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.. The of JeslUI Christ Hill Son ;clealUieth lUI From All $in. ..
Vol. XIV. Los Angeles, August 19, 1909 No.8

The . Nazarene Pastor.
Rev . E. ,B. Fish

alone will has really been
l!iVJ HIS is a true saying, ''If a man
desireth the office of a bishop, accomplished. The truthfulness of this
(pastor.) he. desireth a _ good worl\ .. " ... statement may be discovered by com-
" And he gave some pastors and t each- paring the r eported results of som of .
our great meetings with the standing
results six months from date of meet-
ers. ''-Paul.
Perhaps t here never was a period in
the history of the church which could
boast of so many evangelists as the
present time, and no doubt the great
majority of them are Heaven-sent.
They are well equipped with grace and
gifts, and success accompanies their ef-
forts. To all such we bid, ''God speed.''
There is a place for you. lV[oreover
we would call attention to the fact that
there is a cause for the number of con-
secrated men and women whom God
is sending around the world with the
glorious evangel of ''Full Salvation.''
The cause is th_!:) Pentecostal Baptism.
Among other effects, and dispositions
that the Spirit's incoming brings, is a
holy desire to go to the ''uttermost
parts of the earth.'' ' Pentecost will
produce a Philip for a Samaria, a Paul
for a Macedonia, a John 'Vesley for an
England, and a John S. Inskip for
America. Hence the modern Holiness
movement with its crowd of evangel-
ists is the r esult of the Upper Room
: Prayer Meeting.
But this very Pentcostal effect has
produced a condition which has called
imperatively for some means of con-
serving the great work which our evan-
gelists have accomplished. God only
knows the vast amount of permanent
good which .has r esulted from onr In-
terdcnominational Holiness Evangel-
1 On the other hand it is to be. f ear ed
that eternity alone reveal how
much ofour work has been lost because
the means of conservation have been
lall. to often inadequate. The fact is
l O painfully evident that it needs no
argument to substantiate it. Real re-
sults from revival or camp meeting
1nhnot be discovered in til.e number
ing. .
'Ve are not attempting to bfame the
evangelists, as some have foolishly
tried, but we would like to ask, if the
converts of about eighty cent. of.
our Holiness revivals could have had
proper care after conversion and sanc-
tification, would not . be more
standing true today? The fact is, how-
ever , that tender babes have l eft
the camp or meetings. :\yhere the cloud
of glory rested and have returned to
a church enveloped in a cloud of spirit-
ual uncer tainty and misty worldiness.
In addition to this they have been l eft
by the evangelist and cantp to the care .
of pastors who were unable to help
them, because entirely <?ut of sympathy
with their experiences . . True, some
have lived in spite of conditions,
\vhile others have gone down, and they
constitute a vast number.
Yes, we have heard the heartless re-
mark, "If they had had the blessing,
they would have stood." But the same
individual would deny "the final pres-
ervation of the saints" as a doctrine.
well, then, if people ntny lose their ex-
perience and finaily be lost, is it not
Christ-like and reasonable to provide
the best means. possible to assist them
in retaining what the:r have received?
We have divisions, fanatics, and H.oli-
ness backsliders all over this country,
and we will go so as to say, that
if we had better means of conservation
and careful instructions, per
of it couid have been avoided.
God has seen this condition. Holy
men have seen it. Proviaence has called.
As a , result Holiness . : is
marching across the from
Maine to California, from New Found-
land to Mexico; and is.teven taking ship
to distant lands. This movement is
called the ''Pentecostal Church of the
Nazarene." Reader, thank God, "I
am one of tliem. , ; There is n ome try-
ing to resist us. We have no hostile in-
tentions on any church or territory. It
is unavailing to clamor against organ-
ized Holiness. Mr. Wesley opposed the
organization of a new church in his
day, but it was the inevitable result of
his moYement. Hence we have a Meth-
odist chur ch today. The Pentecostal
Nazarene Church is the logi cal result
of the modern Holiness movement.
Good is being accomplished. Holiness
forces ar e being united, fanaticism pre-
vented ' by wholesome instruction and
means and ways provided to assist peo-
ple in retaining their experiences. So
we march on ''fair as the noon, clear
as the sun, and terrible as an army with
banners. ''
But wait, this movement is intensely
evangelistic. l-Ienee in addition to
calls 'vhi ch are coming from fields un-
touched by our denomination, we have
our own avengelistic results to con-
serve. Thank God, we are . doing fine!
there is a great need.
' Vhat are ' "e to .do, to whom shall we
turn? 'Ve answer, that under God, the
pastor is our only hope. Oh, the im-
portance of the pastoral office! A re-
cent issue of a well religious
weekly, in an article 1mder the cap-
t ion of " "
hat a work," says:'' Paul
places among those whom the Spirit
giYes prominence in the church, pastors
and teachers. 'Vc have for long years
felt, that this particula r office had a
particular right to rank firs t in order
of value, as the great apostle places it
in one of his lists.'' There neYer was
a time when the work' of a Spirit-fill ed
pastot was of s uch vitnl
as now.
Vle need evangelists no doubt. but
we dare to say God is calling for pas-
tors more today, than for evangelists.
The evangelistic work comes with a
strong appeal to a Spirit-filled heart.
But the field appeals and the
natural impulse of the Spirit's indwell-
ing, seems to urge, 'tis not an indica-
. tion always that we are called to the
one work of an evangelist. - A good
pastor must 'be We may
be called some day, to the work of an
evangelist, but we reverently insist,
th!lt God make His leading clear by
more indications than the hvo men-
tioned. We huxp.bly suggest that your
call to the evangelistic field be tested
by common sense, by the peculiar .needs
of the church at this time, and by your
fitness for such work. Some men are
eminently fitted for evangelists, some
for evangelistic pastors. Of the two
offices we must prefer_ __ Re-
1nember there is a scarcity of Pente-
costal pastors, ''while the woods are
full of evangelists.''
If it was a consideration of human
humor,:.which of cQurse should not_.fig-
ure in the call of a Spirit-led man, we
would say that no office on earth is en-
titled to more honor than that of the
Nazarene _Messenger
help. The . case, however, will not be
one of necessity. We employed
evangelists, but would have considered
it a positive disgrace to our ministy to
have one to secure a revival.
If it is as we have said that the pas-
tor is the tiller of the soil, the sower of
the seed and in many instances the har-
vester; and theu the one to-whom God
looks for the care of the crop, and if in
addition to this we have churches or-
ganized, which are striving to get along
without, but praying and crying for a
pastor; and their work is being hin-
dered as far as progression is concerned
because he comes not, it does seem
that the tremendous importance of the
pastoral office may be seen at a glance.
And we must say. that it. looks to. us as
though God, if he can be heard, will .,
swing many of our young men and
women into this important branch of
ministerial activity.-Holiness Evangel.
In .recent years we hear but very lit-
tle preaching about heaven. In an ex-
perience of twenty-five years we do
not remember to have heard more than
one direct sermon on heaven. That ser-
mon thrilled us with a desire to get
there. As the years pass by that de-
. sire becomes more a:nd more intensified.
To miss heaven means to miss all. All .
. .
If the relative importance of the two
offices, evangelistic and pastoral,' were
to be considered, we would again say
that the spiritual pastor is the tiller
of the soil, the sower of the seed, and
the one who cares for the grain after
the harvest, while the evangelist is (if
he is in divine orde.;) the helper at
Yest time. Even here, we must remark
that it is the privilege of the pastor
to carry on his own harvest.
of eternal happine!:!s. All of heavenly
It is our firm conviction that a little
more faith in God on the part of many
pastors and church, would relieve them
of the humiliating impression that they
are unable to reap what God has helped
them sow, and what he expects them to
care for after t;he reaping. It is evi-
dent that without sowing there could
b:! no -growing, and without growing
there could be no harvest; and even if
a harvest does result, if the proper per-
son is .not on hand .to care for the har- ...
vested c;rop, which is frequently the
case, . the har.vest results wull not
amount to much. Therefore, the tre-
mendous importance of the pastoral
office over the evangelistic.
We all know that some churches
would go revivalless for many years if
were not for God's faithful evangel-
ists. This of course cannot be said of
a genuine Nazarene pastor. But there
comes times when it is wise for even
a genuine Nazarene pastor and a Pen-
_tecostal church to employ evangelistic
friendship. All of the Father's ever-
lasting love. _ All of companionship wjth
Jesus Christ, the Sa vi or of the world.
All of heaven's music. All of the streets
of gold and jasper walls. All of earth's
dearest ties : A baby face, a mother's
sweet smile, the eternal hand-clasp of
a sister or brother. All of heaven's
never-ending day, ' "for there shall be
no nigfht there. '' All of the great,
sweeping, swelling chorus of song sung
by redeemed spirits with golden harp.
All of the triumphant shouts. All of the
unutterable heavenly bliss. All . of
sweetness, happiness, gladness; exulta-
tion, cheer and inexpressible delight. All
of heavenly environment, the crystal
str.eam, trees, flowers, fruitage. All of
angelic society, prophets, priests, kings,
. apostles, . martyrs, and the innumerable
white-robed company who shall gather
around the great white ;throne. All
of education, development, graduation, .
