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'' The Blood of JeBUIJ Chri8t Hi8 Son CleanBeth UIJ From All Sin.

Vol. XIII.
Los Angeles, California, April 8, 1909 No. 41
I Live,_ Y e Shall Live Also."
mHAT a marvellous transition, from the agony of the
M Garden on Thursday, the awful sufferings and
death of Friday, the gloomy silence . of Saturday,
is tlie glorious burst of triumph of the Resurrection morn.
The world has seen great things accomplrshed in brief
periods-events which have
changed the history of the
nations of the world. Bat-
tles have beEm fought and
won by which nations have
been born in a day, and on
the other })and by which
nations have received their
death-blow. But never in .
the history of the wodd has
there occurred any -events
to equal - in their and
glorious results-those of
the three days between Cal-
vary and the bursting of the
tomb on the Resurrection
'Dhe resurrection of Christ
is the glorious fact upon
which all our hope is based,
. and the pivot around which
-nevolves the whole system
of Christian truth. It is not
the key by which our faith
turns on the glories of hea-
ven, but the key that un-
locks the tomb of every
saint of God; it is not a mes-
sage of death, but of life,
for Jesus said, "Because I
live, ye shall live also. "
Instead of a tomb Christ has
forever made it- the portals
of heaven to every believer.
There are two season's of
the which to the
ian are seasons of "joy-Christmas and Easter. One is a
joy at the beginning of . the the other a joy at the
end; one a joy of anticipation, the other a joy of glol'ious
accomplishment. The one is the period of Christ's humil-
ity, the other the time of His triumph-orie a helpless
Babe, the other a mighty
What a glorious assurance
the Christ brings to
us, that we shall all have a
triumphant resurrection-
an assurance that brings
present joy, and which
makes the trials and hard-
ships of this life seem very
little things, because of the-.
. , more glorious future. '
A,t this season all nature
is awaking and t,hrobbing
with life, anxious to bear
fruit; and if we have "risen
with Christ" we shall be
filled with His resurreCtion
life and be bearing fruit to
His glory .
Oh, this Easter time
speaks of life, and life is
joy and gladness. The sun
shines, the flowers burst
with beauty and fragrance,
th.e birds sing, and our souls ,
should thrill with the glor-
ious resurrection life of our
Lord. Let us at this Easter .
time rise above the earthly
into the glorious atmosphere
of the fuller spiritual life, .
where the grave with all its
dread shall be behind us
-The First Glad Easter Morning.
KJ:I]IFT up your glad voices in triumph on high,
For Jesus hath risen, and man cannot die;
Vain were the terrors that gath ered around Him,
And short the dominion of death and t h e-grave;
- He burst from the fetters of darkness that bound Him,
Resplendant in g lory to live llnd to save! '
Loud was the chorus of angels on high,
The Saviour hath risen and man shall not die.

Glory to God, in full anthems of joy;
The being He gave. us qeath cannot destroy:
Sad were the li fe we must part with tomorrow,
If tears were our birthright, and death were our end;
But J_"esus hath eheer ed.the,dark valley of sorrow,
And bade us, immortal, to heaven ascend;
Lift then your voices in ph on high,
For J esus hath r isen, and' man shall notdie. - H. Ware.
2 Nazarene Messenger [April 8, 1909
. self hung all i.tpon His resurrection:
Contributed Easter Articles.
"There shall"l10 sign be given, but the
sign of the prophet Jon as : for as J onas
was three days and three nights in the
belly; so shall the Son of .:\Ian
Mrs. L. W. Marcellus.
Behold the Man at .Pllate's bar,
Dressed in inOcl{ robes of royalty,
A crown of thorns is on His head,
It is _for you. It is for me.
Condemned, amid the motley throng
He's led. A cross He bears, but see;
Beneath it's weight He faints and falls,
It is for you. It is for me.
Wllh nails they pierce His feet , His hands,
Secure Him to the accursed
With .spear they pierce His precious side,
It is for you. It is for me.
He died, was laid in Joseph's tomb,
But oh! my friends, what do we see?
The .gloom has passed, for He has 'risen
For you and me. For you and me.
Lift up your head, give thanks and sing,
And to this precious Saviour flee.
Give praise a nd glory to the King,
Who died and ' rose for you and me.
$ $ $
1:121 T is .. now the talk in the fashion-
ous world. But it is a spi ritual
able, commercial and the r eligi-
question. It commemorates the r esur-
r ection of J esus from the dead. .After
so many hundred years it might be
thought strange that His death should
mean so much to the world; llut it is
He is the eternal Son of God.
Yet if He did not rise from the dead
His death would mean no more than
the d eath of any man.
But because of the faith of millions,
Fashion, Commer ce and Society are af-
fected, wearing apparel, eating and
drinking and the social life. If they
were devout and intelligent believers,
would this be so?
Having a general faith, bel ieving
more in the outward than in the in-
ward, many commemorate the day and.
the days l eading un to it. It is first
mourning, sackcloth and fasting with
abstinence from worldly amusements;
then feasting, gay clothing and worldly
amusements to the full. To the millions
there is virtue this. The millinery
business and the dress-making craft are
greatly influenced. . For the time eggs
and fish have the right of way, and
some other nutritious meats ar e dis-
counted. Then Easter comes, and all
this is at an end for months. It is f east-
ing to the full, putting on gay apparel
and imbibing worldly amusements with-
out stint.
It is a crude faith that enacts such a
farce. If J esus did not rise from the
dead, we who indeed belie:ve are most be days and three nights in the
miserable, for there is no life, truth or heart of the earth. '' But tlie Lord is
hope, because there is no true light and risen indeed. One of the most judicial
life r evealed. mind-s of the world has said that if it
Howev'er we might as well s;ty, if the be possible to prove anything intellcc-
natural sun n ever r(lse we would be t ually and morally it is proved lw.vond
without hope for our natural physical any possibility of refutation that J C'sus
life. But we know it has. for we live. arose from the dea<;l the morning of
So it is unthinkable: " J esus is risen the third day after His death. That
indeed." To all who intelligently be- fact being proved, the Christian faith
lieve in Him there comes tlie infallible in its entirety is established, and do
proof. According to His promise before . -well to celebrate this imperial CYent of
His death He sends the Holy Spirit. history not only by the sacred ohsltv-
I-Ie comes, and testifies to ns that J esus ance of the clay of the week in whi <'h
is alive, and r eveals Christ in us the He arose, but also by the annual f!'sti-
hope of glory. Now we know Him ancl val of Easter.
the truth as it is in J esus. Tbe Christian faith being cs-
Then what of " Easter '?" Bless you, .. tablished, the Christian hope is made
we have three hundred and sixty-five sure. "If in this life only we have hope
days in the year of resurrection glory, in Christ, we are of all men niost mis-
. power and abounding life. Lent, sack- erable. But now is Christ risen from
cloth and a sad countenance, seeming the dead, and become the first f rui ts of
unto men to fast, then gay apparel, them that slept." Because He !ins we
C'ating and drinking and worldly a muse- shall live also. Death is clisarmt'd of
ment:;;: all this has no part in our life, its -sting, and is swallowed up in Yic-
which is t he life moie abundant. tory. The Christian cemetery is umy
with W'l the kingdom of God is a garden, and Christ is the hca n nly
in a sad countenance, sackcloth, eating Gardener . The grave is despoiled of
and drinking, but ''righteousness, its prey, and
peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.". 'Ti!'l- now a cell which angels ns!'
Ever y day is Easter, and fraught with To go and come with 11<' \\"S.
life and blessing, glory and power.
To the ber eaved and the dyi ng Enstct
Jesus is ent hroned in us to abide ; He
brings good comfort and holy triHnlph.
is alive for eYermor e. Can the chi-ldren
Ha llelnjah!
of the . bride-ehamber fast when the
But t his is not all. The r esurr ecti on
bridegroom is forcYer with the:n ? of Christ not onl.'' establishC's Olll" fnith
.- .- _, and confirms onr hope, hut it is
"Why seek ye the living among the ground and assurance of a presl' nt Yi1al
"fmHRIST is risen!" Snch is the
glad greeting on Easter morn.
among the Christians of the
far East; arid such is the. main thought
among all Christians on Easter day.
Upon this glorious truth our most
hol y faith is established. empty
sepulchre of Jesus is the full proof of
His Divinity. No other eYidence is so
strong, and without this all else is fu-
tile. If Christ be dead our faith is vail:1.
Like the heavy-hearted diseiples on the
road to Emmaus we mnst moan onr sad
pla int, "Vve trnRtecl that it hnd heen
he which should have r edeemed .Israel."
If Christ be yet dead Christianity is but
a great; sad disappointment; for Him-
"If ye then be risen with Chris1."
says Paul (Col. 3:1). Not, "shall ri sl' ";
but already risen. The r evised vt' rsion
reads, "were raised." Of course t his
cannot mean the resurrection of the
body, either past or future. Christ's
rising from the dead and coming forth
from the grave is a 'type of a spirit11al
experience which we may know here
and now. This is the argument in the
sixth of Romans: ''For if we ha Ye he' B
planted together in the likeness of his
death, we shall be also in the likeness
of his r esurrection. ''
vVhile unsaved we are dead in sin,
wrapped i'ft the gt;ave clothes of C'a rnn 1-
ity and buried in the ungodly worl <l.
Christ died to save us from t he clPnth
of sin unto the life of righteousnC'ss-
"knowing this, that our old man was
April 8, 1909]
!'l'lH.:ified 'vith l:\iW
that Uody Of siu
Jllight ue . destroyed. I, He hy" dying
slew death. He gave His uody to the
death of the . .cross in order that He
ight tleliver us from the spiritual body
[ lhath. He was . crucified that our
sinful self might be crucified with Him.
: was wrapped in grave clothes that.

