Nazarene Messenger - April 1, 1909

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" The Blood of Jesus Chrillt His Son C!eanaeth us From Ap Sin.

-:: ---- - -- - .
Vol. XIII. Los Angeles, California, April 1, 1909
- . - ------ -"'=-----_,_-;.: - .:=: c-==-=--=""' _
No. 40
. To bring the sinner to a knowl edge of the truth, we
must bring the truth to the knowledge of the sinner.
Being Carried.
Oh, how is it that so many will continue to fuss and
f ume, and fret and fail, and falter and fall, or determine
_to walk having a hard time along life's slippery
pathway, when they could be "carried" safely along by a
tender, loving Father? We know and often repeat that
"He shall gather the lambs with His arn-is, and carry them
in His bosom" -next to His heart; but has He not also
said, "Even to hoar hairs will I carry you"? So that
there are none-from childhood to old age-but what can
nestle close to the loving heart of God- "carried" in His
" Safe in the arms of J esus,
Safe on His gentle breast."
0 weary heart, you are not able to walk alone.
Li ft up your arms of faith to your Heavenly Father and
ask Him to take you up into His arms and "carry" you.
Nestle close in ; rest struggle or get uneasy;
He knows. 0 His dear arms mean shelter and rest and
r efuge. Get into them. and be- " carried." -
.. .
It is dangerous to s pread very much gail unl ess you
han" corres ponding ballast.
A Vision of His Wounds.
The little group cif sad, disciples were
closeted together behind locked doors after the exciting
scenes of t he past three days - the1e together in their
sorrow; with the fear of the Jews in their hearts - when
there stood i!! their midst the risen Lord, who
m a t ender voice of re-assurance unto .them, "Peace
be unto you.' ' and then "He showed unto them His hands
and His side. '' - 0 marvelous change that such a vision of
His wounds then made in these sorrowing hearts- from
sadness to gladness; for "then were the disciples glad
when they saw the Lord." They knew their Lord by the
wounds He bore, and they knew that He was the same Lord
that had hung upon the cross, and had been laid in the
tomb; and they were glad because they now beheld Him
in His risen state- alive again. 0 thou risen Lord, those
nail prints and that riven side speak unto us of Thy fin-
ished work for us, and our hearts are glad. A vision of
those wounds brings and pardon, reconciliation
and restoration to a Father's love, purity and power
- through thy Pentecostal presence. 0, keep OUl' eyes on'
Thy sufferings and death, and make known Thy presence
as Thou . dost walk amongst us, filling our hearts with
gladness and assurance.

If the trolley is on, you are all right unti l they go .. out
of business at the powe r-house.

Evil of Fretting.
. Fretting ourselves becauRe <'f evil-doers will very
likely soon lead us into doing evil ourselves; yea, when
the fretting commences the evil commences, and we are
not very distant relatives of those whotn we are fretting
about. Notwithstanding it is forbidden in God' s word,
and we are warned against its evil, how prevalent it is
even among professing Christi'ans. It surely leaves its
de_adly mark upon every one who is guilty of it, for it is
a JOy-sapper and a peace destroyer. It unfits its victim
for any good in the world, and surely no sensible person
would desire them as a social companion. A "fretter" is
a pessimist of the deepest dye, and knows not the victories
of :faith, nor the joy of trusting If fretting would
only stop the evil-doer doing evil, there might be use for
him; but the evil-doer goes on unmoved by the fretting.
Oh, t he anguish of having to live with one of this class!
My brother, my sister, what kind of a time' are those
havi ng- who eat at the same table with you ?
Any one who refuse5 to be sanctifi ed !;hould never ask
a sinner to be conve1ted .
The Eternity of Hell.
The ver y word "Hell" should startle every sinner
-that hears it and arouse every that thinks about
it. Clear, definite, awful is the Bible teaching in refer-
e nce to it as an eterna l fact. Every sinner stands on a
trap-door to the eternal pit the bolts of which may be shot
back at any time and he be dropped into it with a wail
t hat would be lost in the "weeping a nd wailing" that
eternall y goes on there. Spurgeon has said:
'In hell t her e is no hope. They have not even the
hope of dying- the hope of being annihilated. They are
forever- forever- forever lost! On -every chain in hell
there is written 'forever . ' In the fires there blazes out
the word 'for ever.' Up above t heir heads they r ead the
word 'forever. ' Their eyes are galled. t heir hearts are
pained with the thought that it is 'forever. ' Oh! if I
could tell you tunight that hell would one day be burned
out, and that those wlw were lost mig ht be saved, there
would be j ubilee in hell at the very thought of it. But it
cannot is ' forever' they are cast intQ outer dark-:
ness. , ,
0. my unsaved f riend, who may read these lines,
quick to your knees, and plead with God for forgiv.eness, '
and so escape this awful eternity.
. .
I .F.
If all who hate would love us,
And all our loves were true,
- The stars that swing above us
Vvould brighten in the blue ;
If cruel words were kisses
/And every scowl a smile,
A better world than this is
Would hardly be worth while;
If purses woi1ld untighten
To meet a brother's need,
The load-we bear would lighten
Above the grave of greed.
If t.liose who ,\rhine would whistle,
And those who languish, langh.-
'l'he rose would rout the thistle,
'rhe grain ontrnn the chaff;
If hearts were only jolly,
If gtieving were forgot,
And tears and melancholy
things that !lOW are not-
Then Love would kneel to Duty,
And all the world would seem
.A bridal bower of beauty,
A dream within a . dream.
If men would ' cease to worry
And women cease to sigh,
And all be glad to bury
'\Vhatever has to die-
If neighbor spake to neighbor
._ As love ,of all,
-The rust would eat the saber,
The spear stay on the wall;
Then every would glisten,
And every eye would shine,
.-\nd God would pause to listen,
And life would be divine.
-Washington Times.
.:1 .:1 .:1
)[ore than a quarter of -a century
ago. following more than a score ' of
years or reawakening on the doctrine
of entire sanctification, when for mu-
'tual helpfulness. and for the spread of
_ the precious "depositum" among a 11
saints. the holy people organized them-
selves into associations, and began to
hold conventions. the church papers
and pulpits raised a. strong and long
protest against additional organizations
in the church.
The contended the church was all
the organization we n eeded. To my
own knowledge two of these associa-
tions, whose- every was at-
-_tended with such awakening among .
sinners and_ backsliders, and such out-
pourings of the Holy Spirit upon saints
as I had nevet seen before, nor have
_J since, were 80 tenderly jealous of the
churdl as to hold a special to
consider this protest. And while these
men and women WOlild have given
Nazarene ' Messenger
their lives martyrdom rather thftn
to lui.\ce. done anything to soil the white
<>r tl!eir Lord's Bride, .th.!3Y f.elt
the protest was not solely on account
of the organized feature of the associa-
Nevertheless, in order to avoid of-
fepse these leaders laid asiqe the few
by-laws that had been adopted to keep
us in the "middle of the .road," and
to protect -the meetings from intr'nders
under the na1ne of holiness, and only
retained .an "executive commtttee" to
arrange the meetings.
'l'his gave us meetings without law.
and trouble without rem-edy; but did
not stop the protest. If \ve came neither
Pating nor drinking they protested; it
. they came eating and dl'inking they
As these associations held their con-
Yentions altogether in the churches at
of the pastors and members,
tlwy were dependent for calls for the
meetings, and as they existed only for
meetings, when calls ceased to come the
so called, not. The
pastors ai1d meuibers did not cease to
call for the "holiness convention'; be-
e a use they '''ere not in sympathy witl1
or did not feel the need or' them. That .
which eausetl the pastors to eease these
calls is known to Him to whom all
must render an aeeonnt.
But the cries, prayers, songs and
shouts of these conventions had hardly
died away till organizations, and or- .
ganizatiOJis ,\,ithin organizations, began
to spring np in- the <hurch, Hnd with
hut little opposition the General Con-
ference endorsed them.
The same . ptotest, with more ve-
hemence, came up against evangelists.
The opposition plead_ that all pastors
were evangelists. Men in the expe-
rience of perfect love who felt called
to the evangelistic work sought author-
ity of the church to enter the field. One
so wot:ked on the conviction (or
pathy) of his conference as to have
them memorialize the General Confer-
ence to make provision for the office
(calling, I prefer).
They intrusted it to one of the most
ready and gifted speakers of the whole
church (now a bishop) to present and
advocate it at the General Conference.
He was one of the annual conference'
delegates, hut the _ opposition to evan-
, 'gelists -was so in the General Con-
ference that .this man's repeated efforts
to get the floor were cried down: But -
we have lived to .se.e regularly church-
appointed evangelists in almost all the
[April 1, 1909
----Sttme .. have
more than A presiding elder
writes riJe the last conferenee appointed
one for his district-the -bow bent till
it lost its spring.
'rhis organizing and fedetalizing
mania in modern secular and church
movements is a revival of the spirit of
the. Bahel bt1ilders-an effort to be one
in order to conserve an'd use human
. I
' power for a ''name''-for selfish ends.
God said, "Behold the peep is onP."
But alas! they were not one in the srnse
for which ,Jesus prayed for our one-
ness. 'rhey were not one as were the
one hundred mal twenty in the upprr
room seeking the ha.iltism of the Ilol,v
Ghost and fire. \Vhat a historic ser-
mon! This spirit l{ept t.he .Jewish
<hureh Yaeillating all tluongh tlwi1 his-
toiy. Moses had too mtwh of the SUJWl'-
natural in his leadership, and
planned to get a more earthly leadrr.
was too unwarlike-did not.
- give their nation tlw JH'est.ige the,v dr -
sired-t.hat asked for, a wm king.
rejection of the holy- leadPrs _g1w nnt
of their alienation from God.
This federati-on movement of the
churches, as a theory eloquently por-
tJayed by its advocates, seems plausible.
l\Iany sincere meu , before whose intel-
lectual power, seholarl;v attainmrnts
and holy devotion to .God ''' e bow in
J esus' Name, inuorsing _ the mnYe-
Juent-they will see their I':Jistake.
'\Vhatever our desires, and whate,r
our professed pmpose, carnal unions
are never formed hut for carnal ends.
'l'he l\faster, the iufallihle teacher, g<l\' e
to world the basis-the only basis
-of church uuion that the Head of fh(
elmrd1 reeognizes-the baptism of the
Holy Ghost and fire. 'rhere is no ;;ub-
stitute for this baptism for unity. 'The
holiness churches can go down at this
.:1 .:1 .:1
It has been said that ''Weakness is a
spreading malady and strength a
spreading energy." According to this,
we give out or impart just what we are
to others. God has commanded ns to
be strong and no one has a right to be
weak when they realize that God 's
cor.iimands are lined with promises.
Yet a great many professors think, and
testify and preach that one -- must be -
weak and feeble as long as they are
het:e below. God has doomed no one
to spiritual weakness. It is our privi-
lege to be strong in the Lord. Not only
April 1, 1909] .
out: ptivilege but .our duty, for we -arc
r esp6nsible how and what . we . impart .
i.o our f ellow beings. . Since God has
ade provision for us to be strong we
are placed under obligation to r eceive
t t strength and if we neglect or re- ,
jl!et: we wiH be held aeconntnhle. Some
ha v<! a standard about like a picture
IIHII I,V of us are familiar with-a lady.
clinging on to the cross .with all her
ight ' the angry waves are dash-
inoo ahont her-just barely able to save
l:> '
h<rsdf. Some may want just enough
l'f' li gion to k eep them out of hell, but
C:tHl made it p.ossible for us not only to
sa ve ourselves but have st:rengtp
Pll ong-h to r ea ch rlown a helping hand
to another.
'l'lw reasou why w.c ha ve so many
si..J.:ly <hildren in the spiritual king-
dol.ll . so many who are coutitiiwlly ail -
ill g-. so many who are faint h earted,
a11d pal e-fa ced , is this : they have not
t" kc11 the medi cine the gteat Physi cian
pl'nvirled for them.: Suppose now
w< \\'<' l' e si ckl y and went to a ver y emi-
nlnt physi ci_an and h e gavP ns a pre-
>wript ion to han ;fill ed out'. st ated that
if \\' <' clit'!'l't.ion lose!,\' W<'
\\' OIIId in a very short tinie be strong.
B11 t. instead of oheying, \ye t o otir-
s<" lns \Ye wonlc(nevPr tnke it a nrl loo],.
i11 g at it <loser found out what some of
t l11 ingl' erli cnts w!'re aml begnn (ross-
in g- <) nt _,yhich wP cli<l not like. 1
don ' t lik<! th;lt-eJ'OSS it out. f JJ CVI'I'
did I' Piish that-1ross that. out. Thnt's
had tasting-out with tha.t . and iWI'-
hnps kPrp 0 11 until tlwrc \\as hanlly
left . could we expect t o lH'-
<'OIIIl' \\"(!1 and s tJI) ng '! SOIII P 31'1'
doi11g that in xpititnal things atHl won-
d< r why tl w:v IHIYC not mon ]>0\\' Pr ot .
,., li'OII g<'l' than they at'<;. God has a pt'l'-
s<lipt ion for Paf'h one of ns mHl i f wP
will l'ollow it \\'C will hPfOIJHl strong.
h11t solll l' things without a question at'<'
d isf m;t <'ful ;i nd ha nl to ta k c. bnt i f we
tal\ < it J'Pgmd! Pss of om likes nt ul dis-
li k<s. W<! 111:,. sure to hl' <ome well Hll fl
st l'llll g' IIIII] haYe poWPt'. 'J'he I' I',Y of
ll li lll .l' pto[Pssots is. Oh, to lw s trong ;
') h. t o hP sanf' tifi cd. to haYe t h e .Holv
(l lwst po,vet. without t hi s
lll<di <inL . . without ;i ('l'Oss, without a
dal'l1. withont a pain. without an
" l!.<> ll y. hut. unl ess Wl' are willing t o r c-:
' ' ''." '" I his. t hat s c<' tlls so <1 istast('ful. we
WJII IH! Vl! r J' PI:I'i\'l' fl!_e pOWCJ', t !J P
sll'<n gth of tlw T .. ill'!l. )fay Go1l help
- the pr1>wripti on in the
\\ <ll' d. " not trv t o dilnt:c it. or omit
a11 y of it hnt a goo!l old-fashi one(]
alo1ial h ll ose t hat will for ever e{it' l' us
ol' n II our [(cbleu ess weakness nnd
IIIH kf' us strong in the l.JIW!l. A moen.
r,n i\fars, Iowa.
OUR MiSSIONARY , Wamasuddra "IHndu .vmagc at' a dis-
- - - ;;ance of 300 niiles. I \\rent tliere with
our brother, John Faithful. On. reach-
ing there I found that these people have
In this country there is a class of opened twelve primary schools in dif-
H inuu people called "Wamasuddras" part of their villages. Though
who are hated and looked down on by these people are very poor, yet they
the tipper class Hindus. 'fhey even have determined to raise ftJnds for the
hate to touch these people, and if ever . support of . these schools. They have
no proper teachers these schools.
t hey hf ppeu to touch them, they bathe They called a large meeting for us in
and tlius make themselves clean and which there were about 2500 people.
holy. Their idea is that these people present, including boys and girls. It
arc unworthy to be called men. They . is their hearts' desire
arc all illiterate people and their chil- take up t_hese m their
. . and .appomt well-tramed teachers m
<. 1 e n canuot go to the schools opened tl t t 1 th b d Is b th
hy Brahamins. They live in -villages
. etr oys . gtr o
a;d liv.e on cultivatiou Though they ar earmng and Christian
ae greatly hatl' d and . iooked down -: weredvfery tpleasd. ed to bpreatch toLthtds
I tl h
. h
II' d
. ltg crow or wo ays a ou our or
l.Y w tg er c ass - m us, yet t 1ey Je Ch t Tl h d h
Hl' C simple, gentle and lbyal. : sustt . 'tr.Is OJ J_etyh leadr our pdreac -
In some places among people mg a . en Ive y , WI ness, _an

