TWS 2009-2010 Issue 04

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106 years

Towards A Progressive Campus Press | vol. LXXXiI No. 4 | WEDNESDAY, 15 JULY 2009

The flu will pass -Dr. Ursos

By Deil Jossaine C. Galenzoga Despite reports of over 100 flu cases among Silliman University (SU) students during the past week, university physician Dr. Walden Ursos said that there is no reason for students to be alarmed. According to Ursos, the said outbreak is caused by the seasonal flu and not by the Influenza A(H1N1) or swine flu virus. Ursos also said that it is the time of the year when the ordinary flu usually breaks out due to the transition from summer to the rainy season. He added that currently, there are no confirmed nor suspected cases of Influenza A(H1N1) in Dumaguete. Also, SU Crisis Prevention Response Team convener Jose Mari Jonathan Antonio said that SU has remained free of the swine flu virus so far. On the other hand, residents of the different regular and cooperative dormitories on campus were also affected by the seasonal flu outbreak. Silliman Medical Center Foundation Inc. (SMCFI) also implemented a triage system, a prioritizing of patients for medical treatment and close monitoring, because of the huge number of students who come to SMCFI for check-ups. Ursos explained that since the seasonal flu is transmitted through personal contact, and the dormitory residents are usually in close contact with each other, it is most likely the coughing and sneezing that caused the spread of the virus among them. According to Rev. Praxides Puracan, dormitory manager of Larena Hall, there are about seven, out of the 116, residents with fever. This number excludes those that were not reported to her. Some residents, Puracan said, have cough and colds. The same is almost true at Edith Carson Hall. According to Noemi Costan, dormitory manager, there were about ten out of 114 residents who had fever. Fortunately, the number has gone down to two this week. Cough and colds are still prevalent among residents. At Doltz Hall, assistant dormitory manager Elsa Mae Aliabon said there are now only about two people with fever. More than 10 There had previously been more than ten residents. Also, contrary to common belief that the seasonal flu virus, like the H1N1virus, can be transmitted through air, Dr. Ursos said the virus is transmitted through droplets. This means that air conditioners do not aid in transmitting the virus because the droplets are too heavy to travel through air, said Dr. Ursos. Moreover, Dr. Ursos said there are ways to prevent people from catching the infection. One of which is proper personal hygiene. The flu virus, he explained, dies easily with even just soap and water. He also suggested the practice of coughing etiquette (covering your mouth when you cough) and social distancing (no hugging, kissing, standing too close to another person, etc.).

BRAVO! Most internationally-awarded Filipino concert pianist Jovianney Emmanuel Cruz performs a piece during his concert Fortissimo: Celebrating 40 Years of Performances at the Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium last July 10. PHOTO BY Ebony-Arianne G. Lautner

SU Law pioneers lectures on podcasts

By Karla Krystle W. Lezama As part of the efforts to upgrade the colleges technology, the Silliman University College of Law (SU Law) will be the first law school in the Philippines to use podcasts as learning tools for their students. Using podcasts, law students will be able to download videos or audios of their professors lectures. Podcasts are digital media files that are distributed over the Internet and can be played back on a computer or personal player upon downloading. There is no other law school in the country that has this technology. And so, with encouragement from [SU President] Dr. Ben Malayang III, the College of Law will be the pilot college in terms of using the technology, said SU Law dean Atty. Myles Nicholas Bejar. When the students download the lectures, they can go through it again. They can listen to it even while theyre resting. Its really a good teaching tool for our students, Bejar said. According to Bejar, the podcasting process involves installing a server that is currently in the Information Technology Department. When a professor has finished his/her lecture, the video or audio recording of that lecture will be automatically uploaded to the server. It will then be processed and uploaded to a website where students can download it. Nobody has to do manual editing because [it] will be done in the server itself, Bejar said. Podcasting technology pioneer Apple Computers Inc. provided the college with the necessary equipment. The said company started making demonstrations in the college early this year. Bejar said that there is no specific date as to when the podcasting technology will be operational in the college because adjustments are to be made, especially with the equipment to be used. However, he stressed that the technology will be used within this semester. If [podcasting] will be successful here, the other colleges in the university might just follow soon, Bejar said.