ight fay nside the sin which does
so tlosely bind us. He went down into
avc in order to bring ns out of
g1a ve. In the glorious consumma-
1 ion He rose from the dead, divested
Ifilllsclf of the shroud, came forth from
tomb, in order that we might. know
spiritual life, freetlom, vi ctory. What
1 Jc <1 id in our behalf vicariously was in
()]'(ltr to onr experi ential r ealization . of
1 li s g-reat salvation. 'l'hc argmqent of
!'a ttl is along this line: "For in t.hat lw
di<'tl. died unto sin onc:e: but in that
ht li\;ct h. he liveth unto God;A-'il<cwisP
1\wkon ;-.e also yourselves to be dead
i11dt>Pd nnto sin, bnt aliYe unt<> Go<l
throHg-h Christ om Lord." '!'hat
is. \\'P arc pclsonally, heJ'<' and uow, to
I'Paliz<' an "indeed" death to sin and
lifP to Gotl: "that !jke as Christ was
raised up ftom the tl<'ad hy the g!oJ'Y
of tht Father, even so. we also should
\\'alk in 1.1<:>Wness of life ;

\\'ith him in lniptism, whetein also )'<'
ai'P ris<n with him tluough tlie faith of
th< opetation nf Gotl. whn hath ntisl'tl
hi111 fi'Olll the dead . \ntl you heing <lead
in ynu1 sins "' <> hath he qui<k-
t'lll'd ( 111ade alive) togeth<'r " ith hi111. "
This is a rea I JH' t'sonal cxperit>nee-
what tlw apostlt> wonld l'all
lh JHI\\'t'l' of his I'<'Slll'l'ftl ion. "
So tluu thP tisPII {' hl'ist not n11ly f's-
tahlishPs the Cluistiau faith aud ill-
spirt's t"ht ( 'luistiau hopP: .llf' l'Pali zts
In 11s the t'hristiau lift'.
l11 lht> ttee<l " "( say lit was ' 't t' llti -
li<'d. thad aud lnni ttl. and J'osc agaiu. ' '
Tha I was rta I. a JWI'Sonal PXpetittwe of
Olll' Lol'<l. ..\nd al'luall,\:. in our owJJ
pt>I'SOila ) eXJH'I' il-'llt' l' Olll' old 1111111 is to
ht> <' l' llt'ifil'tl with Ili!ll. in o1<ler to <lPath
indled l!llto sin. that till' ho'ily of sin
lnig-ht Ill' dPsttoyPtl. Sin is not. to ht
I oltI'H tPd. 11 01' lllt'l't'l,\" I'P]lt'essed. :\' o
n\t'IHIIII Ol' I l'lll't' is to he mad< \\i th
that whith is t'lllllit.Y to Ood. :\'o quat-
ltl is to ht ginn it. It is l"o hl' dis-
posd i,J' as God tolltlll<l udt'd Saul to
g-1 1 1id of tlw .A lnal t>kil<s- uttPi"iy <lt>-
sl lnyPtl. !)path. tht d tsPI't of trtason
. - <.!Path, tht> sPuteuet ol' tlw II)Hl'tlt; J'<'I'-
dtath. the doolll of till' \'I'IIOIIIOIIR Vi)ll'l' :
nothing less than utt<r dt>ath tlw
diYillP spu.t ence against sin.
,\nd as tlrnth--to sin is I'Pal, so 1s !if<
Nazarene Messenger
to holinel:ls. Easte1: means life fr:om the
deaa-life unto God-Christ-life.
Here is the immediate apostolic appli-
cation: "If ye then be risen with
Christ, seck those things which are
above, where Christ sitteth Oll the right
haud of God. Set yom affectiou on
things not on things on the
earth." And here is the argument:
"For ye arc dead, and your life is hid
with Christ in God."
The things above arc hoJy-hca\'(m!y.
These " ;e arc to "seek "-earnest aspi-
J'ation for the holy and heavenly. Up-
on these our affection is to ''set' '-firm
establishment of heatt in the holy and
heavenly realities. is the test of
the cxpc>rience of a pe1soual, experien -
tial Easter. 'rhc tnte full realization
of the divine meaning of this gteat fes-
tinil is
' l'hat men lliHY 1i se on stPpping stonts
Of their dead selvts to higlwr things.
.liC .liC .JIC '
"The dead shall hear the voice of
the Son of God: and they shall live."
.. ,JIJ .II
r:J21N the word W<' haYc this dec!ata-
tion : '' T!w Loi'Cl is ti sen indPP<L
and hath appeared to Si111011. "
Luke 2-1: ::J.J.. 'l'herP is nothing IIIOI'e e<:J' -
tain than that ,J<sns ( 'hrist
the> dead. Tlw .J 1'\\' s tJit>d to d t>tei Ye
t h<' Jieopll sayiug t hl' tliseipl cs ::;tole
the hody of .Jesus whil e the sol<liPt's
sllpt. thP fat:t r<:111ains that liP
' '!'ht Lord is l' istn indPt>( l. '' I.t. was
a l'l'a!. adual l'l'slii'I'Ctlion. It Yas not
a spiritual I'<'Slll' J' edion. Th< lill'ra!
hody of J estis l'orth f r om th<'
JJet us SC\'ent! t\idems nf t ht
r esurrcdion.
1. L'roplwey. "I haY<' sd thl Lord
always befor e me: he is at my
1ight hall(] , I shall not he moYcd. There-
fore my heat! is glad, and .my glory
l'l'joireth: my tl <'sh also shall r est in
hopl'. l<'o1 thou wilt not leave my soul
in hell ; ut>ithtl wi lt thou sufl'cr thine
lloly Ont' to ste totTllptinn." Ps. Hi:
S-10. St'l' a lso :\tls 2 :2:i-:tl .. hsus Hint -
sdf t old both llis disl'iples and the
.J\'WS that .liP would tist> again.
2. II ist 'I'IH l't'SliiTeet ion is a 11
histol'ital l'ad . :.\I any I hings \\" <' !wow
nuly from hislol'.'" :'\t>ilhtt;"\\e no1 olll'
I' at htts ha \ ' 1' se.!'n them. Hence t.o be-
lime t hem Ht nil we must believe the
statements of \Ve did not liYe
iu the dnys of .Jc>sus, JHither did om:
fathcts. But the records are clear and
p!aiu an<l .by them we know that Jesus
has '' Riseu indeed.''
:{. 'J'he Bmpty 'l'omb. what can be
more convincing than this 1. The empty
tomb certainly puts an end to all quib-
bling relative to this matter. Had the
disciples gone to the people declaring
the resurrection of Jesus and the Je\vs
would have asked for some evidence, as
they had a right to do, <lo you suppose
they would have been satisfied with the
state ment that " Jesus is risen indeed,
hut not His body. '' 'l'o convince the
.Jews of the resurrection or Jesus they
1m1st be shown the empty t omb. You
do not beli eve in the rC'snrrection of
thi: body ? \Veil, Jesus rose from the
tomb bodily. ..:\ncl the unbelievers
could say not hing when they saw the
4. ''And hath appeared to Simon."
{'an wr ask fot b etter evidence . than
this? After Simon saw the Lord do yon
think any infidel, theologian, higher
(riti c. 01' else could make him
h<'lie,e that .Jesus had not risen from
t h<' dead '! 'l'he "omen had the same
tmmistakahle e\'id ence : the eleven had
it: .J had it: and more than five
hundred saw Him at one time. \Ye
tlouht prophe.v. history, the story
of the empty tomh ; hut he who has seen
-Jt>sus . has no longer auy douht. " I
haYc seen the J;ord" is an
that canuot ber efuted.
IIml' you St' en Him? Has He ap-
pl'ared to you 7 'I'h<' risen Lord will ap-
pear to a!! who wi!! truly r epent of
I hl'ir sins and on . His name.
J ,JI ..
o death where is thy sting'! 0
grave where is thy victory?"
J ,JI ..
.}"l'<ll's ago in the early dawn
of a;1 E11 stct' 111nrning-the fa ir-
l'st Easttr uwtn that had ever
shone. following tht darkest night
whith l'li1t li hatl l'\. ;'1' . hnown, a little
tnnlpany of \1' 01111'11 hurriedly made
theit way to the tomh of our J.Jottl. A
sl lang-t sig-ht nlt't t hrir <',\'l's. The gr eat
st oiH' was roll('d h;lt k fr om the tloor of
the tomh and a shilling angd was sit-
ii ng- it . ;\ s pause in t heir
ftm and astonis lnnent. his kindl y Yoiee
btoke tla silent:e. "l'ear not ye,_ I kno\\'
what sctk, Jesus which was eruci-
fietl. He is not hcrt: for he is risen
as hl said ; eomP ste the plac>e where
the Lord lay. " As they cautiously
lo.oked into the open g1a\c they pt.ovell
the truthfuluess of the. Hngel 's state-
. m Cllt. 'J.'he gta VC cloths,' t he for
his head wer e t hctc, bnt no body of
the It was gone. 'l'hen came a
most precious Easter message, ''Go
ttni ckly and tell his disciples, and
Vve arc told that with glad hearts .
they hastened to bring His disciples
word. Stra nge it seems, ''their word.s
seemed to then1 (the disciples) as
I.Jatcr in the day Jesus r evealed him- .
self to one nud mwthcr, mHl in the even-
ing to the company of disciples ; they
saw and believed. Vve marvel at the
Nazarene Messenger
.cnly messengel; to this "disconsolate out
penitent man.
Have you noticed, too, that he was
one of the first t.wo who b eli eved the
report of t he, women, an<l started out
on the rnn for the empty tomb? John
ontra n Peter, but it" was the impulsive
P et er that: v entnrcd first into the grave.
Paul ! in r ecounting the events of that
first Easter d ay, says that ''He was seen
of Cephas, then of t he twelve." I get
the idea that sometime during th11t won-
d erful day . J esus met the sorrowing
P eter in n. private inter view, a nd then
and was consm!liiHlted a r econcil-
iation. Jn short,. P et er sai<l , "J..Jord,Jor-
give me for thnt curs ing .and that d e-
unbelief, but before we go too far with
onr criticism l et us ask omsel vcs,
"vVhat. wori.Id I have done under like
'!'here il r c plenty of
people, good people, too, who have to
s ee, aud f eel, befor e t h ey can believe,
even pow.
.. nial." ,Jesus said, "I will, .go .. in peace."
\ Vhat joy that message must ha ve
brought to the little bnnd of disappoint-
ed, sorro\ving cliscipl es .as t lrey ca me to
r ealize that it was .all t rue. Ther e is
one party in p a r t icular with whoui I
am concerned. nnd that one is l'ct t.>r .
Did yot1 notice t " o " ords,
P et er '?' ' It was a very short message
bnt .it must have meant so much to this
i ndividual. The r ead er will r emember
that a yery sad thipg happen ed in t he
experien ce of P eter on that awful night
of the betrayal of onr Lord. I r efer to
the threefold d enial, the cursing and
swearing of this same disciple. I do
i10t. know jnst what P eter said, or what
he did, or what wer e his t houghts dur-
ing those awful t hree days and ni gh ts.
A hint or t wo is suggest ed by St. Lnke
in his gospel wher e he tells us that:
J esus turned and looked at P eter. Oh
what a look that must have been; a
look full of melting tenderness and.lov<:,.
\Ve arc told that J>ct cr "wcnt .out and
wept bittet:ly. " A penitent sinner plead-
ing f or pardon. Just think; there was
no opportunity for a sking pardon of
t he livirlg Cltrist hefore His cr ucifixion.
