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.. The Blood of Jesua_ ChriBt UiB Son 4teanseth us From. All Si;,.

Vol . XIII.
Los Angeles, _California, March 25, 1009 No. 39

Be still! Just now be still! Be still! Just now be. still!
Something thy soul hath never heard,
Something unknown to any song of bird,
Something unknown to wind or wave or star,
A message from the fatherland afar,
There comes a Presence very mild and sweet;
"White are.the sandals on His noiseless feet.
It is the Comforter, whom Jesus sent
That with sweet joy the homesick soul shall thrill,
Cometh to thee, if thou canst but be still.
To teach thee what the words He uttered meant,
The waiting, willing spirit He doth fill;
If thou wouldst hear His messages, dear soul, be still!
HOLINESS. Chaplain G. W. Wilson.
Holiness is a moral state of complete
cOMformity to the moral image of God . .
Its possessor discovers that nothing
contrary to the of God exists in the
sonl. A discovery of any lack or need
of the soul awakens an immediate de-
s ire for its r eatization, and an active
r eceptive faith in embracing it. Holy
hearts love and earnestly seek j,o do all
the will of God. They not only do not
oppose any revelation of His will, but
they seck to lmow mor e futly. all His
will, that t h ey may please Him in do-
itrg it. 'When holy ll'earts at e tempted
they dn not discover any imvard dis-
position to yield to t he temptation. 'l'he
t emptation exists as a possibilit y with
r casmis for yielding to i t, but the soul
is poised in pureness, so that any yield-
ing would imply delibe.rate choice. Un-
like the 11nhol y, tCJI1ptations do not
:ni sc from internal condi t ions .. , Remove
sueh bcyontl t li c. condit ions whieh
creat e t emptation, and they arc
exe1ilpt. Unless they deliber ately
choose t o disobey they will n ever fall.
Prayer is pl easure, because it is seek-
ing nnd asking for that which is most
desired. E ven when the divine will r e-
quit<'s . some servi ce or sacrifice f r om
\\"hi<h a pure n a ture may well shrink,
ptaytr has i ts sweet v ictor y in a calm
r esignation t o \Yhat G.od wills as best.
Holiness llas no negative aspect . It
is not mer ely the absence of sin, it is a
posit ive state of nntrire. not the
11u:re absence of doubt; it is positive,
Jl()d'cct faith. It is J{ot the of
. impurity, _ it is pure,_ s hining
love filling the soul. It not merely
.the absence of d eath, it is abunda nt l ife.
It is a continuing process, it is an
- .
abiding state, It. is not endless growth,
with its un.ceasing __ indefiniteness, it is
a fixed state where all the attributes of
the soul grow normally. It is not entire
sanctification, it is the. r esult of entire
sanctification, \vhich is a divine process,
instantaneous and complete, . which
makes holy. It is not merely freedom
from inward disturbances, it . is a state.
of p erfect peace. It is not a rule of
conduct, it is that which produces holy
character and holy conduct. It is not
an inspiration that momentarily illu-
mines; i t is that upt:nl' which the glory
of God. in the face of J csus Christ r e-
ceives the unfading impress of the di-
vine image. Its li fe is love ; its sririt
is service, and sacrifi ce ; its conduct is
f eijlowship ; its power is godlikeness; .its
environment, the f nlness of God.
In t he sacr.ed sanctuary of .t he holy
heart n o defil ement crosses the thres-
hold. Its wrath against evil is meas-
ured by t he tl ept hs of its lo,e for holi-
liess. 'l'o the helpless, the n eedy, . the
weak, the wronged, the holy hea rt is
more tender than a child's. 'fo the de-
ceptive, the hypocritical, the unreal,
t he self-righteous, the. wrongdoer ,. it is
a passion of indignation. The holy
.heart knows no minorities or maj ori-
t ies, its one s upreme wish is to know
right and defend it. Holiness g irds its
possessor with omnipotence for all t hat
God demands of him, and whe n :not di-
r cctly engaged in Di vine srrvice makes
him a r eflective saint. Holy. .mcn
do not it; the past, God fills
pr{:lSCnt, with .life, power nnd duty. A
_hol y man in preparation for wiil .
and w ork is as holy as when h e appears
as prophet or .apostle, actively ftilfilling
the will of God. Some are forever
quiet until they are fossilized. Sotne
are forever. doing until they are an echo
of themselves in times past. ''A_ desert
place for a while'' is occasionally a holy
man's trysting place, as well as being
''moved with compassion' ! when .seeing
the multiutudcs '-' and their needs.
Holy men know no churchianity;
they have their .church affiliations; be-
lieYe in different politi cs; hold certain
opinions; fall in to certain peculiariti es;
make intimate friendships; ar e mis-
-taken concerning many non-essential
things, but t hey have a clear; keen eye .
to discern the good ever ywher e, and
ar e j1i love with it and fellowship all
who posses's it .
Real holiness is death to
Holy men discoYer that outside their
acquaintance and cir cl e God has thou-
saiids "who never bowed t he' knees to
Baal." Holy men arc n ever busy in
hunting f or faults, but they have a keen
eye to vi r t ue. Their optimism is al-
most inspiration. They., see victory
where others only see defeat. Their
k een eyes behold every d elicat e flower
blooming in . glory amid desert wastes,
and their. " glory's" at them, even
t hey may be too busy in r edeem-
ing the desert to notice the cheerful
passerby: Holy men s ing-was ever
mus ic .like t heirs? They laugh-was
ever childhood's . happi est burst of
lnugh ter more innocent 7 They speak-
was ever wisdom more condepsed 7
';r'he.v p ray-was ever h eaven nearer ?
Yea, the wilderness .and t ho solitary
place shall be glad f or them, and the
d esert shall r ej oi ce, and blossom as the
contributed Articles
A everybody "What is the
time of day?;J
'Tis often spoken . as you pass along life's
busy way; .
Bilt more important in reply this answer
should be heard,
By taking all things in account, "It's time
to seek the Lord."
This answer far surpasses all that may
engage your thought;
It oughtweighs all the others, for your soul
was dearly bought;
GOd's only Son was given, and we're bidden
in His word
To put all worldly cares aside, and come and
seek the Lord,
The many things of this old world p:ess in
on every side;
They'll crowd out all your serious thought,
till naught but ill betide;
So take a warning now, my friend, if God
you've never served,
.. d set apart this very hour to pray and
seek the Lord.
The anxious throngs pass on and on, it seems
with no concern,
Beyond life's fretful, pushing strife, and
with no time to learn
The most important answer , that more often
should be heard,
Amid the busy cares of life, "It's time to
seek the Lord. ' '
Je'sl.1s can'ie into the world to save
sinners. That means everybody, for
all have sinned. It was a gr eat under-
taking, but He is a great savior , able
to save to the uttermost. He is the
only savior; no one else can save t he
sinner and deliver him from Satan.
He is mighty to save and strong to .
deliver. He can be depended on, for
He is r eliable. Those who trust Him
will not be disappointed. He never
fails. A t housand sympathizing friends
' might' try to save you, but they could
. Nazarene Messenger
. . .. . : . . ... . . .
way to the hayen of eternal felicity.-
.Failure to do so will .be a calamity . . It
would be better not to have been born
than to neglect this
Having been born once, get born again; .
and so be fit for the kingdom.
[March 25, 1909
ye kriow that H.e (Jesus) was
. manifested to take away our sins; aiid
iD. Him is . no sin.'.' Sins iii -the . plural
are outward acts of transgression, by
either .commission or omission. Sin in
the singular is an inherited principle,
or compelling force within the heart
and life; it is a foreign enemy, a power.
I;IOLINESS AND HEAVEN. ful and deadly foe. The Holy Ghost
T. s. MASHBURN. - applies the blood of Jesus, which
There is n'othing .so su.btle, so hein- cleanses out . all sin and impurity of.
otis, awful, so corrupt, so and heart and life; after which cleansing
damnable as sin. It would surely wreck the Holy Ghost abides in and with tts;
Heaven if permitted to.enter there. It and is the witness. Let us keep in t he
is t he one and only thing that God is middle of the road-preach holiness in
angry with and cannot look upon with the spirit ofperfect love, on intelligent
any degree of allowance. In the very Bible truth.
nature of the case, He does and must
punish sin, for should He wink at or
compromise in the least with it, . then
He would cease to be jtist what He is-
a God of holiness, or a hply God with-
out sin.. As to how much or how little
of sin ri1ay be to damn a soul,
I dare not attempt to say; nay, verily
I question if there are any little sins
in God's sight, .and I also believe His
holy people .l ook upon it in the same
light, for the disciple i!> not above his
Master; but ever y one that is perfect,
shall h.e l\fa!)ter. Sin is one
It is evident that affinities will pre-
vail in the spirit ual r ealm. He who
said ''Be not unequally yoked with un-
believers" would obey this behest' in
th_e et ernal life, ''for what concord hath
Christ with Belial." Matter in 1 he
cliemical htbor ator y obey this law.
The home-the true church-in its
earthly form, is the shadow of eternal
r eal ities. . The goats-Satan's sheep-
on the look somewhat iikc the
sheep on the right hand in judgment
scene. The five' wise virgi;1s onl tlitYcr
in ability t o be l ight giving. They all
wait for the bridegroom to be separ ated
- the door was s hut.
All si nner s are the called. '!'hose
who have t he spirit . of faith hear anti
obey it. The Holy Spirit is scding
every one t o be the bride of Jesus. The
elect are thos'e who ar e willing to he
the called-out Qncs. They go to J ' l' n
tecost for a special preparation. They
are the chosen chaste spirits who ' ri ll
delight to follow the Lamb. They fall
and only thing to fear. Dr. Bresee said
in a recent sermon, we have nothing to
fear from infidelity, but much to fear
from unfidelity. It was the unficlelity
of .A.chan, the covetous thief, that
caused Joshua t o fall and lie p r ostrate
all d ay on his face in the dust before
God, crushecl with gt:ief because of t he
sin of this one unfaithfnl . man. It
caused Joshua's army of three thou-
sand to turn their back upon their ene-
mies 'at Ai and flee in fear and lose
thirty and six men. If our hearts con-
demn us, God is greater than our hearts
ana "knoweth an ' things. Therefore it
is a dismal failure to attempt to cover
in our hearts, or conceal anything that
is impure and unholy, for God does
and will sear ch us out, and we, like
Achan, must meet and pay the
penalty of sin. He confessed but alas,
t oo late. Just l ike the rich man in hell
who prayed, but too late, too
in love with the coming bridegroom.