. . .
surprtsed at our lovmg dealmgs with
{)nf- war ,e, misswnari es 1ave openec tl
I 1 l d 1 Jem.
P''' mary. s e 100 s anc are e ucat1ng t 1e1r n r t k h. t th t
I ' I 1 . . t .. . tl . A f n c oo w a ever ey gave us o
< 11 1 1 Ut o IcllSC 1e1r soCJety. ew t Th ld f th t
f tl I I l l
. d h ea . e o men o e1r communi y
0 . ICSC peop C HIVe ) C lCVe On t C t J' ' th f ld } h d d . .ll... ' th
. WI f o u us .wt o ec an s an wl
;OJ'! esns ll'tst . 1en any one o e f li f t th t th 1
the m gcws to work in any or bnsi- tsb
old el ars tha no
erhpeop e
1 1
. . . 111 e wor ove em so mue as we
ness p a ce. w 10 ts taught JQ the m1sston
'fl 1 bl d
I I 1

d b h < o. 1ey a so esse us, saymg:
s e 100. H! ts great v oppresse y t e G '1 k t d
othet HitHlns and t hus compelled to . l a.'I.

e SY
? grteha. an givte
von ong 1 e. ee1ng e1r earnes -
Pa ,.e the work Though the govern- .
l;tPnt is kinll and fa\'lnahle to them. y et !l ess we could JH?ttl htehlp shtedGdmdg tBearts
1 1
. f . HI ou prayets w1 , 1 em o o . u
t 1_e erue tv <IIIC_ opp1ess10n o the l11gher 1
t 1'1 tl t t bl t '
. . . sa1 o e . HI we were no a e o
<' ass m<lns Is not and eannot he st op- tl . h f
.. 'd d
1 1

gne wm any ope u wor as regar s
pee . 1csc prop <>. tgnora nt -as t 1ev
1 1
tl -' h 1 k W
at'<'. hal'<' walHd up lately to the tlle pmtgl Jelm Jln scl lwtohr . t. e, okn
. . w o ter wnc . a f vtsef em o see
t tat t H','l' neld l'nhghtenmcnt and up-
f. tl :
'ft' . '1'1 . I f H p I 0111 0 ler l1liSSJOns. '
I mg. . . t ev l'l's(nt. t. 1e treatment o ' II 1 l h th" t


1 1
' f <' "'' JJH eec reJOice w en e rue
t 11 ug H'l' <ast<'s <l.>ll f say t 1at 1 the Y
1 1
I ht n I th'
<' II jovell t (w S<IIIH' pri1iJeges 0 . f etJnca- )' .' Onf . ese peo-
ti<;ll 'the\' would soon hc:> ahl e to <ompet c P <'i "'

ar ;less o Jgnoranbce
with ot.IHts who look down on thPm

IOn. I . ease . remem ert
toda\' mul Pall th<' tn ani1nnls only, trPat- . esc pot<llr t Pt
<' 0P e
yourt eaJrnes
1 1
JWII\' Cl'S 1a 1ev may come o esus
Ill!! t I CIJI as S H \'!'S. t] 's f th' Jd '
, . . l <' anonr o e wor .
IHw conH to ll'atn that ('hrts- I t t th
tianit;- lllin)!s c,hH ation with it. and ow wan
g, e .von s o er
<' II <.'Oill'aging news.
fnt 1'ltis r eason tlwy are <;tiling upon
n1i ssionmips to hLlp t o uplift them. You. haYe come to know about the
fmtcl v llu' Y. as a hodv. hnve r efused wondPtful < on\'etsion of Hori Churn
join Hindus nnd from :'lfrs. letter of last mail.
Indians in 1 h
ho.''I'Ott' l)f the English T am tdling of another one. One day
g-ood and. iu th <. g<'n<tal politi cal un- " ' h<' n \\e \\'Ct' P Poming back from our
r Pst o.i' the colmtrv. and this has ptca<hing. a :'lfahorncdan lad came
.hl'(mght dmn
upon t .hPm the wrath of forwanl i111t1 told us: "I wnnt to be a
niOJ'l' of thl'ir fellow-eonnt
en . < 'hristinn. ln youth I r ead about- the
Tlwf . ( ' ;IS(' is t]pspP'rat<' . But. so fHr. life !if Christ in some mission school.
thPy J'Pnli ze. that thP,\' neecl moral Aft erwards T hnve 'r ead in the Koran
. and social uplift.i
] they will do tha t ,Jesus will come in the end of the
anything to sfetii'P this. e
to hP<.om- woild to judge all peopl e. 'Vhen Ma-
ing ('J
istians. hOJIIPd himself said this about Jesus
1'h<' f
w among tlH' IIl who haye he- then he is 11ot.hing. ])ut ,Jesus is the
<'OIIl <'<C'luist.ians hnYc s nffctr d indes<rih- Scn iour Hnd judgP of the world. Ma-
ahly. ' rlwy a r<' nt OJWl' depri,ed of all honwd himself was a sinner because
thc i
property a )}(] nrc turned out t o in ont> plnec in the Koran he asked for-
hpcY flom rlom to door Thev ltave to gi,encss for his sins. Ther efore, I want
hP ... hPlpcd for n t ime in. order .. t.hat the.'' to cmbra<e J esus ' r eligion. 'Ve are five
nw.' . hP ahl ( to hP!p oth<>rs in the snme IHothcrs and parents are livi!lg. I
pos it ion. kn ow there Wlll be great OPJ?re_ssJOn on
SP\'CJ'al of thPsc men. a fter being llll' .T become II Chr1shan, but
hPlpe1ltfli'd ediiFiiH'd.- Jra vc r ctfirne<rf(i --!tolhmgwll --be nhl_c- to-- scparate l)'le
t he it owu villa(J'es and beaan work from the .love of Chr1st. I am ready to
"' l:> l ' f f Ch . t 'f "
anwng tl)('it owt't peopl e. '\Ve _had a 112y l e or .. rif? 1 .
spl<m1iicr exa mplP of this Intel:_\'. whidt T hrought him along with me seeing
I will r ela t e to you. his and faith, and gave him
A '\Vnmasmltltll Christian brother of s helt(r in the place " ' hare I. kept Hori
min e invited me nnd took me to a Churn. \Vc arc paying ' his board and
lod_'ging i.Jt WHY eonsulting
with Mrs> Avetoom. ' When he came
a'vay fro)n home, without. the knowl-
edge of his parents, he had no money
in hand. He came with only one snh
of clothes. l\IIrs. Banarjce has given him
another. His name is Khoda Bnx. His
age is only 17 years 8 months. i-Ie is
very impatient to he baptized, but as
he is under age we cannot do it until
he completes 18 years of age. He keeps
himself conceal ed for fear of his parents
and relatives, l est they take him for-
cihly away from this place.
He is not over age to study, but we
cannot admit him into any school as he
has left his last examination certificate
at home, and We cannot write fol' it for
his parents will then rome to know his
' her eabouts. It is not very easy for
yon all to understand what trials and
diffi culties the new convert has to suffer.
He has to l eave home and r elatives, for
he loses his caste when. he becomes a
Christian, and nnelss he is helped by
the mi ssionari es and Christian friends
in cver:vt.hing, it is very diffi cult for
him to staud on .his own legs.
l\{any inquirers come to us in this
way, but owing to want of funds and
place we can not keep any of them.
They go to other missions. For this
r eason we try to hring to the Lord men
who can stay in . their homes after be-
coming Christians-, or who come
thei r whole familv.
But this time have r eceived this
young lad believe God will help us
m every wny m t his great work. No:w
my prayer to you nll who will read my
letter is that yon will all r emember
these two young believers in your earn-
est intercession with God, that t hey
may remain faithful to the Lord to th.c
end of their lives. .
I shall try to send yon photos of these
latest believers, soon .
P. B. Biswas.
.JI .JI .:1'
Our pastor having been ill for
several days, his daughter Bertha
preached Sunday morning and evening
with the blessing of the Lord on the
n:teetings. The meeting at the
swn hall on Anaheim St. in the after-
noon was conducted by Bros. Price
and: Smith. Special meetings will
begm Thursday evening with the
evangelists Owen and Kell in charge.
Come and hear these gifted young
men. H. w.
$. $ $
Anyone having second-hand holiness
books can make good use of them by
sending them to . Brother vV. C. Wil-
.liams, our P.astor at . Bakersfield, Cal. ;
for the r .eadmg room of the church.
A copy of the new Manual and the
Minnt<:ls o_f l ast Assembly
should be m the hands of every Pen-
tecostal Nazaren e. Send for them, read
them, and know why you arc a Naza-