. exploration, discovery, throughout the
illimitable universe of. God. Oh, my
friend, make sure of
"And there _shall in no wise enter
into it anything that defileth, neither
_(,- 1909-
whatsoever . worketh abomination, or7
maketh a lie; -but they who are writ:l
ten Book of Life." Rev]
.JI .,. .JII
I have recently met some very dear
friends who. are members of a church
in a city not far from here, and
are devoted followers of Jesus in
experience of full salvation, who have'
refused to pay towards. the support of
a man who has been appointed by eC-
clesiastical authority to be their
The ground of their refusal is that he
is not a true representative of their de-
nomination, and is not a legitimate pas-
torr as-- is evidenced by-the
does not stand for the doctrines of their
church, and ignores the dictates of their
discipline. They insist that he is prac.
tically a Unitarian, while posing as a,
Methodist; and that he is disloyal to
the rules of the discipline, in that hej
permits and defends the actions of his,
own theater-going and dancing chil-
dren. I
The appointed pastor threatens them
with severe treatment if they continue
to refuse to support him, avowing that
as they have vowed to support the
istry of the gospel, their property, could
be attached to compel the fulfilment of
their obligation; also that they are un-
worthy of church letters, should 1 hey
J '
wish to unite elsewhere.
I that those who have taken
this stand and have incurred the dis
pleasure and of this pastor ( T)
are earnest Christians whose delight is
to pay liberally for the support of u-
gospel, and who love the doctrine a<
discipline of their church. And yel
they suffer because of their refusal tc
pay a man who evidently loYes 1ieither
the doctrine nor the discipline; they are,
condemned and practically unchur<hed
by a posing professor who is vested]
with a little brief authority.
The Word of God does teach thatl
they who preach the gospel shall live]
of the gospel. But the same authority
says: ''As we said before, so say I nowl
again; if any man preach auy other gos
pe(unto you than that ye have receiYed,
let him be accursed' '-not supporte1l. '
Certainly so long as one is a member
of a church organization, he ought to]
bear his part in paying the legitimate
expenses of that organization. Bllt I
cannot see that there is any obligation
-legal, ecclesiastical or m,oral-to
support a man in his betrayal of a sa
cred trust.
1 1 am persuaded thai when a minister
I keeps back that which is profitable un-
t8'the peppJe 'over. whom he appointed
he is . an :Unworthy and ..
office bearer and qught not to complam
! if, thG people withhold their support. If
Ji'e shuns to declare all ' the counsel of
dod, and so plays into the liands of the
1 he i.s a traitor to his trust and
r,tbe people ought to shun his ministry.
rf Mr. Wesley advised the early :M:eth-
' odists (and the advice was repeated by
.the that should any minis-
, ter inveigh against their doctrines-
' particularly the_ doctrine -of Christian
I perfection-they should withdraw from
the service as a testimony against such
I a ministry.. If such advice were fol-
lowcci Today, doubtless-there' wol:ila -be
l rnueh "'\Vithdrawing, both of presence
and support.
There is, no law of heaven or earth
compelling one to support by presence
-or purse--an impure gospel. Only a full
gospel is worthy of a full support. It
sometimes looks as if the rule in force
today is to feed and fatten those who
negl ect the pure gospel, and to fine those
' who all the counsel of God. Cer-
tain I: tbis is the opposite of what
should be.
Holiness people, attention! to it
that your money, too, is sanctified to a
pure use. Consec,rate it to the support
of the full gospel; that by no fanlt of
yours, in squandering upon faithless
ministries, or by the neglect of the
faithful, holy men and the holy cause
shall suffer for righteousness' sake.
Give no aid or comfort to error or er-
rorists. Loyally stand by those who
stand for the truth as it is in Jesus.
This raises the question, Ought not
holiness people to more closely band to-
. gether in the support of holiness min-
ist<>rs 1
Let a young fellow say to himself as
_he starts out in life : "I am going to
be honest : I wont lie: no betting nor
gambling for me: and from
ness and sensuality I'm going to keep
myself clean ; '' and knows that such
are practically a declaration
of war. They mean daily difficulty.
They are concerned with commonplace
and the conquest of them
all will not make of him .a hero in the
_esteem of general society. But that
means that they are just so much the
.. more heroic. For heroism is not a mat-
ter of applause. It is not an affair
:Qeeds f9r the ex-
;peetation of . . a. m-Qltit.ude. .is not
.. , .The hero is the
.p,1an .. ,thipg
1!S. .t9 .4P fu.
people. are afra1.d. .rnere are young
Ntnretnf Mellii'Btag-e"r ..
s,Pipits, !or. which ; tiP.age
tures, who are !siiicerely desuous to. be:. work. . ThiS' n<rtlti'tllJf meahf it Jacrifice
decent men. 'They.:have -no instinctive . for brother, as he seems to be only
liking for:. tht:i tP:iclean. .But they go an ordmary farmer, . bnt ohJ ;he . got an
'the way of the c:tow.d because they are for ,Pis:
afraid tc> do .anything else.:
They do beamed w1tJt JO)'. an<I someho'\'1
not dare to sianariddrie and -say:=' It-. seemed to .me fitil:ly_ sif'eechlekE
not that: Fun; ;but notidirt. 't And With the same and I could not -an
yet that is exactly the swer him for .quite a minuteS.' . J;
men that we of:all -m; the him t'? give. it to our
worldtoday:-n:ot !s4finuch.the tbrilliarit dent, l3ro. Baldwm, which he did and.
chap; the young fellow ofnunusual iat- it is now on its way across the seas ... '
of rmoral;nerve, . . An offering in and pledgeS of
the one who<'wiU the common $300 more was given for the "Widows"'-
task, who has a backbone where. others and the "nian in the mud and
have a wishbone. for Hope School in general. Praise the
.Jii ;.il , JJ Lord. He always hears the cries of His
OUR MISSION:ARY . WORK. bounteously for
' ;
TrulY tne -Lord With 'His cii'il-
dren in a wondrous way.
Early in March;tille Lord laid the vil-
. lage wor}t of India surro1,111ding Cal-
cutta upon my heart: not knowing
Sister A vetoom was .at that time or per-
haps even before praying and :planning
to do something . in< .that direction. I
\vas almost afraid to write to her about
my in the .matter as she is now
overburdened, teaching -four . hours in
the Hindu day school, also- four .hours
in our Hope School, besides planning
the work for each day,
with the e:ll;ception of Fridays now, as
she conducts holiness meetings in the
Nazarene preaching hall on that day,
which "Faithful Babu" is "very
for the as few mis-
sionaries-in that section know about the
real, indwelling Holy Ghost.
While thus debating as to what
method to pursue, I received a letter
from Sister Avetoom, stating a preacher
"Bama Churn," who had been con-
verted "up country" but who had ran
away because his relatives had tried to
kill him, had come into "Our Nazarene
Preaching Hall'' and heard about the
gift of the Holy Ghost. He believed
and found Him and then desired to go
back to die if need be, to preach Jesus
to his people. He received ''dying
grace." Hallelujah! Then I under-
stood why the burden had been rolled
upon me and began . to ask God for
financial help for. Bnmn Churn. Two
sisters gave me :five dollars 4;laCh to start
the work, but the 'Climax .ca:ine at our
holiness camp meeting on Friday, July
16th, which day had been set apart as
''Missionary Day. '' Bro .. _Gay had just
sent me a letter a lew days prior to this
from Barna Churn himself {printed be-
low), .which I rea'<jl during the c_ourse of
my message, in India be-
fore the association on that eventful
missionary , God hpriored o1.1r
Indian brothe'r.'s plea in thl,lt letter for
a_ by I;L . blessed c,Pild
of G9d . . a:ud. _at the
close of th1s service be . came forward
to inquire ;"'pere . (he . money be
p,aid, )le ,tq $,500 'foi" the
man wli<> ;t:nit
he might have a "mission liouse" in
1\frs. E. G. Eaton.
:M:any .enquirers .,_ are coming to my
house-more than before. We have
been _!laving some _hymn singing in the
mornmg and evenmgs and inany come
to listen to our gospel hymns. Now and .
then some have sat until 2 a .. m. and
have come again in the morning at 8
a. m. to hear more. One day a Hindu
holy man came to my hut and I talked
to him of Jesus, till 11 p. m. He was
very pleased and interested.
Two school-masters come sometimes
to me to have quiet talk. The Moham-
medans to whom I go are a little more
friendly lately. Instead of drivina me
away they provide me with a to
sit down and come around to hear what
I have to say. ..,
\Vhen I went to preach in the bizaar
or market place yesterday the post-
master sat for an hour and listened to
my One day in preaching
some Hindus began to quarrel with me.
A Mohammedan, to help me as he
thought, abused the Hindu reliaion but
I told him, in religion we must"' not get
angry. They must understand and be
persuaded in our religion and we must
have patience with them and show lov-
ing sympathy with them according to
Christ's teaching. On further explain-
ing this the Hindu started praising our
Savior'!> teachings.
I gave a Bible to a head master (M.
A. ) '':'ho is still studying it earnestly.
The poor ignorant Hindus who at first
hated the sight of me, are now more
friendly too. - In fact, many doors are
opening to me now, of both poor people
and those who are better off. The
Hindu police itispector is ' quite friendly
and says that when we want to build a
house he will help us in every
way he can to be allowed a spot to
build on. vVe want a house here very
badly. I am in a room in a mud hut
but it is falling down and leaks very
badly. Pray for us: .
Barna C. Nath.
fll' fll' fll'
"Apples of Gold" is- just the book
for an inspiring gift .. , lt..-will bless the
soul and inspire faith: .Send for one.
. 25 cents 10 'for $2. '
Owing to the press of work during
the last six weeks and the effects on my
overworked body, I have postponed
writing till this time. I trust that I
will have ... your patience and prayers
that I may be able to write more r eg-
ularly. 'l'hc time has been pressed full
of a variety of work for the Master,
. the writer haYing been to the follow-
ing places since writing last.