COA receives Php 1M grant

By Deil Jossaine C. Galenzoga The Silliman University College of Agriculture (SUCOA) was recognized as the Regional University for Agriculture (RUA) for Region VII by the Commission on higher Education (CHED). Along with this, a Php 1 million fund was granted to the college to enhance basic research and development facilities. Hopefully by July 22, the money will already be released, said Prof. Santiago Utzurrum, Jr., COA dean. Utzurrum said that schools offering Agriculture or Fishery courses in different regions were evaluated by teams designated by CHED. The teams assessed the schools and rated them according to their institutional profile, instruction, extension activities and researches. To be considered an RUA for Agriculture or Fishery, the school has to get 75 per cent of the total number of points, Utzurrum said. The COA got a 76.51 per cent rating by the team that visited the university last January. CHEDs technical team, Utzurrum said, is already reviewing the proposed allocation of the fund that SU submitted, which was signed by Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Betsy Joy Tan. Because COA is already established as an RUA for Region VII, the college will only need to maintain its stacontinued on page 4

Bantayan Islands found with less fish

By April Rose A. Abines A study by researchers from the Silliman University Angelo King Center for Research and Environmental Management (SUAKCREM) found that the reefs around the Bantayan group of islands suffered severe overfishing which resulted to a decrease in the number of fish in the area. Instead of having 20 kilograms of fish living among the coral reefs per 500 square meters in the area, only 0.1 to 2.2 kilograms now remains. The technical study was conducted last May 11 to 16 by Portia Joy Nillos-Kleiven and Brian Stockwell in collaboration with the Law of Nature foundation (LNF), a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection of the environment. They conducted the study to find out the existing status of the marine protected areas (MPAs) and to put up more MPA sites. According to NillosKleiven, the low fish biomass in the area, due to the frequent use of illegal fishing methods also prompted them to conduct the research. With adequate protection however, it is hoped that the fish biomass will continually improve, as what has been demonstrated in other islands in the Visayas with existing MPAs, NillosKleiven said. The proposed marine reserve areas will be in Kinatarcan and San Agustin in Cebu. According to them, these places have good potential for organisms to grow. The places will be set up right away with the support of the community and the local government unit. Nillos-Kleiven added that through the study, it was made clear which areas in the Bantayan Islands are properly protected. LNF has pioneered the establishment of a system of MPAs in the Visayan Sea area with a pilot program site in the Bantayan Islands group. This longterm program is jointly implemented with SUAKCREM. Hopefully, with LNFs successful advocacy campaign and SUAKCREMs long experience in putting up MPAs in the Bohol Sea, a successful system of function MPAs can be established in the Visayan Sea, Nillos-Kleiven said.

International pianist performs at Luce

By Mariekhan S. Edding Internationally-awarded Filipino concert pianist Jovianney Emmanuel Cruz received a standing ovation during his concert Fortissimo: Celebrating 40 Years of Performances at the Luce Auditorium last July 10. Cruz performed F. Josef Haydns Sonata in F Major, HOB. XVI: 23, Felix Mendelssohns Variations Serieuses, Op. 54, and Frederic Chopins Scherzo No. 2 in B-flat minor, Op. 31. He also played Por la Princesa de Asturias as an encore performance. Accompanying Cruz in Anton Arenskys Piano Trio No. 1 in d minor, Op. 32 were violinist Jareena Inacay and cellist Antoni Josef Inacay. Knowing that [my playing the piano] is Gods given talent inspires me to keep on performing. For me, there is no better way to thank Him for this gift, Cruz said. Apart from celebrating 40 years of performances, Cruz, who started playing at age three, said the concert was also a commemoration for the composers of the mentioned pieces. I chose to play Haydn in memory of his bicentennial
continued on page 4 (Right) THE MASK. A Sillimanian wears a mask to lessen the chances of catching the flu. (Left) Influenza A(H1N1) assistance centers in the campus are still open for inquiries. PHOTOS BY Eliora Eunice C. Bernedo