Southeastern District.
Georgia and :very much the larger
part of Florida constitute Lhe South-
eastetn Distri<!t, making a territory of
about 115,000 square miles, with cx-
t.teme l ebgth of about 1000 miles and
about 1225 miles wide in the Georgia
part and less in 1he lower part
of Florida ..
Donalsonville, Ga.
'l'he writer went frcnn .Ja:;;,pei, the
S<'at. of the Alabama Dist ri r t Assembly.
tn Donalsonville, a clistanee of a bont.
400 miles, reaching my. destinatiott
a hont n non of the second day. V\T
lltP.t. at the station by our past.m. HPv.
t '. Preston Roberts, one of the six Roh-
(tts brothers, whom so many of the
dPlegates to General Assembly will
member meeting at Pilot Point.
We were soon comf01tahly located in
one of the large rooms of Btother T . T.
Shingler's home. J?rother Shingler is
"ell by the holiness people in
1"1. c Southern holiness movement, spc-
wlly in connection with ionr mission-
,\ork in Mexico, having furnish ed
the means for the er ection of. the mis-
in Tonala, l\-iex., which bears his
. name, and specially in connection with
t hf' anti-whisky -dispeusary and pro hi-
hi lion movement in Georgia.
Onr people worship in one of the b<>st
huiltlings in connection with o11r -\vork
in this South f'onntry, heated by stoves,
and has an excellent lighting plant;
erected gy Brother Shingler, with the
exception of an offering of about $100.
Donalsonville is a cify of ahont 1000.
It has fonr chnrches and a fairly goofl
school system. There are a few o-ood
l. >rick buildings. Its
ts lnmb<' r and turpentine. lt is snr-
rounded by a lumber and agri cnltmal
distrirt ancl the principal farm products
are cotton, corn, sweet potat.oPs and
hogs. .A sccond railroa<l is to pass
thtough this <ity. "hi<'h " ill make it
1111 important point for .onr wotk in
The Assembly.
It " as at-ranged to have the AssPtn-
bly in eonnect.ion with the tntss tottmv
tally at this point, am] 1 hns snvc nnw it
and heavy expense for traveling,
conseqnently the. bnsinPss sessions of
the Asse]nhly w<>"rc hcl<l in <onnec:tim,
with the ser viel'S of the rall y. fH
yye only have one Pl111rci1 on this
great District.. There we1e fonr
churches in Florida t.eported to the
G<.neral 1\ ssernbly at. Pilot Point, hnt:
we have he<n informed that since t hat
t ime all of them have gone off with
1hc so-call ed tongue movement.
Prospective Churches ..
"' .one chnrch i:;; , itolding services at
Knnbal school house, a distance of
clevcn miles, aliC] at Qak Grove, a dis-
tance of seventeen mires, with large at-
tendance and good interest, and it is
[April 1, 1909
that a will be orga

txed at each potnt m t h.c ncnr f nti
. .
A New Tent.
Om p eople at pro-
a.. large new tent., a.nd will plaee
. tt the car e of our new Distri r:t Su-
pcrm for ,aggressi ve work

Drstrt ct, who ha s severn] good
select.ed whe1e lt e will hold a
wl11ch . he cxp c<:ts will result
m a new. chnrch at each place.
Assembly ntembcrship . eonsists
<?f one elder, thtee licensed
d eaconesses. one Sunday se hool sn-
pe nntcndcnt and two lay dclegaf Ps:
Statistical Report.
One dmrch, one l"<h huilclitw
1hid.y-nine one
se hool. sevcnt.y-nmc Sunday sc:dtnol
nitH' offi<ers and teach<'t's, $100
!o ehnrrh improvements, $:'16
:asc<l for enrrcnt expenses, r a iscd
I .... General Superintendent and Assent-
a ncl 111 issionaty all y expense's.
. t ra iscd fm pastor's salar-y,
$:>116; lllliOtm t raised for eva ng<' lists.
:1;2,00; a mount rnisccl fm mission;;...:.
l'tonr <hureh. $27.01 ; f'tont

$87.2:3; total. $114.24. YalnC'
hn r h property, $1!>00.
Arrangements for the District.
Di stt.iet. :-iuplrin hnclnf Bl\". ( . l't,s-
1 on Dona
n .. ;::_\\hn alsf) ne-t as pashll nt" n .. :
l>opalsonvill<' < hurh. Tit <' ptost"..tin
..ItunhPs at . Ki111hal and
Oa];: Gtq\e will h(' in t he eate .. r the!
D istti , t 1 iiL'tltlPnt.
"\ss<'lllhly III Pdings wctl' n-11 at.-
lncl<'el. c-onsicl<ting- tl1< w<a1lt l' ,, as
tolcl nt tain.\ most nf tltP finl!. 'l'lw
saints "ptc full of fni1"lt and ol' n "'"'cl
eotuag<'. nnd nil m < dl't<tntinPcl clo
th('it h"st in shtntling- hy the I li st rii
who ntv
1 i< antl opti111istie to a elt
gt'('P.. Botlt Disttiet
and his propl c htn full y ptPsnacl"cl tlt:il
tntu:h 111a.' clone the Pouting nat in
t"ltnit Di sfTid fen th( S[H'<'a<l a;tcl en
servi ng- nf seript ntal Tit,.,
wi II tIt!' <'II \elopn svst<'m 011 1 h<.
Dist tid. H".'' llnlds.
""' -" $
,\1'1Pt' ahont n YPat ancl a lt:ill' .. r , . .,n.
. '
fiiHtal te\' intl in the nticl s t. of tht ll!nst
tongenial in the ol' .\li :!Ji-
g'llll. ".<' tesig-nPd otn pastorn1P .. r tlw
.\fdhodist: chtttPh at .Jnclehillt. ' " illl'
ea r e of fkv. 0. l'dets and l>r . . J. C.
Tfall e t. distriif. sllp<'t' int PtHl PnL to a
a e:all to t h<' past.ontt" of 1h :'\:l:t.ii-
I'C'IIC <'hmeh in this pia<'('. '
On out arri\a l i11 \\. atTPII \\e "t'l'
taJ<c n lo the and hospit -
nhle honw.of Bn>thct and RistPr "\\".
Ct:eal. 'ye were eordially pntcr-
t.amcfl nnttl the panwnagc " as sC'HINl.
We havn found her e a <"lass of re-
fitl<!d . intelligent, smtd.ifitel Naxat't'nes.
eond'odahly housc<l in a fine +hri<'l(
. mansion w'hich has hecn remodclccl for
,April 1, . 1909]
Nazarene . Messenger
_a cJ
rch below uud a uice iHtrsuuag _. __ ._ _ STATEN _ N:. Y

llu - q;,n ;1u . o uo _ !. oAu<pt -::--

_ and thc .. -body 'of' Ciirlstla1i who
h<!autJful corners of the ctty . . lien' fo1
. , f . . h . b ..

. tl . << tt'ng ltuve hcen car- t,tve 01 past mont s ee_p wors npmg
sl' vmn mon 1s 111 - s . . . _ .
with sueeess, souls being either JJt a mtsswn, 1248 New York avenue,
slw<'lifitd at IH!lll' iy every altar held a meeting and organized into a
,.,,](. . . P cutecostal Church of - the Nazarene.
J'ot so111e titue t.he hurch was ably H.ev. '\Vm. Hoople, district super.intend-
111i11istered to hy Dr. D. 1'. Brooks, at ent, and Rev. J . A. ward, pastor .of
ot.het' t.itucs by t:heit own local preach- Utica avenue, received members into
ers. Ifenec, the new pastor found the the elmreh. 'rhe church will be know.n
pl<tnt !'cady for,i mmed opet- as the First Pen te.costal Church of the
at ions, whidt up_ to t l11s have Nazatene, Staten Island. :Meetings are
het:ll goiug on mght days, w1th about open, and all people are corll ially in-
fifty seek ers as a result. vited to att.en.d. :Meetings Sunday,
new members were taken mto the \Verl n f'Sflay, and Friday evening.
llltl'lh Sumlay, 7th. All indi- ,---- A. P. Moseley.
at ions point t:o a pre1:ions <' ontinuous $ $ $
wol'k of grace.
This eltur<h is offi<:ialcd by as intelli - LOUISVILLE, KY.
;,l'td. a < lass of men as we have seen l<'ol' some weeks J,oitisville peop!f!
atJ,\" l)hw< , and whik thc.v atc iu t he 1 1 1' 1 1 . 1
lll\e >ecn 1stenmg to t.1 c strt<tng ula-
i1111J t ;ntd rush of husiJHss lifP,
lr>et and hemt-wm tuing sr>tmons of
1ti<'l' nt cn in their \'lll'ious hranehcs of
pioytucnt , y et tlwre i_s a mixture of B1otheJ H. Rollinson. the a ffeetionate
stiptul'al tadi calism about. t hem and " Bud" of Pcnil'l. 'l'l'xas. The meetings
attuntion t.o t he King's business at. a ll been in t h <! l'lnteeostal Church of
tin11s wlt ie:h rerHl crs thei1 assoeiation
, ... ,.y t ci'teshing to t h< pastor.
What has been said of the otlieials ,
(spil'itnal ly) may bP. saitl of thP Pnt'i l';'
llll'lllhtJship. 'J'hcy are . tilled with thf
Spil'it. mul possessed of. a somul tnind.
J't '<t<ly I'm an.v \\hid1 wi ll hrinl!
:-:lnl'y h> thf'ir Master.
Till : pastot and family ha Y< not bctn
in thP thought. t1f th!'it: JWO-
pl f' : as a hove st-:ttcHl a heantiful pal'-
snn;JI!e has hewn fitted out with modCJ'Il
onn;Jti<!II C: e!s and is W<ll'lllP<l and light-
d will! gas. 'l'hc salm.' wltith amonnts
to ahnnt $1.000 <l yoar ( $1-100 f ash .and
pa tsonagP.) is paid two " eeks.
;-:o ht'l!l!ing. 110 to sell. 11o dishfs
In wash. llow nif'Cl.
E. H. l"ishPJ', l'aslll l'.
$ $ $
'l'lw Indi anapolis ( 'on\' ent ion was
hll'ssLl a nd ownPd of Goel. The Lotd's
will IIIHke a SJWe('SS of'
!111'1'1 itt g. ] " ,;bunt I!Vf' I'Y sl'l'\"ie! souls
soul! hi :1 nd found the ],nnl. The hall
was too small fm ti) C "Rnnday ctowd.'"
\Vc did th e -best. WI' tould fot s:ii nt and
sinnt ' l'. 'l'he a ltar ani! ftont tnw of
sl'a ls . lin<d up with htnwty fm spit-
itnal hnad. 'l'hnnk God. \\"l'J'e not
di sappoiut.ed. H eavenl y firr,_ fell ; hf'a.,y
lnnd Ltts witt rollt<l away; inhrl'cl s in
was l't'aditateLl. Aftf' J' it wat'lll hand-
shak aucl a h<att.v ' ' God bless you"
wu hH1k a miunight. ttain for \Vas hing-
ton. D. ( .. and fot t weh e davs we
P''.' '" l"iHl . prayed and sang with the
sa11!1 s ol' t hn eapital Pity. The two
It a Jll'i I'OOJns were uot: large enough to
'"otnttHHlate all who Palll<' . 'l'he last
days \\' 1! t.hete t.hc altar and a
tll!at-by otnce room about filled
with SI'Pkets " h n mostly foun<l the
Lotd. 'I'IH!._fiftl t ipst. we QJWII at St.
.fol"' " B., fot Lord's gl ory.
J . Wesley'
th .. Nazarene, Htv. ('. A. Bromley, pas-
t.ot. What: we saw of the meeting wns
\ " CI'." spirit wd. and eonviue:<'d ns that
.the f-\pirit of God was )>Iessing t he ef-
fntt. \\' 0 tlllll rtstallcl that sonwthi11g
lik half a hulldJ'Pll h1igh t professions
of patdoll or p11rity have hecn made in
the illl'et ings. Out own calling and
ehurd1 wod;: -kt!Pps us f tom seeing much
ol' B1ot-lter Btontl e, a11d h is faithful
lit ti l' Hoek hui tltPy. snt to lw keepi ng
.up an exr!lll'nt atmosphf'n
Hnd e!Vl'rlast"ingl,, going ah<'ad.- :May
th!! Lelld gi\"<' th<'lll ntall,\' slt a\"PS.-
i'I'IIII'<'OSta I lfl't'aid.
\\'1! ha ve 110t gi\"lll .a l' f' Jl<ll't for
sonll' t"inw. hnt \\" P glad \\"l' tan r<-
pol'!; that God -has hl' <'ll pou1ing ont
upon us \"CI'." tih h!Pssings all t tinH.
and has ht<ll k <' t!ping ns hnsy. Though
tlw town hnrh Ps \\"PI' <' qnaJantinPd it
was a blessi11g to tis. \\'c held a , ...
sncessful t hr<e w .... J,s IIJ('ttings at. Ty-
1<'1'. \\ash. Bm ans( thl' qnarantino was
t o\'1'1' \\'f' took np onr \\'OI'k her<'
again. .\ s t he outlook was so good at.
Ty ll't'. and t.hing-s were just: g'Ctting nn-
d<t way. WI! atTanged wi t h Brother R.
Deyo, who is \' Cry llllll' h thought of as
a n I!Vangtdist by our ehureh and in t his
sPt ion. to take the fiPlcl fo t liS. After -
" a rd. Wl' mTangC'll a supply at-'. Medi<'al
LakP a nd joi nd fhP tll cPt ing's f m t.h.l'l'l'
w<'f'ks. Tht Lord gaYe great Yietory.
A uu111h<!l' wme sa\ed and Sllllctifi ed.
' l'hP prop1ietoJ' of t-l_1e towu dance hall ,
who gaY<' (]an(t>s f'V<!J'.V \\' l'Pk , said he
had given his last dantc and r<mo<leled
it int.o an cteam J>"rlot. The sal oons
we r e votetl o11t of the plac by a .ma-
j ority of four-fifths.' .A Ptmtepostal
( 'h.nreh of the N a v.nrf'IH! was organ izl'd
" ' ith twent-y-two members. nntl a 1111111-
bcr are going to join who could not
get out to tltat and th(;lre are
nu_mber of others who are looking
thtlt way. Brother Deyo himself joined .
t he church and is now our own evan-
gelist. Almost at the beginning of his
evangelistic engagement he suf-
. fered a complete nervous collapse and
we wotild ask the prayers of God's peo-
pl e fot himself and his" work. Not least
of the victori es, Rev. G. Vv. Medley, a
holiness preacher, and Brother '\Veaver
::\[eyers, who sang at the meetings
supplied at Medieal I.ake, joined our
dmrch. Brother :Meyers expects to at- .
tond Pacific Bible College next year.
.A strong Sunday school was organized
at Tyler. _ \Ve can r eport victory at
)[e<li caf J,ake. One young woman that
has been the object of much praxer
was brightly, saved a eonple of flays
Ben Valj enn, Past01.
$ $ $
.A spiritual awakening of the First
Pentecostal sort is coming down on
Bakersfield. Thank God. The helo,ed
ha\' P. received the mighty Spirit of earn-
t!st prayer-the answi!J', certainly. The
pnl)'('l' is that God t he. r_,ord Sf'IHl to
Ba kcrstiel<l a gr<>nt outpouring of His
Holy f->pirit in a mi ghty holiness r evival
- a nd it is smp to r 0111e. Glory to His
name for if. " For the Promise is unto
us." At any cost it is coming and the .
Xa za r eJH' c:-l mrrh is asking the dea r
Lord that it may stanrl the conse-
qtlf'JIIPs. H<'IIPlnj a h!
::\[ost <'Very night sf' ekPrs are at God's
altat for. panlon m sanetificatioh whol-
h. an(! our Goel anS\\'trs b, fire. The
(roh Ohost swePtiY lHl<lPtl mote to
on1 lwnd. nHlking since
.J,sns talld us IHJ'<'. Ptaise him for-
'VPI'. \\'ill ( '. \\'illiams. Pastor.
$ $ $
\\,. have just r eturned home after a
four mont hs' l; a mp.aign against the
dP\i l. \\' p wol'l-:ed in ptisons. tnissi1i us.
shool honsP. s, llllr(hPs. ant! <'\Pry
pia'''' whtre we ottld fiml on open
loor. Our labor was mostly ('(lJl tin ell
to Tnppka. Kansas. wlHJ'L' WL' OIH' C had
a li , t hm,h. Aftl'l' at:ri,ing at Tope-
ka \\'f' thought WI' would Yisit
lnll' th th1' r<' . and "''' onld not fiucl
C\'f' ll a <hnrl'h housP. lt had hr>eu tnktn
down a11d 1110\"l'tl a wa ,. and was !w ing
usl'tl for oth1' t' JHII' J;mes. 1'hcr f' is
g'l'ea t tH'<'<I of_ a wol'!-: bPi11g tlotll' t hen
in and building up the
lntrth. \\' ('saw llllln\" souls sav<'d and
.sanrl"ified thl' past ,,:int1r. a11d many
other s liuilt up helped i11 a spitit-.
twl wa:v. \\"<' a1c gla<l to hear of the
gi a,ions reYivals in otll('r pads of tlw
rotmtry and we are pray ing that still
g' l't>lltf'l' reYivals may takP pia<' all
over the loncl, nnd that t:he goml W<ll'k -
ma.' nnt stop till .Jesus Pomes.
'-N. H . Denny and wife.