Portland, Ore:
The writer enjoyed a Sabbath with
our people. Since I was with them last
year, they haYe erected a good, sub-
stantial and commodious building in a
residential part of the city, and have
their mem bership and Stmday school
moYed in and a splendid interest is
manifested in all of the departments of
both church and Sunday school. This
church: and Sunday school have in-
creased in all of the departments of
work numerically and financially, giv-
ing special attention to the missionary
interests at home antl abroad.
Selwell, Ore.
The meeting at this place was not
largely attended as it was on Monday
night , but the dear Lord was pleased
to be with us and made our pastor from
Portland and the local pastor a great
help to the services. They are not
strong numerically or . financially at
this point, but the pastor is fully per-
suaded that a good work can be accom-
plished in the name of the Lord of
Ho::;ts. 'l'he envelope system is being
worked at this church also. The out-
look f or Sunday school work is encour-
Salem, Ore.
we stopped off for a few hours at
this point while en route for Ashland,
and called on Bro. and Sister E . P.
Kyle, and while there met several other
saints of the Lord. Our folks have a
cottage meeting at Bro. Kyle's home.
As evangelisti c services were being con-
ducted in one of the Baptist cnurches,
Bro. Kyle arranged for the writer to
preach. 'l'he Lord was pleased to help
in the message. vVe had to l eave the
altar work to others and hasten to the
Ashland, Ore.
The pastor her e has his work well in
hand, the church and Sunday school
are showing the r esults of faithful pas-
toral oversight and all the departments
are taking on permanent aggressive-
n ess. Pastor and people feel now is
the time to press the holiness move-
ment in this fertile valley and desire .
that all of the holiness people will pray
that much fruit may follow their ef-
forts for the Master.
Camp Meeting.
The San Francisco District held its
Nazarl1ne Messenger
third annual meeting at Beulah
Park, East Oakland, Cal., July 1-llth.
'l,.he writer was a day late, not being
able to get a night train from Ashland,
Ore. The meeting opened on time with
Revs. P. G. 'Linawcaver, Evangelists
Rev. Fred St. Clair and W. C. Wilson,
and all of the pastors o:f the district
present .
A heavy bill of fare was spread daily:
'l'hree sermons, a Bible reading, a gen-
er al prayer meeting, a children's meet-
ing, a young .people's meeting, a prayer
meetiQg for .p1en and another for the
One afternoon was . devoted to the
missionary -interests, a service being
held with the children, young people,
and a general meeting' for all, at which
time about $600 was arranged for.
Eternity only will r eveal the good that
will come from this and the other work
of the camp meeting.
Onr folks are much encouraged in
that they have succeeded in renewing
a lease of the lot on which our church
building stands. Our new pastor, Rev.
F. vV. Johnson and :family are already
winning the confidence of the congre-
gation and as soon as they are settled
on the charge they are planning for an
aggressive campaign in that residen-
tial city.
Ban Jose.
The writer was with our folks in this
large city, July 16-18. Friday was an
all-clay meeting, with District Superin-
tendent Linaweaver in charge. The
morning service was a time of power-
ful and prevailing prayer. In the af-
ternoon Sister Epperson brought the
message and the Lord brought six
adults to the altar for cleansing. 'l'he
writer r emained over Sunday, preach-
ing five times. This is one of our strug-
gling churches, but Pastor wiley and
the faithful,. few are full of faith for
We spent July 19-23 with our pastor,
Rev. E . L. Reed and our baby church
nt :Milton, Cal., where we have about
twenty wide-awake member s. Seven
a.dults ,\rere sanctified -\.vholly. The
Lord has opened the way for us to buy
a parsonage with land enough :for a
church. Pray that our God will make
us a great blessing to that whole coun-
try, which is about one hundrefi miles
east from San Francisco.
San Francisco.
\Ve arrived at 8 p.m. and found Pas-
tor C. W. Welts and his faithful f ew
praying the glory of heaven down. We
remained over Sunday. Friday was
another all-day meeting, with Bro.
Linaweaver in the lead. .Bros. Lina-
weavel; and Johnson took the day meet-
ings. The three days were a time of
salvation, souls at every service praise
the Lord. This is one of the three
churches on the district that is not self-
supporting, but each have, or will, work
the envelope system.
[August 19, 1909
Brother and Sister Linaweaver enter.
tal.ned me in their home from July 26
to August 1st. The Distri ct Supcrin.
tendent was very kind and insisted that
I take three nights off, with as much of
the week day time as possible foe a
little much needed r est, for which l was
truly thankful. Y.le had a good time
with this church also. Brother Lina.
weaver not only has his local chmcb
work well in hand and is not only plan.
ning for an aggressive campaign with
it but he and his entire force of pas.
and workers on the district are
planning to make this the best yea1 of
the history of the work around the
Bay and on the District, hoping to open
np severar new churches.
Rev. Sister Epperson has all of Ow
departments of our chur ch and Su11day
school well arranged and with Rev. E.
A. Girvin and the other officers of the
church hope to wage a successful emu.
paign against sin in this rapidly grow.
ing university city. This, with all of
onr other churches around the Bay. nrc
feeling the financial depression but all
are hopeful and mean to make it the
best year :for soul saving the District
has yet had.
Los Angeles.
En route from San F.ranc.isco to
Tracy City, Tenn., in r esponse to a \.- cry
kind invitation from General Supr rin-
tendent Dr. Bresee, we spent a part. of
three days at this popular and rapidly
growing city. Our time was erowllcd
with work pertaining to t he supf'rin.
tendency, attending a ver y inter esti ng
joint missionary meeting of the Sonth
ern California District l\Iissionary
Board and the Bxecutive Committee of
the western division of the Ge1wral
Missionary Board, at which it " as de
cid ed to send Bro. L . F. front the
weste1n division to t he General :'II is
sio11ary Board meeting at Chicago, nnd
it was also arr anged to assist in pa_ying
a part of the chairman's expenses to the
said meeting. The treasurer ' s report
showed a decided increase in all of the
d epartments of the missionary work iu
this western division, as well as in the
Southern California District.
Sunday was a full day-gave a brief
address on our work in the home nnd
foreign fields and preached twice at
First Church.
The writer would not feel that he
had given proper glory to our God nnd
credit to the work in connection ''"ith
First Church if he did not state that we
feel greatly enconraged with the solid
ity, spirituality and aggressiveness of
-the work in all of its departments r-on
nected with both the church and Snn
day school.
We were greatly comforted by being
with our senior General Superintendent
for a short season and learning of the
return of his usually good health and
strength. Let all of the saints of God
pray that our beloved brother may he
fully restored to health and strength
August 19, l9U9J
and that he may 'be sparea long to his
family and to the church at large.
District Superintendent Goodwin has
. the work of his District on his blood-
washed heart and is . planning with his
large corps of pastors and other preach-
ers and workers, to push the battle on
the entire District and wants all of us
to pray that they may have such a vic-
tory that will double up on all the work
of the District.
'\V e found our brethren busy in the
Nazarene Messenger plant, and great
enthusiasm is manifest among all of
om people with refere1tcc to the open-
of Deet's Pacific Bible College.
H. F . Reynolds.
\V e have been very busy of lat,e with
OIIJ' district work, and truly the bless-
ings of our God have been upon us.
'l'l11: tevival fire binns all over the dis-
trit-"hile our pastors hold their reg-
ul;r mecti ugs. There has been more
than twenty churches organized this
year aud many new Nazarsne church
b11ildings erected. Reports from our
meetings now in progress tells me
that the pillar of cloud is moving. we
ha,e had to move to our district and
leave our former home at Pilot Point,
Texas. and now located at Oklaho-
ma City, Okla., the center of the new
state . . \Vc may be in a new state,
thonght to he wild and crude, bu,t
thank God \\'<' ha vc constit utional stat'e
widP prohibition ahe(ld of many of t i.e
old ;tnhs.
The interdenominational holiness
people of Oklaho:ua had started a good
work at Oklahoma City. They had a
holiness college and orphanage and a
rtstue home. The old boards tnrned
ov .. r the r esc>ue home to onr church and
Wl' scl edc>cl a new board, sold t.he old
sit nnd rhartcred the "Nazarene
HonH." and located five miles west of
Oklahoma l'ity on an clcetric car line.
My " ifc was sclcc>ted superintendent
of the Nazarene Home.
They also offered the church t he
Oklahoma Holiness College, which the
district also accepted as the district
school , and selected a board of directors
fol' it and have secured a strong fac-
ulty and \\' ill open our first t0rm in
We ha\e scc: ured JGO acrc>s of land
fol' onr n ew townsite for these three
institntions and have platted it and
h:ne for sal e 200 r esidence lots 60x170
fPd. in a holiness eol.l cgc town where
liquor nor tobacco ean never be sold . .
\Y c call our town ''Bethany,' ' the place
where Jesus loved to go.
The first building for the rescue home
-a neat concrete blork house with nine
r ooms-is nearing completion. The col-
lege buildings are going up fast. This
will be our headquarters. Kansas is
roming to the front as well as Oklaho-
ma. nnd new ehurches are being organ-
Nazarene Messengf!r
ized there also at present. I am in an
old-fashioned . camp meeting with our
at Castle, Okla; go to Mill
Creek,, . ,4.ugust 12.22. Pray for
continued bfessing on our work and
come to ottrJ:)istrict Assembly at Ponca
City, Ofda.,- Nowember 10-14.