2 twsopinion
Sigh of Relief

the weekly sillimanian 15 july 2009

he past week has witnessed a lot of class absences among Sillimanians, be it in the elementary, high school or college level. Students who live in and out of campus have somehow managed to contract the seasonal flu virus, amounting to over 100 flu cases reported to the Silliman Medical Center Foundation Inc. (SMCFI). Despite the said outbreak, it is a relief to know that Silliman University (SU) remains to be an Influenza A(H1N1) or swine flu-free campus. This could only mean that the campaigns and precautionary measures taken by the University since the enrollment period have proven to be effective; that the University continues to provide its students with the best protection it can give with regards to the issue of the pandemic. It is for this reason that tWS lauds the efforts of the University and its branching departments in forwarding the welfare and good health of the students. Even now that the health threats have seemingly taken on a different form, the University continues to increase its flu monitoring processes from passive to active means. This includes implementation of a triage system, or prioritization of patients for medical treatments, and close monitoring of the cases reported at SMCFI. However, the mentioned efforts of the University will only go in vain without the full cooperation of students. As advised by University Physician Dr. Walden Ursos, it is hoped that we students continue to observe the necessary procedures to avoid further contraction and spreading of the seasonal flu virus. Although there is no 100 per cent guarantee that the cycle will end in a fingers snap, we can be assured that through cooperation and observance of preventive measures, flu threats of any kind will slowly and surely leave the campus in due time.


Compiled by Marc Joseph C. Cabreros

What can you say about the new library sked?

At least the students can go home early as well as the staff and [student assistants]. Karen Aiza Suelto, AB Pol Sci IV The hour taken from the normal schedule could have been utilized for students research and study. Yoradyl Zyra Matugas, BBA Mgt II The schedule for weekdays is too early. I have a lot of other school activities that I have to attend to [before going to the library]. Anna Tasha Gay Cabarrubias, BSIT III Silliman will conserve energy and in the same way help Mother Earth by conserving energy for 5 hours in a week. Besides, who goes to the library [during 8 to 9 PM] anyway? With the situation now (road construction and crimes), students may prefer to stay in their houses and surf the net rather than risk their lives and pockets from going out. John Paul de la Cruz, BSN III Its not really a good idea. They should consider those students whose classes end at 7 PM and have to go to the library [afterwards]. Jomsy de la Cruz, BBA Entrep IV I think they should stick with the old schedule because students are used to it. It would be unfair if they will always change the time and it would not be good for us as students. Aurie Bailey Bernaldez, BS Psych III

I love what I do. Perhaps its the one thing that sustains me even after the tremendous amount of criticism that I get since my name was first printed on the masthead. I even found it weird that people actually congratulated me when I got the position of editor-inchief when the position actually meant sleepless nights and a higher need for vitamin intake. Actually, when people congratulated me, I got scared. I knew these were the same people to lambast me the moment I misspell a name or get a number wrong. I was proved to be correct, which scared me even more. But there are people who come to me and think how glamorous my job is. They tell me how proud they are of me and how powerful they think I am. Wow, youre THE editor! they say. They have no idea how un-glamorous my job is. I am the one who gets all the blame. People suddenly have the right to call me stupid. I know how critical readers are, and I understand that they demand a paper that levels with their standards. Im striving to do just that. Being the editor-in-chief of the Weekly Sillimanian is not easy. The job demands a lot. And though I try so hard, I overlook a lot of things, I make stupid

Progress not Perfection

news articles, and I commit impossibly many typographical errors. But I know that I am here for a reason. Yes, there are times when I just want to go back to being an ordinary student, pushing no limitation, challenging no boundary. The choice is easy to make. But the thought of surrendering just because its not comfortable is silly, even to the simple-minded. But when you love what you do, no matter how much people bombard you

Gaining in the Loss

Deil Jossaine C. Galenzoga

with the nastiest of comments, youll simply want to strive harder. Just take it from me; Im drowning in hurtful comments as of the present time. The good thing is this: the goal is not to be perfect. Nobody is. And no matter how much you push yourself to be the perfect editor, the perfect student, the perfect leader, youre just going to end up frustrated and depressed. Youre never going to make it to your goal because perfection is impossible. The goal is progress. Make mistakes. But learn from them. Every mistake

is a step towards learning something new, improving yourself. Do not expect people to be considerate of your mistakes though. They will tell you youre wrong (sometimes very harshly) but then you will know that theres something wrong with you and youll have a chance to work that out. And most of the time, what they say about you is correct, so its actually wise to listen to them. Those who criticize you are just helping you. And because criticisms hurt, it takes a great deal of humility to accept that sometimes youre just not good enough. Its wise to bear in mind that we need help from other people who know better. This does not mean though that its alright to tolerate mistakes. Its not. Part of the goal is also to try your best, to put in all the effort you have to put in what you do. Give half your best and youll find yourself mumbling under your breath how you should have exerted more effort. Progress is accepting that you have weaknesses and doing something about them. Its being a better person every single time. It doesnt matter how small your triumphs are. What matters is that you triumphed.