They become l ove's bond-sla Yes. They
are ip. affinity with God and the com-
pany that belong .to Him. They loso
t he love of the world-Egypt, the \ril-
derness-and push on to Caanan. They
yearn and look for the return of their
beloved. They say ,., I am H is and Ilo
not. Education and moral philosophy
and Christian Science are powerless to
save the sinner froin his sins or the
consequences thereof. He is the right
savior for a wrong sinner . All sinners
have gone wrong, and they cannot get
A chan's sin caused himself and family is mine.''
to be stoned to death and burned to The earthly home is made by join-
ashes, with all of his property; defeat ing two bodies of fl esh in a relation
of the army and loss of thirty-six sol- where scarcely ever can t here be trno
dier s'" lives. Awful as all of this is, unity and harmony. The world is
there is an eternal death, or rather a cursed by brok en marriage vows. Th<y
separation from. God, when he shall are by promise, the drops out
himself draw the line and separate his - the uncongenial in the making. In nny
p,eople from the wicked: as a shepherd biblical view of marriage to the heaven
divides his sheep from the goats, for ly bridegr oom, there inust remain the.
"the soul that sinneth, it shall die. " awful reality that the unp r epar ed, fil.
right without the Savior.
As there was only one door in the
ark, so there is only one Savior for men
by whQm they can be saved. . He is
way, tlie only way, by which we can
find our way to heaven, and those who
try any other way will utterly fail.
F.ollow Him, He will l ead you in a safe
and sure way, the straight and narrow
March 25, 1009]
Nazarene Messenger.
are . at . -to live Ch.rist life, it-iscert-a:in=that
. tliC-:pure:=-spirit of Jesus, can ha ve=:rn:r must get a ; naturc-.that- c- ----
;art in the .glorious things of the king- It.,
Another r esult may follow this
clom of God. The fruits of the Spirit movement which is to lower the
arc iu .et ernal a ntagonism. Love, joy, Christian standard. Failure to realize About six months ago a man came
peace arc QOt, good })edfellows with hat- what . one hoped, is quite likely to do into the Nazarene Hall and asked for a
reel. 'fhe pure and the impure jar our .. t his. After moral defeat one is apt to Bible "in Hindi,. and for instruction in
sense of propriety. "When H e shall let down his standard. . . t he Scriptures. He was a man of about
1 ll b 1
.1 II" " N l 1 The language used in this new move- forty years of age and said .he was an
we s 1a c
re Im.
f e - ment admits of different interpreta- t
cr- d h
d f
icatc, .pure blue flowers in _the t ions ; and it may be intended to do np-coun ry u , w o Ia come
in their beimty can transcend. the face this. The purpose in hand is "to--livc--Hyderabad after the recent terrible
or charact er of Him who has set his as Jesns Christ would, were H e to f ace floods. He said that he had been
love tipon us to solicit our eternal prohlems of modern existen ce." Prob- waslied Otlt of his home and that his
lems of modern existence may mean wife and little daughter had been
that one can put his own construction
R.fverside, Calif.
Selected Articles
:"-/ vw t he young pc()ple of the variouH
soci et ies of our are t o
form t hemselves into a colossal com-
pany to li vc their r eligion.
There seems to be a widespread con-
,ict ion that the life has not been what
l lw conscience d emands, and that mer e
cHganizatiori does not prove sufficient;
so a new organization is to be with us
. and, as we have observed, for the pur-
pose living the Christ life.
:-io fdi; as outwnrd conduct is cou -.
ceued, n o purpose could be better than
what is proposed by this great host of
splendid young people.
\Ye greatly rejoice iu t his p urpost!
and we will not cease t o pray our God
that best things may be realized.
ft will not be difficult to sec t h at OI H!
of sever al t hings will come to pass in
this new endeavor and by it .
1. One is, that it will be a
on what Christ would do were He here washed. away and drowned before his
as life now is; in otl_
er words, J esus, eyes. This trial had led him to feel
in our times, would set an example l ess t hat he must enquire into our r eligion.
strenuous and less diftl'cult to imitate \Ve agreed to help him as much as we
than did H e in the more s impl e times could. Faithful Bahu, our preacher,
in which He lived.
Do we forget the arguments nnd in- offering to l et him li ve in a room in
sistenccs of worldly . church es 1 The his house, although account of the
gny. frivolous a nd dancing church up-country language which F aithful
members, the worldly, wine-drinking under stood, hut could not speak , he 'vas
elergymen pointed to the marri- unable to nnderti
ke his instruction.
age in Cana of Galilee ns indicating His instruct ion was undertaken by anc
what Jesus would do now, a nd as their other of our preachers, Pundit L. C.
endorsement from t he Bible of their Panda, who knew the stranger's Ian- .
frivolity, wine drinking and fun. Even guagc. The stianger , who gave his
the tobacco-user points to nn t1ttcrancc name as Hori Churn, got work as a
of the scriptures ns f nrnishing him blacksmith 011 a very small salary of
rlivinc support for his. dirty nncl de- about seven cents a clay and we helped
st1uctive hahit, " Every 1:rcature of Gofl him iu every \Yay we could . For threc
is good ( ineluding tohncco) , and noth- or four mont hs things went on in this
iug to he refused." way, Hori Churn r eadin g his Bible r eg-
It will not be a nc" t hing m1der t he ularly and seeming to be very inter est-
suit if peopl e, findiug the Christ-life a . tt l. But one Sabbath morning- lately in
little. severe, fon clude after nil that the hnll, he utterly astonislted . every
were He h ere He would conform t o one. Overcome with emotion and
modern views, as to_ mornl habits, ns speakhig in the Bimgalic language,
Pvidcntly Tie wonla in some t hings which we all talk here, and which he
sical. pretended all these months not to un-
1. The eudeavor to live like Christ der stand, he nsked e, er y one to pray
ntay promote legali sm- a mere extcr- y
him. He knelt down saying, " .0
nnl doing. Tf one h ave t he moral nerve 1<-,riend of sinner s, be merciful to 1pe, the
to cl o as He diu, hut fail to get the l' hief of sinne rs: and cause me t o live."
power to make the "yok e easy, " it will After a ti me he addressed us saying,
1crtainly result in an enslavement of ' I nln an awful f1n111I. T have taken
lt>galism. .nm in, in wny. nut now I nm in
.-!. 'l'he _reaJ, JHuposl' to li ,-e such agony about my . Hins t hat I must
pany and under a vow to Ji,e as J esus .( lhristly onght to prodticc. a hunger fm. confess. I am not a .Hindu, nor yet an
lived, eonfesscs at t he outset that this the grnce whi c- h cnn enable t his up-country mni1. I a m t h e son of a
is what being a Christian means ; when! to he done. native Christian and was a Calcut ta
liltS fa ilure.. This massing of young
people, m any aged people, into. a com-
i5. It will hririg .the devout a nd de- bov. l\I.v lan
o-ua . gc is .'ours. I a m a
have the young people been? What t 1 1 t tl f J ' '
vo .c, young pcop e o 1c ountam Ben galce like yourselYcs, but having_
has their profession stood .for '! 'Vliiit '"hi ch cleanses nway th e sinward trend li Yed up-countr y, I have learnt the Ian-
has !wen thPir purpose? and possesses the nature with Him who gnage there spoken. All this t iine I
\Ve ar(! n ot t hese quest.ions in . causes us to keep His commandments. haYc not eaten with J.'aithfuJ Balm on
citi C' ism. If there is fa ul t h ere, it is Her e is the true secr et nnd for t his ;wco11nt of my castt, b11t I have 110 \
with the church itself r ather thnn tlw rcaliznt.ion with our young people we caste, for my f ather was a well-known
_,otmg people of t he eh11reh in pnrticu- hopefully prny.- Christian ' Vitness. nati vc Christian doctor her e. I ' left
lar. For what docs Chri stian stand _,. _,. _,. Calcutta twenty years ago. having de-
with 11s? ' Vhat are we in t he ehurch DON'T! scrted mv wife and child and n ever r e-
as to our t hinking and t each in g, and If you get a notice concerning the expira- t urned tintil now. I have committed
what is the obj ect lesson of our own tion of your _subscription and you entirely cYer y ronceivable sin." H ere he could
Ii ,ing ? If t he young people do as the ignore or forget it, DON'T go to the pastor 1;0 further and broke down. vVc
,.hllrt".IJ in general docs, will r epto- and say, don't know why I can't get my prayed for him and with him, and af-
chwe the Christ-life '! paper regularly. The people at the Publish- a while .. he found peace. How his
lng House are careless, and I don' t think we
F'or the yonng peopl e, or for peopl< ought to,stand it." face beamed when he stood up
of liS of any age, to have a wrong phil- . If you have a real complaint, send it to .wanted to shake hands with everybody!
osophy of Jiving is to invite failure _ us at once and we will do our best to serve He said "God has drtwin me in with
from t he start. Jesus distinc . .tly teaches you, but DON'T misrepresent us even uriln- His strong hand. I live. I live. " The
tentionally. We have enough necessary
that fruit is determined by t h e -tree. troubles without the extras. d11tnge of l anguage astonished every
So if our precious young people expect NAZARENE PUBLISHING CO. one. He sairl , " Now I have to go home
to give up npium, as I Jut:Yc heen-a big
opium eater .for years.-'-' V{hat a month
he has had since. As the r esult of giv-
ing np his opi nni he.: has b'ecn pros-
tJatcd and too ill to speak. We have
been giving him strong coffee to help
him and are doing all . in onr power for
him. How he has prayed :md cried to
God to help him through ! when he
was a little b etter he told Brothers
Biswas and Faithful his whole story
and a fearful one it was. During the
twenty y ears he married eighteen timrs
as a Hindu and robbed every fainily
with whi ch he was connected, escaping
in ri f ew weeks or months. He had been
in prison for three years for maki ng
bad coin. During these twenty years
he had always passed as a Hindu, but
ha.d professed cw1version three times at.
different missions, for what he could
get out of the missions, and h e had
been bapti:r.ed three times as a convert .