. . . . C. B. Jernigan, D. S.
Route 4, .0klah6ma City, Okla.
... ... .JI
. . \ "
Though late in reporting, I do not
want to fail to give God the glory i'n
this way for his precious blessing upon
us during the time Sisters Crow and
Kell were with . us. Though the meet-
ings were held in the midsummer sea-
son arid indoors, yet we enjoyed most
beautiful weather, and had a full bouse
nearly every night. All the available
seats in our main auditorium and in the .
class rOOJl'\ were filled and many lis-
tened out of doors at the windows.
Open air were held every even-.
ing but Saturday with good results.
Conviction was heavy upon the people
during the entire seven days of the
meeting; but many would not yield,
though . the wooing spirit was so gra-
cions. However, many who seldom or
never hear the glorious gospel of full
salvation heard it during this meeting.
Sot-Ae so-called hard cases were blessed-
ly reached and some new diamonds
were dug out of sin's mire. Sister Crow
was much worn with her labors more
abundant ; but Gocl wonderfully used
he1 to awaken an interest in salvation
and nronse hunger for holiness among
believers. \Ye hope to have them with
us ngain in the ncar future. '\Vc are
looking np and expect great things for
this c>hurch. I haYe r eceived a call to
be assistant pastor of the John \Vesl cy
PentN:ostnl Church of the Nazarene at
Brooldvn. and it SN'ms best to accept
the call. My pastorate will close at
f'liftondalP the last Sunday in August.
heart is for(lYer knit together with
the dc>ar people at Cliftondale and no
distance " ill ever .. truly separate us.
)f, su c> cessor " ill find a blessed people
an'd I look for glorious results from this
work. Jn Jesus, J . C. Bearse.
"' J,ast Sunday Goil gave us a husband
and wife at the altar. They had
at'.tending the l\1. E. church for seven
months, more or l ess. duiing whi('h time
no one -had eve.!l . slwken hands with
from the ehnrr h, or asked them
about their sonls. He was formerly in
the SalYat.ion Armv. but his wife hnd
II<'Y<'r bc>fore been 'fhc Sunday
prPYions some five ot.hers were seeking,
and we r eceive some into membel'ship
soon. \Yc are to hold a tent meeting
in A ngnst and September with Brother
and' Sister Kcrnohan as workers.
''Keep on"' believing."
John Norberry.
\Ve arc still on the upward grade.
Last Sabbath was a bl essed day with
us here. Two souls were at the altar
in the morning and four at night. A
w.eek ago last '\Vednesday evening two
souls sought the Lord, and last Wed-
nesday evening three more did the
same. Our young people are very
earnest and enthusiastic for God. They
go to the street in mass after the Young
People's meeting, and God wonderfully
. honors and blesses their songs and tes-
timonies to the salvation of souls.
Five or more of our young people are
getting ready to go down to our Bible,
College to prepare ;for their life work.
We shall miss them verv much for the
time being, but we glad to have
them go since we have been there our-
selves and know how much it has meant
to us to have this glorious privilege.
The Bible course there has done us
more good than the four years univer-
sity course we took. An_,. one who c,an
help our yonng people get a good Bible
training will do well .to do so. We need
fire-baptized young. n1en, and women to
fill in the ranks as the older ones drop
off. God will help us to manufacture
our own preache1;,;; . ., \\' e are in for the
fight to t he finish.
A. 0. Henricks.
"" l("
The Nazarene church is still on top.
The Lord is still with ns. HaYe pur-
chased three lots on whi ch to build a
church and parsonage. '\Yill sell the
one we already owned, whi ch will help
in t he new deal. \Yc ask of yon Mes-
senger r eaders, can yon iwt spare a
dollar for this work iu the (apital city
of the inland c>mpire ? \Yc will be glad
if YOU c>an send us a dollar of the Lord's
money to help us along . . '\Yc need i t
right now. So if you are 1110\'Cd by the
Lord giYe us at l east a dollar ' lift.
Yoms in Jesns; thankfully,
C. Howard DaYis.
G17 Spofford A Yennc.
"" "" ""
The following District Assemblies are
l}ereby called, to meet as follows:
Rocky :Mountain District--Septem-
blijr 23, 1909, 9 a . nl. At Denver, Colo.
Chicago Central District-September
30, 1909, 9 a. m. ..:\.t Canton, Ill.
P. F. Bresee,
General Superintendent.
,.,. "" ""
Aug. 13 to 22, Tracy City, Tenn. Home
Camp Meeting.
Aug. 26 to Sept. 5, Nauvoo, Ala.
Sept. 6 to 30, Kansas and Oklahoma Dist.
October. General Missionary Board Meet-
ing. H. F. REYNOLDS, '
823 River St., Haverhill, Mass.
Nazarene Messenger
p; F. Bresee, Editor
R . Pierce, - Office Editor
C. J. Kinne, - Asst. Editor and.BUil. Mgr.
Enteroo at the post-office, Aug. 7, 1900, at Los
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There -is no closer kinship than that
which exists between really sanctified
p eople. Bought by the same price,
washed in the same precious blood,
called with t4e same holy calling, made
partakers of the same holy nature of
our Christ, and heirs of the same glory;
there can be no closer relationship.
This is in accord with the prayer of
our Lord : "That they all may be one."
It does not seem to he a necessity' for
this oneness, that they all .are members
of the same branch of the Christian
church. There is a wideness in God's
love. ,\hich is wider than the thoughts
and plans of man.
''For the love of God is broader
Than the measure of man's mind.''
Into all churchianity there enters
something of the human, and men may
very properly differ in thought and
judginent, but divine love overleaps
such boundaries an1. gathers to it's
bosom especially the Lord's own, every-
where. As to privilege or duty of mak-
ing organizations, such as churches or
associations for the purpose of preach-
ing the gospel of holiness, where there is
little or no seeming way to other-
wise, is a matter that must be left to
the individual thought an.d conscience,
with perfect love amid diversity of con-
It is eminently desirable, and we be-
lieve it to be the plan of God, that
church should be such that each per-
,]Vazarejl:e Messeng'er [August 19,,1909 -
son who is a member should be intensely devotion t.o . their convictions ami thEl
loyal to its work .. and fellowship, that truth as they see it.
people thus-pniting together should Some of us who hold them the
be workers together, relying upon e.ach same convictions; have felt called upon
other for their utmost effort and the to pursue a different course, that of-
blessibg of God for success. But the after meeting all to old
condition of a being SUCh that church go out_ l p-H]Cr
the real work ' for which a church' is the stars' and make new cenfers of fire,
for cannot be effici(mtly done or not at churches where the work
all within its' palei then the cpnditions can be . carried On and to which we Cal).
of. perfect loyalty are done a,-\,ay. The be loyal. Ir1 t his arduous' work
giving . or one's . self to outside things we have had the sympathy of Dr. Fow-
. especially to the organi- ler and seme others who have felt called
zation of outside agencies, saps the to pursue a different course, and in the
foundations of chur ch, loyalty. We may pursuance of which they have had our
have our name with. a certain church, confidence and prayers. But there a1e
but if our mostly, or entirely, some who have a good degree of promi-
outside its. pale, especially if our con- nence as evangelists, who, because of
victions are such that we cannot do our this, have the ear of the holiness iwo-
work within its borders, . and we go ple, who take it upon themselves to say
forth to do it elsewhere, and especially hard things and utter sharp criticisms
of giving ourselve.s to t he organization against the Pentecostal Church of
of work outside, all know that we are Nazarene. When they hold meetings
not fully loyal to .the church where our for our churches, they say friendly
name is found. This may possibly be things, but in . other places attack us.
to a man credit-he suffers the con-
'Jtis for their sake and for the sake of
demnation of disloyalty to his ehtirch."' our churches in reference to them that
for consci.ence sake and for the sake we write these words. Brethren, we
of the gospel. But when we do this we may differ from you in methods, we not complain that the church where may not think it wise to be in r elations
our name is found does not regard us where a sectarian, denominational op-
as loyal tq)ts order and work. Neither position to holiness can command us to
can we justify ourselves b_y showing hold our peace, or to not lift up our
that this work which we ar e doing is voices in this place or that ; ,.,..e n1ay
what the o{ight to be doing. ha:ve thought it wise to throw off th is
Neither we as an individual so rep- yoke; but we still preach holi.ness in
resent the church in doing what the love; and are we not your brethren?
church refuses to do as to make it We are still.'1ovi"ng God, and can r c-
church work, so that our work is in any joice when evil is spoken of us ; but
sense denominational of that clenomi- brethren, does it redound to the glo.ry
nation. of God for you to thus do 1 Let us turn
And yet that the work of holiness
must be done, and i[\ some way by
combined and organized forces,. seems
clear to many of those who have ob-
tained the precious grace. To do this
a man niay be willing to acknowledge
lack of loyalty to the church of which
he is a member. Dr. Fowler, the presi-
dent of the Holiness Associa-
tion, a courageous defender of the
truth, and as is. well known, a mem-
ber of the Methodist church,
is r eported as saying, ''A man cannot
be loyal to the church, in the common
acceptation of .the t erm, and be true to
Christ. '' He also insists that ''you
m\}st go with the sanctified company."
Dr. Fowler has been true to his con-
victions and willing to suffer the oppro-
brium of this disloyalty to the church,
for the sake of holiness. A goodly num-
ber of heroic souls share : with hjpl the
Sall\e lot. . We llonor them for their
our blades on the enemy and not smile
each other.