Editor-in-chief Deil Jossaine C. Galenzoga Associate Editor Mariekhan S. Edding News Editor Alton Jave E. Tenorio Features Editor Emarrah Contessa A. Sarreal Business Manager Roanne Gel B. Tagaan Writing Pool April Rose A. Abines, April Joyce MdR. Aquino, Jeahan Virda B. De Barras, Princess Dianne Kris S. Decierdo, Gilbert Augustin J. Ganir, Karla Krystle W. Lezama, Emaleen Franz C. Maputi, Stephanie Denise H. Martin, Mary Grace M. Nidoy, Carmelisa Tolentino Circulation Manager Marc Joseph C. Cabreros Office Manager Carlos Arsenio T. Garcia Layout Artist Maria Czarina M. Dollente Photographers Eliora Eunice C. Bernedo Ebony-Arianne G. Lautner Cartoonist Phillippe Antoni B. Credo Adviser Ms. Celia E. Acedo

The Weekly Sillimanian is published every week by the students of Silliman University, with editorial and business addresses at 1/F Guy Hall, Silliman University, Hibbard Avenue, Dumaguete City 6200, Philippines. SU PO Box 24. Telephone number (35) 422-6002 local 243. Opinions expressed in the columns are those of the columnists and not of tWS or of Silliman University. Comments, questions, and suggestions are highly appreciated. All submitted manuscripts become the property of tWS. Manuscripts will be edited for brevity and clarity. Member: College Editors Guild of the Philippines

Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and faith in Jesus. Revelation 14:12 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 Few people today are willing to stand up for truth. Few people today are making an effort to exercise discernment. Today we live in a world where selfprofessing Christians would rather be comfortable, straying away from inconvenient truths which are plain and clear in the Bible. People seem to be more and more allergic to topics that deal with sin. We are making much of ourselves and less of God. We are in the last days. Since the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ two millennia ago, we are expectant for His second coming as prophesied in the Book of Revelation which asserts it self as trustworthy and true (Revelation 22:6). In the last days, as explicitly warned in Matthew 24, wars and rumors of it will proliferate. Lawlessness will increase and the love of many, who profess to be followers of Christ, will grow cold. 2 Timothy 3:2 gives a detailed de-

A Call to Endurance
scription: For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; [and] having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Its a sad thing to see that what is warned in Jude 1:4 is unfolding with increasing frequency for undiscerning

Subliminal Shift
Anthony Gerard S. Odtohan

Christians. Tragically, we pervert, twist and destroy Gods grace (Gods free forgiveness of sin) into a license for sensuality and immorality. The darkness is getting darker and the path to life may seem to be getting narrower. Surely, the righteous wrath of a holy God will be unleashed on a rebellious world at the end of the last days. But before we fall into despair, I hope that we would consider Gods mercy. 1 Timothy 2:4-6 encourages us that God, desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ, who

gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time. 1 Corinthians 1:18 says: For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. In light of this, it will come as no surprise that Biblical Christianity will be labeled as intolerant and fundamentalist. But take heart that our faith does not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. If we are willing to take a stand for the gospel, willing to be insulted for the name of Christ, 1 Peter 4:14 shows us that we are blessed because the Spirit of the glory of God rests upon you. God grants us the gift of faith to believe in Him through Jesus Christ. If we are in His love, and if at all your hearts inclinations are moved with conviction against sin and wickedness, heed these words. The Apostle Paul urges in Acts 20:27 not to shrink from declaring the whole counsel of God. Preach the word and be ready in season and out of season to reprove, rebuke and exhort with complete patience and teaching. Be sober-minded and endure suffering for sake of the gospel (2 Timothy 4:2, 5). We are all weak. Though we will all die physically, we cannot save ourselves from eternal hell. Salvation comes only through the righteousness of Christ, provided that we repent and believe.