He has beeu trying to trace his father
and wife. but it. seelns that they l eft
Cal cutta for Benares inany years ago,
and he fears he will not. be able to find
them, _even if alive. Pray much for
Hori Ghurn. :
E. C. A vetoom.
.)1: ..,c $
Victory in the name of our King.
God's Spirit is trying the hearts of men ..
. He will have a pecn-li_ar, a tried people .
here to be ''witnesses'' to His power
to cleanse and keep, to chang-:. the
habits and customs of this .people aut!
transform the life and make the desert
blossom as the rose. One rmin .gave tes-
timony to the change in his wife: ''In
these f ew days," he said, "there is the
transformation iu habits and life that
I had been trying years to bi'ing to
pass ; {Ind. so easy it came about, just
" orkecl itself-yes, it works veri!,\'-"
\Yhen the r eal life eomcs in the eim-
trary things arc carrie(l off in th(, enr-
A came into the meeting one day
and, listening awhile, arose and asked
permission to speak a :few words, which
being given, he said: "I am a Cath-
olic Apostolica Romona. but I do not
believe that salvation comes by the
church or confession to men. I am a
Christ ian since my ba pt. ism at fonr
months of age. (Oh,- my, people p etish
for want of knowl edge. snl'ely they do.)
[ am now 76 years of age.'' \Ve as keel
him to listen to a :few words of J esus
to Nicodemus (john 3) and we r ead and
explained and followed with au altai
call. . _.J.1'i :ve responded. this man the first, .
and he lmdt. and prayed, trembl_ingly:
" Father, forgive me all the sins of my
past" life, take me as th.v ehild." and as
he contiuned in JH'ayer 'J'he Peace came
into his soul and he atose and said: ''I
was a Catholic but now ,]:,. am a Chris-
tian and I want to li ve among Chris-
tians," and we took him in.
_There have been forty-six sedcers
for pardon the last seven days; it Jooks
Nazarene . Messenger
like it is going to be a c_outin.ual. thilig.
Thank God for ''the Lighthouse n
planted here and for Santos.
This is a great, growir1g city with
great resources of mines, grain and cat-
tle, and developing most rapidl,r:-:a
great open gateway to all the
States and Central Not long
since one firm alone shipped through
this city from Mexico more thmi 30,000
beeves in one. shipment. :Many wealtl)y
mine owners live h ere and this city for
the center of onr work and extension
of our work in Mexi co, New Mexico,
Arizona . . etc., beymid question is the
place. Here we have the people and .
every advantage for a great. church,
with nothing to hinder ns, as we keep
in the will of God. . . . .
As I have said\ we ought to
have-and can:._a Bible school, a print-
ing press to print holiness literature and
The Messenger, or some other like holi-
n ess paper, in Spanish, and we have the:
man here to take it in cbal'ge. 'vVe need
a r eading room, open (lay and night,
where they can come-tb r ead the B.ible.
Think of it, they tell me their Bible
costs from twelve to fifty dollars eaeh
in :Mexico.
Pray for tl1is plaec and for our mis-
sion and missionary. She will need
h elp and there are s everal who want to .
come to help her. Who will Rend them
or he! p to send them7
1\Irs. l\L l\IcReynol1k
.:& .:& .:&
Alabama District.
This district will rank mi10rig some
of the large dishicts for acres and
miles. The two states, Ala .. ba ma and
Mississippi, aud t hat part . of F'lorida
west of the Chattahoochee river would
make a frame 3:36 miles wide and :-388
milc:o; long, containing 111 ,000 square
miles, or 70,000,000 a cres. Onr work is
located well for working the whole uis-
triet, iiY that ;we hitvc a circuit around
Thaxton and auother aronnd Cascillo,
1\Iiss., with a ('ircnit around Jasp er ,
AhL. and still another started around
Atm.ore, ;hist--over the line it1to !<..,lorida,
so if we shall succeed in building up a
strong eenter each of the above-
named centers we will soon spre;1d all
over the district.
Thaxton, Miss.
l\Iount Peniel Church is the name of
our organization at 'J.'haxtou. It is ,lo-
cated at the forks of the roads that
lead up from small villages about
three miles in each direction. It is
about fourteen miles square from Pon-
totoc, the n ear est railway station. Roll-
ing hills, pine timber and the clearings
produce fair crops.
Brother Wells came for us and
brought ' us back to the station with
his . trusty span hitched to a lumber .
wagon, because the water was so high
and the roads so bad he did not d.are
[March 25, 1909
to trust a light ve.bide. We had u
.good time praying and. pJ."aising God
. while we plunged along in the mud anll

Church House.
I think the only church building we
have in Mississippi is at Thaxton,. a
large frame building that will seat 600,
, but not finished inside.
Rev. - Miss. Alice Hawkins, bettel'
known among the holiness people on
the district as Miss' Alice, with her sis-
ter, who is an evangelist, has been do-
ing faithful work on this circuit for
the past year and a half. _The circuit
embraces about eight places where they
hold services, covering a territory
about" twenty by thirty square miles.
We had four good services during tlw
rally beside two business meetings.
'l'hey have promised to work the enve-
lope system. They have a good can1p
shed three or four miles from
church and have an annual camp nwd-
The Assembly.
. As-has been stated in our church pa-
pers, Superintendent Ellyson desired
that the writer while on his missionan
trip through these states should
the two district assemblies. and as. '' a
good soldier obeys orders," I just sub-
mitted to the powers that are, and we
coupled the Assembly on l.vith the ra:IJ _,.
date, for .Ta.sper, Ala., March 5-7, 1!10!l.
.Jasper is the county seat and is a
good center for our work, and our Dis-
trict Superintendent will make this his
headquarters. as it is accessable.
Friday night and Saturday morning
of the assembly was so rainy the
gates could not reach the seat of the
so those that were prescnt
held two good services of prayer and
preaching. which helped to get things
r eady for our business meetings, 11H'
first ser.vice of which was held Satut-
day 2 :30 p. m. By running almost. a
solid s<;ssion, with a little recess fm
preaching from 7 :30 to 9, and a liUI<
lunch, we closed up the business about-
]] :40 p. m.
-- There arc five churches on the dis-
trict and four prospective churehPs.
There arc four pastors on the distri e1.
. Though our numbers were small. "'' '
were conscientiously careful to attend
to all the duties of a District Assembly.
R. 1\f. Guy, the former district superin-
was not able to be with ns.
owing to his work in the Nazaretw
Bible Institute at Pilot Point. and haY-
stated that he was not situated so
as fo do the work of a dif>trict superin-
t endent, the Assembly elected Rev. < .
H. Lancaster. the present pastor of onl'
church at Jasper, a district superin-
tendent, and the District Advisory
.Board have ml.dertaken a ' system
whereby they expect . in a few weel{s
to put Brother Lancaster into the field
as ,district superintendent and distril'l
, evangelist, giving his whole time to,om
work on this great district. The Dis-
trict Superintendent and Advisory
Board have already planned for one OJ'
more strong camp meetings on the dis-
March 26, 1909]
trict. 'fhc one iu Alabama is to be at
Nauvoo, and the other doubtless will
ue in Mississippi.
Statistical Report.
Number of members ........................................ 154
Number of Sunday school scholars 175
Number of t eachers and officers...... 22
Value of church property ............... $975.00
Indebtedness on same........................... 96.00
H.aised for church building .. ,......... 345.00
l<'or support of pastors ........................ 480.00
For evangelists .......................................... 142.00
For rent ........ : ............................................ -' 70.00
For current expenses .............................. 15.00
li'or missions ................................................... . 27.50 .
Ji'or other benevolences........................ 25.00
For district supei.>intendcnt............ 200.00
l<'or Sunday school expenses ...... 6.00
Alabama District, as Arranged.
District Superintendent, Rev. C. H.
Lancaster, Jasper,. Ala.; Cordover, Ala. ,
Hcv. C. H. Lancaster; Friendship, Fla. ,
1tev. P. M. Covington, Cascilla, l\liss.;
.Iaspct, Ala., Rev. C. H. Lancaster;
Nauvoo, Ala., Rev. J. A. Manasco;
'fhaxton, Ala., Rev. Miss Alice Haw-
Prospective churches are situated. at
Atmore, Fla. ; Galloway, Ala., and Sat-
gosso, Ala., the last supplied by .J.
'l'hc weather on the last Jay of the
assembly was all that could be asked
for until evening. The congregations
were good, but aho.ut sunset we had
lightning and thunder: with a h ea.vy
down pouring of rain at times, conse-
quently the attendance . was light, hut
:l<'sns was W'ith us by the H
ly _Spirit
anti made it one of the best services.
'rhc saints had a great time shouting
in the morning as the Spirit fell on
and then we wer e shouting happy
. 111 the afternoon when eight or ten pnt
themselves on as seekers for
holiness of heart, but at night some
prayed through and others hroke up
and confessed up, and the meeting
would not give up till about midnight.
Brother Lancaster will press , the en-
v_clope system on his district, for he he-
hcves if we will he blessed in our home
lind local work we must also r each out
into the foreig,n fields. - Pray for this
young man and his wife. that thcit
may be supplied as they devote
then whole time to this great work.
H . F . Reynolds.
' .... .JJ
The fire of heavenly love is hnrning
in my soul. I eloscd a foi1r weeks'
meeting in Nebraska City, Neb., Feb-
ruary 14th, with good attendance from
start to finish. Many souls sought sal-
vation and not a few were saved and
_sanctified 1 as a r esult ,there was 11- gen-
eral cleanmg up. I came directly home
after . having been away
. I
Nazarene Messenger
for some time. I felt to praise the T.Jord
for hiR eare over my family during my
a.bsence. I expect to meet new sonlR in
heaven as a result of this mectin"g and
''the toils of the road will seem noth-
ing when I get to the end of the way.''
James G. Willwn ..
.;c .JJ .JJ
We have just arrived from our trip
from the east. My wife and I went to
visit our old home in Michigan, hut
while we saw our parents and friends,
we saw the condition of their sonls.
