY, the same may
:. . . f h 1 . h ' h - u.nnecessary, but If I unders-tand the
. ;mel othct tools of the gambler, and for o t em, a so? w Ic used curJOus_ arts system and the work of the Church
t h<so t hings there was an active de- brought thCJr books together, and Missionary Board, i then the above is
ml , the stringent burned them before all_ men: and they about as the General Miagsionary Board,
ti-gambling laws of t he state. But a . counted the price of them, and found . and ab<;mt as the General Assembly
little more than a year ago . ' 'Hobo it fifty thousand pieces of silver." .like to have the several Church
" d h' ' f d .Acts 19;18 19 MissiOnary Boards do the part of the
B1ll y an IS WI e were cqnverte ' ' . work t hus far mentioned in these arti-
an<l r ealized what a folly it to have And the man or the woman who has cles as referring to the Envelope Sys-
li v<!d so long in sin. But the preaching vowed a vow unto God that they_ will tem. If you can .not carey-out the sys-
ol' r. nt.ire san ctifi cation seems to ha vc devote to ,Him t heir all, who has made t em in every detail, are you working it_.
hPI'n <li stastefnlto thein ; t hey said t hey the consecr ation that hurts, but who . best you can 1 . .
1 1 d l'd 1 t "' 11 1 bl t : h H. F . Reynolds G. M. Sec.
<lHI not nne er stanc 1t, an c 1 not he- c 1anges no , WI Je .. a e o JOin w1t ' . .
lie\'1! it . and talked of going to another ns in singing, .$ .$
<hu1ch miles distant on account " I've paid the price, whatever other s JEWELRY FOR MISSIONS.
of .it. But some literature, in- do, Just a line or two in regard to the
T'll take the way with the f, ord 's de-
, < lud i11g Carradine's '"'Old 1\Ian" and
\Vood 's " Pmf eet J,ove " was planed in
lhl' il' hands. a JI(l t hey began t o get a
h<'l"t <' I' insight int o t he possihiliti cs of
gra<<. And \dJCn B1other TJy man
llmugh <a Ill <' up from North Dakota
1111.d !J I' I<.l ll meeting with \IS on ho)in<'SS
lill<'s. "Hoho Billy" and h is wif<! were
t) 1c first to how at the altar as .
s<''k<' is of. and, p1aise G<i<l !.
soor. I __ .J.l.!JlYNl through to .Yidory. _
:\u1o11 g th<!. first ti1ings " ITol ;o-
did was t o go home mi<l b11 1';, his pipe
and tohaceo. :and his wife wcn.t and
all "d on a woman whom sh<' ha tl foi'-
111<' 1'1 ? <l espiscd. Then one <lay the
san.r t ifii!<l man got out all his old gamh-
JHll'aphc rn;tlia. in<:luding about a
dozl u h oxes of l mul<l di<e a nd otiHr
l hi11 :,!s wh i1 h arc used in gaml's of
<'!!all<'<!, the whol e lot heing w01th
ahout two lnuHlred a nd fift.y doll ars.
1111d dumped t.hem all int o the
a11d hHI'IH'<l t hem. An<l so anxious was
h<' that all should t"1c dcstToy<>d and no
Oil<' JII' ofit hy them in an,v way,
t l_11ol1gh t.heit destruetion. that he did
11ot I' Cmove t he for several days,
hut to build fi l'CS o\er the
111hi Prs' tools t hey were 1nii'Jl<'(l
IH,vo11d r<' sctw 01;
M Now tlwrc are t hose who wou ld sav
that t his was a foolish t hir;g for him to
do. !.hat t hes<! thingH n1i ght have hecn
sold fo1 mueh IIIOJI C.Y. whieh won)(} '
h;l \'1' "<on1 c hnndy" to him. But asa
hild of God, sa ved and sa11 di fi<d,
<ould {rot. use t he t:ools of t he .gambler
_111-!ai n himself, nor <'OIJ)d he COUnte-
. t. lwi I: use othen ;. .Jlifl, .. alL h.c ..
had laid on t he, his
was eo1npl_ete; and t hough it hurt yet
spised few, , miss ionary work : We are using the
I'm going through, Jesus, J'm going envelope system in our chrirch and are
through. " r eaping a good harvest every month.
Cowan, Mont. Have a splendid board-praying; pay-
.JI .JI in.g and working. in the church
= oo- YE - INTO have given ,j ewelry, last month a soijd
WORLD__, gold chain, this month a diamond ring.
-- are greatly interested in the r e-
THE EN:VELOP.E SYSTEM.-IV. ports coming from Mexico. I wonder .
Are You. Working' It? if there isn't enm'tgh je\"elry in the .
s t l IT th C' l I l\I' "jewel cases " (not on the1r p ersons, of
. . IX I. '
s e . mrc
. IS.- course)" of the Pentecostal Nazarenes
- ;nonary- lloard- secur ed a hst- of--t
mila-nrotlier - Sta ffOro- of -r. ex
all the member s of our church, another building in which . t hese people
md congregation, with aH t he can worship. I see he is calling for
namcs of a 11 of t he Sunday school more places of worship. It will not
;ind assigned an <nvelvpc to tak e $500 for another place. Get out
:'-' OUr j ewels ; make an offering t o the
<!ll<'h one of the same, by writing on Lord! . It will pay you great "inter-
Ow envel ope. t he individual 's namc and est" at t h e reckoning day.
_t,IJC na nw of t he month t he ('n vel op e l\{ary E . Mabee.
to be g iven out for ? Oakland . Cal.
Seventh. Has - t he Church issiou- -!"' -"'
ai'Y Boanl g iven out t he above p1e- A WORD OF ENDORSEMENT.
pared ei.Ivdope the first Sumlay of eaeh I wa nt to speak a word of commeu-
mont h. a nd has it . been careful t o sec tl ation in r egard to t hat art idc of Br .. o. :
that ev< r y per son to whom th'e, . have R. Pi er.ce on the first page of t he Mes-
assigned an envelope has r eeei_,cd it Y. senger of l ast week. That is .inst what
we need right now. .A little money to.
Eighth. lias t he Chur ch Missionar y send some or God ... s chosen meu 'into
Hoanl as ked their pastor or l ead er to t h e great cit ies of this land . to estab-
<a ll t he ltttention of the congregation lish centers, of r evival fire. is the great
and Sunday school to our missionar y need of t his movemen t . You did well.
work at home and in the f or eign Brother Pier ce, but is there not some
wny whereby can get hold of some
r eminding t hem -that the mi ssionaries . of this money right away. W e have
a t c d epending upon the envelope offe r - t he men, we need t he money.
ings for . t heir support; etc.? J . W . Goodwin . .
Ni nt h . Has .our Church Missionary .JI .JI. J/1
Boa rd been (Hilld"ua l in t hci t; efforts to YOU CAN EAKN IT.
ga ther i
; nit of t he ciwclojws t he last If any young person wants THE YOUTH'S
COMRADE but has not the money to pay for
Snndny in the mont h. and if t h<>y ditl can easily earn it.
not r eceive ts manv in as t heir books The subscriP.tio!' price is 75c a year. In
' . < clubs of five 1t IS 60e. Get four persons to
show thPy lt ad put out the fi 1st of t he subscribe for it at the regnlar price (75c) andr
m<m1;h ,- did they -sel'icto ii nd -the- !1l'lirr= - .get.; __ .l.f_you.w.iah.-
to try this plan send at once for some sam-
quent on <s. nnd ;isk t hmn to hring t he m
in as soon as possible ?
ple copies and a blank receipt hook. You can
do it if you try. - __ . -
.4 A t. Nazarene ... [Fehruary.ts, 1909.
. ,.

-- ..
. .- . . -Corresponile(lce . . l!ome ' the. near i\iture and o'r- 'l'his part -of Oklalio'uw .
ganize. - this year because of . light crops,
Beulah Heights. neither cotton or the corn fields pto-
Ponca City, Okla.
About three miles out ftom the cell- duced a half -crop. "\
le Jfced to Pl'H)'
tcr of the city Beulah Heights College much for this uew church, as most of
aud Bible School is located, on n fine the members are effected mueh by Ow
'l'hc writer left Howard. Kan .. cmly.
.Mouda)' . motning, 25tll , for
Ponca City, distance of 11 bout 175
miles. the way I had to go in ordcr to
teach my destination ill time for a i1 ight
service. t was met at the sta.tioll by
our pastot. Rev. J. H. Mcintyre, who
lives at the Indian Resetvat.iOJi about
plot of _of fifteen upon ccent c1op failure.
sevcll out, Iw hns a govet'll-
ment position, whi ch enables 'him to
look after our church folks without 1111,'>
financial burden to them. and not only
so but he and his good wife are doing
mnch to help the ehurl!l1 to get
l ished in the city. .
\Ve were entertained at tli'c hoiiH' of
Brothel' and Siste "\Villiam Giles. whcr<'
Brother alld Sister l\l cTntyre .wc.>re nlso
whieh a good substantial dormitory
for girls aud mie wing of the
tration building. which being cou-.
strncted of brick. At present the first
tloor of the girls' dormitory is used
for a ehapel and recitation room.
The institution is carried on hy a
board of seveu tnu;tecs. Dr. G. W. Saw-
yer (the chairman) , and A. J . Peck,
l\Iiss M. Mallory. J. l<'. Page. W. H.
Williams an<l Mrs. Beatty: Prof. Har-
,ey h Short. dean and registrar. is the
acting. p1esident . . 1'h:c present
me nt of students is forty-two.
