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" The Blood of Jesus Christ !Ji8 Son Cleanseth .

us From All
Vol. XIII.
Los Angeles, California, April 15, 1909 No. 42
. SPEED AWAY. By Fanny CrosbY'.
Speed a}Vay! Speed away with tlie life-givlng word
To the nations that know not the voice of the Lord;
Take the wings of the morning and o' er the wavE', .
In the strength of your Master, the lost ones to savt;
He is calling once more. Not .a moment's delay!
Speed away!
away! Speed away on your mission of light
To the lands that are lying in darkness and night;
'Tis the Master's command; go ye forth in His name:
The wonderful Gospel of Jesus proclaim:
Take your life in your hand! To the work while 'tis day!
Speed away.
Gospel Work the Mexicans of El Paso,
EREWITH we give a report of the
gracious work which God has been
doing through the labors of -Sister
McReynolds and. Sister .Santos among the
Mexicans of El Paso, Texas. TheJetter from
Sister McReynolds will surely stir the faith
of all Pentecostal Nazarenes with the possi-
bility of quickly r eaching these dark-minded
people with the gospel. We Jearn that the
work is s till going on with great blessing,
and ou'r r eaders wfll no doubt be pleased to
look upon the faces of these two consecrated
workers.-R. P.
'l'he services of the last week of my
i11 El Paso were very precions, .
" ith ront inrial victor y and some thirty-
six m . th irt)-seven seekers. During the
n1ont h there were abont one hundred
and seekers for _pardon or purity.
rt- was. VCI '.'' to see some twelve
o'r fiffe'cli at the altar "ith their hands
lift ed to heaven and their tears of joy
flowing while the.'' san g. "l\fy all upon
t liP alhll' I consccra t e to J esus; come,
f.ipirit nf hurning, and sa nctify me
11o"" and then to hear their clear,
\hfi11itc t estimonies of faith in. t he iJlood
f'or ,-lennsing. Bro. S ntherland con-
dnr t e<l n hapti servi ce for ns, and
on" family:--mothcr nml three sops-re-
(l'iYell baptism with others. There arc
fifty members well saYed and fnll of
pnrpose to go through with God and
push the hatti e with Santos for holi-
ness. \Ve organized a good Sunday
School also. Santos' son writes me
t hat the services are fnll of blessing.
They have service every night in the
week except Saturday. The . i ast ser-
,i cc I heard from was from 2 :30 p. m ..
until 7 p. m., without a break; five con- .
vcrted and ' much conviction for holi-
ness. Pray for Santos; sh e must have
but of t he real Nazarene stamp
111Hl seal: A number are hoping and
praying the way to open ror theml but
let us pray mightly God's will on the
choosing. So much deperrds upon the''
1i ht kind of hC:ln there. Besid thns.e
already r ccciYctl. t hcre arc about a
hunth c:.l " ho gn \'( thci1 omnes desi r-
ing n1cmhcrship. but we conld not r e-
eci,c some un t il W l' know of
tions in li w:-; souls , and some .
were :n\ay wi.wking. \'\ill receive
them as GoJ shall direct .
God is faYoring us 11ith offclccl scr-
viecs in ways thnt ,, ill be a grcat bl ess-
ing and l: elp to our work. Physicians
f r om two san i tari n ms hn ve offered
viccs free, nnd other phys icians nnd
her of the necessity of preparation for
Heaven and the mer cy and love of God,
who wills not the death of any, etc.,
and pointing out the way; then we went
to .prayer. She could not walk straight,
for her infirmity, could not kneel,
but followed us as w.e prayed and made
otu prayer her own, for forgi veness of
all her sins, whcn. sudde.nly, by inspira-
tion of faith, I looked up and saw her
eyes as if fixed on Jesus. Santos also
had _the gaze. Smely God was
ther e. r saill to her , " In t he name of
J esus, rise up and wa lk. ' ' At first she
put out her hands to the lYed to help
herself, but we said again; "In Jesus'
nmi1e," and she. arose st raight on her
feet and begmi to walk, and walked
.back and forth, her hanLls lifted to
praising J es us nnd r epeating
agaiu and agn in, " In t he m11iJC of Jesus
of Nazaret h, I am walkiug. " Some of
the n eighbors came in and she t estified
t hat God had forgiYcn all her sins and
given her peace in her heart had
healed her . After we went a wa)' , they
went to her t o persecute her , but she
told them she was very happy and to
l et her alone. To God be all the glory
for what has already been wrought in
El Paso and for what we see ahead
. there for us, as N azarenes, to possess
and occupy. We are already on the
outlook for a big block to erect
our church building and school, and
keep ou belie,ing .
I wish .to add that we are indebted
c:;pecialists nlso haYe been giving valu-
able service to her for thc sick ones. A
to our brother , Rev. A. H. Sutherland,
publi c school t eacher and the clrarities whose faith and sympathies are with
interpreter are hel ping her with music
us, and through whom, securing
and English. lumber from the lumber companies free,
A sweet of His prom-
we have our Mission Hall seated with
ise to confirm His word with signs fol- new. ben'ches, a a fine pulpit,
lowing occurred in the last week. San- a blackboard and table for school work,.
tos and I vi$itcd a yomig who and a sign, "Pentecostal Nazarene
ad....b_e_en_ilLf.o.r_somc_time____J_V..e_tolcl._a;ion ' ' '
.. Contributed Articles
Tomorrow clouds may come in view,
Do it now. . .. ,.
Today the skies are clear and blue,
If you have hard work to do,
Yesterday is not for you;
Do it now.
If you have a song to sing,
Sing it now.
Let the notes of gladness ring
Clear as song of birds in spring,
Let every day some music bring;
Sing it now.
If you have kind words to say,
Say them now.
Tomorrow may not come your way,
Do a kindness while you may,
Loved ones will not always stay;
Say them now.
If you have a smile to show,
Show it now.
Make hearts: happy, roses grow,
Like friends; and you should show
The love you have before they go;
Show it now.-Selected.
.}II ,.,c .}II
. cv J>-.
1\Ian was cr eated a ilttle l ower -than
the angels, m1d is endowed with many
talents; and blessed with many privil-
eges. One of the many things with
which he is favored is the power of
cho-ice. Having been endowed . with
reason, he can think and decide choose
or r efuse for himself. It is very im-
portant therefore that he select the
b est, and choose the right. Our weal -
or woe depends largely on our choice,
therefore "' e ar e admonished to set our
affections on things above, and not on
things on the. earth. Our treasures
should be in the place to where we
want to go, rather than in the place we
are at present, for we cannot stay here
always. \Ve, should choose wisely, like
Moses, and let our l ot be with the peo-
ple of God; have good company or
none. Our success here arid happiness
hereafter depends much on our com-
. panionships. Let us, like Solomon,
choose wisdom; 'we need it, it is a ,.,.,Jod
thing to have. l\Iary was wise in choos-
ing the good part, the privilege of lis-
tening to the great Teacher , to l earn
of him. \Vise are they who study the
1\faster 's words and woiks.
Many choose unwisely like Reho-
who rejected the counsel of the
aged and wise men, and went in the
of the ungodly young men of
his time, and came to ruin. A mistaken
choice is a calamity: The consequences .
are disastrous. The effects of a wrong
choice are neither pleasant nor profit-
able. applies to all things in re-
gard to social, commercial, professional .
or religious life.
It is an awful thing to be deceived,
and especially self-deceived, to think
we are right, -and find out when too
late that we are wrong. Going the
wrong road on a journey, making bad
investment:;; in business, tends to fill
one with sadness, and so all those who
make the fatal mistake of choosing evil
will be filled with their . own devices,
and find 'it out to be vanity and vexa-
tion. Be sure you are right, before
you go.
" " . o&
The strength of Christian manhood
is not measured by the garb of a dude.
The manly bravery of a sol<}ier is not
estimated by paraphernalia of war.
The garb of the dude indicates the mas-
culine, but it says nothing of manhood.
The paraphernalia bf war may mark a
man as a sold;er, but it doesn't stand
for bravery. The quotation deals with
man ''Acting a man''; showing
strength, courage, .bra very and the ele-
ments of moral force under great oppo-
sition ..
True Christian manhood in its full
.stature can orily .come among men and
into a man, as the man gets a vision
of the ideal manhood of the Christ and
pulls for the mark of his high calling.
We are ''called to follow in his steps,
who did no sin, neither- was quite found
in His mouth "-walking in the path of
. the Nazarene, without sin and guild-
l ess, drinking in of His Spirit, our
minds thinking the thoughts of Christ
and our hearts beating with the affec-
tions of Christ, and our lives filled with
the devotion which characterized Hjs
life. AJHl as men, are we founc1 a-ct-
ing a man'' after the pattern of our
great exampler?
(April 1909
will' fall on the floo:r; i:m'ci a
tempest of . furor, it cannot
have its way. But Christian manhood
does not do. business in such an un-
seemly manner as that. It behaves un-
der pressure with greater self-posses-
sion, and acts with more profound
calmness in times of turmoil. There
is nothing in wavering that can
lish the soul. There is no profit in mi s-
takes. We haven't any promise that
our blunders strengthen the faith.
Obedience rendered, in .mistakes avoid-
ed. He who flickers under temptation
will find it all the more difficult to
possess himself in the riext trial. The
mark of the second hand merchant is
no credit to the goods. His wares can
never demand first value. And nu-
. steadiness from any consideration
which enters into the life of Christiim
manhood marks down the value of the
man, regardless of his culture, elo-
quence and logic. A minister's strength
is not measured by his culture and flow
of language; many of these fluent gab-
bers cannot hold steady-a little provo-
cation in their meetings and they make
a mean show of themselves and try to
split some one's head open and the uu-
sanctified fruitage of a dismembered
ear falis to the ground and cries from
the dust in witness against them. lt
don't require much spiritual pritl c
(which is pride in its meanest mani-
festation and in its most injurious r am-
page) and but a little lack of wisdom,
to be a splitter of the fellowship of a
sanctified and a holiness believing con-
gregation, aud then like Peter, play
the part of a fleeing refugee at the time
the C3 use of our Lord is under tria I.
It is a go_od case of sanctified <.. hri st iil n
manhood that the pressures in-
ciclent to a life of probation. Sollle
folks are so semiperpetually
that they have been marked down ami
down until all t hat. r emains of them in
point true Christian manhood is a
place in the junk pile.