the weekly sillimanian 15 july 2009

By Gilbert Augustin J. Ganir

Pick and Mix Jesus

twsfeatures 3

he crisp sound of the acoustic guitar, the top-of-the-line lighting system, and the neat rows of white plastic chairs prod you to ask if you are in a church service or a rock gig. But once the pastor, carrying a Bible, takes his place at the center of the stage, youre assured that you actually are in a church service. Apparently, the supposed gloominess of the traditional church, with its hard wooden pews and droning

hymns, is dry of any meaning of the word fun. The emerging trend in churches, by modernizing the look and feel of the church in such ways, hopes to attract the postmodern crowd with a more contemporary and inviting environment. But, more often than not, this trend also entails a lenient attitude towards the instruction of established historical Biblical doctrines on how to run the church, or in more theological terms, its ecclesiology. The proponents of this trend would often use in their sermons extra-biblical sources that the contemporary congregation can easily relate to according to their particular cultural contexts such as secular inspirational books, biographies of inspirational people (who are

feel-good aspect of worship and the seeming abandonment of comprehensive Bible-based teaching is causing concerns within Christian circles, because the implication is that the individuals preference is the basis of faith and not Jesus Christ as He may be revealed in the Bible. In his book The Case for the Real Jesus, former atheist journalist turned Christian apologist Lee Strobel interviewed Bible scholar Dr Paul Copan, who said, Given a choice, we tend to select beliefs that elevate who we are, that diminish personal responsibility, that give us greater freedom to call good what the Scriptures call sin, and that put ourselves in charge of our own destiny, rather than saying to God, as the Psalmist did, My times are in Your

really want to be devoted to Jesus, but only to the cause He started. Jesus Christ is deeply offensive to the educated minds of todayto those who only want Him to be their Friend and who are unwilling to accept Him in any other way. Indeed, many people would only run to the Bible for comfort and advice in emotionally desperate circumstances and be assured that there is a comforting friend, but would shelf it once they find passages that talk about a holy God that forbids this and that. For many people, Jesus Christ has become more of a tool for emotional release and less of an Object of worship worthy of reverence and followership. In consequence, they miss out on the real Jesus.

not necessarily Christian), and popular movies. And to suit the personal wants of the congregation, the church takes a selective approach towards Scripture, leaving out unsavory principles like repentance and church discipline while retaining (or even prolonging) the nicer stuff like singing the most recent catchy worship tunes. This emphasis on the

hands. We want to create our own guidelines that dont put any demand on us. Copan asserted that by taking out the objective personhood of Jesus and His teachings, the evangelical message of creating a personal relationship with God is not as successfully put across. Oswald Chambers, in the famous devotional he authored, My Utmost for His Highest, adds, Today, we have substituted doctrinal belief for personal belief. And that is why so many people are devoted to causes and so few are devoted to Jesus Christ. People do not

Along that line, there may be nothing intrinsically evil in trading the time-honored pipe organ with guitars and cymbals, or in using more lights for an enhanced visual experience, or even in exchanging the long wooden pews with individual plastic chairs. Church architectures change over time, but maybe the architecture of Jesus personhood is not as malleable and should be taken as a whole. Wellness is wholeness. In the backdrop of a global pandemic, this years theme for the University Christian Life Emphasis Week

By Stephanie Denise H. Martin

dolescents nowadays often find themselves in relationships that end because they realize theyre just not meant to be. Loyalty has become a word that is taken lightly among youth today who seem to believe theyve found their perfect match, yet later on realize that their match is not-soperfect after all. Is it even possible to find your soul mate on the first try? some of you may be wondering. Perhaps a lot of us are shaking our heads now, saying that it takes more than one try to get it right. However, what if I said you could be proven wrong? Thats right. Nestled in the Philippine animal kingdom are birds that, once they find their mate, will never look for another, even after their mate has passed away. These birds are known as the Bleeding Heart Pigeons, a species that can only be found in the Philippines. I guess we could learn a thing or two about loyalty from them. The Bleeding Heart Pigeons are one of the many species in the Philippines that are quickly decreasing in number today. These faithful birds are critically endangered due to hunting and rapid habitat destruction.

