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.. The Blood of Jesus Christ .His Son Cleanseth us From All Sin.

. - It ' . ..... -
Vol. XIII.
Los Angeles, Califomia, March 18, 1909 No. 38
in Prayer.
get iii. " Within twenty minutes the
street door was opened. In that case
the shortest way to the top of the build-
ing was vi:i" Manchester . The shortest .
way to anywhere is via heaven. Get
into touch with heaven and all the rest
[':j(]UST about the timc. whcn the dif-
ferent holiness now
fonning the Pentecostal Church
ol' 1 he Nazarene began their work in
1.111' tast, west and south of th is eonn-
1r,,, there c6llllnenccd in
England, a holiness callc9
1 II 1'\'nt.eeostal J_jeague, under the lead
.. ,. a sanetificd htwycr named lVIr.
Hl'<tdCJ' Harris. The work has now
sptad over En glanJ, so t hat nearly all
la.rgt towns ha vc what is c;alled
"('entre," which holds ail-day monthly
nH e1 ings l ed by some one of the many
"ohes under the l1cague. _The League
is now a great praying body of Chr is-
1 ians, but who hold their m.cmbership
in the Uiffercnt evangelical churches.
Header Harris, K. C., is sti ll at the head
of t he League, and we give herewith
extmcts from an address r ecently de-
li,mecr by him on "Prayer and Revi-
vals,:' r eported in the Tongues of Fire;
the offi cial organ ' of the movement:
Now what is the divine method and
ortler 1 I believe the order of revival
is first intercessory prayer. "Tf two
of yon shaU on earth concerning
an,v1hing tl!ey shall ask, it shall be done
l'tir them.''
The Supreme Power.
God wanf<; to deliver us from sin, to
fill . ns with Himself, and t h en to turn
11s to accotint in the most g lorious
l" itt that 11w nor women can ev er pe t-
l'ot'lll. This wonder-working power in
ptaytJ; the greatest power that this
lllli ntsc has ever seen in human hands.
1 h1 JHlWel; . to move the arni that.
1 ht world-God offers. t hat. powe r . . ''If
of yon shall agree." .Agreement
\\"il"h heaven, agrect.Jl ent among your-
SthPs, and ye shall" ask what ye will
and it shall be done nnto you . God
to go to the
and no other remedy is v/orth luning.
Dif6culties! Thank God for difficnl-
!.i ls! Some of us would never have
ht' Pil the God has made u.s
will come into order. s
if we 11ad not had difficulties. It was
difficulties that opened our eyes heav-
enward; it was troubles and sorrows
that drove us to God. Have you seen R.evivals of the Past.
lately what have. been doing in God has done it before. Two hun-
H.ussia ? 'rhey have discovered a way dred . years ago, when religjon Jay a-
of getting .thousands of ears of, _:wheat dying in England, worse than it is now
out of one car sown. Do you lmow with an awful dearth ana an awful
how they do it1 By difficulties! 'rhis death. God raised up W esley , White-
is what they do. They sow the corn field and others. They were laughed
eighteen inches deep. Directly it comes at; they were scoffe'd; they were de-
to the surface they put six inch es ricled; they were persecuted; but they
earth on }he top, and they wait. \-Vhen triumphed. Yes, by t h.e grace of God
it comes 1 o the surface again they put they brought about a real revival. At
six inches more, and during all that ... the same time Joriathari Edwards, .of
time the root. is made strong and virile America, issued his appeal for
and reproductive. And "\vhen it comes an invisible union of all God's people
again they. put six inches more of earth in earnest prayer for a world-wide dif- '
on top and so they go on. until the corn fusion of the Holy Ghost. issued
becomes strong and powerful, and even that appeal. God answered it. Men
perrennial. Each little grain sown they began to pray, and a wonderful spirit
hope '':ill bring thousands of grains -in of enquiry spread the world over.
return. What do those six inches of Come and do the same thing today.
earth represent to us 1 Difficulties! We thank God for the evangelistic
difficulties! Thank God for the diffi- movements of the past, for Finney, for
eulties, for _with every difficulty God Moody, for what we ourselves have
will show His mighty power. se(ln. But what we now need is a revi-
val of vital godliness aniong ourselves
The Supreme Method. and our own people. _So I ask you to,
The divine method is to pnite men - join the League, to claim the $pirit of
l God. We want more prayers, more
anc women
prayer. That is the way dividual men to pray. We want more
to bring about a revival; that is the individual prayers. In a galvanic bat-
way to do everything. You can do t ery an increase of power cannot be ob-
things b;.r prayer that yon can do no tained by in.crcasing the s ize of the
othe1 way. 'rhc
e is, I am told, a news- cells, but by increasing the number of
L the cells. And so we want to increase
paper m ondon which ha& a private
the number of the praying people.
wi1e between I1onclon and :Manchester.
The cl_erks at the London office were 1 Your Responsibility.
late one
ight ver y busy at the top of Look at this world today, wit h its nine
hundred millions of heathen for whom
the fourth story. and a man with im- . J esus om L?r?-
portant news arrived at the street door, t here; wattmg. wa1tmg, wa ttmg. \Vhat
bu1J could not get in because the street for 1 H e could sweep away the sin
d.oor was closed, a nd the cl erks at the ins.tant}y, if He liked ; H e could re-
top of t he could not his vive ns instantly, if IJe liked; btit He
is waiting for what in this dispensation
lmoek at the door in th.e street. Then at lenst He never wOI:ks without, the
a th ought struck him, and he went to co-operation of His people. Shall we
. a tel 0grnnJJ offi ce nud . .ltlil .. t elegx.nphed __ give lli!n .. our . co-operation L How can ...
to the l\Ianche::;ter, '' \Vill yon best do it ? !Jy l etting God . come
communi cate by your private wire to mto our hearts and give us His Holy
Spirit to work in ns both to wi ll and.
t he. London office a nd say- t hat i am to do tn . -a ccordance : with His .good
down at the street door l1iHl want to pleasure. ,...
Contributed Articles-
\Ve are going homa :some day,
Yon and I.
We not going home to die;
Each possess a .mansion fair :
\Ve have titles to them there,
You and I .
\V e 've an Elder Brother ther'e,
. You and
Counselor for every heir ;
His is yonder eastern gate;
Enters there the whole estate,
You and I.
These are princes all by birth,
You and I .
Seed more r oyai than of earth;
Children of t he King of Kings;
Covered by His sheltering wings,
You and I.
So we'll travel OH together,
You and I .
Sometimes through sunshiny weather,
Sometimes when the clouds stoop low, .
vVith the fury bolts of woe,
You and I.
If we fail and naught 1s paid,
You and I.
All to his account is laid;
Abide in me is all He asks;
Mine the cost s and . mine the tasks;
You and .I.
"\Va nted - Large Factory with
Power. Apply at once and give loca-
tion.'' This newspaper caption is often
seen when large firms or corporations
want to enlarge their factory so as to
increase their business. It is the cry
of the world. Power is needed every-
where. The steamship lines want power,
and appears 'lhe great ''whale-
backs'' to ply up and down the l akes,
and carry the commerce of a nation.
The railroads want power, and soon
that magnificent . Engine '' 590'' comes
out of the shops to haul the miles of
freight cars from ocean to ocean. The
printing offices want power, and
''Hoe's Perfection Press'' is installed.
The astronomers want bigger telescopes.
'fhe government want s .larger sear ch-
lights. The navy must have more
powerful battleships. Even the elect ric
lines want cars with heavier motors,
and dynamos with greater capacity.
The cry on every.hand is power, power,
power. The cry of the world is the cry
of the power needed.
The cities must be evangelized The
gospel must be preached .. Souls must
Nazarene Messenger
.be rescued fro:rii .. sin and started ori the
highway of holiness . . The sal:vation of
the city is the sal{ration of the country,
and the downfall of the centers of popu-
lation is the destruction of the n ation.
'l' h e demon of intemperance must be
overthrown. ''The saloon must go.''
Prohibition. is but it must .
prevail c.onquer. The victory of
the mass is the victory of the individ-
ual, and without the p ersonal equation
the masses will never gain the battle .
God has the power to do all that is
n eed ed. His forces are all about us on
every hand. All one n eeds to do Is -s im-
ply to r each out and b1k e of_ Omnipo-
tence all t hat is r equired. How can it
be appropriated'! Come in contaet with
God . . To become surcharged witl1
tricity one must be on an insulated
stoql with no connection with the
To r eceive the power of God one must
be altogether on the altar of eOiJSCera-
tion with no worldly touch.
. Why so many without
power 1 The ex-planation is easy. Con-
t.act with the world. Even a tow string .
is to take electricity from _a
per son on an insulated stool, and any
small thing in contect with the world
will cause .. one to ' ' leak out a"nd loose
power. " Not more Christians but more
powerful ones. The same ones will do
the work, but not in their present con-
clition. They must be empowered from
on high. But the way t o be empower ed
is to be cleansed from all wenkness.
Have every evidence of spiritual dis-
ease eliminated and health will beeofne
strength. Cleansing wjll become power .
Whatever cleanses will make strong in
the divi ne life. The power of the Chris-
tion 's life is the power of a sanctified :
heart filled with perfect love r eceived
through the baptis m with the Holy
Ghost and power.
9- ,$. .JI'
Love is the essence of Christianity.
'rhe Bible plainly declares that it is the
indicative evidence of conversion. "He
that lovetl1 not knoweth not God. " 1
Jno. 4:8. "By this shall all men know
that we are my disciples, if ye have
love one to another . " Jno. 13 :35. But.
who are we to love? Only those who __
l ove us ? No, "For if ye love them
which love you, what reward have ye?
do not even the publicans the same?''
Matt. 5,:46. "But I say unto you love
your enemies, bless .. them that curse
you, do good to them that hate you,
and pray for them despitefully
use you, and persecute you. '' Matt.