P. -F. Bresee, Editor .
R. Pierce, . . Office Editor
C. J. Kinne, - . Editor and Bru. Mgr.
.... . ,
Enter..d at the pOsi-of!lce, Aug. 7, 1900, at Loa
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One of greatest necessities of the
churclr is the need of more com-
prehensive thought. We ar e not un-
mindful of the need of an awakened
conscience. We are suffering much
from lack of good grolmd unto which
the truth may fall. But au awakened
conscience receiving the truth is very
liable to have the enemy sow in it tares,
and unless there is ability to see more
than one side, or one phase of a sub-
ject, the truth is likely to be choked
and become unfruitful. One of the
greatest of the clay in Chris-
tian work is that when men r eceive the
truth and begin a Christian life some
fanaticism or h eresy is sown and be-
cause of lack of clear thought, ot' in-
ability to grasp a subjeet in its en-
tirety or to see 1the different sides of
truth, or to apprehend the poison of
error, they lose balance, plunge
into the stream of error, and are soon
lost . to a Uhristian life and make ship-
wreck of faith. They do not in the
beginning violate their conscience, but
under the influence of error after a
time it loses its power, and they be-
come a derelict without God or with-
o.ut anything real of religious experi-
ence. We needgenerally in the church
and among the people a deeper, broad-
. er , profounder. knowledge of the "\Vord
of God. The general absence of . any
comprehensive knowledge of t he Bible
if! ,the r eason &o many who undertake
-to be Christians are l ed off into the
various . fanaticisms and false religions
.Nazarene Messenger-. [April 1, 1909.
whieh ahonn<l:in tl)cs<' clays. '!'his cloPs . t.lir evil on<' to hy \\'11,\.'s.
not nceessitatu general hut ; r.!icatecl. A disca.nting .fanati( - o
the lack of stwh g.l'!J eral ]mowl e<lge as heathen philosophet too oftpn ('1\ ll sPs :-
enables the person to apprehend the their feet to slip.
general bearing of what .is pressed ripon .J/1 . .:!:
them . . A man may hea gtcat specialist
in one' thing a1ul be ;m i gnora mns in
another, and thus he led into .great folly
and give his gr eat nan1c as a specialist
to the most . foolish 'fhis is
heing stroug'iy felt in t he fi eld of edu-
ation in these days of
Appropriate to this is the
statement fr01i1 the Christian AdYo<at.<
of l\Tarch 11th, undct! the hending. '' A
Plea for . <111<1 liept.h. "
"Pr esident !'Iadley, of Yale, gro"s
broader and more incisive with the
years. He began with high natural in-
telligence and- while some of his earl-
ier utterances were not sufficiently
,gn,arded-from year t.o year, as was the
case with President Eliot. he has been
mpre and more recognized as both a
broad and deep thinker. Speaking at
John Hopkins University last week , he
said that the tendeney to <>arly speciali-
zation has r esnlted in making college
boys expert, to the exclusion
of leading ideas and principles need e<l
at stage of their career s. He gave
example: ' .Professionalt men, who
do not. happen to be physi (,ians, and arc
" ithont general information of the r<-
(ent developments in medicine. may in
sickness resort to ,pat t:> nt medi cines m
to the latest faith cure.' some of the
most educated 111.en we know are the
most ignorant men we know. Some of
them are at the mer cy of any 'promo-
ter,' and have used up t.lwir own and
t heir wives' money. Some of thmn arc
faith curists, and others Cluistian
Sc.ientists, and bvo or three are Rpirit-
ualists. Commenting on Presi<lent Ila<l-
l<:>y's addrPss, a writer in the 'l' imPs
brings up the faet t hat John Mi l ton
mainta ined that t.he student should first
gain a universal insight into t hings lw-
fore entering upon his ear eet. This
n lso is t ruth. "
Tf we could have gi eater intellige nc'
and cl earer thought, we woulcl have flit' .
l ess of t he fanatieisms and paganir.e<l
pretenses of Uhristianity. \Ve helie\' <!
that as a rule the knowl edge of the
word of God is relatively far more .sn-
perfieial . in the church and mn<"h l<>ss
general outsi de, than a quarter of a
century ago. It is out of the puhlif
schools, is only ineffecti vel,v 1 aught to
a small fraction in t h e Srinday schools,
and more and 1nore the people are un-
el}urch ed, and where they do not attend
church it is !)ftel) the case that the Bibl e .
is .little taught; s
that it is a
l ess and less known book among us.
This opens the way for the atbHks of
'l'he Saviour evidently earnestly de.
sir.ed the unity of His diseipl es. lie
lingered long over -the matter in His
great intercessory 1>rayer: "That t hey :
n111y he one; :is Thou,. l<'atlHr, ar:t
in me ;mel I in 'l'hee that they also may
he one in US; that. t he W<irld 111 11,\' he.
lieve that Thou hast sent me. And thr
glor y which 'l'hou guvest nie I have
given t hem; t hat they may be Oil!'. P\' Cil
as we ar e one : I in t hem, and Thou in
me, t}lat they may he . made p <tfd in
one; and that the world may k11o\\' that
Thou hast sent m<>. tmd hast them,
as Thou hast loved me." . l<'or it s own
sake and for it as a eondition ol' the
.world's believing a nd kno\\' in g the
mission of the . Christ, lie waitPd in
earnest prayer, almost l onger thHII in
any other petition. It is import n11 I t har
we un:derstand what' this onerwss is.
It is cer tainly not in organ ir.a tion.
.J rsns clearly indi clltP<l that thf'l' i was
1110re t ha11 one fold, a nd that i".'opl P
might uot . be .of the " ay I ...
t hey did not camp in t he sallH' .f'OIIII ;a ny.
'!'here may he many fami lies. rnf'lr with
its own vine and fig t.ree, .. :uh
by itself, and yet all. ha\'ing tlH sa m<
purpose and li ving i'n sa<rPd unity.
It is not oneness (If beli ef in all
t hings. \Vhile for unity JII\Jsf he
harmony of belief in great. i:ds.
Pspe1:ially as pertaining to fullilalll l' ll-
tal t.ruths of salvation. 'l'hCJ't' (:11 1 ill'
no uuit.;v hetwen a heli e \;1'1' and an
unbeli<! Ver; so t hat in things tssnt ial
to salvation thete must he agr<''lll <'llt. in
order to unit,\' . But t Her e ar f 111111;y
sides to truth :md many theories a hout
many things, whi eh, while differ IIL are
not vital to salvation, and. ar e t h rr
snlt of att it iHle or educati on and luld
in reverent subordination to t.I JL' s:liiiC
great tr;ul. hs, and t.hcre may be 1111 it .' of
heart and l ife. Any one who 'Oiii'PII tls
for absolute unity of bel ief ean hai'P 110
with anybo<ly bnt himself.
It is not oneness of jndgnHrJ t.