C,hrist came to do the will of His
' ' \Vhatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap.'' The notion is en-
tertained that the oftener a man is
!<'ather and there was no pulling Him forward for repairs, the more in cYi -
f rom the object of His mission. "\Ve dence is his sincerity. -'l'hc truth is, t h<)
are called to follo'v in His steps." Are _more a man is patched, the less strength
we steady in our little sphere; do we he has in hi s spiritual fiber. It's a fa..t
stick to the task of fnlfiiing the will that the law of r esbilmtion meets o11t
of God in Christ con cerning us ? a measure of its vindictive p enalty i.11
J esu$ said, "Thy wil!. oh God be this life. Sin with an that follows in
done.'' . Do we k eep our ' vills subjected it:-; train, whether direct or conseqtwn-
to the will of God and our plans tested t ial, tends to but illegitimate it )-
By . .. '- s.ult, and that is, to damn. rrhe
Christian manhood ''doth not behave ing sinfulness of sin, beyond surpass-
itself unseemly. " An unspanked child ing, is little thought o!_ by many, and
April15, 1909]
apol'pgir.;ed fm hy mot'<!. Uod lwlp us
-glnm the work artd wreek of it, as
uw ,;wst fatal of ali and the
st sautanie of all indulgeuces. Holy
::;pitit baptized and anointed manhood talw issue with it a ll(} staud against
it and it, and in .the name of
( 'luist ,Jesus the Conqnewr, eau gro'\v
up in the midst of its vileness like the
( 'erlars of fJcbanon and akin to the
plant of Renown.
yon like n1eu, be strong, etc.
..,c ..,c .JJ
II that. beli eve! in 111 e though he Wet'<!
dad .nt shall he live. Ancl whosoevct
li\'<t h and hcli cYet h in me shall ll eVt!r
diP. H<' li evest. thou this '! . .fohn 11:
TIHs<! positi V<! utterances of ,Jesus to
a t the cl eath of fmzarus, who
had lain in t he fum <lays already,
11'<'1'<' a. r eal tPst. of faith , bnt we hear
hPr deelatc. ,, 1 loww that cvcm now
whatsoevct thou wilt ask 1of God, God
will gi ,e it thee." :--Jow faith is tlw
suhstauc c of things hopf'd for, the evi-
d<'IH'<' of things that seen . Ground
<ir- HPhrews .II and 1.
II <' II< <' . . we sec :\T a r t ha had gc uui11 e
faith ac eoi'Cling to the word of Go<l .
a ucl sh loH'\\' it. l'aith tlo<s
o1upld \'i dory o\'<'1' the. wol'ld. the
f!Psh and the devil. .Just when Wl! ge t
to the lin1it of all things. quit f<'<'lin.g
and Hoti!Hlcling I'OIIIHl. quit. S<' <' king
<static joy. ot soi!H' .;tlur fe llow's
IIIOitllt<)i n-top 01' SOiliC dt' lll'
sist <' I' 's SW!'d 1111 ctuolts prayer . ttst i-
lllou.' -nt song: <111d JHI\\' <r.
plac Ol' positi on. notcniety Ol' gifts o.f
\ari ous kinds, lmt go s traight for ckat'.
dPfinite holi tHss, thus niPding Gocl on
his word. honotiug Hn;l !'XJH.ct ing
t h llol,\' Ghost , W<' will 11<'\' <'1' he dis-
appointPd. This is what W<! want-
( loci t h I loly Ghost : t h<' third ptl'son
iu t h .. 'l' 1in ity. lit is Diviut God.
lit is pttfp..t I0\' 1' . f'ol' Ood lo\'t' . and
IIOtlt' dat'!' thi n], of' Tli111 as hcing ini-
P<' I'ft d in <tny scusc. The Ohost
is th .. agtll t',\' hy whith Uocl a pplil's th<'
blood of his to ottl' hcatts. which
lca ll sts us fi'OIII sin- sin of tht iu-
IH'I' 111an : thai" Oting in tht> unsan!'t ifit>d
h1att and !if<' wh it h d<' s<till<'d
;rs licitig- d !'t!'itful nhm nil thiii"S and
y w La Z<t l'tts is not
nuly <t f,YJW of thi: si nll<'l' cl ca d in ltp:o:;.
]Hisses and sins . . <tlso of the <"hilcl of
Ood who is ho1111<l hy t hi s imrer 'foi!
of rahwlity which Paul cl cclmcs is 11ot.
sHhjcr t. to the will of Hod, ne ither in- . , 3
deed cart he; for a:,; Lazarus was -bouud-- --j'est)ed. worship heJ.:." . Mrs. Banner-
hy his grave clothes, it necessary ;j cc knew what this meant. It uieant
after his to "loose him the goddess of smallpox, and at once
a nd let him go." ,Just so after we are slJC examined .the poor little thing and
eonverted, ot: raised to life in Christ, found her covered with it. She had
is an inuer garmcllt of worldly been iu the train for twenty hours and
warp wmppcd about our uat.urc, so in- how she must luive suffered! We could
t.envoven and impriutcd into our indi- not get her into the hospital that night,
viclual self t hat nothing short of the hut we managed to do so the next
blood of .Jesus and the fire of the Holy morning, and there is hope of her re-
Ghost will temovc it. 'l'hauk God, it is eovery. 'l'he hospital here is over-
not only possible hut it is a eomrriand, crowded , as there is a fearful epidemic
ami God's declaration that without it of smallpox in Calcutta and all around .
no man shall see him. The disciple is Our Pundit has been away himself for
not a hove his 1\; hnt. every one over a month .and now his child has
that'. is JWrfed shall he as _his 1\'[aster. got it, and I dou't . know when it will
or shall be perfected as his h.c safe for him to return to his duties.
:\I asht . Luke 6 :40. \\' hen the Empc!r- As a rule natives he:rc do not isolate
ot of Japan is clriven through the pati ents suffering from smallpox; so
sttcc L m mounted fc11' inspe<:tion, great. yon can understand the danger to all
pt'P!attt.ion is ttsc<.l 011 the part oi his around. As I think I wrote before, we
!;Uhj<' ds that no ocrup.v a higher lost a littl e girl on Christmas day from
position than li e. are all owed t o smallpox. Pta.v f or ns a ll, and espe-
I'Cillain 011 S<'t:oncl story or house top, cially fot those poor, delicate famine
hnt all must c:ome down to the str eet ehildren. E. C. Avetoom.
so as to look up. to their king. This .J/1 Jll Jll
Enst f' ttidc sPc ms to me, c!'rtainly he- "WAFTED PERFUME."
ho<l\' Cs ns to walk hunthly. mePkly and .\ tuissiona.r y gives the following as
'<' \' et'<' llt'l_v hPfote our king .Jcsns. on trophy of divine grace in China:
.\ fortnight ago I rpreivccl motH' Y
ftom l'o1tlantl for the support of mote
fan1in<' l "as cxpeeting
til f rou1 Tncli n.. hut they had
i10t conH. Ilo\\' C\'<r. thr<'e clays aft er ,
r l'<'<:Pi\f' cl a !tl cgt'Hlll to say they \\' t' l'C
l'<ady to tonw. The r e wer e s<' \'CII lit -
tle in all and as I lookctl nt them.
'I thought how wotHl<'rftil it "as that
th <'y \\'<' !'<' all aclopt ed in America, over
. a nwnth ll!'fotP th<'y were r escued!
Thty fmm<'d stwh a \'PI',\' sad pi <'tnre.
'l'hP Uute dri est looked ahont ten years
of and W!'l'e a ll wiclows. on<'
nt Hope Shool ask<' ti thPn!_ ._how long
t h<, hit<l ll!'<'ll wiclows. and ans\\'<' 1'
.. d so pitifully. " IlaYt' you uot heard
ah'ont t h<' tic c etop fai ling. in ont conn-
try ; at that timt all oui r elati ves
sta t'\' !'< I." 'fh<' ,\' wen' all looking ill
and \\'<'!'!' <: O\' t't'<'d with sores -a nd we
uoti !c!d that onc> of thPm seemed c>spc-
ially shy and s<'l'lll<'d afraid to <'0111!'
lll'<ll' IIIIYOIH' , <: 0\' t'l' ill g hel'S<' lf ti ghtly
,, ith hPJ' loth. W <' dill not l <'t. her
s<'<' that ,,.,. hwk Jllll<'h of her.
hy <'VI'iling she was the l'cnt <'r of
ottt' Sht was- ,hcard to g toan
and sonw of th<' othe r s ,,:<'t'e whismring
to h<' r , ' ' ' l'lw godtlcss has come. .D'o"n 't
l<'t t he ( 'hristiaus k11ow. 'fhey will not
A woman was hrought to a hospital
fot treatment, haYing an incurable dis-
ea ee. Hhe was ignorant of h er physi.-
cm danger; she was ignorant also of
the g r eat salvation. Her gentle nurse
hasten ed to t ell her the "old, old story
of JPsns and His love." It was new
anti wonderfui to this heathen mind, but
she at once he lieYed the good news and
aec cpted the fref1'.v offer ed salvation.
Then she was to go t o her friends
,, ith this glad message of the Savior's
Inn. She said t o hu- attendant :
" "\\'ill you ask t'h c doctor how soon I
shall he \\ cll ?"
Her friend r ctnmed with the mes-
sage, ' ' The doctors say that they must
t ell ,on the truth-von will never be
well., ,
" Pl ease ask them how long I'lllive." .
The tc ply was, -' ' Three months with
the cme and comforts with 1vhic:h you
a r<' at present s urrounded.''
" And how long shall I live if [ g:o to
old home with the blessecl message
from hea ven 7 ''
'' fossihly'' not 11101'<' than three
" pekS. , , .
\\'htn the an:s \nt t:amc this uew eou-
Yert ' Get my clothes; I
will start today. "
Expostulation was useless, for she
a t'g'lted :
' ' Do von thiuk 1 eonnt the loss of a
few of my life anything when I
-- -hnvc sneh good news .to- tell my peop_lc
who h ave never heard of t he Savior,
a ncl who will h e lost. if they do not
know ?
'- Ex.
"Blue Hen State."
Today finds us in Delaware, the sec-
ond smallest state in t he Union, named
in honor of Lord de l a War, one of the
governors .qf Virginia. Its extreme
length is 110 miles ancl extreme width
about 86 miles, and has a population
of about 200,000. It has the title also
of b eing the garden of the East.
Harrington is l ocated in about the
center of the state a nd is surrounded
. .
by . a very produeti'Ve farming commu-
nity, . having extra ' good railroad ac-
commodations. Onr foll{s have a good
church building free from indebted-
ness; and a good parsonage n early paid
foi. with a good-sized church member-
ship and an encouraging Sunday
'l'he writer made a run of about 1,000
miles from his last service in Tennessee.
vVe found Rev. J . :M . . I-Iartzdl in charge
of our work here, and Brother Isaac
Griffin, with t he Sunday school well in
hand. \Vhile the attendance on t h e
Sunday school and church servi ces .
were not large, the interest was ex ceed-
ingly good, _especially so w;ts the gen-
eral holiness meeti.ug_ after-
noon, when t h e Lord was pleased to
pour out his Spirit on the saints. The
service Sunday night was well attend-
ed and the congr egation gave marked
attention as we spoke for an l10ur, us-
ing the large t'nap to illustl'ate the on-
ward progress of organi:r.ed holiness.
Notwithstanding a cold wave in the
north is sweeping over this part of the
state, t he attendance on l\Ionday and
Tuesday night " as good.
Mass Meeting.