The IJord lQoks ahead in the future
and saw the awful condition of the
. church and the sin eover cd up in it
and opened up a way for us to prcad1
full salvation . as a second of
g1ace-to be cleansed f1om all sin. Oh,
how the peopl e clid hunger and t hi1st
and cry unto they heard the
r emedy for tlu ir sin ancl .came to the
altar of prayer and cried unto God for
Him to dcansG out. inhrcd sin, anti the
very best and spiritual members of the
church ea!ne iu"!ci old scores and wrongs
wer e righted and fixed np, and it. .
stilTed up the JH'ople t hi\'t were crooked
and sinful in hc>a Jt and life. and also
t.he p1eachcr. The sct:ond . niaht we>
JH'cachecl flw power of tlw Ghost
and one> of the hJcthrcn ramc> t o
the altar fo1 tlc;nJsing. Thete was no
need of toaxing OJ' Pxluwting him to
pray; the> IHo.thtr was so hungry he>
opened his mouth and eri cd unto the
J_,oru for t.hc> hJ'I'IHI ;,f hta ,.Pn to tomc>
into his soul. lie> was \"tJ'\' llltJ<h in
ernest. abottt. it a nd his Jll'l';t ehcJ tamt
up and wanhd to stop him. and of
<:ourst "'<' had to stop tht' prcae!HJ' and
ask him to lcan the ,;,ot Itt>!' alnnt. hc-
(ausl' he> was pt'a:'ling fn1 the (ltan
heatt. Think of it! I'J'tathel' and JH' O-
pl e. nwnthers of tlw f'h tll'th. praying-
. fo.r ' Gott to send a of J"Pligion.
and when Ood stnt down the> llnl.r
Ghost upon thl' peopl<' and the \ to.:n-
IIJCncPd to try and plity. the p;r>;whcl'
gets st;JI'Pd o1 gets stiJTPd np and
wants to stop iL O.f eou1se he tottld
not stop it: HlHl t.hen he a ntl somr of
his taJnal-minded lll<'lll hcJ's wit lulJp'"
f1om the scrvif'e>s.
\\rc J' ChJrnPd f1om :'lfiPhi gan to
Dakota. One our Sawyer familit>s
that was saved . . 1110\"Pd over in South
Dakt)ta a fr>w m.onths ago and found no
holiness ptcaching thc'n' . and hnng('J'-
ing fot thr salvation gospel wrote us :
and Brother KunkeL one of our local"
JH'eachers f1om Sawyrr church. went
over and got t.hings r ead:, and we came
a f r w tla.ys lat.<'J' and t.IJ(' Lord gnYP us
victory in that. part of the land and
state. There is a numher of new towns
thrqngh there and a gr eat. fi eld for
holiness work to he done; as Wt' . find
lots of sin and wickedness thete. 'rhc
true gospel is needed so much ther e.
Oh, that our God will lay His.hand on
some more men S(}mething- like .our.
Brother C. B. Jernigan, district super-
intendent Oklahoma and Kansas, as he
wrote in the "' Messenger, December
number , "'fhc kind of man that will go
out under the blue sky alone . with God
.and build up a work." Our church in
North . Dakota: is on _the . victory side,
pushing hard on holinesR lines, all un-
der the blood.
Lyman Brougl!.
.JJ .JJ $
Am home in Columbus after a stren-
uous campaign in Illinois. The Mnpleq
Mills meeting in muddy Fulton countY
was glorious. God was there from be-
ginning. to end. T"he_ roads were so
bad at first the crowds were slim, b:ut
t hat did not dampen the ardor. The
pastor stood by and encouraged the
plainness of the Gospel. Our dear Bro.
and Sister Talbot gave up b1,1t one. serv-
ice the entire time and came out with
the wide-awake N azarenes. The Meth-
odist ranks are about depleted. One
remarkable feature of the meeting was
the power of God on sinners.
Later on the snows. came and then ..._
the crowds hailed for miles around.
They in sleds, runners, wagons,
horseback and afoot; what folks they
are to go to meeting. The interest grew
till the close, .in spite of thaw and slush,
till the roads were so bad the pastor
. closed.
Tuesday evening had gracious
privilege to preach in Canton with d ear
Bro. Raymond. God bless him and his
people. Then took wing to Kewanee,
joining Bro. T. H. Agnew. \Vas h er e
nine days, God giving victory with
.souls at .the altar. Bro. E . 0. Hobbs
of Louisville, Ky. , is a fin e young man
and a good preacher. God has indeed
blessed him and Kewanee is fortmwt ;
to hnve him pastor .
Was in. Chicago Sunday; can !iee
r eadily the. results of Bro. Huff's meet-
ing. Such crowds and such glory.
Happy faces and expectant throngs. N,
pen can actually describe the scene. Tt
is a treat to come home to a place lik;
First Church, Chicago. Bro. Cornell
gave a good message on the Holy Spirit.
In the afternoon twenty-five were taken
into membership, after each had give"!'l
a clear testimony, some being Cath-
olics and t.hree from Central Ameri ca .
Then we had a treat fr,om a convertt-d
saloon keeper from New York; such a
talk, it was ,thrilling. Not a few eyP.s
wer e moist. He stated he never met
and saw such a church and people an.]
felt like staying there. Bro. J. l\L Har .
ris, the singer, was present. Bro. Cor-
nelt"'preached a sermon on "A
Hell" at night; it was convincing. Seek-
ers through the day. vVell , amen. Com-
mence tomorr.ow. the lOth, at. Chicugo
Junction. Pra)r for your Welsh
Wm. 0. Jones .
P. -F. Bresee, Editor
R. Pierce, Ollice Editor
C. J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and Bru. Mgr.
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These are . the Christian's weapons.
David, in the day of some of liis
est victories, said " Thy gentleness hath
made me great. '' Certainly pride, nor
self will, nor self assertion, make vic-
torious in the cause of God. 'fhe br eath
of God gets through loving hearts, to
overcome the enemies and give the vic-
tory. To be ''more thrn conquorers''
is not only to have vktory over our
foes but to turn them into warriors for
Him whom we serve. Napoleon's great
encomium on Jesus Christ was that
while Caesar, Charlamaine and himself
had conquored nations, they hated
them, but Jesus Christ conquored na-
tions and they loved him. This is the
more than conquorer 's victory to con-
quor and spoil our en emies and in addi-
tion turn them into lovers of and war-
riors for .IIim who has given us the vic-
tory. when these conditions are gen-
uine, the victory which God gives only
reveals them.
When of Assisi was in the
midst of his greatest success; when it
seemed as if all people of the province
were gone after him ; his historian, Paul
Sabatier, seizes upon that moment to
show the humility and gentleness of
his soul. He say " This success, wh,ch
bathed the soul of Francis with joy,
did not arouse in him the smallest
movement of pride. Never -has man
had greater power over hearts, because .
preacher nev:er preached himself less.
One d_ay Brother Masseo desired to put
his modesty to the test.
NazQ.rene Messenger
'' ' Why thee ? Why \Vhy
thPc 1' he repeated again _;ina again as
if to niake a mock of Francis. ' What. .
are .. yon saying?' cried F rm1eis at last..
' I am saying that everybody follows
t.hee, every one desires to sec thee, hear
thee, and obey thee, and yet for a)l
t hat thou art n either bem{tiflll, n.or .
learned, nor of noble family. \Vhenee
comes it, t hen, . .that it should be thee
whom the world desires to follow?'
On hearing' these words the blessed
li'rancis, full of joy, raised his eyes to.
heaven and after remaining a long time
absorbed in meditation, knelt, prais-
ing and blessing God with extraordi-
nary fervor . Then turning towards.
1\Iasseo, .said, "l'hou -\vishest to know.
why it is I whom men follow ? Thou
wish est to lmow? It is because t.he eyes
of t he Most High have will ed it t hus.
He cont inually watches the good and
the wick ed and as His most holy eyes
have not found among sinners any
smaller man, nor any more insnfficient
. I
and _more sinful, therefore He hath
enosen me to accomplish t he marvelous
work which God has undertaken : He
ehose me because He conld find no one
more "orthless, and He wished he).e to
confound the nobility and grandeur,
the strength, the heaut.y, and t.lH,- l rn rn-
ing of this world.' "
Saba tier says, "This r eply throws .1i.
tay of light upon St.. Fran cis' heart; the
message which he brought to the world
is once again the tidings announced to
the poor; its purpose is the taking up
again of the lVIessian ie work whieh t.he
Virgin of Nazareth eaught a glimpse
of in her magnificat. t hat song of love
and liberty, the sighs of whi ch breath
a Yision of .a new social stntr. lie comcs
to r emind the \\orld that tlw wr lfare <if
man; the peace of his heart, t h e joy of
his life, are n either money, nor in learn-
ing, nor in strength, but In an upright
and sincer e will. Peace to men of good
'l'her e ean be no question but this is
the way of that victoty, whi ch over-
comes, which will save- some, and lifts
the conquorers to the skies. Surely
this is the. way of glory. Difficulties
and enemies may arise, and the war-
rior himself, like James and Stephen
and Paul, be hurried on to the great
white throne, but he is sure to br
crowned at l ast. The assurance is his
also, that "Henceforth ther e is laid up
. for me a crown of . .righteousness; which
the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall
give to me that day." ..
We know that God, in fidelity and
[March 25, 1909
power will bring- him, who loves .tn
trust.s Him and humbly walks wit h
Him, t hrough to share with Him His
glory, and t hat He also will rnr c fm.
His work in t.lw earth-t hat. it. shall not
.,c ,. ,.
There are da."s whe n, if it. were Jl Os
sible, the enemy ' \!ould tear away t he
very foundations. Perhaps it has al-
" :ays been so, but when t he hattie i.s
on and the enemy thrusts hard n ft1r
ns, it least for t.he tin!<'-as li P \\'
and awful as if t he battle had ll C\'1'1'
heen fought before.' 'fher e is in these
t.imcs such a subtle teaching and senti-
ment . that supernatural is
gone. That whil e it may he a nat ural
and not an unhealthy thing to pray. <'.
g., formulate our .needs and aspirations,
t.hat the refi ex influence he bene-
ficial upon the one who doe:-. it; t hat
t hus to formulate his conditions, look
at his difficulties and apprehend his
needs, will be a preparation fot him to
gather up his for ces and press on aud .
overcome his difficulties, etc. But t hat
tHere comes as a r esult any supernatu-
ral power is entirely unreasonabiP.