'rhcr e is an orphanage and
liome, carried oil by the. same institu-
tion. 111111 lo<"ated ll CIII' the I'Ollege
stopping. .Just as thallks was about to Rev. Solomon Ttick. olle of our
he i'etumed to our Heav1H1ly Fat.her fo1 gelists. JJHs moved his. family to Betilah
his bountiful . blessings. the l-l(Jly Rpirit Heights ill to .his house. which he hopes
fell on all of us. some 1n'ied. some to fillish hefore startillg out Oil his uext
Jangl.ied. aud all Aftc1 S\lP- cnmgelistic trip.
per whil e Brot.her and. Sister 1)
. Sawye
mged with the fac-
and Bl:other Gil es WPre singing. one of ulty. , in harmony with llrothe
the neighbors ca me in. and was greatly gan 's slate fm

writer. a smvice
movec} by the Holy Spirit and Oil iinri- in the chapel. and by request we hung
tatioll sought and found the ":wcond up t!JC Ia rg'e map and ga

an account
hl.essillg." mid that tin1e tire of tht; origin
ind growth of'onr move-
saint s 1111(1 Siste_1 Gilc.>s. who ment; and dosed with a few remal'l;:s
__IHil' f 01eign misHionary wol'l;:
ou ; when. askea 1fs he the seeond and envelope s.\ste-
1 for se curing fmids,
sa1d she had los_t 1t, !111t soon l\tc .. and tlw \Yas pleased to gi,e
,rwlded to G_od. and ct'l e_d w1th gtcat us a most precious
\tpouring of the
Parnestness for the hlessmg and took Hoh as facuitv. friend;:; and
God_ 1_1t his word aud went to and sttHl ent body were all 'gathered about
. t !-!st1tied t hat the hlno<l of. Jesus the altar. Ll't -ns a<ld this school and
el eansed her from all sin. \r e conclude its " mk to
r already l engthy prayer
_this time that we.> in a good !'Oil- ' '
1lltwn to go to the serYIC:l'. I>uncan. Okla.
Dr. Bresee. \Y1 nnHle a inn of about another
Our . seniot General hundred miles floOJil Oklahoma City to
dear .Dr. Brl' see. 11111l his good wife, Duncan. arri,ing ahtmt four o'clo1l' p.
stopped off at this city on their way 111. and were met by several of our
home from t,he Genen1l Assembl,y, and lnet hren. whom Brother Jernigan had
organized our chureh nt this point. lt notifiell that l was to he on hand Jann- .
was ali,e aod has been making a my 27th. '!'his is one of our youngest
steady and healthy grmvth. They are churches, having been organized less
to build a ehurch in the mar than a mo11th ago. whil e Brothel' Jer-
future. The past.ot and people took nigan was hollling a series of meetings.
holcl of the envelope system with "\Ve wer e entertained at the home oi
inter est and will soon install mi1l work Brother .A. J. Pede who his good
it. Brother l\Icintvre closed the service wife and family of fom sons and four
with a stirring e-xhortation, and took a daughters al'l' 'mudi intetested in our
liberal offering for the Special. church and Hunday school.
Ponca City must he ntade . another Tahernacle.
strong <.enter of holy fire and power.,
for it is one of the mauy rapidly grow- '' 0\ll' folks'' are worshiping iu a
0 llirge tablernacl e. which was fo1
ing citi es in klahoma.. .
what will b<;l our annual camp
Oklahoma City. _ .i\Iany prominent holiness evangelists
Owing to the heavy stmu 111 the have conducted meetings at _this point
uorth. all .t1ains were late going south, . with much success and tlw people for
January 26. but after we got started thirty or more miles have made
we had a good trip of about on.e hun- paths to this tahernacle. It will prob-
dred miles . .... \Ve hav_en .. iu._ 11. hly :o;e<:tt ejgh.t hundre{l_,to, a, thousand
Oklahom11 . City, . hut some of "our ' people and is inclosecl with hoaids. and
foUrs" - live there and several \vho as has buge doors tha.t c11n he .openp.!} .in
. yet do not to us, . are - . hot weather.,
Erick, Okla.
, By Duucan a litth! l)ast.
night- 'we were able to mitke a run of
one hundrcq and twenty miles and ar-
rive nt Brick. Okla .. ahout. 2 p. 111. 011
TlnHsday. January 28. wlwte we weJ'I'
met by Rev. B. l\r.. Kilgore and B1othPl'
S. 1. Etter. was SOOII comfortahly
seated at work in the honw of Broth1'l'
Rohhet'IH!, t.lw miller. Brother Kilgo!'!'
has been finishing out a se1ies of 1'1'\'i-
val .-etviees that Evangelist A. G . fl'f-
fets was obliged to IeaV<' on aceonnt of
illness. and hope1l to eai'J'Y on tlw seJ-
viees ovl!l' Rnnda.v. ,Jamuu,v :-n. B1o.
Etter is one of the llll!l'l' hants of 1 he
cit\' ancl is a me mh<' l' 1f otu GPIII'l'<ll
Sand Storm.
'l'h1 saud storm of Thmsda,\' ancl Fri-
day was thought to he the worst l'e-
membered hy the oldest settlus of
Erick. Tt something 111'\'1'1' 1 o hi'
forgotten hy tl,wse that hav< I'Xpe i-
enced it. ft was nearly zc1o W!!ath1.
the wind blowing' fom sixty 1o
miles an hout. aucl 't.lw. sand
was tilling thl' ai1 so at times one eonld
not see a qua1:tl'l' of 'it mile. H pilcl
11p in drifts-on th( sid1walks aild Hl'l'oss
the roads just' as SIWW driftii in 1 hi'
IHwth in time of a wind storm. Till'
connt1y hHing newly sl't.tle11'. the lonss
are not built fo1 such weatlwr and
s careely an,v pl'O\'ision is made for the
proteet ion of the farm animals. l:nnsl'-
quently the s,riffPJ' ing of man lliHl he;1s1
\\'HS \'f'r,\' St'\' ei'E!.
Night Service.
\\.hill tlic wind ;-that1d a lit.t.ll' <11
about ;') o'elod<. the holiness (Wopl1 did
not venture to 1hive into the l'i1Y.
knowing the awful the wi1;cl
would ha Ye over t.lw Jll'a i ies if it cl id
blo\v again. \\;C. oni:v lwd
out about fifty persons to the si'I'Yie.
Our God met with us mul mad1 it a
time of and the holil)ess pe'll
ple wanted very mueh to ;11
once; hut as a major part of the holiHPss
people live out abont miles from 1111'
1,ity and none of them werP pl't'sl'nt 0\1' -
ing to the storm. it was deeid11
out of esped . and Jon fm- thosl' ab-
sent: would pOJ'>tpone orgm1izat
till Brothel' T ern igan 1'ould I'Oilll' 1 n
Another Center.
... '
Bothc1 Et.tnJ' aud his assoeJal.l's i1
the holiness work at. Brit:k HI'!! anxio 1s
that a holiness center may be estal1-
lished at Erick. as t.he farmets for miles
in. there to dn
hnsincss. The city luis just votc<l 1 n
iss ne $25,000 i.n bonds for 11 water sup-
ply. 'fhe city already has $20,000 in
February 18,
Nazarene :Messetiqer
:t :_ ::and : .
. -; the .:state luis ' t_llis-wwkea 'coiiiifry-::- - an(J. wit h:;--
. l'itle.d, .. or 1s tt! to. put an . . Sunday was a day to our souls. e very extcnuatii1g yet
college at. tim'!. mak- Three women scekmg pardon at. prayer why tell it. a t all 1 If it were one. of
iug it a place of great OpfH!rtlmity for meeting this week , and while they did our beloved that stumhled into sin and
s to I'Cfteh the people and not to he -fully satisfie_d, th<>y eaeh disgraee, i_f or! C de111' to us had . yielded
al'e to be t he shapers of t.lus great state. tcst1ficd . that they were gomg thr<'>ugh. t. wsudden t emptation , if Olir home had
y we must add this to our prayCI'" 'I' he Lord hns. es.pecia lly hl cssecl . om . lwen rcrit. with bitterness and dil'isen-
list also, and do' it now. , . .1_1raycr meetings. .wou:Jd not the !]rst impulse, a
H. l<. Reynllds. John D .. r1ght and natural impulse, he to hide
.- .- . .- .- .- J/1 tlw hmt and stain from cv6I'y human
vye 1 \\' ould . not bless the
. RENO, NEV. BAKERSFIELD, CAL. ship 'that so. far as possihlc doRed "its
Fbr some time we have. been in 'l'lw Nazarene chureh at Bakersfi eld l!yes and scaled its lips. and that. 4k>.nld
l'PsJHll1dence with Sister .Jennie M. l\lc- loses a valuahle worker by Sister EJecta he t rusted not to r epeat what it per- ,
)Janllll'a of Reno and on invi t nt.ion from K .Jason going hack to her old home in forec .hnd seen and henrcl:? Surely this .