The Assembly proper was preecded
with a mass meeting on \ Vednesday
night at whid1 every church . on the
District was represented , either hy its
, pastor or delegates. and s everal charges
by both. A good congregation also was
present from t he local church . Dis-
tri ct Superint endent Re v. H. G. 'fraum-
hauer presicled. His fathet:. Rev. Jonas
Traumba.n er. pastor of our church at
Chester. gave the address of welcome,-
and in his well- chosen words h e made
all ofns-feel-- at home -at once, t o whi ch
the writer was called upon to respond.
The note of victor y "as sounded at this
meeting , and e very one prophesied that
the Assembly was to b e one of vi ctory,
and cl osed with a grand march, and as-
._ signments to onr place of entertain-

The usual program for
work was taken np.on ' Thnrsrlay
ing at nine o' clock. and succeed-
ing. day _ .was faithfully spent in either
business or religious sessions. Thurs-
day and Friday afternoons and night
services were given over to the evan-
JVazarene M"essenge-,.
g-elist ic,:order, , andc night ---and
Stinday 'morning night;
Missionary Meetings.
A rousing missionary meeting for-
Sunday was artanged by the
District Missionary Board and
fully carried ont. It " ;as one of the
best services ; frequent waves of glory
and powe r would sweep _(lown upon t he
speaker and people. At the close a cash
and pledge offering was t a ken for the
Special and Gener al Missionary funds
a mounting to $100, a nd an expression
. was given t hat sh.ould it be necessary
and it was t hought , vise fo send oth er
experi enced and competent
to assist Brother Stafford in ou.r great
work in Mexico; t hat the Philadelphia
District colild undertake the support
of such if man and wife, pro-
v-iding it wotild not cost more than $600
p er :vear in :Mexican money.
The Preaching.
Most a ll of the preaching was done
by members of the District and was not
only of the highest order but was ap.
proJwiate, unctuous and suggestive, and
a 1l of the devotional services with all
of the praise and prayer servi ces were
. times of earnest prayc r . and song and
at times gr eat grace was .upon all as
t estimonies were being given.
The Work of the 1\ssembly.
'!'he memlwrs of the Assembly seemed
t.o r(;ali:w what t hev were at the As-
sembly for. mtd in thei r places
eYery meeti ng. anll n earl y all stayed
theough to Sunday night, with the ex-
ception of a Yery f ew who were
obliged to leaYe on Saturday afternoon.
The committee reports showed an earn-
est effort to p erform t heir duties faith-
f ull y and with p erhaps three excep-
t ions (and they had grounds for) there
was 11 0 asking t o he icl eased from
The Holy Ghost's pres- ,
e nce was a bunclantly manifested in t he
fa ct t hat both unity and harmony per-
vatl e the entire s ession. Surely every
one t hat is g lad will praise God for this.
All of t h t pastors' reports me worthy
of commeJHlation and we would be glad
to make some extracts but t ime and
space will n ot p ermit , f urther than a
few statements from t he District. Super-
inte ndent's r eport as found . below. He
traveled over 7 .fiOO mil es. preached 166
times, (li reeted two eamp-meetings.
held twenty-thrPe e<immuni on serviees.
conducted twenty-five quarterly con-
feren ces. visited eight hospitals find
jails. assisted in se ver al conventions
and seri es of r evival meetings, or gan-
ize(] fi ve nnw dmreh es. and suppli ed as
pastor the Bloomshurgh church for five
months. Is it any. wonder that he was
nnan imousl y elected to succeed himself
as Distri ct Superintendent, and al-
_thongh he made a very ea rnest r equ est-
to be r eli evecl from- serving in that ea-
p a city .another year the Assembly re .
f1Tsed h"ls--recn1est . - - - '
'fhe local church. _building was splen-
[Aprill5, 1909
'<lidly adapt ..ed: for Ut e A-s,
sembly, havir1g both a large a uditorium
,for worship .and.busi.ness, a n,d a laegc
basement for fuinishing the and
not only om people but many of other
ehnrehes, most royally entertained and
a lso fo.od !or the tahh.
. The_ Arrangement!! for the District.
District Superintendent, Rev. H. G.
'L'ra umbaucr, Bloomsburgh, Pa.
Ch ester, to be , suppli ed by Rev. .J.
Ttaum bauer.
Darby, Rev. G. A. Clegg.
Philadelphia. He \'. D. Al'hPt'.
Reading. to be supplied.
Rev. \. W. Walls.
JJehighten. Rev. H. N. Haas ..
Bloomshmgh. Re v. n. G. 'l'tatttn-
l\H. Cmmel, Rev. -,J. "\V. Henry.
Clayton, .Jos. 13. Rowen .
Camden. Re v . John T. lVIaybmy.
\Vilmington . . J . Eaton \\Tallace.
'J'Iw Wilmington (DeL) chureh and
pastor were transferred from the '1\' il-
mington District t.o the Philadelphia
District hy consent of bot_h Distri ct f:ln-
J'>erintendents a nd the desi1e of the said
(!barge aiHl Philadelphia District .\ s-
Rev. H. N. Haas of Saratoga, N . \' .:
was transferred from tlic New Yo1k
District to the Phihul elphia
The Finances.
. .:\ J.j_ nf tlw. Assembly ass!H'ia-
t.ion and missimwty soeieties sh(nved a
s111plus in their .. t J easmies. All of the
Pxpenses of the Assembly entcrtain-
nwn t. ete .. wer e cheCJfnll y met. The
,onl y <ldicicncy \vas a srnali amount diiP
on the Distrid Superintencl ent's appor-
t ionment for l ast vear. We trnst as
mc funds i n the Horne l\'fi ssion-
ary t 1easury t hat its officers will s
th;tt t he d(; fi eieney is met ftom that
fund. as he is worthy.
Statistical Reports.
Vve g ive below a part of the stat is-
tical report. A full er r eport 111ay
had h,v ptnchasing a cop_v of the l\1 in-
l\ Iem bers ,ed -- ---------..................... 174
Present membership _-_ ------ ----- - :!:i6
.Sunda,v s chool seholars........................... 1
Offi cer s a nd teachers.-------- -- 8-!
Yonng P eopl es Societi es .. :w
Value of clnud1 propcrty .. : ...............
Tndehtedness on same ------ ---- !l.D..J.O
Raised for ehu1 ch buildings........ .... :!:ill
Raised for improve ments. fi2
Raised for cmrre nt expe nses........ .... 1.272
Raised for rent.......... -- --- ------- 5:i5
Raised for Genera 1 Supts. ..................
Raised for District Sn pts. .............. ... 1 :iS
Ra!sc(l p!l-sf:ors' salaries............ 2.211
Ra Jsed for mJsSJOns .... c ..... : ..... : ................ . (i2
Raisccl for evangelists........................... :1..J.1
Ha isecl for other henevole1wes...... 7:i
rhe District"'tias thit;teen elders,
evan gelists. and twelve li censed preaeh-
(lrs. . ""' -.
'rhc following brethren were oJ'-
dained: Jos. D enight, J. W. H enry, R
R. Roberts, W . W. Walls.
April 15, 1909)
The l'irst Pentecostal Church of the
Nazat;eue, Chicago, Rev. C .. E. Corriell,
pastor, is enjoying unusual prosperity.
JJast Sunday (April 4) was another
day in Zion. '!'here we_re s e veral
of salvation during the day and
in the afternoon anothi.W' class of-nine-
teen JiCW members was reveived into
ehurch with great enthusiasm.
'J'his. makes 'eighty-five new members
rceeived the last three months. The
aycr meetings, Sunday sc.bool, Young
1 'eoplc 's meeting, and preaching ser-
viees arc all attended by large crowds
of people and there is a deep spiritual
intc1est manifest in all. 'l'hc pastor
t"Pcently prenehed eight Sunday morn-
ing sermons on the subject, "The Min-
isti'.Y of the Spi11it ; " and a number of
s<' rmon::r on . the subject, "A
Bihlc 1-lt!ll." G.od was pleased to bless
1.h<>sc sermons to "the salvation of nwny.
Brot"lun Cornell is now preaching a ser-
is of s ermons on . the suh.iect , '"!'he
to Self" on Sunday mornings;
and in the evenings. "Where Satan
Sows his SPed, the ear<l-table, t.hcatc1',
\\'inc-glass, the dance."
Easter Sunday afternoon a ta hie frc<'
will offe1ing was taken for seveml
city chariti es such as Chi cago
. of Cluuiti es, Englewood Law
and Order . League. l\Iidnight l\'fission,
.-\manda Smith Orphanage. Rest Cot-
1ag<'. Thc.Boys' et<' . Easte r Run-
day was a notable day.
.. .. ..
. \\' c httve just closl'd a g1eat r <' \' iYal
at Ponca City, Olda .. whc1e we assistt>d
t.>llt' pastcw. R ev . J. II. :\Jdnt_vre . . God
ga V<' us ] 85 old time professions of con-
,.,.,sion OJ' sanetification. n earlv one
lntlldtPd of whom united witlt our
dtttrl'h; twcuty-seveu were baptized.
!-{1'\'('11 hunclred elollai'S was pai<l . fm
lots for dturch anel pmsonage and a
$2.000 is to go up at. oncP. Bro.
:lllllt.,Yre hegan hctl last Octoher with
ni11c ntemhers amiclst mueh oppositio11,
hut has raised his to ahout
HO. This shows what <an he <lmw with
a past or with stc<' l in his hackhonr .
Pngaged us the jol! and not. hy
the da.v fm the meeting. and we wer e
t IHre one month and fou1 days all(}
(.}od gave the vi cton' . Amen.
We are to ltavc our Assenihly at.
Ponea City this fall..
We are at pieseut at J'lainvill(). Kan-
sas, where we organized last night \\' it.h
twcnt?'-five t 1ue people. They hnw
IHa nt1ful lots seen red for church and
pa l'sonage and $1200 in the treasnrv
with whi ch to build a church. \Ve ha,;e
for several chmchcs to be organ-
tzPd on the distri ct as fast we can
to them; we ate seeking to plant
a _f,!w strong of fire on the dis-
. P1ay for me, the. work is heavy nnrl
1:esponsibility is great this great
lntssJOn district. .. . -
C. B. Jernigan, Dist.' Supt.
Pilot Point, Tcxns.
Nazar.ene Messenger
ARKANSAS DISTRI<;T. of the most spirifual people of Lisbon.
[ afll' glad to say the work -fHI .. this .. .'J'Iwy--are hopeful for- great things .in.
distriet is doing well, I, consid- the .future, . Lisbon is a fine field; has
a population of 3,500. Pray for this
ering everything. All of our churches uew member of our growing body,
have pastors except two. and have. 'fhcy n eed a new c hurch; also a man of
made lllTilnge rncn_ts . fut . pleaching t o God full of faith, power and Jove to
them for the pre.sent. .God is 'blessing live among them. They are praying
and we arc trying to make this th<! for God's man. . I have been helping
hcst ye11r of our life. ] 11111 giving_ my and shall continue to -do so until they
entire time to the work. I hope to get a pastor. .
have this dis1rict divided; it is t.oo Pleasc join in earnest intercessory
largc-!onld do , Inorc if I. had more prayer for the meeting in New Galilee
time. \V. P. Dall
s. Nazarene church commencing April
.JII _. .JII 25th and running three weeks. There
are many unconverted church members
WASHINGTON, D. C. in the coriununity.