. 1909
5 .. :44. Alas, but the human heart is cer-
tai.n to hate its enem1es, and to prey on
them. which despitefully us e yon a nd
persecute .you. Yes, but that same h eart
will when :filled with . Div.ine Love be-
come a loving, lovable exriinple of l ove.
The inference is unmistakable, that if
there. is any_.hate in the iieart. _yon are
in darkness. "He that hateth his
brother is in walketh in
darkness, and knoweth not whither he
because that dnikness hat h
blinded his 1 .J no. 2:11 .
'fhe love of God dispels a ll darkn ..
and r e moves every stumbling hlodc
"He that foveth his .brother abidcth in
t he_ light, and t heie is none o.ecasion of
stumbling in him." 1 Jno. 2:10. This
r eveals the secret cause of the gross
darkness and spiritual
of those who stumble over oth er s, to be
a lack of love within their own bosom.
Is your .soul darkened by hatred ? Then
love will cause you to see the value of
that never dying soul, and long to see
it reached by quickening grace. Do
the faults of others awaken f eelings of
criticism within you 1 Then love will
enable you to overlook t heir faults.
Do the inconsisten cies of others make
you dislike them? Then love will eausc
you to pity them. Do car es in ' life ag-
gravate and .annoy you ? Then l ove
will make the life sweet in t he Jnnst
unfavorable circumstances. Do yon
have no compassion a nd coneern fo1 the
'fhen l ove will melt your col< is-
pos ition until you will deli ght in the
salvation of the
Certainly love will receive some
abuses. How could a more love a hie
character than ..Joseph be imagined?
-Yet he was hated and :ahu'sed most un-
mer cifully by; his own hrothGrs. Enu
the inost beloved dis1:iple, John, was
cursed by bitter enemies. So you must
not expect that the sweetening of :vout
: life and disposition by divine love "ill
make all -mm Y<?lll' fri ends. However
any persecution that may come wi ll he
falsely for Christ's sake.
And then love must he cherished , for
it may easily be lost. John's sad mes-
sage to the church at Ephesus was,
" Thou hast l eft they first love. " Only
by careful and continued faithfulness
and obedience can love be r etained.
After long years of patient dealiug
with the complaining Isrcalites, :Moses,
in . unguarded moment , sinned by
-impatiently striking . the r.ock and de,_
claring the popple rebels. Y.ou were
t empted to speak loose, damaging
words about another's faults; the Holy
March 18, 1909]
. Spirit restrained you: You
wer e invited to a . worldly gathering;
the . Spirit whispered . in oisapproval.
Or you considered buying. some worldly
apparel, which in the presence of spir-
itual people w,ould make you feel Wl-
. comfortable. Did you mind the checks
and obey the restrainipg voice 1 Or did
yon disregard the We cannot
bn loose and retain our love. .
'l'herc will be many deficicnc'ies iu the
lives of those perfected in love, such as
tmtal and physical infirmities.
But should the deficiency be a marked
laek of love the question is natural-
! v suggested; "Are yon not mistaket;
in your profession of entire sanctifica-
tion 1'' We have this evidence ''By
1hcir fruit ye shalllmow them." 'l'here-
''lie that feareth is uot ma<le per-
fect in love." 1 Jno. 4 :18; or " Whoso
. hath this world's goo'd, and seeth his
lnother have need, and shutteth up his
howels of dnnpassion from him, how
dwclleth the love of God in him?" 1
.fuo. :{ :17; or ''If any man among you
setu1 to oc religious, and bridleth not
his tongue, but deeeiveth his own heart,
this mall ' s icligiou is vain." Jas. 1:26;
m ' If any man love tht> world-the love
of the l<'ather is 110t in )tim. " 1 J1.10.
2:15; or "Love envicth not; lovt! vannt-
t!th not. is not puffed .np, doth uot.
htha\'1' itself Hlls<'t'n!ly. scckcth not he r
own. is not provoked , think(>th 110
P\il. " l Cor. 1:! :4, 5.
C;onld it be possible that a heart in
which "the love of God is shed abroad
hy 1 he Holy Ghost'' could manifest un-
holy j ca.lousies, rcvili ngs, touchi11css,
nlalitt. fattlt-fiuding, erncltics, Vl'n-
geancef Nay; they do not. exist in 11w
pure hee.rt. "If a man say, I love G()d.
and hateth his brother. he is a liar: for
he that loveth not his brother whom lw
hath seen, how can lw love God whom
lw hath not seen '?'' l .Jno. 4 :20 ; and
' ' Doth a fountain scud forth at. 1 he
same plact SWCl't water and bitter ?
('an the fig tree, my brethren, bear
olive herries 'l t>ithet a \ ine figs ?'' .Jas.
:! :11, 12. .
Oh, beloved! Hav(! you that .
1 hat r:aused a we<>piug J errmiah to long
fo1 t lw salvation of a. sinful people '!
That c:onstrained the GoOf! Samaritan
to . bind the wounds and affectionately
<'a r c fm the fallen stranger? That
Joseph to freely forgive his
<ruel brothers, and even the designing
false accuser, Poffphar's wife? That
enabled Moses to suffer long with a
complaining, murmuring 'fhat.
kept .. Stephen : so swem -in the hour of
. - J!is stoning fhat he prayed .for his lntlr-
tlerers, "Lord, lay not this sin to their
<hargE>"Y .
... Messenger 3
WORK .. - Christians she was very nervous of get-
. tirig COntalliillllted and wa11-ted- to run
away quickly. But they made arrange-
! wrote some ago about our con- ments for .her . to cook her own food
vert preacher, Barna Churn Babu. Now ap(l keep away from pollution in every
I want to write about a Hindu sister way. It was, however, the hardest job .
of his. Her name is Sharoda, .and she we have ever bad; I think, to keep her,
is about twenty years of age and a Jmtil her brother could., arive from the
child-widow. Her brother-, .sinee his village by the next steamer. She re-
eonversion, had lost sight of her alto- .. fuRed to eat for two days, and how }Ve
eth f
' t k longed for the arrival of that ate ame:;I
g er or years, uu some wee s ago,
in his vilhtge work, he heard . of her express. She did .not what
again in a pecu.Jiar way. He was called \\ e were detaining her for, but we all
to see a sick Hindu man, who turned -felt that the only chance for her was
out to be the very man who had elope<;! to see her brother, apart from }!indus,
. . X . and for him to try orwe more to' ex-
wit 1 his wtdowcd sister and who had
'plain his object and love. in an atmos-
siuce deserted her, with a bahy a
months old, in Calcutta. On hearing
all this. Barna t:h nrn emne at onec to
town to search amongst the outcasts
for his lost sister , for he know that her
caste peopl e must have cast her out.
For days he searched and pr.ayed:_ for
guidance. He had .no time or to .
eat or sleep. ,One his search proved
successful. - He-::- found her with her
baby girl in an evil house, aJHl althoug h
she did not know him he gr;ul11ally r e-
vealed . his identity to her. The resul1
was startling. He was,J.he hrothei who
had d'Jsgraced the family. He was a
< 'hri st ian- a hated. <l cfil efl <reature.
. '
not worth,\' the name. of man. rrc " as
filth- a How dart he come be-
fore lwr to defile her! She poured a
\olunw of abuse upon him and said she
would never go near him for the world
as long as she> live>1l. He was an outcast
and no words eould 1he nttPr
loathing slw for hi111.
It was pitiful to sec his t1a ts and
ht>a1 his pra_rl' l'S for lw1. But shl' was
stnrnful atHI urimo\'l'<l. The strang<'
part. was that she IHrself wHs !'OIIsid-
Pred to be an outcast by all l'ast.e Hiu-
dus. hut sh1 considered that. although
she ha!J, lost hE'r original ,aste. shl hHd
!'lltt'rec . another lowet onr. "whith \\ as
to her sl1 rl'C} thing. Lo'y as slH;
smik. sl!'e herself vcr\
ml:wh. to ( .brothl'; ..
At last Bama Churn Babu lame to us.
t!'lliitg us that it was evident that h e
!'Oi.tld do nothing more, but begged of
us to continue to pray, and to try to d o
something to entice her away, not let-
ting her know' that we hau t.o
do with him. After prayer and wateh-
ing we found . that. she was looking for
work, as she was d estitute and in d ebt.
l\[rs. Bani trjce and 1\fr, Bis";as. as
straugcrs, offered to mnploy: .her and
she innocently went with them to Hope
school. \-Vhen she found they w-ere
phere of prayer: At he arrived .
and she then the
bctwe1m 11s, and at .fitst was very, very
augty. \-Yhcn she had exhausted her-
self with anger, she began pleading
ueseeching. She sa'id to her brother
. . . . '
"You say you want to do the best you
<:an for me. 'l'he best I want is this-
give me enough money to buy me back
into my lost caste and t _hat is the only
'best' I want or ask of you." She
tlu:Pw herself on th.t!,..ground and plead-
ed with liS all to do this for her - to buy.
her atonement, as it is cailcd in Hindu-
ism. '!'here was a momrnt of silent
prayer. Then her brother began to see
his way out. lie told her that our
'' best'' for nfened to her
and that .we Wl' r c not satisfied for her
t o r e main in sueh a low easte any more
than _she was. \Ve wanted her to be
raised to a better as soon as possible,
uut could only do our best for h er if
she agreed to with us for the pies-
ent. She did not like this, but in the
end she agreed, saying, ''I am polluted
already aud mote or less will not make
any differetH'!'. I if J
tleansed by the atonement in the e1id."
After a time het brother left for his
work in the villages. He almost danced
in . the road for jO,\". Now his sister.
Sharoda, is waiting for his ''best'' to
tonw to pass. and it is gmdnally com- .
in g hy her ereeping up. an inch at a
time every day nearer to the Bible lcs-
son. \Ve see it coming but she. does not
at JH' csent r eali ze that hE'r "best'' is not
his. hut hy Got! 's it soon will bt>.