two persons: c>a n go far togcth<'J' wit h
out differing . in judgment on 11 1<1 t t prs
whic:h arise. The <liffer cu t posit ions
bri ng differ ent views, wider a11d JIHI'
rower outlook, greater or less int .. ll ''
tual acumen, .preconceived notions. allll
many other 't.hings. make it impossible
for peopl e to agree in jndgment; and if
unity depended upon t ha t th(ll there
April1, 1909]
,ould he no such tiling as !lutt unity
the Saviom praycd. People
me to live together 'in love "\vith dif-
ferences of judgment, or all united
Christian life is an impossibility and
t ;hristianity is at an encl ..
''vYha1: is the unity for which ()hrist
prayed 1. It is certainly t he absence of
t.hc spirit of rlivision, of selfishness and
obstancy; as well as self seeking. It is
the presence of that love which hnrr1ed
in the Saviour's heart, as He said "The
glory which thou .hast given me"-evi-
tl cn tl,v the glory of holy man hood-" I
have given them." The positive, aggr es-
:sivc love which bnrne.d in His heart im-
. p;Hted to His own, binds them in unity,
and makes tire spirit of division as im-
possible as the committing of sin anfl
holy at the same time . .
Christ unity is not oneness of thought
or judgment or ecclesiasticism, but a
ttnity of divine love that hinds heart to
heart and gives out in Christl y tPnder-
II!'SS to all men.
..II .JI .JI
l ' nd,t the above heading a reecnt
rrtllnbl'r' of the York ..Advocat e, the
:,:r' <'nt orgar.1 and " thtuHl etcr" of ?!Teth-
odisru. t.hns cJassifi Ps U S:
"'l'JlE PENTECOST..:\ r_, <'II UR< 'II
(>J<' 'rliE NA.?.; ARENE. Holiness. ot a
diktin ct second work of gracP. is the
IPading doctrine of this <lcnomination.
was formed lasi October hv a
uni on of three similar organizatim;s-
oJH' in the East, one in the \ Vest, and
orw iu the Southwest. lt is -:\[cthollistil'
in usage, and has gcuC'ral suJwr-
intendenfs. with a gc nPt'a l nsstmhi Y.
and dist.ti1t ass em bl its with d isJtid s;t.-
pPri n h'li'clcn ts."
A fa ir rt:,pr< nf otll' df'llotlli -
n;rt io11. But , nlt.hongh t he denomina-
1 ion as s twh is new. t ho doct.ti nc atHl
nwvcment are not n ew. The doctrin l'
\\'hi eh is " leading" with ns was so with
.Jpsns and the apostles. 'fhc I .. ord simc-
1 Himself fot the trll<' "sm)('tififn-
1 io11 of His O\\'n, and the apostiPs in-
sist.Pd 11pon holiness as t he grcat css<m-
lial. -"wit:hout whith -no man shall see
lhP Lmd. " ,\ <Pording to Bishop l'etk
lhis is "the ,!fntral i<l<H of C'hristian-
ity. "
J am not so sme t.hat we should a c-
Ppt nnqnalificdly tlw statement that
\\' <! arc ii1 nsngP." altho11gh
onr. IC'ading oflit<' l'S a tc enll1'd "GmH' ral
nH>'l';: in kc<ping
\\'it.h original than 1 l't
' ' hishops. '' arHl our . Dist.rid Superiu-
1 cndcnts" .were so <'ailed befoe t he
Nazarene Messenger
pr'<'S<' IIt-day <ll'OppPd . thf'
"'JH'<>si<ling <l<kr'' an<l ' 1'11 f'
'' '' . An:, wr
. have hut. one or1l er in the 111inistry in-.
stead .pf two, as . have the }\f ethodists.
Onr or<lf1r' is good wix-
turc of Methodism, n ism
arHl ( 'ongregationalism . .
B.ut no doubt t his new denomi11atiori
is very much like hist.orir: 1\Iethodisrn
i11 its doctlinP nnd spirit..
ori ginated in the recog11itio11 of
Bible doctrine of t he of holi-
uedd and the dis<ovcry that \\'C are first.
j ust ifi<d and a ftcnntn Is sarwtificd.
Ti. is ' ' d<!positmn of ii')Pt.lmd ism', ..
is onr "leading ' d<;drine. And as
the Lord raisc<l up the people call ed
)) et.hodi st.s for the "spread of s<:riptll-
tal holiness over these lands." so the
same Lord lias raised up t he people
tallcd "PPntecostal-Nazatenes" for the
sanw miss ion. No <louht of it.. Scratch
a Nazarene, and will touch au
original skin a gtn uir w
Methodist , hehold a Nazarene .
vYP are highly honored if we arc re-
garded as i.\Tct.hodistic aft er the original
type of "Christianity in earnest." we
that " t.hc peculiar trust commit-
ted'' to the early )[ethodists has IWC'Il
also commi tted nnto us . Let us b<!
faithful to om trust and preach and
JH'css holiness, instantaneous
hl," the distinct setond \York of
g raec,'' lest this trust be re-commi t t ed
to othets, and we he r eca I led from Olll'
111 Bishop Bowma11 at t hl great
of all luld in
\Vashi11gton, D. C., sevltal years ago,
speaking on t he s uuj cl't of ' '' dis-
tingtrisbiug do<ttiues of )ldhodisnt :' '
et lltl cndcd . earnC'st ly for \Yesleya11
doettine of holiness "" thP lt'<llli11g dol' -
tJint of ]llethodism, and d edat'l'tl that
hut fot this \\'( would ha \'1! n.o good ex-
t use for c.ontintH' d t'Xist' ll t'C as ; a sPp-
arat!' d enominati on. " Ancl it hJs bl'e ll
oYer and O \ ' PI' hy g r tat
authority that if this docttiru were
dropped by )l ethod ists ' 'we Hl'l' a l'al-
!Pn people." hnt.hr1n of thP l'cll-
lceostal C'hnrl'!1 of tlw this is
our o11ly_ for l'Xistertoe as a d r -
IIOIIJination, aud our l'l' nta i ning tnw to
this ;rs om ' ' !calling dodrine,'' and om
\'ery I ifl' is om sa fl'gua nl against l'\'l'r
IH'coming a " fall cu peoplt." Thar{ks' he
unto God , -holin1ss \IIIIo I h1 Lol'll is our
wat.chwoid and so11g. h{l lirHss un to tht
Lord as\\'!' arP lllHI'I'hing ah11t g. a nd out
Di,inc Leader is giYing us eonstaut. a nd
i ncrPasi ng joy and \' itl ory undtr this
banner .
Tli<' '\\'OI'I< of' hc',Jincss is jff ::
Jn a1ldition to t.he l<'irst' P e11:
tceosta l . Chureh in Glasgow under t.he
e neiget ic ministJy of. R!n-. George
HharJW. tlu ce other dtnrehes have been
orgauizNl. Jn a letter f rom Dr. M.
Hills in the J>entp,coshli 1-I<rald. who
has laboring for sonie months in
England and Scotland, says: ,
" The t'e\'ival goes right on and peo-
ple get saved and sanctified. and . there
are so man\' -of them now that thev
lla\'e hired ; lu111 and a holiness church
will he orga11ized next week as the First
Chmeh of Paisley Then
anothPt l'ent.ecostal <hur<h was organ-
izerl last week at C dd iugston. three
miles h om Broth<r Sluupe 's church in
another direction. Also in
a city of '40,000 population. wher e i
JH'eaehed for two wPcks before going
to Paisley, a Pcnteeostal church is to
be formed. They are lool{ing for a lot
and are planning to secure a building.
When I r ea ched her e six weeks ago
there was one Pentecostal church iu
Scotland. There may he five within a
month more. At two other places they
. are asking for preaching . on holiness
and . are heing supplied Brother
Sharpe's church. He has a night school
in \yhich he teaches theology and lro'mi-
lctics and some ot.lwr studies to his
young people. HP is training the
preacher s aud G()(l -is opening a nd ptc-
paring the plit<!es (or' the dmrches to
whidt t heY < ar ministPr'. This is tlw
li\' Pst holi;tcss work I hay sf'en . .
..II .JI $
There are hundreds of homes to
which are scattered throughout the
land in places where there is no church
or Sunday-School which uses holiness
Sunday-School literature. Every one
of these families ought to subscribe
for "The Yo.uth's Comrade." -
We especially desire to introduce
that paper into the homes and will
offer a special inducement.
We want you to be sure that the
paper would be a blessing to your
home, and then we want your sub-
The proof of the pudding is in the
Send us 10c. in stamps and we will
mail you the 13 numbers of the
"Youth's Comrade" for . the first
qgarter. If you the paper and.
send l;)Oc: within two weeks after
receiving the papers, we will send the
for the year. The subscription
is 75c. Under this special offer you
.get it for 60c. and get the privilege of
one quarter for 10c. and no more ex-
if you don't like the paper.
We would .like to hear from 500
families by return mail.
Send in at once, as we can only
supply a limited number of subscribers
under this offer.
Naiarene Publishing Company.
.?us Angeles and Vicinity
Sabbath morning last opened ftcsh
nnd bright, nn itleal d'i1y indeed. F'tom
early morning prayer to the
dose of t he night. service t he 'l'aher-
J.lllcle wa.s a plnr.e of ti1h. hl)anmly
blessi_ng.. At the elcYen o 'do de scrvieP
there asseml!lcd a Yery large
owing, likely, t.o the annonnt.!cment that
Sistet Crow and the Sorithcrn evangel-
ists were t.o have charge. Brother R.
.H. Kell !;ad charge of the opening ser-
vice of song. whieh was a season of
r eal refreshing. Aftm a season of earn-
est prayer. Sist.<>r f'row a nd her brOther
sang "As the Day J3rcaks," whieli i>O
aroused and blessed the andicnce that
tears of joy were upon n1any faces and .
shouts of \'i!'t.orv tn.IIH' fron1 mnnv as
they in ant.ieipa'tion ea nght . a gli1;1pse
of t he Yenly home.
Sister \\as t.he prP;wher of tlw
morning and took for her tl'Xt . .. How
shall "' e cs!'ape if "c neglct\t so great
salvation," dealing mainly "it.h the
greatness of salvati011. 'L'here was no
attempt on the part of the prt>H!'lwr tn
deal with h<' l' subject t.heologi<>a lly or
homiletically ; but. God pomed His mes-
sage through t.his consecr ated andahan-
don<>rl vessel. Her "Hallelujahs" i'lnd
"Amens". filled with the nnction of the
Ghost., has ii1 them an
men't that. is wonderfuL and h er magni-
fying of tlH' .' ' Preeions Jesns ;-bless His
dear name. " shmn; where her heart is ed. \Vit.h great. t.endernes::; she
led her audic>n<>c .. along the wa.v or
Christ's sufferings and d<>ath, in t.lw.
. midst. of which no word of mmnmr was
heard. until hearts were melted and
tears flowed freelv. Four souls foun11
their way to the a' Ita r at t he close.
The afternoon i;erYiePs was a t imc of
gteat vidory and rejoieing. Brother
Goodwin h; d on 'a bl essed seitson of tc::;-
timony afte1 whiLh Sister Cro\\ pome11
forth a message for a hont half an ho_nr
on d<liveranrc> from sin .and following
Christ .. and i-n answer to t.he alt ar <' all
nine s.onls ra me forward and 1ried to
God. He answPring with fir <' some of
their cries.
'l'IH' morning and afternoon of
glory had whetted t .he appetites of the
saints for the night Sl'rvice whi ch , nftPr
:m season of eongregation-
;11 singing. was the sing-
ing of "I've pitched my tent in Beu-
lah." bv Sistc1 Crow and Btot.her Kell. glory and inspiratio1i in t his
song. How the saints did shout and
all seemed enthused its t hey declared
that folks " n eed not. look for t h.Pm
do,vn in Egypt's sands." ReY. Josepl1
O'ivens "as the preaeher. who . took for
his text ;1 John :3;8.;'He that. commit-
teth sin is of the devil.'' Brother Owen
is a cl ear, logical preacher. He showccl
that. there wer e t hree themes not liked
in these days-'Sin, Judgment and Hell ,
but that these suhject.s in the Bible
Nazarene Messenger
wete just as Lrue <1s the lmle and' ni erey
of God. IJH .. said that sin .was mt" Hw.l'nJ
t.lrii1g; H;ld shOWP!1 how till\ dnvif
t.he source of it. As the devil was the
sonrce. of s in, so God was the sot1ree of
the great salvation. He showed np sin
in its awfulness, and I hose.,_t hat had cnr-
n:1lit.y in thei1 hea rts were apt to help
t he tlPYil in his ag-ainst J'esns
Christ. He showed that sin separates
... ftom holiness, and had 11. !ornnsforming
power, and makes men akin to the
demons. He then bronght: the
of hope in the midst of 1larkncss, that
' was manifl'sted to desbn'' t.hP
works of .the clevi l." A H.hongh si;1 was
awful. salvation was mighti er. Tlwrc
were sevmal a t the alhn aft.PJ' t.his l'fll'n-
('St message. . . . .
The Co. E \vils a t imc of.
gt'Pllt rPfrcshing f1om the TJ!ll' tl. Sister
],ilian Bnifington hronght the llll'ssage.
l;t,ading th1 :nst. Psalm and t.elling how
gt:wionsly t.he lJ<ll'd had all
her sins. and\\atLls as l1 cldinitP
sc!'ond of gr:Hn He sa netifie1l ht\1'
wholl,Y. RhP lll'g'l'd a ll to he fonnd
111\ll'.h in ptay1r. A pt'(l!'ious
meeti ng and \'PJ'Sl's WC'I'e
gi\' e n flom the sl'riptnrcs on [WH<'('.
R. 1'.
.,. .,. .,.
At thl' Pc'rllel' Ostal ('htll'lh or lhl'
of Pnsndeua. Cal... thl) nwrn-
_ing servil' l' foi Sunday. ?lfm'l'h 21 , wl!s
thc.sante as usual, but owing to tlw"bad.
wentlwr \vas nt1hcr a small at-
t.cnda nl'e ; lll'V<' J'tht'l ess it 'iYas a good
Hev. B. l<'. \Yalkt>t' r ead 'for t.hl\ :;cr ip-
t.nre l essoit . a part. of th1' seV<'nt.ecuth
<ha ptPJ' of SL ,John. noting pa rl'ilnlml y
ho\\ ,Jesus prnye1l fot the san(l ifiration
of his dis<i.plL'S who werc ahc:Hl? eon-
YPrtNl . ancl took fo1 hi s text TT<'h. 12:14.
'Folio\\- ... holiness, without whi1h
tJO man shnll see th<' ],ord."
Tn the th e Young Ptopk 's
ntl'Ptin.g \\as led by .i.\fiss l\];11ian Elly-
son.. 'I" he ' nta in thonght of hrr l\X horhl-
tiOJi was along l'hc linP nf \\aiting npon
the J,or!l.
"\t the night. i)J't'tt<'hing- Sl'l'\i c <' 81.
John xv:l-!1 was rcnLl as the S(ript.nre
lesson, " -hil e the h'xt \\as t.abn ftout
the righth verse of this same
"Herein is my F ather glorified.
hea t m1wh fruit; so shall ye he my llis-
t:iples. '' Bro. \ Yalker spoke especinl-
)y npon till' fruit of the Spirit. and Gn<l
gt't'atl.' the ' JJH'Ssag<> to tlw
h<'atl s of tlw hear ers.
E. M. Mllt't'll\'.
,J& $ "" .
'.l'hnrstlay, April 1. is the r egula!'
time for t.lw monthly all-tlay meeting in
onr r hnnh a.t Pitsaden:i. Rev .. Joseph
Owen of Alabamit.' and R. l\'f. Kell of
fn1liana. preaching ancl Ringing cvan-
g,elists. a nd othets. will he present to
take leading part in the sctvir!'s. \\Te
arc ahYays glacl to " -<' l<ome our hroth-
l'rs and sisters from <'<mgreg:;tt.ions of
likl' pre rionR faith.
E. F. Walker.
[Aprill, 1909.
l::lim.e "--i.'i'iiF report Ood has beeu
gootl to us. W hud . with . us Suhday
in the evenii1g Brother Snelling
of Vern Oil ehurch; who preached to a
fa it crowd and the people listened at-
to his sermon . . God' blessed
him 'a nd the people. His setmon ,vas
on "'l'hc l1ast Sunday
was a bl essed day to us, although not out to the service. 'l'he Holy
Ghost was with ns in power . Shouting
aiHl praising God was the theme of the
nteeting, for whid1 we give God. all the
glory and praise:-
In the morniug service onr pastor,
Btother Davidson, preached a grand
sctmo:n from Ilebrews G :i.>, which gave
11s mme earnestness and zeal to go ou
to vi ctory. He said that we must be
more determined, and have the fout
t hings that make a good Christian as
wrll as good fathers and mothers-
gr:tte, grit, hil ck])ott c, stiektoitiven ess.
- D.l.1. B.
"" "" $.
l 'Ollllll<Jnion S<\rVi!!C Ill' X\.
day wi11. be followed bv servi ees cad1
<'V;uing the following " wel'l\ at. 7 ::!0
with an all-day meeting 'l'htll'sday.
.\ptil the 8th. VlP. hope to ha ve Btoth-
t'l' Gooclwin w it h ns for the
nwcting. \V1\. would be glad to SC\l' ;l
numhl'l' of l h<> Nazml,llP l'atnih
in t.his ;Ill-day lllC'din g . to hl')p shot;t
Oil thl' Yidmy. .
G. \\'. GlovtJ' .
,. "" .)C
\\" e just l'lOst' d (our Jlill' l:) one o[ !.It
g-:'Pal'<st nwet ings . sint!l' hl!ing on t.l!<'
<' OHSI'. ft. WHS for spJcmdid.
. Rihle prcpmat ions JH'Pl'C'lling and fol-
lowin g right. aloi1g with t.hP 11wcl'ing-s.
1t ""s nn1l gratifying for th<
gTowing, deepen in g. !':W<>c ping in t eres I .
1111<1 il: \\as most glorious fot t.hc clPpl'.ll.
and quantity of thl' visihl<' and
inYisi hlt wod{ wrought. .
wet'<' <1hont fift.y at t.h<'
:tlllll'. hf'si(lf'S S(!V<'l'<l] l!hildten of
who111 nHillV Wl'l'<' saved and sanet.ifiecl.
'l'his llll'l' t i;tg Wils nntarlwhl<' .for spir-
itnnl powPr, <'Ollvietion, genuin<'
whid1 is ever <> hat:wtetizPd
hy s .ttorig <'l'ying. carnl'st pleadings.
out. had{, wtit in f.('
ldte ts. being l'l'l!Otwilel , l'l\Storr!d and
gd.ting sa\'('(1, sandifiell, unifi ed and in-
tlnsified t:o pnsh the work and fltnsc of
C'hl!r<h and Bihle holiness. \Veil,.
.!re v. K tlw>pastor. is n
Godly, S(\nsihle. spirit11al.
usefnl 1111111. T3tot.h<>r Goodwin cm1w
and pre:Hhcd. to the llelight.' of all. ITt
spoke some good. kind. r <fr<>shing
W<)l'ds to its. ,
<anw into t.h e <hurd! and
others t.ol1l ns they wcl'P "eoming. "
Sontc <IS fine that. live ahove sod
li ve mHl arr p.nshing with all their
rnjght and main this gnwionfl !'llm;e of ._
holiness. vVP. -enjoyed om: lab.ors and
stay among this ioyal, aggrrssi ve peo-
' 1 'l'hcv made tis .. fc<d l i kc ' ' C! OIII ing
p c. ' .
again.'' 'I' he scrv was
held Vveduesday night; a <nowd.