Loyalty Beyond Belief A

There is now only four per cent of forested land areas left in Negros, and because of this, the Bleeding Heart Pigeons of Negros, have nowhere to live. In order for us to preserve the distinctiveness of our country, we should do whatever we can to make sure our endemic species will continue to breed and increase in number. How can we recognize the Bleeding Heart Pigeons? If, by chance, youre walking along the sidewalk and you see a pigeon that seems to have been shot in the chest, then youve probably come across a Luzon Bleeding Heart Pigeon. These pigeons are distinguished by the gunshot-like red patch on their chest, which makes it seem as if their chest is literally dripping blood. On the other hand, if youre walking through the park on your way to school and you happen to see a flock of birds that appear to have been stabbed in the heart, then youve come across the Negros Bleeding Heart Pigeons, identified by the vertical red slit on their chest. Nowadays, the chance that we might come across a Bleeding Heart Pigeon is rare since they are becoming fewer in number. However, there are establishments who are now working towards the breeding of these pigeons. One of these establishments is Silliman Universitys very own Center for Tropical Studies (CENTROP) otherwise known as the Silliman Zoo. The breeding program for pigeons in CENTROP began in 2007. Since

(UCLEW) revolves around the practical and healthy-living aspects of the Christian life. But perhaps there is something to learn in rearranging the words so that it reads wholeness is wellness. Perhaps in taking the totality of Jesusinstead of only choosing what we like about Him and rejecting His characteristics that we feel are demanding we may experience what a true relationship with God is. Copan said, [Jesus] is more than a good buddy, more than a social revolutionary, more than a Gnostic teacher. The real Jesus is the Jesus of orthodox Christianity: Hes no less than God incarnate.

>> Fast Facts

Aside from Michael Jacksons funeral, here are the some fast facts about what happened around the world last week: The US currently has the highest number of swine flu cases--over 34,000. Mexico came in second with over 10,000 cases. The Php 7.2 billion contract between the Commission on Elections (Comelec) and Smartmatic-TIM Corp. was signed on July 11. The tax case against John Lloyd Cruz filed by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) was dismissed by the Quezon City Prosecutors office. Cruz allegedly failed to present to BIR the accounting records of his earnings in 2004. Jayjay Helterbrand from the Barangay Ginebra Kings was voted Most Valuable player of the 2008-2009 season of Philippine Basketball Association (PBA). The deadline for registration of overseas absentee voters will not be extended according to Comelec). The deadline of submission is August 31.
Sources:; http://www.

then, 12 new pigeons were bred, and seven were sent to Bacolod for more breeding. Last July 19 and 20 of this year, two baby pigeons were born, and at the moment CENTROP now holds eight pigeons. Despite the efforts of these individuals who are working hard to continue the breeding of these birds, the Bleeding Heart Pigeons still cannot be released into the wild because of their high risk of being extinct. What can we do to contribute to the welfare of these pigeons? The Bleeding Heart Pigeons could definitely use our help. If, by chance, you happen to pass by a Bleeding Heart Pigeon that does not seem to be in its natural habitat, then by all means, pick that pigeon up and bring it to an establishment that specializes in the rescuing of injured and endangered species, such as CENTROP. The most loyal creatures of the Philippines may be dwindling, but their loyalty still remains steadfast. These simple creatures with a big heart deserve all the compassion they can get.

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million people watched the televised Michael Jackson memorial service last July 7 making it the 2nd most watched funeral next to Princess Dianas.

the weekly sillimanian 15 july 2009

Loving Memory. The whole world has participated in the important events in the lives of public figures. Through the media, people have mourned their deaths. Heres the real score REALscore: onIn the most popular funerals around the world: (compiled by: Mary Grace Nidoy) source:
million people watched Princess Dianas funeral in 1997. million watched Ronald Reagans mid-day funeral in 2004. million paid their respects to Pope John Paul II in 2005.