C. A vetoom.
JA JA :,JA .
'riH' work is progressing finely with
afternoon allll night services daily.
Yesterday ,\e had an all-llny meeting
wit h a -number and sanctified and
gr eat liberty of the spirit in prayer,
praise and pi;Pnchiug. Two t>rt>achers
were sanctified aml a Baptist man
prayed like .Jaeoh. ''I will not let Thee
go .. except Thou bless men . . Now, sane-.
tify me now. I want to tell. 1TIY people.:
Oh Mexico, beloved Mexico. Sanctify
me now . Father, that I may tell my
people."' He had believed th'at we get
all in conversion. Santos' son also, and
three others, were...sanctified. Another
yotlng man ' on Wednesday night was
awakened in the night and the Spirit
witnessed to his sanctification. Men'
have been saved in their scats during
service and come forward to stand and
give testimony with those who had
been saved at the altar. God has mar-
velously manifested Himself to this
people in these days. A young man a
long way from the mission saw in his.
dream an open Bible so different than
any he had ever seen; Sunday morning
he was passing the mission, stopped to
h.!3ar . the hymns that penetrated his
heart, and entered with two others.
They were all converted. he said
"he found the open Bible he had seen."
So many of them have said, "Oh. what
a change in these six clays; we do not
seem to be the same. One said, '' l\fy
vision is so fixed on Jesus that I don't
see things that I used to see.''. Santos'
son is a preacher-as is Santos-with
natural ability and power, and undet:
the Spirit's power moves and holds. his
audience. He wants to go to Los An-
geles to study; he ought to be in our
college. vVe need him for our work.
I am praying that it may be arranged.
Oh, to look on these "whitened fields"
and to hear Him say, ''Who will go for
us?" \Ve have heard them say, "vVe
are not to blame that we do not know
'this no one has told us." In
this city alone there are 25,000 of these
lost souls groping in darkness . . They
seem as ignorant of the true light as
if they had never heard of the Bible.
They seem to come from everywhere in
Mexico and to have no fixed destina-
tion or thought except to find work;
many have families and all are very
poor. Our mission is between two
"rancheros," or places that employ
these men and here they congregate by
the hundred-here we can give out
gospels and tracts and testaments and
preach the gospel and have salvation
every day in the year.
El Paso is . a great open gateway to
New Mexico, Arizona and Mexico it-
self. No other point, I believe, is so
important to us as is El Paso for a cen-
ter of operatic;ms in our great work
among this people. Lift your eyes of
faith, brethren, and let us have a
school, a printing press to print holi-
ness literature to be put in the hands
of every Mexican that can read that we
can reach from this point; and teachers
and' workers to -.occupy this place for
God. Santos has worked here for
nearly two years free, except five dol-
lars per month on rent of house where
she gathered the ' 'little flock.'' Now
she. does not have this, as it goes to
rent of mission. She ought to have at
least ten dollars per month. . I believe
God will drop it down from somewbere.
Amen. Santos is a true . Nazarene.
Nazar..ene Messenger.
.No.h1ng has J:>een abl e,'to move her.
solne aie coming_to .us from other de-
nominations, two liave come }}).0 have
been praying for some time for some
one to show them the way of holiness;
a number have come from Mexico say-
ing ''we heard of this work in Mexico
.and we Want to be members. " One
. inml' sent his sister and .her two chil-
dren on ahead and he walked , from
some point in Mexico. He .just ar .
rived as I writing this, to join \vith
us here, the si_ster and daughter being
converted after they came. We have
not kept an exact count but believe
some seventy or. more have been seek-
ers for either pardon or purity. So far
thirty-five have given their names de-
siring membership in our .church. There
have been seekers a.t every On
Sunday we expect to receive new mem-
bers and have baptismal and commu-
nion servi ce. '\Ve have felt the prayers .
of onr friends,who have been praying
for us.
Mrs. M. :McReynolds.
$ $ $
Oak Cliff . .
The writer l eft Goldthwait Friday
night and arrived in Oak Cliff Satur-
day, February 13. We found the rally
already on the go. District Superin-
tendent J. D. Scott and our singing
evangelist, Rev. Nelson, had arrived the
night before and made a good start.
The attendance was light owing to a
sudden and . extreme change of the
weather. The Sunday services were
full of grace and glory and some souls
sought and found pardon and others
cleansed. The pastor, Rev. Ralph
Keisler, has the work of this charge
well in hand, having already installed
the envelope system for missionary
work Our people have a good church
house that will hold over six hundred
Rescue Work.
vVe had the privilege of meeting Rev.
J. T. Upchurch and wife of the Ber-
. achah Home, located at Arl-
ington, 'l'ex., about half way between
the large cities of F't. '\Vorth and Dal-
las. Our church at Oak Cliff is a hearty
-supporter this great work.
. .
Owing to the severe illness of Sister
Scott, our district superintendent re-
turned home from Oak Cliff on Monday
morning, l eaving Brother Nelson and
the writer to go on to PenieL We were
met by General Superintendent Elly-
son's team at Greenville, and were soon
conveyed to his pleasant home at
. We were delighted -to have the .pt:iv-
ilege of meeting Brother C. J. Fowler,
who had just closed a veiy precious
holiness convention under the auspices
of the Texas Holiness Association with
the Texas Hoiiness ' UitiVer$ity. 'rhe
convention was one_ of the best held
there, -the work going very deep; which
is characteristic of .Brother Fovder 's
Monday Night Service.
The missionary meet'ing was favored
with a good number of the members of
the Southern Branch of the Gencl'al
Missionary :Board, and two distri ct
superinten'dei1ts, Brother Bud Robinson
and other wQrkers. Revs. Sheeks, onr
treasurer and Rev. J. N. Spcal!:es,
tary, made brief and helpful remarks.
The writer also made a few rcrni11ks
with reference to the relation of the
baptism of the Holy Ghost to home and
foreigi1 missions. vVhen. we gave 1'hc
altar can seven or. eight carne scrl\ing
the baptism with the Holy Ghost. \\'ho
s'a,ys missionary meE)tings hinder , the.
work of holiness 1 It does not kill , hnt
wonderfully makes alive.
Southern Division of. the G. M. Board.
In response to a call from- Gene1al
Superintendent Ellyson, chairman of
the Southern Division, Revs. Brother
Sheeks, Speakes, DeJernctt, l\IcCon.nell,
Guy, Jernigan, Sister Fisher and the
writer met at Brother El1yson 's home
and carefully considered all the inter-
ests pertaining to our missionary work
in Mexico, Japan, Africa (a work just
turned over to us) and India. This
meeting lasted a clay and a hal when
it was decided to adjourn to Pilot
Point, where most of the above-named
committee met the following day and
finished up the work the best t he_,.
could at the home of Brother ,Jernigan.
Bonham ..
\Ve joined Evangelist Nelson at Bnn-
hame, some miles east of Pilot
Point, on Thursday, where we were met
by our pastor, Brother Hubbarrl and
his right hand man, Brother Coopel'.
This <;!ity seems quite like some of onr
New Englai)cl towns, as the coun tl'y is
rolling ancl a cotton factory is furnish-
ing work and music for the citizens.
'\Ve had two good services with our
church. They will adopt the envelope
system. Brother Hubbard and wife
have been .on this circuit only a f ew
months but the Lord is blessing thC!m
and giving them. the confidence of the
. people, which is quite necessary if "e
are to do the people good and build np
a strong work. We have a church prop-
. and hope to enlarge it soon.
We arrived at Taxarkana, February
19, a city of about 12,000 people, with
half of the city in Texas and the other
half in Arkansas. Our church is one
mile west of the state line.
Rev.- '\V. I. Phillips, our pastor, . has
put in more than three years of ha l'd
work in Texarkana circuit and is now
seeing hopeful sig.qs . of a good work in
Texarkana. He and the people- have
got the .exterior of a church building
up and are worshiping in it, but the
r ecent blizzard struck it and it is badly

wrenched out of proper shape,
they. and complete It
soon . . The one service was well attend-
ed and the blessing of the Lord was
with us. Brother Nelson was at his
best in song, and the saints prayed and
testified and all seemed much interested
in the progress of our work as shown
.by the map. The envelope system wi_ll
be adoptE:d here.
Brothers Nelson, Phillips, .and the
writer with others from Texarlmna
l eft for Bivins and were joined on the
way by Rev. L. L. Gaines; pastor of
Slough and Collingsburg Circuit
iu Louisiana, and .several others who
were on the way to the Bivins rally.
We had a good rally at this point; the
weather was very warm, the attend-
ance was large at night and good in the
day time. Vve assisted in five services
autl took part in a church business
Bivl.ns is a part of Brother Phillips'
cil' CUit, and they are planning f_or ag-
gressive work Tpey h a':e a . large
tabernacle, right m
Yi llacre and our people own their
house and have a good sized
membership, with a growing Sunday
school. They adopted the envelope
t em. elect ed the Church Missionary
Boa.l'd and promise good things for
Important .church matters necessi-
my returning to Peniel for con-
sultation with General Superintendent
Ellyson, so that I was obliged to leave
Bivins a day ahead of my slate. I was
disappointed in not having District
Superintendent Scott with us more on
the district, but serious illness of his
wife and other unavoidable circum-
stances prevented him from being with
us after we left Pilot Point. We en-
joyed his presence very much the short
t ime he was with us and pray the Lord
wi ll give him a great r evival on his
large district . We are much indebted
to Brother Nelson, Brother Scott's as-
f;istant and singing evangelist, who is
one of our promising young preachers,
fnt his ass.istance as guide, preacher,
and singer .