power, ptcc:ious in ll n<l

withal a most profitable oe<ns ion it. was.
At. this writing we ate iu the midst of'
;r blessed h cginuing ]wre in .. llpland . .
'l'h<r imiicat ions nru spll'rlllid for a
triumph. Will dose i\pril
+. /\Hie and l<:111nra hil'l<.
tc' tc' tr
Notes and Personltli
l>r. Brescc will (ll'I'Hl'h on " ( ' hrist ian

\' c rsus ('hristiauit.y and

u e xt Sa hha t.h April
4th, at t.lre 'l'ab<'rllacl <, of
and \ Vall streets. Los
l lr:other L;irq.;-don l'<'porl s a J.!"od day
at ., h1 Vrrion l'hUI'Ih las t h .
Dr. A. :\ 1. Hills sa,vs t. h al. " asl'I'IIIOII
1ll1 is a good l'or a ( ' hristiarll'll
who is on thl' \n(y-- to ;1 h<'ll\' 1' 11 <' 111 . "
\VI' lllldlJ'Silllld that OUI' 1'1 '1'1'11 1. Hll
llllll lll' <' lll ent that Brot-111' 1' :John :\or-
lwJTy h;Hl .. lwc n Pal l<'d lis assislaut. )Ills-
lor to tht' .fohn w lsll'\' ( ' hUI' Ih of'
l lrook ly n has 110 foUII(t'atiorr. \\'<11.
Kee p 111 1 hf'lie\'ing.' '
llrothl't' llarnp Btowll . who has IH'<'II
to 1111' pastor;rtl' of IIH ('hlll' l h
nt lllossoru. "'l'<xas, \\Till 'S that ' ' The
);ord is hl<ssing lh1 \l'ork in tlr<'Sl' patls.
111'1' ll lhtll' lr t.wl'l\,. 111il1s
,; out h of Blos,.;onr and w at I' XPI ' I' t i11g
g-lat t liin).!s fr'Oilt ( h l L111'd. "
'l'h1 <"hristia11 \\'itnnss ol' .\la11h 2,-,
wa,.; an Edueat i1;_n;rl and \l'il s
fill<'d \\ith exeell l'i lt and inst.nrl i'"
art i1ll's fr'OIII JWOI!Iill <' llt illltll'llflli'S <I II II
)ll'l'sidl'll ls of holini'SS II' you
hn1 not aha1h I' I'Hd tlt cs p 1' <111
IHIt Sl'lld I' or.' tIr e pa p1t' ;nr d do s;1.
\\'!rlia 111 Hootlr. l'nlll llkr n l' Sa l va -
! io11 , \1'111.)'. w ill he ,\'<'ill's old on .\piil
1 I I. It. is to tnad1 a 1 t i nw h:v
1.!1'' Al'nly. H is h op<'d to rai,.; t> :j;l.OIIII. -
110() t o fou nd a11d <'lHlow a " ( 'ol lf':,rc, of
llt nna 11i t y." This ilJ.!I'd silint has d o rll'
hi x II'Ol'l\ ,.,,.11 a nd t housnnds ol' ((,s t
lll.l'n !"It Lo rd ha s gi'." " l1i111 will '"'
l r oph i<s fo1 his 1'1'11\\'11 .
:\I I h sii)H!l'illl <' lHI -
1' 111 ol' Oll l' :\1 i:-:;s iolr. hns ,.,._
lni'U<'d fi'Ollt l; t l'aso. 'l' exns. wht>te God
hil s vety " :onderfnll y nnd g- r a iously
hl1ss cd the peopl e iu t lw sP.rvitls s h<'
Rh f' wi ll l'ntth<'l' 1'1')"11' 1 hr
\\'Ol'k t. h m:c in OUr next lSSUe.
n .. B. F. V\' nlker I'IOstd a Sl'ri es of
l'riday- u j g h t. addresses i.o
p C' ople of F irst: chureh 0 11 " So ul \\' in -
lling " last I'riday n ight. Whitt they
a ll IH'ofound an<1
eloquent and fi lled with uncti.on ,
Nazareae Messengei"
t he lal'lt tti etot vh .. all t.he. otl1er-;s
With its aliuost. bonndl<ss SW<!ep of and stwt'ell iut.l'llsity. It. \V1ts
th1 pith a lid spirit. of I ht! gospel ,
as it is not ol'ten I h1 priviiPge of nwll
I o I is ten to. .:.
C. B. wtit<s Ill
t' n l!e lit hi s at J>orH!a City.
Oldn.: 'f'l'he meeting h ere is tolling Oll
t.o vi1t.oy. to <l ose S unda,v
uight hut eot.tlcl not. Oll c hundred and
fort.y lnig h t professions l-\o far; some
have heen ils the y w ere
saved and the n got sa n d ifitll 'ill t lre
same lllent.ill g : Sc v<' ll t y -n iw unitecl
wil"l1 l h<' Chur: h of the
ill.'<' liP. Re \'f'llf.t'l' ll hapt iz<'d y cstl'l'-
d ay. \\' ill I' Olllain Olll! Wl'l!k inol'l'.
Ylitns fo1 a s r11a sh-up vieto.v."
Sabbath last was a day of victory at
the Grand Avenue Church; God's
blessing being on the services through
the day. Six new rriemberf'; were
received into church memberseip.
Brother Irick writes f rom Upland:
''Sunday was a great day he1:e. Sal-
vation at all the three services. There
Will be an all-day meeting on Friday.
All who can, come and help us g ive
this church.a spiritual boost.
Sabbath morning was a union serv-
ice of Sabbath-School and Church; it
was the largest congregation om:: pas-
tor has ever preached t o in Compton
Ave. Church, extra chairs and gall er y
being used. The text was, "Little
children, keep yourselves from idol s."
Sister Knott harl Shinto idols, Buddha
. idols, and American idols, the latter
consisting of a goodly selection of
pipes, cigars, . plugs . and smoking
tobacco that had been surrendered at
our altars. These illustrated her ser-
mon, which was one that the Holy
Spirit used to bring conviction on
l\ea.rts. At the altar callmay precious
children came and were born again.
As a church we believe in getting; the
children converted -and saved to God.
At night . the church was crowded
with riew people, Sister Knott again
preaching to the unsaved. Bro. Flan-
ig_an could not help telling how he had
been to the church for two weeks and .
under such conviction that he could
hold .out no longer. Two adults were .
saved. v. J. J .
TRACTS By Rev. R. Pierce.
mary Purpose.
the J ustifi ed.
Them Up.
Price 20c. per doz.; $1.00 pe r 100, postpaid.
OUH I{OLY BUSINESS. . "Be ye kind one
to a nother. "
- lOc. per doz.; 50c. per 100, postpaid.
7:30 8an Pedro St., Los Cal.
New Manual
The usual prices in quantities.
Retail price 25c post paid.
.1\azarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
Holiness School of Strong Character, with. Compe tent Faculty and Thorough
Scholarship. Indorsed by. the General Assembly of the
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene I
LITERARY WORK: Primary, Acad-
emy, College, Theology, Normal,
Elocution. Careful attention is given
to each pupil. Satisfied pupils is our
recommendation. .
and Greek courses. Bible work equals
that done in any training school. Ex-
celle nt place to prepare for either
home or for eignwork. ->
dir ect from this department to good
paying positions. Best methods in
Bookkeeping, Shortha ud and Type-
. writing. No better Business College
The Auditorium-One of our Three Large Buildings in t he South.
MUSIC CONSERVATORY: Cannot be surpassed by any school in the South. Com-
! pe tent, experienced t eachers, Voice, Piano, Or gan, Violin, Viola,_ Cello, Mandolin, .
.. Pres.
'Nazarene Messenger
. 11/0Tl'O- '' IIOLINEtiS UN1'0 '1'/IE L<iiW. ''
Deets Pacific Bible College
641 E. 28th St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Plll<8ll>l'lN1', P. 1". BRESEE, D. D.
By (;eotn 1\lnl'is, L'tineipal.
'.l'he t o Houtlll.'l.' ll ( 'alil'ot'llia
o.l' Cnl'l'ie Ctmv and he t totttpnu,v
of wmket'H- .IIlot.hut , brot het. n11d
Btoth<t: . Owe11, the
tiWHilt. 11111 eh t:o Uw (
\Vc hnve h111l li vu hl ess<d sl't'Yi<s
W it.h t-.JH'III, a II (I t:Jtei l' Jll'\llll'h i ll g', J J.o)y
Glwst si11giu/i . n11d lil' illg- t estitttolli l'i-;,
WitH nil liln- n spntk i11 po\nl<'l' t.o t:hl'
( 'ollt'ge l'n111il.v. HHI'h shout in g. ptny-
illg ll.lld sillgillg' liS f-i))pd th1 th:qH) sooll
hro11gh t visitots i11 Xll l' h lllllttltl'l's ns to
t' I'OWd th1 I'OOIII to its ut1110sl. HtPiurs
t'HIIIt' to lht nltnr nt. Hl'l'\' itt. snlll\'