That Christ r eally takes up his abode
in the hearts of the sanctified, and ns
the Son of God by the Holy Spirit
makes their bodies . his temples, is the
plain and oft r epeated teaching of the
New Testament.
It behooves us first to make sure that
this is true in o.ur individual experi-
ence,- and then to realize and enjoy the
glorioi:is ' fact more and more in onr
daily life. That this realization is very
dim with the vast of sanctified
souls, cannot be denied. .
Perhaps the surest sign of a growing
nearness to God and 'progress .in the
divine life, . is an increased conscious-
ness of the presence, personality, power
August: 19, -1909)
and methods of ap,prqach .to. and activ-
ity of the incarnated Word.
As regards His presence, He tells us
that, where two or are gathered
together in His' :riame; He is in their
midst; that' He is with His disCiples' al-
ways; everi unto the end of the age; that
no one can pluck them out Of His hand;
that the Father and the Son wiil make
their abode with him that keepeth His
w<ll'ds; that tlie Son will manifest Him-
self to him that hatli His command-
mrnts and keepeth them; and that He
at the door of the heart, in con-
stnnt readiness to come )n.
And as t'o His personality, we are
taught throughout the scriptures that
He is .very God, pre-existent, eternal,
coeval with the Father, clothed with all
the attributes of Deity, the fountain of
all life, the sustainer of all being; and .
so inseparably united with the other
persons of the Deity, that wherever the
Father is, there is the Son, and that the
Father and the Son are just as truly
present in and with the Holy Spirit on
earth, as .the Holy Spirit is present with
and in the Father and the Son in
}n the eigl_1th chapter of the gospel
by Luke, we have a marvelous setting
forth of the power and of the
1\-li ght.y Messiah, the Master and Lord
of all that is. We here see that He ab-
solutely dominates demons, disease and
death, and that all the fo.r ces of nature
instantly and unhesitatingly obey His
It is interesting, too, to notice. His
methods of action, and how human be- .
ings may avail themselves of His al-
power. In the case of the
de111oniac, Christ took the initiative,
and C'ast ont the legion by his will , un-
cxplessed in language, and without be-
ing invoked by human lips. In the in-
stance of the woman who pressed
through the throng and touched the
border of His garment, His glorious
power was brought into. action by the
merc touch of faith, and nothing was
said, in the first place, either by the
woman or by; Christ.
Rut, as he stood in the presence of
death, His method changed. First, we
note the number seven, so fraught with
. significance thrp!Jghout the Bible.
Jesus in the close to him the fair
form of the dead girl, and around them
her pl).rents and the three disciple.s who
kept in closest touch with the Master.
. Next, we note that .Jesus was there as
a result of intercession . upon the part
of .r airus, tl}e fa, ther of the damsel ; and,
lastly that . the .. :word of . Christ . brought
back the vagran:t spirit of-the child
thrilled her with the tides of
resurrection : _ . .
in to the , cry of His
apostles,- " .Master awake;'? and quelled
and quieted : tli;e tempest \vit,h : His
spoken word .. . ' ' . . . . ' . . -
Let us that the, who
dwells in om; is the same yes-
terday; today and forever; that all
power in heaven: ' and in eArth is given
unto him; arid that he is. able to do for
us "exceeding 'abundantly above all
that we are able to ask or think. ''
Notes andPersonah
Bro. Fluck is supplying the pulpit at
the Pasadena church for a :tiew \veeks.
Rev. Charles: V. La.b"ontaine has re-
moved from 374 W. 43rd street to 4312
S. Figueroa street. The. telephone num-
ber will be the same as before,. South
3690. .
Rev. U. S. Ratnsey and family ex-
pect to leave Evansville, Ind., about
September 1 for Upland, Cal., where h e
has been called to the pastorate of our
church. ;
Bro. J. C .. Bearse, pastor at Clifton-
dale, Mass., has accepted a call to be
assistant pastor of the John Wesley
Church in- Brooklyn, N. Y., of which
Bro. Hoople is pastor.
The first annunl camp meeting of the
Southern California District is now in
full swing on the German camp grounds,
South Hollywood. Take Bimini BathS
car to end of Western Ave. line.
would it not be well, especially for
the last Sunday of the district camp
meeting, for all our churches to omit
the Sunday afternoon and evening ser-
vices and make a grand rally for the
last day of the camp.
. Rev . . B. Jernigan, Superintendent
of the Oklahoma District, writes that
more than twenty church have been or-
ganized this year and many new church
buildings erected. Good for Oklahoma
District. 'fhis movement is moving.
. Rev. C. A. Bromley, our pastor at
Louisville, Ky., has resigned his charge
to enter the evangelistic field. Bro.
. Bromley has been very successful in his
work at Louisville, but lias an evan-
gelistic nature, and feels he must be
out in more aggressive work.
The at the Grand A venue
Church during the district camp meet-
ing will be as follows: The Sabb11th
l be
as lisual ' to
aceomtuodate' the number
of newcomers -. the. neighborhood,
and the Sabbath morning preaching
ser\riceand week night meeting-will .be
Bro. Speros D. Athens, who
. ated from the Pacific Bible College in
June last, . has been granted a
er's license by the First Church of Chi-
cago, of which he is a member. He
a worthy young man, having gradu-
ated ,\rith honors, and is now in earnest
work among the Mexicans of Bak ers-
field, Cal., where God is blessing his
labors. It pays to help young men like
this through our Bible College.
.;I ,JJ .JI
The service& at First Church, this
city, will not be suspended during the
Camp-meeting, except on Sabbath
afternoons.. will be preaching
next Sabbath morning.and evening as
usual. The Camp-meeting committee
have kindly tendered us some of their
best preachers, for which we are
thankful. P. F. B.
.. .. .JI
The tent meeting in Pomona, Cal.,
closed Sunday night with victory. A
number have been saved and sancti-
fied, and gave glad testimony to the
blessing received in this
The little band of faithful Naza-renes
have been much encouraged and take
up the work with new energy to
establish it on a firm foundation.
The congregations have been
good, and many have become inter-
ested in our work, some never having
heard of the experience of full salva-
tion. And while it may seem strange,
yet it is evident that there are many,
even in this "old burned-over dis-
trict," who - have not heard of this
precious experience. We find ll'any
hungry hearts who gladly receive thE
Word when presented and stand by
us nobly in this battle. The ali-day
meeting, with Dr. Bresee as leader,
was a precious day with a feast of
fat things, and earnest seek-
ers found the "pearl of great price."
Already this noble band have given
over $300 to secure a place of worship,
and hope to raise $600 in a few weeks.
They have bought a lot in a good
location, which has a building upon it
suitable . to arrange into a neat and
comfortable church. with ::;ufficient
room for a parsonage. This will give ..
them a foothold and a great oppor-
tunity to reach the people. A number
of good, devoted people pledged them-
selves to stand by the work and to
unite with the church. When their
new pastor shall arrive on the field to
lead the people on. we may expect a
forward march to sure victory.
Los Angeles and Vicinity
It has been said that ''the Sabbath is
the jeweled clasp that binds the golden
leaves of the :week together. "
seems especially true at First Chwch.
The days are golden-every servie'e of
the week crowned with divine glory-
but the Sabbaths are resplendent with
heavenly benedictions. Though in the
.midst of the summer time, . rarely has
there been a day than last Sab-
bath. The audiences were good and the ..
manifest presence of the Master thrilled
all hearts. At 11 o'clock Dr. Bresee
preached from Isa. 1 :1S' and Psahns
41:7. He referred to the picture
brought out in the fifth chapter of Rev-
elation, wherein the Lamb of God takes
from thehand of Him who sitteth upon
the throne, the sealed book of destiny,
and breaking the seals, and opening the
book, blots out the record with His
own .blood, and turns it into a book of
life and writes in it the name of the re-
deemed soul. lie painted the darkness
. of sin and the dawn of the new hope.
He illustrated the way by the histories
connected with the two texts. There
was intense interest and much blessing,
and . eight persons received into the
church, as follows: B. J. Franklin and
Mrs. B. J. Franklin, College; Mr. and
1\irs. C. \Y. Benton, :Marion Benton, .
Edith Benton, Venice; Martha C.
Whitehead, 634 Grand avenue, and Mrs.
M. J. Phye, 641/
:Maple avenue, Los
In the afternoon Rev. l\I. M. Deitz
brought the message, reading Phil.
4 :1-9, and commenting in a most help-
ful, edifying way, which was followed
uy a testimony meeting of great power.
The spirit of the meeting was deep,
unctuous and triumphant. One of the
brethren said, ''There is no other such
a place on earth.'' And this seems to
those who drink of the deep waters to
be true. Such heights and depths of
blessing we have rarely seen and felt.
At night Rev. R. F. Marshall
preached from He b. 3 :11 : ''So I swore
in my "-rath," they shall not enter into
my rest. ' ' He dwelt upon the Canaan
rest of Perfect Love, and of the sad
condition of those who came to the
border line and saw the way, but
through fear or unbelief turned back
to find ' 'shadow, darkness and death.''