I fiiTivecl at Jonesboro, Ark. , F ebru-
a t,, 26th, and was met at the station by
the pastor , R e'v. J . N. Speakes. vve were
soon seated at a bountiful breakfast
with our. brother's wife, mother and
t wo lovely littl e girls. A part of the
(lay was occupied in company with
Brother Speakes and other brethren
looking over some very fine blocks of
land that Bro. Speakes and the saints
on Arkansas di strict hope to secure
fm a camp ground, orphanage and r es-
cue home. We have at one
of t he strongest church es and one of
t he best church buildings on the Ar-
kansas district and located in a city of
nhont 14,000, and on the steady growth.
J.(' the camp shall be establi shed at this
point with the other lines of work men-
tioned above we can see no reason why
it shall not b ecome a great center for
Nazarene Messenger
holiness work. we- had a good service .
at night. Brother Speakes has the en-
velope system in hand and will push
Malden; Mo.
The writer arriver at Malden on Sat-
urday about 10 a. m., where we found
Brothers La.wrence and ' Hudgings of
Coruthersville, Mo., delegates to the
rally, waiting to accompany me to the
parsonage, where. we found our pastor,
Rev. c, L. Vlilliaths, quite aftlicted from
the effects of a recent attack of period-
ical headache.
Pastor williams has without doubt
one of the largest, if not the largest,
circuits in our connection, extending
from 'Malden to the Mississippi river,
embracing Coruthersville, a distance of
about sixty miles, and Beech Grove and
Callas Springs, Ark., some eighty miles
south in the opposite direction, making
a distance of 140 miles to the extremes.
We have a good, large church house
at Malden and land for parsonage all
paid for and $600 in the bank to start
the parsonage with. Malden is a grow-
ing city surrounded by a fertile coun-
. try well populated and should become
one of the influential centers out of
which shall flow a constant stream of
holy influence and power. Brother
Williams and his good wife are win-
ning their way among the people and
are planning for a far-reaching work.
.We had five good services with this
people; with the exception of Saturday
morning the attendance was large. Sev-
eral were wholly sanctified, among
them a Methodist preacher and one of
our Sunday school sup-erintendents.
Brother Williams is planning to push
the envelope system on the entire cir-
cuit. Pray for this dear brother and
his family who have just come among
us and whose whole soul and body and
mind is devoted to the spread and con-
serving of scripturai holiness.
H .. F . Re;Ynolds.
.. .. .JII
We have just closed our twenty-one
days of speci al meetings. God wa.s .
- with us in every meeting, souls wer e
saved, believers sanctifi ed wholly and
the saints wer e edified. The Friday
meetings were l';Urely a of grace
to the f ew t hat came to . pray. I am.
sure that our su ccess as a church will
depend a great deal upon just such
kind of praying we had at these
special days of fasting and prayer.
Sunday, February 28, the last great
day of the feast, was indeed a great
day. We had with us J . A. Berr;y and
wife; also Stella Brandenburg, . from
Robinson, Ill. (They are members , of
our church but live at Robin.son. )
They came over 200 miles to be with
us, and as they sang, talked, prayed
and shouted, oh how. the fire fell . Three
souls were at the altar. one for pardon
and two for \purity, and so the work
. k eeps moving ; the revival fire is burn-:
ing. We .expect to cat ch our breath in
March, Only holding our regular meet-
ings, and then hold meetings every
-night. in April. We hope 'to be abie.:-tq_-
:get I .- G . . Martin or . L. M, .-Williams-.-
We have taken in thirteen new mem-
bers since the 6th of December, 1908,
and have two more coming in next Sun-.
day, making a total of 39 members, ,
with at least six or eight more on the
fence. One sister .had been a Metho-
dist for twenty-three years but she .got
sanctified wholly in the special services,
and after reading over our Manual she
said, "I want to be one of them."
Amen. They say we are in a hard .
place-a Catholic neighborhood. Well,
I'm glad the -Lord is a specialist on
h'ard cases and places. We have four
converted Catholics in our church, and
they are blessedly saved ; one of them
is one of our deacone.sses. We are
praying and believing for the streams
of water to break out in the desert place .
and God is hearing us. If we just keep
our faces in the dust, our hearts on fire
.and our .sleeves rolled up, God will s <';e
us through. We don't purpose to l et
the bars down in or<-ler to increase our
membership; with the aid of the HQly
Ghost and our good membership com-
mittee God is helping us. get into the
fold a band of men and women "whose
hearts God has touched. ''
Francis J . Thomas.
"' "' "'
We closed o:ur _meeting here last
night. . It had been running seventeen
days. Rev. C. H. Davis of Spokane was
down and helped us seven days. He
preached- in the demonstration of the
Spirit and conviction was on, the peo-
. ple. Six were at the altar seeking
sanctification, one of whom was the
pastor of the Methodist church of this
This meeting was held in the Meth-
odist churc:h. this of itself being quite
a victory fol' the Nazarenes here. Two
years ago we were hardly recognized
at all, but we have a+ last made an im-
pression upon the pP.ople. the
meeting commenced the Methodist pas-
tor, a Godly man, said that he r ecog-
nized that we had something that his
heart was longing for. This meeting,
I am forced to believe. was a greater
help to our work h er e than the .
seems to indicate;
We have our property all paid for
now, hence we can wor ship under our
own vine a nd fig tree. J. T. Little.
\Ve are glad to r eport victory atthis
place. Our God is leading His people.
The blessings of heaven are on us ;
. scarcely a Sunday but what some soul
finds Jesus. How we thank God for
the Church of the Nazarene, where peO
ple can come and find salvatjon, The
saints are looking for great things. We
are expecting Bro. Ruth . with us the
last of this month. The church at this
place is growing _in po:wer and numbers .
God has given us a true people, who
stand by the_ i\'Vord. Let all the saints.
pray for us: , E . . :Burge-.
6 l'Vazarene Messenger
18, 1909 -
=]\cT .
. 711 . . is its own reward, the soul's passion---:i.cecnmulat.ions, - 01'., gifts, is _faithfuhtess.

ThereTs - of G'od.--and men . .. -- . '- .

===='============::-:=== something more in this than formal rests. The absence :of it _meets with
P. F. Bresee.- Editor
R. Pierce, . Office Editor
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'l'her e is a good deal of r eal philoso-
phy as well as in the statement
of l\-Ir. r ... incolu that "If a man likes
that kintl of a thing, .. that is -the kind of
a thing . he likes.'' Tf a man loves to
do a; thing, if is turned loose, that
is the thing he will do, A man may
do a thing beeanse it is right, even
though his h eart may not be free to it,
hut any such eont.imied service is not
1i1ore t.han liberty. Of course
it is better to be a slave in the house
the Lord than to be a fr een1ai1 in
t.hw way of e vil._ To do right because
it. is r1ght. <'Yen against the d esires and
longing of onr nature is very com-
mendable. bnt . it . is not the liberty
whi ch God h as proYided for His chil-
dren. - How unlike the experience of
the Psalmist. "l\f,\' soui breaketh for
t he longing that it hath unto thy judg- .
ments, at all times. " "Thy statutes
ha ve been my songs in the house of _my
pilgrimage. '' ' ' The law of thy mouth
is better unto me than thousands of
gold and silver." "How sweet are
thy words unto my taste ! yea sweeter
than honey to my "I ope11ed
my mouth and panted: I longed for thy
commandments.'' ' ' I r e;ioice in thy
word as one that findeth great spoil,"
''l\'ly soul hath thy testimonies
aud I' love them exceedingly. " That
. does not sound mucll . like, simply and
only, the voi ce of-.clnty. The heart is
'rapport -\vith the way of the Lord.
'rhe of the way of the TcJord
freedo;n. There is in it a heart bear- <lisapproval, condemnation a{ld abhor-
ing the divine image, a soul and life renee everywhere. Only faithfulness
full. of the righteousness .of. God. It is unites human hearts. : Every human
the freedom which ,the Son gives when soul necessarily turns with loathing
He maketh free indeed. No.t from _ unfaithfulness. .. J ... ove may be
power to choose, but such a love for 'and . - drawn out t!'nvards the . unfaithful, but
joy in the way_., as to the soul to l!v-Prt _love, like Noah's (love, can. find
hound toward it and rejoice in it as the no place to rest its foot in unfaithful-
only wa'y. This is the r eal freerlom. in -- ness. Unfaithfulness, if it has not gone
righteousness whi ch the Lion of Judah too far. may find a way back
gives by breaking every eh ain, cleans- God and men c:>an find _ confidence; hnt
ing the h eart. from all sin and filling it the way lies through bitter t ears and
with the love of God. This is where genuine There can he no
s<>rvire of the J.Jor<l is spmitaneous way of pretence ot' sham 'from unfnith-
and unrestrained. This is "the perfect hack to faithfulness.
Ia'" of liberty"-rightful authority. The one thing around whieh lo\' c
with spontaneous and free obedience. hovel'S. and upon whi <h shf' lays hPJ'
ft is well to _have rules and r egulations IHad. is fait.)tfulness. As we .pass
as to <lnty, as tn: a ttendance upon the t.hrough "'e pi elt: np a few fri<' lHls.
house of the as to tithes .anrl. one her e, one there. whose love we
offerings, but he who knO\l' S the real carry through the years .. If we visit
freedom of the gospel , . fills all these the city or where they live,
full to the brim and running over, out whatever w e do. or whatever else
of the glowing, burriing love of his we see, we sPe them. As we stop somc-
heart. He belongs to that eompany times and mark who t.hey are, we find
who "return and <-ome with . sin-ging th(w are not always, perhaps not nsnal-
unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be ly the rich, nor gifted, nor great. It
upon their heads; they shall -obtain have been our. privilege to enjoy
giadness and joy, andsmro" aild sigh- th-<>s e and what they saw fit to bestow;
ing shall flee away." but our . fri ends are often the ohscnre.