What days a nd nights t ho:.;c must have
been ! \Vonld they eYer end ? I u sed
to wonder why that li t t.l e t erm "and
P et er ," was inserted. But I begin t o
see, now. P eter's sin wa:;; a grievous
one. H e was a It , vas of
such a nature that it would surely sep-
. aratc him to quite an extent from the
of the othct disiciples. I f a ncy
those hours were spent in solitude,
weeping, prayer., Jesus, t hough
. dead to this world, knew it all. It was
just like the ,loving $aviour to send a
special message at the hands of a h eav-
Have yon ever observcrl that there
arc mai1y men and .women who stand
in much the i;;ame r elati o11 to our J.Jord
as did Peter '! 'rhey o11 ee enj oyed sweet
fellowshi p wi t h Him. SHt at His feet.
and l earll ecl of Him. Sang His praise.
preaehed His gospeL and taught t he
peopl e, bnt in- some sad nwmcnt. of nn-
expcefc,l temptation d en iPd their J..Jo rd
HIHl Master . S inee t hen tlwit joy has
d epnt tcd. and they go moutiling all the
dn.);. Brothe1. '!'hat li tt le Eas-
tet message is for yo11. ReHt c m bet t h e
pngel said, "And Pt>ttr." Go thou and
he rceoneilcd to .Jesus a nd will be
as jo;v01is as he.
.)1 ,JC ,JC
Eve ry note with rapture swe ll
And the Saviour' s triumph t ell ,
\Vhere, 0 Death, Is now thy sti ng '!
Where thy t e rrors, vanquish ed King?
$. $. .JI
Just as the astoml,l Pd di s(' iples \\'l'I' P
on beholdi ng tluit
?\{aster ali ve, so t.hc <'hrist.ian stands
upon the incontiovc l'tihl e fad. of
l'Csm-redion. 1 f that is uot.
JH'OVtm hy t.he of Bible
and by aetua I in h istor,v, no
other r eeord of men i:-; r cli ;; bl e or truP.
Ilundrcrls saw the s lain .Jesus again,
and we1e I' Paily to for what they
maintained. l:o'ift.,v days latm thrcl'
thousand men, who had the' cha nce to
look into t he fact.s. bP!i evcd and con-
fessed Him. Paul's masterly elassi<
rings wit h t.tiumph. " 'l'han){s Lie to
God, who giveth ns the vi ctory." The
symbol of eternal life is . not the c ruci-
fix. but the empty sepul chre; t.hc eon-
soling thought. is not the htaneh of pro-
pheti c green to. soften the pagan cntpc
at the door, but the amazing word of
t he angel , " H e is risen. he is n ot her e !"'
The Christian rivets his life and hopH
to a ]i-\ring', risen !Jord, inid is comforted
with exceeding joy -'J'he Congrega-
[April 8, 1909
S unday, Murch 28th, was It beautiful
day, and therefore there were a good
man y persons present d:nring the motn-
'ing service. Our pastor's text was
"Follow . . .. Holiness, withont whicl;
no n1an see the Lord." It pleased
the' Lord to bless this' servi ce, imd it .
was a woiHlerfnl one in every r m;r)ect.
At night Bro. \nlker contin1w<l t lw
stuclv of t h e eight h of t hP fif.
t emit.h ehapter of St .. John : " liPt'cin
is my father g lorified , that ye hear
much fruit; so shnll ye be my disci-
pl es," the main thonght of t he evening
being t he fruit of the Spirit. '!'his scr-
too . . waH a glor.ious one, and 11 t the
elose llli altar was given .
E. 1\ hi t'ta,,.
.ll ,JC ,JC
Btos. Galla hon and Ledford dosed
t heir meeti ng her e Sunday night, i\far('h
28. About twenty knel t at om altm
mtd gt>t sa vcd ot sanctifi ed. 'l'lw most
of them eamc through shining. We
thank t he d ear Lord for whnt lw is
tloing her e in Po mona. H e has a few
t rue 1111d t.ri Pd people her e. Brother
'!'albert is one of t.hcm, he not g i\'cs
his time but his money to help cmTy on
the work. 'l'he l"..ord bless him. We
need the prayers of t he Naznrenc -l'am-
ily, if ever a plaee n eed ed i t in this
world-more ('lmrcha nity than C'h rist.-
innity. Bnt we arc aiHI pra,,
ing to the t o bring eonviet. ion 011
t hP pcop]P. ( '. W. Griffin .
.,. ,JC ,JC
!:-lund ay was anot her gtcat
ntmning and Pvening. souls wer e at. t"111
altar fm pardon and pnrit,v. fn tlw
aftPrnoon at H o'elock wP had tht> 1':\1'1'
ciscs for the ('Ol'llt'l'Stone and
whil r. it ra ined hat,] a nd the crowd ,,as
not so YCr,\ hugc, yet the gooil pPnpl1
laid ahont a t housand dolhns on t hP
tabl e in \'ash ancl plcdg,s.
g' I' Pat offe!ing whC' n you I'Pillellllwr that
only two mont hs ago \\' (! raised ahnut
all told fm fh m,h and P\'all
It. tnlws sand iticd peoplo h
giYe. God is . wonde tfully h!Pssin :.r us
on a ll lines. and in abont two wcPI\s \\'l'
Will lllOVC into 0111' ll () W dtlll'('h. )\1'1'1'
on lwlicvillg. A. 0.
$ $ .JI
.B eloved , the tender vi ne that nul'
!<'at her has pl nHtcd in Ashland in
nes to grow and thrive nnder His In\'
it1g a nd watd1fnl care. The past. l'tw
weeks have bemt p wecl<s of st.(ndy
growth in g t'lte.c and 'tf;e of
.the JJord Jesus. . ,
Our beloved plistot has been doing a
l ot of '\vhi ch we beli eve God
. has . blessed and is blessing; and. our
two consecrated Deaconesses, Sisters
Mills and King, arc doing yeoman sm
vice in t h eir Wf?.rk of visiting the sielt
April 8, 1009]
aiHl affl.icted, the downcast, s_orJ,"owful
. :uid discouraged. Last week they w ere
the means in God's hands of bringing
two dear lost sheep t o the great Shep-
herd both of whom we believe to be
really sound cases.. Visiting, carrying
and His blessed words of cheer
aml comfort wher ever they go.
' , While thinking of and praying for
1 he forthcoming Assembly, yet we do
not forget . the time of r eviving ni1d rc-
fteshing that w e are expecting of God
in the meantime. We are counting up-
on sending six delegates f rom our little
'fhc write.r is hopefully and prayer-
fully working for the formation of a
Bible study elass among a lar'ge
of young men who -continually visit the
c.hnrch, often coming to the week even-
iug services, and the Sabbath School ,
llllllcr the leader ship of our -beloved
brother, D. l.J. Ri ce, is doing well, while
methods and plans are. being formu-
lated for its further imptovemcnt, both.
in a1.ten<lancc and attainment. And the
Go<l of our salvation is ever nigh giv-
iug us great. "vietory " all nlong the
filiC. A. 0.
.;I ,. ,.
. :_'lYe hnvc just closed one of the great.-
<st meetings of our life rit Ponca City,
a town of 4000 .inhabitants. \ Ve were
a ssisting Rev. J . H. l\lelntyre, pastor
of Pentecostal Church of the
mcnc. This was a r P.a I r evivn I of thP
old-time kind.
ThPrc wer e 185 as l))ight profcssi01;s
as T PV<'t' saw, all t estifying to a deft-
experi ence of Eighty-ei ght
11111t cd with onr chureh. twcntv-sevcn
hnptized by affusion. and. ot hets
to be baptised by immersion.
Not mor e thnn hal f a dozen people
tauH to t he altar who did not ' pray
tlt:n t h1ough <luring tlw Pntil'P mePt-
(,ot s " cr t hon gh t f'o1 a :\1 aza r enr
( ' lnmh a n<l pnrsonagc at $700. and a.
*2000 t' lmrch " ' iII he cJectcd at once.
This chut'ch was organized in Oetober .
l!lOR. wi t h nine mcmhcts. and now has
a IIHmbcr ship of 120. ' l' his shows what
<'HI I he dour. if \vc can find a f ew self-
sat ifi cing men who arc willing to t ake
ahusr. and shout while they <lo bus iness
1'01 God . Ther e ar c <loz;ms of such
pl acns wher e a work like this can lw
done if we P.a n get a few men like Bro.
Md ntyte to take the job.
. There were many scen es iu this til c<'t-
. lll g that angels alone rmi rlcscrihc. At.
one servi ce t her e was a whol e famil y at
thr altar. The grandfathcr. 80
old. and his wife, t hei r son and. wife
aJHl children, nil with uplifted hands
a_ntl tear-stained fti,ces praying nt one
tunc. None of them had ever been
savrtl. hut all :prayed cl ear through-
enough to mnke angels shout.
One cowboy from the famous 101
Jan ch, who had followed the cow trail
.twenty year s fron1 Kansas to 1\fex-
wo, was converted and sanctified. and
came home with me to attend the Bible.
Nazarene Messenger
School at Pilot Point, Texas,. He . had
put in ten s mnmorR '\vi t h Wild We!!t .
My precious wife came up the hist
week and slic . preached at the Opera
House, Snnday,.ltt 2 :30 p. m., .to a run-
ning-over house. Many wer-e turned
away. offering for the Pilot Point
Rescue Home \'\ $63 cash.
Bro. Ernest 'Rober ts was with rite
g in. tlw meeting in prayer,
prmse, song anrl sermon. Ernest did us .
splendirl scrviue. C. B. .Jernigan.
.,. .,. ,.,.
At our last' official meeti ng of the
Lntnh Uounty Holiness Assoeiation, of
IJiltah County, I(laho, Sister S. Page, . of
'J'roy, Idaho, was . clccted President.
Co.nnnittees. were selected and ap-
pomtcd, and plans were laid for the
ensuing.- year. 'y c all a r c praying for
and expecting a fruitful vi ctorious
year. Sister Page has ser ved us as
President before. and we lmow that
she is "nbmui:ll{t in lahors " . and has
faith, tad and abili ty. and we
expeet to to Jwr s uppot:t. and help
push the hatti e for holiness. -- We are
all sure she is the right one in t he ri ght
place. God is bl essing her labors. Our
last monthly mecti ng was Jed by Rev.
Wm. S. Ri cC'. \Yp had :1 good mcC't-
ing and Gocl h(lrwrl Bto. Hi cc to prea<' h
a nd we all h!Hl a vittmious t imC'. a nd.
Go!'l was glorifiNL . \Y <' lwl ievc . ;nneh
. was done.
Bto. Riec has h<wn holding a very
sue<:essfnl nPat Troy
nml of the
peopl e wer e at otir meet ing. $ mp]y
t he Lon! honors His pcoplc when t hey
t akt' t hP JHIJTO\\' way and dPf(' tHI t he
truth and deelae for Bih!P holiness.