I I II l
l .. ansing, 1\fich. She has beer1 a crccl- pl tc( ''' )J er e tl1e GoJ Jorl R l ht
hr. 1 we , came 1er c to 10 < a ten < Jtys' ' ' - l " u e tmg
. it able fl ciwoness and the ehurch here ha vc mud_1 widet; r1ractise t han it has
IIII'Cting. 'l'his is our first visit t o this
will pray that she may be yet a grcatm -the shi elding of othes h.v silence as
\l'iclwd c it;y-. It is a bennt.iful littl e bl essing under God in .l eading prPeions we would ha\'e our orwn shielded.-
plac:c sui' I'OUI.Jfl od hy foothills now 1:ov- soiJis int.o the light and powc;r of till' Seh!ded. '
. t'I'Nl with snow. But though Reno is a s1c ond hl cssing. .:1' .- .-
p)'(tt'y and beautifully situatecl it Will C. 'Villiams. Pas tor.
scl ms that the rlcvil hns mos.t 0f A A .JI
The spirit of revival continues at
l'olks a11 cl is running things at high 'tide:
i11 sin. 'l'hf' ciuuehes , so far ns we ca11
11'111'11 , mc not ,;cry spiritual. Ther e
has IH'I' ll 110 h()Jiness at all
until . recently. A. godly woman,
' .. \l' it h some financial abilit y, opcned 11
111 iss ion . fot the promotion of hoi iness.
This mission is open-to ns a nd for ten
days we shall b.v God's gtnec p1each .
holinPss as a second work of grace ob-
now by fa ith i11 the hlood of
. . Tcsus Eight of t.hese clays have
"a in'ady hf'en spent ancl' we ha but
two mo1e for this time. So far . 11s we
kn ow th<'rc has rie\'er hcPn a .:-:azarenP
:. were .
snmewhat aftnid of us. Hence HH (ou-
1-! I'PI.!atious a r e smal"l. hav<" hcen
clPfinitcly sanctifiNl, howe \' er . atHl til l'
inter est cl ecpens. 'l'he Lord His
spi1it. is gf'tt. ing some of His f hildr<>n
,. )parNl np in thf'ir expetif'Jwc. .T bf'-
lil' \'1' t he I..orcl sen t us hf' r e to SII\' C the
f w holiness people from fanntaeism.
'I'IHy are moving now on thf'
111 ain trnek and we lwli Pve for a t'f'al
holincss work here in the rwar l'utnrr..
Heward, who has opened th<'
1nissions a nd supports it finan cially. is
one of God's own choi ee ones. Gorl
hll'ss hf' l' ri chl v. Tt is in her henu tifril
home t hat we' ar e entertained : Don' t
hP surprised if yon . are . all invited to
RC' no to a holiness. eamp meeting before
next fall. Onr .God does not propose to
ll't t he fl c\'il r1m off with the whole of
)Jpvnda . . And we proposl' to hl'lp
t.his eount ty for God.
. P. G. Linnwf'axf'r.
God is giving us victoty her e:
thf're arc yet many ditli cul tics to \w
praise the Lord we arc mov-
ing on in this great fi eld, whe r e so
111an.v pr ofessed anrl church
lll <' mhers nrc doing . t hei r hf'st. fo dP-
stJ;iiy whic h Gocl is. doing .
. t h.rm1gh h is onnd of f ait hful
W?rkers. ' Vc are that God
wTII uriite the holiness people about
SECOND CHURCH, CHICAGO, ILL. the First Pentecostal Church of the .
The fite hurns. souls are being sn ,cd
ancl lwlievers getting sanctified wholly. Nazarene, .. Chicago, Rev. C. E. Cor-
Three souls last Sunday prayed nell pastor. The great revival meet-
tluough; took in four new members, ings with Brother Huff as evangelist,
and $404 in about t en minutes . . closed Sunday, January 24. The next
Glorv to God. We don't. nC'ed to sf'JI . Wednesday evening at the prayer-
t ickc.ts for a month. hake aud meeting five persons were at the altar
stew oyst ers when folks have the bless-
itig; t.hPy just l f't God hold the pocket- . seeking salvation, and the Sunday
hook. so God is helping us. ' V! were following there were twelve more .
otgnnized Dec:emhei 6th with . twenty- . Again at the Wednesday nigbt prayer-:-
fom memhe1s; we now ha\e t_hirty...two meeting, \Yith an attendance of over
and ni0\'1' coming. r was callecfto hold 30(); 'there were . several and
-Jev"i--ra l s etvices at. the -Ra-P.i rw -holiness on Siitiday, .Feo. 'l,rrf een more. t
t imh' h last Wf'llc had '' hlessl'd the prayer-meeting Feb. 10, although
t imP. six souls " 'et;P sa ved
1 the' an exceedingly cold and windy night,
churdt was hlt!sscd. Thf'y just look like there were no less than 250 "in attend-
'olu' kin folks. Tlwy want Nl a. l\lnnual. ance, and several at the altar, who
so I had on I' extra 'with me. Anwn. prayed through to victory. Thus the
FtHncis .J. Thomas. revival continues, and the. end is not
yet. The pastor is preaching al!>series
ha\' e just. rf'hnnerl f rom Ross. Ind ..
" ;bl'r! I JWI' aclwd in lln nnd<twmina
tiona) c:hurch fm t wo weeks. At. tlw
n ight's service .the pastor and
tight. of his me.mhcrs came to thf' altai
for sanc:tification anrl prayNi through .
1 nf'v<' J' witnessf' d sneh and
cb: vil . powf' r' in my life. but the dear
past or a nd people stood h ne tr. God.
.At. thl' elos<> of t he meeti n g we found
that sixteen had been fol"'\rard for san l'-
tifieation and b venty-fi ve fot
sion, nncl W<' were glad to leave them
:in till' ,:are of 11 sanetificrl pastor. Our
next appointment will be nt. Huntley 's
Ind .. beginning on the 17th. I
d Psil'f' tlw prayPrs of all the saint s.
AJ'hf' rt T. Harris.
1'111' id ndni'Sf!. of si lf'n ('e is som!'thitig
wf' mi"'ht. all l>l'st.ow lll ltt ll.. of.t.Pnf' r than
. du."' Gt:antf'cl thnt ;lOt in{lulgi:'
. s-t n.nclllJ , thnt whf' n WI! know t.Iw
distress nml htllnililittic;n .. tlwt hns 1ft-.
fallen n friend 's honseholcl . iii the
of sermons in the morning on the sub-
ject of '-'The Ministry of the Spirit,"
and in the evening on the subject, "A
Bible Helt. "
We praise God for victory, and push
on for greater things. F. L.
Sunday, Feb, 14, was a glorious day
in the Oakland Church. From the
start the Holy Spirit seemed very near.
The samts .were blessed and gave
expression to their feelings somewhat.
Tha Lord honored His word and two
came to the altar . for . holiness and
struck the glory sure, and one wa8
convened. amidst great rejoicing.
Bro. J .. M. Nead, who with his wife
has com.e to Oakland again, led . the
afternoon meeting. It was a precious
time of waiting before God. . In the
evening one man came . forward for
par<\Qn and claimed to receive
he sought. We are looking for still .
greater things jn the future. Our
God is- marching on in Tic tory. Praise"
llis g-reat name! G. L.
6 : , -:
.. ,

P. F. Bresee, .
R. Pierce, -
C. J .. -
Oflice Editor
Asst. Editor and BlUl. Mgr .
Enter<!d at the post-office, Aug. 7, 1900. at Los
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' Thou shalt not bear false witi\CSS
against thy neighbor . '' This is ordi-.
narily as the ninth. command-
. ment. It would seein as if many
think 'that the divine ':force and author-
--ity had- been. ex4eusted -
niche in the monument was reached.
David, evidently referring to the great
aff:iiction which he had .suffered from
the lack of truth.fulness and fidelity of
Naz.arene . Mestienger
. .
. . .
wrong . . It still abi<;les in the clear ut-
of God that "All liars," which
. certainly includes those who
false witness . against .thy neighbor,"
shall have their part in the lake which
bnrneth with fire and brimstone; which
is the second death." M:otivity, we
g1ant, may have somewhat to do with
the heinousness of the falsehood,. but
carelessness in reference to ascertain-
ing as to the is no excuse for . the .
lie. Let those who profess to be Chris-
tians be carefui to ''depart from all
iniquity," which certainly includes
falsehood against a fellowman. . If
things be carelessly uttered, it still r e-
veals a bad state of heart, whi ch should
iead to heart 'searcihing w-ith p enitence
and reformation. I.JOVe "rejoiceth not
in iniquity, bnt r ejoicet.h in the trnth."

I ordinarily pay no attention to the
multitude of falsehoods which are iUs-
seminated against me and the work to
which the Lord has called me, kn< .. nying
that the Lord is ti.1lly able t<;> take care
of His own work. But there are some
things which it may be best tv take
tinre to tell the truth itr reference to.