.- .,. the unlettered. the poor. They wPrc
"Be thou faithful unto death, apd 1
will give thee a crown of life." In
the vVord great stress is everywhere
laid upon faithfulness. . The faithful-
ness of .God .is emphasized p erhaps
more than anything else iq His r elation
to us. His character is holiness and
His nahnp is love. allCl His r eYela tions
and manifestations are fnll of compass-
Hion , hut greatest emphasis is laid up-
on the fa ct that: He iH the f a ith-
ful God. whi ch k eepeth covenant and
merey with them that - love- Him and
keep His eommandments to a thousand
generations. Not only is H e declared.
faithful, one by whoin y e a r e called,
hut also faithful to forgive sins and to
.. eleanse from all unrighteousness.
"Faithful is H e that call eth yon who
also will do it. ''
.'l' he one thing whid1 He requires of .
men is faithfulness-that a inan be
found faithful. Not according to what
a _ man hath not, bnf. according to what
he hath. The commendation is: " -Thou
- '
hast heen faithful over a few things.''
The final , ble-ssed approval is, "vVell
done, good and _faithful servant."
Far higher than genius, or talent, or
faithful. they . had the "constaney of
faithfuln ess. they hacl its devotion-: and
Ha crifice. vV c fincl onr _way., to t.ll<'il'
humble cottage with a .pleasure that no
marble palace can bring. We take
their hands and loo]{ into their eyes
with heart throbs of joy that no mere
-intellectual or s<wial fnnr-t.ions P.;in ap-
ptoach .
There are mauy sa<l things, as we
look back along j'ou'rney. Ther e
are graves. Olll' _fall , ;mel
. absenees .whi ch shadow our hearts. hnt
the one thing which <hives the spear
d eepest into our souls is the unfa.ith-
fnlness of those to whom we have
t ruf'!ted the treasures of our confidence.
This seems to b e the one thing that the
heart seems iiJ,capahl e of . becoming
hardened or callous to.
- How the infinitely t ender and loving
:, he-rirt of Christ .is and grieved.
what infinite compassion which birls
men return in penitence and learn
fi<l elity at His feet.
.J/1 .,.
Dr. Torrey, the (C'alvinist) evangL'-
list, is to lead the great':l\ietlrodist cnmp
meeting this year at Huntington BHadt ,
March 18;: l009)
Notes and Personals
Good r eports come in from the meet-
ing in CtlCamonga. eonducted b;v Bro.
nd Sister Irick They are now holding
forth with our church at Ontario.
T.Jct all the sah1t:;; pray for. Bro. Wil-
son, who has been laboring a gainst
..,.reat odds in XJong Beach, but the work
bids fair to be well established under
his excellent leadership.
Bt;os. Gallahorn and Ledford com-
menced meetings with our church at
Pomona last Sunday. They_ are wr!ll-
. known evangelists and we for a
wave of salvation i.p tiHs field
of labor ..
Eugene W. Chafin, the strong l eader
in the Prohibition party at the last
Presidenthil election, will speak at the
'rahcrnaelc, TJos Angeles, next Sahhath
morning, and Sist er Eppetson will
prr ach at night.
One of the chief elements of stwcess
is loyalty among the workers. and one
of the chief charadcristi cs of the holy
people is loyalty, thel.cfore success is
. ,\'(II ;t ssnr<.Hf: ;\fort> holy people. more
loyalty. stlf"tPss. ..\men , speed the
lko. pastor of the l'illlreh in
San Diegn. was a welcome visitor last
week. Tie was on !tis way to meet his
wife. ,,dw is to joiu him in the work at
Snn Diego. He r eports that the work
is in an ex<ellent condition, and that
they are to (ommenct.> special serv-
\ Ve clesit'l! again .. to say to our eor-
I'Pspondents that to insnre their items
of news finding a plar.c! in the issne of
t.he cnrrPnt week. thev mnst he in the
Messenger office hy mail-
thnt is. they mnst he in our hatuls on
t.hnt day-and addressed to '' Bditor
Nazarene . Messenger" and not. to the
:-\nzarene Publishing Co.
Sister Phebe Epperson met with
utany kind greetings from many friends
as she attended the ntrions setvices
at the 'T'ahernacle last Sabbath morn-
ing. She has hecn doing heroic work
in the NorthwPst Distriet, and her stay
with the "North Yakima Church was a
gtcat blessing to that people arid has
plared the chureh on a more solid basis.
Bro. Hutt-hens of Ontario writes:
' I.Jast Sunday was the best day we
have known her e; souls were born into
the ltingdom. The largest attendance
they have ever had except dedi cation
day. Great conviction is upon the peo-
ple and for two weeks and more there
has been u real hcnven-sent revival
tire in our midst.. Bro. and Sister Trick
are greatly encouraged with the pros-
pects.'' -:
Br_(L C; J.J. Shelby is -open for- evan-
gelistic--calls. ,_ .Aaili-css-hiin -at Paris,
rexas, general delivery.
The singing and preaching of Sister
Carrie Crow at the Tuesday holiness
meeting lifted all hearts to Heaven.
Rev. C. W. Ruth was a very wel-
come visitor at the Tuesday holiness
meeting at .the Tabernacle, Los An-
geles. He was on hifl way to Chicago,
and dropped off at Los Angeles for
the dav to see his old friends. The
Lord l:>iessed his message to the saints.
Rev. J. -W. King, who some time
ago removed from Greely, Colo., to
San Diego, hoping the change would
benefit his health, has been ta\{en
seriously and has had to retl.l.rn
home again to Colorado . . Let all pray
that God may have him very tenderly
. in his keeping.
The First Church of the Nazarene
enjoyed another remarkable day
Sunday (March 7). It was the time
for receiving new members into the
church. This is a special feature with
us and w.e set _apart one afternqon,
the first Sabbath. of each , month, for
the purpose. Another large class .
numbering twenty-five. was received
amidst the songs and shouts of the
people. Each candidate for member-
ship gave a Clear ringing testimony
to. salvation. Among this number
wasa little Spanish girl ten years of
age and an old gentleman 79 years
old; .
Following : this delightful service,
John Fulton, a c6nverted saloon-keep-
er of New York City, related his ex-
perience. His _story is most remark-
able and s hows what God can do with
a man direct, without any human in-
Great crowds are thronging the
church to hear the pastor preach in
the morning on the subject, "The
Ministry of the Spirit, ' '. aQd in the .
evenimr on, "A Bible Hell.''
T-he Sunday St!h<>"ol was only nine-
teen short of the three huridre"d mark.
We are expecting to reach three hun-
dred by Easter. At every service
there are many persons seeking sal-
vation. The church has never been
more prosperous nor harmonious in
its history. We thank God for all
these blessings and . press on for
greater victories F. L.
.:1 .JI
The dear Lord is smiling on Ontario
meetings as never before. Brother
and .Sister Irick began . a ten days'
meeting w"ith us Thursday, March 11.
The large at the
first meeting, and has been increasing
from night to.::nigbt._ Sunday night.
the audic-olit.nn was and several
. chairs were placed in the aisles.
These dear of .the Lord are
truly under the a inting; and fear-
lessly preach the ruth in its fullness.
H()w the people . o listen to and drink
in the "Old, Old Story" whicli these
saints of God give out with such clear-
Sunday . night's meeting was one
never to be forgotten by those who
attended, ten souls {lt the mourner's
bench got to-God in "Publican" style.
The Lord did truly open up Heaven
upon us, hence in all my Christian
work, never meeting did I so
clearly realize . the presence of the
Lord, and others say the same. Such
such Oh! praise the
Lord! He now fills me to overflow as
I write these lines. Twenty or. more
souls have been to the . altar, besides
fifteen or more children who came
into the Kingdom Saturday afternoon
in the childrens' meeting. .
.:1 .:1 .JI
Through the eonrtesies of Brother
and Si:<;.ter ,J. P. who have .the
(hargt{' of on,. Rest Cottage Rescue
Hom.e at P ilot Point, Texas, '\\e were
permitted to take p"art in the morning
devotions. where we met Sister Jerni-
g<lll . Brother De Jernctt and other very
warm support ers of that work. God
was present in powct as sOJ:tle of the
girls and women t estified to God
ha<l done for them through the Rescue
Home. Fifty-two women and girls
were rescued last year. by this institu-
tiou. twenty-four of which are now at
the home. l am glad to have visited
this part of .onr great work of holiness.
Rest Cottage Association have about
of the best land in Texas,
Yot.ed to the Rescue Home for Girls and
"\Yomcn. a,ncl for Rest Cottage for Chil-
dren. Pray for this work also. Sister
Roberts has had a wide experience in
rescue work, having been at one time
eonneded with RcY. S. C. Rees. rescue
work in Providence. R. 1.. and has also
heen to Africa as a
At ninG o' clock of the sanw day I
was perthitted to take part in our Bible
T nstitut.e chapel exPrcises. It was a
bl essed time. The Holy Ghost f ell on
the student body and fa culty while the
soug and prayer service was going
The day before the blessing of God was
on t.he sehool .t!o the extent that no class
work could be clone. Surely we as a
denmitiuation should be profoundly
thankful -that our Heavenly Father is
so wonderfully blessing all of our de-
partments of work. Let us add this
school to our . many differ ent subjects
of praycv. H. F.. Reynold.s.

Pmit.y is meessary to tlte highest en-
joyments of ChristiaT\ fellowship,
powPi for servi re is not:.
Los Angeles and Vicinity
Dr. Bresee px;eached at 11 a. Iil. Sab-
bath on: ,.,The Great _Temptation."