pinytd tht'oHg-h 11111 il sht;llt of 1i,:.
tot'\' t':lln. a11d all Wt'l'<' .t' llt'Olii' HQ:I'd to
go ,ktJ:H'I' ,\'<'I into t h dt tp nl'
Und. nnd t o sit kf1ow lli111 in pt'H,\'t'l'
f Jtat \' _1' 1',\' (.ll't 'HI'I lt'l' \\i)J '' t'tllll(ll')
1111'11 to think nl' ((nd. ' '
'l'h pl'a,\'l't's ol' tJt, ( 'nllt g- t l'nntil.' gi'
with 8isf<'l' ( :1' 0\\" a lid lttJ' hdpl'I'S, a11d
tnny th.v 1'1' 1111'11 to us ag-ni11. l'oi Wt'
IISSIII' \' d t hnt Wh1n tht' \' till . it will st iJJ
be ii1 " ht f nlhi'ixs o'r t h, hl <'ss ing. '
'l'rHi v. th<; il' t'tlllling
l';lill : , to tllll' snllls . .. \111<'11.
llllll'lling- i>< :t t i1111' nl' >< JH't 'i:t l
hl' ><>< i ng- a lso. as tht ditl'tr:nt st Hdl'll t><
11'11 of tl11 wHy Ord has II HI'd thrn i11
taking llis hl.ossing;s to hnng r1 so1rls
on hhn th IH fnt'l'. On . t ,;hl ho\\ .
<loti sl'llt t ht nt to t It honH' ol' Oil' ol'
t hi' it Hnnd:11 shonl s hol :ll's : Ito\\' t ht'\'
witi1 t-111 fn111ily. g-ot thl'lll to
lnnl'h. wh<'l't' fwt ) W<'l' t' thoroughJ_,.
Vtcl'l-l'ttE!ItuF.N1'. ISAIAH HElD, A. n.
saved. and t. he l'nt.her "1tl1n.oxt. per.-
HIIIIdml. " A11d we tdoiecd ovPt' t:he :n-
pod. ol' 'x I;! Puxo
111isxion wol'k, ;md in the wn,Y 'God so
woiHier:fnlly 11siug S ister Suntox, who
wris .1-il-st ton vettl'd at f:hu htmpi ta l.
when sonH o.l' om Coll ege st udents
we t:elling- the " <)ld. old :;tor.v;-"
.then told lwt o:l' Hixt. er:
and wo "Ht.'<' whnt. God huth (alren d,v)
t. ''.
<J ilt" at' t' also l'nll ol' prir isl' l'ot
:f:IO l'rtnil IIIII' d t:rr Hg'l'd brot.IHr. D.
l: luttr of HP<'I' ilk. l'ot 11H hoanl
oi' Ur i>s<' ht talls "111,\' studPutx" :
t'rou1 Hrotlwt . HpnHidiug. l'ol'llll'l,\' of
Hp1iugli Pid . Ill.. now ol' ll11111 ing1.on
l'nrk. l'or :t htot hl't' nut! sisl<'l' (st.nd -
l'llls ): $:1.00 1'1'11111 aritilht'l' 1'1' il'tlll: two
l:tl'g't' ho xts ol' :tppiPs horn lhot 111'1' :tlld
" Hisltr Hh11tt e1' of J'irst. ( 'hnt'th ' 'for
th1ir ( 'ollq!,'t' thildl'l'll ": :i trat ol'
('llt':IIIIOIIg'H OI'Hll g't.'S f'I ' OIII Jlrothl'l' J'n11J
Ltdi g-. nnd a t l'1a t ol' f't sh tgg-s l'l'tllll
dt;ll' :llothtr llnllowtll t'or lt'rpn)d'nst
!'or t ht> ( 'oil thildttll: wit.h lish :tlld
\'t'g't>lnhlts fi'OIII Hisft l' :-.:pl' llt'\'1' and
H1otht'i ,\nnirqr. nnd n nit htd .s_pt't:td
1'1'11111 His f_,;,. ''1111 i1 Ewing-.
(l oti ltkss nil IIIII' prt iolrs p:t nnd
Jll':tYing-' l'lit itds.
'l'ht l' t'g'lli :tt' \\'lll'k in hot It t hi' ll ihli:tl
i1nd Eng-lish l' tllll'sl's g'llt'H shadil ,v on.
:111d Olll' ::-\l'nior lass ol' .s t'\'t'll Hl't ' nl -
r :td,v ptnying tllllt' ll o\'1' 1' 1'111 hltsstd .
t'OIIIIIlt'llt't'lllt'lll l't' \ ivnJ \\' l' h< )it' \'t' 0 11 1'
\1od is p):tllllillg' fo liS. :IS WI' :tiJ
l'll llt illllt' II' :tit illg' :tlld \\'111')\illg' ht'[OI' t'
IIi 111.
\1:t7.:tl't'llt's' in l' l't' SIIO \\ h,, :tl't' 11o.t: t'tl ll
l'ot'llll'd to tIt is \\'tll'ld. tit> 1 ht nt l' t'-g'tH't's.
t'lllll' th !':til' adlttl't'llls. lodg-t foil;:-<, to-
hntt o IISt'I'S () ! ' Sl ' lltI'S ill f h_i 1'11111\s;
,.,.,., . ,. III II' a ptllhihit ionist . in lo1l wit It
Ood Hlld all lll :t llkind. lll a rtltillg' on
lhl'll llg"h 1-!,'l'tat: trihulat ions with htnrts
111 :t d1 pllt' t' and g'lll'lltt'llh \\hilt wall\ -
ing in tht 1\ing-'s hig-hwny. <H1 it is
swtt! t i> t 1'1\s t i 11 .J 1' 1'11 v I' or liS.
:\lf)1 Oil<' lo1i n g- q od tllol't' t itlln gold
and l ost souls ns l.itnth as .hsns lo\'\)S
l'llt'lll. t':tll find. 1111 door. n h<:td,\
\\'l' )<tl lll l.' Hlld II \'t ' l'if Hh)t di:tlliOlld fil'itl
to 12 111. .1, \''. La n gst a tr.
. If' If' If'
\\'1 :tl't' g lad .. It> . l't'Jllll' l or.' l'n>111
1-'l't'Slltl. Thl't;ng-h t ht' g1at of Uod \\'1'
Ita n h,.l: ll :1 hi;; 1 o k p :111 opt'll
for I he Jll' t'll l' hing ol' holint's>< as :1 Sl'< -
ond dPfinilt \\'11l'k ot' !!l'a\1 \\Tilllght in
t'ht h1':ll'ls 11f lwli e, ,rs,snh><t' qlll ' ll l'. to l't'-
g'l'IH' I'at.ion. :-.:o t'Olllfll't llll is<' has ht'<' ll
11111d\ hut thP dol'lrillt's ol' .iustifit-atinn
hv faith i11 God \\Ttlll.!!ht tktiuitl'h and
kl;owiu n)v ill till' Jt,.;ll't in ans\\:t'l' to
till' of ]lt'n ihnt silllll't's (ot: pal'-
don. and sau <.:t ifi .. h.' faith as an
I "ork of' i- ht S pi1it
wrought in the htnrh of lwlil've.Js
l.hi'Ott,gh an d faith l'l'S\llt
i ng in tht di'Stl'll\.'t.ion 'and
6r.'the c<irnal nat ttl'('. heeu adher e(\ Htv . Johll Norbprr,\ \\'ill hold 11 sttr es
to. God hns honol't'd thP work. In till' ol' wind med.ings in this .. it,, -with tit ..
si x months past ont one_hluHirtd h; jy p l'tnte,ostal Hun-
- howlcl' 11t the altar fm pmdnn or fllll'- dn,,- . . Aptil a11d tontinuing t h1e<
ity. bri ght pi;ofcssions have IH'ell Ol' ntOI'I' wwks. as thp Lmd IIHI\' ltll(l.
.nHHi < and thi Lord has the . frnits in There w ill -lw no on Ha.turday
----pi;cs)l-o--oii. <>x hil)iti<liL' A 1h1ss of ni ghts." 1st. wh<'n the
r enes has been formed who <11'1' of f ht tTi<t Assembl y will ltil in ;;pssion .
g() kind. Others are coming Brot ht' l' ''t'"t1J'I'aJine e1tlls Btother Nm-
in and the fire is burning. Hall eluj a h ! "the prince .of altar workers."
-'flrnrrk-G oll-ther e- is--c-a--Gl Qlm- ba.n d- O f ___ },"'t[ tJ ting__ihat_h_e_}ms_.< j ffer en t ner-
s<in,r l'ron1 J l!I,Y. evnllgclist. t.hut. " '"
)frtV() hnd .dllt'lll g t he liiMf. HIX
Wu 111'0 oxpeeti11g g ront vietot",Y.
H. B. Jl.
.JI "' .JI
Official Announcements.
'l'he Snn FranCisco Distl'ict Assom bl,v
is meet nt BetkelQy Mny 20th, nt !I
a. m.
'l'he Nort:hWestmn District Assemblv
is to meet nt Seuttl e Mny 27th, u' t
!l ll. 111 .
It is expected that iu cndr cnse tlw
pteccding (vVeduesdi ty) evening will
bo given to n grent evungclistic
imd that.- bo:.!l AsRcmbli es will r e'inui11 111
_session . ovt>r Sabbat h.
l'h i lnil<d plri'n. Distri ct., th
N ott'lwn:;;t Disl. l'i et., A pti I lfi- 1 H:
\Vushingt.illl l>is t.t it.' t., Aptil 2!1-Mn,\ :! :
New York J)i:-{t.Ji et, Mny fi-!1 ; Now En g
Ialii! Dist.tiet, i\lny J:!-lfi ;
Dist.ti <'f . l\1 ny 20-2:!.
P. F.
H . . F',: H.ey11olds,
K P:. Ellyson.
Ch-11 ('1'111 S it JIPI' i II hnt d (!I rt s .
N PW nd Dis! ritl - A pri I . :1 .. 1.
( ' llrnhm. i\1 ('.
Nor';fiHnst.PI'II Dis! tit ---.-\ Jllil "- II .
.-\p1i l :"ooorthtasl
'I'll Dist ritt: at N. H. ; April
Ynr'lll<Htth. N. R.
\\'nshingfoll Disf'li .. t ,\pril
Ntw Yor), lli s ll'i l' t :\ssPnrhh-..,. i\);,,
fi-!1, P I ia AvP. < 'huth. Bt<iold yn. N. ):_
Nmv Distt id.
'1\'Tnv 1:1-Hi. HnvPrhill. Mnsx.
l;ittshurg- l>istTid. ,\xs<'lllhl,\ --:'llay
:W-2:1. l:nsf l'akstirw. 0.
Pins ...
We have u ne w supply of Nazarene .
Pins. The Nickel-plated, such as
we have he re t ofore sold, and a ne w
kind made of Abalone s hell with
black le ttering.
25c each
50c each
Nazarene Publishing.