The sermon was blessed of the Lord
and six persons, mostly young men:
came to the altar, and as the multitude
prayed, God answered and the glory of
the Lord was upon the people as the
seekers found the riches of His grace,
and the redeemed shouted a great
Three souls have been saved this
week, one at the Thursday night prayer
meeting (an answer to a wife's request
of the previous week), and a father arid
Nazarene Messenger
mother of a cradle roll baby on Sabbath
morning. Bro. Guy, a young man who
had the unfortunate. inheritance of an
appetite for strong drink and tobacco
told us in his. message Thursday of
God's power to deliver to the utter-
most when the soul means business, and
how grace had renewed soul, bodv and
spirit in his case. Bro. Fluck reJoiced
us by his presence and by his exhorta-
tion to be just' as active in the service
of the Lord as we were in the service
of the devil, and to be in a. place where
the Lord can depend on us to speak for
Him anywhere and under any circum-
stance. Several dear ones were ' 1el-
comed home from their vaeation. ;
Sunday morning Rev. R. A. McCann
of Indianapolis, Ind., brought us an
earnest message from the text, ''Be
filled with the Spirit," rind told us how
God had called bini. to the ministrv
from t}le drug business.
In the evening, Bro. Kiuur. with
manifest power of the Holy Spirit.
dwelt on the first seven verses of th<
2d chapte of Ephesians, leading np to
histext in the 8th verse, "For by grare
are ye saved through faith; and that
not of yourselves; it is the gift of
God.'' He especially emphasized the
three last words of the third verse, that
we all were ''even as others'' in rela-
tion to the sin question, and that "c
had to realize our helplessness, and cry
to, God to . undertake for us.
We had an enthusiastic Brotherhood
meeting. Two of the members are
street car men, and although hereto-
fore released from Sabbath work sinee
they have been saved, under 11 nPw
order, they were called to go to work
ag_ain, but they both with shining
sa1d they would not give up their ex-
perience for any job, and were more
determined than ever before to '' ohl'y
God rather than men." C. D. C.
God is with us, leading on from vic-
tory to victory. Burdens for the un-
saved are deepening on the hearts of
the saints here, which will mean salva-
tion to many. Our Bro. Griffin is full
of zeal, courage and the Holy Ghost
and doing a good work in visiting the
homes of the people. Some who never
come to the church may be reached
through the street meetings which are
. and Saturday
evemngs, and an mv1tat10n given to all
to attend the services at the church.
We are going on and the J.Jord is doing
wonderful things for us, "whereof we
are glad." We believe prayer will
bring results. .
. .. Our Young People's meetings are a
precious inspiration to all, and how our
God does lead them on step step to
His very best. Praise God for a sal va-
tion that keeps the young folks as well
as the middle-aged and old folks. '"I.;Ve
haye a. school and deep-
enmg m We are praying
[AuguAt 19, 1909
for the camp . meeting and some are
planning to attend. . E. F. D.
Sunday, August 9, we had the verv
privilege of preaching to Ol;r
little band of Nazarenes at Latin Sta-
tion. We find it is under such cond i-
tions and in su'ch places that real jewels
exist; and thanks to God there are some
in Latin that shine with divine bril-
limfcy, and we . believe they can be re-
lied upon to represent Christ and
organized holiness in this very needy
field. Pray for Latin and do answ<>r
yonr own prayer by helping in some
way to secure a little church here.
know itJ is not forgotten by both our
General and District Superintendr nt.
God bless them.
T. S. l\Iashburn.
$ ,JIC
I3attle hard here, lmt glorious. Halk-
lujah! Splendid crowds, both day and
night. Some have prayed through 1o
real victory. Glory! A dyed-in-th ...
wool lVI. E. man and wife gloriously rp.
claimed, then sanctified. Expecti11a
greater victories this week Amen! "
The meeting at was very
blessed. Some really struck the glor.v,
a_nd there were some startling conf<s.
s10ns, reparations and restitution madr.
Splendid crowds. Had one healinu
service at one of the morning meetiug;,
which was powerful every way. "\t
no place have we had so good congrl'-
gahons at the 9 a. m. Bible r r adings.
Nothing attracts like the old Book
Amen. '"I.;Ve expect to continue the
meeting after the camp meeting. Bless
God for real victory and soul rest, and
more and more are we determined to
lie on our faces in persistent prnv<r
wl,1ich will prevail. '
Fred St. Clair.
.JC _,c _,c
.We are still pushing the battle
against sin in this town and the Lord
is giving us the victory, of course. '"I.;Ye
have had seekers after God at almost
every service; most of these were clenr
cases of ::;alvation. Good attendances
in the meetings, both in the church and
This week we move our new Naza
rene Mexican mission on to a corner lot
given to us, in to prayer, by a
good Qld Presbyterian lady.
God blessing his own work among
the Mexicans here. We have been here
already two weeks. we are likely to
stay a little longer. The Bakers:fleld 's
sun has not quite baked me yet.
You need not look for me down in
Egypt's sand.''
S. D. Athans.
August 19, 19091
In arranging for the annual meet-
ing of the _General Missionary
;;vhich the incorporation of the soCiety
alrcclf; shall be held at Chicago, . the
president of th.e Board designated Oc-
tober 5, 1909f 2 p. m., at First Church,
Chicago, as the date and place of the
meeting . .
meeting as is practicable with the con-
ditions which confront us, and that the
executive committees will consider the
suggestions made, "and do as they may
find wise and necessary.
The Purity Journal
A monthly magazine devoted
to rescue work and social pur-
- ity. This is an ably-edited and
well-gotten-up journal which
deserves the support of all
Christian people.
Onr church missionary matters are
divided into three divisions coveri-ng in
a general way the east, south and west,
reprcf;enting the churches which formed
the general union, and which is man-
aged hy an executive committee of the
Genctal Board.
'fhc General Board is l arge, consist-
ing of forty members widely scattered
over t he whole country. The pressure
of hoth the foreign and home work
upon the resources of the society is so
great in each division t]:lat it seemed
impraeticable for the executive boards
of the divisions to pay the expenses of
the members of the Board iu their divi-
sions to the annual meeti ng In order
to insure some proper repres .. of
each division, the president ami general
secretar y of the Boar.! took the oppor-
tunity in connection with the issue of
the call to suggest to the executive com-
mittees of each division that they ar-
range and provide for the attendance
of one representative member from that
At least a part of the General Super-
intcnclcnts can arrange their work so
as to be in the vicinity of the meeting
so that their attendance could be pro-
vided for at little cost, and some mem-
bers of the Board being r esident in and
near Chicago, and the resources of some
othe1s might be such as to enable them
to come.
It having been also suggested that
the divisions unite in the expense of the
coming of the president of the Board.
This would bring together a r epre-
sentative body of the General Board,
who would be qualified by their knowl-
edge of the mission work and of the
con<lition of t h e church, together with
such suggestions from those who might
not'lw able to be present as they should
find it possible to make, to consider and
to arrange for the work.
Of course all of this, outside of the
arranging of the time and the calling
of the meeting of the Board, was en-
tirely and only suggestive, and the .
whole matter lies with the individual
members of the Board, and such help-
ful arrangements as each executive
committ ee of the division may be able
to render.
-It is especially desirable and neces-
sary thatJ there be such attendance as
. shall ensure proper consideration and
provi sion for the whole work.
- -'fhe suggestion in connection with
the call as to the probable time to at-
tend to the work at the meeting was
also altogether tentative, as it will be
necessary to take full time to consider
carefully all of the work.
We trust that there will be as full a
P. F . Bresee,
H. F . Reynolds,
E. P. Ellyson,
.JI .:s
Fruit and Vegetables.
A large amount of fruit is being put
up at the College. Many of the friends
have shipped in fruit and busy hands
have prepared and canned it.
There is to a large family, and
friends who raise vegetables and fruit
can greatly-h elp by sending from time
to time potatoes, turnips, cabbage; to-
matoes, etc., together with all kinds of
fruit in their season. The College opens
September 13th.
The prospects for the attendance at
the College the comiug year are very
flattering. There is already a large cor-
respondence from those desiring cata-
logues and to arrange to attend. It
looks as if there would be all that can
be accommodated. \Ve should like to
know as soon as possible all who desire.
to arrange to come, and we will try and
make good provision.
Fred C. Epperson,
517 Byrne Buildipg,
J.JOS Angeles, Cal.
$ $ $
The Nazarene Publishing Co. will
carry in stock the Books in the Course
of Study for Licensed Preachers and
Evangelists. :Mail Orders will be
promptly filled. For further informa-
tion write The Nazarene Publishing Co.,
inclosing a stamp fol' reply, and they
will furnish you with all the needed
information with reference to cost of
books, etc.
H. F. Reynolds.
Editor, is also in charge of
the at Arlington, Tex.
Send 10 cents for sample copy
(ask for the June No.)
Subscription price, $1 per yr.
The Purity Journal
Special Book Offer
Plain Account of Christian Perfec-
tion. Wesley.
Experience of Hester Ann Rogers.
God Love, by C. S. Eby.
Gospel Stamps (120 in a book).
Five Steps to Entire Sanctification;
16-page tract, by P. F. Bresee.
Holiness. 16-p:, by C. F. Walker.
Man's Desire to Know God. Ser-
mon by Rev. John Short.
Missionary Sermon, by Mrs. llos& .
Potter Crist.
Send 25c for this Collection
of Books and Tracts
Gospel Stamps
New. Unique, Attractive: a picture and t ext On
every stamp.. Suitable for placing on. pa-
pers. books. etc. Cheaper and more effect ive than
tracts. 120 stamps in boOk (60 varietie), lOc per
book; 3 for 25c. Agents Wanted.
IIAZAREHE PUB. 730 San Pedro St., los Angeles, Cal

Central Holin.ess 1/niversity

EPARTMENTS: College of Liberal Arts, Civil Engineerin.g, Academy, School of The-
ology, Normal School, School of Oratory, School of Music. Common Branches for
those who need them._ Essentials of Commercial Course- Bookkeeping, Shorthand,
Typewriting, Penmanship, etc. _
New, modern buildings and equipment. Location unsurpassed in beauty. Healthful cli-
mate, good water. Strong faculty of experienced educators and college-trained teachers.