Taking for his text .Matt. 4:8-10, he
sketched the childhoo.d . and youthful
life of Jesus Christ and spoke of His
initiation by John into the priestly
office so far as His washing with water,
and ho:w he was ''anointed with . oil
above His fellows'' by the coming of
the Holy Ghost upon Him. He referred
to His new and enlarged consciousness
aroused by the Holy Ghost anointing
and of the wilderness tests. Of the
'two. periods of the temptations, one
during forty days of fasting and
prayer, the others following, of whick
we have the more detailed account. He
briefly described the first two, leading
np to this laf?t and great temptation,
which while repelled by Jesus has been
such a fatal battleground for the
church . . He showed the devil 's propo-
sition to give the kingdoms of the
world and their attention, praise and
honor to J esus Christ on the condition
that he himself be left suprem&-that
he would dispute whatever power he
had over men to Jesus on the terms
that there should be no real salvation.
He showed that his terms did not neces-
sitate even formal or ritualistic wor-
ship to satan; abstinence of Christ 's
divine supremacy was sufficient. A
multitude of things . could supercede
J esus upon which attention could be
fixed, such as power, ir!.fluence,
strength, wealth, nature, beauty, art,
hero.ism, altruism, etc. It was to be the
gift of satan; no atoning blood, no Holy
Ghost. Christ's method was different
-worship God and holy service.
On the preceding Sabbatn a state-
ment had been made in reference to the
needs of the running expenses of the
church and that an opportunity would .
be given on this for special
offerings in connection with the regu-
lar offering of the day. At the close
of the sermon a table was placed at the
altar and a happy march was had of
the enti r e congr egation amid songs of
praise, who laid their offerings on the
table and then gathered as near the
altar ang_ the pastor led
th!'lm m prayer and praise. It was a
delightful service an,d over $500 was
laid on the table.
The afternoon service at the taber-
nacle was in charge of Brother Good-
win, who l ed the people on to victory.
As the people gathered around the al-
tar for a . specia) , season of earnest
prayer dear Lord drew n ear to.
bless while saints prayed through
for- conviction on the evening service.
'!'here were several strangers who ex-
pres!>ed their delight in finding such a
churcJ1 and people, and if they should
come to Los Angeles to live their lot
for a church home had been selected
with this people.
.. The 1_nessage of the evening given by
Brother Goodwin based on Rom.
8 :2, "For the .law of the Spirit of life
lVazarene- Messe.nger
in Christ Jesus hath-made me free from
the law of sin and . deat h:'! 'l-Ie said
that the- text was a key .. to unlock the
secret of freedom for the. soul from sin
and sinning, and after defining the
t erm law, took up the three laws with
which we have to do: 'fhe law of God,
the law of sin and death, a nd the law
of the spirit of life in Christ J esus.
There were three at the altar seeking
God. .
Brotlier Chas. Leffler, 3916 Trinity
street, united with the church last Sun-
day. His name was omitted from last
week's report.
Eugene W. Ch'afin
At the Nazarene Tabernacle
next Sunday Morning
at 11 o'clock
Of Civic Righteousness
-Should be There
The home-spun r evival has again
broke forth with renewed power and
blessing in its path. God is answering
prayer in so many ca,ses that as a
church our faith is being enlarged and
we are looking for visitations
of God's power to justify and sanctify
than in days that have passed.
Pastor Knott preached night and
morning to large congregations with
great liberty and the spirit of convic-
tion was on many hearts. At morning
altar call Brother Proctor was definite-
ly sanctified to God and a brother of
our Brother Richmond was gloriously
converted. He arrived in Los Angeles
Saturday, 10 p. m., They talked of sal-
vation till the early morning hours. He
came to Sabbath school, attended
preaching services, blessedly saved
and the night service found him at the
altar, pointing others to Christ, Thank .
God for His transformng power. :
The night altar call witnessed an-
other gracious sight. ' Two souls s-eek-
ing pardon, one .. a .young lady and the
other an elderly man w1th head frosted
with the . winters ol: over 75 years,
brought to this place of penitence
through _the prayers of his daughter
who had recently b een saved . at our
altar.. Indeed it was a day of <>'reat re-
joicing in the camp. V. ,J. J.
.JI' -"
Large congr egations filled ever y seat
at the Grand Avenue Church at all
three services on Sabbath last, and at
the afternoon meeting one hundred ex-
tra chairs were used. It was anniver-
sary day. Just one year ago when the
church was dedicated. At the morning
service l3rother LaFontaine preached
lMarch 18, 1909
c;m "By Unknown Ways" from:the text
of, Duet. 32 :9., "For the J.Jord 's portion
is his people; Jacob is the lot of his
inheritance. ''
_.At the afternoon anniversary ser-
VIces Dr. P . F . Bresee, general super-
intendent, gave the addres& on ''Why a
Church of the Nazarene?" reviewing
the necessity of haying places where the
full _gospel q1ay be preached without
let or hindrance from ecclesiastical in-
terference. A tl\,ble offering was r e-
ceived in triumphant Nazarene manner
of marching around the chur ch, and
singing and prai'sing the people
laid $300 on the table as an anniver-
sary thank offering.
At six o'clock Brother B. N. Cono-
way led the love feast , which was well
attended .and full of the Spirit and
blessings of God.
c row preached at the evening
serviCe from the text "Jesus said Fol-
low Me,'' giving a clear exposition of
what following the Lord means. The
day was one of victory and glory from
the upper skies, and added great cheer
and encouragemei)t to all the sai11ts.
The special meetings continue everv
night except Saturday, with -afternoo;1
on vVednesdfly, Thursday _ancl
Fnday, at 2 :30-' o'clock. Souls have
been saved and sanctified and many
others under conviction are manifesting
deep interest in salvation.
The regular aU-day meeting for
March at the Grand Avenue Church
Los Angeles, Cal., will be held next
Thursday, March 25, with tlie services
during the day. Plan to come in and
spend the day with these precious evan-
gelists and anointed ministry.
There is no doubt about it, the Lord
is with us.. Yesterday was a good day;
congregatiOns were not so large as at
sorrie other times, but the water in t he
river is continually rising; the water
breaking over t he banks in some .places.
A few seekers during the last mont h
A young man. converted last ni ght.
Hl}ve been. her e a few weeks ;''the pPo-
ple were discouraged, but-the Lord has
pouring water on the drooping
bhes. Our people no'\v are praying
earnestly for a r e'vival. Smely it will
For . the. remaining part of t his
report read the 15th chapter of ,Tohn.
. J eff G. Rogers.
..- -..- , .A
The past week has been one of great
blessing - and encouragement to our
hearts. The dear Lord has walked
amqngst us and manifested His pres-
ence in the salvation. of precious souls.
We are earnestly asking God for a
mighty tidal wave that shall sweep si n
away and many souls be brouaht into
the saving knowledge of our
Jesus Christ. Thank God for a salvn-
tion that takes men out of sin and
places their feet upon the Solid Rock
God bless the truth as it is preached
March 18. 19091
to these hungry hearts in edifying
power. Sunday was
refreshing, good congregations and
salvation. One young man who had
given his hea rt to God in the beginning
of the evening meeting said afterwards
that it was the best meeting he had been
in because of the presence of God. How
we love to praise Him for llis mercy
and goodi1ess to us. 'l'o Him be all tlw
F. H. Petersoi1.
Sunday, l\lareh 7th. was an unusual
da y wit!{ t.he church here. Our pastor,
Br.o. \\'alker, was not able to b.e present
all dav on account of illness, and so
I Goodwin, from' the l'irst Church
ol' Los Angeles. had ehargc of the morn-
in" s<' rvices. His text was taken from
5 :1-2.
Bro. Goodwin preached' in the Spirit,
n.nd hrought out the two works of grace
..:\ t 3 o'clock in the afternoon we had
ollt' regular "people's Pentecostal love
feast , '' led by Elder C. E. Brewster.
In the evening Sister Lulu B. Rogers
preached. H er t ext was found in the
Jirst. clause of the 29th verse of the 14th
\'erse of St. Matthew, ''.And he said,
collie.'' 'I' his service was owned of God
m1<l at the close two young p eople
knelt at the altar for sanctification.
Edna l\Iay l\ImTnV.
"" "" .,IC
The tide is hi gh and rising highct.
Thl' dear I .. ord is most wonderfullv \'is-
. iting the people h ere with salvation.
. ln . ;i new ;i nrl most precious sense has
Ilis blcssil1g been upon the people dur-
ing t he two weeks past. Sunday both
lllOI'll'ing and evening the congregation
was larger . than ever before. So
sweetly did He melt h earts, three souls
so11ght pardon at the mourners' bench,
w<' eping 1 h eir . way through in "old
time" style. How it did gladden the
i'ini nts' hearts to see this. We are more
and more- convinced that God has not
I' hanged in fiis way of saving the peo-
ple. One sister united with the church
in the morning meeting, and a number
of other blessedly saved p eople are ex-
pecting to unite with us soon. Brother
and Sister Allie and Emma Iri ck began
a series of meetings with us Thursday,
l\far ch 11, to continue ten clays. Our
faith looks up for great things.
Ed\vard M. Hutchens. Pastor .
.ll ;,1 . .,IC
Last Sabbath evening witnessed the
closing of a truly blessed revival. Bro.
and Sister Irick have been with us for
ten days and God has truly answered
prayer in pouring out the Holy Spirit
convincing, converting and sanetify-
lng power. It is diffi cult to say how
many h a ve been saved or sanctified. but
a goodly number to say the least. Such
unctuous sermons, .such praying, such
burden of soul for the lost, and. on the
other hand such shouting, r ej oicing,
singing, confessing, such tides of glory
and victory, the writer has not wit-
nessed . for many a day. The ali-day
on Friday and the last Sabbath were
seasons of special victory. A number of
the saints from Upland and Ontario
were o\{;Cr and shared in the blessings.
God blesH them all! On Sunday even -
ing last nine united with t he church:
This makes a total of thirteen since
our coming among this ha ppy p eople.
I have found Bro. and Sister Irick
splendid help and ean fully r ccom1nend
them to pastors and churehcs wanti ng help. They ate fully saYcd.
clear and definite in their prcac: hing HIHl
thorough in t heir altar work. Seekers
usuall y come t hrough, giviug d ear evi-
<l cnee of salvation.