I received a date or Feb-
ruary 9th from a nwst excellent and
--worthy local tlie Methodist
Episcopal clni1;ch at San Diego-:t hc
same who made, during my recent visit
there, a large gift to the publishing
house to help on the work being done
in . that dcpa:rtment-:-which letter has
the following postscript:
"N. B.-This morning our M. R min-
ister was here on a visit. lie tells me,
Dr. Bresee is a member of a secret. so-
I told him I eotild hardly believe
it, as their discipline forbids it. But
he said up to two ago yon were
in connection with them,' and .. that
would not agree with real holiness. So
you sec you are watched by some-
'hody. " .
men, which led him to an extreme utter-
ance; wrote, "I said in my haste, all
men are liars.' ' A Scotch :preacher
commenting on this 116th Psalm is
ported as saying,
Ah David, and had
ye. lived in this day ye could ha v<> said
it at your leisure. " Whatever excuses
may be offered for the misrepresenta-
tions used to" make smooth the ordinary
eoti.rtesies of society, or to deceive the
en_emy in war, or to protect the fugi-
tive or oppressed from the oppressor-
which we do not now discuss-ther e
can be no excuse for falsehood for the
Now I wish to confess t hat there ar e
some things in secrecy which I have
purpose of injury, which is evidently sought. I have songlit in snch ways as
"bearing false witness against thy .. have. brought me into certai n r elation-
neighbor:" We write these -\vords not ships. I heard the Lord say "He that
especially for I I his cause that suffered . dwelleth in the secret place of the Most
wrong," for to him, especially H it be High Hhall abide under the Hhadow of
.for Christ's sake, is pronounced meas- the Almighty," and my heart longed
ureless blessing, so much so that he is for such a retreat. Then I heard Him
urged to .rejoice and be exceeding glad say that: He would hide me in the
-jump' up and down-in that he has secret of His presence from the pride of
touched the prophetic line of treatment, man, and keep me secretly in 'a pavilion
fl.nd . bis rewaW, ,awaits him. in . fr_om the ot tongues, for w:hi ch .
heaven. But for "his cause that hath 'my h eart . cried oi1t. He i11spircd my
done the wrong," "'r that doeth the heart with trust and I said "In the sc-
[February 18, 1909
c.ret of His taberunc1e . shall He
mt" ' v
. I became somewhat familiar with
some of the ritual of the place' ll!Hl
liked it. I r ead, ''But t hou, when thou
prayest, enter into thy closet, wlt en
thou hast shut the door, pr.ay to thy
Father which is in secr et; and thy
F.ather seeth in secret shall re-
ward thee openly. " I came int() com-
pany with one Zophar, and while I <litl
not fully agree with him in some t.hings
when . he got to praying for Joh a.nd
finally said
Oh that God w<;>uld si)P-ak
and that he would show t lwe
the secret" of wisdom." I said amrn,
and suggested to Zophar I would likP.
to have him join me in prayer for that:
same blessing. '\Vell, by the gmee of
God and His translating, trari:.-forming
Spirit, I was brought into the ::wttet
place where the Lord "reveal et.h Jl is
secret unto .. His seryants. " I am ftre
and glad to confess that I belong t.o' t his
secret society of the r edeemed and hol y
ones. I belong to no other, 1mlc.-;s lun-
ing a wife and belonging to her , ot lw-
longing .-to the, Pentecostal ( :Jnuclt of
thc Na)':arene may be to some a'
P. 1<. BJ'\'Sl' t'.
As among the minist ry; so among
lay members there must be
and fidelity. Fideli ty to God, keeping
the holy fire burning. Evory layman
should seek to so touch God that out
of his heart should flow rivers of li ving
water. Fai t hful to the mP-ans of g1a:,
no attraction, no . sense of curiosity
Rl10uld 1eau him to . diseonritgc his pas-
tor, dispirit ltis brethren, and mnke
himself a weakness by his absence ftotn
t he hoitse of the Lord. No member of
t he modern tribe of Gad is any rcal
value to the. chnreh he professes to hr
a. member of (not belong to). But he
says, "0, I wanted io hear such a one,"
etc. Yes, ai1d to satisfy his cnriosit_v
he deserted his company in the hour of
hattle. No soldier would find excu:se
nor pardon for absence ft'om his pla<e
in the. ranks because, forsooth, he
wa-nted to see- sot'ne . sight, or even ob-
serve some battle. To be a good lay-.
man there must be such a passionate
desire to glorify God by pushing th'b
work, that being in the house of God'
and at the .appointed pliLCe of prayet'.
that no curiosity could for a. mom< ut
interfElrEl. A: passio!l, dcsir __ .... ,
would n?t be. increased by any.inciden
tal thing such as the assmed present:e
February 18, 1909] .
of Gabriel or anl great man. That it
is the place wlJere the Lord has ar-
ranged for- him to be, 'to meet himself,
is the greatest of motives and attrac-
tions to him. Faithfulness; fidelity . and
livine anointing, all of which
sihlc to every 1nan, will malw anyone
ost nsefnl member of the ehurch .of
'l'he above is a strang heading; hut I
suppose that it is a's good as :iny foi
,.;,Jwt I have in my mind .to say-which
is suggested by a couple of editorialsin
last week's Messenger, res pee
"The Enemy," and " ''J.'he Messenger
Mol-it great nien mid things, aud par- Lively must forsake all to fOlloW. Him;
tieularly .deliominationl'), have had to He goc.s; .to be :goor as
And is espe- gave example; to be unpopular with ..
eially and very conApieuonsly true of those wjth whom ne is unpopular. This
the denonimations with the must be the spirit, the p!.Wpose, the at-
p-reachers above quoted are eo.nriected. titude of those who us as we
And there is someadvantage in. being pl"Ofeiis to represent Him.
''small.'' It is easter to find an<;l.hit an Our church is hardly the place for a
insect than an elephant. Billy preacher who would expJoit himself,
said, "I wanted to be hothing; for the or is simply looking .for 'a 'job .
<levil can do nothing with notl,ing." Here is great opportunity, plenty of
Bnt God can make .worlds out of noth- . room, tor. men of Holy Ghost ' convie-
ing. Some people even sing with the tion a_nd call. Here as hard. work, un-
spii:it and the understanding also; "0 popularity, .poverty; hut here is lib-
t o be nothing, nothing." erty to prcaG)l the gospel to the poor
Yes, even should we remain -a full gospel, a glorious gospel-and
. " little and unkno\vn, to follow the Lamb whithersoever He
Loved and prized by God alone,'' leads.
let us rejoice. The convictions that guided me to
It is inneh l>ctter to he some kind of this Gideon's Band-as expressP.d l.Jy
' ' Insects. ' '
insectf? tban to hc-;m inflated balloon me in an article headed "'\Vhy 'a Naza-
l<intl of Prcaehers. " . ..
Yes, I too have h eard a prominent for instance. r ene,'" have grown on me, aml have
preacher of a large denomination (not ;l'he ant and the spider and the bee thrust me farther in; and I would urge
the sa111e preacher referred to. "in that 1'irc all <lassed as "inseds," hilt they them as rules for action upon the brcth-
clitorial) iri tho presence of a large nrc eonsidcred rcspecti'lble and sneeess- ren who are looking thi;; way:
I'OIIgi'Cgation of that den0111ination use fu) littJ-e ereattlres. .] c . ' t 2
. . ons1s ency. . Conscnation.
t.hc expression, ''Seet s and. insects.'' It ''1'lle lJ1t n e a pno' ' )n n t t 0 <r .Y. (' . l ' t (' II
I S ul < " p " 0 !'. l' n.,, l 01) genla 1 .y. ct. ... a .
may not have been so intended, but y et they prepare their _meat in thPsnm- , .11
there was a certaiu emphasis ':on the mer." They never play at business. "' . -"
final word whidl at least So the "inse<:t" denomination at least READ IT OVER AGAIN.
1 ; and, although at. Nw t is ,not "playing church., "Go to th c If a a II the d istriet superintenden ts
1 imc I- was a member of :\ snwll a.iJt , thou sluggard ; her ways, r r ad tlH1t _ed itori.!!l of Dr: .Bresee's of
" seet," I was maue 1 o pf and and be wise. , last week on "The kind of. preachers
____ :;ylll.llll.t.llir._c: ... ___

need'' 1 Yon L
who used the (I hands, and is in king 's palaces., So Mwt.r paper ant.! sure ;md read 1t. 0 ,
th111k 1t was he) told me of another .. may ehureh "insects" do with their _ha\e read 1t, well good, but say,
p1ominent miuistet of another promi- might what their hands find to do, and 1t .will do _us all good to read it over
ncnt seet- who had used the same ex-. may <I well in the palace . of the King. once or twice mote. The true Nazarene
fH'ession with probably the same refer- I Icllelujah! said, ''I came to scud fire on ea):"th. ''
'.. The little busy bee improves eaeh It is more .of the Nar.arene .fire we need.
111 one of the good-sized cities 11ot far 0 Lord make tis all livin!!, !!lowing,.
shining hour and gathers honey all the -
fi'OIII J,os Ange les r ecently tile popular day from every open flower. It is not burning, sparkling, flaming centers of
Jastor of a'' Ia_ rge imd con- whit ell heated love. ...
so larg<' as a rarrion erow; hnt is en-
. -'-
- tl f J. \Y. Goodwin.
g1cga 10n, auUIessmg a ga ler ng
: gaged in a better business. So the
n;rwesentatives of the largest ,l.cmoni- -" -" .ll
'1lt "smaliPr and ineffieient <hurches" may
nation on some phase of ".good citizen- DR. E. F. WALKER'S ADDRESSES.
nut SU<"Cced in doing much as to
ship," spoke of "the snui.ller and in- '!'hose who have brcn pri vilegcd to
hulk, yet may they be freighted with
effil'ient churehes." It is reasonable to e1l>--to the inspiriug and insti-uctive
more . sweetness.
ass nnw that this preacher had in mi_nd "I<"' car not , little tior-1;:; for it is your addressLs on winning.' : by Dr.
1 he same . or.ganization (s) whic)1 the ...