Rev. John Noi,"hc,rr y 'Yill hol<l a s.eries Arthur C. Zepp, Pastor.
of revival meetings i11 1 his city with .- . .- .JII
tlw P cntee.ostal church, com!'iJcncing MAHAFFEY, PA.
SmHlay,_ Apri l 25th, and continuing '\Ve closed onr meeting in the our
three ot more weeks, as the lJord may chmch here on Sunchty. Apri l 4. Bro. '!'here will he no s e1viccs on Sat- (
.'. A. Imhoff, e va ngelist. . was with us
urday nights, except l\fay 1st, when the
Distii ct Assembly will be in from )larch 10-28. The enemy tri ed
Brother CmTadil;e c:alls lkothe r Nor- hard to d efea t the inec1ing, but God
JWi nee of altar workers." ga \c victory in the conversion of sin-
ners and cation of belie vers: On
'\Ve thing that he has a different per- l\farch 28 we had r eception of mcm-
sonality fiom any evangelist that we hers; there were t en united with the
have had daring the last six years. '\Vc
ar<' <'Xpee:ting great Yictory. ehmch. '\Vc carri ed the meeting on a
" cek after B1other Imhoff left. Souls
wei'e sa \ed. and on April 4 w e received
a dass of thirteen in1o the cl!'urch , mak-
ing a tot al of t\,,enty-threc. '\Ve have
.. I(' ..
. 'l'he. '\\' esl cyan i'Pnt<costnl Church of
1lw Nazarcnc theit new
('hllleh building on Tuesday, .:\larch
Hc v. D. \V a formP1 pastor,
and tluough whos1 untiring labor and
Slll'l'ifi ce the \\' ork was fhst startecl
He\. I. H. Btukmasttr . the pres-
ent pastor-. wltosP pmsistPnt Ia hor ancl
sacrifiec has h1ought it to i1s present
position. and RPv. IL B. Hosley. Dis-
tJid 8nperintendn t. a II 1 onk p;nt in
1 hP de<lil'Htnty ex<'t'tist's. One espeeial-
plt>asing feattn .. was 1hat t.ltc peopl e
had paid Hs th<'y Y\ rnt along " ith 1'11<'
hnilding. so that thPt'l' was no n<' 'tl nf
a collt'ttion. as thP cltltl'tlt was alt'<'H<h
fi '<'P. of dcht .. .\ nirP littl <'. nffPring \\'a's
IIW<h- fot .thP pastot. Tit( <tiiiiiHtl h11si-
. tuss lll<' t' ting hPltl with the District Rn-
pPri ntend<'llt showPd JH'Ifeet harmony
and unity.
Silit'<' oming to NPw Galil <' <' nbo11t
foul' motiths agi) to take thP pastorat('
of the <'hHrtlt i1 has lwPn nty
privilege to her<' mrcl in SHr-
rounding cormtr,\- nitH' ty
tim<'s. Tn said seni c<'s for t Y-Oil<' hav<'
professed pm;don n1 san Pti fi;,n tion.
On 'l'ltltrscla_v night, April 1st. it was
my plens111'e tn r Neive a class of twtn-
t}-six 'clwrt.<r lll<'llll)('rs into the
d111reh .at Lish(m. Ohio. The J,ord
wns grarionsly in th<' S<' l'viec.
Others Hl'<' expPcting to ...i o. in l;ltPI' .
Some haC! to <'Xcludecl hN' nnse of
o11r position on lnclg<s. tohaeco illld
divorce. -The little bnnd is composed
. ,icto.v. in our souls just now and God
is inc teasiiJg on faith' and numbers.
Pray that _God " ill ke<>p our 1\fa haffey
chu1 ch aliYc fo1 Him and a r eal soul-
saYing station.
\Yill n. Pastor.
.!II .>1 ..
'\\. <' :nc t rnly in strenuous times.
\\"pd;:s ha ve ywssctl h,v without our
finding a f pw lltolntHts to " report,"
11111 h as it has hl' <' ll our i11t cntion and
dtsil't'. Otu f olks an r call .' enjoying
;.: a I nt s how it in their faces:
Sahha1h last was a sPasoll of _refreshing
fm:n tlw present'<' of the Lord. Bro.
"\. B. ( 'niiH' I'tson. lat elY of 1\fonn.tain
IIouu. Tdaho. p1eachcd in the morning.
and Bro. Jamc>s C. Rcott (our own
B1o. JH'e<Hhing in th<' evening.
\\' P arc getti11g teady for' our Distri ct
..-\sspmhly ami expecting it to be the .
g1Pat cst time yet. P1a.v for us that we
IIIII,\' ha \'(' it SO. .
1\frs. D.eLance '\Vallace.
.>1 ,JI .,.
T,) a II pastots antl llclegates to
:\' nithwPst Di!>tJi t" t Assembly : \Vill all
clel<' gaft's :md pastors who expect to
atte nd the Dist1i ct Assembly at Seat-
t il. June :3. writ e us at once, giYing
ns names of all t:egnlar d elegates and
otlwr regular memhcrs of the Asseln-
hl,v. that entt>I'tainment. may be pro- :
Vi(lC!l. . . . . . . - . . . - - t . ...
l\lrs. D. L. Pastor.
:1;)08 '\Vootllancl Park A \ ' C.,
Seattle, Wash.
6 Nazarene Me.ssenger:
1\T.aza..,-ene . . ]IJYesseng e' r . XO Jlllleh being awakened from -U state
J.l'4 ' of sin and led by the way of penitence,
P. F. Bresee, Editor
R. Pierce, - Office Editor
C. J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and Bus . . Mgr.
Enter...! at the post-office, Aug. 7, 1900, at Los
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''Every good gift and every perfect
gift is from above, and cometh down
from, the Father of lights, with whom
is . no variableness, neither shadow of
turning.'' The . gjfts of God's prov-
iuence are good, but when we enter the
.r ealm of the gifts of His salvation, they
so excel in excellence that we do not
wonder that they are called "perfect
gifts. " The gift of atoning love-the
Lamb of God, His beloved Son-is
yond all thought excellent. All the long
train of blessings which follow in the
wake of His atoning grace are trans-
, cendent with ever-increasing glory.
The awakening fron1 the death of sin,
the gracious working in the soul the
conditions of penitence and trust, the
forgiveness of sins, with the implanting
of the ne\v life, making ns new crea-
tures, delivering ns from the power of
darkness, and translating us into the
kingdom of His dear Soil-are all in the
line of gifts, divinely perfect. But as
we proceed they become more divinely
filled with glory.
The baptism with the Holy Ghost,
cleansing the heart from all sin-taking
away the sin of the world-by one
offering perfecting forever them that
sanctified, exceeds in glory.
All this only prepares .the way for
the more P,.xcellent glory of the man-
ifestation of divine personality in the
:spirit o wan, wl} theJ1_oly of)JOlies
in the temple of his being.
Christian life and experience are not
to forgiveness and . the new birth,
wherein new forces are set up and the
soul becomes loyal to God, and the
cleansing all sin; as the revealing
of Christ in us by the Holy Ghost. Paul
tells ns that the Gospel is ''Christ in
yon the hope of glory.'' The great fact
which gives continued life and victory,
that makes the soul and
causes the face to shine,. is the mani-
festation iir us of divine personality.
Cht:ist, the light of the world, c.omes
in and makes His followers the light of
... the: world. This is what makes th.e
" .
rivers flow ont from human hearts,
which causes the deserts to bloom and
t.he wilderness to be glad. The one
thing, the <>nly thing; which makes a
ehnreh strong, mighty and glorious is
the indwelling Christ. The church of
God is the anti-type of the bush
ing in the desert, or the golden candle-
stick in the 'l'emple. The fire does not
destroy, and it never burns,low. Dim-
ness and vacillation are unknown; she
looks forth as the . morning; ''fair as
the moon, clear as the snn and terrible
as an army with banners. '' Nothing
but God's own presence in His people
meets their need in. these days. His
voice is upon the air, "T_;o, I am with
yon always.'' He is the church's guide
and defence, as also the law of her at-
traction and the power of her con-
"' $
This t erm seems to lie less in vogue
"ith us than with - the fathers. John
Wesle); used it more than an:y other
term, nnless it was its synonym,' Perfect
Love. V{e nsc the terms Sanctification
mad Entire Sanctification more. Not
that there is design or an effort to
<lo so, hut this is the drift or tendency.
_.\Ve .WOJ.Jld not eonfine ourselves to any
one t erm, for all of the t erms used in
the word are good. W,hile Sanetifica-
tion means the act of God making- us
holy, Christian or Perfect
Love is more of a description of the
experience wrought in us through the
divine a.d. The more constant empha-
sis put upon the aet of . God in the
work, may indicate less emphasis put
on the experience of His constant in-
dwelling, shedding abroad His divine
love in the heart. It might indicate
drawing back from the stigmati,
brought against the term Perfection.
. no terni. is
or inore disliked and ridiculed thaii
[Aprill5, .1909
PerfeHjpn. And when we- realize our
in and wisdom
as well as in activities, and know our
great la.ek, perfection of any is
likely to se.em so far removed from us
.that the term is avoided. And espe-
cially when it is held up to ridicule by
Christian teachers, we may feel it 1m-
. wise to use it. But when we . realize
that it is not 'of us, and does not con-
sist of knowledge or' wisdom or act, but
that it is a heart condition, wrought by
the Holy Spirit, and we get a view of
the atoning lov<>. and th.e shed blood,
and the baptism with tlw Holy Ghost,
and of the fact that we are made the
temples of God, and that Christ so
eomcs to take np His ahode in mf that
the life is no longer us, but Cltrist in
ns, we rejoice that the perfeetion of a
pme heart fille<l. with divine love is the
glorious consequent. of heing sanctified
wholly hy the baptism with . Holy
Dr. Adam Clark s1lid : ''Had I better
name than Christian perfectipn, one
with greater plenitude of meaning, one
more worthy the of the blood
that. bought our peace aild cleanseth
from all unrightousness, I would gladly
accept and use it. I would gladly eni-
. ploy a .word more positive and un-
equivocal in its meaning, and more wor-.
thy the merit of the infinite atonement
of Christ and of the energy of the Al-
mighty Spirit; hut ther f' is none in the:
langua.g<>. whi eh I <leplorP as an incon-
,enience and a loss.''
Let us emphasize as the of our
sanctifieat.ion the indwelling Comforter
J'evealing in ns the Christ and shedding
ahroad in the heart the perfect love of
God. and r ejoice in that perfection
"hi ch means-
" A heart. in p'ery thought r enewed,
And full of lov<' flivine;
Perfed and 1ight aml pure and goofl,
A C'opy. JJOI'<l. of thine."
.$ .$ vlC
I F.