'fhere is not so murh of open ch all enge
perhaps as t_her e w11s a gen eration ago,
to test according to hummi ideas t l11
effi cac:v of prayer-to make a prayt l
gauge-but the assumption seems grPat-
er and the poison even more
li'orms of prayer are not so much scotYcd
at, but little or no belief in a ny r1al
a nswers. The skepticism is just as fatal,
while there is le!js conHi ct and thrus less
danger of awakening the thought of
men to the r eal state of affairs. Mwh
of the church goes through the forms.
r est on its oars, and slumbers OTJ. "\s
a r esult the heavens ar e largely \'oitt
less and while a humanized religion is
active in many ways, there is littl e or
no tide of divine things.
'l'here never was a time when it wa::;
more necessary to pray heaven down
t han in these days. Men arc saYcd
from sin only by the voice from heaven.
'l'hey are made holy only by the toul'lt
of God. Satan and sin adjust thcnt
selves to any circumstances and fio\11'
ish in all conditions ex cept in the con
suming fire of t.he Divine Presence. 'l'he
great work which needs to be done, can
only be accompl ished by the manifest
presence .and power of God. God has
called out" in these days a holy peoplt',
btlt their _is .in God _and t.hey are
powerless only as God is
among and leads t hem on.
March 25, 1909]
-As in the. olden ij.mes, Uw <Wy was,
"l'o thy tents, 0 Israel ," so today it
must be, '' To thy k!, 0 church of
the living God." \\That are the possi-
bilities of grace? What is the will of
God concerning His work? What is
the passion of the . Christ
in reference to His church? For what'
purpose has the Holy Ghost come i1;to
the world 1 Arc we not commanded to
pray, to ask that we may receive, to
ask largely that our joy may be full?
Are we not to be ''Praying always with
all prayer and supplication irl the Spirit
and watching thereunto with all persc-
,er cnce and supplication 'I''
And are we to pray aud receive Hot'!
Certainly not, unless we ask that
we., may cons ume it upon om lusts
(pleasures) . God has covenanted to
answer our prayers, to hear our united
cry and give us the things we ask, as
also our closet petitions and reward us
openly. Elijah was a man of like pas-
sions with us and he prayed and God
answered . Indeed history is full of di-
vine utterances and the ma nifestations
of holy power in answer to prayer. Let
every one who knows the way to the
holY place be an intercessor until in the
midst of years there are new and
mighty revela tions of God unto sal va-
l ion.
$ ,J& $
Beginning next Sabbath, :i\Iarch 28th,
at First Church there is to be held a
four days' meeting with the Southern
evangelists, l\Irs. Carrie C!,'Ow of KCJi-
tucky, Rev. Joseph Owens of Alabama,
and l\Ir. M. Kell of Kentucky.
Mrs. Crow with her brot her, Mr. Kell,
are favorite singers - and people arc
greatly delighted with and helped' by
her preaching. Rev. Mr._ is a lso
a preacher_ of special gift's.
J\Irs . . Crow will preach Sunday morn-
ing and the work will be divided be-
tween the evangelists.
On Monday and 'l'uesday services
will be held at 2 :30 and 7 :30 p. m. Oi1
W cdnesday an all day meeting, with
services at 10 a: m. aud 2 :00 and 7 :30
p. m. Special invitation is extended
to friends all round about.
..II .JI
'l'hc mission in the city of :Mexico so
<:rti cicntly run by Revs. C. H. Miller and
,J.- Howard Estes and wife, while at
present lolllder the auspices of the Holi-
ness Association of Texas , we r ejoice
to learn is soon to become a full-fledged
Nazarene work. Our beloved Brotheis
Miller and Estes and Sister Estes arc
-already ministers in our church.
Nazarene Messenger
Notes and
Distriet Superinteirdent Goodwin is
spending a lit.tle time this with
the: dmrdr at N orthoff, Cal. .
Billy Sunday says, " I wish t he
dnll"dt was as afraid of intpcrfcction
as they are of perfection. '' A men.
District Superintendent II. B. Hosley
<ledicated the n ew Pentecostal Church
the Nazarene at Du Bois, l\1d. , on
1\1arch 23. This looks like p<J'mancnc:y.
The work of Brother Elliott in our
San Diego church bids fair to be
crowned with great success. The ser-
vices are all largely attended and souls
are praying through every week.
'Phc mission work opened at Dnrhan:
.Africa, by Rev. II. Rchm(]zenhach somP
two years ago has hccP >Hloptcd hy the
Southern branch of Missionan
13oard :md will he supported hy 01;,.
congregation at Peniel, Texas.
The home of Brother and Sister h ;\_
Sprowl, 2327 Baxter street., Los AngP-
les, has been brightened h;v the advent'
of a fine eight-pouncl hoy, who already
is made a eandidatC' for the ministn.
'l'hP Lorcl bl ess . the parents and chil ;l.
Brothet and Sistc1: ,Il-i<k havP just
closed a ver\ successful t en davs at
Ontari-o, Cal.; souls h aving been
and sanctifie<l and the church ri<hly
blessed. They start. a seri es of meet-
ings t oday with the <"hnrch at Uplan<ls.
A Pen tecostal-N aza r enc Convention
\\"ill b.e held in Central Hall. Fourth
st.rcet, Columbus, Ohio,
1\Iarch 80, with Revs. C . .-\. Imhoff and
Wm. 0. Jones and others to lead on t he
battle. 'l'herc will lw scrvi C' <' S twie a
day .
\\'t: see it annonn<<<l that'. BrothPr
John Norlwrrv has lw< n invited to he-
<onH) pastor of the .Tol111 \V <'S-
I(w Pentecostal ( ' hur<h of the Nazar'Pite.
Biooklyn, N. Y., of " "11it-,h Hev: \\"m.
II. Hoople is past.ot. They ,, ill
a livPI;v hut strong team.
General SnperiJit.ende11 t. E. P.
son, president of the Texas IIpliJwss
University, with his wif<' , a rc to be the
lPad crs at the Olcl Douglas camp this
year. They will l11: n ew fa ces at that
amp, hnt will receive a glad wel come .
and God will bl essedly liS<' them . ..-\men.
Gipsy Smith has lwcn gr'a(iousl::r
hl cssc<l of God in his Img<' nwetings in
Pittsburg. St. Louis and 1\ansns City,
t honsands !Hiving he<' n sa VC<l. 'l'lH'
evangelist pr eadus a experi-
ence. is severe Oil aJ( kinds of s in. yet
tender. and insist s that. lll('n must he
horn again of the_ Spirit.
lt TlJ fiY not be gen-erally known that
an Interdenominational Commission on
. Mm;riage an(l Divorce for California-is
doing some very effective work along
the lines of suhmitthrg to the present
session of t he I,egislaturc of California
(:ertain hills covering greatly d esi r ed
dtanges in the laws of the state referr-
ing to matTJagc and divorce. These
llills have been formulated by a com-
mittee of prominent lawyers as foUows:
Senator C. W. Bell , Hon. I. B. Doek-
weiler , .Judge Curtis D. \Vilbnr, Sena-
tor S. G. l\I cCartney, IIurtley Shaw,
,J. H. Merriam. ( - L. Chandler. The
bills arc C'levmi in number and touch
npon the importa nt phases of the mar-
Ji;.tge nnd diYOJ"(:e question in this state
mid eounty. J'reliminat-y drafts of
these hills ma_,. he s ecured by address-
ing PrmH:es :\1. Moody, Box DD, Pasa-
dena, Cal., secretary of tiH eommission .
'l'hc commission is composed of mom-
hers of twelve d ifferent denominations
and the Chnrch of the is rcp-
teseutcd by Dr. P. P. Bresee, General
Supe!intendent, Rev. Charles Y. LaFon-
taine, and Judge W. P. Knott.
Some facts in this matter may be of
vital interest to all ministers through-
out the church : L Pifteen hundred
di,orcc eases in fifteen montlis begun
in f.JOS . \ng<' les county. 2. :More than
one divorce case to e very four mar-
tiage licenses during the same period.
:l. In nine-tenths of all divorce cases
the (l,efendant makes no appearance
nor contest and tlw showing is one-
sided. 4. The Ia w pro,idcs no mea us
for s if ting out the fads ancl, of intelli-
gently d etermining the merits of a case
_in which only one ofjlw parties appear.
;). The children of t ender vcars who
fill oi1i r eformatories ancl the
problems of our juvenile courts arc
largely from homes hroken up h;v the
separation of the parents.
The ehnr<ll . ns well as the state. is
Yitally int Prcsted in staying this alaim-
ing tl ood of 1111\\"0rthy and unnecessary
<li vor ees. "hidt undermines the foun-
dations of society. turns the ma rriage
vow in1o a rope of sand, brea ks up fam-
iliLs, and d estr oys the home life. These
hills beforP the law-making ho<ly of this
state arc bciug pushed hy friends. hut
finan ces nr c required to make them go.
Evety pastor of any .hunh. and all
pastors of the.Clllli' Ph of the Nazarene
particularly . who r eal! this article. arc
askecl to help this important l egisla-
tion hy asking _the legislators
r c,ncsPnting their distri ct to give t hese
hills their support, and then
also by asking each congregation for a
frce-\\"ill offering toward the necessary
exp nses of carrying on this ptoi:>agan-
da for better divorce a nd marriage
laws. Br ethren. pl ease take up a free-
will offering of . at least $1 from yom
peopl e and send it. direct to l\f.
,Moody, Box DD, Pasadena, Ci1I. , fot
t.his " ork and greatly . help .all <'On -
In bl' half of the general commission:
C. V. LaFontaine.
Los Angeles and Vicinity
'l'he clay . op.ened with h eavy rain,
which continued a lmost constantly all
t he day. 'l'he r ain came clown in sheet s
of water. It was clisappointmeut to
many 1-vho were exp ecti1ig to hear Hon.
. E ugeue W. Chafin speak on 'fh e Rel a-
. tion of the Church to :Moral Reform.