Strong courses; thorough work; spiritual influence unexcelled .
Enrollment last year (third year of its history) 483. In three years the town of
University Park, composed of about sixti houses, has sprung up. It is composed of Holiness
people and has a may:or and town counci who govern in the fear of the Lord and co-operate
with the University. - Prohibitory clause on liquor and tobacco in every deed made by the
University. Lots selling rapidly to those who desire a safe place to educate their children,
'Place of the great Camp-Meeting of the National and Iowa Holiness Associations. lv esti-
gate before going PlsewhPre to school or locating.
Fall term opens Sept. 14th, 1909. Write for large catalog and read the wonderful history
of this great school. It will strengthen your faith. -
B. W. AYRES, PH. D., Acting President Univerailg Parlt. O.ltaiOOtHJ. IOUJa.
The Eaton Rapids camp closed last
Sabbath night. This was the twenty-
fourth annual meeting of the Michigan
State Holiness Camp Meeting Associa-
In the judgment of all whom we have
h eard express themselves this year's
meeting was one <'>f the best in the his-
tory of the association. No doubt in
my mind that in spirit and resultfulness
it was the best of the three years in
which I have been here.
Many times the long altar was
crowded with seekers and cleared by
waves of salvation. Great grace and
glory rested on the hosts of holiness.
Hart and Magann were my main
evangelistic colleagues. Bro. Magann
is a S\Yeet singer and a very efficient
leader of holy song, and Bro. Hart
stands straight and strong for full sal-
vation. The Lord is greatly owning the
of these two men, whom I first
met nearly twenty years ago. They
were then connected with Dr. Carra-
eline's in St. Louis, where I was
holding meetings. ' Nearly ever since
that time they have been united and
successful in evangelistic w,ork.
It fell to my lot here to preach every
morning. The Lord my helper has
anointed and sustained me in this min- .
istry, and has confirmed the words with
signs following.
I have been urgently invited to re-
turn here for the camp in 1910. The
"'management and people seem unwill-
ing to take ".no" for . a!). answer.. I will
be gl ad to accept their kind invitation,
should the Lord so lead. But in these
trans-continental trips great is the ex-
penditure of time, strength and money.
However, with me it is always as He
l eads.
Hitherto I have departed from camp
grounds as soon as possible after the
close of the meeting. But this time I
have tarried for two days, in hopes of
quiet and rest before my next meeting.
Quiet is here, but in it I find little rest.
The deserted :camp seems so lonely.. I
miss the confused, glorious sounds of
the camp meeting battle. Last night,
alone in the evangelists' cottage, while
I lay on my couch, through all the hours
of the night vainly courting slumber,
the following sentiments were in my
heart, and I got up and gave .them
crude expression from my pencil point.
Any sympathetic so'ul who has tarried
on the grounds after a great camp
meeting is over, and the place has be-
come .deserted, will understand my sen-
timents, if he cannot appreciate my
''poetry'' :
'fhe tents are folded and gone;
.Cottages stand empty and lone;
The preachers have fled;
The people have sped :
And I am l eft alone.
.The birds seem bewildered and dumb;
'fhe atmqsphere sleepy a:pd numb,;
, The .is
Hushed is the riot:
Nazarene Messenger
Gone are the feet that pattered;
Sealed are the lips that chattered;
Stilled are the. dishes that clattered;
Silenced the no.if!e that sleep scattered:
And I am left alone.
The tabermicle now silent stands :
No longer ar e seen uplifted hands ;
Departed the bands
To various 'lands :
And I am left alone.
The bell has tolled its adieu;
The platform, altar and p.ew
Stand empty and bare-
For no one is there:
And I am left alone.
Glad me! our labors were blest;
God did His own word attest,
And by His Spirit arrest :
To Jesus some ca;me for r est,
And some found His own very best,
Who in whitest raiment were drest..:__
Sinners by score-
Saints many more:
Still J am left alone.
Yet never alone am I,
Though all of earth pass on and die,
And leave me to sigh and to cry :
My heavenly Lord is nigh:
He most dear
Is always near.
When all these tears are past
He '11 take me home at last,
Through the gates above yonder sky,
To live with Him ever on high.
1'he last altar call has been pressed;
The last word of counsel expressed;
Opportunity's door
Stands open no more :
And I am left alone.
The last benediction has been spoken;
The final farewell-love's token-
The wave of the hand
To yonder fairland:
And I h ave been left alone.

Ah, me! those days of travail,
As we pled within the vail!
That prayers might avail;
And truth might prevail :
But I am left alone.
$ $' $
Greetings to all from over the moun-.
tain range: .. with genuine joy and
pleasure that . we are accorded this
honor of meetilig you through the valu-
abl e and wholesome channel of the
Messenger. . We are well, working
hard, pushing ahead, witnessing bless-
. . triumphs in ' His cause, making glo-
rious advancement in divine life, busy
all the time, hands, hearts arid 1ives.full
of good work. Never loved the holy
people :p.ever carried such Qur-
dens for lost : s.Qu1s as now; . never ep-
joyed the experience . and sure testi-
mony Of., Bil>le holiness thim at
this. '-vriting ... ;Work had s.uch
lastmg charms or Qur hearts ; truth
never seemed so precious; its procla-
[August 19, 1009
mation 1vas never so s\veet 'to: our ow
hearts; and prayer, sec1'et and public
never was so sa.cred to our n)inds and
as Praise the Lo.rd!
year 1s provmg to . be the greatest anil
most triumphant campaigns of many
years. To Jesus be all the glory. Our
last camp. was Spring Lake camp;
Homer; La. Here we had a groat meetl
ing-many found God and great grace
'was upon all.
The' fifth. annual camp of the Monroe
County Holiness Association opened
here, Goss, Mo.; August 6; . will close
Sunday night. The Lord is here hi
power, glory and grace. Our fall slate
is full, and calls are coming for winter
work may be addressed us at Ringwood
Okla., if our services are needed and
Allie and Emma Irick.
Herald and Presbyter
Leading Presbyterian Paper
of the United States."
The Herald and Presbyter has a
strong editorial corps, the largest force
of regular contributois, and the widest
circulation of any church paper.
It publishes Weekly reports from all
sections of this country and foreign
lands in which Presbyterianism is rep-
Its weekly discussion of the Sabbath
School Lessons, Prayer Meeting and
Young People's Topics is the standard.
Its General News department is of
recognized value. Important current
events are reviewed and commented
In its "Home Circie" many of the
l eading serials of the past three gen-
erations have first been published. Jt
contains every week stories by the best
American authors.
Its "Home and Farm" is distinc-
tively for the housekeeper, and is in-
valuable to the progressive home-
Subscription, $2.50 per year. Sample
copies free.
1\Ionfort & Co., Publishers, 422 Elm
street. Cincinnati. 0.
Pins ...
We have a new s upply of Nazarene
Pins. The Nickel-plated, su'ch as
we have he retofore sold, and a new
kind made of Abalone shell with
black lettering .
25c each
Nazarene. Publishing
August 19, W09]
Our Young People
A sculptor once showed a visitor his
studio. It was full of gods. One was
very curious. 'fhe face was concealed
by being covered with hair, and there
were .wings on each foot.
"What is his name?" said the spec-
"Opportunity," was the r eply.
"Why is his face hidden?"
''Because men seldom know him
when he comes to them."
"Why has he wings on his feet?"
"Because h e is soon gone, and, once
gone, can never be overtaken.''
Boys and girls take advantage of
youl' opportunities.
Do not permit your body to be your
master. If you do, you will riot be a
man. but a kind of animal and a poor
spccimen- at that. . On every side we
see men and boys whose bodies are their
masters ; their appetites rule them; and
in all their faces may be seen the mark
of the b east. This one, by yielding to
secl'!!t appetites or poisoning himself
with bad habits is weak and pitiful,
whil e another is coarse and beastly.
Gi ve God your hear t--your soul-let
His word be a law to your mind, and
the -love and graces of Jesus Christ hold
swn.v in your heart. Then a light will
shine through the windows of your soul
whirh will make others think of the
glol' y of heaven instead of the earthli-
ness of earth.
'J'he backyard had taken on a highly
mili tary aspect .. 'fher e were soldiers
with broomsticks, an officer with wood-
en sword, a proud boy with a flag t oo
large for him, and a "band" with a
gayly painted dtum, which he was
ben t ing furiously. Only little Robbi e
sal fol'lornly on the steps and looked
011. A t r eacherous bit of glass ba d dis-
ahiPcl his foot, and he could not k eep
np \i ith the army.
"I can do nothing, " he said, diseon-
"Yes, you can," answered Captain
Frccl. "Yon can hurrah when the r est
go hy. ''
F:>o t he little fellow kept hi s post,
watching through all the marehing and
counter-marching, often l eft quite
alone while t he troops traveled in an-
othr r direction. but he n ever failed to
swing hi s small cap and raise his shrill
ehccr when they appeared.
The others were playing hero, but he
Was much nearer to being a r eal one.
It is not easy to f eel .like hurrahing for
those who can go forward where
must stop, to forget our own disap-
pointment in cheering those who are
doing what we long to do and cannot,
and to rejoice in the success of those
'ivho are filling the place we wanted for
Nazarene Messenger.
ourselves. 'l'o bewail onr helplessness,
to grow bitter and serious because of it,
'is natural, but it takes high courage
and sweetness to stand aside and
"cheer while the rest go by. "-Ex.