\\'hat lllOJli C!ltOUS things clepend upon
it. 'Vhat doors swing upon it. What
<lestinim; hang upon it. Nebuchadnezzar
said to the magicians, "Tf ye will not
111alw known unto me the dream." "If
yc show the dream." If was a gate
tha.t opened to "gifts and rewards and
g'1eat honor; " or eloseu unto the doom
of ruin and death. .
Tf is the doorway t.o the heart .
Satan pushed hard upon it that he .
inight enter the bosom of our f_;ord.
"If tho"i1 be the Son o'f God,. comniand
these stones.'' ''If thou be the Son of
God, cast thyseLf ,,. :,' If thou \.vllt
fall do\vn and worshi{) me. " The gate
April 15, 1909]

Satan \\a-s- de--

f eated. _
It is the way to the Mount of Vision.
"If thou .wouldst believe thou shouldst
see the glory of God.'' "If is the door-
way to divine f ellowship. "If any man
hear my voice and open . the door, I
will c:ome in to him, and will sup with
him, and he with me."
.tC .tC .tC
"Ill . SCORE & X."
We are in r eeeipt of this hook hy
Hcv. Silas Comfort Swallow, D. D. It
is published by the United Evangelical
Publishing House, Ilarrisburg!, Pa. It
has aJ>-cautiful exteriot and is printed
with 4::32 pages on fine paper. It has_
il-l it 13::3 illustrations. among whi(h
the faces of n ot ed men who were the
fri ends and fellow workers of this great
warrior for righteousness. It does not
fall to the lot of many men to make as
much history as has been a necessity
to this man. Carlyle said, "Blessed is
the nation annals are vacant. "
'L'he conditions round a bout this life
have not been such as to bring the
pPa c:e and quiet to which the great phil-
osopher r eferred. His life has been one
of strenuous confli et with manifolq
wrongs. . As cit.izen, preacher , editor,
Iiolitic:ian, he has fought a good fight ,
and we r ejoice that his how still abides
in strength. . This book is soinething
of a 1ecord of ''Ill Sc: ore & X, or Selec-
t ions, Collections a ucl Recollections of
:)e\'fm ty Busy Y cars." It is full of life
and thrills with inter est. It is an ex-
( P- ll ent subscription book and is sold at
t.he remarkably low price of $1.00. Ad-
(llcss Re v. S. C. Swa.llow, Ilarrisburgh,
.tC .ti _ .JJI
Will Distrid Superintendents
send in the names of all new P entecos-
tal of the Nazarene organized
011 thei r distri cts since the last General
Asscmhl y, with the ."number of mem-
bers. 11amc of :pastor, etc. Also kindl;\'
rcport churches as organized in the
future-so that they can be added . to
the distri ct lists- to sPcrPtary General
Assemhly. '
R.. Pierce.
7:10 San P e(lro St., J,os Angeles, Cal.
.. .JI .ll
To all those who desite to help us
fi nai1cially in our Mex icomissiou please
send all finances direct to our treas-
lll'er, Rev. E. H. Sheeks, Beebe, Ark,
who will forward the same to .our mis-
sionaries who .are in charge of our mi.s-
sion stations. Yours for the evangeli-
zation .of Mex.ico. - . .
. - ..,. .
S. M: Stafford,
Supt. of Mexican Missions.
Nazarene Messenger
Dr. Bresee will preach at the Tab-
bernacle next Sabbath morning on
"The Great Possibility In and
Through Experience." Bro. Goodwin
at night.
BIo. vVm. A. "White writes from
Spring Valley, N. Y.: "Our work is .
going finely here. Praise God for vi c-
tmy in my own soul."
During this month .Rev. C. E. Cornell
is conducting meetings at Willard Hall.
:i\fonroe and I .. a Salle streets, Chi eago,
Pach noon. except Saturday.
(ko. D. C. vV. Tetrick ancl ,\ife have
dosed the mission at Snyder, Texas,
with victory and are in evangelisti c
wmk . again in a mPeting at Newman.
Rto. R. 1\f. Stafford, superintendent
of our l\{Pxico mission. writes: "'\Ve
have (mr church. eompl ct cd here, and
a good meeting going on c-. Ovcr ] 1)0
wer e present last night. "
R1other .;. Brown. past or at Ever et. t.
.. writes that the church is enjoy-
ing a splendid s tate of spirituality and
unify and gra_cious adding t q the mem-
bership. Sixteen wer e r eceived into
the eh mc:h on the. first Smula ,. of this
ruonth. Paise the Lord.
Bro. 0 . ( '. ('rain. writing from 1\'[on-
t er P-y, 'l'enn., says : Bud Rob-
inson has just elosPcl a t en days ' revi-
ya) IHr e which was fine. God was her e
in g1ca.t power and about eight,v-fiye
wPre saved, r eclaimed or -sanctified. V...,. e
hav( organized a 'Pentecost al ('hnrch of
thf' Nazmf' n c- ."
" The Joy Bells, " edited and puh-
lishf' <l h,v Rev. C. E. Cornell. our pas- .
to1 of First Church, Chicago, comes
out with the April issue sc>eking a
wi<lm fi eld as "a hi gh class spiritna 1
magazine for the home." It is im-
proved in appearance and size, an(l
fill ed wi t h l.)right and cl ean articles. the
snbseription j)ri ce being 25 cents a
year. a copy to Joy Publish-
ing C'o .. Engl ewood Station, Chicago.
The above is the title of a poem
which was published in the New Year
Number of the MESSENGER. It was
composed by Rev. J. W. Goodwin, in
honor of Dr. Bresee's 70th birthday,
and was read at the Anniversary
meeting on New Year's eve. We
have published it in a beautiful little
Booklet so that those who desire to do
so may preserve it.
.. Sent post-paid for JOe; 3 for 25c.
730 San St., Los Ang:eles.
'l'he time of the meeting of the Assem-
bly of the Northwestern District is post-
poned oiie :week and will meet at Seat-
tl e. wash., June instead of May
27th, at 9 a . m. This change is made
at .the request of the District Superin-
tendent representing the desire of the .
P. F. Bresee,
General Superintendent.
. San Francisco District Assembly
1s meet at Berkeley May 20th, at 9
a . m.
It is expected that in each case the
preceding (Wednesday) evening -will
be given to a great evangelistic service,
and that bot!l Assemblies will remain in
session over the Sabbath.
Northeastern District, April 15-18;
\Vashington District , April 29-May 2;
New York District, May 6-9; New Eng-
land District, l\fay 13-16 ; Pittsburgh
Distri('t., May 20-23. .
P. F ... Breesec,
H. F. Reynolds,
E. P. Ellyson,
:" Gen'eral Superintendents.
April 14-18, Northeast-
Prn Distri ct Assembl y at X. April
20-21. Yarmouth. f'\ .
\Vashington Distri ft April
2!l-)[ay 2.
:\few_ York District Assc1;1hly-'May
6-!l, Ut1ca Ave. ('h nrch, Brooklyn, N. Y.
New England Distri ct Assemblv-
l\fay 13-16, Haverhill, l\fass.
Pittsburg District Asscm
Bast. Pal estine, 0.
Praise Go(l for His pmf' a11d holy sal-
, ation. He tloPth all things wPll. God
is s till in is
g1owing on our ha nds. The d evil would
t o destroy us. hut he can 't as long
as we walk hmi1hly with our G'od. Oh.
how precious it is ' to walk in the valley
of humility. This is a place of safety:
And. oh. how the living waters flow in
this valley. Hall elu,jah to the Lamb !
Gocl is not only blessing in Lowell, but
r eports are coming in from many parts
of the district of bl essed victory. Oh.
how God wants t o still pour out all
on r this New Engla nd distri ct such a
blessing tha t t her e will not be room
enough t o contain it. God help us to
press t he hattlc-. I trust that all the
churches in this distri ct will pray much
for the coming District Assembly. God
will come _and give us a mi ghty P ente-
cost and all things will melt before this
.JICil\'Cnly fire..- . f_..e t. all the churches pre-
pare to come to this f east of salvation
and victory. B. Riggs.
/;()s Angeles and Vicinity
Easter Snnday morning broke a lit-
tle cloudy, hnt by the t ime of morning
servi ce the clonds had been di::,pelled
and the s un shone bright and cheery.
It was a 1Jiessed Easter day for the
worshipp<>rs ;1t t .he First Church; Los
Angel es. . 'l'hc was tastefully
decorated with Easter lilies and othnr
flowers, "' it.h t he Easter motto over the .
desk, ' ' Chri st is risen. '? Before t he ser-
mon , two children wer e baptized hy Dr.
Bresee, who also six. new mem-
ber sjnt.o the c)mr<.:h.
... Rev . . E . l\L Isaac of IJitlgewood, N.
D.; was the preacher of morning
and John 12 :23-27. He said that
t he first thought in the text vvas that
"the hour had <,01\le" for J esus to be
glorifi ('l d. This 1.10111' had heen planned
from eterni ty: God saw all t he way
dawn t he ages. lie saw t hat man would
fa ll, and so provided salvation for man;
autl this salvation was to be a p erfect
one. for it was to make ns hol y. 'rhis
pla;1 was one of blood. antl seen in
Cain and Abel , in the Ark all tl in Abra-
ham. t he man of .faith. as he offer ed his
son "Isaac. The sacrifice was the fore-
finger of Gntl t hat pointetl to t he great
hour to come; and John pointed out
. Jesus as the one who had come, the
" Lamb of God whi ch taketh awav t he
s in of th<' world.'' \ Vhile Jesus passed
through this life He was preparing a
sa I vation for t he world. yet He was
tt iumphant in it all, for I-ie said , "Be-
cause I l ive ye shall li ve al so, " and "a
corn of wheat must fall into the ground
and d ie " befor e i t ca n rise again . J esus
would say, "If you wnut to see me yon
must wait unt il I h11 vc risen. " vVe have
a trit1mphant risen Christ on hi gh , nncl
He sits youd et to intereetle for and give
gifts . unto men. \Ve must di e to rise
again. We have a gospel tp tell tlw
heathen that. t hey neve1 hea nl bef or e-
a gospel of blooci. and deli ver a nee from
s in. Christ wants t o fi ll your soul and
make you Go<l 's inheritance, so t hat we
can lift Him np to the world. 'l'he
speaker closed " ith a strong exhorta-
tion to be -risen .with Christ. and in the
light of the dying milli ons yiel d onr
ri sen life to God to he sent to save .
them . . God is preparing a peopl e who
will go over the world wit h a fire that
will consume s in. 'fher e were fi ve
seel<ers. at t he al tar.
'l'he nlways r efr eshing afternoon
holiness meeting was in charge of Bro.
Goodwin, an<l was a ri ch seasbn of
prayer , praise and testimon y. Bro.
Movier of North Dakota ancl S ist er
Gaudy of Bnkersfi eltl . Cal. , both gave
short addresses, mingled with thei1
per sonal t estimony. Ther e were t lnep
seekers at the altar at the ci os<:> .