However, by actu al count, there were
over four hundr ed present, and after a
very blessed opening servi ce of song
and prayer by Rev. R. Pierce, Dr. Bre-
see introduced Mr. Chafin with a fe"v
appropriate wor ds, who spoke very
dearly and earuestly in r efere_nce to the
licensing of the liquor traffic, illustrat-
ing it by the of t he vVhite
Pl ague. H e had a royal wel come from
t he audience and was listen ed to with
sympathetic inter est.
The afternoon serYice was ginm
largely to prayer and test.iiiH)ny, with
blessing upon all and peculiar unction
on some who have drunk deep
of the cup of blessing.
The storm having contimHd all day
had not abated as night came on, but a
hundred and fifty people had either tar-
ried or coine through the heavy rain
for the blessing in store. Rev. J. \V.
Goodwin preached from 1 Cor . 12 :31.
"Yet show I unto you a. more excellnt
way: " He gave a very h elpful delinea-
tion of the more excellent way of per-
fect love; and t he blessing of God d is-
stilled like the r ain one t he hear ts of
t he people as they bore witness to the
privil eges of t he truth preached, and
gath ered at t he altars for t he ri ch er
benedictions of God.
$ $ $
\ Ve are pressing the battle to t he
gates. Our Captain always gives v ic-
t or y. How we r ejoi ce that God has so
graciously set His seal npon t he pren ch-
ing of t he \ Vord during the pnst. week.
The weak h nve .. been made stJon g,
others have left the old life . and ac-
' cepted the Christ ns their Savior and
mediat or. The house to house visiting
continues to be of great benefit. Much
good seed is being sown nnd some h as
already sprung up in t he sal vation of
souls. Nothing but the gospel of the
Son of God can r enew these hearts. no
matter how sinful. Our Sw1day u{eet-
ings were somewhnt hindered by t h e
rain and mud which kept some at Jwme.
However we had a good attendance in
the after noon and ni ght meeting with
the blessing of Gpd upon ench serviee.
rro Him tte all the glory.
F. I-I. Peteison.
$ .JC .JC
The good work goes on in victory.
'l'he past week has been a happy ti me
in the Lord 's battl e for souls. A good-
ly number have b een graciously bl essed
Nazarene Messenger
in salvation. Sii:; Carrie Crow and
Brother Owen ha Yo preached in the
d cmoushation of the God has
houor ed his word in convi ction and con"
version as well as other wholly
sanctified. This sp ecial series of revi-
val meetings will con clude today,
Thursday; at the close of the all-clay
meeting. vVe gr eatly appreciate . the
valuabl e services of Mrs. Crow and hei
helpers. New members will be
r eceived.into church f ello\vship on next
Sabbath morning, and the r egular ser-
vices will be h eld, but with no after-
noon meeting. 'fhe pastor will preach
at both morning and evening services.
The rain of Sabbath interfer ed with the
attendance, but the Lord was wondrous-
ly presen't and poured out his Spirit
upon all who sought and found Him,
as well as n pon the saints.
$ $ $
The Nazarenes were glad to have
their beloved pastor, Rev. E. F. Walk-
er , with them again, after his absence
l nst Sabbath on account of an attack
of the quinsy. His throat was still
weak, hut no one h earing the . sermon
Sabbath morning would ever suspicion
it. He r ead for onr Scripture l esson,
2 Cor. 4, but his t ext was found in a
part of the fourteenth verse of the
t weltth chapt er of Hebrews: "Follow
. .. holiness, without which no man
shall see the Lord.'' The evening ser-
vices wer e as usual, Brother \Valker
preaching from t he t ext which he has
been using for many preceding Sab-
baths, ' ' H ow shall we escape if we
neglect so great sal vation? " This ser-
vice was a ver y impressive one, and al-
t ogether it '"as a. very profitable clay.
Edna Murrny.
..l5 .JC
Once again we have r eason to praise
Gocl a nd shout "victory,". because we
ha ve hlessing "of the IJord whi ch .
. maketh ri ch nnd addeth 11 0 sorrow.
Tuesday week we rcstnr ted our cot-
tage prayer meetings, which we h ad to
drop for some time, a nd which wer e
originall y startecl for t h e s peeific pur-
pose of praying clown a r en 1 Holy
Ghost r evi val of out and out Bible sal-
vation upon t he town of Ashland nnd
aJ] t he surrounding cou ntry; for we do
not limit the Holy One of Israel, . bless
His name. But although we gave up
the meeting we did not give up pray-
ing .or believing, a nd todny our confi-
dence and faith are as firm ns in
the God of our salvation and His !tbil-
ity to send us a revival t his spring.
Our eyes are t urne(l expecta11tly to-
ward the coming of Brother Ruth,
whom, if it hP. o,lr F ather's. will . we
are hoping to have with us from about
l\'Iay 1st to 18th. Pray with us and for
us, beloved, that our God will grant
[March 25, 1909
1iuto us a "vict ory" that will drive
q1tck the h ost s of h ell from this to\vn
and its coas t forever . '
\Ve do continually thank God that
H e sent us a man who is not afraid to
preach the gospel in its fullness. For it
eonvicts and convinces souls of sin, as
we have. had every evidence. Hardly
a week has passed that we have n ot had
some souls at the altar. Sunday ni ght
there were two. Hallelujah!
And our l ittle b;md was neve.r in a
healthier or lusti er condition, so we
have a right to feel happy in Him, for
we are saved and k ept, and blessed up
to date, and . all under the precious
blood of J esus. We give Him all t he
praise nnd glory. A. 0 .
Sunday night closed our ten days'
meeting, and a great meeting it was.
The city and community they say has
been wonderfully stirred as never
before. Great Holy Ghost power fell
on each service. Two meetings espe-
cially were far beyond anything we
ever experienced in the mighty mani-
of the Holy Ghost. Such
shouting, laughing, weeping and fall-
ing under the Spirit's power! The
people "glorified God, saying, We
never-saw it oil this fashion." The
chllrch here are thanking God for
sending Bro. and Sister Irick this way.
They have the secret of soul winning.
Their close walk with God, their
prayerful, humble spirit, their God-
given messages, given in such simplic-
ity, have won many precious souls to
our dear Lord. More than fifty souls
have been to the mourners' bench for
pardon or purity, besides the many
children who sought God in the chil-
dren's meetings. Great conviction is
upon many, and by the help of our
dear Lord the revival spirit which
came upon the meeting some weeks
ago will continue to increase.
Bro; . Allie and Sister Irick will begin
a .meeting . in Upland Church of the
Nazarene, Thursday, March 25, D.
Let us pray. ''Our help cometh from
the Lord. ''

We are glad to report victory since
last we wrote. We have hardly held
a service but that souls have been
saved, sanctified or reclaimed. Revs.
Gallahorn and Ledford have been with
us the past week and are still with us
pushing the battle for the Lord. More
than fifteen souls have bowed at our
altar. The interest is increasing with
service and we are praying. the
Lord to give us a mighty victory here
before these meetings close.
March 25, 19091
t;howers of b.lessing continue to pour
upon our little band here. W,e had
about sixty out to prayer meetmg on
'wednesday evening. and a great t ime
of rejoicing and Our n ew
church is moving. along mcely, -and we
hope to opl:l n up in it befor e very long.
Cornerstone exercises will be held Sun-
day, March 28, at 3 o'clock. . Continue
to pray for .us. .
We expect . to open up m our new

with Rev. Will H. Huff, about

t. he middle of April, Pray God to give
us. a great .landslide from the . upper
world. A. 0 . HenriCks.
.ll .- .-
( 'losed a r eal good meetiilg hme last.
uiorht l\{aYch 17. vYe wer e here just
The J.1ord gracio\1sly the people and a good inte r est
was awakened. There w ere e'ight who
t:ee<ived definite help and others were
I'JIConraged and quite a I ittle con vic-
tion was on the people. 'rwo united
with the church .and more will soon fol-
low. Brother and Sister H. Bells
have been laboring in the <:olon,\ for
sever al months and theit lahors are he-
ing r ewarded and prayers answered.
J\men! Look out for a meeting
in Stevinson Colony this fall. Praise
the IJord! He still saves and His blood
1leanses now. P. G. JJ.
Meeting here grand. There has been
t.wenty-four bright professions so far
;mel we have just gotten started off.
We have taken this place by the joh
and not by the ten days' plan, and I!X-
pcct to see an old time smash-up lwrl'
soon. Brother .J. H . 1\feJntyre. the pas-
tor her e, i s truly a pusher and his p eo-
ple stand loyally by him. Brothl'r
Eamest Roberts is with me and is at
his best. Great things a head of us on
this district.
C. B. Jernigan.
Htot her J. \V. l\f cin(vr<' , writing Hil -
der <late of l\Iarch 15th, says: ''The
tevival fire is still burning ;mel Gocl is
hl essing. saving anJ san cti fying souls.
Over one hundred and fifty havt knelt
at the altar. The devil is stit-r<'cl and
dl'atl formality is on the wat'JHtt.h.
Methodism is getting a f emfnl shaking
up, bnt we have every holiness l\It>t.ho.-
dist with us, ;inti 1iu;n.v of t he young
people arc get1!ing saved and sanl't ificd . .
and several from other clmrdws haY<'
heen reclaimed and some of t.hl:'nt satH- .
tificd. \Ve have uow one hnnclrccr HJt<l''
three members, a goodly nnmher of
t hem . being strong spiritual pcopl<' .
Sonls arc b eing carri cd in faith t.o
throne. Zion is surely in tra vai l and
God is vindi cating His promises. Our
souls are overwhelmed with joy. \ V <'
si nk in humility a.t His feet. T he lwa v-
ens are open and the Pentecost;il fi tc
is f alling. Glory to Gor \Ve
expect to build soon if all goes well.
We will h ave a great centct of fir\! here.
We want to bull(l a dlt\rc:h that will
scat five hundred pcopic and if we <lo
build we want First Church, JJos Ange-
l es, to send Dr. Bresee to J edieate it
and spend t wo weeks with us, whi eh
would be a great help and blessing to
this, great field. The Disttict Assctilhly
m:ay be held here. Some ministers of
the gospel in these parts who -pr<;ach
holiness and are inen of good ability
will be with us soon. Brother .Jerni gan
is full" of fire and a gteat You
need not so long as he is at th<'
head here.''