New, Unique, Attractive; a p icture and toxt on
cvcrystamp. Suitable for placing on !otters, pa-
pers , books, etc. Cheaper 11nd more effoctlve than
tracts. 120 Htamps In book (60 varietica) . lOc per
book; 3 for 25c. Agents Wa nted.
NAZARENE PUB. CO., 730 San Pedro St., Los
Aprif 1, 1909]
Our Yoiing People
,\ hahy ''IIIII<! to ow hnuHe
Not. VI!I'.Y li111g ngo,
1\ud .futhm HIL.YH we' ll I<H!p ' it hPI' t!
'< mi1thm lovoR it Ho.
J didu 't undcrHt.IUHl nt
i\'ly houri. felt vet',Y Hore,
11. H.l!tliiH!d to Ill !! thnt Jll,Othel'
\Vould11 't love 1iw nny 11101'' .
H11f 11101 htJ' l.iol< nw iu hm lll'llls, ,
:rust". IIR uHnd to do,
;\ud told n11 Uwt. 11 mot hl' 's lu11it
hi!! Pllough fm two,
:\ncl th111 sh' lo\' td nHl just fh! sunul
oJ' f his, you . HI'!',
'l'lw plu PI' I hu "'' in 111othP1' 's h 1!11 1'1.
Is nlwii,\'H lopt fm In' .
-St .. Ni'IIOhiH.
Nd t.ooic hiH '0111-lin Gtntc 11long lo
lu p h'in1 tonlplln,v whiln he wmJcnd nt
n joh hn luul to pcl'form.
"I don't think yon 'te doing yom
,.,!1',\' WPII," slH! su id. "It lool<H
1 o Ill!' us if W'l'l ! sl ighi ing it. . "
'"l'hnt. 's nil ight,.'' lnughml Ned.
" 'What T ' 111 lloing will h e nil covered
11p .. \'oil know.! '
" B11t. isn ' t. th11t."
'Hs. ,ift.!'J' n fuHhion." lln-
s\\'<'l'Pd NPd. \ ''But. it. isn't. Iii<! moHt
cllf' you l<tiOW."
"That is not . f'lw WII,V to lool< at it.."
01'11 1:.1'. "ff it's dt cnting, its chcnt-
lng : you know t.hat.. Yon '1111 't. 'X' IlSC
it hPt'IIIISt' it isn ' t I lw wo1st. l<inrl of
htat in g.'' ,, .
-"H11f. thP 1i11111 \\on'l. know ahnnt it .. "
snid NHI.
' ' lit lliii.Y not.." s11id On1:cc soberly,
" h111 Ood will. Ynn t!Hil 't. 'heat. God.'"
:'\d wmk nnd wmt to think-
ing. I'I'P.SP. nt.l,v he said: '' Yon 'rP.
igl_lt. I '111 glitd ;ron snid that Gtnce.
l 'm going t.o begin over. There shnn ' t
ho any nwn ch!'nti ng this tinw."
;>.;' cl 111Hlid what he- hnd dotH' nnd be-
gan again-hcgnn . right--,--nml ] Jwow
ht. fPit hPttm for it. I hopn h e will
ahyays 1't \111'111bPr that: no one I'm!
C:od .--llf'rald ancl Pt''.
vW . W .,tl
'' f;et. 's onr prnyers out loud
Susie, " sn id Mabel, ns tilC two littl e
f;l'S WPI'P getting ready for bed OTW
" :\II ight .. " 1111swerecl Susi e. So th'
two Hll itl their '' Now I lny me' ' nnd
t.hci1 "God bl ess pnpa nnd mamma" to-
gether. Then l\1:abel jumped right np
on hPJ' hnre feet, bnt Susie still knelt
flu},tc a little while hy the white b ed.
'Vhnt nre yon waiting .for, sister 1"
asked Mahel.
"Why, I was listening for Go.d- to
'' Aaid sister; ''don't yon 'mem-
ber M1ss Josepha snid we mustn't hur-
ry o ver onr prayers? . She said thnt
lilw l.ho lil.t.l e hoy tllllCkiil,l' l<cJd ut. het
dow o11co, and thm1 ::i;ti 11 a wny lwfote
she tlolll_l opo11 it: . . Ho now I. nlwnyH
wnit f:o HPI \ if God wn11tH t.i sny llll.Y-
thing to me."
Special Book Offer
"Did II! Hay a11ything to you to-
11iKht, HiHt;l"'" i\lnlwl , liwl<ing

HuHie uotlded .
" 0 I What 'I "
SnHie didn't. tmsw!l' .iuHt nt IJe-
l'IIIIHl it iH not ens.v to tnlk ahont whut
t.l111 t I it tie . voiee . i.ayH. Bnt in n
fw tninnt!H Rhc tmi d i11 a low tone,
"Yon I< now Wl Hnid, 'Oo<l hhHH nil my
fritlldH,' nnd tight away 1 thought of
Rndit! Bnrwell, ''IIIIHJ Wl hnd n fnRH
t.odny, nnd whil! I \vnit.:d. and snid ,
""J'!IJ ht ll' YO II Ill' I' SOI'I' V,' "
" \Viii f.tJII lw1. HuNi '!" fH'I''siHt.Pd
tlw ngm I it.t q 11 PHI iolllll'.
"Ys. of t'Olll'St', I 11111st. lw1. q
:\lnhl <'l'l'pt i11fo ht!d quil't.l,v.
to h'I'Hdf t.11111: s'Jw would wnit: for
( lod 's 1111HWI'I' , too, nnd wolldtling if
I k would f. II lw1 to t'ollf!HH nhout
IHtnl<ing 11111111111a 's lloWPI' VIIH l !
ioJ' 'IIPI'Illd.
Let us take time for the good-byJ
l<iss. e Rhnll go to the work
with 11 spirit for it.
l;d IIH t.nkc time for the tJv.mting
pny'r. Oqr Hl eep wil be more r eHtfnl
if w' lut,n 1lnimed t h e gnnrdinnship of
Ood. .
lwt. us talw t.illlfl to spl!nl< sweet.,
"foolish " -wotds t11 thoH! we By
H11d hy, when they '1111 no long'r hear
IIH, our will S<''m
wise t lu111 our hcst. wisdom.
Let 111:1 tnl<c tinw to rencl the Bible .
Jt.s f.t''IISIII'll:l will lnRt .when we have
t!<lllsf'd to for the war of politi enl
pnrti es 1111d fall of st.oci<H, or the petty
hnppe11ingH of t.he dny.
Plain Account of Christian
tion. Wesley. . . .
F.xperience of Hester Ann Rogers.
God Love, by C. s. Eby: .
Gospel Stamps (120 in a book). Steps to Entire Sanctification;
16-page tract, by P . F. Bresee. .
Holiness. 16-p., by C. F. Walker.
Man a Revelation of God.
Sermon, by Rev. John Short.
Missionary Sermon, by Mrs. Rose
Potter Crist. .
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Bound in Cloth, 320 Pages
Price, $1.00
Mohave Children
Stories from life by
Missionary to Mohave Indians
A beoutiful book, illustrated with fine half-
tone engravings, bound in Onyx Bristol.
l.JPt ns tnke time to' he plensant. 'J'hc
s111nll eonrtesics, whieh we often omit
lrecause thPy nrc Arnall , will some dny
lool< lnrger to us t.hnn the wealth which
we eovet or the fame for .which we
This book is instructive as well as entertain-
ing.and gives an interesting account of r.eal
life among these little known people.
Since we all must tnke ti111e to .lie,
why should we not tnke time to livn-
to live in the lnrge senRc of n life Jwgun
hetc for eternity 7
Let ns tnke. time t9 get ucqnuinted
with Christ. The Jionr is coming swift-
_ly for us all when one touch of HiR
hnnd in the darkness will menn rnorc
thnn all thnt is written in the daybook q"
and ledger, or in the records of lit-
tle .sodnl wor]d:...,...Pitto;bnrg Advof'ntc.
APPLES OF GOLD is just the book
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two for 25c Los Angeles, Cal.
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A story of sixteen chapi.ers, told in
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PRICE, 60 .
Nazarene Publillhing Company
Lo. Cal.
((:::::====B=e=l=:p=f=u=l =R=e=a=d=i=n=g=. ====::::::]
'l'hP chunh is sup()(>sed h> !'iii'I',Y th!
hq1d e n of sotils, a1Jd 1'e11 ll.'' lHing h!'H \' -
eil .down. Are w!< God's childnn. as
llltWh ill ea i'IH-'St liS\\'!' onght to he_'!
:.Ma ny are bus.'' getting tlwi1 cell a rs,
barns and storehouses fill!d for wintC'r;
many are totwet'lwd 11 hout 'thPit "intt>i
. clot.J;ing. antl so 0;1. \ Vhat ahout the
t itlws and offerings '! I l11s tht' .I Hillis-
ter bePn '! . .:\1'!' tlw widows
and tht 01phans .f.orgotl"en-'1
\Vt> arP louging for a I'Cyival of old
tinH' power. 11110 wt want to s!'!' om
so11s and daught.PI's s<l\' !'d. is th!
t.inw to pt'PJHII'!' I'm it.. Soul !Tantil
\YiJJ !'lli iH' U(lOII t(l!' !'hlll'!h \\' h!'ll j]tp
wintlo\Ys of lw11 \'!'II Ita n IHcn O(H'I\cd
lningi1ig in thP tithcs. 'l'hP h11nds
of God 's 111inishI'S \Yill Ill' unit ed. and
thl'\' ca n <'i\'P tlHi1 tillll' to thc IHinis-
tly -of \Ycird and pntyc;. Thtn
th(t'P ill'l' th.c littlP dilft'I'Pn!'!'S. th!' mise
uildt'l'standi'ngs. 8PttlP th!sP. 1111d don ' t
\\' Hit untiJ th! lllinistt'l' a nd \\'OI'kt'I'S
0\'PI'('OIIIl' t)Hnt hy fasting iln!l Jli'H)' l' l'.
God is tlw sHill!' "i1 11d W<' will s!'!' 1'!'\'i-
Yi!ls and 11 h!' ill't \\mk dOIH' for nH'Il
1111d \YOnH'Ii t hl' !'hlll'!'h /I S a hOtly
!'Hil prevail fo1 souls.
Are foi: thP 1'!' \'l\a I ' ymr
so 11"1\Wh '"''mt '! G1t rr ;Hly. it will

Thl end of a II thl' gTa nd II Hill ifPsta-
ti ons of God 's Ion and pO\\'CI' is jus t
this-,-to mak! men likP unto lli1nself.
\\'h11t is 11ll l'l'\'Plation fn1! th;ll
nH' n should know about Ood. m fr)p]
d!\out !'nlotions towanl llin1. \\'ould
11 holy.a1Hl a just C:od !'<Ill llis cl'<atiii' Ps
to do t"IH ilnpossildt '!. ' Likl' as lit'
\\'hich c;11ll'1"h .'ou is hoi ,, . "-is 11 high
stauchlld. h11.t it is not 11 }'ision<ll',\' onc.
dtW cltop is I'Oitndl'!l hY tht SHIIH'
l11w whi !h shapcs thc pianPt. Th!
Jiil l lll'P of' light is t hc sanH. wht' tlll'l'
\\'(' Sl'(' it ill !"Ill l'iiiHI!l' lll' in till' Slln.
'fliP 1nola l stnndnnl ln which Uod can
find pl caslll'c is tht salllt' "hethL'I' (JI'!'-
s crilwd l'o1 ltinlst;lf o1 for IJis 1' 1'!' 111111'!'
man: l-IP c;nuwt upon sin with
the l east of kniPn!,\'. fn thP
commonest things. in the petty affai1s
of life we ran h1ing mighty ptincipl!s
to b eat. The onh wav to nwkt lifP
.is to .apply. g'rca't l"ll'iJil'iplPs to
small dnt.ies. Tt is possibl e to liYc ight
... : anywhPrP. Religion is not. a thing of
times m phwes . Jesus must have known
all about the corruption of the gt'<!at
eit iBS of his tiiiH'. Alexan!hia. ( 'OIinth.
J\.ntioeh . 'Rome. Neve was it easie t
to do \Hong than in those intoxicating
citi es. the eivihzation that surriH!iHlecl
the l\fe<l iterranean. Still He expected
men and women to go into all thcsP
citi es and into all these s edu ctions an<l .
Nazarene Messenger-
1'1e fh,nl p h tisti?l !Is, -Hn1t
-H e ext-ii,ctf:id:. t.Jmn1
mctkP diseipl es t.lwte. ( ' l11ist
hclieved a 1111111 's ot: wu-tiHIII 's hi>li11ess
of lifP should not. he a of tir-
!mlllJ-.;hiiW!'S. Ilis gn11e 111
tlwm w;ls to !'<HlC(IH'I' . <ii'!'UIII<;tmll<s.-
F' . \. B.
'I' he ''gift. '' or baptism with the. Holy
Ghost is for purity primarily, and not
for ''power fol sPrviee, '' becmtse:
Pmit.y. is a lllliversal powe t
for s<vi ce is uot.
Pnrit.y is necessary to holy living,
power fo1 s erv iee .is 11 ot.
J>wity is possible t o all, power for
Sl' l'\'i!e lila,\' .. Oe itnpossihl e to VCr,Y
many . .
Pmity is a present and Pttrnal need ,
(l0\\'!'1' fo1 s!'I'Yi<c is limittd aml int e r-
Ill i t.tent.
Ilcatt: pwit.y is 1tee<ssa1-y tq a h eav-
mtl y inht-ritaiuc, powPI' fot sct' viee is
Pnrity is a condition of spiit.u."1l
g towth. po"er for scJ'-V iee is a cmtse-
is nPee:o;smy to the indwelling
of tlH' Ilol y Ghost. powl'l' fqr S!'I'Yi!e
is a !'OliS('CfUCli <:C. .
P1i1itv is ecpssaty to con11nun ion
.with the Holy Ghos t. pmnr for s!'l'\iee
is not.
Purity of hea l't ;;111st th<' gift
of t hc Holy Ghost. and "ye sha II e-
. cPin po\\e1 . aftt'l' that the Ghost.
is _ conl\' upon you. ''
Puiit,v is a Vt'I'Y gTcat. powc1, hut
p(l\\'<'1' is not purity.
Love is a ver\ t. poW PI'. hut
poW<!i' , is not lovC'.' -
is a concl it ion of for
Sl'l'\'icc. hut pOWf'l' is not- to
Pcl\\'1' 1' "ithout. (llll'ity wonl 1l he a
(April 1, 19(,)9
t'.OIIStfifit. S{I,Ul'ce of tempt)tt-iOH -t.o- lllost'

Pnrity and love ill'C 11eeessary h> the
eoutrol of power ; power, without h!!ill't
purity, would be vety dangerous in the
hands of any persoiL_:._Selected.

. . -- -=.-==.
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