' Yc ha\e Ynted to hold our ammal
<amp mcf't ing t his ,\'<'HI' on May 21st to
:ll st at Tny. ldaho. and Rt\'. C. \\::
Huth is to ]pacJ it. Oth<' l' ahlt workf' ts
will assist. \\"c cxpcd l' ta l ,idoJ' V and
sahation. \Vt . gypatJy d(,sir<' as ;na nv
wol'lHrs t o ;1ttencl a nd hP]p a's
poss1hlt'. ('om<' a JHl hc' lp :O: JH'<'a d strip-
111 1':11 holinPss 0\'1' 1' th<' land.
Albert Dyg<rt .
. \\"p ha\'P j11st (.Jos<>cl a good nu'rting
''' Jt.h ont at Mahnffev. Pa. Re Y.
\\".II. NPrJy. pnstoJ. Snnls' wer e sav<'d
and sanf' t ifiP<l . and the ehtll'<' h r evived
and s1T<'n gt.hf' ned. El even new mPm-
lwrs W<'l'P taken into membership of
the < hurch thP last. Snhhnth. n.ncl others
1 o follow soon.
\V e at'!" now en route to onr next en-
g_ng<' mPnt at. Colnmhns. Ohio. wher e wP.
;1 1' t' to he associatP.d .with Bro. vV. 0 .
. Tones in n P cntecostnl Nazarc>nc Con-
vention. Pray t hat t his convention
may nceomplish mtwh for Gnrl nnrl th<'
c hm(h in that. grcn.t cit)'.
Onr h<>art is filled wi t h cr]orv. onr
slate is .fill ed with for
m;-eti ngs , nnd we nrc going t hrough
w1th .Tesns on the holiness line: Bless
the r_,ord. C. A. Imhoff,. Bvnngelist.
Praise the Lord, -.t he . fire still
and God' is saving souls, for which we
thank Him. As our is only a
few months old, we are not f avor ed
with hngc crowds, hence olll' acquaint-
ance with sinnci"s that are regular at-
tendants at our meetings is confined to
a few, but these few we made special
subj ects of prayer, both in onr meet-
ings and in our homes . . Well, thank
God, we have seen some of them fall
at onr altar and get saved. Glory to
God. One :ease in particular, a railroad
man. His wife was a Methodist 2a
years. Sire, with her husband, attended
every uight of the special meetings.
She got the blessing of holiness and
j oiued om chureh . . Her husband, a
mau 50 years of age. was (ourteous,
but obstinately r ejected salvation, a11<l
laughed at all our efforts to teach his
heart: hnt the saints kept praying. and
o1w uight I saw his head drop 011 t he
r- hnir in front of h !n hie <;mile had
I said in ;my heart, .. "He is hit
snre. " The next meetiug his wifq came
alon e. Upon inquiry, she informed us
t hat he was drinking a little. \Ye said
''A good sign.'' . Sure enough, he
o n Sunday night and came to t he altar,
aud ho.w he did weep, and r epent .
Last mght he was at t he meeting and
was at the altar ngain. He savs he is
gqi ng t hrough. And t hus t his who
t estified that in 36 year s he. had not
knelt to pray, is now praying and read-
ing t h e Bibl e. Oh. beloved. if we are
to fnil anjrwhere. Jet us not fail on the
line of l et -us pray down
power . let us prny down finances, let us
. rway in JH'w nwmhP. r s, l et us prny, pray.
Francis J. Thomas.
,. ,.
P1nisc God for His hl essing that He
is pouring ont on t he l ittle holi11ess
hand iu North Attl eboro. \Yc had the
ptiyilPgP of otganizing a P Pntccostal
< ' hurt h of t he N azar enP. Sunday. Feb-
1'\laty 28th. Rev. \V. H . Raymond is
full of hope in connection " it h the
wmk in this p lncc. Commcncincr w.iih
hut. a f ew in number, it has con- '
gtowing until all connected
wi t h. it arc full of hopefulness and
ptessing the hatti e on t he line of pure
Glory to God! We organ-
Ized w1th . some t wenty members, and
a bout as more nr c eoming. Anrl
l am .sure if the_y k eep on praying and
pressmg the battle t hcv will march on
t.<1 glorioits Yi ctory. P1ay .for Brother
Ray.mond and this little band of holi-
n Pss work cis. A. B. Riggs.
.JI ,. ,.
\Yc arc haYing victory her e. Dr.
God hey was us t he 23rd. 24th am\
2fith. and it was a f east of good t hings.
Hpd r eviva.l services. which arc going
on yet; several at the altnr last night:
Some of. our "boys" a; e in a. hot fi ght
a f<>w nnles north of P1lot Point.
D. C. Ball.
P. F. Bresee; Editor
. R. Pierce, - Office Editor
C. J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and Bus. Mgr ..
Entered at the post-office, Aug. 7, 1900, at Los
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!mHE Eleven Apostles and others
gathered with them in Jerusa-
lem on that first Sunday night, that
"Sabbath 'after the Sabbath," were
found repeating over and over, " The
Lord is risen indeed, and bath ap-
peared.'' These are the two great
fundamental facts which have made
the hearts of men glad through all
these centuries, and which make this
day to be crowned like the Christmas
morning and with still greater glory.
We ' celebrate Christmas and sing
with the angels the glad song of the
advent, and with still greater joy we
shout with redeemed men the
tion of redemption's work, and the
appearance of our risen Lord to make
effective by resurrection power His
atoning grace.
And from His love's exhaustless spring,
Joys like a river come,
To make the desert bloom and sing,
O'er which we travel home. :
Christianity is historical, real and
experimental. It is not - some
seem to suppose - an "irridescent"
dream, not necessarily connected with
historic facts nor the undisputable
experiences of consciousness, but a
kind of unreal thing which has only a
phantom-like existence in sentiment
and fancy, :which may be entertaining
as a matter of imagination and poetry.
Christianity is built into the very
history and life of the race, and abides
through the manifest life of our risen
Nazarene Messenger
Lord. Jesus deliberately staked the
whole matter of the truth of His rrii's-
sion upon His resurrection from the
dead. When challenged for a sign He
said: ' ' Destroy this temple, and in
three da'ys I will raise it up." "He
spoke of the temple of His body.''
And again, " As was three days
and three nights in the whale's belly,
so shall the Son of man be three days
and three nights in the heart of the
earth." The disciples as they went
forth commissioned to proclaim the
Gospel, conceived that witnessing
to the resurrection of their Master
was th.eir primai-yfunction. Pete:r's
first thought seemed to be that Judas'
place must be filled, that there might
be the full testimony to His resurrec-
tion; and in his great address follow-
ing the coming of the Holy Ghost, he
declares that they were all witnesses
of the resurrection of Christ, which
had been foretold by David. When
there was another great manifestation
of the Holy Spirit, the result was that
with great power gave the apostles
witness of the resurrection of the
Lord Jesus. When Paul was in Ath-
ens his theme, which made them
think he was the setter forth of strange .
gods, was that ''he preached Jesus .
and the resurrection.-" In his epistle
to the Corinthians he rested the whole
Gospel on this fact: ''If Christ be not
risen, then is our preaching vain, and
your faith is also vain."
The people found it necessary and
easy to accept and realize that Christ
was alive from the dead under the
power of the baptism wtth the Holy
Ghost. The great glory of the Chris-
tian Church is the realization that He
is alive, because He is revealed by the
Holy Ghost in the hearts of believers.
Christ in you the hope of glory. In
the glory of the anointing with the
Holy Spirit there is an assuring, sat-
isfying realization that Jesus Christ
our Lord is alive forevermore. We
know Him call Hi'fi1 Lord, by the
Holy Ghost.
As the star is revealed in the mir-
ror, He is revealed in human con-
sciousness, which more. than corrob-
orates the New Testament and the
evidence of the ages.
''The joy of all who dwell above,
The joy of all below,
To whom He manifests His love,
And g rants His name to know.
_,:,c ..,c ..,c
"Likewise reckon ye also your-
selves to be dead indeed unto sin, but
alive unto God."
[April 8, ,1909
the it.seU. glo-
rwus .as It 1s, has not enougl1 in
it to fully r eveal the gloJ;Y of
( !hristianity. It is bnt. a logi ea I r o
plction of the l1wmnation, whil'h was
the inroming of tht Son of God. as
man, to t r averse all the necessmy path-
ways . of human Jifc, and speak to ns
abont them; r<'vcal the forees whi eh
pla:v njwn us, assure us t hat W<' arc
salvable, and to provide a salvation.
Of life in all its ma nifestations If<'
proved Himself 'J'hough poor
He did what tlw rich with their
eonlcl not do ; t hough young he taught
1:11<' :-;ages who gathered up the "isdom
of the ages. He raised the dP:I<l and
rt>storetl the1n t o love<l ones again. But
lie nmst do more. ne must hriug life
-the power he n:o;ed-and immo1hllity
- 1lw <>ndlessness of it-to light. He
mnst not only bring life and imJllol'tal-
it.y to light, He mnst cl estr oy <h'ath, the
f<>ar of which has heen. man's great est
bondage. He must go out of this world
as untouched -as H e into it-and
that t hrough the gateway of death. lin
hatl raised the dcarl, to die. again. hut
He must r aise t.lw to f<)r;'YI'r-
IIHll'<'. 'l'hc gl'a\e must stay l' lll.pty.
There must be a visible, P<' rmanr ll1:
resurrection of a hocly to liYr
forc v!'rmore. :\ ot 11lt' ttansla tion nf
Eno<h-who <litl not );a>e fOl' Cod
took him-hut the l'l'SIUTeCt.i on o!' a
dea d man. n ever again to die.
"ns not thP "fi ,:st fruits" rHi stol
f1om the cl , hut H e "as the first
l'tnits of th<> dta<l 11lilt should dio nn
\Yhat il lwautiful forPtol\Pn of' this
is the spi1itua1 r Psm-rodion. 'L'h<> spirit
hound in t lu mat. rix of sinfulness. t ill'
lwav<>n of love shnt ont f r om tiH'
thP song of th<' ag<'s unheard hy tlw
dtaf Par, no r<>sponse to God's
presence that a <lPn<l mau to a lOYin g
r clative standi ng hy hjs mrsket. WIH'Il
lo! the d<'ad soul li ves. God's prcsrJHr
is felt. th<' singing sonl joins nil naturr
in its praise. and life is sent t.hrobhin:,:
antl t hrilling through ever y power.
I n this li fe of urrfinished growth. of
unfulfilled cl1eams; this is a glorious
thought: I am fittin g for an cndll'ss
I ife of soul and body ; my incomp] di'
ness is to he perfeetNl as well as 111.'
love. Consequently none yearn for the
heavCI}Iy life like those who love God
with all . their hcnrt.s, knowing that. if
our house of this earthly
were dissolved we have a building of
April 8, 1909] .
GocL Vle long. for hab.ita-
t.i.lin and our permanent employnwnt.
There must be much a glorified he in g
is, and can do, that is impossible now.