Purity and Maturity

is stained by the filth of sin. So being mature is not the issue; its a matter of right and wrong. The mind is where it all begins. I will not look with approval on anything that is vile. I hate what What we allow into our minds faithless people do; I will have no part will determine what we think and what we think will greatly deterof it. (Psalm 101:3 TNIV) mine what we do. When we expose A couple of weeks ago , our R e - ourselves to any images of sex, we ligion 61 class viewed a film en- compromise our purity and Gods titled The Crime of Father Ama- standard. If we dont allow anyro. Its about a young priest who thing impure in our minds (by what fell in love with a girl and had a we see, hear, or read), then there sexual relationship with her. But is little risk for us to put into acthis girl became pregnant and he, tion anything that displeases God. being sworn into celibacy, pan- Viewing such things will cause us icked. So he decided to let her go to lust for something that is not for us. That act of sex itself is not a through an abortion. vile thing. Sex was Oh, but Im not created by God to be here to talk of aborenjoyed by a man and tion nor of celibacy. a woman within the Im here to talk about commitment of marpurity and maturiThis column expresses riage. However, sex typurity and maSillimans unique heritage outside of marriage turity of the mind. as a Christian university, is sinful. Watching In order for the girl envisioning character, an act of sex for ento get pregnant, they competence and faith. We tertainment or any had to have sex. Now invite Sillimanians (including alumni) to submit any written other reason is a sinthe problem is that expressions of their Christian ful, vile thing that our teacher in Chrisfaith within 600-700 words grieves Gods heart. tian Ethics did not to theweeklysillimanian@ As a Christian, skip that part, but he I cant allow such gave in to students things to enter my who wanted to see it. Reasons such as, Were 20 or 18 mind. Paul said in Philippians 4:8, years old already, and Were ma- Finally, brothers, whatever is ture enough to watch this, were true, whatever is noble, whatever why that scene wasnt skipped. is right, whatever is pure, whatever I couldnt leave the room (and I is lovely, whatever is admirable regret not having done that) so I if anything is excellent or praisejust bowed my head, covered my worthythink about such things. eyes, and prayed that the Lord This is how we protect our minds would sweep me out of the room from any impure thinking. What Ive learned from that inor something. There is a big difference between cident is to truly stand up for what age and maturity. Being physically we believe in, especially if your puolder does not always guarantee rity is in the line. Remember that maturity of the mind. Many people Jesus sees our hearts and thoughts. who claim to be mature enough to He knows what we think and what watch sex scenes claim that its nev- we feed our minds with. When we er going to happen to them. Guess feed our minds with anything imagain. Here is where the purity of pure, what comes out is impure. But our minds comes in. The word pure when we feed it with the things of means to be clean, spotless, with- the Lord, then what comes out are out stain, innocent, and guiltless. things that bring life and encourGods Word tells us we are called agement. Be careful of what you to be pure and holy because God allow to enter your mind because is pure and holy (Leviticus 20:26). those things will determine your God is so pure that He will have no actions and it will either please part with anything or anyone that God or displease Him. By Azalea Evane B. Abrasaldo BSA-AS III



Speech and Theater now under COPA
The Silliman University Board of Trustees decided that its best to move the Speech and Theater Arts department to a college where performing arts is integratedafter all, the department is more on the performing side. Prof. Joseph Basa, College of Performing Arts (COPA) dean, said the department used to be under the College of Arts and Sciences because some Speech subjects are required in the curriculum of various colleges in the university. However, despite the changes, Basa said that the required Speech subjects for other colleges will still be offered. One of the improvements COPA hopes to accomplish for the department is the renovation of the Woodward Hall Little Theater. The theater has been given to [COPA] and we want to use it for the productions made by the students of the department, Basa said. Moreover, Speech and Theater students plans for the Artista Sillimaniana, the organization of theater arts students in the university, to be more active and have more productions, said Jide Jabonero, Speech and Theater Society president. Basa also said: I think that the Speech and Theater Department is an asset to the college. There are ten talented students from the department and their addition makes the college even livelier. (By Jeahan Virda B. De Barras)

SU Law dean. Like the LLB curriculum, JD offers core subjects required under the Rules of Court of the Philippines to qualify graduates to take the Philippine Bar Examination. The only principal addition to the curriculum is the thesis requirement. The said curriculum also adds two JD Legal Article courses to the existing LLB program. Bejar said that the JD program aims to expose law students to specialized fields of law through internship to equip them with knowledge, attitude and skills to better serve the legal needs of the communities. We feel that by [adopting the JD program], the quality and competence of our graduates will improve since theres an emphasis here on legal research writing, Bejar said. The SU Law freshman class is currently the only batch taking up the said program. However, upper classes as well as graduates of SU Law are given options to take up courses on thesis writing. Under the supervision of the Commission on Higher Education, or thereafter by the Legal Education Board, law schools that wish to offer JD are given parameters to follow models or adopt programs as proposed by the Philippine Association of Law Schools. SU Law is the first law school in Visayas and Mindanao to offer JD and among four law schools with the JD program in the country. The other three law schools are Ateneo de Manila, Far Eastern University-De La Salle University Consortium Joint and University of Batangas. (By Princess Dianne Kris S. Decierdo)