. A .gl orious song servi ce opened t he
e.vcJ1i ng .scrvicic; aftcr ,John
A. Allen of Portland, Ore., r ead Col.
. 1 :15-23, malting some very rich and in-
Nazar.ene .Messenger
r ead. 'l'he sub-
M liis stnmon, wl1ich was r eplete
w1th new :thonght, wi1s ' 'The Order of
l\Ielel1 ised ec. '' He st ated' that there
wer e seven places in the Bible where
Jesus was mentioned as being made
a priest forever after the Order of
Mel chisedec. After speaidng of t he
first Adam selling out the human rtice
hy r eason of sin, Christ "Having abol-
ished in His own fl esh t he enmity "
eame to " make in Himself of twain
HP.w man, so making p eace. " God takes
two-God and man-and purposes to
make one new man, and t hus J Qsus is
t h"c licad of the new race-the Order
of He showed how it was
not possible for . Christ to have been
l\1el ehi sedec: (1) Because one does
not lllll ke an order-it takes more t han
one; (2). J esus ,\as made after t h e
s imili t ude of l\[eleh.i sedec, and t her e-
fore could not be a pattern of him-
s;-lf i (:l) l\l e_lchisetlec no geneal og;y,
Chrtst had. and t he scriptures contam
a perfect r ecord of it . (4 ) Mel chisedec
had no ehildhoocl. neither hacl .t he first
.\ dam. but Jesus had.
So is t he first horn of a new
mee. aml is t he federal head of t hat
race. Adam was the everlasti ng father
of a fallen ra ce hut J esus ts the ever -
hu;;ting father of a n ew race. Mel chi-
sedec . belonged to anothet , world, for
he had reigned over . a l' ingdo1n of
l"l gh teonsness some r ecord wonld have
bee n left of it. like all .
God St'ilt Him. becm.Jse t here " ;as no
pri est on earth ;tt that t ime. and he
r eceived tithes of Ahraham: ,vho was
eallecl to produce a chosen "race. Here
men die that r eceive tithes. hut t here
- wl1er e Mel chised ec came from-they
never die. for t hey recPive tithes for-
J esus came to pi ck up. ever y man
who will let Him. and en twine the hu-
man . with t he tl ivine- 1-Iimself and
yon l'self. He has gone to he our High
Ptiest wit h God not only, but to pre-
pare a place for the new race- a race
t.hat are horn of God. .
This was a uni que a nd inspiring dis-
<o nrsP. an<l for .one hour kept the close
Httcnt ion of the people, a nd at its close
hl'Onght seekers to the altar . R. P.
The Co. E meeting was a time of
great refreshing from t lJ.,e J.Jord. Sister
a mi ssion worke1;. gave the mes-
sag<'. S he spoke of the gr eat possibili-
t ies we hHYe in wiuniug sonls for Jesns,
if we lay low at His f eet .
'rhc Brothethood of St. Stephen was
by a stirring message on car-
11 ar1ty by Bro. Kearns, which was fol-
lowed hy a bri ef testi mony service.
the devotiot1Hl services a special
mectmg called hy Bl'O. Shaw was held.
at whi eh he resigned the presidency of
BrC?th erhoocl. After prayer f ul con-
s tdeJatwn, t he r esi gnation was accept-
e<l. 'l'hen afte1 some discussion Bro.
C. E. Jones was el ected mwnin;o-nsiy
for t he u nexpirecl t erm. A committe"e
was appoint-ed to extehcl in writing a
tolwn of love and appreciation to Bro.
Shaw for his work in t he -Brotherhood.
[Aprill5, _.1909
'l'o au llfC,JJlhers of the
of St. Stephen, attention ! Please do
not forget the business meeting at First
Church at 7 :30 O'clock sharp on Satur-
day ev.ening, April 17. You will be ex-
p ected to be there, whether your at-
t eJi_dan ce in the : past hcls been regular
. or Irregular, as name still r emains
on t he roll. Be t here at any sacrifice.
. J. c. H.
Large congregations filled the. chnrch
both Sabbath morning and n ight. At
the moiuing servi ce we had . f::h e great .
privilege of listening to W. R
Rlacd,stone on the subj ect of ''l'he Rc-
t uiu of Jesus to Earth. " Mr. Black-
stone is the author of many valnahl t>
hooks along t he line of prophecy; the
most widely known of whi ch is that
entitled "Jesus is -Coming." 'l'he Holy
Spi tit witnessed to t he preaching of
this glorious t n1th, and great. con vic-
t ion rested on the people. Two women
converted at the altar.
At night the servi ce was most
blessed. Baptism by immersion was
administered by Bro. F luck to .s ix new
verts. Two infants were dedicated
hy the pastor. Glowing testimonies of
t he power of God to save, san ctify a!Hl
heal wer e given to the praise o.f His
gl or y. Brother Fluck gave a short
Easter with great anointing of
the Sp1r1t. .An exhortation by the pas-
tor wasfoll owed b:v a blessed altar ser-
vice with two seek ers.
At both servi ces an informal offering
was made of gol d ornaments. and from
rings to lodge emblems, t he offer-
mgs spoke t he consecration of earnest
hearts to the spread of the gospel. Th<'
music was inspiri i1 g; tl1e s ingers
anomted. Conviction is coming upon
our neighhorhood. and manv conver-
sions ar c heing witnessed in t he homes
as well as at t h11 church .
Lucy P . Knott.
' rhe marr iage of M:r. J. J. Ross and
l\Iiss Clara Peterson was
t he t ni1ipton Ave. Church, Los An-
geles. on Apri l 7th at eight o-'clock. t he
pastor officiating. The. lnide and groom
belove_d members of the 11hnrch, thP.
br1de havmg been associated with the
work for nine years. The l1appy coupl e
were r ecipients of a large number
of heantlf ul presents.
Easter was a glorious clay at t his
c:.lnueh. Spl encli<l congrega.tio;1s at both
services attended by t he blessings of
t. he Lord. 'l'he pastor p r eached at both
serviees ; in t he morning on "The Res-
urrection and Christ the First Fruits."
and in t he eveni-ng on "Peter ; Ail Apos"
tle. " The Easter offeriqg of the Sab-
bat h sehool amounted to about $30 and
April 15, 19091
the of the othe r
wer e on t he iBCI'ease. We ,arc .lool{!ng
forward to a .great summer. s campmgn
a nd victory all along the hne.
c. v. I,.
$ $ $
'l'he dear Lord is. still with us at
Hanta :!\tonica Irwin Hei g hts church.
ast Sunda)r eom m un n ion day; th c
],ord was present in power and gave
vidor y in every of the ?ay. At
f he dose of the mornmg sentee fonr
i10r e nnitell with the dmreh and thus
t.he wol'le moves on in the face of
opposition. ro our JJord belongs all
t he glory. Vtlc request yonr . earnest
pta yers for lt'\vin He ig hts.
'1' . B. l''ishet .
'L'lu: servi<:es here on Runday . April
-Hh wer e ahout as 11sual. Bro. Vlalker
prr:,a chc<l.from t h e same text whi<:h h e
has used for . s!:veral prec!:ding Rah-
hat:hs (2 hut followed a
somewhat. differ ent line of t hought..
'!'his t ime he gave a t horough explana-
tion of the t erms " el ection" and
" ptfcctual e111lin g." whi ch pro,nd to he
,ery h elJ>fuL allll ve tn those
In the evening H!:v. '\ \ 'alket took
<harge of t he Young P!H>pl!' 's HH!!'ting
and after a dis<:otii'Se <:allecl upon
his fti end. Mt .. Johnson hom l\li chi gan.
fo addtcss t hl .vonng foll{s.
fn t. he evening. inst!ad of the regular
pteaeh i ng scr vie!'. we W<'l'<: fa nnpd h,\'
an address. gi\'eti hy a
ntissiouarv from India atHl Africa. in
whi eh he t he drcaclfnl Ponditions
<'Xist.iug in those darkened bmds.
w<: hcli<: ved it l eft a dee p and lasting
impt' !:ssion on t h e minds a nd h earts of
t he people.
'G 'G 'G
'l'lw following r esolution was passed by t he Pcntecosbll Church of
fhP I\' cne, \Vhit.t.ier. Cal.:
' ' Whereas. our pastor, Rev. Jim bert
N. Johnson. has been led to resign h is
pastorate us ; and wher eas, his
Nazarene Messengel'
. God's wol'd. will not ret urn- to .H im
void. lJast Stmday wenoticed several
new faees among. the eongregation arid
was not surprised to . have several of
them krieel at the altar, resulting in
three being renewed in their exp_er i-
ence and one b eing converted.
We spent several days l ast week in
San ' Jose. where Evangelist st. Clair
and Pastor Wiley: a nd
css Yorba arc hol(ling sp ecial meetings.
'fhcy have r ented the Cumberland
ehnreh, centrally located , rind there is
an exeellcnt prospeet of our church
. there hecoming one of t he stror,gest
churches on the distriet.
Next Friday is our a ll-dcty meeti ng at
Berkeley , where Sist er Epperson is
a ten days' meeting. We have
not heard f toin t he meetings hut l ook
for a glorious outpouring of the Holy
Spiri t in answer to t he prayer s of the
people. Ratnrday cxpcet to go to
and spend Eastet with out
f riends a nd the following .(lay go to
Li ud to aJTangr fm t he holiness
<!a mp-meeting to he held there .June
24th to ,Jnh -lt h. \ Ve trust a ll of God's
holy eomiti g t his way will
for get that our ehlll'!h is located at
1..J.8 G11errmo street .
C . . W. \;\,Tefts. Pastor.
. . 80 "Smith's Smaller Scripture History
Theological Compend. (Ellyson) .
Manual of the Church . .25
Weslev's Five Sermons . .25
Quiet Talks on Power (Gordon) .80
Preacher and Prayer ( Bouncis) . .30
None Like It (Parker) $1.25; paper . 60
We can supply the whole four-years' course
and will publish prices lat er. .
730 San Pedro St. , Los Angeles
There are hundreds of homes to
which are scattered throughout the
land in places where there is no church
or Sunday-School which uses holiness
Sunday-School literature. Every C!ne
of these families ought to subscribe
for "The Youth's comrade. "
We especially desire to introduce
that paper into the homes and will
offer a special inducement.
We want you to be sure that the
paper would be a blessing to your
home. and then we want your sub-
scription. . . . .
. The proof of the pudding IS m the
Send us lOc. in stamps and we wiU
mail you the 13 numbers .of the
"Youth's Comrade" for the first
quarter. If you like the paper and
will send 50c. within two .weeks after
receiving the papers, we will send the
paper for the year. The subscription
is 75c . . Under this special offer you
get it f or 60c. and get the privilege of
one quarter for lOc. and no more ex-
pense if you don't like the paper.
We would like to hear from 500
families by return mail.
Send in at once, as we can only
supply a limited number of subscribers
under this offer.
Nazarene Publishing .Company.
New Manu(ll
The usual prices in . quantities.
. Retail price 25c post paid.
1.\azarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles. Cal.