Onr resurrection guarantees it all.
A visit to the empty tomb may satisfy
.uriosity, but n. meeting wit.l!,_.Tcsns aiHl
hcing with Him forever alof1e can sat-
isfy our love. He is not here ! '' 'fhcn
T am going where he is. Even so, IJord
.fr sus, till we meet. " Amf!n.
After the Cross endured, the victory won;
\fter the outer dark, the glorious sun;
. After the dews of death, the dew of morn ;
After the lonely cry, the praise-song born.
Afte r the crown of thorns, t he Conqueror's
After the shame, "despised," the best r e-
After the bruised heel, the bruised head ;
Aft er 'the forfe it-life, life pe rfected.
Afte r the ban and curse, the blessing true;
After the storm and rain, the heavenly blue;
After the sacrifice , the fire 's red heat ;
After the de bt was paid, the clear receipt.
ln making my tour of n1issionary ral-
li es in Tennessee, I found I could ae-
tcpt a very warm invitation. of Rev. J.
0 . :iHcClurkan to visit t heir P entecostal
.\lission and Bihle Sehool at Nashville.
'L' enn. \Ve wete most heartily r ecei veci
and entertained hY Brotlwr .i\lcClurkan.
was shown about tlw missi011 building:
which is a three-story brick, in the hea rt '
of that great city of 1()5,000 p eople. The
building contains the sehool, the editor-
ial staff of the "Living \\' aters," all of
the faculty except tlw music teacher
and accommodations fm ahont a hun-
dred students, with <omposing r ooms.
rooms, p arlors, offices, <lining
room and kitchen , with storage capa-
1' i tv for two h undrcd tons of <oa 1. 'l'he
work is done outside.
Beside a large amount of what might
IH' called home missionary work, the
l' enteeostal Mission has thirty mi ssion-
aries in the foreign fi elds , distributed
in South Ainerica, .China and Indi an ,
and are a llowed the same as we pay our
missionari es, about $25 p er month. W c
hail a good time talking to the stud<nt
body on :Monday night. ,
\ Vhile there we had the privilege of
meet ing Brother Hoxcy, f r om North
Haynham, :Mass., an cffiei cnt slum work -
tt and student; a lso our pastor from
'!'racy City, Rev. K . 0. Heath and Sis-
tlt Hal1 of our. Monterey church.
I :Meacham, former presiclcn t of
1 he Holiness Church of Christ general
t.onncil, callecl on us a nd took ns to t he
station. We wer e sorry not to he able
1o enjoy Brother :i\IcClurkan 's hospital-
ity longer , and also not to accept Broth-
Pr 's invitation to call at his
home, but the King's business d emand-
ed haste and I moved 0 11. It is to be
. Nazarene Messenget-
.h1ped the <ommissious appointed ..
hy the Generni Assembly and py Broth;
m. M:eClnrl<an will lw. a t.o effect the
desitcd uni on at least hy the timP of
tlw next. General Assembly.
H. V
.21' .JIC .JI
Notes and
surptisc fo the p eople
of l<'irst. Church, J,os Angel es , to have
with them last Sabbath Rev. E. M.
TF;aac of North Dakota. lie is an earnest
and abl e preacher of full salvation, .and
a r in spirit. goerr 'to
San Diego this week , hut. \viii . return
for next Sahhath and may be expected
to preaeh at First Church at 1 l a. m.
Bto. Humphrey. pastot.' a1 . Cu ea-
monga, was clown wit.h the gtip a few
<lays last wcck t hut was a hl P to he out
for his servi< es
Sister Crow, with her mother , 1\frs:
Dr. Kell. ') left J,os Anr{eles Monday
motning for lJowell. l\Iass., wher e she is
to hold meetii1gs with BrotiH' r Riggs.
.:I'he .Assembly of the' \\;ashington ( D .
< ' .) District will he hel<l in the P cn te-
tost.;!l Chureh of the NazaJ'(me in 1.ha1
t:i t y Aptil 2!l to :\fa:. 2. A g ra<ious
time is expect crl.
Bro. / \Y. ( '. \Yilson. of fJon g Bcad1,
whilP. s pending a few r est at Up-
land, preaclwd at thP ali -d ay uweting
of F'riday last " :ith his H<:ustonHd
,igor a nrl hl rssi ng.
Ht>\' . John H. . Allen will prea<h at
First Chnreh. Los. Angeles. next Snu-...
day n ight. HP is witlel y lmown as an
nhle preacher a nd many will lw
itit'<l t o hPar h i m pna< h
B1o. Ilc>J' hert K .Johnson 1'1' -
sil{ned thP pastora1 t' of thl' vVhittiPr
( ' hmc h. H1o. i\IiiiPI'. la1t> missionary fo
.J apan. has ill' (' t! Pted a <a ll to u\;. Ph{n eh
and has Pn1<' rt<lnpon hi s pastoral " mk.
It was a to First
( ' hur,; h of IJOS Angeles to haYe the
t\'a nltelists .fiom the South with them
tt\'Pr last. Sahhath. Their triumphant
songs. ;i nd t'hl' prPaching at night b;-
( 'rmY. " prp a ht'lll'<lir-tion.
. En1ngPiists O"ens a nd 1\t>ll. who
IHI\' C' lwtn. with Rist C' I' ( ' n nY, hold in!{
niPPt ings at 1 G1antl A \' Cnue (' hnreh
allll l<'i1st ( 'hmth. Los .\ni{Ples. with
stwh hhssing. comnwncC' d a srr i.cs of
nut'ti ngs with th<' T pland ( 'lmr<h Ol)
.\fonday ni gh t l ast.
Bro. a1Hl Sister lri t:k. tiH Pnmgelists .
ha\'P been a blessing to tlH' lhurche,.; of
('lit' a Ontmio and l " plantl. at
<'al' h of whi Ph plaP('S tlll'y hPi d a
t en clays ' wi t h good r esults
in sal vation and lwlp to t.IH' thml'hC's.
'l'hP,,. go n <:>xt to Portland. On.
Th< st r (pl mc<>tings hi'ld 1' \'Pl'\' Sa h-
hath PY.GJling. in c<;IIIH' <'tion wi th the
FirRt ChmPh. Los Ang,lt' s. <.'al.. are
.llPi ng hi Psst'<l of God and USC'<l
of; llim t o tlw awakPning of many ..
' " ho ri evc>r Pn tcr a clmreh. They meet
at. the> r.orner of Fifth mHl San PP<lro
str eets at 6 p . m.
The Offi ce Edi tor was out for a three
days ' t rip to the foothills and . spent
som<! pl easant hours with t he saint.s .at
( 'ucamonga, Upla nd arfd Ontario, and
on SahhAth prea ehed to the Cucamonga
and Ot1tario Xazarenes and visited the
folks at Upland on Sabbath afteinoon,
at which place he r eceived five good
new members into the ehutch. All the
.three charges _l'C'joi<ing 111 God's
bl essing npon them.
We are! glad to r P. port ,ictory at this
place.; our God .is leading His p eople.
The blessings of heaven are on us.
Scarcely a but what some soul
finds .fesus. Hm;- we thank God for
the Church of the :\fazareue. \dt ere p eo-
ple can come and find sal vati on. The
saints arc looking for gr eat things. \Yc
ate exped ing Bto. Rnth wit h us the
last of this month. The f' lnireh at this
phwr is growing in pow< t and num-
IHrs. God gi Ycn 11s a t rue people,
who s1 arul In the \\"o1rl . Let all the
saint,.; pray fo1 ns. . Youts for two
wmks of g tar. Lt>" is E. Rnrger .
There are hundreds of homes to
which are scattered throughout the
land in places where there is no church
or Sunday-School which uses holiness
Sunday-School literature. Every one
of these families ought to subscribe
for "The Youth's Comrade. "
We especially desire to introduce
that paper into the homes and will
offer a special inducement .
We want you to be sure that the
paper .would be a blessing to your
home, and then we want your sub-
The proof of the pudding is in the
Send us lOc. in stamps and we will
mail you the 13 numbers of the
"Youth's Comrade" for the first
quarter. If you like the paper and
will send 50c. within two weeks after
receiving the papers, we will send the
paper for the year. The subscription
is 75c. Under this special offer you
get it for 60c. and.get the privilege of
one quarter for lOc. and no more ex-
pense if you don't like the paper.
We would like to hear from 500
families by return mail.
Send in at once, as we can only
supply a limited number of subscribers
under this offer.
Nu.arene Publishing Commmy._
Los . Angeles and Vicinity -
'l'hc first Sabbath in April was au
unusually great day a t First Church.
li'rom the 8 o 'clock morning p1'ay er
to closing of t he alt:n sen-
ice at night t h er e was especially large
attendance aud great blessi1i g. 'l'h:c
sa:bbath School, which meet s at 9 :3Q
a. m., was larger than us ual and f ull .. of
inter est ; in, d eed , it seeins growing in
inter est } rom week to week. . A great-
congregd"tion list ened t o Dr. Bresee's
sermon at 11 o ' Clock ou ' ' Christ ian
Sci en ce vs. b ln'istianity and Sci ence."
He took for his t ext St. John 20:13.
' 'They have t aken away my Lord and
. -Nazarene Me_ssenger
i ..;lwist, .iwd that .Christ.ia n Science 1s
the Holy Ghost. _ . .
He spoke of the joy and gratitude
which Christians f eel as they tl.1rn away
from su ch a tissue of falsehood to the
and expcriencC's of our holy
r eligion.
In the afternoon Rev. E. M. Isaa'c of
JJidgev.:.ood, N. D., brought the messa ge
f rom .th e Song of Solomon, 6:10, "Who
is she that looketh forth as the morn-
ing, f air as the moon, r.lear as the sun,
and t errible as mr army with banners."
H e r;;poke of the vision, the beauty, the
purity and the activity of the chnrcl1,
as set forth in thes e figures of speech.
'J'hcr e was good 'vith much
inter est and vint:ory. 'J'"o souls sought
the Lord.
{April 8, 1909 .
idols; so one .. day_they. brought"-them all '
out, large and small; tlrey all had BiblC'
names, but non.(J. of them could say, as
did Agag, ' ' The sorrow of death is
now past , " for they " speak not." They
wer e hewed in pi eces and the famil y
eooked_a meal with the fire t)tey made,
shouting hallelujah every time they
added the fuel, until the last sign of'
s aint and idol had in
smoke; and then, as they ate, they still
shouted, and with t1cars of joy and
thanksgiving, , gave praise to Him who
had their blinded eyes and set
their vis ion on Himself. God is vcr v
mer eiful to this poor, enslaved , clowJ;.
trodden race, bnt the responsibility will
fall heavily some day upon those who
have hidden the light.