I praise God and bike courage.
L. H. Humphrey, Pastor.
\Ve are happy to report a . glorious
work of grace upon these people and
within their church. The meetings
opened at the appointed time and the
manifestations of God's power and
presence \Vere evident from the begin-
ning. The tides of holy power and sal-
. vation swept . and continued to rise
U!ltil they would break in on us like
billows on- the rolling ocean.
Much prayer had been offered and
the " ;ay was carefully and very wisely
}Mvecl for this gracious r evival by the
good pastor, Rev. l.1. H. Humphrey, and
his noble wife. God bless them abun-
dantly for thei r care for us, for their
unceasing labors during this royal cam-
paign and for their judicious spirit,
gentle disposition, holy life. Godly walk
and efficient work. we riever labored
with a church and pastor with whom
and where we enjoyed our labors and
associations more than we did here.
l\Iany precious souls were saved, r e-
claimed and sanctified during these
meetings. l\lany said to us at the close
t .hat "This was the greatest re\'ival'
1peeting ever held in Cucamonga: \Ve
ne\rer saw anything like it; it is simply
marvelous in our eyes."
The superintendent of . tl1e Cuca-
monga \Vater \Vorks, with his wife.
were blessedly saved. 0! what shout-
ing and rejoicing as he came in the
church Sunday afternoon, with his face
all aglow with the bliss and glory of
heaven, telling what God had done for..
It was a time that will never be for-
gotten. It seemed more an old-
fashioned holiness camp meeting tQan
anything we . have witnessed in many
clays . . At the close of the last service
we opened the doors of the church and.
several families with others came in
and we had a gracious, sweeping climax.
Bro. Humplirey expressed himself en-
tirely satisfied with the work the meet-
ings and the blessed conseqt1ence.
'rhey treat ed us so nicely and gave
us a -\varm invitation to return at some
future time. At this writing we are in
the battle at Ontario and God is here
in power. Victory is coming arid we
are pu.shing on.
Allie and Emma fridi .
.!C. . ""
Any one needing a deaconess bont1et
or bonnet frame can obtain them
l\Irs. N. C. Radford, n5 Crocker street,
Los Arigeles, Cal.
APPLES OF GOLD is just the book
for an Inspiring Gift. It will bless
the soul and inspire faith. Send for
one. 30c. postpaid: 10 for $2.
The Time to Strike;
Or, Our Nation's Cu1'8e.
A story of sixteen chapters, told in
an interesting and graphic way, of
the Curse of the Liquor Traffic, and
its awful effects on the family. It is
timely and should be read by every
lover of cleanness and purity,
Nazarene Publishing Compa11y
Los -Angeles, Cal.
New Manual
The usual prices in quantities.
Retail price 25c post paid.
1\azarene PubliShing Co.
730 San Pedro Street
Los -Angeles,- Cal.
We Can Fill Your Orders for
The Assembly Minutes
Nazarene Publishing Co.
Los Angeles, California.
Dent.. :-32 :10. '' ire fmmd me in a
desert land, and in the waste howling
. wilderucss ;-. he lends me about, he in-
strueh; me. lie kcep10; me as the apple
of his eve.''
1.. found me. From a l'hild I
had heard of Jesus, bnt experimentally
He >vas a .stranger to me. 'fherefore.
as birds of a feather flock together, I
sought and fonnd worldly and sinful
companions. l:..ikc all sinners, sooner
or later they must reach the end of
their rdpe. I arrived at tlH' end of
mine -rather suddenly. Most people do.
When I reached the end of wilt!
and erratic career I was found by Christ
on a si cle bed in the waste howling wil-
derness ofsin. When a person is power-
less to move. he thinks. T began to
think of J esus. I guess I thought out
loud. lweause Jesns said He my
erv. ,l<' SliS me i'f ' I w<>re willing
to' work for Ili111. I ai1swcrccl that' 1.
Would <lo anything for Him if He won.ld
onlv htal llll'. [nstantly I was h(nl ed
and up.
2. Ile Jeads. Christ began to lead
imlhediatelv. <UHl bless God, I fell in
behind. lead me by train over hill .
and valley, nntil I stopped at the Deets
Bible College. 'l'he atmospher e
and eonditions of things were rather
strange to me. All I knew was that
Jcsns was leading. . still followed.
J esus was l eadiug other folks. too. B<-
fore I had adapted myself to <'Onditions
college was praying for the IH;w
arrival. I was at last led into full sal-
vatiou. ancl I Hill hl esl';ed " hen T think
of it.
He instruds me. I am a (' 011 -
stant learner at tlw f eet. of Jesus sill(' <'
I have been sanctifiecl. He has taught.
me to g<>t the best from every tria I that
.way. I shout when it dark
as well as light. Every l esson taught
n1 e has m;Hi <' 1111' 11 l'; tl'OII g' ('J' ( 'lnistia 11 .
4. He k eeps niP as tht apple of lliH
eye. This part of the Y<>rs<' suggPst.s
-i .. ttinite ('/1.1'<'. lnfi11itP (' /ll'l' His
little ones. To best. 'understand t.lw
k eeping power of God. on<' must lw
sanctified . .Am<>n. ''l'his k eepiug powPI'
is bttt<>r r ealized than expressed: Prll,Y<'l'
is the most gaiious pa1t of my chang<'d
and new life. l11 pray<'!' my son!
to gently rise and is horne away on
wings of p ea cP ;ind rest to the throne
of God. Here T prostlatP h efore
Him. and aclnre Him. an<l before leav-
ing I t ell Him just what T ll<' Pcl most .
and dear ones, bcforP T get baek to
earth my answer t o pray<'!' is wail'in !!.
Glorv His name.
Harold ('. 'l'nl l',\' .
Berkelf'y. Cal.
.JI "' .JJ
As all onr pPopl e k eep very close to-
. in our smaller ehurches and pre-
sent a solid front in every line of" bat-
tle . . they will soon make an . impression
in the community. This spirit of uni011
is one of the chi ef clements in the
Nazarene movement.
Nazarene Messenger
Oflicial Announcements.
As the time for several of the Dis-
trict Assemblies ispwar it will be well
for onr Pentecostal {'hurcll .of the Na7.-
11rene people to familiarize
with the articles of our l\1 annal refer-
ing to the said first. of
which I will quote: .
'' l. A District Assembly, to be com-
posed of the elders, lieensed preachers,
evangelists, deaeonesses, Sunday school
superintendents and two lay delegates
from ca!'h ehnrch within the. bounds of .
the District of fifty or l ess membership
(and one addit ional for every twenty-
five additional members over fifty)
shall be for each Distri<t by
the General Superintendents."
Please turn to pitge 45 of onr .Manual
a1Hl l'ead on till yon have r ead the
whole nine a1tiell's on tlw Disttiet As-
sembl y, aud tlwn seek to know the will
of .Lord about it aJH.l " wha1soevpr
. liP saith unto thee do it. "
We trust that all ou1 people will pray
mtwh fot the nssemblies mHl the work
int.rnstctl to them.
Your lnother and to-\\' OI'ke in onr
Lord 's vineyard,
H. F. H<ynolds.
In vic\\' of the fact ,that the Geueral
i\lissicmanr Secretary, 11. l<'. Re ynolds.
who is general suptJiutendcnt, is
abont to make a t our thtough tht
Southeasteru an<l tlw Miss issippi and
Alabama Districts. \\' c dPem it that
he at this time hold the AssCJnbly iu
. these distr.icts, and we her eby eall. t.h<'
. bistrict Assembly of the :Mississippi
and Alabama to meet at .Jasper, .Ala-
bama. March 5th to the 7th ancl the
Sont.heastern District .Assembly to meet
at Donaldson. G<> orgia. l\fai(h flt.h fo
tlw 11t.h .
P. F . Brcs .!c.
H. F. Revnolds.
E. P. Eliyson.
General Snperint.Pncleuts.
. .
r\ceording t o the powm vested in us
as General Superintendents concPrning
a n ew district not yet organized, we
her eby appoiut A. 0 . Duncan of Mill-
(reek. Oklahoma. as distri<t secretary
of the Oldahoma and KansaH Distritt
: Assembly and the following named per .
sous aH the a<lviHory_ honrd of the sam<'
district : S. C. Brilhnrt. ,J. H.
t.vre. S. < '. Etter, A. J. Pack .
P . 'F. Bresee.
E. p. Ellyson,
H. F . Reynolds.
'fhc San Francisco District Asseinbly
is -Ito meet at. Berkeley May 20th, at 9
a . m.
The N ort hw.estern District Assembly
18, h09
,i!'l , _to meet at . Seattle .May 27th, at
0 . . .
It .. is . expected . that in ease the
preceding (Wednesday) evening will
be to a great evangelistic service,
lind that Assemblies will remain in
sessiou the Sabbath.
Vi ashington- District - Marcn 23,
Washington; D. C. '(at night).
Philadelphia I>istrict Assembly-
_Mnr!'h 24-28 .. Chester, Pa.
If you get a notice concerning the expira-
tion of your subscription and you entirely
Ignore or forget it, DON'T go to the pastor
and say, "I don't know why I can't get my
paper regularly. The people at the Publish-
Ing House are careless, and I don't think we
ought to stand it."
If you have a real complaint, send It to
us at once and we wiii do our best to serve
YQU, but DON'T misrepresent us even unin-
tentionally. We have enough necessary
t1oubles without the extras.
... --- . -..=.:::::- --:.::. --==.
Special Book Offer
60c FoR -25c, PosT-PAm
Plain Account of Christian Perfec-
tion. Wesley.
1-:xperience of . Hester Ann Rogers.
God Love, by C. S. Eby:
Gospel Stamps (120 in a book).
Five Steps to Entire .Sanctification;
16-page tract, by P. F. Bresee.
Holiness, 16-p., by C. F. Walker.