... .- .-
I send in my renewal for two r easons:
Pirst, your paper contains quite a hit
of good holiness reading matter; sce-
ond is the chief reason. because my
h eart is with you and I want to hid
you God's speed in establishing a ncl
maintaining a chur ch home for those
who are willing to foli o" .Jesus all the
way become crucifi ed with Christ.
I l1ave been .,vahting a home with yon
people for three years or more, hut
you have no organization h er e in this
part of the country. I am 11 memhe1
of the Christian Church iti \Valla \Valla .
I hope you will some t ime yom way
open to organize her e. I - hn'd a talk
with the Rev. H. D. Brown l ast s nntlll et
when he passed through here, bnt he
didn't seem to think anything could
be done. That l ooks very strange to
me, that in a city of 20.000 people yon
can't sec an opportunity with God's
h elp to found a ehurch.
J. H. Reynolds.
.An old paper tells the story .of 11 111 a 11
" ho was washing the- large plate glass
in a Ther e was one soiled
spot which defied .all efforts to remove.
it; After hard .riibbing at it, using
nnich soap and water, and failing to
remove it, he found out the trouble.
''It's Oil the inside,'' h e called out to
some one in the stor e.
1\fany are trying to cl eanse the soul
from its -stains. They wash it with the
tears of sorrow; they scrub it with the.
soap of good resolves; they rub it with
the chamois of morality, but still the
conseiousness of it is not removed. The
trouble is, "it's on the inside. "-Ex-
TRACTS By Rev. R. Pierce.
mary Purpose.
the Justified.
, Them Up.
Price 20c. per doz.; $1.00 per 100, postpaid.
OUR HOLY BUSINESS. < "Be ye kind one
to another."
10c. per doz. ; 50c. per 100; postpaid.
730 San Pedro St . Los Angeles, Cal.
The . Time to Strike;
Or, Our Nation's Curse.
A story of sixteen chapters, told in
an interesting and g raphic way, of
the Curse of the Liquor Traffic, and
its awful effects on the family. It is
timely and should be read by , every
lover of cleanness and purity.
Nazarene Publishing Company
Loa Angeles, Cal.
Holiness University, PENIEL. TExAs
II :::ess School of Strong Character, with Competent Faculty and Thorough
Scholarship. Indorsed by the General Assembly of the
P-entecostal Church of the Nazarene
LITERARY WORK: Primary, Acad-
emy, College, Theology, Normal,
Elocution. Careful attention is given .
to each pupil. Satisfied pupils is our
r ecommendation.
and'Greek cours es. Bible work equals 1
that done in any training school. Ex-
cellent place to prepare for either
home or fore ign work.
direct from this departme nt to good
paying pos itions. Best methods in
Bookkeeping, Shorthaud and Type-
writing. No be tter Business College
The of our Three Large Buildings in the South.
MUSIC CONSERVATORY: Cannot be surpassed by any school in the South. Com-
petent, experienced t eache rs, Voice, Piano, Organ, Violin, Viola, Cello, Mandolin,
Guitar, Wind and Reed Instruments. Band, .Orchestra and Mandolin Club.
, : f-ow Prices, Thorough lYork.
Illustrated Catalog. REV. E. P. ELLYSON. B.S., Pres.
10 Nazarene . Messenger
I thank God that he pi<kecl me itp
out of the mir:v clay and set my feet
on a solid rock, and established my
goings. He has pnt n new song: in my
month, even praises unto our God.
After God saved me He ealled nie to
preach His worrl and then H e san eti -
fied me wholly. l\fy "hol e cll' si re is to
follow Jesus and l e arn more a ncl more
about -Him and His precious wont aiHl
fo tellothers of Hint who is mighty to
I haYe bten savetl about nine month;;.
God definitely led me to thP Bible Col-
lege, whi ch is a goo<l place to
P.stablished, and teceive the propPr in-
struction, the t<>aclHrs all h<>ing: sane-
tified and well qualifi ed for thPir work.
I would advise any one that expects to
work for the IJor<l in nnv way to <Otll<'
to Deet's Pacific Bihle where
they will he properly instructe<l and
learn ho" to rightl y divide the "ol'(]
of truth. God ponrs ont his hll'sHing;;
upon "s evci;.Y day and supplies all onr
needs, for which we thank and praise
Him. I lo\'e thP Lord "ith all my
heart, with all nty mind and "ith al l
. strehgth. i1nd praise God for th<
blessed hope I h;nre of hean'n. I want
to li ve rl life that will compt>l nHn to
think of God. T tJiP<l tn lin a ('lllis-
timt befot'<' f "'aS Hil \'(c] hnt it \YaH a]J
in Yain ; I wille<l to 1lo rig-ht. hnt. T
;; inllt>d e \'<' 1',\' (lay. T waH ;;a
nnd san<tifie<l [ trnst the Lord h> fight
battles fot me nnd liP k<<'pH Ill<'
from sin da y . l'rai;;t' t"h< Lord.
r cxpett to ])!'IllS( Hilll HH long as 1
li\' e. \Viii ('hatnhet;;.
('li<'H.lllOllg'<l. { 'al.
'l'hPre was an a vel age of at l east
2.600 <'Oil1Jtmni cants admitted to Chris-
. t ian elmrches i11 mission fi elds every
of last y ear. \Ye Ponld h !1H'
taken possession of 011e of out laig<
(]mrch edifices and packed it to 1lw
doors morning and. afternoon cvety
Sa hhath for the past tw0lve Hionths
,,-ith fresh thrOll!!' of eomnl unicants
at eaeh servir.e, . their places
for thP first tim<' at the Lord's Table.
If .'on roultl ha YP slipped into
qni<1 siat in the gaHery at any l'll<' of
thosp S<'l'\'i C<'s ;m<l gar.ed upon that
hnshe<l alHl reyerent assembl;v. strange-
varied in colo.t <111<1 garb. but one in
hope and t ender love t o yom
and mitw. would ron not have fonnd
yonr h eart in tlui.lling sym1;athy with
Christ's jo;v. ancl eh ccred witli glad
assur<l.nce of his vi<tory? Would it lw
C'asy. do y on think for the next glohe-
trotting man of the world to
your faith in missions :;mel r,onvi.,nee you
that he was a walking oracl e c oncern-
ing something about which he knows
practic::t lly nothing?-.Jamfs R. Dennis,
n. D.
Below we give the cotu:se of study
for the preachers who are seeking
elder orders in the church. This course
was arranged by the general superin- .
tendents by order of the General As-
sembly held at Pilot Point last fall -and
sh9uld have bPen printed in the . lVII:\n-
ual, but owing t9 the great rush of busi-
ness since the Assembly it could not be
reached without a greater delay to. the
Manual. vVe would advise you to cut
this out and paste in your Bibles.
First Year.
1. Bible-The Pentateuch.
2. Smith's Old Testament History.
Theological Compend-Ellyson.
4. Manual of the Church.
To be r ead:
1. \Vesley 's five Sermons.
2. 'l'alks on Powet-Gordon.
a. Preachers and Prayer-Bounds.
-l. None Like It-Parker.
;). One of the Church Papers.
Second Year.
l. Bible-'l'he Fom
"Gospd:; and
2. Smith's N cw T estament Historv.
3. of Christian Theologv
-F'ields. '
4. Lectures on Homileti cs-K ern.
To be read:
1. Entire Sanctifi cation-Ruth.
2. Ho\V to be a
:!. 'l'alks on Praycr-Gortlon ..
4: One Hundred Yea ts of Missions
- Leonard.
Third Year.
1. Bible-The lVIajor Prophets.
2. History of the Christiim Chureh.
1st half-Fisher.
:!. E r icl ences of Christianity-Hop-
]( ins.
4. All About the Bible-C'ollctt.
To he reacl.
l. Inherita nce Restored-Hmw, .
2. Lectures ow Preaching-Simpson.
:{. Impressions-Knapp.
4. Life of Jno. G. Patton.
5. One or the Chm:cl1 Papers.
Fourth Year.
1. Bible-Pauline Epistles.
2. History of the Christian Clun<h.
2nd half- Fisher.
3. Systematic Theology,-vVakefield.
4. Philosophy of the Plan of Salni-
To be read:
J. Holiness and Power-Hi lls.
2. Hints to Self Edneat<>d lVIin ist<ts
- Porter.
3. The . Gospel of the c;otuforhJ'-
4. 'l'he lmmb of God-Pinl(hml; .
0 . One of the Church Papers.
General Superintendent;;.
,..!; .JC
APPLES OF GOLD is just the book
for an Inspiring Gift. It will bless
the soul and inspire faith. Send for
One. 30c. po:;;tpaid: 10 for $2.
[March 25,.1909
THE BEST; : --
It is recorded a certain: philoso-
pher that a friend who went to visit
him met the philosopher's little daugh-
ter before he met the learned man him-
self. Knowing that the father was pos-
sessed of much learning, he concluded
that the little girl must have learned
something very grave and deep from
such a father.
During the tallc with her he said:
''What is your father teaching you ?''
The young daughter looked at him
with her beautiful blue eyes and sim-
ply said: ''Obedience.''
This was the lesson which the wise
man considered .. most necessary for his
child, and this is the lesson which the
Heavenly Father would teach his chil-
chen-obedience to him, following
closely in the footsteps of the Man of
Galilee and observing those things
which he commanded. "If ye know
these things, happy are ye if ye do
them. "-Ex.
Jacob the Heelgrasper,
Some of God's Pictures of
the Carnal Mind.
With Portrait and Introduction
This is a volume of 350 pages packed full of
striking lessons from the life of Jacob writ
ten in the clear and direct style of thi's emi-
nent Evangelist.
Bound in. Price $1.00
Nazarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Pins ...
We have a new supply of Nazarene
Pins. The Nickel-plated, such as
w.e have heretofore sold, and a new
kmd made of Abalone shell with
black lettering.
25c each
50c each
Nazarene Publishing Company
Gospel Stamps
New. Unique, Attractive: a pictut:..e and text on
every stamp. Suitable for placing On letters,
pers, books, etc. Cheaper and more effective thnn
tracts. 120 s tamps in book (60 varieties), JOe per '
book: 3 for 25c. Agents Wanted.
NAZARENE PUB. CO., 730 San Pedro St., los Angeles, Cal.