Divinity School SU Law adopts Juris comes up with Doctor program new programs
To be at par with law schools in other countries, the Silliman University College of Law (SU Law) upgraded its Bachelor of Laws (LLB) program to Juris Doctor (JD) effective this semester, said Atty. Myles Nicholas Bejar, International pianist...from page 1 The Silliman University Divinity School (SUDS), acknowledged as the Center for Christian Mission Studies in Southeast Asia November last year, started new graduate degree programs, renovations, and infrastructure projects as

a joint cooperative venture between SU and United Evangelical Mission (UEM). The new graduate courses include Master of Divinity Major in Pastoral Ministry, Master of Divinity Major in Christian Education, Master of Divinity Major in Systematic Theology, Master of Divinity Major in Biblical Studies, Master of Divinity Major in Spiritual Care, Master of Theology Major in Mission Studies, Doctor of Theology Major in Systematic Theology, Doctor of Theology Major in Christian Ethics, and Doctor of Theology Major in Biblical Studies. The UEM is a missionary communion of churches in three continents, which currently consists of 34 member churches in Africa, Asia and Europe. Its objective is the communion of mission and mutual assistance in missionary tasks. The UEM chose SUDS for its excellence in theological studies, teaching strategies, good faculty line-up, and Christian missions. The degrees described as thesis track programs are designed for Bachelor of Theology graduates and will offer a variety of areas students can major. This program will also allow graduates from other courses to enrol and be trained without the need of any theological background. Prof. Carlton Palm, UEM coordinator , said that this can also be applicable to students or graduates who want to enhance their spiritual life. The UEM has granted SUDS budgets for purchasing new books, equipments for the mission community and facilities like projectors. Another component of the project is the infrastructure called Mission Community which will provide housing for the DS students, the UEM scholars and their families. The new building will be built near the SU power plant. Palm said that the scholars will transfer to the new building by the second semester. Moreover, SU also promised the SUDS for the renovation of the Mc Kinley and Rodriguez hall. This renovation project is still under careful planning and still has no specific date of opening. (By Hannah Leah M. Pa-a)

In last weeks issues story on ICLS and IRS, the headline was supposed to be PT, MedTech renamed as institutes, and not institutions. In the same story, Dr. Lynn Olegario is the IRS director while Asst. Prof. Cubelo is the ICLS director.

tWS is in need of: - Columnists Please send in your applications to: The Weekly Sillimanian, 1/F Guy Hall, Silliman University

death anniversary and Mendelssohn in memory of his bicentennial birth anniversary. I chose Arenskys piano trio to expose the audience to chamber music which is rarely performed in the Philippines and everybody loves Chopin, Cruz said. This is the second time that Cruz performed at the Luce Auditorium. His last concert was in 1997. Its always a great honor to perform at the Luce. A lot of artists including myself consider [it] the best concert hall in the south of Metro Manila, Cruz said. Performing for a young audience was also an [exciting experience for me] I am glad that Silliman University opens doors for the youth to appreciate the arts, he added. Cruz has won numerous awards in international competitions. He has also performed as a soloist with companies including the Manhattan Philharmonia and the Queens Symphony. He was

conferred The Outstanding Young Men Award for his contribution to the arts in 1996. Fortissimo was the second concert of the University Cultural Affairs Committees 47th Cultural Season.
COA receives...from page 1

tus and request to receive another fund next year to be allocated for other improvements. This recognition is in connection

with Republic Act 8485 or the Agriculture and Fishery Modernization Act of 1997. According to this Act, CHED is mandated to establish the National Agriculture and Fisheries Educational System that covers both public and private institutions in the tertiary system. This program of evaluating schools was formalized late 2008 but the actual accreditation of the schools occurred from February to May of this year.

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