!Thxas Holiness University, PENIEL, TExAs
I . School of Strong Character, with Competent Faculty and Thorough
Scholarship. Indorsed by the General Assembly of the
Pentecostal Church of J;he Nazarene
lahor has heen blessc!l in for LITERARY WORK: Primary, Acad-
us a neat. new and mndt -necdccl place emy, College, Theology, Normal,
of worshi p as well as huil!ling up the Elocution: Careful attention is given
<'llllt'ch in SJ.)ititua l li fP and . member- to each pupil. Satisfied pupils is our
r ecommendation.
ship therefore. resol\'-ccl . t hat we ex- SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY: English
our appr eciat"ion for all his faith- and Greek courses. Bible work equals
f'ul effmts in he ha lf of t he work in t hi s that done in any training school. Ex-
llaee. '1'rusti ng the Di\'ine bl essi n g ' cellent place to prepare for either
home or foreign work.
to eve r follow him atHl hi s. COMMERCIAL SCHOOL: Pupils go
N. K Pitzer. Clnll'! h Cl!'rk. ' ' directf.romthis department togood
.- .)I _,. paying positions. Best methods in
Bookkeeping, Shorthaud and Type-
SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. writing. No better Business College
\V.e are glad to he a hlP t.o .r eport vie- The Auditorium-One of our Three Large Buildinp in the South.
MUSIC CONSERVATORY: Cannot be surpassed by any school in the South. Com-
toty at t.he Chmch of t h e :.Jazarene in petent; experienced teachers, Voice, Piano, . Organ, Vi olin. Viola, _ Cello, Mandolin,
San Fratwisco. 'l'li er c is still a det er - Guitar, Wind and Reed Instruments. Band, Orchestt:a and Mandohn Club.
mination to push t he and our b
people me always anxious to go ?ut . - . - -Low:Price11, Thorough Work.
into t he str eets and lanes of t h e City, S.end for _mu- .strated Catalog. REV. E. P. ELLYSON. B.S., Pres.
and a glorious .. st.Jeet meeting is __
a r csnlt of their zeal a nd faith
10 Nazarene Messenger
Deets College
641 E. 28th st., Los Angf!les, Cal.
"\h;eHdy a uotc of sadness yr eeps into
the testimo.nies at worship, .
as we are reminded that ollly ten weeks
more of t his blesse<l college year r e-
mai ns to us. The r egular work of the
<:lasses, the home nnd the. grounds wns
!lever more t horoughly done, and )'et
with all this there is a Cl'rtain spiritual
atmospher e pe1;vading everywhere that
makes the lig ht of heaven seem to be
shining all about us. Day after day
and week after week fami ly worship is
mmc won'derful and new alld blessed.
Ratur<l liy evening and Sunda:"-' morning
it s temed as if it would Hot dose; a nd
after wor:;;hip Saturday evt>ning the
Hpitit. of tlw fJord f ell upon t. hl' stntl -
Pnts in the domitori es, unt il songs and
pt'; Hn<l Holy. Ghost. s houting, a nd
tears and hl essc1l Ia ng hter till<>tl severa I
J'ooms, whi ch soon brought the other
" member s of tlw hody" hnrt.ving in to
r doicc wit h t he m.
Sist,er l3urk 's grammm dass ah;o
t.o be a time when the Holy Spi rit
is marvelou:;;ly manifest etl. nnti l the
opening Hre somet.imes pro-
longed til ten a nd sometiml's to hnnty
minutes . .And W<' hmll' I hem telling,
' ' Oh, how thp l;md hhssl'tl tfs ill t iH'
gram mat class."; "Bro. B. or Sister .A.
<onhl Hot. k cPp from shouting" : "But
thl' l;ord helped ns to make np t ime,
all right. when Wf' did get to .the l t>:;;-
. Just closed a most wonderful meet:
ing in Chi cago Junctiou, Ohio. \Von-
<l er f nl because Hod was thl're to prove
nml vindi cat e His \Yord ; a ncl t hi s meet -
ing \\as indeetl the test of t he s piritual-
ity in . t he town. Jt was not bi g frotn
t he sense of many souls, bnt the ones
who ra me through did so with cl ear
experien ce . . 'l'he saints. of t his town.
outside of t heir prayer meetings. wPre
" al wn,\:S glad " hen s ummer came, so
t h ey conld go to old Cn 111 p Sychnr. In
the mea m\,hil e God sweetly keeps. 'l'hey
wanted a r eal meeting, wher e sinners
might hear t h e real Gospel a nd the
g r and possibilities of being made holy.
'l'he onlv church a ccessibl e was t.he F r ee
:\Iethodist; t hrce memhers wer e all that
wer e left. The crowds were la r ge, sur-
prising!,\' large : made angr y but still
would come. God bl cssctl ns and had
His own wav. F rom t he omen
is a l'loncl on t lw h01izon, and
in June we wil.l h ave .. a (:onvent ion
ther e, a nd jH'ay God for a t' ea l . hand of
holiness p eopl e. Ther e a1c precious
. souls ther e w)]O desire. suc!h a chureh
home. 'Tonight Bro. C. A. Imhoff comes
to us, and we are looking for gr eat
times in God. ('olnmhus is a wicked
son, ' ' etc. '.rhe '' Stu<leuis' Preaching
seems to grow ]Jetter all the
. time. Number s come to visit and l ast
week one d ear sister went' to the altar,
did not .get satisfied so tpok a r oom
and stayed , i,rith us a few . days . or
weeks, perhaps.
Bmely, as th(.l students saiu Satmday
enming, God does seem to bless us her e
more than any place else ou the face
of t he mirth, and we would be glad to
len gthen the y ear ont a n othe r inonth
or two 4f it possible, and most
earnestly nr c we praying for the grea t
tommeneemcnt r evival .at. t he cl ose.
East<t was a ''Holy. Happy Time.''
:\ new Yision of o11r risen l;md seemed
t.o <mnc to liS and <!YCryt.h in g se.emed
' ' .J oy and peal' l'. '' .\ sohnm s ea chiti g
of OIII'S<'I ves in tl11 li ght of was
en t<rt>d into, thr. burden of t.he " Lost
\.Yorld" was upon- our souls, and
W<' <'Ottl d hut fePI as the s< ti ptnres
pa d, " .\n1l t hPn wer e t lw clisei pl es
gla d whl'n they had sec> n the l;ortl ."
and " did r11n to hrin g fhe discipl es
wonL '' fot '' H<' is t isen incl eed , and
hath appt>a 1ed unto us. " ,\nwn.
E aster hrenkfn:;;f was also a J' HI'<'
treat. as cl ear fri enc'ls from the ci t v sent
five dozen fresh eggs. nnd other f;i pnc'Js
from the fruit. llist.r icts sent a qnantit.y
of fresh .. _ juicy mJvPI manges . 'l'hey
ask tlwt. their na mes lw not pnhl ish ecl.
hut they nt' <' cettainly writtep in
hea,ven. ' Piw t'oll cgr famil y
heart iest. t ha nks.
city, and we have secured a halt"in the
center of a ctivities. The same cr y goes
up f tom her e. want a good Na:>:-
arene Churc:h." This convent ion pre-
. cedns (God willing) an or gnnization of
that na me. .Amen. \Ym. 0. JonPs.
Jl ,)1 "'
Out meetings her e ha Vl' he e n in I et -
upted by sickness and weath er, but
God is with us. and we r ealize t hat we
a r e " k ep t by Almighty k eeping
powe t. ' ' God is keeping watch
His own. my daughter , who
is teaching school over 200 miles f om
her e, had a lett er . from a gid fti end in
Scotia., inquiring ahont holiness.
Hnd wife has c:orresponden ts in
ia nnc.l Missouri to whom tlw good news
of her sanctifi cation was told, H ri d some
of t hem wish to know more about it.
And so t he fite spr eads. I was re<;ent ly .
called to Mashna . l\font.. to tak e pa1t
in a holiness meeting conducted by Rev.
W. C. Ehler s of Minneapolis. who o-
ganized t he Vall ey County Holiness .As-
sociation. lfl'ans for aggr essive w01k
. wer e . Jajcl , and. it , is ... h oped.- t hnt the .
shouts of the saved and sanctified will
Pre long ing from end to end of this
state. H . G. Cowan.
{April 15, 1909
r eceived some sample eo{>ies of-UH:::--'
Nazar (mes and am d elighted .with them.
as I r ead the glowing l'cports of vi etory
and souls beirig saved . in other fi elds.
My. soul takes on courage for t he worl\
here in ( Oakeliff) or I)allas. 'I' here
are a faithful . few her e nnd we hnv<:
the promise. One soi1l was saved S un-
d ay night. We had a n old f ashion Sl\1'-
vice. Brother .Histler, om pustm, was
. away, leaving the serVii!CS t o III C to fi)J.
. I hnye been in t his work a lmost t hi rty
yPars, and am not t irt>d, hut feel Iii!
tal<ing a n ew start.
C. R. Pen cP.
TRACTS By Rev. R. Pierce.
mary Purpose.
the Justified.
Them Up.
Price 20c. per doz.; $1.00 per 100, postpaid.
OUR HOLY BUSINESS. "Be ye kind one
to another."
10c. per doz. ; 50c. per 100, postpaid:
730 San Pedro St . Angeles, CaL
Jacob the.Heelgrasper,
Some of God's Pictures of
the Carnal Mind.
With Portrait and Introduction
This is a volume of.350 pages packed full of
s triking lessons from the life of Jacob, writ -
t en in the clear and direct style of this emi-
nent l!lvangelist.
Bound in Cloth, Price $1.00
Nazarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street,
Los Angeles, CaL
Pins ...
We have a new supply of Nazarene
Pins. The Nickel-plated, such as
we have heretofore sold, and a new
kind made of Abalone shell wit h
black lettering .
25c each
.. 5oc each
Nazarene Publishing - Company
April15, 1909]
"Ruth, I have tickets for the concert
of the B'ell Ringers on W <;dnesday
night. Can you go?'' Alice said to a
friend, as she stopp_cd at her gate.
"It is prayer meeting night."
''I know ; but they sail for Europe
-Friday night, and it is their last con-
''But I never stay away from prayer-
meeting for anything.''
this is a concert-and
only once. We can worship just as
well there.''
So, reluctantly, against her convic-
tions, Ruth consented.
That night the girl dreamed that an
angel in shining raiment stood beside
her and asked . her gently: '' Wher.e
are you going tomorrow night?"
And she answered : ''I thought l
would go to the concert.'' '
Then the angel aaid sadly: "Have
you so little appreciation of the value
of a single soul?''
Vividly the vision came back to Ruth
the next morning, as she lay saying
softly to herself, wondering what it
could mean-'' So little appreciati'on of
the value of' a single soul.''
She decided that she must take back
her promise tp attend the concert and
go to the prayer-meeting.
Ruth sat in the house of prayer with
a strange ,joy in her soul, singing:
"Plenteous grace with thee is found,
Grace to cover all my sins;
Let the healing streams abound-
1\Iakc and keep me pure within ;
Thou of life the fountain arc ;
Freely let me take of, thee;
Spring thou up within my . heart,
Rise to all eternity.".