March. 25, 1909]
Our Young )People
Guard, my child, -thy tongue;
'l'hat it speak no wrong;
Let no evil wortl. .. pass o'er it;
Set the wat<Gh of truth before it,
That it speak .no wrong;
Guard, my child, thy tongue.
Guard, my child, thine eyes ;
Prying js not wise;
Let them look on what is right;
From all evil turn their sight;
Prying is not wise;
my child, thine eyes.
Guard, my child, thine car;
wicked words will sear;
Let no evil words come in,
'l'hat may cause the soul to sin ;
\Vi cke!l words will scar;
Guard, my child, thine ear .
Nazarene Me.ssenger
'fhe bravest boys are not always
those who are ready to. fight. Here is
the story of one who showed the right
spirit when provoked. by his comrades.
A poor boy was attending school . one
clay with a large patch on his trousers.
One of his schoolmates made fun of
him for this arid called him "Old
Patch." "Why don't you fight him 7 "
cried one of the boys. "I'd give it to
him if he called me so.''
"0," said the boy, "you don't sup-
pose I'm ashamed of mx_.,patch, .do you 7
For my part, I'm thankful for a good
mother to keep me out of rags. I am
proud of my patch for her sake."-
\Vhcn we would a little rather the
thing we are considering"should not be
generally known, it it a pretty safe rule
to stop considering and leave it alone.
WAIT FOR THE MU:Q TO DRY. The thing that we are ready to expos-e
Graham, in the to th.e free. view of everybody in the
' ' illage called was one of the old- full light of day, is more likely to be
fashio1ied gentlemen of whom there are all right. A boy in a well-known pre-
so few left now. He was beloved by

e\ery one,. and his in the lit- ment of pict ures must. be done in . the
tie towil was great, so good and so ac- dark roo1'n," so tifat it read, " \Vork
tivc was he. connected with the d evil must be done
A young man of the v.illage had been "' in the dark.'' \Vhether it mi.1st or not,
batll.'' insulted, and came to - Father it usually is; and a pre"ference for the
Graham, full of angry indignation, de- a ccompaniment of darkness is not a
claring that h e was going at once to prompting to be proud of . .:...:..Sunday
demand an apology. School Times.
"l\Iy dear boy, " Father Graham said,
"take a word of ad vi ce from an old
man who loves peace. An insult is like
mud; it will brush off much better
when it is ely. wait a little till he and
you ae both cool, and the t hing is easily .
mended. If you go uow it will only
be a quarrel. ' '
It is pleasant to be able to add t hat
the young mm1 took l.!is advice, and
before the next day was done, t he in- .
sui t ing pe1son came to beg forgiveness.
-Sel ected.
.;;t. .;;t. .;;t.

Be patient, young people. Keep
sweet: Do n ot fret or worry. Do your
best and l ea YC results with God. Be-
lieve firmly in God, in the fulfilment of
His purpose, and t he march of His
providences. God's laws are immut-
able and work with undeviating r egu-
i arity. \Valk in fellowsh,ip "ith God
and e\rer y year you will be a stronger,
better, happier and n:an .
Do not mar your peace or power by
needless worry. Live by faith in the
Son of God, who loves you and gaye'
Himself for you. On :some bright . to-
morrow you will come to .anchor under
a heaven of sapphire and i11 .a harbor
of calm, with chimes ringing, thei-r wel-
come from the-,spires that sentinel the
city of God, while from the
ments millions wil shout "W Ei.ll done I"
while God Himself will say, "Enter
thou into .the joys o:t; thy Lord. "-Sel
Any one needing a deaconess bonnet
or bonnet frame can obtain them from
Mrs. N. C. Radford, 735 Crocker street,
Los .Angeles, Cal.
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16-page tract, by P. F. :ijresee.
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Man a Revelation of God.
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New Manual
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A New .York father had one boy who
always required urging when ther e was
something for him to do. 'l'his took
the t ime of both the boy and his father
to bring about a change. The follow-
ing motto was printed in cl ear letters,
framed and hung in a conspicuous
We Can Fill Your Orders Jor
' ' vVhene 'cr a task is put to you,
Don't idly sit a'hcl view it,
Nor be content and wi sh it done-
Begin at OJlCe and do it.' '
After the boy had read it a number
of times, it stuck to his memory so that
he could not get away :(rom it. vV11en- .. ,. ..
ever . he saw an unfinished task the
words jingled in his ear s and allowed
him no rest tin he had the work com-
The Assembly Minutes
Nazarene 'Publishing Co.
Los California.
12 [March 25, 1909
.. . .
omcial Announcements.
are . false;, hen'Ce his .falsehoo'd . has no
. "Vengeance is mine, I _will repay, root to conviction-;-mld. it will wither
saith Lor"d. ''. Be&rii.Isi>:: anot!Jer h.- .. like J ona:h 's gourd, . Trutl:i."Tiyes by. its
DISTRICT ASSEMBLIES. -.... own inherent p'bwer . . The God of truth.
As the time several." of ;the Dis- wronged me, I have no right to wrong endorses it mid sustains it. Falsehoods
him. I am i10t allowed to be overcome d1' e a .natural and a sudden death. We
trict Assemblies is near it will be well f
b 1 1 h
o ev1 , ut rat 1er toovercome evl wit . may trust God to b.ring 1.tood out of evil.
for o_ur Pentecostal Church of the Naz- d Tl f t th t tl h
; goo . 1e ac a a no 1er man as We may trust Him to bring truth out
arene people to familiarize themselves lied about me is no reason that I should of error, and to glorify His own name,
with the articles of our 1\:Iannal refer- lie about him, or that I should.e\en tell even through the reproaches which His
ing to the said assemblies, the first of the truth about him, .unless other con- people suffer,: and the injitries which
which I will quote: siderations imperatively require .that it their enemies infliot.-The Safeguard.
'' 1. A District Assembly, to be com- should be done; nor am I under any
posed of the elders, licensed preachers, positive obligation to defend my own
evangelists, deaconesses, Sunday school character from the assaults of euil and
superintendents and two lay delegates misguided men. A man whose charac-
from each church within the bounds of ter needs to be defended from slander,
the District of fifty or less membership misrepresentation and abuse, may find
(and one additional for every twenty- it for his interest to live more carefully,
five additional members over fifty) and thus discredit the accusations
shall be organized for each. District by which are made against him.
.the General Superintendents." It is true that any man who has
Please turn to page 45 of our Manual wronged, slandered or misrepresented
and read on tH.l you have read the another, is under solemn obliga.t!on to
whole nine articles on the District As- correct the wrong, but it is by. no means
sembly, and then seek to know the will certain that if he refuses to do it, the
of the Lord about it and "whatso.ever injured p erson is bound to devote his
He saith unto thee do it. " time to that work. He has his life to
vVe trust that all our people will pray live; his battle to fight, his bread, to
much for the assemblies and the work earn, his work to accomplish, He may .
intrusted to them. be about a great work, and cann0t come
Your brother and co-worker in down to dabble in the strifes and defa-
J..Jord 's yineyard, mations in which some men seem to de-
H F R l
.l li!?ht. Le't him then keep about his busi-
. . . eyno t s.
The San Francisco District Assembly
is meet at Berkeley May 20th, at 9
a.m. . _, .
The Northwestern District Assembly
is to meet at Seattle n'lay 27th, at
9 a.m.
It is expected that in each case the
preceding CWednesday) evening will
be given -to a great evangelistic service,
and that bo"h Assemblies will remain in
session OYer the Sabbath.
n ess. God is judge, and it is exceed-
ingly easy for Him to bring to light the
hidden things of darkness, to manifest
the counsels of the heart!'!-, and wring
from the reluctant lips of sinful men,
such confessions as may acquit aud jus-
tify those who have been wroogfully
.There is one thing also to be r emem-
bered concerning a misrepresentation,
a slander or a lie, and that is, that the
man who has told it nsnally does not
believe it himself. He has made his
talk before the world, hnt in his own
heart he knows that his r epresentations
Will Convict, Inspire and Bless
Apples of Gold ;
Or Words Fitly Spoken.
Being a of the brief Spiritual
Heart Messages which have appeared on the
first page of the MESSENGER during_the past
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"' 240 Pages, Paper.
With portrait, and introd11ction
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Price 25 Cents
. by mail 30c; in lots of H) $2.
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Address, "R. P."
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''Where Art Thou?''
. or, Spiritual Earthquakes.
This. book by this noted Evangelist will
arouse, instruct and bless. Send for it.
Bol!nd in Cloth, 320 Pages
Price, $1. 00
. Philadelphia District, 1\iarch 25-28 ;
Northeastern District, April 15-18;
\Vashington Dist rict . April 29-l\Iay 2;
New York Distri ct, May 6-9; New Eng-
land Distri ct, l\Iay 13-16; Pittsburgh
District, .:\lay 20-23.
P. F. Breesee,
IL F . Reynolds,
E. P. Ellyson,
General- Superintendents.
Philadelphia 'District . Assembly-
, March 24-28, Chester, Pa.
New England Distri ct-April 3-4.
Cnndys H.arhor, l\Ie.
Northeastern District-April 8-11,
N ewfonndland; April 14-18, N orthcast-
ern District Assembly at N. S.; April
20-21, Yarmouth, N. S.
'vVashiugton District Assembly, April
29-l\Iav 2,
N York District .Asserribly-1\fay .
6-9, Utica Ave. Church; Blo,oklyn, N. Y.
New England District Assembly-
May 13-16, Haverhill, 1\fass.
PRESIDENT BEESON, of Meridian Women's College; says: "Our Sunday
School is highly pleased with it. "
REV. C. E. CORNELL, Pastor of First Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene;
Chicago, says: "I congratulate you on the publication of "THE YOUTH'S CoM-
RADE, It is neatly printed, wholesome and spiritual. The reading matter is
attractive and helpful. I pray that it may have a large circulation. Our Sunday
School has subscribed for it." .,
PASTORS, SUPERINTENDENTS and TEACHERS are delighted with it, and
write us letters of commendation.
''GET IT FOR YOUR HOME. See that your Sunday SchQOl
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Single Subscription ............ .. .. 75c per year
In clubs to Sunday Schools
(mailed to one name) ...... _. .. 50cper year

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