Man a Revelation of God.
Sermon, by Rev. John Short.
Missionary Sermon, bY .. Mrs. Rose
Potter Crist.
Send 25c for this Collection
of Books and Tracts
Pins ...
We have a new supply of Nazarene
Pins. The Nickel-plated, such as
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kind made of Abalone shell with
black lettering.
25c .each
Shell .
50c each
Nazarene Publishing Company
W f G I
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... J. Ill. Htrrls, Editor.
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PUB. CO., 730
March 18, -1909]
Our Young People
''Speak to all more kindly
'l'han the ;year befor e,
Pr ay a little oftener,
. Love a little mote.
Cling a little closer
To the Father's love
So-life below sl1all grow
To the life above.''
"" "" "
'l'h<J'l' . Hre several things alwnys ab-
::;cnt in a' true lady, which girls will do
wdl to notice antl r emembet.
A lady, for example, will never ig-
11 01'<' I itt lG kindnef\ses.
( 'onclude in a ciowd that s h e has a
ri:.rht to push her way t hrough.
-Consume the time of people who can
ill spare it.
. \V<ar on the street a dr0ss only fitted
to the house or carriage.
Talk louclly in publi c places.
\ V ear a torn glove, when a needle
and thread, and a few stitches would
make it all right.
F.a:il in answering letters or return-
ing visits, unless she is ill or in trot1ble.
Fret about the h eat or the cold,, the
sun. or the rain, the air, or the lack
of it.
:Make aii engagcmen t and then not be
on time.
Complain for lHr family, or tlisenss
pc1sonal affairs with strangcrs.-'-?ion 's
A g<'ntleman . hail ed a street shoe-
ll'laek fo gd, his hoots hlael{Po. Thr lail
tanH ratiHJ slowly for one looking for
a job, and before he could gPt his
lnushes ont, anotlwr ' larger boy ran up
mHl pushed him aside. saying. "Here.
you sit down. J -immy!'' gentl eman
" as indignant at wlntt he deemed a
pi<'<'C of outrageous and
sha1ply told the newcomer to tl <'a r ont .
'' 0. tha t ' s all right, sir,'' was the r e-
ply ; ''I'm only going to do it i;.or him.
Yon see.- he's been sick at the hospi tal
for more than a month, and cnn 't do
much work yet, so ns boys all give him
a lift when we can."
"Is that so, Jimmy 1" the gentleman
"Yes, sir, " wearily replied the boy;
and as he looked np the-pallid, pinched
face could be discerned even through
the grim that cover ed it. "He does it
for me, if you'll let him.,_
"Certainly ; go ahead. " And as the
shoeblack plied the brush the gentle-
man plied him with questions.
''You say all the boys help him in
this way?"
. "Yes, sir. when they aint got 110
JOb themselves, and Jimmy gets one,.
t hey helps him. 'cause he aint very
stiong yet, you see.''
. "\Vhat part of the money do you
gJVe Jimmy, nnd how much do you
keep out of it 1'"
Nazaren.-e Messenger
''I don't keep.:::.any .of the money; I
aint such a sneak as tha.t."
"So you give it all to him, do you?"
"Yes, I do. All the boys give what
they get on his job. I'd like to catch
any fellow sneaking it on a sick boy, I
would. He wouldn't do it again.''
1'he boots being blackened, the gen-
tlemim hai1ded t h e urchin sixpence,
saying, "I think you'r-e a pretty good
f ellow ; so keep half and give the r est
to .Timmy here." _
"Can't llO it. it 's his customer.
Here. Jim." He tincw him the eoin.
and off like a shot aftei a custo-
mer of hi s OWII. \\'itbont it.
he lind a good smmon from
the text. "T-'ct love l.:on-
t intH'. "-Sci. ..
.!C "" .JI
"(' hildren." sai d the teacher. 111-
strncting thl' elass in compositio11 .
"you slwuld not attempt any ftights of
fancy ; do not imitate. others, hnt sim-
ply be yomsp)ves. and write what is
in- you. ''
As a r esult of this achice._ Tommy
wise turned out the following COI'\'lpo-
sition: '' Vv e should not attempt any
flights of fancy , but '\-rite what is in ns.
In me ther e is my stnmmick, lungs,
hart. liver , one sandwich, one piece of
pie, two apples, one stick of candy nnd
my dinner. "-Golden Age.
"" ..,. ..,.
"They all put brandy in them!'' said
" 'I' hey all don't. ::\Iy mother has
ncYer put a drop of brandy in her
minee piei;; sinl' e the Bob s<i id he
<>ould lastf' the hrandv and it tasted
good. :\Tntlwr said it was wrong.
ani! sh<' . y.-ould JicYer lw of 1t
again ; and if mother says a thing is
w1:ong, yon nui.y be sure_ it is wrong,
for what mother knows she knows."
''How about the mince pies 1
you sure she knows how to make pies
good ?'' And a laugh went up fr9m a
group of girls gathered'"nround
ister of the r ecitation r<?Oin, eating their
lunch. But some of them winced a lit-
tle when back. were tossed these words:
''If she doesn't, she lmows how to
make a boy good, and isn 't a boy worth
more thm-i a mince pie '! ''-Sel ccted.
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Holiness School of Strong Character, with Competent Faculty and Thorough
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LITERARY WORK: Primary, Acad-
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direct from this department to good
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How will it be at evening,
When the tiHionbeams ' glistening light,
Shall fall upon thy pathway,
In the still and silent night.;
Will they rest in shining radiance
On ripe and golden shcave<s,
That thy weary hands ha,e gathered,
Or on dry and fndcd .leaYes'l
How will it be at evrning, .
"Vhen the shadows arc o 'er the !awl,
And thy homeward way is wended,
With the sickle t hy hand,
./\ ncl thy feet are hot a'lnl weary,
From the long and dnAty way;
'\'ill thy hcatt. be quite contented
With the labors of the
' Vhat it be at <.W<'ning.
To wake in sad afright,
A ncl find the day departed,
With its <'ha ntes and bri ght ?
Xo harvest treasure gath<.> rNl.
Ko sheaves of golden gra in:
Thy time a ll passrd in drpaming.
To 11<' 'cr retn rn again!
The reaper's: arm is weary,
H<' . toils till close of day ;
But songs of :sweet rejoicing
Kow cheer his homeward way;
His heart is fi lled with gladness
At the glorious hanest h.ome,
And the Master's commendation:
'' fait hful child, well
Oh, wake! ye i dl E' drpamers,
Who live in sel fish ease,
And listen to the message
That floats upon the brPcze :
''The fi elds are white to harvest,
The laborers are few;
The day is swiftly passing
And Jesus calls for you. ''
A. D. S .
..,c ..,c $
The prea ch er or r eligious teacher
who can ignore the Holy Spirit and His
offi ce work in human r ed emption can
with equal propriety ignore any other
Bible doctrine.
The ancient prophets the
coming of the Holy Spirit. Christ
again and again promised His follow-
er s the gift of the Holy Spirit. The
inspired apostles r eceived Him, wrote
of Him. and taught all believers to be
fill ed with the Spirit. No minister of
the gospel can with propriety n eglect
to procl aim the baptism .with the Spirit.
It is not enough thaJ give the
Hol.v Spirit a place in our creed, songs,
prayer s, a nd liturgy. He must h ave a
p l ace in our h earts-He h ave our
h earts. If the Spirit comes .into the life
at all, H e must occupy the heart. as His
throne a nd rule t h e entire life.
, The Holy Spirit is not a small edition
of deity to he possessed. controlled or
mnnipnlated b y man . H e is one with
1'1H Father and the Son. H e must come
to us and enter into us not as our ser-
vant lnit as oui Master. H e will l}Ot
b e to us; w e must be s nhj cct
to Him.
The Holy is not a thing and
sl 10nlrl n ever he refr lT<'rl to as it. He
Nazarene Messenger
is a a nd should be referred to
as Him. H e is ever present; l et u s
commit no sin in His presence. He is
r ead, . a nd abl e to guide; let us not
d a r e' to go a lone, but ever follow His
l eading. H e is a blessed Comforter ;
l et u s not walk in sorrow, but en joy the
a nd p eace which h e gi v es to the
s ubmit ted, trusting h eart.
T a k e your Bible concordance
turn. to. the many reference to the Holy
Spirit. Note His p ersonality, His pres-
en ce in the world, His authority in the
church. His work in the salvation of
men , and ask yourself if yon can afford
to ianorP. Him or r efuse Him a full
rnl e;,-ship within your h eart and life.-
P enhcostal Herald.
.. .JC .JI
\\'eary, tired, gloomy, sad or eh C'er-
ful. look up. a nd s mi l e. God is l ove.
Gocl loYes 'rhink over thes( things
with something more t han t hough ts.
on e told me.
"God is more n ear to onr. sonh; t h'nn
our o"n
"The Lord thy God is in the midst .-
of t h ee, a mighty On e who wi'll
He will r ejoice over t h ee with joy; l-Ie
will rest in His love; H e will joy over
thee with.. singing." .
"A root set in the fin est soil, in the
b est climate, a nd blesse_d with all that
sun and air and rain can do for it, is
not in so sure a way of growth to p er-
fection as every man may b e whose

lated to than to .(;e :anotl1er, f01
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If any young person wa,nts 1' HE YOUTH's
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The subscription price is 75c a year. In
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mary Purpose.
the Justified.
Them Up.
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OUR HOLY BUSINESS. "Be ye kind one
to another . ., "
10c. per doz. ; 50c. per 100, postpaid.
730 San Pedro St. , Los Angeles, Cal.
"Where Art Thou?''
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spirit aspires a ft er a ll that which God . This book by this noted Evangelist will
is ready and infinitely desirous t o give arouse, instruct and Send for it.
him. For the sun meets not the spr ing-
ing b:ud that stretches toward him with .
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