E. F. walker of Pasadena at the Friday

'ather's. good to g ive :von the
other <ailed "insects. " kingdom. , night n1ectings at tbe First -Church:
w ell, we should not be very Los Angeles, ha\ c been greatly help-ed
if we arc in the sight . of :others . 'l'he editorial on the l{ind of pr<'<H:h- and made more effecti ve workers be- ,.
small mul insignificant ant! evcn coli- Prs desii'ell for this one of the smaller ans<' of tlH added light on the bless-
t cmptuous-though we should; f eel <lmr<h<'s is true and timely. 'vVe p1o- l' <lness ' and r esponsibility of the gra-
sony for thif.<;e who entertain a .t,;eeling f ess to he Penteostal m11l to be 'fol- <ions wol'lc Brother \Valker has no,\
of f:ontempt for us, an<l who despise t.Ja lowers of the Nazarene. Significant fhe or tnlks and they
. .,. g1ow better and better as he goes on.
of -small things''; and we should Those who are to be l<'aders 'l'he address of last Friday night was
remember that th<) gl'cat apostl& wli0 . among us should eertainly know in . ex- a marvel not only of exegesis but of
himself was willing to be acecinnted as Jl<'rienye the meaning of our drar as to what eonsti-
t.hc "filth a'!Hl offseouring of all things" vVc ar<' supposPd t.o stand fo
the full tut ed a . smner,- and showed the g1ent
fot' <,al,e,

' ng t
s so
) n l' t t 1 i
t b f
responsibility of Christians to save
.. - , <'n .eeos
<'xpe 'Jeuee, aJH .o e
- them. Brother \Vnlker w'ill continue
gospel to make fnll proof of his minis- .. _of ... .The Holy "these . talks notice' eucre--
upo;1 .. ; Ghost: gl<irifics JPsns. He must in- Friday night. anti those who miss henr-
despis!\ thy crease: \vc posi- ing him will lose n great blessing. .
. 8
"Ltos and_-Vicinity
Oo.od Hudi cnces at
day-Sabbath r ea lly an all day
ing...:...from 8 11. m. to 10 p. 111. 'l'lw
o'clock prayeJ meeti ng in t.he n1orning.
as nsmtl, . was full of viet01y. The Sa b-
b;t th -sehool hrtcl a good n mil her of n <'W
scholm,.s, the 11 o'clock sPrvice was full
of blessing. Dr. preaehell fiom
Isaiah Gl:l. ''Arise. Shine,'' h_is theme
being "l.1uminous Personality." H e
. d es('ribed a lighthom;e, told of its vrc-
patccl foundiltiC:ms. its careful ilncl solid
l>nilding. its to
and concentrate light. hut that. the
grcat thing was fire; that . the _ end of
its construction was the fianw -without
which it n danger instead of a
warning and guidant;<'. li<' spoke of .
the foundation cost of (
JH'rsonalit;\'. of its st.l'Pngth and pcrrna-
neJw,,. Also of the laws of -light ; ,that
in t>lel'trie light a 1<11gp JWrtPntage of
tlw rays are rays. JH'f'l'ssary hut:
not luminous. hut withimt \\hich t-lw
luminous ra,-s: conhl not Px ist . So he
spoke of human molal elcmei1ts,
whi ch enters into ( ' hristian 1
cssill'Y hnt ean,ving no light to
ancl transform. sneh as honestv, ttuth-
fulness .. fideli6r. <'Ourage. ete. , wi-thout
which tiH 1a,vs of <'xperien ce of (iivinc
p<'rsonalit,v \d1i l' h the ia.'' H of
love and liiwtion and hol_,. J)a:;;sit;n tan
11ot exist.
-- ' 'l'Jie afternoon sf'nil'<' in Uiarg<' of
Brother Goodwin was given to
mony, and " 'Hi-\ a season of tcfreshing
aud power. 1t is very cYident that
these afternoon holiness meetings are
growing in spititnal life af1d int er est . .
a good number of strangers HI'<' . i1i .
attclld<l!H'<' f'\'C'J'Y Sn1Hlav. At thC' <losP
t"o at tl;<' altm. and a
tide Ol bl essing 0\'Cl' thf' pe>opJ<.
At the t>\ening S<'J'ril'c n
good congregati on prcscnCto hea1 Bro.
Goodwin. who lnonght the message
from Eph. 2:8. and quoted s ev<'ral
othl'l' texts a long the sa me J in e. king
as his snbjcct. "Saving . Pflith." . .:\
spirittial and livel.v prilise serYi<e. as
scor-es of men and women a rose to
S t: ripture or to give thanks nnto the
T.Jbrd, was enjoyr d hy all. .it'Jst hef m<
the sermon. At the alhu (mll therf'
JVazaren.e Mess.enger
l.he eoUege brought the mcssag. I'
. \\'liS .full of the word of God- of wh-ich
-iv< 1ill Prajse G,lii, we. arc .
g-oing on. Hallelujah!
...- .lC oil
tied .at the morui1ig 1i1id at
.tJ'IC' altnr l:!eeking pnr<1on at the evening
serVice, dosing .the day with a bTessed
time of prayer. 'J'he pastor in tlw
rounds of"vis iting found a woman <ly-
ing with cousumption--:11. Seventh Dity
Adventist---:-nnd the Holy Spirit lrelpt>d
me to point hei to the atonement, and
qn Sunday she .sent word by one of'
<)nr me-mbers to "Tell that N a7atl:enc
I ved and I;end.v to mtpt
God, '' HJJd her face shines with victon
a.11!l glory. Bless the ];ord. C. B. L .
.,c .JI .til
'!'he enrly morning prayer meeting
at l<'i1st Chnrdt is always a feast to_
those that talw t'f i-t.
l'ri cntls. do ymi really' want to s ec that
great rt>vivnl it; Southern California.
'!'hen beseech God to make yon an in-
tercessor, and as Isaiah prayed , "Keep
not :;;ilence and give Him no rest. till
liP establish. and till H e Jcrnsac Sabbath morning S<!rvi c:e VPl',\'
lema JH'Hise. in the earth." lf t h cre had rrerions season for all the saints. Al'-
not hcen left a very small r emnant, wn a short s<'rmoH by the pastor 011
wonlcl_ haYe bC'en as f;odom. God a Christian" ftom. the tt>xt
'l-IP "'' onlcl have :'' 611 Htt4mtl the nlorn- . of T,u]<'e fl :2:-l, -n hnpthmt id seivi1;e fei
1 prayer mef'tmg. On street - m'e candidatC's was Jwrcl . ' followl!d ll\
on Fifth nnd San l5tlec>ts th;1 administtation of. the r;ord 's
-was the <'ltrnest ami tes- pc1 to a large cong1cgation. tmcl t hPn
timoni<s of the _Seed is being the r eception of twelvt person<.; ii1to
we tl'ltst that will .'' telcl mnny hn11- < hmch fellow'ship. 'l'hcsc me, a part or
drcd fol<l. LPt ns lw about om J<'ath- the tcsnlts of the recent revival meet-
's ht_tsiness. 0 here i11gs. Others who could not be pres-
Souls arc pcr1shmg for tht> want nnt on Sabbath will he - received next.
of l'hannels that God wants to use. and following Sabbaths. 'rlw I.Jord has
Will you he n c,Juunwl thmugh whieh lwf' n good to give us whc;le famili es it.-
r:an world II . . f. K: this w<wk. The pastor preached in tht:
.JJ ..- .ll ' l <wening on "True HolinPss, " fl'OlJJ
_ pii'sse1l
. h); Cc;_ E of the First Chnieli. L(ls
CilL :
\Vher eas. Sister N. C. RadfOl'tl haY-
ing het;n aSSOl'iaf:ctl\\rifl) tiS as fcacler
of Co. E. for the pHst two yelll's. in
whi eh cit pacit,\' she has gteatly en-
. cleare-d hersC'lf to Hll of ns, hnt owing
t,) the heavy burde ns and additional
r eonneeted wjth hor
wo1k HS d eHconess .. slw frcls unde'l' tht
netcssity of r esigning,
Resol n cl. That W<' as mernhe J's h<' r e-
ln <>xtend to her our as wl'll
appn1eiation. for he1 faithful (l<'vo-
tion to all the inter ests of t he wml;: ,
fo1 h<' t' ];:ilHlly sympathy, he-lpful min-
istration:;;. wise l'Otmeil and godly PX
ample. _,1Jvcd. That onr praye1s shall as-
l'Cnt t o heaven for the continued hl c:;;s-_
ing .of Go(l npon li<'r labors in lPif<ling
souls to thP :\fastf'r.
Rph. 4:24.
:'rhe meetings led hy _Broth'er
tc>r Iti c k st1flrt well. '!'he attcnclante
is .gQQd. Yesterclc! was a gQ.Q!l_ da ,._
bl essing. of the Lmd was mani fcst
in all the serYiees. At 11 a. 111. Rist;., . .. ,
Tri ck gnve an inspiring message. 'l'"o
.c:ame at the altar e1tll. One praycr
through to victory. At 2 Brot-h<'t'
Tt-ick gaye ' an nntuous nwssage in the
Holiness Chnreh to a house fnll : Fo11r
eame at the altar 'l'lucc pra,\td
throngh to victory. At 7 Ill. Brot !J,.r
Tri r k ga\'e a m<'ssagC' of -great powp; to
a .well fill ed house. Eight sonls l't''
sponded to the 11ltnr rail. F\1111'
prilyed through to et:
continue this week. All-clay no ec tin!!
F1iday. Come if yon
for .vi(tory!
G. \V. GJ.-., < ,. _
P . CAL.
we r e fonr who ]melt seeking God for VERNON, CAL.
salvation: The saints were trinm-
. Sunday, Fchrnal'Y 7. in Pasadmw, 111
sp.itc _of the inclemeney of the we-at lwl' .