As the musi c cease<l , the girl sprang
impulsively to her .feet. "I meaHt to
hear the Bell Ringers tonight," she
said, '' but I decided that I would rath-
er come to prayer-meeting, and I am
happier .here than I should have been
at the concert, and am sure no inusic
could be sweeter to me 1 han the hymn
we have just sung."
As the hour .for closing drew near_
the pastot a:rose, and invited any who
would give themselves to Christ to come
As he waited, in silence, a lady in
mourning walked slowly up the aisle
and, kneeling. was shown the way of
When service was ended a friend
came to Ruth and said: '' The lady
who 'vent .forward wishes to be intro-
du'ced to you.''
lVIuch astonished. the girl went to r e-
ceive the introduction to 1\Irs. \\Talter s.
'' I wanted to you, '' the l ady
said, "that I owe the 'fact of my being
a Christian tonight to your .- tcstimoi1y.
I have not been inside of a church .for
t en. came ' to please a friend,
. Nazarene Mes'*enger
give up
a :corice-rcfor -a.--prayer meeting, and
that no music could be sweeter to you
than the hymn, 'Jesus, Lover of Y
Soul,' I thought. to myself: 'There must
be in religion : and I ani go-
ing to have it . ' So I wish to thank you
that it is because of your testimony
that .I shall go home tonight a servant
of the Lord Jesus Christ. ''
Ruth held out her hand and pressed
gratefully that of her new friend. She
knew now the meaning of the angel's
. She could iiot tell .Mrs. Walters how
nearly she had. come to proving .recre-
ant to her trust, nor of the dream which
had influenced her in the . true dire c-
. tion,-so she answered simply: "I thank
you for t el,ling me this. I sha11 never
forget it.' '
Yet she little guessed what cause she
would always have t o re member it.
Ruth's home was close beside the rail-
road track. About midnight she was
awaktmed by a horrible crashing sound.
Looking from the window she could
see where the midnight expre:;'s and the
11 :30 freight collided. The frantic
cries of the frightened, and the piere-
shrieks of the wounded made her
shudder. But she bravely put away all
thoughts of self and, calling her father,
was soon ready to go with him to the
And the first face whi ch looked inro
hers as she . sto_od beside the burning
train was that of :Mrs. 'Valtcrs. Pale
and peaceful it was, though showing
how intensely she snffPred. She was
extricated, and borne to Ruth's home.
The power of speech was a lmost
Rhe rallied a little as they laid her on
Ruth 'fl couch. Taking her hand and
pt'essing it to her lips, she whispered
feebly: "Child. I'm going-it was my
last chance-what if yon had not spok-
en-what if I had not taken it?"
.1\.nd-; ktreeling-there beside the dead,
the tears raining down her face, Ruth
promised her Father always to give her
testimony; always to appreciate the
value of a single souL"-Selected.
Special Book
Plain Account of Christjan Perfec-
tion. Wesley. . .
F.xperience of Hester Ann Rogers.
God Lov.e, by C. S. Eby. --
Gospel Stamps (120 in a book),
Five. Steps to Entire Sanctification;
_16-page tract, by P. F. Bresee. .
Holiness, 16-p., by C. F. Walker.
Man a Revelation of God.
. Sermon, by .. Rev. John Short. .
Missionary Sermon, by Mrs. Rose
Send 25c for this Collection
of Books and Tracts
Mohave Children
Stories from life by
Missionary to Mohave Indians
A beautiful book, illustrated with fine half-
tone engravings, bound in Onyx Bristol.
This book is instructive as well as entertain-
ing ahd gives an interesting account of real
life among these little ltnown people.
An admirable gift for Sunday School Teach-
ers .to present to their classes .. ' .
15 cents
two for 25c
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
W f G I
Latul SonJIIooll-301 Soe&s
J. M. Harris, Editor.
aves o ory w. J. lirll,.trick. Cttl' Ed.
Sample. post pa1d 25c
"AZAREIIE PUB. CO., 730 SaD Pedro St. Los Alples, Cll
A Fine Proposition ! Get It ! !
I my possession for sale 120 acres of fine unimproveafarm ]and.
Nearly every foot of it suitable for cultivation. .
LOCATION.-It is locateq in the great State of Texas, in a weJI-settled
and prosperous belt. Only eight miles from.a good Rail Road town (County
seat), and one-fourth of a mile from a Church; good
public school; fine neighborhood. .
CLIMATE.-The climate is exceJlent. No malaria. Mild winters.
PRICE.-Extra good bargain. Only $20.00 per' acre.
TITLE. -Guaranteed 0. K. No risk whatever.
Every doJlar paid for this ]and will be absolutely given for Pentecostal-
Nazarene and wil1 be turned over. to the General Missionary Board.
No one shall receive a cent1commission for the sale of the land.
This is a fine inv.estment in two ways. both for yourself and for
Think oyer .it;_ pra;y over ar:.e intereted from you.
---- All' questiOns cheerfuJly answered. Address ,
' Dist. Supt. Abilene Dist:, Pent. Church of the Nazarene
... Box 96, Hamlin:, Jones County, Texas


l Helpful
"Naz"arene - -l'A:prii l5 ',;
It is not ''he that doubteth. '' ::..:i\l[mrt;-- .wi:ll- gems of- sanctified -
lniiiiOi;:- The afflicted will be-comforted
and the discoudtged uplifted-.
people put- the '''itriess- first , and beli-ev-
ing second, but God's order is first be-
lieve and then the witness. In earthly
BORDER LAND HOLINESS PEOPLE. things we r equire first -the . fact . . "Give
The first and paral}lount obj ect in
giving this volume to the world ,will
be the glory of God and the in-
spiration of His children; The second
r eason for their publication will be to
r elieve, if possible, the author from a
Vole must iemember that this like all . ns_facts," is always the cr y in earthly
. . .. ' - . and above an we ought to be-
other temptations; IS not lieve the facts given l.1s in the "Word of
that we should .fall under 1t, but t hat God. Joy comes from believing-joyful
\Ve should- triumph over it, and in so facts. The facts do no"t exist because
doing show t o the world around the we are joyful; _but we are joyful be-
an-sufficiency of the grace of God. ?f the existence of the facts.
. . : .Spn1tual facts can be known only by
Most of the of holmess peo- r eceiving . God's witl1ess concerning
. financial burden he has struggled under
from his school days, and which, be-
cause he left all to preach a full Gos-
pel, he has oeen unable to find ,relief
ple come through holiness people of a them. 1 John 5:9 says, "If we receive
low level, or professing Christians who, . the witness of men, the witness of God
have made a pr-ofession of holiness at is greater; for this is the witness of
one time or another. In the case of the God which testified . of his
Son." If we are w1lhng to r eceiVe the
The first will be an "Ai1thor's Edi
tion, '' containing a portrait of the
author and other illustrations, and will
be sold by him personally for at l east
one dollar per copy. It is the author's
d esir e to receive at an early date the
names of those wpo wish a copy, as he
needs to secure several hundred ad-
vance orders before the date of publi-
cation. Otherwise he would not be
able to enter upon so expensive an un-
dertaking. Orders are already reach-
ing him. Drop him a card to Fitch-
burg, Mass., if you wish to be enrolled.
Books need not be paid for until de-
Tongues Movement, ino..t of the victims
have been . what might be described as
hangers-on to the holiness cause, bor-
derland Christians, who fell an easy
prey to the mar auding parties of the
enemy. _vVhat they need is to be won
back to the truth of God. This will
not . be clone by harshness, but by per-
feat loYe. Another reason :why we
should . be Yery .careful and very scrip-
tural in these cases is that if we gjve
way to such temptations and allow our
abhorrence of the \\rrong doctrine and
the result, wrong practice, to make us
hard and harsh. in our dealings with
others. we may lose our own blessing
a.nd become. \Yhat -ar e not quite un-
known toda-y- holiness l egalists. -
Tongues of Fire.
$ $ $
\Vhen we come to God for salvation,
we must first believe the fact. . God
giYes us the facts of His willingness to
save in Hi s \Vord t hat we may know
His will: Wlien we believe these fa cts,
1epent of and confess our sins, we re-
ceive the assurance that the wo-r k . is ,
done in our hearts, and t hat we call
''feeling. '' But man often reverses
tl1is order , and says, " I must feel .t he
blessing before I can believe, and after
that I can get hold of t h e fact." This
is a common ten1ptation, and leads to
many pitiful uncertainties. Many pro-
fessed Christians always doubting
because they started wrong, and per-
haps t hey did r eceive a little crumb of
blessing and called it salvatiotl.. They
n ever stopped to think how much God
had in. store for them.
God has planned that \Ve believe the
fact gi,en in 1 John 5 :11-13: "And
this is the record, that God hath given
us eternal life, and, this life is in his
Son. He that hath the Son hath life;
"and .he that hath not the Son of God
hath not l:ife. These things. have I writ-
ten unto you that believe on the name
of the Son of God; that ye may know
that ye have eternal life, and that ye
may believe on the name of the Son of
We iead in the tenth verse, "He that
believeth hath the witness in himself:''
witness of men concerning .things they
lmow-and of course we do-we surely
onght to be Willing to believe what God
tells .. us. Suppose we should ten our
fello\F men that we could not believe
what t h ev told us unless we could see
for ourselves! or that we must first f eel
t hat what they said was true!. Yet that
is the way many treat God. Oh, may
God help us to take heed and examine
our own hearts lest we be of that num-
$ .$ $
After -repeated requests from many
of God's clear for several years,
the .Editor of Beulah Chris-
tian, ReY. D. Pierce, . has at last
decided to collect the r r eam. of his
poetical writings, covering a period of
more than twenty years, and publish
them in a tasty cloth-bound volume
some time during 1909. Probaoly
August or September.
Some of t he poems which appear
in this collection have already appeared
periodicals, secular and relig-
They will . cover a wide range-de-
votional , narrative, miscellaneous and
juvenile. They will be fragrant with
pathos, faith and fervor. Here and
.>C .>C
Heart cleansing is a condition of pur-
ity, and without which spiritual power
cannot be had.
Will Convict, Inspire and Bless
Apples of Gold;
Or Words Fitly Spoken.
Being a Compilation of the brief Spiritual
Heart Messages which have appeared on the
first page of the MESSENGER during the past
. two years. "
240 Pages, Paper.
. With portrait, and introd1ction
by Dr: Bresee.
Price 25 Cents ..
by mail 30c; in lots of 10 $2.
In cloth, 60 cents.
Address, "R. P."
730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
.It Pays to Advertise! ..
Every Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
We. Publis.h an Eight-page Tract, which is Very Effective Advertising
The Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
What is It._? What does it Believe? . It's Advantages.
It's Relation to Other Churches. The Church .and the Saloon.
. .
Th 1 subject matter of the Tract occupies seven pages, leaving the last page for adver-
tising of your church.
1000 Tracts, with our advertisement on back, $2.75 post-paid. .
1000 Tracts, with-back page blank for your advertisement, $3.50 post-paid.'
1000 Tracts, with your advertisement printed on page 8, $4.50 post-paid.
730 San Pedro Street, Lott Ang_elea, California

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