I know not where they ha vc laid l :Iim. ''
l-I e showed tha t this somewhat, called
Christian Science, was u t t erly empty of
both scien ce ,and Christianity ; lin fact ,
over against b oth. He shQwed that. "'
Mrs. Eddy 's book, ''Science and
Health;' '. the bible of t his sed. is a
hodge-podge of all kinds of t hings from
.Moses to Hobert Inger soll, and f rom
ph.ilosophy t o nouscnse. 'l'hat t h er e is
much Scripture, oft en with most ridic-
ulous interpretation , but all t o cover
up its absurd paganis m, which comes
.. out- like t he asp f rmn under t he l eaves
in. the bask et of iiower s brought to
Cl eopatra. l-I e defined s cience as b ein g
" knowledge gained and verifi ed by
rxact obser vation and rorrect think-
ing." He sai d, " The a venues of knowl-
edge ar e our senses and consciousn ess.''
He quoted fr om "Scien ce and Health "
that " the five physical.. senses arc t he
avenues and instruments of human
error." He showed that it is -a part
of human knowledge that t he en for ce-
ment of laws of hygien e will prevent.
disease and fost er -health ; , \' hile Chris t-
ian Science sa vs that : ' ' 'l'reati es 011
anatomy, physi ology and h eal t h, sus-.
tained by mat erial law. nr e promoters
of sickness mH1 disense." He sh owed
how all of this " scie!l( r. falsel y so
called." is nonsense. a nd is so t1eatec1
hy its advocates. In spite of their
theories they r eganl matter as matter
- going from on e r oom to an other t hey
seck the door , and when t hey meet ear h
other they turn to one sil1e, jus t
peopl e \Yho belieYc in the materi ;dit.v
of bodies. ..\Vhen l\Irs. Eddy has t h e
toothache she t akes it. t o the den t ist.
just as though t her e " as snch a thing
as p ain . . If they did n ot i gnore their
pret ended t heories it would be n eces-
. sary t o p'ut t hem in paddrd cages like
other insane people.
At night ther e was another great
audience and l\1rs. Crow pr!OJ ached in
her inimi t abl e way, bringing comfort
and joy to many hearts, and several
sonls to the seeking God.
w>C ,$ $
\\'ell. praisr the Lortl. l hn\'l Yidory
in my son:!. another day's march
lH'HI'eJ homr. It l1oes streugthr n and
. help me so much t o att end thr. eaJ,;lY
mornin g meeting. fm I know the dear
Lord is in our midst. and t hat to hl ess.
\\'hen I look an(1 st'e so few
t her e. \Ve must doubl e our nmnher
and see if we cannot do more f or the
(ia use of Christ. Our street meeting _
was well attended last n ight, and t here
was quitP a Jlllmlwr of workers. a f ew
t.ha t had not been "ith us f or a \Yhile,
and we tlid enj oy t heir presence so
much. \Ve do pra.v that God will bl ess
eYcr y one of the worker s and k eC' p each
nne of n s on the vi ctot;y siclP. I. C. TJ.
' \Y c are almost ' constantly under (}i lli .
cult.y for want of help, esp ecially in
onr S. S. work. vVe pray God to t a I k
to h C' arts in rC'fcrenee to this our nl' Cd.
Mrs. l\f. lVIeR.eynoltk
$ .$ $
Thursday night was a season of
special blessing from the Lord. Sis-
ter Knott's message was to the young
Christians, and the altar service wit-
nessed four souls seeking sanctifica-
tion and two pardon. Victory is of
the Lord. /
Sabbath day the house of prayer
was filled with hearts to worship the
Christ. Bro. Ftuck preached and the
saints were blessed. Two souls were
at the altar. At the night service
Sister Knott read and explained the
sufferings of Christ for the sins of
the world, after which the Lord's
SJ1pper was partaken of by the be-
Their unchri stian <: luua et r r was
shown by their unbelief in a per son-al
God, or in J esus Christ as a Redeemer
and Saviour, or in His s acri fi cial
ment , or for giveness of sins, or in t he
f a ct of sin, or in such a pl ace as heaven.
at e. And t heir beli ef t hat :Mrs.
11as done more f or the .wor ld t han
lieving Christians; v . J. J.
.$ "" .$ $ $. $.
Ciood ('oHgr egatiom; a nd spl<'ndid in- In a letter from Dr. Jas. Barr, who
te rost. "it"lr the blessings of the IJord is at present in Portland, Ore., he
an(1 with two r11 en sanctified at the says, On Sabbath, March 28th, he
e n :ning semi( e. the G1a nd A venne attended the laying of the corner-
( ' hnJ'(h passed another Sabbath in the stone of our church . in Portland.
h;tHl c f or God and hol iness. 'fhe pas- Though only a week froin the time
t or . prcachcc1 at both servi ces. the building was begun, yet consider-
Lord 's Supper was administ r r ed at the able work had already been accom-
mnlning meeting.- 'l'hc s ix-thirty gat h-
C'ring for
wa yer and praise was a rich plished. Notwithstanding the rain,
a small company of enthusiastic Naz-
season a nd cspccia lly p r ep aratory f or arenes were assembled. Bro. Hen-
the ni ght service. Rpccial Easter scr- k th p t - b f h' t
viccs wil l be conduct ed n ex t Sahhath. riC ' e as or, gave a rie IS or-
aml new members will llC' r NC' iYN
int o ical statement of the beginning of
the Nazarene movement; and spoke
!'hltl:(:h f ell owship. of the union of other Pentecostal
-" -" .JC organizat!ons With the Church of the
SPANISH Nazarene; thus constituting the Pen-
We r Pj oicc gr ea tly in t he wcll'k of

tecostal Church of the Nazarene. A
table was then set out and Bro. Hen-
1Jon1 in our l\Iission the last mont h. ricks stated that we needed $1000.
The w01k ers pr essed ri ght on in my a b- Though there was but a small com-
sence and God ga vc t h em some twenty pany, the offering amounted to $655.
soul s r onverted. 'J.'hcy - al so r eport a A number of people had. gone away,
gr eat victory in a h ome, wher e the l ast but when a second call . was made the
one t o a ccept ,Jesus was the mot her. entire amount of $1000 was . quickly
She was preciously saved ori Chris tmas .. raised. Amid much - rejoicing the
evP, . and was :ifterward san ctified. people sang with great fervor
But she had not yet d estroyed h er "Praise God from whom all blessings flow."
'!'lie write1; of the
Messenger family to joiu him in giving
thanks to our IIeavenly li'ather for spe-
eial deliverances in the past few <laYft
:F'rom March 12th to 15th, we had the
follo,\ring expcrien ecs in t raveling
about six hundred miles: Owing to the

itt heavy rains Alabama

was flooded, t.:ausing a bad wreck of a
freight train just llhead of our trnin ;
also two landslides. one washout, a
fiooded track for a long distance, nei-
ther track or road bed could be seen-
wa t er uearl y up to the firebox on the
a seeond smions freight
wreck just ahea1l of onr t 1ain. 'J'hese
are some of t!Hl dangers seen, besicle .all
the unsecm, that tlw angels of t he TJ!)J'd
ns from snfl'ering har111. II a ll c-
lujn h.
Kentucky and Tenne.ssee District.
District SnpPtintenclcnt Rev. C . .-\ .
Htomley has a goo1l-s i;r.e1l parish. Tt s
lcngtli- from east to west is -158 miles,
aitd from north to south 280 mile,<;.
thns contai ning nhont tl2.-li'i0 scp!Hr!
miles of terri tor y. or a eqna l to
ui c stntes of :Mai ne, New Hampshire.
Vermont. l\fnssach nsetts, .:\' ew .J ctsey.
Hho1l e Island. Delaware antl half of
.. wit.h a population of ahont
-J.,200,000, or equal to New York City.
hu t much lllOrP to \' isit. as it. is
bottoms. flat land ;111cl ntu th
tnonntainons country.
Monterey, Tenn.
Owing to the so-ealle11 tongue tllO\' t'-
llll'nt that has swept all of our elnutdws
into its fanatical beli ef in F'lorida. <.>x-
ctpt. one in west<.>J'n Florir1n. which hP-
to the Alnhama DistJid. thf'
\\Ti ter did not go to Durant. Fla .. as was
<.>x peetcd. hut put in that Sunday. 1lar.
1-Hh, with our thnreh at l\-Ionte>tcy,
where we ha,e a good thmt:h house.
ntluecl at *1500. with sixtv members.
among whom llre' two Ji ft: IIS(:t} pre:tc:hms
one of whom is doing cvangelisti e ntu1
l'itenit work. 11n11 the> otlts-r. Sistc HalL
is in Brothcr .. .;\'[eChukan 's Rihle f3ehool
at Nnshvill e. pt:epming fm he futltrc
wmk. Our chureh is he>i ng supplie<f
hy Hcv. 1\ . J>. \Veldt. n prosperous 1)1<.'1'-
('!nmt of the city. \Vc haYe an avcrag'
n tten11anee i 11 ou t 8 nnda ,- school of
;ihont fifty-five 11 1111 nsfng om
da:v sehool 1 iteratm<' . and the chmph
aitd Sunday school will l!Sf' onr <' nYel, .
ope system in connedion with thrit
111 on t h ly m issimHII'Y offering.
Tracy City, Tenn.
We have in this ritv of about ..J.OOO
n church of abon't fnl'tY III Pillhcrs.
and a union Snndav sl' hoo'i of about
1 ;)0. We worship .i'n a 11nion ehurc:h
house one mil e from the center of the
l'ity. Pastor E. 0. Heath is taking n
Pourse in the M:eClurkan Bibl e School
and preaches at 'fracy City once in two
weeks. He is planning to put in all
his time on tl1e_ during his vaea -
Nazarene Messengel"
tion and. hopes to have a large _:t.e:nt.
- lneeting for ten days in August; :when
the writer expects to assist as one or
Ow workers. Brother Heath is in love
with missions and will with his church
folks push .the envelope system as. soon
as they ean. .,Ne n eed a place of wor-
ship in t he eity. This, like Monterey.
is a monntainons town and the prinei-
p:tl indnstty is con 1 mining.
Monteagle, Tenn.
We arrived at \Vednesday
afternoon and had a good serviee at
uight in n nnion t he trustees of
which have voted our p eopl e t h e use of
it free two Sundays in eadt month .. vVe
have a hout memlH'rs eonnectcd
with our in this 1:ity, hut . the
school is in IIPPd of a thorough
stirring Up, they say.