-hJonght a . very goo(l tltt<JHlallc' P .at t lit '
inmning_ service.
phant llronnd the llltar and afl seem t 0 'Ph<' Lord he prai sed for anotlwr Sah-
feel that there is a greater tide of sal- hath day':;; journey on. our wny to t'hc
\'Htion SOOn to hurst upon \lS than t)ip c' ity of redeemed. 0;1r .IWOp)e W<'l'<'
church has known for ,veill's. A llH'n. all out and both morning and Ci'<' n ing
Keep on pra.ving and ],eeJ) on believing.
the littl e_ c:hnrch building was well
- Co. E meeting was richly blessed of fillc<l. at night, ansVit was a
God. Sister Smoot hr01'!ght the mcs- bl essed chty in many r espects. 'J'wo r<' -
sage from 2 Chron. 20th Chap. emphil- quests fot' praye_r wer e ma de at the
sizing the n ecessity ,)f our standing mo1 ning setvice. one a sick woman .
still and praising God iri the midst of that 'IoVas dying and was not 1;cady to
battl e while. H e onr fighting--a : meet Go1l ln1t was .saved during the
s'lue wHy to victory. . - " day 1incl rt'joi(:ing in theo love- of her
-'l'he -Brotherhood of Saint Stephe n savior. and a hoy was nlso healed; an(l
had a r eal uplift. Brother Frazier from bless the Lord for one that was sancti-
Rev. \Valker . again nnnoulH:Cd his
t<xt from the sf'cond ' eliapter of , \ cts
and the filst four V<'rses; this tim<' II<'
t:onsideJed these " ;breis. ' ' And thev 1,...
gan to speak with othet t ht
spirit gave them nttcrauce"; and lw
also - r ead the fourteenth ehapter ol'
First Corinth ia 11. 'Phc sermon wn::. vt>l'\'
pO\\'erful and instrudive and hrougl;t
gJeat light"'to t:hose who hmud- it ; hut
owing to the grcntness of (he snhjNt
nnd the lac;k of time, he wns unabl e to
February 18,' 19091
collciliile, uml will colltiuuc this same
bjcct next Sabbath morning. ..
'J'he peopl e's Pentecostal love feast,
which is regularly held at t hree o 'dod<,
._ was postponed on acc!!un t of thf;! meet-
ings in the Friends ' church ._ wh1ch 111'1;
hl!ing by Rev. wrll II Huff
of Tow1i. . .
:' 'l'lw Youug People's at f! -;HO
in tlw evening ver y mte rcstmg.
' !'he snhject was the imprisonment . and
deliverance of Peter uti'd John. \Ve
Wt!l'l! also favmed with the presmree of
:\fl. F'igg. a- student from-"l)eet 's
. Bihlt! Colle ge, nnd his ea1nest (ll' a,vm
and testimon,\ " ' as a inspiration
l o t he .''0\lllg people. .
At the evening jneaehing . . t ht!
attl'ndani:e was small<r than mmal.
Brotlwr walker upon tlw r<-
sult til' negleet ing "so great Hahatio.n."
his th<>i1ie ht!ing:Ilcll , a as w!ll
as a fad. a piiH:l' JH'Ppared I'm tht dt\il '
nnd his arrgels. . . .
\\'ords fail with whid1 to <'X(H'PSS tltt
dt<:p iniJH'essions made hy that sprnwn
np.on the minds and hemts of thost prts-
.. nt. nnd t)ll' J'tsnlts wi)) nP\'1! 1' lw I'PH-
li r.l'd until that great. tla,v.
. . ....
Nazarene . 'Me8ilenge't'
Notes and Personah
- --
. Have ) j OU ordered new
yet? Yov should have rt to know the
changes mnde. .
. of J ',;neshoro. Ark. ,
t;eports seventeen new mcml)ers.' This
is good, hut let the cl;Y go up fm more.
. .
0 pteaehers, be in d ead <a ruest.
tlouls arc going down to eternal ruin.
Don't lost any .. t itr.r_tU!_n triHes. hut phrd{
men from t.he tternal burnings.
Brother .John Nothet'I'Y has .itist
dosed a suc.cessful meet ing at Tornan-
da. Pa. There was a mo\'1! ftom the
\;Cl'.)' first seni cc . . \\'ell. Hillen: f J<e.<p
o11 ____ ._ , -:.--
The Jll'xt ail-day f;1r the
U nurd A veri ue dnud1. Los Augclt!S.
will he hdd 11ext week. Thursthl\. Fth-
ruary 2;)th. Hjutial pl'<'al'h<rs ht
j>l'l'SPIJt a)\ . aay.
severe yet t nre at'l'aigument of u1e .
liquo husiuess \Ve ' hllve evet heard ..
Th.!! J ... urd Bi'tty_
"" $ ""
Arkansas District-Feb. 24, - Atk. ;
Feb. 26, .Malden, Mo.; J.i'eb.'27:28, .Jones-
horo, Ark.
Alabama Dist rict-Match 2-3, Thax-
ton, )liss.; Mareh 5-7, Jasper, Ala.
Houtheast ern District,-March !J-11.
Donaldsonville. (Ja.; )lardt
rant. J'lit.
Keutucky Distri ct- 17-18,
)lont Eagle, Tenn.; )hitch 19, )lontera,
Tenn.; . )larch 20-21, C.
.Vvashington . District- )latcn 2:3,
Washington. D. C. (at night).
Philadelphia Disttict Asscmbl y-
))aJch 24-28. ('heste r , Pu.
Philadelphia Disttict. )Jan:h 25-28;
:\ orthPastlJ'll . Dist1ict: A pri I lil-1 ;
Washi11gton District . \ptil 2!l-1Iay 2 ;
::'\ cw York Distri ct. )lay G-9 ; X ew Eng-
land District, )fay -1:3-Hi ; Pittshurgh
A suhstrihtr to t.he Messenger \\Tit Ps I)' 1 t 'I 21 2
. IS I'll: . ' ay J- ::>.
us that paptr '' is a Wl'l corne visihll' P. F. Bresee.
to our Hom<' . iulll we fep) that wi totrll" If F R
. - . . cynolds.
11ot tlo without it. :\Ia_,. God tontirnw E. P. Elhsou.
to make it a hl cssi n!.!. " (
tluntlay. a I though ra i.n." and' hat-1 "
"" ""
nn:r. heHil aud IIIHitrfoo( it did_ not in- 'l'hP sptt:ial nr et.tings hPing lwld II\ $
with .our :. Sunday sc htlol. for Ilnff at thP Frirnif's---- _- "A FRIEND: IN NEED."
al11 iut a half hour lwfort Hnntlay sl'hool J>asatltna: f'al.. art lwing. g ra- Brother .John E. well knowu
1111' past or was ca llt!tl to t ht door; when <' IOHSI ): bltssed of the Lord and IIHlll.'. to our rcadtrs in !-;onthtrn ('a) i fol'll i;t.
at'<' berng LJJ IHUill_ll:tifietLa.utL th':---is- JHtssing - t-hmng h
. I tl f G I I f . thmdr rarstd to a hrgh<t plall' of , .. ,li SP of sr .. J rrts< r'rr ltr s f'triii.I'-' ''tll
liS )J'I) 11'1' 1'0111 1"1 1'1ln l' t'at V 01' . ' . ' ' ' -' " '
1 1
'.' -'
f SJlll'Jtualrt). other ad\erse <ircHmst :tn<!'S iic d e-
SundaY sl'h<m ; a so quth a nnm wr o . . . . - .
. , . Sl l't'S to get Ill tolll111\lllll'atlOU With SOlllt'
o1 hPJ' clllldrtrr. ha\t a good school. A most bl<ssPd \\'ork is gor nl,! oil 111 ( ' liristian who will take llp the. mort -
lly thl tintP. H11nday sthool was out Yarmouth. :"\'. H .. a lw- gagt oil his hon11 in Alhambra and loair
dar lkothPr and Sistt'r -J<nntwt' ill of ing tlw best tlu saints had enr wit - h i m $400. or hP wilf sell his place on
Dal e. and othtrs. tlwn nessed ." Brother E. n carn . is tht " UJH'l'- pay.nwnts of $1 ;"> per month. Il l' (' llll
for so we had a iutl'ndtnt of tlw Nortlwas t Distrid and lw adtll'lssecl at .:WI :'\. :\[arquatetta Ht ..
l!I'HIId IIIPI'ting. \Yl all!,!ot hlesstd and . is pushing things all along. \VP also .\lhamhra. ('al.
wnt hon11 filltd with 1hP Ilol,\ Ghost lwar glad tidiugs fl-onr Oxfortl. :\. :-\ ..
and fire. Rt. -f1hns. :'\ . F.
!11 the 1'\'l'lling God tHllll' and hltsstd
11s who W<'l't th<'l't'. so von st'<' that.
( :od is irr Latin. . L. B: D.
IC" . IC" IC"
Hulllhl.'' .l<'ehruai':Y 14. has i>cl'n one
o[ God 's. hcst days _fm Sa n Dit>go ; tlw
work niovcs on. BrothPr l; ll it;t.f: gave
a d on san l'tificatiorr. ma h in g it
Billy \\' hat ! :_ a
. .soul 011 fin for lnst nw11 and hatrl' d l'or
all phases of wrong tloi11g. Thr<' ' ti1111s
. oir hi' spoke to tongr'l'l!atiolls
,._of six thousand pcoplt. thousands lw-
iug turned awa,\'. He is tJpar II thi
.. gospel atnllt!lllcnt. aud st'athiuglv d eals
with Hll shams. His atltlrPs:-; im ' 'Roozl' "
11.1) , Sl! hhath aftl'l'JI(IOII W;lS . lht . lllost o
very plain. In the - aft<>rnoon Brother
New Manual
The usual prices in quantities.
Retail price 25c post paid.
!fazarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
1\ing gave a s hort at the h oli-
ness meeting and tlwn the vitto.rions r.
ltsti monies in Christ .made it good _t.o
We Can Fjll Your Orders for
ht ther e. Attendance very good at hoth
llHH!t ings. Iu the e vening Btot:hl'r
Eliott preach ed with Hnction and pow
anti souls we1c at t he altar for
tiati on, anti WI' gi\t Got! al-l tlw .r]ot v
l J. "\:\r.
"" -"" ""
. APPLES OF GOLD is just the_ book
for an Inspiring Gift. It will bless
the soul and inspire faith. Send for
one. 30c. postpaid; 10 for $2.
The AsSembly Minutes
N azarerie':.Publishing Co.
Los Angeles, California.
10 Nazarene. . Messenger
,:, Deets Pacific- Bible College
641 E. 28th St., .Los Angeles, Cal.

MY PRESENT OCCUPATION. cago church are sending inc thiougli
It is ncady two years since I entered college. Well, you have heard much
said apqut the college already, but I
the D. P . B. C. I truly say that assure you, ''the half has never been
these two years have
been<_the very best tol
of my whole life. I'll never The atmosphere around here is filled
forget this place nor this company of with h_eavenly breezes. } hav:e never
people, as lo11g as life shall last. met with a better company of wholly
Nearly three years ago, i n the sanctified young men and. women,
church of the Nazarene in Chicago, whose aim and ambition is to '' girdle
where I was coi1Verted, I had the privi- . the globe with salvation, with holiness
lege . of hearing Mrs. Banarjee, the mis- unto t he Lord;'' The missionary spirit
fiom.India. 'rhe st.ory of tlre seems to burn apd glow in each heart,
child .wido'ws, their untold suffe:r;ings, and there is such unity among us. And
filled me with such a passion for the what shall I more say, for the time
salvation of the lost that I said, "Here would fail me to tell of our beloved
am I Lord, s end me," and He took me Miss Maris and Miss Wood, .
at my word. It was not very long :=J,:(ter who sit .at Jesus' feet. They seem to
a had made this promise t h at the Lord he a combination of Peter and John in
began to talk to me about it.. T was one. 'l'ogether they can pull through,
persuaded that He was calling me out rain or shine, and of our beloved tC'ach-
to t h e mission fi eld. But oh, how I ers, who are the "cream of wheat"
tJied to r esist the voice of the Spirit at among the holiness ranks.
first.. I began to make. all ki nds of ex- Best of all the Lord daily walks and
[Fe-bruary 18, 1909
it,' that the '\yillbless it.and sauc-
tify souls.
Chioago, Ill.
Quite a number have sent in a list
of five subscribers for the "YOUTH's
COMRADE." They got.the club rate
of $3.00 for the Haven't you
. five young friends td' nd it to? You .
can thetp. ancl lp the paper at
the same time. .
u Where Art Thou?''
or, Spiritual Earthquakes.
This book by this. noted Evangelist will
arouse, instruct and bless. Send for it.
Bound in Cloth, 320 Pages
. Price, $1.00
Pins ...
cnses. I tried to make myse-lf to . talks with us. How I praise God for a
licve that jt, '\vasn 't God 's calli ng. But. reaL.expcrienec of full salvation .in my
I will never the day of. Feh- heart, through the cleansing blood of We have a new supply of Nazarene
ruary, Hl07. m the mornmg. \Vh1l e at Jesus. Pins. The Nickel-plated, such as
work. the I.Jord me to I expect to be in :Mexico some day, . w.e have heretofore and a new
"l't 11p '1 Jl c1 go 011't 'rl11. tJ. II'l e I ,,as kmd made of shell with
"' . ' . . ,., . smgmg a nd preachmg . holmess. lVIy black lettering. '
that 1;. was the vo1cc of the eamest prayer to Gotl is that He may Nickel . - . ....----.,
-- Spll'lt .. I L eQ_ul<;l n t __ calLsanctified.-).:.oung_men_a)Id_ }vomen,__ __ _
and I lllll glad I ever saJd yes to and thrust them into the whitened Plated------_, ,,_ ____ , ""'
- And t hat hour the I.1ord field. 25c each
defimtely showNl me-that I was to go Abalone
to the Deets' Pacific Bible Coll ege. The' Yours for the salvation of dark l\[cx- Shell
first year was one of testing, .especially ieo. Speross D. Athans.
0c each
on the line of finances. But praise the
Lord, He has supplied every need this Note.-Gift.s wi ll b e admowlellged
Nazarene Publishing Company
year, as the Y..Oung people of oul:' Chi- next \veek D. V.
'l'he arti cl e in the l ast Messenger in
to the specal h oliness meeting
held . in the First Chur <(h of the Naza-
;:en c; Los me np t(j
write. T am r eceiving the Messenger
-regular now. danger to our folks
is to do as others ar e
holiness too general-not making it
definite. Holiness is a definite and
special blessing received by faith and
comes .to the s01il like lightning when
all in on altar. Jesus Christ himself be-
, invg the Christian altar. I was 'a long
time getting where God want!?d me . . hut
glory to his name I got there and am
there now. I find it just suiting nw.
J am kept by t he power of God through
faith. I have great peaee in m:- soi1l.
l\fy mind is stnyed on .Christ. Now aftm
more than fifty-five years my niind is
kept in perfect peace. I am now ncar
8:1 years old hnt my."' s(n1l feels quite"
young> I am 1iot ahle to he :tt: all t he
.se1vices at the ehinnh hut am spi lit.-
ua1ly in them. When I was sick the
Lord lead rrie to th,e Island of Patmos
and the1; into the wilderness; f r om
to the Ganlen of Gethsemane and . r,lLe
now I see what it meant. so t hat I can .l It
have such precious moments alone with
Time to Strike;
Or,' Our Curse.
God. His preeions blood cl eanseth me
. from all sin every moment or my life:
After spending more than thirty c.
in the 'special work of holiness and
iug hundreds sanctified wholly. 11ow to
be kept in such a blessed quietness and
peace in my soul, I eannot praise God
enough , Glory. ' I do .. riot want . to
weary you, but my soul doth . magnify
N A story of sixteen ,told in
an interesting and graphic way, of
Curse of the Liquor Traffic, and
1ts awful effects on the family. It is
timely and should be read by every
lover of cleanness and purity.
my Lord as never before. I awakened
last night at 2 o'clock and Gofl gave
me this word: '.'I write unto yon
Fathers because ye have known him
from 'the I.Jove not the
world nor the things of the world. Tf
any man love the world the love of the
l<'at.her is not in l1im." I was asl{ing .
God to show me a man like Bilo<ih, who
wall{ed with years, mid God
said to me. "Do "it yourself." I am
Nazarene Publishing C(Jmpany
- . Los Angeles, Cal.
, < it hy His gr:we mHl it is hlesseu,
plaisP Oo1l. 0 how J would luvn . to IH
in of tlw spcnial mcdings. on
'L'uesday in yom old chureh. vVe r eopen
our meeting. I ask yon all to pray. for
. .
. '!f J. Ktrkplrlck, Ed.
PUB. CO., 730 San

- February 18, 1909] -11
Our Young People
nettle does the skin, I wonder if' they Some girls don :t appreciate their
iire not wearing nettle cloth; and it mothers until they lose them. \lll' _._
made them 'scratc;hy'?'' Save YOU! mother froin all t_he worry
Amy and Harry looked at one an- you can. . - - .
" 'Tis better to get than it is to give,"
Is the rule by \vhich the . misers live; .
" 'Tis better to give than it is to get,''
Is a rule young Christians ,
_ n_ever forget. -
other. Amy spoke fitst. ''I didri 't . you are ygu oon_
mean anything only to t ease Harry a rise m time to assist with the work
little. But I'll try and - not be _ before you go, and--_help when you
scratchy.'' _come home. _ The- change and-exercise
. ''And t 'll try and not scratch back, _', . - is good for you.
snid Harry. -''I don't want anybody - The prettiest girl in the world is ab-
to think I'm wearing nettle cloth.- solutely_ devoid of charm if she is . rude $ $ $
Dew Drops. . to her mother. - - -
"Oh, __ came _______ :__ _ .JJ .$
into the house crying and holding his HOW TO BREAK A HABIT.
lwncl. A minister offered a prize to the boy
" \Vhat 's the matter now, cry- who would write the best composition
hahv ?" asked Amy. in five minutes on "1-lo\v to .Overcome
' '1 got into a bunch of nettles and a Habit. "
1hcv stung mel' My! ho-\v it hurts!" 'rhe prize w.ent to a lad of nine years.
';I wouldn't make a fuss over such The following is his essay:
a I ittl e thing as a nettle sting." Amy "\IV ell , sit, habit is hard to overcome.
" as- eleven, two years older than If you take off the first Jetter, it does
IT<Il'l'Y, and- very often she' said little,_. not charJge 'a bit.' If you take off
sha rp things to him. another you still have a 'hit' left. If
llany's face grew r ed. "I just wish yon take_ off still another, the whcle of
you' d get stung ___ by nettles yourself, 'it' r emains. If you- tak e off another
a11cl then we'd see! Horrid, mean old it is wholly nsed up ; all of whi ch goes
1hings! I don't know what they grow to show that 'if you want to get rid of
fot. " - .. a habit you must throw _ it off alto-
Gl'a ndma. who -had he en sitting in getln!r. ':'-vVestern ., Christian Advo-
- chair by the looked up. eate.
"Sometimes the nettle, for all its sting,
hn,; lwcn ' zcry useful. I have heard my
111ot ht> r , who was your great-grand- -
J acob,the ;Heelgrasper,
Some of God's Pictures of
the Carnal Mind.