Two young were talking
about the service of Christ. One of
t hem said:
"I can't tell you a 11 that the Lord
Jesus is to me, or what he has done for
me. .I do wish you would enlist in his
"I am t hinking about it,"- answere(l
his comrade, "but it means giving np
several things- in fact, I am counting
the cost. "
An offi cer passing at t hat monwnt
overheard t he last r PJua rk, and, laying
his hand on t he shoulder of t he speak-
er, he said:
"Young .. friend, you talk of counting
the cost of following Christ, but have
you ever counted thP 0f 11 0t fol-
lowing hind"
For days that question rang in the
ears of the young man. and he fonnd no
rest till he sought and found it at the
f eet of the Savior of Sinners. whose
faithful soldi er and senant he has now
been for twenty-seven years.- Seleeted.
Books ...
. Author- Evangelist
Truths As I Have Seen Them $1.00
The Sign of Thy Coming . . 1.00
Methodist Theology vs. Methodist
Theologians 1.00
These books are from thP pen of an able,
cl ear and stronl! writer. The r eader is not
left in doubt as to any point that he treats.
730 San Pedro St. Los Ange les, Cal.
Holiness College
Dear Reader Interested in New Mex-
ico_: .. 4IJ
The Southwestern Holiness College is
located at La Lande, N. Mexico, in a
beautiful, clean little town right against
a reserve of a hundred and twenty
thousand acres. half of which will soon
be irrigated with water from the Pecos
river . About five miles away, fifteen
thousand acres are being put under the
ditch and grow from fifty to one hun-
dred dollars of alfalfa a year and vege-
tables and fruits in propcrtion. Some
of these lands may be filed on soon.
work on buildings and grounds will
strut at once and t he college will ope
v th a camp meP.t ing in October. l ed b:v
Hev. E. A. Fergerson. . :Much land is
open for tiling, and some fine bargains
in lots and deeded lands n' car the col-
lege. \Vrite for any information de-
Yonr brother in Christ,
Smith's Smaller Scripture History . 80
Theological Com pend. (Ellyson) , . 75
Manual of the Church .25
Weslev's Five Sermons . .25
Quiet Talks on Power (Gordon) .80
Preacher and Praver ( Bouncls) . .30
None Like It (Par ker) $1.25; paper .60
We can supply the whol e four-years' course
a nd will publish prices later.
730 San Pedro St.. Los Angeles
Texas Holiness University, PENIEL, TExAs
Holiness School of Strong Character, with Competent Faculty and Thorough
Scholarship. Indorsed by the General Assembly of the
Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene
LITERARY WORK: Primary, Acad
emy, College, Theology, Normal,
Elocution. Careful attention is given.
to each pupil. Satisfied pupils is our-
and Greek courses. Bible work equal s
that done in any training school. Ex-
cellent place to prepare for e ither
home or foreign work.
direct from this department to good
paying positions. Best methods in
Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Type-
writing. No better Business College
The Auditorium-:;One of our Three La11re Buildings in the South.
MUSIC CONSERVATORY: Cannotbesurpassed by any school in the South. Com-
petent, experienced teachers, Voice, Piano, Organ, Violin, Viola, Cello, Mandolin,
Guitar, Wind and Reed Instruments. Band, Orchestra and Mandolin Club.
I Low Pricee, Thorough Work. .
t_=::rated Catalog. REV. E . P. ELLYSON. B.S., Pres.
li, 00--
Helpful Reading.

The press dispatches spreading
the n ews of the good . fortune that
came to an old soldier in New York
City recently by examining a copy of
the Bible that had been left to him.
This is the story: "Steve Marsh, who
for many weary years has been living
on a pension of $12 a month, which he
earned during the Civil War, took
-down 'Bible left .. him
thirty-five years ago by his aunt, Sarah
' 'The Bible was in a good state of
preservation, save for the fact that the
dust of thirty-five years was on its
bindings. Steve Marsh had not in his
seventieth year suddenly become a
Bible student. He did not intend to
delve into the Scriptures. He was
merely endeavoring to ascertain
whether it were better to give the vol-
ume to the next door neighbor or leave
it for next p erson who his
hall room.
"For Marsh .was going. to Denver to
spend his last years with his son, and
he reasoned there would be plenty of
Bibles in the Colorado city if he de-
sired to read one.
''Carelessly his fh,.1gers scraped the
leaves of the boo:K. Suddenly the
digits stopped. There was something
in this Bible of which he had not been
informed. A dollar bill was between
its pages. No longer did .he hesitate.
He examined every leaf from Genesis
to Revelation with a care as great and
as eager as that .displayed by .the most
famous theologian. He even went over
the pages from birth and death entries
and the index.
'' Wheri he had completed the task
$4,867 laid before him. He looked at it
and sighed. For thirty-five years this
money had been in the Bible and he
had been living on $12 a month.
"He went to a pay telephone and
called the railroad station. 'Hello!' he
said. 'Can you. change a second-class
ticket to a first-class? And, by the
way, reserve me a drawing-room to
Denver. Dining car all the way?
Good. Wait a minute, mister, I'll give
you a tip. It pays to read the Bible.'
''When Steve Marsh took a taxicab
to the Grand Central station he held
the Bible clasped close to his breast."
This mari was jubilant over finding
some bank notes in the Bible, but he
entirely overlooked the precious treas-
ures contained in the truths taught in
the good book. Had he been inclined
to search its pages for truth, he would
long since have been rewarded by find-
ing the money. He did not know what
he.1 was missing. This is the case of
thousands who neglect reading the
Word of the Lord. The Psalmist knew
somethin.g about the value of the Bible
' when he penned, !'The law jf the Lord
ishing and reject the gift of God and
riches eternaL-Free Methodist.
Strange that poor humanity will put
a false estimate on that which is per-
is perfect, converting the soul: the tes-
timony of the Lord is sure, making wise
the simple. The statutes of the Lord
are right, rejoicing the heart: the com-
mandment of the Lord is pure, enlight- .
ening the eyes. The fear of the Lord .
is clean, enduring for ever: the judg-
ments of the Lord are true and right-
eous altogether. More to be desired
are they than gold, yea, than much fine
gold: sweeter also than honey and the
honeycomb. Moreover bY them is Thy
-se1vant '\v.arned: and in . keeping of
-them there is great reward."
He further said: ''Thy Word is a
lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my
path.'' This is the light that every
man needs to illuminate his way
through this dark world of sin.
The Lord Jesus said: "Search ,the
Scriptures; for in them ye think ye
have eternal life: and they are they
which testify of me." "There is a mine
of imperishable riches for every one
who will sincerely search the Book of
Having noticed the advertisement in
the Messenger of the book, "Seventh
Day Adventism Renounced," by Elder
Canright, I wish to add my endorse-
ment to same, having read the book and
believing it to be a complete refutation
of one of the most subtle heresies of the
times. I know how that heresy },las
been used to impede, if possible, the
work of holiness, and realize the im-
. portance of holiness preachers and peo-
ple being well-grounded in the truth.
In this connection there are two other
books I wish to commend, viz., ''Sun-
day, the True Sabbath of God," by S.
W. Gamble, and ''Sunday Is the Sab-
f August 19, 19tJ9
bath Pay," by N. T. Whitaker. I sup.
pose the N a.Zarene PuQlishing Company
would furnish them. They are well
worth a careful reading, and cannot
fail to help. all those who wish light
on the Sabbath question.
Will Co,nvict, Inspire and Bless
Apples of Gold; . .
Or Words Fitly Spoken.
Being a Compilation of the brief Spiritual
Heart Messages which have appeared on the
first page of the MESSENGER during the past
two years.
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Wfth portrait, and introduction
by Dr. Bresee.
Price 25 Cents
by mail.30c; in lots of 10$2.
In cloth. 60 cent.
Address Author,
730 .San.Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
TRACTS By Rev. R. Pierce.
mary Purpose.
WHY .. WE SHOULD BE HOLY.' :words to
the Justified.
Them Up.
Pr!ce 20c. per doz.; $1.00 per 100, postpaid:
OUR HOLY BUSINESS. "Be ye kind one
to another.''
lOc. per doz.; 50c. per 100, postpaid.
730 San Pedro St. , Los Angeles, Cal. .
Pentecostal Songs of the Nazarene
156 Songs, also select Psalms and Readings. A large number of
songs never before published. Round or shaped notes.
Manilla Cover, Postpaid, 15c
-5:.. 100 Not Postpaid - $12.00 .
we will deliver these books to any address for $13.00 per 100
REV. C. L. SHELBY, PARIS, TEXAS, says :-"I consider 'Pentecostalf>ongs
of the Nazarene' the best Song Book we have ever had. It is especially
adapted for revival work. It contains about forty new songs that h11ve never
come to us before, as well as a choice lot of old, tried songs. There is a &uffi-
cient number of older songs so that you will find no difficulty in taking the
book right up in your church meetings. I would especially call attention to
No. 10, Brother Martin's 'Glory Song, ' also No. 116, 'It's Real,' and No.
120, 'The Year of Jubilee.' This is the song the New England girls sung at
the General Assembly. Also No. 136, 'Mounting Up.' This No. of
the sweetest songs I have ever heard. These four songs alone are worth
more than the price of the book. It is just the book you need for your sum
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mer meetings.''
Nazarene Publishing Company
730 San Pedro Street 1

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