Rev. Sam Tuck<.' !', who has bttn tht
p:lstor. owi ng , to pont h1itlth was
ohli ged h> mo,!: and now li\'ts at lfllli't s-
\'ille, Ky .. an11 has a!'l'angt!d to supply
the 1hureh .. Rundav a month. This
til'' of a few lnmdrc1l intteases in i:h('
hot s!'ason to thousands hy t he intom-
ing of city boarders, it being 2,!500 0ct
al t itude makes it a popular sUIIIIIH't' . ,. _
\Ve met at t he btst two plaees
Evange>list n.-o,nt. who is pushing true
holiness in the stat<'; also met RP,._ Yit-
tor A. F'arguox. who preaelws at Cnion
R11io(il Honse and Son1ervill c: Tenn .. :
and .J. '1'. Tntnr r. our p;tstot at
Pelham. wher e WP have forty-eight
. ntemhtts and a S t1nda v sdtool. and at
Auter Falls, where .w1: have a thul'th
of Sf'VCnt CPII nwmbcrs. \\'e also IIHt
Hcv. Ligc of Olll' chut'(h in
1[onter r v. who lias it l'it cuii. of tf'n 11if-
];reaching platts. He' is n ow
nPgotiating for a chnreh and parsonngc
prop<'rt.y at on<' of his m;tny pl'<'<whing-
pla ccs an<l hopes to s ettle> t1own and
systema ti.v..-:t.tlention to pas'
t01ial oversight.
'J'be . above-named and
pteachers with others <1 id much to make
t lw meetings at t h e last two named
pla.c!es a success, and I pray the dear
fJOI'C1 will abundantly r eward the m for
the i1 self sacrifieP and efforts.
The District Superintendent.
Our much loved brother, C. :.A. Brom-
ley, has been in poor health for some
time. Twi ce within t he Jnst tv.-o monthf
he h as been under medieal treatment
for appendi eitis a nd may yet h ave t (
submi t to a surgical treatment. This
p!'Ot1aded f'Ondition has very much
weakened him and it . has
hccn with difficulty that he bas been
able to push the woJk in hiTi home
ehnreh. consequent!,\' h e t:ould n ot de-
\' Ote t he time he ha c1 planned to the
t;illits on his g-Jcat distri ct. \Ve sought
to do " -hat " '<' eonld in his
ahsenec to en c; OIU'agP aml huild np our
pcople on t li e d ist ti<t. ns we ha<l op-
t9 meet the m. \Ve trust t hat
Brother Broml <'Y mav soon he well and
st1on g in hod_,. ;,s h<.> is in spirit. to push
Ow " -mk on his entire di stJi ct. lJet all
of t he Messenger famil,v PI'H.'' for Broth-
(' !' Broml ey and his gooc1 wife. thnt t hP,\'
ma.' work fo1 the Lord H('(' Orcling to
thf' chsi t'f'S of their
Going On!
"\ ,; I t:ot;ld get in tou< h either by
lt>tt< t' ot t elPgl'a tn " -ith om dcar htoth-
1'1'. F. \\ _ Scott oL:\ shvill c. N. ( ' .. an:1
not finding him at th.l station. I am go-
ing- on to Harrington. DeL jn
"'it h Distri ct Rnprrint elll1ent Hoslf'y 's
l'tqu c:st. hopin g to))(' there March 21-23
instPacl of at .-\ sll\ ill t on thl 20th ancl
21st nnd \ Yashi ngton. n. C .. :\farch
as r am to he at the last ll<llll f'd plac:e
fnt' Dishid Asscm hi_,-. ;\ pril 2!}-:\la.'' 2.
H. F'.
Texas Holiness University, PENIEL, TExAs
Holiness of Strong Character, with Competent Faculty and Thorough
Scholarship. Indorsed by the General Assembly of the
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
LITERARY WORK: Primary, Acad-
emy, College, Theology, Normal,
Elocution. Car eful attention is
to each pupil. Satisfied pupils IS our
r ecomme nds tion.
and Greek courses. Bible work equals
thatdone in any training school. Ex-
cellent place to prepare for either
. home or foreign work.
1 COJ.\11\IERCIAL SCHOOL: Pupils go
direct from this department to good
paying positions. Best methods in
Bookkeeping, Shorthaud and Type-
' writing. No be tter Business College
1 The Auditorium- One of our Three Large Buildings in the South. ..
1 MUSIC CONSERVATORY: Cannot be surpassed by any school in the South. Com-
peterit, experienced teachers, Voice, Piapo, Organ, Violin, Viola, Cello, Mandolin,
Guitar, Wind and Reed Instruments. Band, Orchestra and Mandolin Club.
I Low Price11, Thorough Work.
'--===:::rated Catalog. . REV. E. P. B.S., Pres . . I
10 Na:zqre-ne Messenger,
.AJOTTO- UN7Y!. Tl!.'f. f.,ORJ)." .. . .
Deets Pacific Bible College
641_E. 28th St., Los Angeles, Cal.

of the Coll ege clm;:sc:s were
adjourned last week ou account of the
meetings . at First Church with Sister
Crow and Bros. KPII. and Owen. Sister
Ke!L the mother , "ho always bears the
' prayer burden'' for Sist er Crow 's
meetings. was visiting llro. and Sister
Brewm, formerly of Evansvill e, Ind.,
and 11ow of the CoJiege. TtH!sday,- jnst
;Hs the stml ent.s' prenching ser viee be-
g;.u l, Brewer a nd Ke!l
came into the meetin g shouting
'Glory " and tl'lling how God hatl just
<inswer ed ptayet; fot Sistct Brewer 's
'' Orderly disorder " r e.i gnt>tl for a
time as we .all praistd a nd sang and
. shontetl together , and then Sister Kell
ga Ye us a les:.;oj1 on '' 1wrsistent. prevail-
ing -prayer in t he Hol y Ghost," whi eh
will hear spitit ual frnit in the prayer
life of the students for yean; to come.
Sist er Phebe Epper son came t o us
for a Yery s hort littl e eall. all(l we
disappointed that she. lu1d not t ime to
give us one .of her n lluahiP talks fo
< w orker s:
morn'ing ReY. . . \Iosier.
a missionary from hHli a . ga ve ns an
instructive ltwture oi1 mission .work in
that India has a special in-
t er est for us. as t wo of om Senior class
"He is not here"- not in t he g rave,-
But "risen, as He said,"
"Come, see the place" whe re J esus Jay,
Gi ve thanks thi s happy Easter Day,
And pass rejoicing on thy way ;
Uur Lord hath left the dead!
0 G;ave, .where is thy victory?
o Death, where is thy s ting?
The stone, the seal, alike a re vain;
The Royal Captive breal{S His chain!
Upraise the Alleluia-strain
To our all-conque ring King !
- Lucy A. Benne tt .
Oil . all ,.e who are tired and f ai11t
and woru wi t h t he turmoil of
Partli ;wei" gtievetl and satldened hy the
sorTows of t>a rth. bowed ' neath the
hea vv burdens of t:lii'P and labor. t nrn
t o the cross a nd look upon the Crucifletl
Onc- wiw ga ve His life for yon- then
look lwyoi1d the eross. up t o t he t hrone
;tbove. t o the l' istm Savionr- tlw Jiving
Chr ist who sitteth at t he ri ght hand ol'
God-who <'Oilqucred death for you-
and let Him sa v<' vou fro1n sin and
death and preser ve soul. preeitlns
in His sight, to li fe eternal.
And <is y ou walk in newt.fcss uf . li.fc
- dead to sin. hnt alhe nnto Christ-
eonquering dail y ever v ene my you meet
feel .God's call upon them to give Him
their life service in that tlark land.
God . bless them.
Saturday evening Bro. I . G. :Martin
asked Sist er Bertha Mite Wilson to l ead
his meeting. Sister Barnes preached,
and some other s of the students sang,
prayed and t estified , and the glory
seemed to continue to fall all night,
for Sunday morning, when one studef1t
asked the breakfast blessing, the Spirit
of t he Lord fell sndtlenly upon ns in
melting glor,v, a nd twenty-fi vt!.. one
after another. had pra,,.etl and gi\' en
thanks hefnre t>ver tastl' d Oltl' f ood.
,,hi eh bv that t ime was a half-hom
t' old, hnt tlw banquet. with our J.;ort:l
hatl heen a most r eal and sacrl'tl sacra-
ment . ;ind alt hough it was tlw first
' ' ha lf-honr hl essing '' ever asked bef or e
a Collt' ge meal. we had in r eality eaten
antl drnnk of "hreatl antlwine " of
the kingdom.
It seems we ha n . never known s uch
days of outpouring of t he Spirit upon
11s. as fo1 t he past fpw weeks. Hea ven's
sea1chlight has heen turned upon both
the heart life and daily life, and . W<'
h ave l earned as never hefor e. undPr thP
teaehing of the Holy Spirit; that "As
have r eceived Christ .Jesus tlw Lord.
so walk ye .in f lim."
\Ve thank God. antl dP. at' Bro. and
Sis t er \ Vynn of the Upla!Hl Church. f or
$1 5 for Co11ege needs.
God is wonder f ull y answpring pnt.'' <'r.
antl over eoming e Yer y obstacle-fr ee.
with t he wonderful freedonr whieh onl y
C'hrist's ehildnn l'll n know, your r e-
joicing heart will in gt'll t it ude cr,\ out
da ily with Paul. " Thanks he nnto God
who giveth us the vict ory t.hrongh our
Lonl J esns Cl11i :;.-t. "
Easter is to Christmas as the tlowe t
to the bud. Between the t \,o g tea t.
holy days ther (' stretches the whol e of
the ( life on ' the heal -
ing of t he sick the giving of s igh t to
the blind, t he goii.1g ahont on t he l1ills
and through t he ' ' ales of the
words He spok e. t h e <l cl'tls He did. f rmu
the hour that His ministty began until
He eried upon lvaty. " 1t is fi nished."
'L'he most ama zing period in t he stol',\'
of time, t hose t hree years in whi ch Go<l
taberna cled in hnma n fl esh. is commem-
ora tetl in t wo stuall plaees. Bethl ehtm
and EastPI'- tlw one wi t h t.hosP who
at the (:radl e. the other with
t hose who woJshipped at thP tradle. tht
other with t hose who sought the gardPn '
t.omh ; and both wi t h t he hdp a nd t hr
sdug of the a ngeli c visitor s whQ ca me
to serve their Lord. even more
than Chri r:; t.mas. spt>a ks very .. tende1ly t o
[April 8; 1009
. t-liqse. who follow Christ in lowly dt
'pendence and m1faltering trust. . Jts
light seems brought from the very in-
most radiance of heaven. We are dull
of vision, but . at Easter we catch a
glimpse of that world"'of full est bright .
ness which is just beyond this sphet
of strife, and this school in which "''' ,
tire t a ught the lore of the kinguom. -
l\[argaret E. Sangster.
To complete a fiie of the Nazarene
Messenger, a eopy of l\larch 12, 1908.
is needed. Please send ouc to the offi e<
of the Messenger. .
TRACTS By Rev. R. Pierce.
mary Purpose.
the Justified.
Them- Up.