With Portrait and Introduction
This is a volume. of 350 pages packed full of
striking lessons from . the life of Jacob, writ-
ten jn the clear and direct style of this emi-
nent Evangelist.
. ,. - . )
Bound in Cloth, Price $1.00
Nazarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street, ,_
Los Angeles, Cal.
mo1her , say that when she was a little girls, that all yonr lives
,:rirl shP had a. nettle diess." lnothers -]Ht\e - heen sacrificing Moha ve Ch_ildren
- ",\ nettle dress!" Amy and Harry tlwmH(Jyes fo1 you. _
hot h eried together. "How did she Let h er see that appre('Iate what
-- --- --she has- done;-- ----
, The nettles were not quite like . mother stay in heel in the
1 Ito"'' that stung I-Iar1y when she wore mornmg wh1le yon the breakfast.
it. Jn those days people could not go Send _her out to a or a
to the store and buy the cloth for their call wh1le yon car:e for the cluldren.
elot hPs as they can . today; instead, it her. somethmg pretty to. wear.
had to he spun and \\'Oven ' hy hand. Confide m yo_ur She bet-
'l'h.v rven had to raise the flax from ter than any gtrl fr1end; and will not
whi f' h the linen was made; this, when _t ell _your seerets. . .
it ripe, was pulled aricl laid on the ,- Ktss your mother gootl-mght and l et
g t' OliiHl. till the outside of t he stalks her know that you love her.
Stories from life by
MissionarY to Mohave Indians _
A beautiful illustrated with fine half-
tone engravings, bound in Onyx .Bris.tol.
This book is instructive as well as entertain-
ing and gives an interesting account of real
life among these little known people.
An admirable gift for Sunday School , Teach-
ers to present to their classes.
. 15 cents
two for 25c
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
wcm and he
lr a\'ing only the inside, or fiber; to b_e
mad<' r eady for spinning.
.IT? .
A weekly holiness paper for young
people. _Full- of good reading matter.
Will prove helpful to any home or
Sunday School where it may go.
'' 'IVhep your great-grandmof!Jer was
a little girl, her' father and mother
moyefl. a long,- long " 'ay; iqi:o - a ' place
wh<l'l' 1t was all woods. mH1 thcy ('onld
raisc 110 flax till the thick trees
r ut awny. But there were a great
nettles growing tall and wild
111 the woods, and the people found
thnt, by doing with these just a<; they .. PRESIDENT BEESON, of Meridian Women's College. says: "Our Sunday
hncl with the they could g et . a School is highly pleased with it. "
that could_ be spun and woven - REV. C. E. CORNELL, Pastor of First Pentecostal . Church of the- Nazarene,
mto cloth, and -from this was made Chicago, says : "l congratulate you on the publication of "THE Yot)TB's CoM-
1 .- RADE. It is neatly f.rinted, wholesome and spiritual The reading matter is
!'; lll'ts for the boys and- sometimes attractive and helpfu. -I pray that it may have a large circulation. Our Sunday
dresses for t he girls." - - School has subscribed for it." . : -
" lHade from nettl e cloth!" ' ex- _PASTORS, SUPERINTENDENTS and: TEACHERS are delighted with it, and
Amy. "Did they like it ?'' write us letters of commendation. -
Of course -it was not as ni ce as flax
linen, .mi{I the boys used to complain
that t he shirts made_- of nettle cloth
were. 'scratchy,' but it was be,tter ' than
no cloth at all." . .
GET IT FOR YOUR HOME. See that your Sunday School
orders a supply for next quarter.
.. Grandma pail sed and sri1iled: "And- --
t ' . " Single Subscription .... .......... . 75c per year
1mes, when I hear boys and gi rls In clubs to Sunday Schools
saymg little, unkind things to . each (mailed to one ilame) .. : ...... 50c per year
other that -sting as . the beard of the .
(::::==R:::;=e=l=:p=fu=l=R=e=a=d=i=n=g=. = =:::::::]
lVIa.tthew Henry gives us s.ome cheer-
ing thoughts on "The Valley of the
Shadow of Death." . '
He sa.ys: "Here is one word, indeed,
whic.h sounds terrible-it is, death,
which :we must all count upon; there
is no discharge in that war. But, even
in the supposition of the distress, there
are four words which lessen the terror.
n. It is but the shadow of death;
there is no substantial evil in it. 'l'he
shadow of a se1;pent will not sting, nor
the shadow of a sword kill.
'' 2. It i s the vaHey of the shadow ;
deep, indeed, and dark. and dirty ; hut
the ' ' alleys are fruitful, and so death
itself is fruitful , of comforts to God's
'' 3. It is but a :walk in this valley.
a gentle. pleasant walk. The wicked
are chased out of the world, and their
sou1s are r equired, but the saints take
a walk to another world as cheerfully
as tlH:y take -'their leave of this.
"4. It is a walk thiough it ; the:v
shall not be. lost in the valley, but get
safe to the .. monntaiu of spices on the
other side of it. ''
with such saintly _experiences, in t.he
last hour, no wonder many, as they
-entered the valley;_ have asked: "Can
this be .dying 1 If so, it is blissful dy-
ing!'' Indeed, it is rather being t r ans-
lated than dying ..
.Nazarene Messe'!-ger
o' them comin ' . 'Btit they'lt be there,
you see if they aint. ''
. vVhen we r eached the excited
old man had started to ' leave the car
in eage1; haste. But the train had not
come to a standstill when a gieat
bearded giant of lt man; fully fifty
years. of age, hurried into the ear.
''Jimmy!'' cried out the old man
eagerly . . "Heie I am, ,Jimmy."
''Father!'' cried the son, and hc'.took
the little old man right into his arms
and lnigged him, while the tears stoocl
in the eyes of both.
A stout, plainly clad, middle-aged
appeared at the car door and
cried out, '' Father!' '
Then she turned and called to some-
one .. 01i the platform, "Her e he is!
Here is father . "
''Nellie, my girl!'' said the' old nian ..
The son and daughter had an arm
around the father as he left the ear.
One the platform wer e seven or eight
grandchildren from five to twenty
years of age.
''Here's your gran 'pa ! '' said Nellie
JOyfully, and a gr eat hugging and kiss-
ing time ensued.
Of course the passengers in the cnr
smiled; but I think the most of them
agreed with a lady on the car who
"It's a beautiful sight to see olcl
man loved and rever ed hy his children
and grandchildren, and I only wish
SUCh exhibitions Wf' l'C IIIOI"e (OIHIHOIL ''
To every one of us a crown is offPr ed.
but if any s(ars are to be in it, we must
set them ther e ourselves.
lfe!Jruary 18,
'!'he brightest stars shine forth from
hea.rts that love-just love because
they love to love and do not think of
self. --
He will wea,r the most stars in his
crown who seelcs neither stars noi
crown, but is impelled by constraininoo
love to imitate the Christ. "'
May this good year of Nineteen Niue
add many a star to the crown await-
ing you.-lVIarion Lawrance.
TRACTS By Rev. R. Pierce.
mary Purpose.
the Justified.
Them Up. .
Price 20c. per doz.; $1 00 100, postpaid.
OUR HOLY BUSINESS. "Be ye kind one
to -another. "
lOc. per doz. ; 50c. per 100, postpaid ..
730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
\ Will Convict, Inspire and Bless
Apples of Gold;
Or Words Fitly Spoken.
Being a Compilation of the brief Spiritual
Heart Messages which have appeared on the
first page of the MESSENGER during .the past
two years.
. '
240 Pages, Paper.
With portrait, and introduction
by Dr. Bresee.
In the anticipation, every true child
of God has a triumph note to utter.
The apostle has . .w,rjtten it: '' 0 death,
where is thy .sting? 0 grave, where is
thy victory? Thanks be to God whi-ch
giveth us the victory through our Lord
J esns Christ. ''
,JC ,JC ""
. Daily, kindly deeds, words of sym-
, pathy and cheer, tears, smile,<;, indeed
anything that interprets God hun gry
souls-these are our stars,
Price 25 Cents
by mail 30c; in lots of 10 $2.
In cloth, . 60 cents.
Address, " R. P."
730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
The writer remembers being on a
railroad train several years ago, when
directly in front of him sat. a kincll;.
looking, snowy-haired old ma1i, evi-
di'mtly unaccustomed to traveling a nd
as manifestly in his ' 'second child-
hood.'' He was Yery t alkative and he
told me all abont the journe;.' he was
"'I'm going to Iowa to see my son,
Jimmy, and my daughter, Nellie. Just
think! I aint seen either -of them chil-
dren for most six years. and if they
aint ti ckled to see me. I'll be
An' the train seems to fairly drag. I
get so impatient every time it stops at ..
a station! Wish it'd k eep right on an' .
never stop until we get to K- ; that's
where Jimmy and Nellie live.''
He began gathering up his belong-
ings. when we were still an hour's ride
from hil'l destination.
"I want to get ready to git right off
when we stop," he said. "Jimmy and
Nellie both will be. the meet
me, although they hve mne m1' out
in the country, and tr,ere aint no need
Texas Holiness University, PENIEL, TExAs
Holiness School of Strong Character, with C.ompetent Faculty and Thorough
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Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
LITERARY WORK: Primary, Acad-
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Bookkeeping, Shorthaud and Type-
writing. No better Business College
Th-e Audltorium:-One of our Three Large Buildings in the South.
MUSIC .. CONSERVATORY: Cannot be surpassed by any school in the Sciuth. . Com-
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. Low Prices, Thorough Work. I
Illustrated catalog. REV. E. P. ELLYSON, B.S., Pfes._

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