Price 20c. per doz.; $1.00 per 100, postpaid.
to another. "
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Jacob the Heelgrasper,
Some of God's Pictures of
the Carnal Mind.
With Portrait and Introduction
This is a volume of 350 pages packed full of
striking lessons {rom the life of Jacob, wri t -
ten in the dear and direct style of this emi-
nent Evangelist.
Bound in Cloth, Price $1.00
Nazarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Pins ....
We have a new supply of Nazarene
Pins. The Nickel-plated, such as
we have heretofore sold, and a new
kind made of Abalone shell with
black lette ring.
25c each
50c each
Nazarene Publishing .Company
A ... 'I 8 . 1909]
. pr1 . ,
Our. Young People
Open chrysalis,
Open wide!
Here's a butterfly
Caged inside.
Open chrysalis !
Love the sunshine
And broad blue skies.
Pretty butterfty;-
V.There are you 1
Lost somewhere
In the upper blue?
Some other day .
I'll have wings
And fly away.
-l\1. A. L.
.:11 .:11 ,.
I once met a little fellow on the road
carrying a basket of blackberries, and
said to him:
"Sammy, where did you get such
berries 1"
''Over there sir, in the briers: ''
'' v.,r on 't your mother be glad to see
yon come home with a basketful of such
nice. ripe fruit ?"
"Yes sir, " said Sammy, "she always
seems glad when I show her the berries,
and I don't t ell her anything about the
briers in my f eet.''
I rode on. But Samm,'s r emarks had
given me a lesson ; atul I r esolved that
hcueeforth in my (laily life I would try
to thiuk of the berri es. and say nothing
about the briers.-Sel.
.:11 .:11 ,Jl
",Jesus loves mP. this I know."
Sweet,.1111d clear rang out the ehildish
treble. It was ou a ho1se-car. .A little
girl, h"ct";ecn thnP and four years old,
ltad bceu out Yisitiug with her mother,
and being among strangers. had
kept quiet ti ll her JH'attling little tongue
could stand it no longer. So as soon
as the horses began to trot and the
bells to jingle, she began: U' ..
ioves me, this I know,
For the Bihle tells me so;
I..Jittle ones to Him belong,
They are " :eak, but-"
The car stopped; so did the singer.
T_wo or three passengers got in. Ding!
dmg! went the bell. Away went the
car. Away went the singer:
''They are weak, but He is strong.''
A smile went around on the ear, but
the little one, kneeling on the seat and
out of the window, and there-
fore quite unconscious of it all, sang
OO : .
"Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, J est1s loves. me !
Yes, Jesus loves nie !
'rhe Bible tells me so!"
I do not know how many hearts were
Nazarene . Messenger
.,, .
touched during that ri(le, which was
quite a long one, and many passengers
came and went. I do not know how
many burdens were lifted, but I do
know that while the. song lasted every-
one on the car heard the gospel mes-
sage. Everybody listened; everybody
smiled ; there was not a frown ; not a
troubled look on any face. 'rhe simple
story of J esus and His love had driven
them all away. At length the song
ceased, the mother turned, the little
h ead was resting against the. window.
The baby was fast asleep. . She had
''done what she could.' '-Selected,.
Some has said that there are
twelve things a girl can . learn to do
before she is twelve. Not every one
can learn to sing or play well , but she
can do the twelve following t hings:
Shut the door and shut it softly.
Keep your own room in tasteful
Have an hour for rising and rise.
Learn to make bread as well as
Never l et a button stay off twenty-
four hours.
Always know where your . things ar e.
Never l et a day pass without doing
something to make somebody comfort-
Never come to breakfast without a
coll ar.
Never go about with shoes unbut-
Speak cl early enough for eYer yone
to nndcrstand.
Never fidget or hum so as to disturb
Never fuss or fret.
A young sailor. eomertcd.
wanted the missionary at the Bethel
to write some words on a card fm." him.n
"Yon cai1 write plainer thail I can," he
sa_i d.
shall I write?" was aske(l.
"\Vrite 'I love Jesus, ito :von ?'"
"What are yon going to do with this
card?'' the missionary inquired.
"I am going to sea tomorrow." said
the young Christian, "a.nd I am afraid
if I don 't take a stand at once. I may
begin to be ashamed of my r eligion.
E;o I am going to nail this card on my
bunk, and that will let every one know
at once t hat I am a Christiim. "
That is the 'way all Christian lwvs
and girls should do-boldlv confess
Christ. and riail up their at once
wher ever they go.
APPLES OF GoLD is just the book
for an Inspiring Gift. It will bless
the soul and inspire faith. Send for
one. 30c. postpaid; 10 for $2.
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16-page tract, by P. F. Bresee.
Holiness; 16-p., by C. F. Walker.
Man a Revelation of God.
Sermon, by Rev. John Short.
Missionary Sermon, by Mrs. Rose_
Potter Crist. .
Send 25c for this Collection
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''Where Art Thou?,,
or, Spiritual Earthquakes.
This book by this noted Evangelist will
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Bound in Cloth. 320 Pages
Price, $1.00
Mohave Children
Stories from life by
Missionary to Mohave Indians
A bE:autiful book, illustrated with fine half-
tone engravings, bound in Onyx Bristol.
This book is instructive as well as entertain-
ing and gives an interesting account of real
life among these li ttle known people.
An admirable gift for Sunday School Teach-
ers to present to their classes.
15 cents
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730 San Pedro Street
J.,.os Angeles, Cal.
The Time to Strike;
Or. Our Nation' Cune.
A story of sixteen ch.apters, told in
an :interesting and graphic way. of
the Curse of the Liquor Traffic, and
its awful effects on the family. It is
and should be read by every
lover of cleanness and purity.
Nazarene Publishing Company
LOB Angelea. Cal,

f G Lalut Sooa Book-301 Soc
0 0
J. Harris, Editor.
PUB. co .. 730 San redni St. Los 4DPieS, Cal
:12 1Vazarene Messenger
[April 8, 1909

l==;:::::== 5.
gratified, and where Jesus shall
lea:d to- living fountains of waters and
God shall wipe away all tears from aU
The morning kindles all the
The heavens resound with anthems high,
The shining apgels as they -speed,
Proclaim "The Lord is risen indeed!" .
Vainly with rocks his tomb was barred,
While Roman guards kept watch and ward;
Majestic from the spoiled tomb,
In pomp of iriumph, he has come!
When the amazed disciples heard,
Their hearts with speechless
Their Lord:s beloved face to see,
Eager they haste to Galllee.
joy were
His pierced hands to them he shows,
His face with love's own radiance glows:
They with the angels' message speed
And sh<?._ut, " The Lord is risen indeed! "
0 Christ, thou King compassionate!
Our hearts possess, on thee we wa,it:
Help us to render praises due,
To thee the enpless ages through!

Death is the gate-opener to the larger
life. It means that the angel of God
comes -and opens the gate and l ets us
out -i1ito a fairer, grander Death
is a necessary ineident of our getting
on in that immortal career for which
God has made us-a career in which
the soul shall find scope and range for
growth into all that, as a child of the
infinite, it is capable of becoming.
Death is the greatest gift that comes
to ns from the hands of kind, loving
1\fother Nature. Such, in substance, is
Browning's view of death. According
to his view there is no more reason why
we shoul d death itself than why
we should fear going to sleep when w'e
arc t ired. Browning says. "I am not
one to be afraid when death comes.''
"' "" ""
in whose train and shadow you had
hoped to live with something of its
glory cast on you. You send that down .
into its grave, and that, too, will not
r est theie.
You surrender a dear friend at the
call of death, and out of his grave .the
real power of friendship rises _ stropger
and more eternal into your life. So
the partial and imperfect and tempo-
rary-are always being taken away from
us and buried, that the perfect and
eternal may rise out of their tombs to
bless us.-Phillips Brooks.
"' .:s
The .resurrection of J esus Christ from
the grave is the greatest and. grandest
of miracles.
Our Lord has written the promise of
the resurmction, not in-.books alone, but
in every leaf in spring-time.
P1;epare to live, not to die, for those
who die in the Lord shall awake to die
no more. "0 death where is thy sting?
0 g-rave where is thy victory?"
"While the doctrine of the resurrec-
tion is cheering to the Christian, it has
i1o hope for the sinner, as it will be an
awakening to judgment, for which he
is unprepared, and a summons to a trib-
unal at whi ch will. he fonnd no advo-
cate to appear in his behalf, for the Ad-
vocate shall then have left the media-
torial throne in the h eavens to appear
as Judge of all mankind.
When a the r esurrection
power ef Christ he comes forth with
new desires, new affections, new hopes
and new aspirations. Like the hideous
worm that is . tra.nsformerl into a beau-
tiful butterfly, he grovels no more in
the mire of sin and filth of this world,
but "seeks' those things which are
above.'' He p\).tS away the muck rake
of the past, and, taking the sickl e of
truth, he enters the harvest field to
gather precious sheaves for the Master.
If Jesus is risen, then He is Messiah.
He the champion of truth, freedom, pur-
ity and life won the _battle. The world
is redeemed. Take h(lJlrt emancipator,
reformer, philanthropist ,"evil,ngelist, He
is with you. In the face of great odds
and apparent defeat struggl e on. For
He rose. Hope lives forever.
is dead.
''Grave that could not hold him longer,
Death is strong but life is str onger.
Stronger than the wrong the right ..
Stronger is the day than night.
Faith and hope triumphant say
Christ is risen ou Easter day. "
Will Convict, Inspire and Bless
Apples of Gold;
Or Words Fitly Spoken.
Being . a Compilation of the brief Spiritual
Heart Messages which have appeared on the
first page of the MESSENGER during the past
two years.
240 Pages, Paper.
With portrait, and introditction
by Dr. Bresee.
Price 25 Cents
by mail 30c; in Jots of 10 $2.
In cloth, 60 cents.
. "' . . -J' 1:>
Easter speaks to us of a reunion
with our departed loved ones. It tells
us that they who were united in Christ .
here, though parted for a time by death,
shall meet again in a land where there
is no d eath, and where ever y wish and
. desire, being perfectly pure and trt1e,
Address, "R. P."
730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
The life of a true Christian ':-,eems to
me to be continually full of Easters;
to be one perpetual renewal of things
from their lower to their higher, from
their temporal into their spil'itual shape
and po"er. This is the true meaning
of the self-sacrifice and self-denial with
whir. h the Christi an's life is filled.
You are call ed on to giYe up a luxury,
and yon it. The little piece of com-
for table living is quietly buried away
undergronncl; but that is not the last
of it. The small indulgence which
"oulcl !JaYe made your hotlily life cas- .
i er for a day or t"o, or a year or two,
under goes some strange alterations in
its hurial, and comes out a speritual
quality which blesses and enriches your
sonls forever and ever.
You surrender some ambition which
had exercised a proud power over you,
--- -- - . - - - - --
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